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VOLUM_ES    II.     III.     AND    IV.    (EXCEPT    THE    ADDENDA,) 

By   sir   henry  GWILLIM, 


AT    MADRAS.  » 

VOLUMES     I.    V.    VI.     VII.     AND     VIII.     AND    THE     ADDENDA    TO    Tilt: 



IN    EIGHT    VOLUMES.  ,^5 

VOL.  L  ^\>\. 





FOR     J.     AND     W.    T.   CLARKE;      LONGMAN,     REES,      ORME,     BROWN,     AND     GREEN; 
T.  CADELL;     J.  RICHARDSON  ;     J.M.RICHARDSON;       R.SCIIOLEY;     C.  J.  G.  AND    F. 

rivington;  Baldwin  and  cradock;  w. walker;  saunders  and  benning  ; 

A.  MAXWELL  ;    S.  sweet  ;      H.  BUTTERWORTH  ;      STEVENS    AND    SON^       G.  WILSON  ; 

e. Hodgson;  r.  pheney  ;  j.  richards;  e.  nunn  ;  and  a.  and  r.  spottiswoode. 









(with  his  permission,) 
most  respectfully  dedicated  by  the  editor, 


Temple,  N^wemhcr,   1831. 

A  3 



The  last  edition  of  Bacon's  Abridgement  was  published 
in  1807;  but  that  edition  was  merely  a  reprint  of  the 
fifth  edition,  published  in  1798.  The  task,  therefore, 
devolved  on  the  Editors  of  the  present  edition,  of  in- 
corporating into  the  various  titles  of  the  work  the 
decisions  and  statutes  which,  during  thirty-three  years, 
have  so  materially  qualified,  confirmed,  and  reversed 
the  law  as  laid  down  in  the  last  corrected  edition. 
To  the  profession,  for  whom  the  work  is  designed, 
the  extent  and  labour  of  this  task  will  in  a  great  de- 
gree account  for  the  delay  which  has  occurred  in  the 
publication  of  the  present  edition.  The  second,  third, 
and  fourth  volumes  were  prepared  by  the  former  Editor, 
Sir  Henri/  GwilUm,  above  ten  years  since,  and  were 
then  printed ;  but  his  ill  state  of  health  preventing 
his  proceeding  with  the  work,  the  completion  of  it  was 
entrusted,  several  years  ago,  to  the  present  Editor,  who  is. 
responsible  for  the  first,  fifth,  sixth,  seventh,  and  eighth 
volumes,  and  for  the  "  Addenda,"  which  it  became 
indispensable  to  append  to  the  three  volumes  printed 
by  Sir  Henry  Gwillim.  The  improvements  made  by  that 
gentleman  in  the  edition  of  1798,  in  correcting  and 
verifying  the  references,  in  retrenching  repetitions  and 
redundancies,  in  expunging  unintelligible  passages,  and 

A  4  generally,. 


generally,  in  purifying  and  perfecting  the  text,  left 
comparatively  little  to  be  done  by  the  Editors  of  this 
edition,  except  (what  indeed  was  of  itself  difficulty  and 
toil  sufficient)  the  introduction  into  the  work  of  the 
decisions  pronounced  by  the  several  courts  and  of  the 
statutes  enacted  since  the  edition  of  1798.  In  exe- 
cuting this  task,  in  the  five  volumes  for  which  he  is 
answerable,  the  present  Editor  has  endeavoured  to 
adapt  the  new  matter  to  the  old  text  in  the  moht 
convenient  and  suitable  shape,  so  that  the  text  and 
notes  may  present  a  connected  and  accurate  view  of 
the  former  state  of  the  law,  of  the  changes  it  has  under- 
gone, and  of  its  condition  at  this  day  on  the  various 
subjects  treated  of.  Where  the  new  matter  introduced 
is  short,  where  it  forms  a  concise  qualification,  confirm- 
ation, or  contradiction  of  the  old  text,  it  is  generally 
inserted  in  the  shape  of  a  note,  in  which  form  the 
Editor  has  also  carefully  printed  all  observations  or 
inferences  not  resting  on  the  certain  authority  of  de- 
cided cases.  Where,  however,  the  additions,  whether 
of  adjudications  or  statutes,  are  of  considerable  extent, 
it  seemed  more  convenient  to  engraft  them  into  the 
text  of  the  work  than  to  crowd  them  into  the  less 
convenient  form  and  the  minute  type  of  notes.  In  all 
cases,  whether  they  occur  in  the  body  of  the  work  or 
in  the  notes,  the  additions  to  this  edition  are  carefully 
distinguished  by  being  inserted  within  these  marks  |[  ||, 
a  mark  used  both  by  Sir  Henry  Gwillim  in  the  three 
volumes  which  he  edited,  and  by  the  present  Editor 
in  the  five  volumes  for  which  he  has  stated  himself 
to  be  responsible.  The  marks  [  ]  distinguish  the 
additions  made  by  Sir  Henry  Gwillim  in  the  edition  of 
1798,  and  the  marks  *,  t,  t,  indicate  the  labours  of 
former  editors. 

The  Editor  has  in  some  instances  availed  himself  of 
extracts  from  Treatises  of  acknowledged  accuracy  or 



authority  on  the  subjects  under  consideration.  Where 
the  result  of  a  series  of  decisions  has  been  concisely 
stated  by  a  text  writer  intimately  acquainted  with  the 
particular  branch  of  law,  the  Editor  could  not  hope  to 
improve  on  such  an  abridgement  either  in  accuracy  or 
perspicuity.  He  believes  that  in  all  such  cases  he  has 
acknowledged  the  obligation  by  reference  to  the  author 
to  whom  it  is  incurred. 

It  did  not  fall  within  the  scope  of  the  Editor's  duty 
to  render  the  work  a  complete  modern  abridgement  of 
the  law,  desirable  and  useful  as  such  a  work  might  be 
to  the  profession.  He  has,  therefore,  on  the  one  hand, 
neither  added  new  titles  to  the  work,  nor  has  he,  on 
the  other,  felt  at  liberty  to  expunge  matter  Oh  the 
ground  of  its  having  grown  obsolete  and  useless,  or 
of  its  being  now  only  useful  to  the  historical  and  curious 
enquirer.  Of  this  description  must  be  considered  a 
great  part  of  titles  "  Appeal,"  "  Papists  and  Popish 
Recusants,"  "  Pr^munire,"  "  Scandalum  Magna- 
TUM,"  *'  Summons  and  Severance,"  "  Wager  of 
Law,"  "  Warranty."  The  Editor  conceived  himself 
to  stand,  as  to  this  point,  in  a  very  different  situation 
from  the  author  of  an  original  work. 

Though  the  Editor  has  introduced  no  new  titles,  he 
has  inserted  subdivisions  of  some  of  the  heads,  and  has 
also,  in  some  instances  (as  in  titles  "  Agreement," 
"Annuity,"  "Bankrupt,"  "Legacies  and  Devises," 
"  Stamps,")  occasionally  transposed  and  rearranged 
the  matter,  for  the  sake  of  greater  perspicuity  and 
facility  of  reference.  He  has  been  careful,  however, 
not  to  confuse  his  own  additions  with  the  previous 
text  of  the  book,  but  has  invariably  marked,  as  above 
mentioned,  whatever  rests  on  no  better  authority  than 
his  own. 



Although  the  Editor  has  endeavoured  to  consult 
l)revity  in  tlie  additions  as  much  as  was  consistent  with 
perspicuity,  and  with  the  style  of  dissertation  in  which 
the  Abridgement  is  written,  the  work  has  necessarily 
been  enlarged  by  the  addition  of  a  volume,  and  by 
much  increasing  the  bulk  of  all  the  volumes.  The 
extent  of  the  additions  to  this  edition  may  be  estimated 
from  the  fact,  that  the  cases  in  the  index  are  about 
twice  the  number  of  those  in  the  former  edition,  and 
there  is  an  increase  of  about  fifteen  hundred  pages. 

The  Editor  begs  to  acknowledge  here  some  very 
useful  assistance  which  he  received  from  Mr.  Blanshard^ 
Barrister  at  Law  (now  of  York,)  in  preparing  the  titles 
in  the  fifth  volume  from  "  Legacies  and  Devises  " 
to  "  Monopoly,"  both  inclusive. 

The  Editor  cannot  send  the  work  forth  to  the  pro- 
fession without  earnestly  bespeaking  their  candid  indul- 
gence for  its  errors,  omissions,  and  imperfections.  He 
can  hardly  venture  to  hope  that  these  are  not  numerous 
in  a  work  so  extensive,  so  difficult,  and  so  multifarious, 
which  has  often  exceeded  the  Editor's  powers  and  has 
always  tasked  his  industry,  and  which  has  been  neces- 
sarily completed  in  the  intervals  of  his  professional 
avocations  as  a  Special  Pleader  and  a  Barrister. 

C.  E.  DODD. 

King's  Bench  Walk,  Temple, 
Michaelmas  Term,  1831. 



It  was  the  hard  fate  of  the  excellent  writings  of  the 
late  Chief  Baron  Gilbert,  to  lose  their  Author,  be- 
fore they  had  received  his  last  corrections  and  improve- 
ments, and  in  that  unfinished  state  to  be  thrust  into  the 
world,  without  even  the  common  care  of  an  ordinary 
editor.  Those  invaluable  tracts  were  for  the  most  part 
published  not  only  with  all  their  original  imperfections, 
without  any  attempt  to  supply  their  defects,  or  explain 
or  correct  what  seemed  in  them  perplexed  or  erroneous ; 
but  with  all  the  improprieties  and  inaccuracies  which 
the  ignorance  and  neglect  of  the  amanuenses,  whom 
the  Author's  infirmities  compelled  him  to  employ,  could 
accumulate  upon  them. 

Some  of  those  tracts,  it  is  well  known,  fell  into  the 
hands  of  the  Compiler  of  the  present  work,  and  from 
them  the  materials  of  the  greater  part  of  it,  as  far  as 
the  title  "Simony,"  were  collected.  Unfortunately,  our 
Compiler  had  not  the  most  happy  dispositions  for  the 
work  he  had  undertaken,  nor  were  those  parts  of  the 
learned  Judge's  writings  which  appeared  in  the  New 
Abridgement  much  better  prepared  to  meet  the  public 
eye,  than  the  other  tracts,  which  had  been  published  by 
persons  to  whom  chance  or  an  undistinguishing  choice 
had  committed  the  inspection  of  the  press. 



In  the  course  of  the  work,  Mr.  Bacon  seems  to  have 
made  different  use  of  the  materials  that  lay  before  him, 
sometimes  taking  the  tracts  at  length,  sometimes  giving 
only  extracts  from  them  :  but  whether  he  inserted  the 
whole  of  any  tract,  or  only  a  part  of  it,  we  have 
reason  to  think,  he  inserted  it  just  as  he  found  it.  If 
the  Author,  in  different  treatises,  in  order  to  make 
each  treatise  perfect  within  itself,  introduced  the  same 
matter  conveyed  in  the  same  expression,  the  Com- 
piler implicitly  copied  it,  and  under  different  titles  of 
his  work  introduced  the  same  passages  to  the  extent  of 
several  pages.  If  the  manuscripts  were  in  any  part 
defective,  if  the  subjects  were  but  partially  treated  of 
in  them*,  the  titles  which  related  to  those  subjects  were 
left  equally  defective  in  the  Abridgement.  The  Com- 
piler seemed  to  have  as  little  inclination  to  supply  the 
deficiences  of  his  Author,  as  he  had  sagacity  to  mark 
or  correct  his  errors. 

With  these  defects  and  redundancies  the  work  has 
passed  through  three  subsequent  editions ;  the  only 
anxiety  discoverable  in  the  later  editors  being  to  crowd 
it  with  reference  to  cases  inapposite  to  the  point  in  the 
text,  and  which,  at  the  best,  had  only  some  relation  to 
remote  branches  of  the  general  subject. 

In  preparing  the  present  Edition  for  the  press,  it  has 
been  the  first  care  of  the  Editor  to  retrench  what  was 
redundant  in  the  work,  and  to  expunge  what  appeared 
to  him  impertinent  In  retrenching,  he  has  substituted 
reference  for  repetition ;  and  where  the  same  matter 
which  had  occurred  under  one  title  seemed  naturally  to 
fall  under  and  belong  to  another,  he  has  referred  to  the 

*  It  should  seem,  from  some  manuscript  treatises  of  this  author  in 
the  possession  of  Mr.  Ilargrave,  which  have  never  appeared  in  print, 
tliat  lie  had  formed  and  actually  executed  the  comprehensive  plan 
of  wriimg  distinct  treatises  upon  every  branch  of  the  law,  except 
the  criminal  jurisprudence. 



preceding  title,  instead  of  introducing  it  again.  In  ex- 
punging, he  has  not  indulged  himself  in  any  arbitrary 
or  capricious  licence  ;  nor  has  he  presumed  to  strike  out 
one  supervenient  authority  of  a  later  editor,  before  he 
had  satisfied  himself  by  careful  examination  that  it  had 
no  pretensions  to  the  place  it  affected  to  occupy. 

In  the  original  text  he  has  rarely  ventured  to  make 
any  alteration,  except  where  it  was  manifestly  corrupted 
by  the  carelessness  of  the  copyist  or  of  the  press,  or 
rendered  perplexed  by  the  want  of  due  attention  to 
punctuation.  One  or  two  passages,  indeed,  where  the 
meaning  could  not  be  collected  either  from  the  ex- 
pression or  the  references,  he  thought  himself  at  liberty 
to  expunge.  Conjectural  emendation  is  not  admissible 
in  a  work  of  this  kind  ;  and  he  trusts  no  man  will  com- 
plain of  the  loss  of  nonsense. 

He  has  attempted  to  mark,  and  guard  his  readers 
against,  the  mistakes  of  the  author :  but  he  is  sensible 
that  many,  too  many,  erroneous  passages  have  been 
suffered  to  pass  without  observation.  In  the  course  of 
so  long  a  work,  it  cannot  be  expected  that  the  exertions 
of  the  mind  should  be  always  equal,  or  that  it  should 
always  be  alike  disposed  to  proceed  in  the  task  it  had 
undertaken.  It  must  occasionally  sicken  at  some  parts 
of  the  labour  as  beneath  its  attention,  and  shrink  fi-om 
others  as  beyond  its  powers.  It  is  well  known  that  the 
most  obvious  errors  sometimes  most  easily  escape  de- 
tection. In  reading,  every  man  must  have  felt  that  his 
mind  is  sometimes  more  attentive  to  its  own  precon- 
ceptions on  the  subject,  than  to  the  ideas  of  the  author  j 
and  the  better  it  is  satisfied  with  the  rectitude  of  the 
former,  the  more  steadily  it  pursues  them,  and  the  less 
sensible  it  is  of  the  aberrations  of  the  latter.  The 
form,  too,  in  which  error  presents  itself  to  us,  may  help 
to  facilitate  its  escape  :  it  is  more  likely  to  pass  silently 
and  unobserved  when  proposed  in  the  form  of  a  simple 



affirmation,  than  when  it  challenges  our  enquiry  in  that 
of  an  interrogation.  We  often  readily  admit  upon  a 
statement  what  we  should  instantly  deny,  if  it  were 
offered  to  us  in  the  way  of  question. 

It  should  be  observed,  that,  even  where  the  Editor 
has  detected  error,  he  has  not  always  immediately 
apprised  his  reader  of  it :  he  has  sometimes  subjoined 
his  remarks  upon  the  erroneous  passage  at  the  end  of 
the  division  where  it  has  occurred:  he  has  at  other 
times  left  its  confutation  to  its  inconsistency  with  the 
better-considered  and  more  recent  determinations  which 
he  has  afterwards  introduced. 

In  the  additions  he  was  to  make,  he  found  it  necessary 
to  prescribe  to  himself  some  limitations :  he  therefore 
in  general  attempted  no  more  than  to  fill  up  the  chasms 
that  were  left  under  those  general  divisions  into  which 
lie  found  the  work  already  disposed,  and  then  to  engraft 
upon  the  whole  the  later  decisions.  He  has  indeed  given 
two  new  titles,  viz.  "  Pischary,"  and  "  Set-off  ; "  and 
he  knows  that  he  might  have  given  others,  as  the  work  is 
at  present  far  from  a  complete  abridgement  of  the  law. 
But  he  had  neither  time  nor  encouragement  to  go  far- 
ther. Besides,  much  of  the  learning  which  is  wanting, 
is  to  be  met  with  in  books  that  are  in  every  one's  hand: 
and  what  was  to  have  been  gleaned  from  other  writings 
of  the  same  kind,  though  it  might  have  increased  the 
bulk  of  the  work,  would  not  have  added  to  its  intrinsic 
value,  or  have  done  any  credit  to  the  industry  or  in- 
tegrity of  the  Editor.  If  there  should  be  some  who 
complain  that  more  might  have  been  done,  there  will 
be  others,  he  fears,  who  will  say,  perhaps  with  more 
justice,  that  much  of  that  which  has  been  done  might 
have  been  spared. 

As  the  Abridgement  is  written  in  the  style  of  dissert- 
ation, he  has  in  his  additions  availed  himself  largely  of 



those  tracts  which  have  been  pubHshed  upon  different 
parts  of  the  law,  and  received  the  approbation  of  the 
profession.  He  has  been  in  general  careful,  whenever 
he  has  made  an  extract  from  any  of  those  tracts,  to 
acknowledge  the  obligation  by  reference  to  the  work 
itself.  If  he  has  in  any  instance  (and  he  may  have  done 
so  in  many)  neglected  to  make  such  reference,  the 
author  may  be  assured  that  it  was  by  mere  accident  or 
inadvertency,  and  not  from  any  design  to  take  to  him- 
self the  credit  of  another  man's  labours.  But  wherever 
such  omission  may  have  been  made,  let  not  the  author 
be  under  any  uneasiness :  the  world  will  too  easily 
distinguish  what  properly  belongs  to  the  Editor. 

He  thought  himself  at  full  liberty  to  transplant  into 
the  work  as  much  of  the  Chief  Baron  Gilberts  tracts 
as  he  had  occasion  for :  it  was  in  truth  only  re-uniting 
disjointed  members,  many  parts  of  the  work  itself  being 
only  parts  of  several  of  those  tracts.  One  of  the  learned 
Judge's  treatises,  viz.  the  Treatise  upon  the  Doctrine  of 
Remainders,  from  which  the  collections  in  the  Abridge- 
ment under  that  title  were  extracted,  he  has  been  enabled 
to  give  entire  by  the  kindness  of  Mr.  Hargrave.  The 
manuscript  had  been  purchased  by  that  gentleman  at  no 
inconsiderable  price ;  but,  disdaining  all  private  con- 
siderations where  the  interests  of  that  profession,  of 
which  he  is  so  distinguished  an  ornament,  seemed  in 
any  degree  concerned,  he  made  a  voluntary  tender  of 

to  the  Editor,  as  soon  as  he  was  informed  that  he 
was  engaged  in  preparing  another  edition  of  the  present 
work.  By  this  generous  act,  Mr.  Hargrave  has  highly 
flattered  the  Editor,  and  has  added  one  more  to  the 
many  obligations  his  profession  were  already  under 
to  him. 

The  Editor  has  been  anxious  to  separate  his  own 
additions,  and  those  of  preceding  editors,  from  the 
original  work.     Whatever,  therefore,  he  is  responsible 



for,  is  included  between  crotchets,  thus  [  ]  ;  whilst  the 
insertions  of  the  other  editors  are  distinguished  by  one 
or  other  of  these  marks,  *,  t,  t.  It  is  well  known 
that  Mr.  Bacon  did  not  live  to  carry  the  work  any 
farther  than  to  the  title  *•  Sheriff,"  inclusive,  and  that 
the  remainder  was  added  by  Mr.  Serjeant  Sayer  and 
Mr.  Rujfhead.  It  was  not  thought  necessary  to  give 
any  distinguishing  marks  to  this  latter  part :  it  seemed 
sufficient  to  give  this  intimation  of  it. 


Michaelmas  Term,  1 797. 


ABATEMENT,   in   the  general  acceptation  of  the   word,   Gilb.  Hist, 
signifies  a  plea  put  in  by  the  defendant,  in  which  he  shews    fpor'the^Jeri- 
cause  to  the  court  why  he  should  not  be  empleaded ;    or,   if  yation  and  dif- 
empleaded,  not  in  the  manner  and  form  he  now  is.  ferent  senses 

of  the  word 
Abatement  in  our  law,  see  sBl.  Comm.  168.  Co.  Litt.  134.  b.  181.  a.  242.  b.  271.  a.  277.  a. 
Finch's  Law,  195.  Pleas  to  the  jurisdiction,  and  to  the  person  of  the  plaintiffj  are  pleas  in 
disability,  and  only  in  the  nature  of  pleas  in  abatement.  Pleas  in  abatement,  strictly  such,  are 
pleas  to  the  writ.  Finch's  Law,  362.  3  Black.  Comm.  301.]  For  the  order  of  pleading,  see 
title  Pleas  and  Pleadings,  (A). 

We  will  consider  this  title  in  the  following  order,  though 
several  of  its  divisions  are  more  largely  treated  of  under  their 
proper  heads. 

(A)  Of  Pleas  to  the  Jurisdiction  of  the  Court. 

(B)  To  the  Person  of  the  Plaintiff. 

1.  Outlaw?!/. 

2.  Excommunication. 
S.  Alienage. 

4.  Premunire. 

5.  Popish  Recusancy. 
II 6.  Coverture.^ 

(C)  Of  Pleas  in  Abatement  with  respect  to  the  Per- 
son of  the  Defendant ;  and  herein  of  privileged 

(D)  Of  Misnomer  and  want  of  Addition. 

(E)  Of  Abatement  by  the  Demise  of  the  King. 

(F)  By  the  Death  of  Parties. 

(G)  By  reason  of  Coverture. 
(H)  By  a  Defect  in  the  Writ. 

(I)  By  the  Writ's  not  agreeing  with  the  Count. 

Vol.  I.  B  (K)  Where 


(K)  Where  the  Writ  is  abated  de  Facto,  or  only 

(L)  Where  the  Writ  shall  abate  in  toto,  or  in  Part. 

(M)  Where  it  shall  abate  by  Reason  of  another  Action 
brought  for  the  same  Thing. 

(N)  Where  a  Person  may  plead  in  Bar,  or  in  Abate- 

[(O)  Dilatory  Pleas,  how  restrained.] 

(P)  Of  the  Manner  of  pleading  in  Abatement,  and 
the  Proceedings  and  Judgment  on  such  Plea. 

[(Q)  Of  the  Writ  by  Journies  Accompts.] 

(R)  Foreign  Plea. 

(A)  Of  Pleas  to  the  Jurisdiction  of  the  Court. 

Gilb.  Hist.  A    PLEA  to  the  jurisdiction  of  the  Court  must  be  put  in  be- 

^•^-  '^"^'  fore  (a)  any  imparlance,  for  by  craving  leave  to  imparl,  the 

7  Barnes  defendant  submits  to  the  jurisdiction. 

334.    [(a)  But  after  a  general  special  imparlance,  that  is,  an  imparlance  with  a  general  saving 
of  all  manner  of  exceptions,  it  seems  that  it  may  be  pleaded  :  but  the  granting  of  such  an  im- 

Cirlance  is  discretionary  in  the  court,  and  it  cannot  be  had  but  by  special  motion.  Grant  v. 
ord  Sondes,  2  Black.  R.  1094.  Wentworth  v.  Squib,  1  Lutw.  46.  12  Mod.  529.  S.  C.  Clap- 
ham  V.  Lenthal,  Hardr.  365.  Barrington  v.  Venables,  Raym.  34.]  ||And  if  the  defendant 
plead  such  a  plea  after  a  special  imparlance,  with  a  saving  only  of  all  exceptions  to  the  writ,&c. 
though  the  plea  is  demurrable  it  is  not  a  nullity.    Godefroy  v.  Jay,  6  Bing.  616.11 

The  defendant  must  plead  in  propria  perso?id,  for  he  cannot 

plead  by  attorney  without  leave  of  the  Court  first  had,  which 

leave  acknowledges  the  jurisdiction;  for  the  attorney  is  an  officer 

of  the  Court ;  and  if  defendant  puts  in  a  plea  by  an  officer  of  the 

Court,  that  plea  must  be  supposed  to  be  put  in  by  leave  of  the 


Co.  Litt.  127.        He  must  make  but  half  defence;  for  if  he  makes  full  defence 

Gilb,  Hist.        mtando  et  vhi  curia  consideraveriL  &c.  he  submits  to  the  iurisdic- 
C.  P.  188.  See  ;:.         c  ^\      r>       ..  J  ^ 

Ventr.354.       tion  of  the  Court. 

Alexander  v.         ijBut  a  plea  which  goes  no  farther  than  "  defending  the  force 

Mawman,        and  injury  when,  Src."  is  not  a  full  defence,  the  "  4"^"  implying  a 

w'ilk   *  ^  ^°  ^"^^  ^^  *    ^^^  defence  according  as  the  one  or  the  other  is  re> 

VVilIi?mI',        quisite.ll 

8  Term  R.  63 1. ;  and  3  Bos.  &  Pull.  9.  (a)  , 

Doctr.  PI.  224.       Every  plea  to  the  jurisdiction  must  state  another  jurisdiction. 

Fabrigas,  Cowp.  172.    Earl  of  Derby  v.  Duke  of  Athol,  1  Ves.  203.    2Ves.357.     Rex  v. 
Johnson,  6  East,  585. 

Attorney  Ge-       [A  plea  that  the  suit  is  of  visitatorial  cognizance,  must  shew 


(B)  To  the  Person  of  the  Plaintiff.  S 

the  extent  of  the  visitor's  authority,  and  aver  that  he  is  able  to  neral  v.  Tal- 
do  complete  justice.]  ^Atk.IS. 

S.  C.    Green  v.  Rutherforth,  1  Ves.  474.  and  Rex  v.  Bland,  B.  R.  Mich.  14  G.  2.  there  cited. 

See  tit.  Courts,  and  their  Jurisdiction  in  general. 

(B)  To  the  Person  of  the  Plaintifil 

1.  Of  Outlawry, 

/^UTLAWRY  in  the  plaintiff  is  a  good  plea  in  abatement,  Gilb.  Hist. 
for  he  thereby  loses  his  liberam  legem,  and  is  out  of  the  pro-  C.  P.  I96, 
tection  of  the  law;  for  not  having  been  amenable  to  the  law,  he  Jq!*  ^    l^m* 
ought  not  to  have  any  privilege  or  benefit  from  ^t.  12.'  But  no ' 

man  shall  be  said  to  be  outlawed  till  the  return  of  the  exigent.     Bro.  Nonability,  25.  28. 
Ass.  49.     Dyer,  222. 

But  outlawry  does  not  entirely  abate  the  writ,  but  is  only  a  Co.  Litt.  128. 
temporary  impediment  that  disables  the  plaintiff  from  proceed-  q°j  ^-^^  q^ 
ing ;  for  upon  obtaining  a  charter  of  pardon,  or  reversing  the  97.  * 
outlawry,  he  is  restored  to  his  law,  and  can  oblige  the  defendant 
to  plead  to  the  same  writ. 

Outlawry  in  a  personal  action  goes  only  to  personal  actions,  in  Doctr.  PL  597. 
respect  of  the  person  ;  but  outlawry  in  felony  goes  to  actions  ge-  *^^^^^  ^^      ^' 

See  further  tit.  Outlawry  (D),  3.  2.  3. 

II  And  as  to  pleading  outlawry  in  equity,  see  ibid,  and  1  Sim. 
&  Stu.  225.  720.  1  Ves.&  B.  184.  1  Vern.l84.|| 

2.  Excommunication. 
See  tit.  Excommunication  (C),  (D). 

3.  Alienage. 
See  tit.  Aliens  (D),  (E). 

4.  Premunire. 
Persons  attainted  of  a  premunire  are  incapable  of  bringing  Gilb.  Hist, 
any  action,  for  they  are  out  of  the  protection  of  the  law.  ^-  V;  ^2,^* 

See  tit.  Premunire.  Co.  Litt.  129. 

5.  Popish  Recusancy. 

This  disability  of  popish  recusancy  convict  is  by  virtue  of  the  ^  p*H!f'* 

statute  3  Jac.  c.  5.  which  disables  to  all  intents,  ^c.  except  where  l  j  Ray^, 

the  party  sues  for  lands,  tenements,  leases,  annuities,  rents,  and  245.    5  Lev. 

hereditaments,  or  the  issues  or  pi'ofits  thereof,  which  are  not  308.   8  Mod. 

to  be  seised  into  the  hands  of  the  kinff,  his  heirs  or  successors.      ^\  \^'^'  ^ 

o'  li.ntr.  19.   bee 

18G.3.  C.  60.     31G.3.  C.32.     43G.3.  C.30. 

See  tit.  Popish  Recusancy. 

1)6.  Coverture.    Seepos/.H 

B  2  (C)  Of 


(C)  Of  Pleas  in  Abatement  with  respect  to  the 
Person  of  the  Defendant  j  and  herein  of  privileged 

2  Mod.  297.  'T^HE  officers  of  each  court  enjoy  the  privilege  of  being  sued 
Vaug.  155.  J-  jjj^jy  jj^  those  courts  to  which  they  respectively  belong;  the 
2  Roll.  Abr.  reason  whereof  is,  because  of  the  duty  they  are  under  of  attend- 
272.  Lut.  44.  ing  those  courts,  and  lest  their  clients*  causes  should  suffer  if 
639.    2  Inst,     they  were  drawn  to  answer  to  actions  in  other  courts. 

551.    4  Inst. 

71,72.  Crom-  Jur.  Courts,  11.  Gilb.  Hist.  C.P.  209.  212.  What  persons  are  privileged, 
vide  head  of  Privilege,  Vol.  VI.,  and  for  precedents  of  pleas  of  privilege,  vide  Thomp.  4.  Rob. 
Ent.  199.  Rast.  Ent.  106.  178.  472.      Brownl.  161.  167.  168.      Hern.  3.      3  Inst.  Clericalis, 

32 35.    "Where  they  are  not  obliged  to  put  in  special  bail ;  and  where  bail  must  be  put  in 

when  they  sue,  vide  head  of  Bail  in  Civil  Causes.  ||As  to  pleas  to  the  person  of  the  defendant 
in  courts  of  equity,  see  Beames's  Plead.  Eq.  129.,  &c.|| 

Lutvir.  44. 639.       [Whenever  therefore  an  attorney  is  sued  out  of  his  own  court, 

Bro.  Traverse,  jjg  jj^^y  say  that  he  is  attorney,  Sf-c.  of  another  court,  and  conclude 

with  wide  non  intendii  qicod  cur,,  8^c.  hie  placit.  jn-cedict.  versus  cum 

cognoscae  velit  aut  debeat,  Sfc.      But  the  plaintiff  may  reply  that 

he  is  a  husbandman,  Src.  in  the  country,  and  traverse  his  being 

an  attorney. 

o  Wils  42.  ^^^  privilege  is  not  the  privilege  of  the  officers,  but  of  the 

228.  1  Sir.       suitors ;   and   attendance  being  the  ground  and  foundation  of 

546.   4  Bur.     it,  it  must  be  alleged  that  the  officers  are   actually   attendant 

2109.  Andr.     jj^  their  respective  courts,  otherwise  the  plea  will  not  be  al- 

45.    1  Bos.  &    1        1  -,         ^  ^ 

P«1.4.    llSee    Jowed.] 

head  Privilege  (B),  Vol.  VI.|| 

Saund.  67,  68.       But  the  plaintiff  must  have  the  same  remedy  against  the  officer 

r^Mv^'H^  ^^^    *"  ^^^  ^^^  court,  as  in  that  where  he  sues  him  ;  for  if  money  be 

Q  p  209         attached  by  foreign  attachment  in  the  sheriff's  court  of  London, 

210.  Co7i/r.       <^he  officer  shall  not  have  his  privilege;  because  in  that  case  the 

Lodge's  case,    plaintiff  would  be  remediless. 

2  Leon. 156. 

Dy.  217.  a.  Watkins  v.  Hews,  1  Sid.  362. ;  [and  vide  Ridge  v.  Hardcastle,  s  Term  R.  417.  acc^ 

Saund.  97.  So,  if  a  writ  of  entry,  or  other  real  action,  be  brought  against 

r  P  Qi n'  Sn  ^"  attorney  of  the  King's  Bench,  he  cannot  plead  his  privilege  ; 
if  an  attorney*  because  if  this  should  be  allowed,  the  plaintiff  would  have  a  right 
of  the  Com-  without  a  remedy  ;  for  the  King's  Bench  hath  not  cognizance  of 
mon  Pleas  be  real  actions, 
sued  in  an  ap- 
peal, he  shall  not  have  his  privilege ;  for  his  own  court  hath  no  cognizance  of  this  action  ; 
nor  if  sued  as  baU.    Rep.  &  Cas.  Pract.  C.  P.  64.    Gilb.  Hist.  C.  P.  210. 

Gardner  v.  [The  jurisdiction  of  the  court  of  conscience  for  Westminster  ex- 

4^°?V?ltshire  ^^"^^  '°  attorn ies;  but  not  that  of  the  county  comt  oi  Middlesex, 
V.  Lloyd,  o''  of  the  London  court  of  conscience ;  and  a  defendant  who  re- 

Dougl.  581.  sides  within  the  jurisdiction  of  this  last  court  is  not  entitled  to 
?"d  *^^  liw.  ^^^^  benefit  of  the  statute  of  23  G.  2.  c.  33.,  if  the  plaintiff  is  an 
Board  v.  Par-  attorney  (a),  unless  the  plaintiff  wave  his  privilege  by  declaring 
ker,  7  East,       as  a  common  person.] 

35.  Vid.  conlr.  Silk  v.  Kennet,  3  Burr.  1583.  and  382.  notes,  (a)  Tagg  v.  Madan,  1  Bos.  & 
Pull.  629.    Pivrker  v.  Vaughan,  2  Bos.  &  Pull.  29. 


(C)  To  tJte  Perso7i  of  Ihe  Defendant.  S 

The  privileges  which  the  courts  indulge  their  officers  with,  is  Hob.  177. 
restrained  so  those  suits  only  which  they  bring,  or  which  are  ^^  \{^^ 
brought  against  them  in  their  own  right;  for  if  they  sue  or  are  c.  P. 211. 
sued  as  executors  or  administrators,  they  then  represent  common  2  Roll.  Abr. 
persons,  and  are  to  have  no  privilege.  U^-  P^-^s* 

17Vin.  Abr.  517.  pl.2.  Vent.  299.  Godb.  10.  pi.  13.  Dy.  577.  pi.  30.  Latch.  199.  Brownl 
3V.  47.  12Mod.516.  Ld.Raym.  533.  Salk.  2.  pl.4.  7.  pi.  18.  2  Sid.  157.  Dy.  24. 150.  in 
marg.    Sav,  20.  pi.  49. 

So,  if  an  officer  of  one  court  sue  an  officer  of  another  court,  Gilb.  Hist, 
the  defendant  shall  not  have  his  privilege;  for  the  attendance  of  q^^^qI' 
the  plaintiff  is  as  necessary  in  his  court,  as  that  of  the  defendant  pi  95, 
in  his :  and  therefore  the  cause  is  legally  attached  in  the  court  Brownl.  37. 

where  the  plaintiff  is  an  officer,  (a)  [2  Black.  R. 

^  ^    '  1325.     ||See 

9  Price,  16.11  (^)  If^  privilege  be  pleaded  to  privilege,  the  court  will  not  determine  it  on 
motion  to  set  aside  the  plea,  but  oblige  the  party  to  demur.  2  Str.  857.  1  Bl.  Rep.  34.]  ||And, 
where  one  attorney  sued  another  of  the  same  court  by  attachment  of  privilege  and  held  him  to 
bail,  the  Court  of  K.  B.  stayed  the  proceedings  upon  motion.  However,  considering  this  mode 
of  application  as  a  substitute  for  a  plea  in  abatement,  they  did  so  without  costs.  Barber  v. 
Palmer,  6  Term  R.  524.    Nicholls  v.  Earie,  8  Term  R.  895.|| 

So,  if  a  privileged  person  bring  a  joint  action,  or,  if  an  action  q\\\,^  Hist, 
be  brought  against  him  and  others  (i),  he  shall  not  have  his  pri-  212.  Dyer, 
vilege  :  but  this  is  to  be  understood  where  the  action  is  joint,  and  ^77.  p.  30. 
cannot  be  severed ;    for  if  the  action  can  he  severed,  without  2  Roll  Abr 
doing  any  injury,  the  officer  shall  have  his  privilege.     Qu.  275.  2  Lev! 

129.  Vent.  298,  299.  j|See  Robarts  v.  Mason,  1  Taunt.  254.  {b)  But  an  attorney  sued 
jointly  with  a  person  having  privilege  of  parliament,  does  not  lose  his  privilege.  Ramsbottom 
v.  Harcourt,  4  Maul.  &  S.  585.1| 

[So  in  equity,  if  a  suit  be  instituted  against  different  persons,  Mit.  Eq. 
some  of  whom  have  privilege,  and  some  not  (c),  or,  if  one  de-  ^l*  ^  ^f/ 
fendant  be  not  amenable  to  the  particular  jurisdiction,  the  plea   Univerntu 
of  privilege  will  not  be  allowed.]  (K),  p.  3. 

(c)  Hutton,  69. 

An  officer  shall  not  have  his  privilege  against  the  king  {d) ;  for  Fortesc.  342. 
as  the  executive  power  is  lodged  in  the  king,  it  would  be  unrea-      j"',   g^o'n 
sonable  that  his  court,  which  gives  relief  to  private  persons,  should  ^^J.  274. 
protect  any  subject  from  being  brought  to  justice  for  offending  Gilb.  Hist. 

against  the  laws,  which  concern  the  whole  commonwealth.  C.  P.  208. 

°_  {d)  But  man 

action  qui  tarn  at  the  suit  of  an  informer,  he  shall  have  his  privilege.  Lil.  Reg.  7.  3  Lev.  598. 
Lutw.  193. 

If  an  attorney  of  the  Common  Pleas  be  in  custodia  maresch.  for  ,  ^  n  *  -eu^ 
/•  I    -1         1         •      f   ^    1  111-        •  •!  /  \         (^)  But  II  he 

want  01  bail  at  the  suit  01  A.^  he  may  plead  his  privilege,  {e)         i,e  in  cusiodid 

"mareschal,  at  the  suit  of  A.,  and  B.  declare  against  him  in  cmtodid  viarcschal.  if  he  has 
waved  his  privilege  as  to  A.,  he  cannot  take  advantage  of  it  against  B.  For  this  vide  2  Roll. 
Abr.  275.  pi.  7.  Salk.  1  pi.  3.  5  Mod.  3ip.  sLev.  345.  Ld.  Raym.  135.  {[l  Stra.  191.  4  Barn. 
&  A.  88.|| 

After  a  general  imparlance,  an  officer  cannot  plead  his  privi-  Bro.  Priv.  25. 

lege  [g)y  because  by  imparling  he  affirms  the  jurisdiction  of  the  S2  H.6,  7 

court ;  but  by  the  better  opinion  it  seems,  that  after  a  special  im-  u"^"  P"  , 
1  ,•'  11I--.1  /j\  ^  Hard.  565. 

parlance  he  may  plead  his  privilege,  [h]  Lutw.  46. 

Salk.  1.  Str.  522.  ||(g)  If  a  plea  in  abatement  be  pleaded  after  a  general  imparlance,  tiie  plain- 
tiff may  either  demur  to  it  generally,  or  treat  it  as  a  nullity,  and  sign  judgment  as  for  want  of 

B  3  a  plea. 


a  plea.  Duddle  v.  WUson,  6  Term  R.  369.  Doughty  v.  Lascelles,  4  Term  R.  520.  But  if 
the  bill  is  filed  in  vacation  entitled  of  the  preceding  term,  the  defendant  may  plead  in  abatement 
within  the  first  four  days  of  the  next  term.  Holme  v.  Daiby,  5  Barn.  &  A.  259.  1  Chitt.  R. 
704.;  and  see  2  Will.  Saund.  2.  no^d.  (5th  edit.)||  (A)  [By  a  special  imparlance,  in  this 
case,  must  be  understood  a  special  general  imparlance.  Vide  tupra  (A),  notes.]  Plea  of 
privilege  without  affidavit  set  aside.  2  Str.738.  ||See  Tidd.  640.  (9th  edit.),  and  /?04/.(P).|| 
It  must  be  pleaded,  it  cannot  be  allowed  on  motion.  2  Salk.  544.  1  Wils.  306.]  \^Sed  vide 
xuprk  Barber  v.  Palmer,  6  Term  R.  524. ;  and  Tidd's  Prac.  81.  (t)th  edit.)|l 

s  Black.  R.  [An  attorney  who  is  arrested  by  capias  on  a  special  original 

'°Sh  ^^^^^^^  out  of  the  same  court,  is  not  entitled  to  his  discharge  on  serving 

the  sheriff  with  a  writ  of  privilege,  but  must  plead  the  privilege 

in  abatement. 
Comerford  jjg  n^^y  plead  it  as  well  to  an  action  on  a  bill  of  exchange,  as 

Doucl  312.       ^^  ^"y  other  personal  action. 

Fortesc.  343,  An  attorney  has  not  any  privilege  to  be  sued  in  Middlesex 
2027  *  ^^^'  **"^y  *  ^^  ^^  enough  that  he  be  sued  in  his  own  court] 
Salk.  1.  pi.  2.  In  an  action  against  B.  he  pleaded  quod  ipse  est  unus  attomat. 
Peaso  V.  Par-  ^^^  domi?ii  regis  de  B.  without  saying  fuit  tempore  impetrationis 
lece  should  be  ^'"^'^  (^)  *  ^"^  ^  respondeat  ouster  was  awarded, 
pleaded  — provi  patet  per  recordam.  Ibid.  \\{a)  The  privilege  attaches  only  upon  prac- 
tising attornies.  See  the  ride  of  Court  of  1654.  It  is  founded  upon  a  presumption  that  the 
attorney  is  already  in  court  attending  his  duty,  so  that  the  issuing  of  process  merely  to  bring 
him  there  would  be  nugatory.  But  this  reason  does  not  apply  to  an  attorney  who  is  not  prac- 
tising at  the  time.  Brooke  v  Bryant,  7  Term  R.  25.  Dyson  v.  Birch,  1  Bos.  &  Pull.  4. ;  and 
see  S  Maul.  &  S.  605.|| 

Stokes  V.  II  The  courts  will  take  notice  of  the  privileges  of  their  officers, 

™"'"»  so  far  as  to  support  a  plea,  notwithstanding  little  informalities  or 

'      '       want  of  precision,  provided  enough  appear  in  it  to  shew  that  the 
defendant  is  entitled  to  privilege. 
(h)  1  Lut*r.  Under  tlie  head  of  Pleas  in  Abatement  to  the  person  of  the 

23.  5 Inst.  defendant,  may  also  be  included  coverture  in  the  defendant  (6), 
(c)  i  Inst  CI  °^  ^^^  ^^  plaintiffs  or  defendants,  suing  or  being  sued  as  hus- 
69.  (d)  Id.  51.  band  and  wife,  are  not  married  (c),  or  any  other  plea  for  want  of 
Rastal.325.a.  proper  parties,  as  that  there  is  an  executor  (rf),  administrator  {e), 
(<?)  3  Inst.  CI.  or  other  person  (h)  not  named. 
53.  Rastal,  r  v   / 

824.    (g)  3  Inst-  CI.  53.  119.     1  Lutw.  696. ;  and  see  1  East,  634. 

{h)  2  Will.  If  an  action  be  brought  for  a  tort  by  one  of  several  joint 
i^e"  1  Ve\  tenants  or  tenants  in  common,  the  defendant  must  plead  the  non- 
167!  1  Ld.  joinder  of  the  others  in  abatement,  or  he  cannot  take  advantage  of 
Raym.  127.  the  objection.  (Ji) 

S  Wils.  414. 

.  ,  And  so  also,  if  an  action  on  a  contract  is  brought  against  one 

5  Burr.  2611.    ^^  several  joint  contractors,  the  defendant  can  only  take  advan- 
2  Black.  R.        tage  of  the  nonjoinder  by  plea  in  abatement,  {i) 
»47.    5  Term  R.649.     1  Will.  Saund.  291.  c.  d.  (5th  edit.) 

*)  Moo.  &  The  defendant  cannot,  however,  plead  a  secret  partnership  in 

^alk.  88.         abatement,  {k) 
\  Stark.  Ca.  338.    5  /J.  8. ;  ted  vide  contrh,  5  Taunt.  609.     1  Marsh.  246. 

If  an  action  be  brought  against  a  carrier  in  case  for  not  safely 



(D)  Of  Misnomer,  and  want  of  Addition,  7 

carrying  goods,  the  defendant  may  plead  in  abatement  that  his  /  v     ^p      p 
partners  ought  also  to  have  been  sued,  (a)  ggg   2  New 

R. 565. ;  but  see  5  Term  R.  649.  2Chitt.  R.  1.  6M00.  141.  3Brod.&B.54.  2Marsh.485.; 
from  which  it  seems  that  if  the  action  on  the  case  is  grounded  on  the  custom  of  the  realm,  it 
is  otherwise;  and  see  1  Will.  Saund.  291.  e.  (5th  edit.) 

If  an  action  of  debt  be  brought  on  the  stat.  9  Ann.  c.  14.  to 
recover  back  money  won  at  play,  the  defendant  may  plead  in 
abatement  that  the  money  was  due  from  others  not  named  as  well  (i)  7  Terra  R. 
as  himself,  {b)  257. 

In  these  cases,  the  defendant,  if  required,  must  deliver  to  the  i<^)  ^  Bam.  & 
plaintiff  the  places  of  abode,  and  additions  of  the  parties  jointly  i^Younce 
liable,  or  the  Court  of  King's  Bench  will  set  aside  the  plea,  (c)      ^  j  257. 

In  an  action  on   the  case  against  a  common  carrier,  for   not  (d)  2  Chitt. 
safely  carrying  a  passenger,  the  defendant  cannot  plead  in  abate-  ^- ^•'  ^^  '®® 
ment  the  nonjoinder  of  a  co-proprietor.  (d)\\  g^g   g  j^^^^^ 

141.     5Brod.&B.  54,    9Price,408. 
See  further  tit.  Attorney  and  Privilege. 

(D)  Of  Misnomer,  and  want  of  Addition. 

J^ISNOMER  is  a  good  plea  in  abatement ;  for  since  names  [(<?)  It  is'plead- 

are  the  only  marks   and  indicia  which  human  kind  can  ^^^^  only  in 
understand  each  other  by,  if  the  name  be  omitted  or  mistaken,  ^  31^^^^' 
there  is  a  complaint  against  nobody,  [e)  1120.]  j|That 

is  where  the  process  is  not  bailable.  7  Dow.  &  Ry.  258.  Tidd,  44ff.  (9th  edit.)  But  if  the 
defendant  has  been  arrested  by  a  wrong  name,  the  court  will  set  aside  the  proceedings. 
1  Marsh.  477.  4  Maule  &  S.  360.  1  Chitt.  R.  282. ;  sed  vide  4  Barn.  &  C.  970.  3  Bing. 
296.;  and  discharge  him  if  in  custody.  2  Taunt.  399.  4  Maule  &  S.560. ;  but  see  1  Price, 
277.  391.     2  Price,  328.     Tidd,  447.  (9th  edit.)]) 

But,  though  a  defendant  may,  by  pleading  in  abatement,  take  Finch.  565. 
advantage  of  a  misnomer  when  there  is  a  mistake  in  the  writ  or  wh  '^'e^K^h"  ' 
declaration,  as  to  the  name  of  baptism  or  surname ;  yet  in  such  appearing  by 
a  plea  he  must  set  forth  his  right  name,  so  as  to  give  the  plaintiff  that  name,  or 
a  better  writ,  {g)  not  taking  ad- 

vantage of  it, 
such  mistake  will  be  aided,  vide  tit.  Error.  Vide  Yelv.  112.  ||Tidd,447.  637.  (9th  edit.)|| 
Must,  in  setting  forth  his  name,  say,  that  by  such  name  he  was  known  at  the  time  of  the  writ 
purchased.  Skin.  620.  pi.  17.  Vide  Salk.  7-  pi.  17.  Goulds.  86.  (g)  So,  if  he  plead  a  mis- 
take in  the  addition,  he  must  set  forth  his  right  addition.  2  Stra.  816.  10  Mod.  208. 
2Ld.  Raym.  1178.  1541.] 

One  defendant  cannot  plead  misnomer  of  his  companion  ;  for  Lutw.  36. 
the  other  defendant  may  admit  himself  to  be  the  person  in  the 

The  defendant,  though  his  name  be  mistaken,  is  not  obliged  ^^f^*  ^^^^* 
to  take  advantage  of  it ;  and  therefore  if  he  be  enipleaded  by  a  pretended^**" 
wrong  name,  and  afterwards  empleaded  by  his  right  name,  he  himself  to  be 
may  plead  in  bar  the  former  judgment,  and  aver  that  he  is  una  Earl  of  Buck- 
et  cadcm  persona.  ingham,  was 

arrested  by 
the  name  of  J.  Villafs,  armiger  ;  and  on  motion,  the  court  gave  him  leave  to  put  in  bail,  with- 
out joining  in  the  recognizance,  and  thereby  not  estop  himself.  Vide  Salk.  5.  [)1.  7.  Ld.  Raym, 
64.249.  7  Mod.  58.  Stra.  205.  2  Stra.  811.  Ijlf  a  party  make  a  bond  by  the  name  of  j4.  jff., 
of  C.  in  the  county  of  D.,  and  in  an  original  writ  on  the  bond  he  is  described  accordingly, 
and  is  outlawed,  he  cannot  reverse  the  outlawry  on  the  ground  that  he  was  not  conversant 
in  C.  in  the  county  of  Z).,  and  that  there  is  no  such  place,  for  he  is  estopped  by  his  bond. 
Bonner  v.  Wilkinson,  5  Barn.  &  A.  682.j| 

B  4  In 


rw»  Cro.  In  case  of  felony  at  common  law,  if  a  person  were  indicted  by 

Can  104.  a  wrong  name,  he  could  not  plead  mistwmer,  but  was  obliged  to 

« in»t*67o  *    p^^°^ '"  ^^^  ^^^""y  5  ^°^  ^^^  ^"^'  ^^^"^  ^^°'*"  *^g^^"^^  *^^  p^^'y 

Sid.  4a  Lite,  present,  it  was  thought  that  there  could  be  no  injury  by  the  mis- 
R.  1.  rtde  nomeTi  as  there  might  be,  where  the  party  appeared  by  attorney  ; 
head  of  J^  and  felons  generally  co  by  no  certain  name,  nor  have  they  any 
nomer  and         n      j  i    i  •."  •  ° 

^daWan,  and    fixed  habitation. 

9  Hawk.  P.C.  186,  187.;  that  the  party  accused  may  take  advantage  of  misnomer,  or  the  want 
of  additioH,  bat  yet  must  plead  over  to  the  felony ;  but  though  such  plea  be  found  for  him,  he 
is  not  to  be  discharged,  but  must  be  indicted  over  again:  neither  shall  such  plea, if  found 
against  him,  be  peremptory,  but  he  shall  be  tried  on  his  plea  in  chief.  |jBy  7  G.  4.  c.  64.  §  19. 
no  indictment  or  information  shall  be  abated  by  reason  oC  any  dilatory  plea  of  misnomer,  or  of 
want  of  addition  or  wrong  addition,  if  the  court  shall  be  satisfied  by  affidavit  of  the  truth  of 
Buch  plea ;  but  the  court  shall  amend  the  indictment,  &c.  and  call  on  the  party  to  plead 

|]A  plea  of  this  But  it  is  now  necessary  to  set  forth  the  state,  place  of  abode* 
statute,  and  ^jj^  dignity  of  the  person  empleaded,  lest  an  innocent  person* 
tion  had  been  ^y  hi''^ving  the  same  name  with  the  real  defendant,  should 
given  to  the  suffer ;  therefore  the  1  H.  5.  c.  5.  enacts,  That  in  all  personal  ac- 
defendant  tions,  appeals,  and  indictments  there  shall  be  added  to  the 
cither  in  the  names  of  the  defendants  their  estates,  degrees,  mystery,  and  place 
writ  or  in  the  ©*  abode. 

subsequent  part  of  the  declaration,  was  considered  as  a  nullity  by  the  Court  of  C.  P.  and  the 
plaintiff  haa  leave  to  sign  judgment.  Gray  v.  Sidneff,  3  Bos.  &  Pull.  595.  Murray  v.  Hub- 
l>art,  1  Bos.  &  Pull.  645.  Or  he  might  have  moved  to  quash  it.  Wallace.v.  Duchess  of  Cum- 
berland, 4TermR.371.  Deshons  v.  Head,  7East,385.;  and  see  2  New  R.  188.  4  Taunt. 

(a)  Mistakes  Additions  (a),  which  are  inducements  to  the  action,  must  be 

in  such  addi-     ^^de  Use  of;  as,  if  one  is  liable  as  heir,  he  must  be  named  heir: 

tions  are  good  .^  •  ,  i         , 

objections  in     ^°»  ^*  ^^  executor,  he  must  be  named  such. 

abatement  both   at  law  and  in   equity.    Rast.  324.     llH.  7.  11.    Mitf.  Eq.  PI.  192.    Pr. 

R^278.  ^     ^ 

See  further  tit.  Misnomer  and  Addition,  (E)  (F). 

(E)  Of  Abatement  by  the  Demise  of  the  King. 

Proceedings        A  T  common  law  all  patents  of  justices,  commissions  civil  and 

^?i^  •"*t"""  military,  were  determined  by  the  death  of  the  king ;  and 

ation,  m  na-        n       -^    j  j-        •       i      i  •      i     "^  t-  •         i  i 

ture  of  a  ouo    ^11  suits  depending  m  the  kmg^s  courts  were  discontinued,  so  that 

warranto,  are  the  plaintiffs  were  obliged  to  commence  new  actions,  or  to  have 

not  abated  by  re-summons  or  attachment  on  the  former  processes,  to  bring  the 

the  crowru  °  defendants  in  ;  but  to  prevent  the  inconvenience,  expense,  and 

2  Stra.  782.  delay,  which  this  occasioned,  were  the  statutes  of  1  E.  6.  cap.  7. 

\\  here  the  7  &  8  W.  S.  cap.  27.  §  21.  and  I  Ann.  st.  1.   cap.  8.  §  5.  made, 

king  brings  a  which  vide  under  title  Courts,  and  their  Jurisdiction  in 

wnt  of  error      GENERAL,    (C). 
in  guare  wipe-  —>    \     / 

dit,  it  abates  by  his  death.  2  Stra.  837.  Fort.  213.  Fitzgib.  35,  36.  Scire  facias  to  repeal  a 
grant  of  a  market,  is  an  original  writ,  and  within  the  general  words  of  the  statute  1  E.  6. 
c.  7.  and  I  Ann.  c.  8.  and  does  not  abate.  Stra.  43.  ||By  11  G.  4.  and  1  W.  4.  c.  45.  §  4.  all 
commissions  for  taking  affidavits  in  any  court,  and  for  taking  recognizances  of  bail  shall, 
notwithstanding  the  demise  of  the  crow-n,  remain  in  force  during  the  pleasure  of  the  suc- 

(F)  Of 

(F)  Of  Abaiement  by  tJie  Death  of  Parlies. 
(F)  Of  Abatement  by  the  Death  of  Parties. 

TJERE  the  general  rule  to  be  observed  is  (a),  that  wherever  5  Mod.  249. 
the  death  of  any  party  happens  pending  the  writ,  and  yet  the  2  Vent.  196. 
plea  is  in  the  same  condition  as  if  such  party  were  living,  there  [„ ^^Qu^tof 
such  death  makes  no  alteration  ;  for,  where  the  death  of  the  equity  in  this 
parties  makes  no  change  of  proceedings,  it  would  be  unreasonable  respect,  is 
that  the  surviving  parties  should  make  any  alteration  in  the  writ ;  similar  to  that 
for  if  such  writ  and  process  were  changed,  it  would  set  rights  but  ^^"^[j  [^  ^^^_ 
in  the  same  condition  they  were  in  at  the  death  of  the  parties ;  and  ^^i  ^t  jaw.  If 
it  would  be  absurd  that  what  made  no  alteration  should  change  the  interest  of 

the  writ  and  the  process :  and  on  this  rule  all  the  diversities  turn.  »  par'y  dying 

so  determines 
that  it  can  no  longer  affect  the  suit,  and  no  person  becomes  entitled  thereupon  to  the  same 
interest,  the  suit  does  not  abate.  Or,  if  the  interest  of  a  party  dying  survives  to  another 
party ;  as,  if  a  bill  is  filed  by  or  against  trustees  or  executors,  and  one  dies ;  or  by  and  against 
husband  and  wife  in  right  of  the  wife,'  and  the  husband  dies,  the  proceedings  do  not  abate. 
So,  if  a  surviving  party  can  sustain  the  suit,  as  in  the  case  of  several  creditors  plaintiffs  on 
behalf  of  themselves  and  other  creditors.  For  the  persons  remaining  before  the  court  in  all 
these  cases,  either  have  in  them  the  whole  interest  in  the  matter  in  litigation,  or  at  least  are 
competent  to  call  upon  the  court  for  its  decree.  Mitf.  Eq.  PI.  56.  5  Chan.  R.  40.  2  Vern. 
249.  3  Atk.  726.]  JlWhere  husband  and  wife  were  defendants  to  a  bill  praying  an  assignment 
of  a  term,  which  the  wife  by  her  answer  claimed  to  hold  to  preserve  her  dower  on  the  death 
of  the  husband,  Lord  Eldon  inclined  to  think  the  suit  might  proceed  without  a  supplemental 
bill.  1  Jac.  \\.  495,  Where  a  married  woman  by  her  next  friend  was  plaintiff,  and  the  next 
friend  died,  she  was  ordered  to  name  a  new  one  within  two  months,  or  the  bill  to  be  dismissed 
with  costs  out  of  the  fund  in  court.  Barlee  v.  Barlee,  1  Sim.  &  Stu.  100.  The  death  of  one 
defendant  does  not  necessarily  prevent  judgment.  Davies  v.  Davies,  9  Ves.  461.  A  suit  by  a 
corporation  does  not  become  defective  by  death  of  some  of  the  members,  aliter  of  a  suit  by 
the  members  in  their  individual  character.  Blackburn  v.  Jepson,  sSwanst.  138.;  see  1  Jac. 
R.  73.     1  Russell,  51 7.|| 

The  first  difference  is  in  real  actions;  where  there  are  several  Cro.Eliz. 982. 
plaintiffs,  and  there  is  summons  and  severance,  as  there  is  in  most  ^  '  i***  ^^^' 
real  actions,  there  the  death  of  one  of  the  parties  abates  the  writ;  10  Cc  134. 
but  in  personal  and  mixed  actions,  (where  one  entire  thing  is  to  be  Jon.  452. 6  Co. 
recovered,)  there  \he.  death  of  the  parties  does  not  abate  the  writ;  26. 
and  the  reason  of  the  difference  is,  that  where  there  are  two  joint 
tenants,  and  the  one  goes  on  to  recover  his  moiety,  and  the  other 
will  not  proceed,  there  is  no  reason  that  he  who  is  willing  should 
not  recover  his  right,  since  such  tenant  has  a  distinct  moiety,  and 
therefore  should  have  an  action  to  recover.    But  no  summons  or 
severance  lies  in  personal  actions,  as,  if  trespass  be  committed  on 
such  joint  tenants,  they  must  both  join  in  the  action  ;  for  as  one 
may  release  the  whole,  so  the  other  may  refuse  to  go  on,  and  his 
companion  cannot  recover  his  parf  of  the  damage  without  him : 
so,  in  debt  on  an  obligation  to  two  there  can  be  no  summons  and 
severance,  because  one  of  the  joint  obligees  may  release  the  bond  : 
but,  if  a  man  appoints  two  his  executors,  there  shall  be  summons 
and  severance,  because  one  of  the  executors  may  release ;  yet 
such  a  release  is  a  devastavit  in  him ;  but,  if  he  will  not  proceed  at 
law,  it  is  no  devastavit  ,•  and  therefore  both  executors  l)eing  only 
trustees  for  the  person  deceased,  they  shall  not  be  compelled  to  go 
on  together:  but  if  one  refuses,  the  other  may  bring  his  action  in 
the  name  of  both,  and  have  summons  and  severance ;  for  other- 


Co.  Lit.  159. 

Leon.  44. 

Co.  Lit.  139. 

Dyer.  279. 

10  Co.  134. 
Co.  Lit.  139. 
(a)  But  shall 
abate  in  a  set. 
/a,  being  an 
original  writ. 
Brownl.  64. 
but  not  upon 
a  urrit  of  en- ', 
quirt/.    Leon. 
30  U.  6.  30. 

wise  each  executor  might  by  collision  with  the  debtor,  and  not 
proceeding,  keep  the  other  from  recovering  the  assets,  and  yet 
not  create  a  devastavit  in  himself.  But  after  such  summons  and 
severance  he  does  not  proceed  for  the  moieties  as  in  real  actions, 
but  he  proceeds  as  the  sole  representative  of  the  testator,  and  is 
entitled  to  the  whole  the  testator  was  in  his  lifetime. 

From  these  premises  it  follows,  that  if  there  be  two  joint- 
tenants  or  copartners,  and  they  bring  a  real  action,  and  one  be 
summoned  and  severed,  the  other  shall  proceed  for  his  moiety  j 
and  if  the  person  severed  die,  the  writ  abates,  because  he  goes  for 
the  whole,  in  case  of  the  death  of  the  joint-tenant,  or  of  the  co- 
partner without  issue ;  and  it  would  be  improper  to  do  it  on  that 
writ,  where  by  the  summons  and  severance  he  went  only  for  a 
moiety  before;  and  the  writ  cannot  have  a  double  effect,  for  a 
moiety  in  case  of  summons  and  severance,  and  for  the  whole 
in  case  of  survivorship ;  and  therefore  since  the  nature  of  things 
is  changed  by  the  death  of  one  of  the  parties,  there  must  be  an- 
other writ.  And  it  is  the  same  law,  if  such  joint- tenants  proceed 
without  summons  or  severance ;  for  since  both  by  the  writ  might 
by  possibility  recover  their  moieties,  they  shall  not  go  on  for  the 
whole  in  case  of  survivorship ;  because  the  words  and  effect  of 
the  writ  at  the  time  of  its  first  purchasing  were,  that  each  might 
recover  his  moiety;  and  therefore  a  new  writ  must  be  purchased 
to  enable  one  to  proceed  for  the  whole :  but  in  personal  and 
mixed  actions,  where  there  is  summons  and  severance,  and  yet 
after  such  summons  and  severance  the  plaintiff  goes  on  for  the 
whole,  tkeref  if  one  of  them  die,  the  writ  shall  not  abate,  be- 
cause he  goes  on  for  the  whole  after  summons  and  severance ; 
and  if  he  were  to  have  a  new  writ,  it  would  only  give  the  court 
authority  to  go  on  for  the  whole. 

Therefore,  if  there  are  two  executors,  and  they  bring  an 
action  of  debt,  and  one  of  them  is  summoned  and  severed,  or 
not,  and  such  severed  person  dies,  yet  the  writ  shall  not  abate. 

So,  if  two  joint-tenants  bring  a  writ  of  ward,  and  they  are 
summoned  and  severed,  and  the  severed  person  dies,  the  writ 
shall  not  abate ;  because  after  such  severance  he  went  on  for  the 
whole,  and  so  he  does  after  the  death. 

So,  in  a  gttare  impedit  by  two  joint- tenants,  and  one  summoned 
and  severed ;  if  the  severed  person  die,  the  writ  shall  not  abate  j 
because  the  adowson  is  an  entire  thing,  and  the  survivor  pro- 
ceeded for  the  whole  after  the  severance,  and  so  he  may  after 
the  death. 

In  judicial  writs,  the  suit  shall  not  abate  by  death,  if  the 
person  surviving  be  entitled  to  the  whole  (a) ;  as  if  a  fine  be  levied 
by  two  coparceners,  and  one  of  them  die  without  issue,  proceed- 
ings shall  go  on  for  the  other,  because  he  is  entitled  to  the 
whole  by  survivorship ;  but  if  the  other  coparcener  have  issue, 
then  the  writ  shall  abate,  for  the  survivor  is  only  entitled  to  a 
moiety ;  for  there  is  no  summons  and  severance  in  judicial  writs. 

But  if  there  be  several  persons  named  as  plaintiffs  in  the  writ, 


(F)  Of  Abatement  hy  the  Death  of  Parties.  11 

and  one  of  them  was  dead  at  the  time  of  purchasing  the  writ,  isB.  4.  i. 
this  may  be  pleaded  in  abatement;  because  it  falsifies  the  writ,  „.    ^%^^*  . 
and  because  the  right  was  in  the  survivors  at  the  time  of  suing  Qiif^'g  Ent.  6. 
the  writ,  and  the  writ  not  accommodated,  as  the  case  then  was.     Rast.Ent.i26. 

But  if  an  erroneous  judgment  be  given  against  two,  either  26  Ass.  p.  25. 
of  them  may  bring  a  writ  of  error,  and  he  may  summon  and  Bro.  Summ.  & 
sever  the   other;   for  it  would  be  unreasonable  that  the  one  Sev.  19. 
should  not  discharge  himself  of  an  erroneous  judgment,  because 
the  other  will  not  intermeddle ;  and  default  of  one  in  a  personal 
action  shall  not  prejudice  the  other. 

If  there  be  several  defendants  in  the  original  action,  and  one  Cro.  Car.  426. 
die,  the  writ  does  not  abate,  because  there  being  a  joint  de-  •^°"'  ^*J*  ^*^*^' 
mand,  it  survives  against  the  residue;   but   if  one  happen  to  7-,'  ,^, 
die  pending  the  writ,  there  must  be  a  suggestion  on  the  roll,  1  Show.  1 86. 
because  it  would  be  error  to  give  judgment  against  a  dead 

In  a  writ  of  error,  if  there  be  several  plaintiffs,  and  one  die,  Yelv.  208.212 

the  writ  shall  abate;  because  the  writ  of  error  is  to  set  persons  213.  Ventr. 

in  statu  quo  before  the  erroneous  judgment  was  given ;  and  the  ^f-  contra 

plaintiffs  in  error  are  distinct  sufferers  in  the  judgment,  since  ro  V^^^'p 

there  might  be  different  executions  issued  thereupon,  and  differ-  noyerv.  Brace 

ent  liens  made  by  such  judgment  on  the  lands  of  each  of  them ;  Ld.  Raym. 

and,  by  consequence,  the  survivor  cannot  prosecute   the   writ  ^44.  where 

of  error  for  the  whole,  lest  by  collusive  persuasion,  or  by  neg-     f  doctrine 
T  1        11111  ■         r   I       t  -i"^        °     advanced  m 

ligence,  he  should  hurt  the  representative  or  the  deceased.  the  text  is 

admitted  by  the  court.]  ||But  the  above  cases  (even  the  last)  seem  all  to  have  been 
before  the  8  &  9  W.  3.  c.  11.  (see  jmst.)^  and  by  the  effect  of  that  statute  the  death  of  one 
plaintiff  in  error  does  not  abate  the  writ.    Clarke  v.  Rippon,  I  Barn,  &  A.  586.|| 

But  if  any  of  the  defendants  in  error  die,  yet  all  things  shall  Sid.  419. 
proceed,  because  the  benefit  of  such  judgment  is  to  go  to  the  044  iff  s  ik 
survivor,  and  he  only  is  to  defend  it.  siaill 

In  audita  querela  by  two,  the  death  of  one  shall  not  abate  the  Theol.  139. 
writ;  for  the  survivor  is  not  to  be  restored  to  any  thing  that  he  sH.  7.  1. 
has  lost,  but  only  to  discharge  himself  of  the  execution,  and  ^  ^°'^'  ^^^* 
thereupon,  notwithstanding  the  death  of  the  other,  he  may  pro- 
ceed for  a  discharge  in  toto  for  himself. 

[Upon  the  same  principle  it  was  holden,  that  a  prohibition  ^\'^^.'f°" 
by  husband  and  wife  to  a  suit  in  the  spiritual  court,  did  not  Crofts  *Andr 
abate  by  the  death  of  the  husband.]  57.  Cas.  temp. 

Hardw.  395. 

II  Where  husband  and  wife  commjenced  an  action  for  money  Checchi  v. 
lent  by  the  wife  before  marriage,  and  she  died  pending  the  "9^^'^» 
action,  it  was  held,  that  it  thereby  abated.  ||  253^8  Dow* 

&  Ry.  592. 

[The  death  of  the  lessor  of  the  plaintiff  in  ejectment  (though  g  Stra.  1056. 
only  tenant  for  life)  is  no  abatement.  ||As  to  costs* 

in  such  case,  see  Tidd,  1243.  (9th  edit.)|| 

Kferi  facias  doth  not  abate  by  the  death  of  the  plaintiff  after  Clerk  v.  Wi- 
the seizure  of  the  goods ;  for  by  the  seizure  the  property  is  ^J*^*"^'  ^  ^'^• 
changed.      But  if  the  goods  seized  are  not  sufficient  to  satisfy  j  g-^^'  322.* 
the  debt,  a  second  feri  facias  cannot  issue  without  a  revivor  s.  C.  6  Mod. 



S90.S.C.  of  the  judgment,  (a)  An  extent  abates  where  the  death  hap- 
(«)  Wharam  pg^^  before  the  liberate ;  for  until  tlvat  is  awarded,  the  execution 
ivli^'llo*""'   's  incomplete.     So,  a  seqtiestration  to  compel  performance  of  a 

decree  when  the  party  dies  before  order  for  sale  of  the  goods. 
6&  9W.5.  A  suit  for  partition  of  lands  is  not  abated  by  the  death  of  one 

C31.  §3.  of  the  tenants.  Nor  is  a  suit  on  the  statute  of  hue  and  cry, 
«7Eliz.c.i3.  commenced  in  the  name  of  the  clerk  of  the  peace,  abated  by 
^  *  his  death  or  removal. 

1  Burr.  147.  If  the  plaintiff  or  defendant  die  whilst  the  court  are  consider- 

219.  4  Burr,  ing  of  their  judgment,  ||or  after  a  special  verdict  or  special  case, 
2277.  Bates  v.  j^^jj  pending  the  time  for  argument,  or  for  advising  thereon,  or 
iT^m°R!c57.  *^"  ^  motion  in  arrest  of  judgment,  or  for  a  new  trial,])  they  will 
||i  Ken.  253.  permit  the  judgment  to  be  entered  up  as  of  the  term  in  which  it 
1  East,  409.  regularly  might  have  been :  so,  perhaps,  if  there  be  any  frivolous 
T-^T"-  '^^'  ^^^y  ^y  ^^^  other  party ;  but,  where  the  proceedings  are  in  the 
(9th  edit )         common  course  of  law,  they  cannot  interfere. 

1  Crompton  &  Jervis,  47.|| 

Sir  Thomas  An  information  does  not  abate  by  the  death  of  the  attorney- 
Waller  V.  general ;  nor  by  the  death  of  a  relator  who  prosecutes  for  the 
Hanger,  king:  nor,  it  seems,  by  the  death  of  the  m^Tmev  qui  tarn  {b), 

2  Bulstr.  26K  g,p    f^j,  jjj  gyplj  ^jjgg  jjjg  attorney-general  may  proceed  for  the 

lin"  Hardr.  '^'    king's  moiety. 

161.    (i)  Hammon  V.  Griffith,  Cro.  Eliz.  583.    Anon.    Moor,  541. 
Mitf.  Eq.  PI.         The  proceedings  upon  an  information  in  equity  can  only  abate 
2  E    Cas  Abr'  ^^  ^^^  death  or  determination  of  interest  of  the  defendant.     But, 
1.    1  Ves.  71.   i^  there  are  several  relators,  the  death  of  any  of  them,  while  there 
»Ve8.327.       survives  one,  will  not  in  any  degree  affect  the  suit:  but,  if  all  the 
relators  die,  or  if  there  is  but  one,  and  that  relator  dies,  the  Court 
will  not  permit  any  further  proceeding  till  an  order  has  been  ob- 
tained for  liberty  to  insert  the  name  of  a  new  relator,  and  such 
name  is  inserted  accordingly;  otherwise  there  would  be  no  per- 
son liable  to  pay  the  costs  of  the  suit,    in  case  the  information 
should  be  deemed  improper,  or  for  any  other  reason  should  be 
Eq.  Cas.  Abr.         The  benefit  of  a  decree  in  equity  may  be  had,  notwithstanding 
2-  P-  ''•  the  death  of  some  of  the  parties,  provided  that  nothing  be  re- 

quirable  of  their  representatives. 
1  Vern.  351.  After  a  cause  has  been  heard  on  a  bill  of  interpleader,  and  a 

trial  at  law  has  been  directed  to  settle  the  right  between  the 
defendants,  the  death  of  the  plaintiff  does  not  abate  it,  for  his 
interest  is  at  an  end. 
Continued  by  By  the  1 7  Car.  2.  c.  8.  it  is  enacted,  "  That  in  all  actions 
30  Car.  2.  c.  6.  "  personal,  real,  or  mixed,  the  death  of  eitlier  of  the  parties  (c) 
and  made  per-  ««  between  verdict  and  judgment  shall  not  be  alleged  for  error,  so 
petualbyi  Jac.  «  ^g  g^^j^  judgment  be  (rf)  entered  within  two  terms  after  such 
t)*ife'ither'of  "  verdict."  (e) 

the  parties  die  at  any  time  before  the  assizes,  it  is  out  of  the  statute ;  but  if  after  the  assizes 
begin,  though  before  trial,  it  is  no  error ;  for  the  assizes  are  but  one  day  in  law.  Salk.  8. 
pi.  21.  [7TermR.  31.  And  in  the  former  case,  the  court  said  it  was  in  their  discretion 
whether  they  would  arrest  the  judgment.  Salk.  uln  supra.  But  in  Lord  Raym.  1415.  it  was 
holden  not  assignable  for  error,  it  being  stated  on  the  record  that  the  defisndant  appeared  per 


(F)  Of  Abatement  by  tJte  Death  of  Parties.  IS 

attornatum  sumn^  {d)  If  after  the  verdict,  and  before  the  day  in  bank,  the  plaintiff  dies,  and 
the  defendant  signs  judgment  the  second  term  after  the  verdict,  this  is  within  the  statute,  and 
the  same  as  if  he  had  actually  entered  judgment  on  the  roll.  Sid.  585.  [Judgment  entered 
according  to  this  statute,  after  the  plaintiff's  death,  shall  relate  in  all  respects  to  his  life.  1  Lev. 
278.  Raym.  210.  Where  the  jury  found  a  special  verdict,  and  the  plaintiff  died  in  the  term 
in  which  it  was  to  be  argued,  the  judgment  was  by  consent  entered  up  as  of  the  first  day  of 
that  term.  Pond  v.  King,  1  Wils.  124.  Where  the  plaintiff  dies  between  the  verdict  and  the 
entry  of  the  judgment,  his  representative  cannot  take  out  execution  without  a  scire  facias. 
Earl  V.  Brown,  1  Wils.  502.]  \{e)  The  statute  does  not  apply  to  cases  of  nonsuit,  Dowbiggin 
v.  Harrison,  10  Barn.  &  C.  480 ;  nor  to  cases  where  the  party  dies  between  interlocutory 
judgment,  and  before  the  return  of  the  enquiry ;  it  is  confined  to  verdicts.     4  Taunt.  884.|| 

[An  information  for  a  penalty  under  the  French  act  was  ad-  Attorney  Ge- 
judged  not  to  be  within  this  statute,  but  to  abate  by  the  death  of  n^ral  v.  Buck- 
the  defendant  between  the  verdict  and  the  judgment ;  for,  in  the  264.  * 

first  place,  it  is  not  an  action  real,  personal,  or  mixed  ;  secondly, 
the  king  cannot  be  properly  said  to  be  a  party ;  thirdly,  it  is  not  ' 
a  duty,  or  in  lieu  of  customs,  or  any  revenue  of  the  crown ;  and 
lastly,  actions  do  not  comprehend  informations  between  party  and 
party,  or  include  the  king.  A  suggestion  of  the  death  upon  the 
roll  confessed  by  the  attorney-general  was  thought  sufficient 
without  a  writ  of  error. 

The  rule  laid  down  by  the  Lord  Chief  Baron  Gilbert  in  the 
preceding  part  of  this  chapter  respecting  the  non-abatement  of  a 
suit  by  the  death  of  any  of  the  plaintiffs  or  defendants,  when 
such  death  made  no  alteration  in  the  proceedings,  though 
founded  in  reason,  was  not  uniformly  supported  by  authorities  ; 
it  is  therefore  enacted  by  the  8  &  9  W.  3.  c.  11.  §  7.  *  That 
'  if  there  be  two  or  more  plaintiffs  or  defendants,  and  one  or 

*  more  of  them  die,  if  the  cause  of  action  survive  to  the  surviving 

*  plaintiff  or  plaintiffs,    or  against  the  surviving  defendant  or  ' 

*  defendants,  the  writ  or  action  shall  not  be  thereby  abated ;  but 
'  such  death  being  suggested  on  the  record,  the  action  shall  pro- 

*  ceed  at  the  suit  of  such  surviving  plaintiff  or  plaintiffs  against  ^. 

*  such  surviving  defendant  or  defendants.' 

The  formal  suggestion  of  the  death  need  be  only  on  the  plea-  Farr  v.  Denn 
roll;    nothing   more  is  necessary  on    the    nisi-prius-roll   than   i  Burr. 562. 
merely  to  point  out  to  the  judge  what  he  is  to  try,  and  between 

Although  the  statute  makes  mention  only  of  actions  at  law.  Brown  v. 
yet  it  hath  been  construed  to  prevent  the  abatement  of  a  suit  in  Higden, 
equity,  provided  that  the  subject-matter  of  the  suit  be  not  affected  ^  ^^^'  ^^^' 
by  it.] 

*  By  the  last-mentioned  statute,  §  6.  it  is  enacted.  That  if  any  [Where  a  de- 

*  plaintiff  happen  to  die  after  an  interlocutory  judgment,  and  fendant  died 

*  before  a  final  judgment  obtained  therein,  the  said  action  shall  "^'O^^  the  ex- 

*  not  abate  by  reason  thereof,  if  such  action  might  originally  be  ti'iife'to"plead^ 

*  prosecuted  or  maintained  by  the  executors  or  administrators  of  underajudge's 

*  such  plaintiff;  and  if  the  defendant  die  after  such  interlocutory  o'der,  it  was 

*  judgment  and  before  final  judgment  therein  obtained,  the  said  !u°'''T'  ''^i^ 

*  action  shall  not  abate,  if  such  action  might  originally  be  pro-  could  not* 

*  secuted  or  maintained  against  the  executors  or  administrators  under  this'  act, 

*  of  such  defendant  (a),  and  the  plaintiff,  or  if  he  be  dead  after  *'g"  judgment, 

*  such  interlocutory  judgment,  his  executors  or  administrators,  ^".'^^'^"'^  P"'  '^ 

*  shall 



1  WiIs.5I5. 
Wollop  V. 
|K«)  See 
4  Taunt.  884.11 

Berger  v. 
1  Made  &  S. 
929. ;  and  see 
3  Maule  & 

S.281.     2Chitt.  R,235. 

Turner  v. 
Barnes,  210. 

*  shall  and  may  have  a  scire  facias  against  the  defendant,  if  living 

*  after  such  interlocutory  judgment;  or  if  he  died  after,  then 

*  against  his  executors  or  administrators,  to  shew  cause  why 

*  damages  in  such  action  shall  not  be  assessed  and  recovered  by 

*  him  or  them  ;  and  if  such  defendant,  his  executors  or  admini- 

*  strators,  shall  appear  at  the  return  of  such  writ  and  not  shew 

*  or  allege  any  matter  sufficient  to  arrest  the  final  judgment ;  or 
'  being  returned  warned,  or  upon  two  writs  of  scire  facias  it  be 

*  returned,  that  the  defendant,  his  executors  or  administrators, 

*  had  nothing  whereby  to  be  summoned,  or  could  not  be  found 

*  in  the  county,  shall  make  default,  that  thereupon  a  writ  of 

*  enquiry  of  damage  shall  be  awarded,  which  being  executed  and 

*  returned,  judgment  final  shall  be  given  for  the  said  plaintiff, 

*  his  executors  or  administrators,  prosecuting  such  writ  or  writs 

*  of  scire  facias,  against  such  defendant,  his  executors  or  admi- 

*  nistrators  respectively.* 

II  Where  interlocutory  judgment  was  signed,  and  the  plaintiff 
died  on  a  subsequent  day  in  term,  the  court  granted  a  rule  to 
compute  principal  or  interest  on  the  bill  of  exchange  on  which 
the  action  was  brought.  || 

6  G.  4.  c. 




C.  57. 

[Where  plaintiff  died  after  a  rule  by  consent  to  refer  to  the 
prothonotary,  and  before  the  report,  the  court  allowed  his 
executor  to  be  made  a  party  to  the  rule,  and  directed  the  pro- 
thonotary to  proceed  without  the  defendant's  consent.] 

II  By  6  Geo.  4.  c.  16.  §  67.  whenever  an  assignee  of  a  bank- 
rupt shall  die,  or  a  new  assignee  or  assignees  shall  be  chosen,  no 
action  at  law  or  suit  in  equity  shall  be  abated,  but  the  court  in 
which  any  action  or  suit  is  depending  may,  upon  suggestion  of 
such  death  or  removal  and  new  choice,  allow  the  name  of  the 
surviving  or  new  assignee  or  assignees  to  be  substituted  in  place 
of  the  former,  and  such  action  or  suit  shall  be  prosecuted  in  the 
name  of  or  names  of  such  surviving  or  new  assignee  or  assignees 
in  the  same  manner  as  if  he  or  they  had  originally  commenced 
the  same. 

A  similar  provision  is  contained  in  the  last  insolvent  debtors' 
act  in  case  of  the  death  or  removal  of  assignees  of  insolvent 
debtors.  U 

Doct.  PI.  3. 

Sid.  410. 
Leon.  108. 
169.     Ttde 
tit.  Baron  and 
Feme.     In 
an  action 
against  baron 
and  feme,  the 
buron  died 

(G)  By  Reason  of  Coverture. 
^OVERTURE  is  a  good  plea  in  abatement,  which  may  be 

either  before  the  writ  sued,  or  pending  the  writ.  By  the 
first  the  writ  is  abated  de  facto,  but  the  second  only  proves  the 
writ  abateable ;  both  are  to  be  pleaded,  with  this  difference,  that 
coverture  pending  the  writ  must  be  pleaded  jpost  ultimam  continu' 
ationem :  whereas  coverture  before  the  writ  brought  may  be 
pleaded  at  any  time  (a),  because  the  writ  is  de  facto  abated;  but 
if  a  feme  sole  takes  out  a  writ,  and  after  marries,  the  defendant 


(G)  By  Reason  of  Coverture,  15 

was  legally  attached  on  such  suit ;  and  therefore  may  plead  in  and  the  feme 

chief  to  it  any  defence  he  has.  ^nS/^r 

cito  ;  and  the  court  inclined  to  think  the  writ  abated,  because  her  name  was  changed.  Stile, 
138.  [But  2  Ld.  Raym.  1525.  2  Stra.  811.  Barnard.  K.  B.  70.  are  all  express  that  coverture 
in  the  defendant  after  action  brought  cannot  abate  plaintiff 's  writ.  See  too,  to  the  same  effect, 
2  RoUe's  R.  53.]     (a)  Vide  infra. 

If  a  writ  be  brought  by  A.  and  B.  as  baron  and  feme,  whereas  F'^z.  Brief, 
they  were  not  married  until  the  suit  depended,  the  defendant  may 
plead  this  in  abatement ;  for  though  they  cannot  have  a  writ  in 
any  other  form,  yet  the  writ  shall  abate,  because  it  was  false  when 
sued  out. 

If  a  writ  be  brought  against  a  feme  covert  as  sole,  she  may  Latch,  24. 
plead  her  coverture;  but  if  she  neglect  to  do  it,  and  there  be  a  Stile, 254. 
recovery  against  her  as  a  feme  sole,  the  husband  may  avoid  it  -^  ^^     rrpj^^* 
by  writ  of  error,  and  may  come  in  at  any  time  and  plead  it.  piea  of  co- 

verture, whether  in  plaintiff  or  defendant,  can  only  be  in  abatement.  MUner  v.  Milnes 
sTermR.  627.  See  tit.  Baron  and  Feme.  ||This  is  too  generally  stated.  Coverture  at  the 
time  when  the  supposed  contract  was  made,  or  cause  of  action  arose,  may  be  pleaded  in  bar 
or  given  in  evidence  on  non-assumpsit,  for  it  shews  an  incapacity  to  contract,  Sec.;  but  if  the 
feme  was  unmarried  when  the  cause  of  action  arose,  then  the  plea  must  be  in  abatement ;  for 
it  does  not  destroy  the  contract,  &c.  but  only  shows  that  the  husband  is  a  necessary  party  to 
the  action.     8  Terra  R.  545.    3  Camp.  123.    3  Term  R.  627.    6  Term  R.  265.11 

If  an  action  be  brought  in  an  inferior  court  against  a  feme  sole,  Salk.  8.  pi.  20. 
and  pending  the  suit  she  intermarry,  and  afterwards  remove  the  ^  ^Revnold" 
cause  by  habeas  corpuSy  and  the  plaintiff  declare  against  her  as  a  Qjib.  Hist.  * 
feme  sole,  she  may  plead  coverture  at  the  time  of  suing  the  C.  P.  245. 
habeas  corpus  (b),  because  the  proceedings  here  are  de  novo,  and  W  [But  the 
the  court  takes  no  notice  of  what  was  precedent  to  the  habeas  ^^^  ?j  this^"*' 
corpus;  but  upon  motion  on  the  return  of  the  habeas  corpus,  the  case  hath  been 
court  will  grant  a  procedendo ;    for  though   this   be  a  writ  of  disallowed, 
right,  yet  where  it  is  to  abate  a   rightful  suit,  the  court  may  Haddock  v. 
refuse  it;  and  the  plaintiff  had  bail  below  to  this  suit,  which  by  g^^es  5551 
this  contrivance  he  is  ousted   of,  and,  possibly,  by  the  same 
means,  of  the  debt. 

If  a  feme  sole  plaintiff,  after  the  verdict,  and  before  the  day  in  Cro.  Car.  155. 
bank,  takes  husband,  she  shall  have  judgment,  and  the  defendant  ^  Bulst.  5. 
cannot  plead  this  coverture,  for  he  has  no  day  to  plead  it  in. 

II  If  she  take  husband  after  suing  out  the  writ,  and  before  Morgan  v. 
declaration,  the  defendant  cannot  give  the  coverture  in  evidence  5*^"*^^% 
under  the  general  issue,  but  must  plead  it  in  abatement ;  and  so  Milnm-  v. 
also  if  a  married  woman  sues  alone  for  an  injury  to  her  property  Milnes,  Term 
whilst  single.  II  R.327. 

[In  equity,  a  suit  does  not  abate  by  the  marriage  of  a  female  1  Ves.  182. 
defendant,  but  the  plaintiff  may  proceed,  only  entering  the  name 
of  the  husband  and  wife  in  the  subsequent  proceedings. 
^  Though  a  suit  in  equity  regularly  become  abated  by  the  mar-  Lady  Cram- 
riage  of  a  female  plaintiff,  yet  if  she  afterwards  proceed  in  the  suit  ^^^^  ^-  ^^ 
as  a  feme  sole,  the  mere  want  of  a  bill  of  revivor  is  not  error  r*2m'. 
upon  which  a  decree  can  be  reversed  upon  a  bill  of  review  by  the  (c)  Godkin  v. 
defendant,  (c)     And  if  the  husband  die  before  revivor,  she  may  l^arl  Ferrers, 
proceed  without  it,  for  then  her  incapacity  to  prosecute  the  suit  ^^^2'  c'tedin 




Mitf.  Eq.  PL 


flSee  7  Ves. 
13  Ves. 

is  removed ;  but  the  subsequent  proceedings  are  m  the  name  and 
description  she  has  acquired  by  the  marriage.] 

II  As  to  proceedings  by  scire  facias  on  marriage  after  judg- 
ment, see  tit.  «  Scire  Facias,"  (C).  Vol.  VII.  and  Tidd's  Prac. 
1114.  {9th  ed.)|| 

(H)  By  a  Defect  in  the  Writ 

nPHE  foregoing  objections,  such  as  want  of  jurisdiction,  disa- 
bility  in  the  plaintiff,  or  privilege  in  the  defendant,  8fc.  being 
matters  dehors^  must  be  shewn  to  the  court,  and  must  be  pleaded 
in  proper  time  and  manner ;  but,  for  defects  in  the  writ  itself,  the 
court  may  ex  officio  abate  it. 

And  herein  we  must  observe,  that  the  law  hath  been  very  strict 
in  obliging  men  to  keep  to  the  legal  forms  it  prescribes ;  and 
therefore  in  the  writ,  which  is  the  foundation  of  the  whole  pro- 
ceeding, requires  such  certainty  and  exactness,  as  that  no  person 
be  arrested  or  attached  by  his  goods,  unless  there  appear  suf- 
Cro.  Jac.  576,  ficient  grounds  to  warrant  such  proceedings  ;  so  that  if  the  writ 
577.  vary  materially  from  that  in  the  register,  or  be  defective  in  sub- 

stance, the  party  may  take  advantage  of  it. 
Hob.  84.  But  though  the  writ  vary  from  the  register,  yet,  if  it  be  war- 

ranted by  the  modem  precedents,  this  shall  not  abate  it. 

9H.7.  16. 

10  E.  3.  1. 
pi.  2.  2  Inst 
662.  Hob.  1. 
51,  52.  84. 
Carth.  172 

(I)  By  the  Writ's  not  agreeing  with  the  Count. 

Cro.Eliz.  729. 
Cro.  Jac,  651. 
Jon.  .■504. 
[(o)  The  de- 
fendant can- 
not plead  a 
variance  be- 
tween the  writ 
and  count, 

T  F  the  count  or  declaration  varies  in  form,  the  defendant  may 
plead  it  in  abatement  (a),  for  the  plaintiff  has  abated  his  own 
writ  by  prosecuting  it  in  a  different  manner ;  but,  if  it  varies  in 
substance,  the  defendant  may  move  it  in  arrest  of  judgment,  be- 
cause the  Court  has  no  authority  to  proceed,  a  different  matter 
being  prosecuted  from  that  which  the  writ  has  given  authority  to 
the  Court  to  take  cognisance  of. 

without  praying  oyer  of  the  writ,  and  shewing  it  to  the  court,  2  Wils.  85.  393.]     {[And  as  the 

court  will  not  now  grant  oyer  of  the  writ,  such  pleas  have  falleu  into  disuse;  see  Tidd.  636. 

(9th  edit.)     1  Bos.  &  Pull.  645.     7East,S83.|| 

(5)  Fitz.  Brief,  The  declaration  varying  from  the  writ  (c),  as  by  laying  the 
cause  of  action  in  the  reign  of  a  present  king,  where  the  writ 
supposed  it  to  have  been  in  the  reign  of  a  former  king ;  or  by 
giving  the  defendant  a  name  different  from  that  in  the  writ  {d) ; 
as,  where  the  writ  calls  him  A.  B,  of  London,  alderman,  and  the 
plaintiff  declares  against  him,  as  A,  B.  of  LoTidon,  Esq. ;  or, 
where  the  declaration  is  otherwise  defective  in  not  pursuing  the 
writ,  or  not  setting  forth  the  cause  of  action  with  that  certainty  the 
law  requires,  or  in  laying  the  offence  in  a  different  county  from 
that  in  which  the  writ  was  brought  {d) :  in  all  such  cases  the 
defendant  may  plead  in  abatement. 

But  the  writ  may  in  some  cases  be  general,  and  the  declaration 
special ;  as,  where  a  statute  gives  an  action,  but  does  not  prescribe 



(c)  Yelv.  120. 
Finch's  Law, 
357.  Latch, 

(rf)  Allen,  17, 

Doct.  PI.  84. 
etplut  under 

(K)  TVhere  the  Writ  is  abated  de  facto,  <Spc.  17 

any  form  of  the  writ,  the  writ  framed  by  the  common  law  will  the  division  of 

serve,  and  the  special  matter  may  be  set  forth  in  the  declaration.  *^f  dedara- 

'  *  •'  twn  s  agreeivg 

wilh  the  writ,  tit.  Pleader. 

If  a  feme  sole  be  disseised,  and  afterwards  marry,  and  she  and  14  H.  6.  I4. 
her  husband  bring  an  assize  ;  the  disseisin  must  be  alleged  to  be  2  And.  97. 
done  to  the  wife :  but,  if  a  feme  disseisoress  marry,  in  an  assize 
against  them,  the  disseisin  shall  be  alleged  to  be  done  by  them 
both,  because  there  is  no  other  form  of  writ. 

(K)  Where  the  Writ  is  abated  defacto,  or  is  only 

XJERE  the  general  rule  to  be  observed  is,  that  where  the  writ  2  H.  6. 4. 

is  de  facto  a  nullity  and  destroyed,  so  that  judgment  there-  ,^°'^'*^'-^' 
upon  would  be  erroneous,  there  the  writ  is  de  facto  abated  j  as,  if  "  "'\.^  ^q^  •■ 
an  action  be  brought  against  a  feme  covert  as  sole,  this  makes 
another  man's  property  liable  without  giving  him  an  opportunity 
of  defending  himself;  which  would  be  contrary  to  common  jus- 
tice, and  therefore  the  writ  is  de  facto  abated,  la) 

So,  if  the  return  of  a.plunes  mandxnmis  be  laid  to  be  after  the  Carth.  172. 
beginning  of  a  term,  and  the  memorandum  of  the  bill  be  entered  ^"^  ^"  *'"^ 
generally  of  that  term,  this  makes  the  writ  a  perfect  nullity ;  for  ^'^^^  leave'to 
by  the  plaintifPs  own  shewing  he  had  no  cause  of  action  at  the  amend.  2  Lev. 
time  when  the  action  was  brought.  197. 

[So,  if  the  matter  in  question  appear  to  be  exclusively  of  eccle-  Br.  Office,  &c. 
siastical  cognizance  ih) ;  or,  if  an  appeal  of  death  be  brought  by  a  V-}^-  22  E.  4. 
woman  of  the  death  of  anyone  else  than  her  husband  (c) ;  or  the  TAVjorj  4  ^ 
debt  be  laid  to  be  under  forty  shillings.  (c)  3  Burr. 

1592.     4  Term  R.  495. 

So,  in  equity,  if  a  bill  of  appeal  and  review  be  brought  of  a  Jennet  v. 
decree  in  the  court  of  a  county  palatine.  1  V  •'^''i84 

And  as  in  these  cases  a  fatal  objection  to  the  proceeding  ap-  Hob.  280. 
pears  upon  the  very  face  of  the  record,  the  court  may  and  ought  '  ^'**  ^^r 
ex  officio  to  abate  the  suit  at  any  time,  and  in  any  stage  of  it. 
For  the  court,  who  are  to  judge  according  to  law,  are  not  con- 
cluded by  the  admission  of  the  parties  of  any  thing  that  judicially 
appears  to  be  contrary  to  law. 

Regard  to  public  decorum  and  their  own  dignity  sometimes  Dacosta  v. 

calls  upon  the  court  to  interfere  in  this  manner  ;  as,  where  the  Jones,  Cowp, 

question  proposed  on  the  record  is  idle  in  itself,  involves  no  civil  t  ^'     ^^'^^' 
*.   ,  ,        .'.    *  1  ,1  .  ,         .     .       ,.       '    .       .     ,  Leesom,  2  H. 

right  or  mjury,  and  would  introduce  m  its  discussion  indecent  or  Black.  R.  43, 

improper  evidence. 

The  courts,  having  a  general  and  necessary  control  for  the  Steane  v. 

purposes  of  justice  over  all  causes  depending  before  them,  will  )^pl'"^J'p 

occasionally  interpose  on  the  motion  of  a  defendant,  and  stay  the  754^Kenn'ard 

proceedings.     Thus,  though  upon  the  face  of  the  record  the  de-  v.  Jones, 

mand  exceed  the  sum  of  forty  shillings,  yet,  if  upon  affidavits  on  4  Term  R, 

the  part  of  the  defendant,  uncontradicted  by  the  plaintiff,  it  be  ^^5.  Welling- 

shewn  that  in  fact  it  do  not  amount  to  that  sum,  the  cause  will  ^°Xerra  R  6« 

Vol.  I.  C  not 


not  be  permitted  to  proceed  any  farther  in  the  superior  court. 

(a)  Petrie  v.      (a)  So,  if  in  an  action  for  bribery  on  the  statute  of  2  G.  2.  c.  24-. 

White,  it  appear  that  the  plaintiff  was  guilty  of  lailful  delay  in  the  pro- 

a  Term  R.  5.  gecution  of  his  suit,  which  fact  the  defendant  could  not  intro- 
duce either  on  the  lecord,  or  at  the  trial,  the  court  will  stay  the 
proceedings;  for  "iVil/itl  delay  is  expressly  prohibited  by  the 

Pcshall  V.  So,  where  they  find  that  actions  have  been  brought  against 

M^*°"'r^  several  upon  a  penal  statute  which  makes  only  one  offence;  they 

zrerniR.  712.      -ii     ^      '.i  '  i-  *     f  u    n 

will  stay  the  proceed mgs  upon  payment  or  one  penalty.] 

(A)  Salk.  2.  Where  the  writ  is  only  abateable,  it  must  be  abated  by  plead- 

2l  1  R^°  ing  in  time;  for  matters  in  (&)  and  before  the  writ  (c),  cannot 
853.  Show.'      ^^  taken  advantage  of  in  error. 

169.  Roll.  Abr.  783.  That  a  man  shall  not  assign  that  for  error  which  he  might  have 
pleaded  in  abatement.  Carth.  124.  There  is  a  difference  between  original  and  judicial 
writs ;  for  in  the  former,  matter  of  form  abates  them  as  well  as  substance ;  aliler  in  the  latter; 
for  if  the  substance  be  good,  the  want  of  form  will  be  aided.  41  E.  3.  13,  14.  (c)  Other- 
wise, of  faults  in  the  proceedings  after  the  writ.  Bro.  Faux  Latin,  9.  48.  For  this,  mde  tit. 

Carth.  124.  Therefore,  if  a  feme  covert  bring  an  action  in  her  own  name 

3  Term  li  627  ^^^  attornatum,  and  the  defendant  plead  in  bar  to  the  action,  he 
Cro.  EL  554.    shall  never  afterwards  assign  the  coverture  for  error. 
Salk.  4.  pi.  10.       So,  though  it  be  a  good  plea  for  a  defendant  to  say  that  a 
stranger  is  tenant  in  common  with  the  plaintiff,  yet  if  he  does 
not  plead  it  in  abatement^  he  shall  not  have  advantage  of  it  in 
arrest  of  judgment. 
arth.261.  So,  if  an  action  be  brought  against  one  executor,  where  there 

are  more,  if  that  one  executor  do  not  plead  this  in  abatement, 
but  plead  to  the  action,  he  shall  never  have  advantage  of  this  plea 
jICroEHz.554.       So,  where  trespass  is  brought  by  one  joint-tenant,  or  by  one 
Moor,  466. II      tenant  in  common,  and  the  defendant  pleads  to  the  action,  and 
the  jury  find  specially,  that  another  (not  named)  is  joint-tenant  or 
tenant  in  common  with  the  plaintiff;  yet  he  shall  have  judgment, 
notwithstanding  the  writ  at  first  was  abateable. 
Saund.291.''  So,  where  an  action  of  debt  is  brought  on  a  joint  bond  against 

one  of  the  obligors,  and  upon  ncni  est  factum  pleaded,  the  jury 
find  that  J.  S.  (then  living)  was  jointly  bound  with  the  defend- 
ant, yet  the  plaintiff  shall  have  judgment. 
Trin.  24  Car.  Tenant  in  common  of  lands  brought  an  action  of  trover  in 
2.  Rot.  1216.  his  own  name  alone  for  cutting  down  trees  and  carrying  them 
tween  Black-  ^^''^y '  ^^^  defendant  pleaded  to  issue ;  and  in  a  special  verdict  it 
burn  V.  Grove,  ^^s  found,  that  the  plaintiff  was  tenant  in  common  with  J.  S.  not 
cited  in  Carth.  named;  yet  the  plaintiff  had  judgment,  because  this  was  a  mat- 
^"'*  ter  pleadable  in  abatement. 

Ree«  V.  Abbot,  [If  one  only  be  sued  on  a  joint  note,  it  must  be  pleaded  in 
AhjT'*  ^^^*  abatement ;  it  will  not  be  error.  So,  in  actions  against  partners. 
Smith  2  Black  ^^^  where  an  action  is  brought  by  a  joint  covenantee  (rf),  ad- 
R.  947.  vantage  may  be  taken  of  it  by  demurring  generally. 

Rice  V.  Shute,  5  Burr.  2611.  l  Black.  R.  695.  S.  C.  (rf)  Cabel  v.  Vaughan,  1  Saund.  291. 
1  Sid.  420.  S.C.  1  Ventr.  34.  S.  C.  B.N.-P.  158.  5  Co.  119.  ||That  is  if  it  appears  on  the 
record  that  there  is  another  covenantee  living  and  not  joined,  or  if  it  be  made  to  appear  by 


(K)  Where  tfie  Writ  is  abated  de  facto,  (§'C.  19 

praying  ot/cr  of  the  deed  and  setting  it  forth,  1  Will,  Saund.  154,  a.  notd,  and  cases  therein ; 
and  in  such  case  the  nonjoinder  is  also  a  ground  of  nonsuit  or  of  error.     Ibid.W 

In  such  a  plea  to^n  action  on  a  bond,  it  must  be  stated  that  Sayer  v.  Chay- 

the  other  obligor  executed  the  deed,  and  that  he  is  still  alive.  iTr^is-'^'d 

It  is  not  sufficient  to  say,  that  another,  not  named,  was  jointly  291.*    iiorner 

bound.     But,  if  it  appear  on  the  face  of  the  declaration  that  both  v.  Moor, 

obligors  have  sealed,  and  both  are  living,  the  objection  is  good  M.  2  G.  2. 

in  arrest  of  judgment.  fjfj''  ^.P""?' 

•^      o  2614.;  Ijand 

see  1  Will.  Saund.    91  in  notes.|| 
But  in  trespass  it  is  no  plea  in  abatement  that  there  is  an-  , ,  „  .,  ^ 
other  joint-trespasser  not  named,  (a) J  11(a) So,  in  an> 

case  of  tort;  Govett  v.  Radnidge,  5  East,  62.  1  Will.  Saund.  291.  e.;  for  torts  are  several  in 
their  nature,  and  the  plaintiff  may  elect  to  sue  all  or  any  of  the  parties.  But  if  the  action  is 
founded  on  matter  ex  qnasi  contractu,  though  its  J'orin  be  in  tort  the  defendant  may  plead  in 
abatement  that  other  parties  ought  to  be  joined.  Buddie  v.  Wilson,  6  Term  11.369.  Powell 
V.  Layton,  2  New  R.  565.  Weall  v.  King,  12  East,  452.;  and  see  Green  v.  Greenbank, 
2  Marsh.  485.  Bretherton  v.  Wood,  5  Brod.  &  B.  54. ;  and  there  is  a  distinction  between 
2}ersonal  actions  of  ton  and  such  actions  when  they  concern  real  property.  Therefore,  if  one 
tenant  in  common  be  sued  in  tort  for  any  thing  connected  with  the  land  held  in  common, 
he  may  plead  the  tenancy  in  common  in  abatement ;  see  1  W.  Saund.  291  f.  notdf  and  cases 

II  If  one  of  several  part  owners  of  a  chattel  sue  alone  for  a  Addison  v. 
tort,  advantage  can  be  taken  of  the  objection  only  by  plea  in  Hy^^*"^"^' 
abatement,  even  though  the  defect  appear  in  the  declaration,  gedfreworth 
And  if  a  defendant  neglect  to  take  advantage  of  it  in  that  man-  v.  Overend, 
ner,  in  such  an  action  by  one  part-owner,  he  cannot  afterwards  1  Will.  Saund. 
avail  himself  of  it  by  a  plea  in  abatement  to  another  action  by  an-  p^  g?^'  '^n.s^^ 
other  part-owner,  {b)  \\  Although  in 

actions  of  tort  the  nonjoinder  of  a  co-plaintiff  is  matter  in  abatement  only,  yet  according  to 
the  doctrine  in  the  note  above  it  would  seem,  that  where  the  action  is  substantially  founded  on 
contract,  the  form  of  it  in  tort  will  not  prevent  the  plaintiff  being  nonsuited  for  nonjoinder  of 
other  plaintifis. 

If  a  qiiare  impedit  be  brought  against  the  bishop  and  incum-  Cro.  Jac.  651. 
bent  only,  without  naming  the  patron,  though  this  might  have  ""'st.  4, 5. 
been  pleaded  in  abatement,  yet  if  the  defendant  plead  in  bar,  ^c.  PajJ^ ^"oe"    ' 
it  cannot  after,  upon  a  writ  of  error,  be  assigned  for  error;  for  311.    2  Roll, 
though  the  want  of  a  patron's  being  made  a  defendant  might  Rep.  239. 
make  the  writ  abateable,  yet  it  was  not  thereby  actually  abated ;  ^y*  '^^* 
and  nothing  shall  be  assigned  for  error  concerning  the  writ,  but 
what  actually  abates  it. 

If  an  action  be  brought  against  Sir  Francis  Fortesque,  militem  Roll.  Abr.  781. 
ct  baronettum,  and  he  appear  and  plead  to  issue,  and  a  verdict  '^|j  ^^• 
and  judgment  be  given  for  the  plaintiff,  the  defendant  in  a  writ  R"^'-Rep.45o. 
of  error  shall  not  assign  for  error  that  he  was  a  hnigJit  of  the 
hath,  and  ought  to  be  so  named ;  for  he  has  lost  this  advan- 
tage by  appearing  to  the  other  name,  and  thereby  concluded 

If  a  writ  be  brought  to  the  damage  of  40/.  and  the  plaintiff  Palm.270,271. 
declare  ad  damnum  200/.  and  the  verdict  give  30/.  this  is  no  ^^^  as  to  this 
error  after  verdict,  for  the  writ  is  not  abated  dc  facto,  but  only  [g^^t^af IfXf 
abateable  by  plea.  declaration 

varies  in  form,  the  defendant  must  plead  it  in  abatement;  but,  if  it  varies  in  substance,  the 
defendant  may  move  it  in  arrest  of  judgment,  or  take  advantage  of  it  in  error ;  because  the 

C   2  Court 


Court  has  no  authority  to  proceed,  having  prosecuted  a  different  matter  from  that  which  the 
writ  has  given  it  iiithority  to  take  cognizance  of.  Jones,  304.  Cro.  Eliz.  722.  Cro.  Jac.  654. 
For  this  rule  tit.  Error. 

Anon  s  Atk.  ^A  bill  in  equity  is  not  dismissed  for  want  of  parties ;  but 
15.  Gwinnv.*  stands  over  for  amendment  on  paying  the  costs  of  the  day, 
Poole,  4  Bro.  The  want  of  parties  may  be  pleaded  in  abatement ;  but,  upon 
P.(;.  122.  allowing  the  plea,  the  court  will  give  the  plaintiff  leave  to 
Pratt,  I  P.  amend.] 
Wms,  593.    Mitf.  Eq.  Pi.  221. 

(L)  Where  the  Writ  shall  abate  in  toto,  or  in  Part.  ] 

Hof  199*217  "W'HATEVER  proves  the  writ  false  at  the  time  of  suing  it 
245.   Biiist.  i!  ou^  shall  abate  the  writ  entirely  (a);  as,  if  it  appears  by 

(a)  Cut  tliis  the  plaintiff's  own  shewing  that  he  had  no  cause  of  action  for 
falsification  of  part;  therefore  if  an  action  of  trespass  be  brought  against  two 
be^in  a  mate-  defendants,  and  the  one  plead  that  the  other  was  dead  die  im- 
rial  point ;  for  pctrationis  brevis,  or  that  there  is  none  such  in  renim  naturoy 
in  a prcecipe  the  whole  wi'it  shall  abate;  for  it  is  the  plaintiff's  fault  to  use 
^itod  reddat  jj^g  authority  of  the  court  to  call  in  a  man  that  was  dead ;  and 
on^  pleadT** '  ^'  ^^s  no  less  an  abuse  of  the  process  to  issue  it  against  a  feigned 
non-tenure,       person. 

and  the  other  takes  the  whole  tenancy  on  himself,  the  writ  shall  not  abate  in  the  whole,  but 
stand  good  against  him  that  hath  accepted  the  tenancy,  because  there  is  a  proper  defendant 
to  the  action ;  and  the  non-tenure  of  the  one  does  in  no  ways  prejudice  the  other  defendant. 
Rast.  Entr.  3G5.     Doctr.  Pi.  7. 

Doctr.  PI.  7.  But,  if  one  of  the  defendants  die  pending  the  writ,  this  shall 

not  abate  the  action  against  the  other  defendant ;  for  this  is  the 
act  of  God,  and  no  default  in  the  plaintiff.  See  the  8  &  9  W.  3. 
c.  11.  $  •7.suprh(P). 
Hewitt  V.  Bib-  [The  bankruptcy  of  the  plaintiff  or  defendant  happening  in 
bms,  2  Wils.  any  stage  of  a  suit  either  at  law  or  in  equity  is  no  abatement, 
krctchman  v  ^^^  ^^  '^^^  discharge  of  the  plaintiff  after  action  brought  under 
Beyer,  1  Term  ^"  insolvent  act,  and  an  assignment  of  liis  property  for  tlie  be- 
R.463.  nefit  of  his  creditors.] 

Waugh  V. 

Austen,  5  Term  R.  437.  Anon.  1  Atk.  263.  Butler  v.  Davidson,  Exchequer,  East.  33  G.5. 
But  contr.  per  Lord  Thurlow,  where  it  happens  before  decree  or  judgment.  Sellas  v.  Daw- 
son, in  Chancery,  Dec.  8th,  1790.  Co.  Bpt.  Laws,  622.  3d  edit.  Hedley  v.  Brown,  Barnes, 
389.  llThe  case  of  Sellas  v.  Dawson,  was  conudered  and  overruled  by  the  Court  of  Exche- 
quer in  Butler  v.  Davidson.  But  in  a  later  case,  where  after  a  decree  in  a  cause,  referring  it 
to  a  master  to  take  the  accounts,  the  plaintiffj  before  the  accounts  were  taken,  took  the 
benefit  of  an  insolvent  act,  and  assignees  were  appointed,  who  conceiving  the  suit  did  not 
abate,  took  out  warrants  to  proceed  in  the  accounts  before  the  master ;  Lord  Loughborough, 
upon  a  motion  to  stay  proceedings  till  a  supplemental  bill  should  be  filed,  held,  that  there  is 
no  other  way  for  the  assignees  to  come  into  that  court  but  by  filing  a  bill :  that  though  at 
law  as-signees  have  been  allowed  to  proceed  in  the  bankrupt's  name,  giving  security  for  the 
costs,  yet  at  law  the  defendant  can  lose  nothing  by  the  bankruptcy  of  the  plaintiff  but  his 
costs ;  and  security  for  the  costs,  therefore,  is  all  that  is  necessarj' :  that  in  equity  more  is 
necessary ;  a  plaintiff  may  be  decreed  to  account  and  to  pay  the  balance,  and  there  must 
therefore  be  a  substantive  plaintiff,  a  party  to  the  cause,  who  may  abide  such  decree  as  may 
be  made.  Williams  v.  Kinder,  4  Ves.  387. ;  and  see  Ry lands  v.  Latouche,  2  Bligh,  P.  C.  566. 
And  though  bankruptcy  of  the  plaintifF  does  not  abate  a  suit  in  equity,  yet  a  motion  will  be 
'  r.'itcd  that  plaintiff  procure  his  assignees  to  file  a  sunnlcmcntal  bill  witliin  a  given  tune,  or 
'  ai  tt,e  suit  be  dismissed  without  costs.  Wheeler  v.  Malins,  4  Madd.  171.  Porter  v.  Cox, 
5  Madd.  80.  Randall  v.  Mumford,  18  Ves.  424.  As  to  abateaient  by  death  or  removal  of 
a«*igQec*,  see  ttnil  (F^jj 


(L)  Where  ths  Writ  shall  abate  in  toto,  <§pc.  ti 

If  there  be  two  execQtors,  and  one  who  is  named  of  D.  say  (^q  l;^  285. 

he  is  of  C.  the  writ  shall  abate  against  both,  because  they  are  a.    Doct. 

both  representatives  of  one  person,  and  must  both  be  legally  Pl'7.  21  H.e. 

summoned ;  and  as  they  are  both  but  one  person  in  the  eye  of  ^."^  ^\\     e 

the  law,  the  plaintiff  cannot  proceed  against  the  one  without  oj^g  plaintiff 

the  other  (a) ;  but,  in  this  case,  the  other   defendant  will    be  shall  stop  the 

obliged  to  plead,  though  the  defendant's  plea  in  abatement  shall  others  from 

be  first  determined :  and  if  it  be  found  for  him,  shall  abate  the  Foceeding : 
.     ,  '  '  for  the  writ, 

writ  in  toto.  ^       ^hen  abated 

for  want  of  form,  is  abated  quoad  all,  though  they  have  pleaded  to  issue.  8  Co.  159. 
Carth.  96.  But,  if  two  executors  sue,  and  set  forth  themselves  tq  be  executors,  and  that  they 
proved  the  will,  but  upon  the  probate  set  forth,  it  appears  that  one  only  proved  the  will, 
and  the  defendant  pleads  this  in  abatement,  a  respondeas  ouster  will  be  awarded;  for  both  have 
a  right;  and  he  that  did  not  prove  may  come  in  when  he  pleases.  Salk.  5.  pi.  6.  The  setting 
forth  tliat  they  had  proved  the  will  amounted  only  to  surplusage ;  the  method  is,  to  declare 
as  executors  generally,  and  make  a  profert  of  the  letters  testamentary,  whereby  it  appears 
they  are  executors. 

At  common  law,   non-tenure  of  parcel  of  the  lands  abated  Booth,  29. 
the  whole  writ;  for  this  falsified  the  writ  which  alleged  the     ^°    ,-"4^' 
defendant  to  be  tenant  of  the  whole.     But  it  was  thought  very  ^q   'pj-om 
hard  that  a  writ  which  was  good  in  part,    should   be   totally  this  statute 
destroyed  by  this  plea;  and  therefore  25  E.  3.  c.  16.  enacts,  that  arose  the  dis- 

the  writ  shall  only  abate  for  that  part  of  which  non-tenure  is  taction  in  our 

1,1  •'  ^  books,  that 

alleged.  the  plaintiff 

cannot  destroy,  but  may  abridge,  his  demand. 

At  common  law,  if  the  tenant  plead  non-tenure  and  disclaime?;  Co.  Lit.  362,3. 

the  plaintiff  cannot  aver  his  writ,  and  say  he  was  tenant ;  for  in  q^I\^^^o^(j 

real  actions  anciently  there  were  no  damages  given ;  and  the  5  Lgy  -^q^ 

plaintiff  by  this  plea  has  the  effect  of  his  writ,  which  is  to  be  put  Lutw.  963. 
into  possession  of  the  lands.     But  if  non-tenure  be  pleaded,  with- 
out disclaimer,  the  plaintiff  may  aver  his  writ,  and  shew  that  the 
tenant  has  the  reversion  in  fee  in  him  as  well  as  the  freehold,  or 
take  judgment  at  his  election. 

If  the  demandant  enters  into  any  of  the  lands,  pending  the  4  E.  4.  52. 

writ,  this  shall  abate  the  writ  in  toto.  Doct.  PI.  5. 

The  plaintiff  declared  for  arrears  of  a  rent-charge,  and  de-  gaunj,  332. 

manded  a  larger  sum  than  was  due  to  him,  upon  his  own  shew-  Duppa  and 

ing,  by  7/.  lOs.     The  defendant  pleaded  a  bad  plea,  and  the  Mayo, 

plaintiff  had  judgment  for  his  whole  demand ;  but  perceiving  jK^^  f'he  dif- 

his  mistake  on  the  entry  of  the  judgment,  he  released  the  7/.  IO5.  ^^  ^^  that™^ 

and  it  was  holden  a  good  release  {b) ;  and  that  it  was  not  a  falsi-  where  the 

fication  of  his  writ,  but  rather  an  affirmance ;  but,  if  the  defend-  duty  to  be 

ant  had  taken  advantage  of  it  in  due  time,  it  would  have  abated  '"^'^pxered  is 
.1  -,    /  V  o  certain  and 

the  writ,  (c)  entire,  ou  the 

face  of  the  contract  or  specialty,-  a  demand  of  more  than  is  due  is  bad,  and  cannot  be  aided 
by  the  entry  of  a  remittitur  ;  but  where  the  duty  is  composed  of  several  joarc^/s  a  demand  of 
more  than  is  due  may  be  aided  by  remitting  the  overplus.  Cro.  Jac.  499.  Lord  Raym.  815. 
7  Mod.  88. ;  and  see  Barnard  v.  Duthy,  5  Taunt.  27.  Fortv  v.  Imber,  6  East,  454.  (c)  It  seems 
it  would  only  have  abated  the  writ  as  to  the  7/.  10«.  and  not  in  toto,  according  to  Godfrey's 
Ca.  11  Rep.  45.  b.  See  1  Will.  Saund.  285.  a.  b.  notes,  (5th  ed.);  and  that  the  defendant  in 
replevin  may  recover  so  much  rent  as  he  proves  due,  although  he  has  avowed  for  more,  see 
tit.  Replevin  (K),  Vol.  VILH 

If  an  action  is  well  begun,  and  part  of  the  action  determines  Co.  Lit.  285. 
by  act  in  law,  and  yet  the  like  action  is  given  for  the  residue,  ^' 

C  3  the 



Co.  Lit.  285. 

Co.  Lit.  285. 
[(a)  So  if 

Co.  Lit  285. 

Co.  Lit 


the  writ  shall  not  abate,  but  the  plaintiff  may  proceed  for  tlie 
residue;  but,  where,  by  the  determination  of  part,  the  like  action 
does  not  remain  for  the  residue,  tliere  the  action,  though  well 
commenced,  shall  abate. 

As,  if  an  action  of  waste  be  brought  against  tenant  pa-  outer 
vie,  and,  pending  the  writ,  cestinj  que  vie  die,  this  shall  not  abate 
the  writ  //*  toto ;  but  the  plaintiff  may  proceed  to  recover  da- 
mages on  this  writ ;  for  the  lessor  might  have  an  action  for  the 
damages,  though  cestuy  que  vie  had  died  before  any  action  of 
waste  brought. 

So,  if  an  ejectment  be  brought,  and  the  term  expire  pending 
the  writ,  yet  the  action  shall  proceed  for  damages  only,  (a) 
the  lessor  of  the  plaintiff  die.     2  Stra.  1056.] 
Co.  Lit.  285.         But,  if  tenant  per  outer  vie  had  brought  an  assize,  and  pend- 
*•  ing  the  writ,  cestuy  que  vie  had  died,  although  the  action  was  well 

commenced,  yet  the  writ  should  abate ;  because  no  assize  lies  for 
damages  only. 

So,  if  an  action  of  waste  were  brought  by  baron  and  feme  in 
remainder  in  especial  tail,  and  pending  the  writ  the  wife  die 
without  issue,  the  writ  would  abate,  because  all  actions  of  waste 
must  be  ad  exhoerediiationem. 

So,  if  a  writ  of  annuity  be  brought,  and  pending  the  writ  the 
annuity  determine,  the  writ  faileth  for  ever ;  because  the  like 
action  cannot  be  maintained  for  the  arrearages  only. 

When  a  vfxit  is  brought  for  two  things,  and  it  appears  the 
plaintiff  cannot  have  any  other  action  for  the  one  of  them,  the 
writ  shall  stand  for  the  part  that  is  good ;  but  where  it  appears 
he  can  have  another  writ  in  another  form  for  one,  there  the 
whole  writ  shall  abate ;  because,  where  there  can  be  no  better 
..„.  „  writ  brought  for  the  parcel,  it  ought  to  continue ;  but,  if  another 

den  V.  Palmer  ^*^''  ^^''^  ^^  brought  for  that  parcel,  it  is  bad,  and  ought  to  abate 
Hob.  88.        '  in  toto.  {b) 

Rogers  v.  Cooke,  Carth.  235.  1  Salk.  10.  S.  C.  l  Show.  SG6.  S.  C.  Hookin  v.  Quilter, 
2Stra.l271.  iWils.  171.S.C.  Curtis  v.  Davis,  2  Lev.  1 1 0.  Betts  v.  Mitchell,  10  Mod.  315, 
Tate  V.  Whiting,  n  Mod.  196.  Petrie  v.  Hannay,  3  Term  R.  659.  Jennings  v.  Newman, 
4  Term  R.  347.     i  Will.  Saund.  285.  a.  notis.\\ 

(M)  Where  it  shall  abate  by  reason  of  another  Action 
brought  for  the  same  Thing. 

T^HE  law  abhors  multiplicity  of  actions ;  and  therefore  when- 
ever it  appears  on  record,  that  the  plaintiff  has  sued  out  two 
writs  against  the  same  defendant  for  the  same  thing,  the  second 
writ  shall  abate ;  for  if  it  were  allowed  that  a  man  should  be 
twice  arrested,  or  twice  attached  by  his  goods  for  the  same  thing, 

of  anpcal  may  j^y  ^q  same  reason  he  might  suffer  in  infinitum  ;  and  it  is  not 
e  p  ea  e  m  necessary  that  both  should  be  pending  at  the  time  of  the  defend- 
ant's pleading  in  abatement ;  for  if  there  was  a  writ  in  being  at 
the  time  of  suing  out  the  second,  it  is  plain  the  second  was  vex- 
atious and  ill  ab  initio. 

275.     Where 

a  prior  suit  depending,  maybe  pleaded  to  an  information.  2  Hawk.  P.  C.  275.  But  it  is 
no  good  plea  in  abatement  of  an  indictment,  as  it  is  of  an  appeal  or  an  information,  that 


11  Co.  45. 

Saund.  285. 
Cas.  Temp. 
Hardw.  273. 
S.  P. 

9  H.  6.  12. 
Mo.  418. 539. 
5  Co.  61. 
Doctr.  PI.  10, 
67.    Where 
a  prior  writ 

to  a  seconti 
2  Hawk.  P.  C 

(M)  Pendency  of  atioiher  Action,  ^ 

there  is  another  indictment  against  the  defendant  for  the  same  offence;  but  in  such  a 
case  the  court,  in  discretion,  will  quash  the  first  indictment.  2  Hawk.  P.  C.  367.  [Fost. 
Cr.  Law.  104.  Dougl.  227.  Qu.  Whether  it  be  so  in  any  informations  but  informations  qui 

But  then  it  must  appear  plainly  to  be  for  the  same  thing:  for  4  H.  6.  24. 
an  assize  of  lands  in  one  county  shall  not  abate  an  assize  in  an-  Doctr.  Pi.  lo. 
other  county,  for  these  cannot  be  the  same  lands. 

llThe  two  suits  must  be  between  the  same  parties.     A  suit  by  Reeve  v. 
husband  and  wife  against  the  wife's  trustees  cannot  be  pleaded  in  £^^^y»  ^  ^™* 
bar  to  a  subsequent  suit  by  her  and  her  next  friend,  against  her         tu.464. 
trustees  and  her   husband,  although  the   relief  prayed  is  the 
same.  || 

In  general  writs,  as  trespass,  assize,  covenant,  where  the  special  5  q^^  gj^ 
matter  is  not  alleged,  and  the  plaintiff  is  nonsuited  before  he  Doctr.  Pl.ii, 
counts;  though  the  second  writ  be  sued  pending  the  other,  yet  12.  Theol.  1. 
the  former  shall  not  be  pleaded  in  abatement,  because  it  does  not  }X'  ^'^^'  §^^* 
appear  to  the  court  that  it  was  for  the  same  thing ;  for  the  first  debitatus  cs-" 
writ  being  general,  the  plaintiff  might  have  declared  for  a  dis-  sumpsit,  the 
tinct  thing  from  what  he  demanded  by  the  second  writ ;  but,  defendant 
when  the  first  is  a  special  writ,  and  sets  forth  the  particular  de-  ^i^  ^       '^ 
mand,  as  in  a  pt'o^cipe  quod  reddat,  SfC.  there  the   court  can  other  action  ' 
readily  see  that  it  is  for  the  same  thing ;  and  therefore,  though  depending  for 
the  plaintiff  be  nonsuited  before  he  counts,  yet  the  first  shall  the  same  mat- 
abate  the  second  writ,  it  being  apparently  brought  for  the  same  ^'^  ^"         ^ 
thing.         ^  ^  did  not 'aiiego 

that  the  plaintiff  had  declared  in  it;  and  by  the  court, — This  is  bad,  because  it  cannot  be  tra- 
versed, whether  it  be  for  the  same  matter  or  not.  7  W.  B.  R,  Lill.  Prac.  Reg.  8.  Mitchell 
and  King,  2  Barnard.  K.  B.  143.  S.  P.] 

An  action  depending  in  an  inferior  court  cannot  be  pleaded  5  Co.62.  Spar- 
to  an  action  brouf^jht  in  one  of  the  courts  at  Westminster  for  the  ""^  ^J^^^^'  ^^' 
same  thing.  ^  [The  plaintiff 

counted  upon  several  promises  for  work  and  labour  in  the  parish  of  Saint  Mary  Le  Boio^ 
London;  the  defendant  jjleaded  in  abatement,  that  before  this  action  brought  the  plaintiff 
had  libelled  in  the  Admiralty  for  the  same  cause  of  action.  Upon  demurrer  it  was  insisted  for 
the  plaintiff)  that  this  was  within  the  rule  in  Sparry's  case,  and  the  whole  court  gave  judg- 
ment against  the  defendant,  quod  respondeat  ouster.  Fitzgib.  513.  5  G.  2.  C.  B.  Ludfield  v 
Warden.]    ||See  2  Wils.  87.11 

11  If  an  action  is  brought  in  the  Court  of  King's  Bench  or  P^r  Lord 
Common  Pleas,  and  the  defendant  pleads  to  it  an  action  pending  Hardwlcke 
for  the  same  matter  in  Ireland  or  the  Plantations,  this  would  be      1^^^'^^  Y^f" 
no  bar  to  the  jurisdiction  of  the  court  here.     And  the  law  [a)  (a)Diiion V 
should  be  the  same,  if  such  a  plea  is  pleaded  to  a  suit  in  equity.    Alvares,  4  Ves. 


And  a  suit  pending  in  England  is  not  a  good  plea  in  bar  to  a  Bayley  v. 

subsequent  suit  in  the  Plantations  for  the  same  matter.  Edwards, 

3  Swanst.  703. 

It  has  been  determined,  that  if  an  action  be  brought  in  Ireland  Per  Lord 

on  a  bond,  and  sued  to  judgment  there,  that  judgment  cannot  Hardwicke, 

be  pleaded  to  an  action  in  the  courts  here.jl  SeeSris  t. 

Saunders,  4  Barn.  &  C.  41 1*. 

The  law  will  not  allow  two  quare  impedits  to  be  brought  for 

the  same  presentation,  viz.  a  second  by  the  defendant  against  the 

plaintifii  when  there  is  one  pending  in  court  by  the  plaintiff 

fl'Jainst  the  defendant ;  ct  sic  in  brevi  de  partitioned  because  the 

C  4  defrn.1- 


defendant  can  have  the  same  remedy  on  the  first  writ  as  he  could 

on  a  second. 
(a)  Therefore         The  law  is  so  watchful  against  all  vexatious  suits,  that  it  will 
it  is  n  good       neither  suffer  two  actions  of  the  same  nature   to  be  pending 

plea  '"''•"-  for  the  same  demand,  nor  even  two  actions  of  a  dififerent  na- 
pats,  that  the     ^  ,,% 

plaintiff  has       ture.   {0) 

brought  a  replevin  for  the  same  thing,  because  in  botn  cases  damages  are  to  be  given  for  that 
caption.  1  H.  6.  27.  Doctr.  PI.  10.  Sed  qu.  And  see  Comb.  229.  and  Skin.  388.  [A  re- 
plevin depending  in  the  sheriff's  court,  it  seems,  cannot  be  pleaded  to  trespass  for  taking  cattle. 
2  Wils.  87.  White  v.  Willis.]  So  in  an  assize  of  darrein  presentment,  a  quare  impedit  de- 
pending for  the  same  presentation  is  a  good  plea.  Hob.  184.  And  a  quare  impedit  is  said  to 
oc  depending  when  it  is  returned.     2  E.  4.  11. 

Hob.  137.  In  a  quare  impedit  brought  by  the  Earl  oi  Bedford  against  the 

(6) That  where  Bishop  o^  Exeter  Q.nd  others,  the  defendants  plead  that  theplain- 
^espass  is  tiff  had  brought  another  quare  impedit  for  the  same  presentation, 
brought,  and  which  is  still  depending  and  undetermined,  with  an  averment 
afterwards  re-  that  it  was  the  same  plaint,  avoidance,  and  disturbance  ;  the  earl 
plevmforjhe  replies,  that  since  his  former  writ  purchased,  the  same  church 
there  must  not  heing  still  void,  he  presented  Heniy  Curtis  to  the  bishop,  who 
be  more  de-  refused  him,  which  is  the  disturbance  he  now  complains  of,  and 
fendants  in  the  traverses  that  it  is  the  same  disturbance  on  which  both  actions 
rcplevm  than  ^^j.^  brought :  the  defendant  demurs ;  and  ruled,  the  writ 
the  action  of  should  abate ;  for  though  there  must  be  a  disturbance  naturally 
trespass,  be-  to  maintain  the  action,  yet  the  principal  effect  of  the  suit  is  to 
cause  it  cannot  recover  the  presentation  ;  and  the  nature  of  a  quare  impedit  is  to 
tSe^vement  ^^  ^"'^^  °"  nonsuit  or  discontinuance,  which  this  would  defeat ; 
that  it  is  una '  ^^^'  ^Y  ^^is  rule  the  plaintiff  might  bring  a  new  one,  without 
eademque  cap-  leaving  the  former  suit.  And  though  in  this  case  there  was  a 
tw.  Doctr.  new  defendant  (6),  yet  the  writ  abated,  because  there  were  two 
Iftheofhe/"  q^are  impedits  against  the  same  man;  and  therefore  a  fresh 
action  mii^ht  defendant  could  no  more  enable  him  to  bring  a  second  quare 
not  be  pleaded  impedit,  than  a  new   disturbance  could.     But   against   several 

in  abatement,    persons  it  is  said  a  man  may  have  as  many  quare  impedits  as  he 
avernngthe      ^jjj^ 
fact  to  be  the 

same.  In  trespass  against  two  defendants,  they  both  pleaded  in  abateinetil  another  bill  of  tres- 
pass pending  against  one  of  them  :  and  three  judges  against  Holt,  who  doubted,  held  the  plea 
good  as  to  both.    Carth.  96,  97. 

Mayor,  &c.  of  [If  two  actions  be  brought  at  the  same  time  for  the  same 
London  v.  B.    thing,  with  some  trifling  variation,  they  may  be  pleaded  each  in 

abatement  of  the  other,  averring  that  the  cause  of  action  in  both 

is  the  same.] 
Boyccv.  Dou-       Pf  while  A.  Is  unlawfully  imprisoned  by  B.,  C.  commits  an 
glas,  1  Camp,    assault  on  him,  C.  is  guilty  of  the  false  imprisonment  as  well  as 
^^'  B.  i  and  \^  A.  sues  both  separately,  the  pendency  of  one  suit  may 

be  pleaded  in  abatement  of  the  other.  || 
Allen,  34.  If  a  second  writ  be  brought  tested  the  same  day  the  former  is 

Gilb.  Hist.  abated,  it  shall  be  deemed  to  be  sued  out  after  the  abatement  of 
C.P.  260.         the  first. 

Dyer,  227.  If ',  an  action  pending  in   the  same  court  be  pleaded   to  a 

Cartb^.  453.       second  action  brought  for  the  same  thing,  the  plaintiff  may  pray 
that  the  record  may  be  inspected  by  the  court,  or  demand  oyer 


517.  Lord 

(N)  IVhere  Defendant  mat/  plead  in  Abatement  or  Bar,  25 

of  it,  which,  if  not  given  him  in  convenient  time,  he  may  sigh  Raym.347. 
his  judgment.  "  ^  6  Mod.  122. 

So,  to  an  action  of  battery  and  false  imprisonment  brought  in  Cremer  v. 
K.  B.  the  defendant  pleaded  in  abatement  another  action  de-  Wickett, 
pending  for  the  same  matter  in  the  same  court;  the  plaintiff  ^^g  qJ^j^^ 
replied,  nul  tiel  record,  and  prayed  an  inspection  of  the  record,  517.  s.C. 
without  giving  the  defendant  leave  to  rejoin  :  upon  a  demurrer 
to  this  replication,  the  plaintiff  had  judgment,  because  this  being 
a  record   of  the   same    court   in   which   it   was   pleaded,  the 
plaintiff  might  have  prayed  that  it  might  be  inspected  by  the  (a) Dyer,  227. 
court,  if  any  such  there  was.  (a)     The  court  held  too,  that  upon 
this  plea  the  plaintiff  might  have   prayed  oyer  of  the   record 
pleaded,  and  for  want  of  oyer  might  have  signed  judgment,  which 
is  the  quickest  method  of  proceeding. 

[To  defeat  an  informer  by  a  plea  of  this  kind  of  his  right  of  Comb  v.  Pitt, 
suing,  a  defendant  must  shew  a  prior  right  attached  in  somebody  ^r{j  "'T'  l^^% 
else;  and  therefore  if  the  pendency  of  another  action  by  another  g  g  Hutchin- 
person  for  the  same   offence,    brought   in   the  same  term,    be  son  v.  Thomas, 
pleaded  in  abatement,  it  must  be  shewn  on  what  particular  day  2  Lev.  i4i. 
such  other  action  was  commenced,  that  its  priority  may  be  as-  p^y^^fs^. 
certained.     So,  if  both  actions  were  commenced  on  the  same  21 69. 
day,  the  defendant,  it  seems,  may  shew  that  the  action,  which  he 
states,  was  prior  in  point  of  time  on  that  day,  though  it  was  for- 
merly holden  that  the  right  in  that  case  was  attached  in  neither, 
and  the  court  could  give  no  judgment.] 

(N)  Where  a  Defendant  may  plead  either  in  Abate- 
ment, or  in  Bar. 

■y^HATEVER  destroys  the  plaintifTs  action,  and  disables  Ventr.  249. 

him  for  ever  from  recovering,  may  be  pleaded  in  bar ;  but  ^  ^F^'  ^^• 

the  defendant  in  such  case  is  not  always  obliged  to  plead  in  bar,  2  Ld.  Raym. 

but  may  plead  in  abatement;  as,  in  replevin  for  goods,  the  de-  982.  12 Mod. 

fendant  may  plead  property  in  himself,  or  in  a  stranger,  either  182,  6 Mod 
in  bar  or  in  abatement ;  for  if  the  plaintiff  cannot  prove  property 
in  himself,  he  fails  of  his  action  for  ever,  and  it  is  of  no  avail  to 
him  who  has  the  property,  if  he  has  it  not. 

Outlawry  may  be  pleaded  always  in  abatement,  but  not  in  bar,  Co.Litt.i28.b, 

unless  the  cause  of  action  be  forfeited.  Doctr.  PI.  595, 

In  personal  actions  where  the  damages  are  uncertain,  outlawry 

cannot  be  pleaded  in  bar;  but  in  actions  on  the  case,  where  the  §l"'^oo^^°^' 

debt,  to  avoid  the  law-wager,  is  turned  into  damages,  outlawry  2  Ventr.  282. 

may  be  pleaded  in  bar ;  for  it  was  vested  in  the  king  by  the  for-  3  Leon.  197.* 

feiture,  as  a  debt  certain  and  due  to  the  outlaw ;  and  the  turning  ^^o-  ^''z.  204 

it  into  damages,  whereby  it  becomes  uncertain,  shall  not  divest  ^*^"'  ^^' 
the  king  of  what  he  once  lawfully  possessed. 

Outlawry  may  be  pleaded  in  bar,  after  it  has  been  pleaded  in  10  H.  7. 11. 

abatement,  becaue  the  thing  is  forfeited,  and  the  plaintiff  has  no  2  Lutw.  1604. 
right  to  recover. 

Alienage  may  be  pleaded  either  in  bar  or  abatement;  but  with  ^^o-  Denizen, 


81.  103. 
Bull.  Nisi  Pri. 


loCo.Litt.       this  difference  (a),  that  alienage  can  be  only  pleaded  in  abate- 

129.  b.  uient  to  an  alien  in  league,  but  may  be  pleaded  in  bar  to  an 

||See  Brandon    ^ijeu  enemy,  because  the  cause  of  action  is  forfeited  to  the  king, 

^T^'^i'r  23ll  ^  *  reprisal  for  the  damages  committed   by  the  dominion  in 

(a)  But  7M.  of    enmity. 

this  difterence,  for  in  either  case  the  ground  of  the  plea  is  the  incapacity  of  an  alien  to  take, 

or  at  least  hold,  that  which  is  the  object  of  the  suit. 

Harman  v.  P"  ^"  action  on  a  policy,  if  the  parties  interested  are  neutrals 

Kingston,         when  the  policy  was  effected  and  the  loss  happened,  and  became 

3  Cainp.  150.    alien  enemies  before  action  brought,  this  can  only  be  pleaded  in 

Flindt  V.  abatement ;  for  this  only  suspends  the  remedy,  and  if  peace  be 

isSt,  260. ;  restored  it  revives. || 

and  sec  4  East,  502. 

Combe  v.  Pitt,       [The  pendency  of  a  prior  action  may  be  pleaded  either  in  bar, 

f  ^^^'  V^^'    or  in  abatement ;  though  it  is  said  in  the  case  of  Bains  v.  Blacks 

Rep  21^6*         hourrie  {b)  to  be  pleadable  only  in  bar.] 

IITnis  applies  only  to  popular  actions.|| 

Carth.  136.  In  an  action  of  debt  on  a  judgment  obtained,  the  defendant 

(c)Carth.  1,2.  cannot  plead  a  writ  of  error  brought  and  pending,  either  in  bar 

[ButQu.c/viJe  Qj.  jjj  abatement;  but  in  one  place  it  is  said  (c),  it  may  be  pleaded 

Ld.  Ravin.  47.1  ^^  abatement,  though  not  in  bar.  {d) 

(d)  But  the  court,  on  motion,  will  stay  proceedings.    IJTidd.  551. 1 145.  (9th  edit.)II 

10  Mod.  112.        A  man  may  plead  in  bar  or  abatement  to  a  sci.  fa.  as  well  as 

to  other  actions. 
6  Mod.  103.  In  replevin,  if  the  defendant  will  take  advantage  of  a  variance 

'  ^'^^^  i^  the  place  where  the  taking  is  laid,  from  that  in  which  it  really 
mult  be  ^^^*  h®  must  plead  it  in  abatement. 

pleaded  in  abatement,  and  cannot  be  pleaded  in  bar.  Salk.  3.  pi.  8.  2  Ld.  Raym.  1016. 
Carth.  244.  Show.  98.  [But  in  Barnes,  353.  it  is  said  that  it  is  considered  as  a  plea  in  bar, 
and  not  in  abatement,  it  not  being  necessary  to  file  any  affidavit  with  it,  or  to  plead  it  within 
four  days  after  the  delivery  of  the  declaration.] 

Comb.  483.  In  debt  on  a  bond  the  defendant  pleads  the  condition  for  the 

bIw  ^  Ld      payment  of  three  several  sums  at  three  several  days,  and  that  he 

Raym.  345.       ^^th  paid  two  of  them  at  the  days  limited,  and  the  third  is  not 

yet  come,  and  concludes  in  abatement ;  and  it  was  argued,  that 

this  ought  to  be  pleaded  in  bar,  and  not  in  abatement :  for  in 

every  plea  in  abatement  the  defendant  ought  to  shew  the  plaintiff 

how  to  bring  a  better  writ,  and  here  he  shews  that  he  ought  to 

have  none  at  all,  the  day  of  payment  of  the  third  sum  not  being 

yet  come ;  as,  in  an  action  for  an  attorney's  fees,  if  the  defendant 

pleads  that  the  plaintiff  delivered  no  bill  of  them  to  him,  he  ought 

to  conclude  in  bar ;  and  of  this  opinion  were  the  court. 

Comb.  375.  The  plaintiff  in  bar  to  an  avowry  pleaded  a  distress  for  the 

Sully  V.  same  duty  in  other  lands  chargeable:  and  Holt  said  the  plea 

was  nought ;  for  it  should  have  been  pleaded  in  abatement  of 

the  avowry,  that  a  former  replevin  was  depending  (if  the  truth 

was  so),  or  if  determined,  then  levied  by  distress,  et  issint  riens 


Mayor  and  ||A  mere  misnomer  of  a  plaintiff,  whether  a  body  politic  or 

urgcssca  of     natural,  is  pleadable  only  in  abatement ;  for  a  new  writ  may  be 

.  '         *      taken 

(O)  Bilatori^  Pleas,  how  restrained,  27 

taken  out  by  the  right  name ;  but,  if  the  existence  of  the  person  Stafiurd  v. 
or  the  corporation  be  denied,  the  plea  is  in  bar :  for  if  there  be  ^  p^JJ*  \q^^' 
no  such  person  or  corporation,  there  is  an  end  of  the  action. 

So,  if  in  assumpsit  by  several  partners,  the  defendant  would  Eckhardt  v. 
plead  the  bankruptcy  of  one  of  them,  the  plea  should  be  in  bar;  i^^^^^^'j^^,  ,„ 
because  it  shews  that  that  person  is  incapacitated  from  suing  at     ^"^^    * 
all.  11 

(O)  Dilatory  Pleas,  how  restrained. 

A  S  these  pleas  enter  not  into  the  merits  of  the  case,  but  merely 
tend  to  delay,  the  following  restrictions  have  been  laid  upon 

By  the  statute  4  &  5  Ann.  c.  16.  for  amendment  of  the  law,  [Ca)  An  affi- 
no  dilatory  plea  is  to  be  received,  unless  on  oath  (a),  or  probable  ^^^''  ^eaTir*^ 
cause  shewn  to  the  court.  abatement 

that  the  writ  was  never  returned,  though  in  giving  oyer  plaintiff  had  not  set  it  out. 
Sherman  v.  Alvarez,  1  Stra.  639.  Ld.  Raym.  1409.  S.  C.  So,  to  a  dilatory  plea  in  the  Crown 
Office  to  an  indictment ;  Rex  v.  Grainger,  3  Burr.  1617.  but  not  if  pleaded  at  bar.  Fost.  16. 
llSo,  to  a  plea  to  a  scire  facias  against  the  heir  and  terre-tenants  of  the  recoveree,  that  there 
are  other  terre-tenants  not  returned.  Phelps  v.  Lewis,  Forrest,  139.  So  to  aid  prayer  in  a  writ 
of  right.  Onslow  v.  Smith,  2  Bos.  &  Pull.  584. ||  Want  of  addition  requires  none.  Pr.  R.  5. 
Aflfidavit  to  the  truth  of  it  by  the  attorney  sufficient.  Lumly  v.  Foster,  Barnes,  344.  Where 
the  affidavit  and  plea  were  wrong  entitled,  the  plea  was  set  aside.  Clixby  v.  Dines,  Barnes, 
348.  So,  where  the  affidavit  to  an  information  in  the  Crown  Office  was  without  any  title. 
Rex  v.  Jones,  2  Stra.  1161.  The  affidavit  must  be  positive  as  to  the  truth  of  every  matter 
of  fact  contained  in  tbe  plea:  it  must  leave  nothing  to  be  collected  by  inference;  for  per 
Dennison  J.  the  words  probable  cause  in  the  statute  only  extend  to  a  matter  of  record,  or 
to  some  other  collateral  matter,  as  to  the  truth  of  which  there  cannot  be  a  positive  affi- 
davit. Pearce  v.  Davis,  Say.  R.  295.  Jilt  cannot  be  admitted  after  the  plaintiff  has 
signed  judgment  for  want  of  it.  Phelps  v.  Lewis,  vbi  supra)\  For  the  form  of  the  affidavit, 
see  Lill.  Entr.] 

No  pleas  in  abatement  shall  be  received  after  a  respondeat  y,  ^,,  , 
ouster,  else  they  would  be  pleaded  in  infinitum.  2  Saund.  4*i. 

[But  it  was  formerly  holden  that  more  dilatories  than  one  might  be  pleaded.  The!.  D.  165. 
a.  p.  6.  Bract;  400.  b.  Finch's  Law,  oG3.'\  ||And  so  still,  where  they  are  of  different  degrees. 
Thus,  the  defendant  may  plead  to  the  person  of  the  plaintiff;  and  if  that  be  overruled,  he  may 
plead  to  the  form  of  the  writ.^  Com.  Dig.  tit.  Abatement  (I),  4.  citing  Theol.  Dig.  lib.  x. 
c.  1.11 

They  are  to  be  pleaded  before  imparlance.  yelv.  112. 

Lutw.  24.     1  Stra.  520.    HTidd's  Prac.  659.  (9th  edit.)  and  ant^  (A).|j 

[They  cannot  be  pleaded  at  the  same  time  with  a  plea  in  bar.]  Cas.  Temp. 

Hardw.  135. 

When  issue  is  joined  on  them,  if  found  against  the  defendant  2  Show.  42. 
it  shall  be  peremptory.  [2  Wills.  367.] 

Nothing  shall  be  pleaded  in  abatement  of  a  scire  facias  upon  a  Salk.  2,  p.  5. 
judgment  that  was  pleadable  in  the  original  action ;  for  it  would 
be  unreasonable  that  the  defendant  should  disable  the  plaintiff 
from  having  his  execution  after  he  has  admitted  him  able  to  have 
his  judgment. 

Though  a  plea  in  bar,  being  certain  to  a  common  intent,  is  Cro.  Jac.  82. 
good  ;  yet  every  dilatory  plea  must  be  certain  to  every  intent.       [3TermR.i85.] 

[A  dilatory  plea  must  be  pleaded  within  four  days  (the  first  Irnp.K.B.259. 
and  last  both  inclusive)  {h)  after  the  declaration  is  delivered,  if  £  j*^^-^\ 


T.  Webb,  it  be  in  term  time ;  but  if  in  vacation,  or  within  less  than  four 

iTcrm  R.  277.  (^ays  from  the  end  of  the  term,  it  may  be  pleaded  (there  being  a 
(c)  Doughty  V.  special  imparlance)  within  the  first  four  days  inclusive  of  the 
4Tcrm7t.520.  "6xt  term,  as  of  the  preceding  term;  and  within  that  time  it  must 
Brandon  v.  be.//erf,  (for  it  is  not  sufficient  that  it  be  delivered  only,)  whether 
Payne,  Ibid,  a  rule  to  plead  be  given  or  not.  (c)  Sunday  is  reckoned  as  one 
\\^  i-^A^  '  ^^  ^^^  ^'^^^  days,  though  it  happen  to  be  the  last,  in  which  case 
s^?  1  Chitt.   ^^®  P^^*  mvLsi  be  filed  on  the  Saturday.  (<f) 

R.  704.||~  (rf)  Harbord  v.  Pcrigal,  5  Term  R;  210. ;  but  contrd  Lee  v.  Charleton,  3  Term  R* 

jT      .  It  is  inadmissible  after  the  rule  for  pleading  is  expired  (a),  or 

V.Ward  after  forfeiture  of  a  bail-bond. 

Barnes,  331.     {a)  3  Salk.  519. 

Kilwick  V.  It  is  not  an  issuable  plea  within  an  order  for  time  to  plead 

Maidman,         ^-^jj  j|^g  ^g^^i  terms. 

1  Burr.  59.  * 

Wilkes  V.  Earl  But  the  court  will,  ex  dehito  justitice,  compel  the  plaintiff  to 
**V^m'^^'''        entitle  his  declaration  of  the  true  day  on  which  it  was  filed,  in 

2  vvi  Is.  256.     order  to  give  the  defendant  an  opportunity  to  plead  in  abate- 

Hutchinson  v.        |j  And  a  declaration,  whether  it  be  in  chief  or  de  bene  esse,  is 
^t*"'r  °"^y  ^^^  ^^^^  from  the  time  of  notice ;  so  that  the  four  days  in 

"^™  *  which  to  plead  in  abatement  do   not  begin  to  run  till  after 

Dimsdale  v.  If  the  defendant  put  in  bail  within  the  four  days,  and  give 

Nielson,  ^  notice  of  justifying  them,  he  may  then  plead  in  abatement ; 
BinnsV°°  ^"^  ^^^  P^^^  ^^^  stand  good,  should  the  bail  be  ultimately  per- 
Morgani  11.      fected. 

East,  411.  It  is  the'  same  whether  in  a  town  or  country  cause.  Hopkinson  v.  Henry, 
13  East,  170. 

Douglas  v.  But  the  defendant  cannot  plead  in  abatement  before  the  plain- 

?^u"'.  o  .    tiff  has  declared. 
2  Chitt.  R.  7. 

Saunders  v.  ^or  before  defendant  has  put  in  special  bail,  or  has  appeared. 

Owen,  2  Dow.  &  Ry.  252.  Wakefield  v.  Marden,  2  Chitt.  R.  8.;  but  see  4  East,  348.  4  Maule 

&  S.  332. 

^  ^^  If  a  plea  in  abatement  is  not  signed  by  counsel,  the  plaintiff 

De  Norman-  --j  ^r-*-  14.11 

ville  v.  Meyer,  ^^y  sign  judgment,  for  it  is  no  plea  at  all. 

1  Chitt.  R.  209.;  and  see  3  Taunt.  386. 

Jennings  v.  "^O  ^^^^  ^^  ^'^^  ^^^^  ^^  ^^^  time. 

Webb,  1  Term  R.  277. ;  and  see  5  Term  R.  210.  7  Term  R,  298. 

p   P  So  if  no  affidavit  of  the  truth  be  annexed,  or  a  defective 

Forre5*i39.    affidavit. 

Tidd,  640.    Bray  v.  Haller,  2  Moo.  213.    Richards  v.  Setree,  3  Price  197.    Forrest,  144. 

1  Stra.  638.  ^^  ^^  plaintiff  may  move  the  court  to  set  it  aside. 

2  Stra.  705.    Tidd.  640. ;  ted  vide  2  Moo.  213. 

Rex  v  Cooke       ^"^  ^^^  court  will   not,  upon  motion,  quash  a  bad  plea  in 

2  Barn.  &  C. '  abatement. 

618.    4  Dowl.  &R.  114. ;  and  see  4  Taunt.  668. 

Though  the  affidavit  is  sworn  before  the  defendant's  attorney, 
MrtTewman.  the  plea  is  not  a  nullity. || 

3  Maule  &S.  ^54. 

(P)  Of 

(P)  Of  the  Manner  of  Pleading  in  Abatement,  <§r.  29^ 

(P)  Of  the  Manner  of  pleading  in  Abatement,  and 
the  Proceedings  and  Judgment  on  such  Plea. 

nPHE  defendant  cannot  plead  two  outlawries,  or  two  excom-  Carth.  8,  9. 

munications  in  abatement,  duplicity  being  a  fault  in  abate- 
ment as  well  as  in  bar. 

In  pleas  of  abatement  which  relate  to  the  person,  there  is  no  Salk.4.  Carth. 
necessity  of  laying  a  venue,  for  all  such  pleas  are  to  be  tried  j^^'  ^^^  °  * 
where  the  action  is  laid.  IJNeale  v. 

De  Garay,  7  Term  R.  243.j| 

If  a  defendant  plead  matter  in  abatement  and  conclude  in  bar,   3  Roll.  Rep. 
this  shall  be  esteemed  a  plea  in  bar,  and  the  court  will  give  final  64.   Lev.  312. 
judgment  thereupon;  because  by  pleading  to  the  action  the  writ  Mod.  214. 
is  admitted  to  be  good,  and  he  puts  the  whole  matter  upon  his  f  ^^"",  ^^^' 
PJea.(«;  of  Medina  and 

Stoughton,  1  Ld.  Raym.  595.  Holt  said,  that  if  a  man  plead  matter  which  goes  in  bar,  but 
begin  and  conclude  his  plea  in  abatement,  it  will  be  a  plea  in  abatement ;  for  it  is  the  beginning 
and  conclusion  that  make  the  plea.  See  1  Sid.  18f?,  190.  But  if  he  begin  in  bar  though  he 
conclude  in  abatement,  or  conclude  in  bar  though  he  begin  in  abatement,  it  will  be  a  plea  in 
bar.  Vide  also  1  Ld.  Raym,  694.  JlSee  Godson  v.  Good,  6  Taunt.  587.  2  Marsh.  299.  where 
this  doctrine  was  confirmed. || 

So,  if  a  man  plead  in  bar,  and  conclude  in  abatement,  this  6  Mod.  \03. 

shall  be  esteemed  a  plea  in  bar ;  because  he  could  have  no  writ,  v'^J^u*  t\  f  *^' 

if  he  could  have  no  action  ;  and  where  there  could  be  no  action,  n^\  ggg  \^f,!^^ 
the  dispute  about  the  writ  would  be  insignificant,  {b) 

A  plea  in  abatement  may  be  good,  though  it  contains  matter  Mod.  214. 

in  bar;  but  this  is  to  be  understood  of  such  pleas  as  maybe  loH.  7. 11. 
pleaded  either  in  disability  or  in  bar ;  as  alienage,  outlawry,  S^c. 

If  a  matter,  which  may  be  pleaded  either  in  abatement  or  bar,  g^ij^^  j^y^ 

be  pleaded  in  abatement  only,  if  the  plaintiff  reply  or  demur  in  10  Mod.  112. 

bar,  this  will  be  a  discontinuance  (c) ;  because  the  plaintiff  does  Carth.  107. 

not  maintain  his  writ,  and  the  defendant  may  have  other  matter  5,^  J^*  ?).^' 

in  bar,  from  which  he  would  hereby  be  excluded.  C.P.259.  See 
2  Ventr.  179.  (c)  But  it  was  aided  by  verdict.  Salk.  218.  [So,  the  court  will  give  leave  to 
amend.     1  Wils.  502.] 

But,  if  the  defendant  begin  such  a  plea  in  bar  and  conclude  Ventr.  i36. 
in  abatement,  or  begin  in  abatement  and  conclude  in  bar,  there,      v.""*,    * 
the  plaintiff  may  reply  or  demur  to  it,  either  as  a  plea  in  abate-  r^^n  qJ.  if  j^ 
ment  or  in  bar ;  and  if  he  demur,  or  plead  to  it  as  a  plea  in  bar,  this  case  the 
then  the  judgment  is  final  [d) :  for  he  has  closed  widi  the  de-  plea  be  not 

fendant  to  put  the  plea  to  the  judgment  of  the  court,  as  a  bar  to  if"pe''f^ct,  and 
^1  ^.       ^  *  J      t)  »  tiien,  though 

the  action.  the  plaintiff 

have  discontinued  he  is  entitled  to  judgment  of  respondeat  ouster.  Bonnar  v.  Hall,  Ld. 
Raym.  339.    Lug  v.  Godwin,  Id.  393.     Marshall  v.  Charleton,  1  Barnard.  K.  B.  468.] 

But,  if  he  demur,  or  reply  in  abatement,  as  he  may,  then  the  3  Lev.  120. 
judgment  is  quod  defcndens  respondeat  ouster ;  for  then  only  the  r%]; '*''*  ^°^' 
writ  is  put  in  judgment  before  the  court;  and  the  plaintiff,  by  do  not' w^rant 
putting  the  writ  only  in  judgment  to  the  court,  has  waved  the  the  doctrine 
benefit  of  putting  that  matter  in  judgment  to  the  court  as  a  plea  in  the  text.] 
to  the  action;  and  if  the  judgment  were  not  in  abatement,  it 
would  not  be  pursuant  to  the  defendant's  prayer. 



5  Mod.  152.  Every  pica  in  abatement  is  either  to  the  writ  or  count;  If  the 
said  areuendo.  action  is  brought  by  original,  then  the  plea  is  petit  judicium  de 
11(a)  'lliis  is  brex>ey  and  it  must  conclude  in  the  same  words  (a):  it'it  is  to  the 
so  where  the  tleclaration,  then  it  must  he  petit  jiuUcinm  de  hilld  et  narrationey 
mauer  an-  ^^^'*  ^^^^"  ^"^  narratio  are  the  same,  {b) 

parent  on  the  writ;  but  where  it  is  of  matter  extrinsic,  it  is  said  not  to  be  formal  to  beg^t 
with  praying  judgment  of  the  writ,  but  only  to  conclude  the  plea  in  that  manner.  Moor,  99.  1  Lutw.  11.;  and  see  2  W.  Saund.  209.  note(l).||  [(A)  All  pleas  to  the  jurisdiction 
conclude  to  the  cognizance  of  the  court,  praying  "judgment  whether  the  court  will  have  fur- 
ther cognizance  c  J  the  suit :"  picas  to  the  disability  conclude  to  the  person,  by  praying  "judg- 
ment if  the  said  /}.,the  plaintitf  ought  to  be  answered:"  and  pleas  in  abatement  (when  the 
suit  is  by  original)  conclude  to  the  writ  or  declaration,  by  praying  "judgment  of  the  writ  or 
declaration,  and  that  the  same  may  be  quashed,"  cassetur,  made  void,  or  abated;  but  if  the 
action  be  by  bill,  the  plea  must  pray  "judgment  of  the  bill,"  and  not  of  the  declaration,  the 
bilt  being  bicre  the  original,  and  the  declaration  only  a  copy  of  the  bill.  3  Bl.  Comm.  303.] 
||Whcre  the  proceedings  were  by  bill,  and  the  plea  prayed  judgment  of  the  writ  and  declar- 
ation founded  thereon,  it  was  held  bad  on  demurrer.  Attwood  v.  Davis,  1  Barn.  &  A.  172. 
and  see  2  Maulc  &  S.  484. || 

10  Mod.  112.  It  is  said  to  be  the  conclusion  of  a  plea,  and  not  the  matter  of 
Show.  4.  it,  that  makes  a  plea  in  abatement;  so  that  should  a  man  plead 

ll\  TJ?*"^'  ^^^*  ^  P^^^  ^^^^  ^^^  ^^^  matter  of  it  might  have  been  pleaded  in  bar, 
erroneou"-  ^^^  conclude  petit  quod  breve  cassetur,  it  would  be  but  a  plea  in 
it  would  be  a  abatement  (c),  and  the  judgment  would  be  no  other  than  a 
plea  in  bar,  respondeat  ouster;  so,  vice  versa,  a  plea  in  abatement,  pleaded  in 
and  final  judg-  fo^jjj  ^f  ^  pjg^  -^^  |j^_  would  be  a  plea  in  bar,  though  an  ill 
ment  would       ^„„  fj\  ^  a 

given  on  ^ne.  {d) 

it;  for  if  the  plaintiff  has  no  cause  of  action,  he  can  have  no  writ.  See  2  W.  Saund.  209. 
c.  notd.  {d)  And  upon  demurrer  to  it,  there  will  be  a  general  judgment  for  the  plaintiff,  not 
judgment  oi  respondeat  oxister.  Nowlan  v.  Geddes,  1  East,  634.  Wallis  v.  Savil,  1  Lutw.  41. 
There  seems  however  to  be  this  distinction  between  pleas  in  abatement  and  pleas  in  bar ;  that 
in  the  latter  the  court  will  give  that  judgment,  which  upon  the  whole  record  appears  to  be  the 
proper  judgment,  though  it  be  not  that  which  the  party  has  prayed  for ;  but  that  in  the  former 
they  will  give  only  the  particular  judgment  prayed  for.  Le  Bret  v.  Papillon,  4  East,  502. 
Chamley  v.  Winstanley,  5  East,  271.    Rex  v.  Samuel  Shakspeare,  loEast,  85.|| 

6  Mod.  236.  If  a  dilatory  plea  be  pleaded,  and  the  plaintiff  take  issue  upon 
per  Holt.          jj^  Yie  may  conclude  with  a  petit  judicium  et  damna,  because  there 

final  judgment  shall  be :  but,  if  a  dilatory  plea  be  pleaded,  which 
the  plaintiff  does  not  deny,  but  confess  and  avoid,  he  must  con- 
clude in  maintenance  of  his  writ ;  as,  if  the  defendant  plead  an 
attainder  in  disability  of  the  plaintiff,  and  he  plead  a  pardon,  he 
(e)  3  Mod.  must  not  conclude  with  a  petit  Judicium  et  damna  {e),  but  in 
281.  S.  P.         maintenance  of  his  writ 

3  Lev.  120.  If  there  are  four  defendants,  and  after  several  continuances 

three  of  them  plead  the  death  of  one  of  them  in  abatement,  viz, 

petunt  judicium  de  breve  et  quod  breve  illud  cassetur;  this  is  ill  in 

its  conclusion,  and  should  have  been  petunt  judicium  si  curia  ulte- 

rius  p'ocedere  velit. 

Salk.  220.  If  the  defendant  demur  in  abatement,  the  court  will  give  final 

pL  9.  6  Mod.  judgment,  because  there  can  be  no  demurrer  in  abatement;  for 

wfmbtsli  V  "*   ^^the  matter  oi  abatement  be  dehors,  it  must  be  pleaded;  if  in- 

Willoughby,     trinsic,  the  court  will  take  notice  of  it  themselves. 

PI.  Comm.  73.  there  is  an  instance  of  a  demurrer  in  abatement  of  a  writ,  for  an  insufficiency 

appearing  on  it,  which  authority  is  countenanced  by  Theol.  Dig.  1. 15.  c,  9.  §1.  Dy.  341. 

Lutw.  1644.    This  precedent  from  Plowden  was  cited  by  Ei/re  J.  when  the  judgment  in  the 

text  was  given.    The  judgment  upon  the  demurrer,  if  against  the  defendant,  will  be  final. 

3  Lev. 

(P)  Of  the  Manner  of  Pleading  in  Abatement,  S^x,  SI 

3  Lev.  223.]  But  a  demurrer  in  abatement  to  an  indictment  for  a  capital  ofFence,  or  appeal 
of  death,  shall  not  conclude  the  party,  but  he  shall  have  leave  to  answer  over  to  the  offence. 
2  Hawk.  P.  C.  354. 

If  there  be  two  defendants,  and  they  plead  two  several  pleas  Hob.  250. 
in  abatement^  and  there  be  issue  to  one,  and  demurrer  to  the 
other,  if  the  issue  be  found  for  the  defendant,  the  court  will  not 
proceed  on  the  demurrer;  et  sic  vice  versa;  for  in  both  cases 
the  writ  being  once  abated,  it  would  be  unnecessary  to  judge 
whether  it  ought  to  abate  on  the  other's  plea. 

Where  the  matter  of  abatement  appears  on  the  face  of  the  Moor,  so. 
record,  the  plea  should  begin  and  end  with  a  petit  judicium  de  Carth.365. 
brevi;  but  where  the  matter  is  dehors,  the  defendant  should  only  f^e^c'i^^fqs 
end  his  plea  with  a  petit  judicium.  ijSee  2  Will. 

S%und.  209.11 

On  the  plea  in  abatement,  no  advantage  can  be  taken  of  the  Salk.  212. 

errors  in  the  declaration  (a) ;  as  nothing  but  the  writ  is  then  in  qZI  Y^^q' 

question,  for  nothing  else  is  pleaded  to.  u)  Biit  it 

seems  it  may,  if  the  matter  of  the  plea  in  abatement  be  pleadable  in  bar*    Lutw.  1604. 

If  on  a  plea  in  abatement,  a  respondeat  ouster  is  awarded,  and  Carth.  447. 

afterwards  the  defendant  pleads  in  chief,  and  there  is  a  verdict  c  m  d  "^qg^^* 

for  the  plaintiff,  yet,  if  the  plea  in  abatement  does  not  appear  to  Car th.  499. 
have  been  entered  on  the  nisi-prius  record,  judgment  will  be 
arrested ;  for,  it  being  entered  on  the  plea-roll,  (which  was  in 
court,)  it  must  be  mentioned  in  the  nisi-prius  roll,  otherwise  it 
does  not  appear  that  it  was  a  verdict  in  the  same  cause. 

The  judgment  for  the  defendant  on  a  plea  in  abatement  is  quod  Yelv.  112. 

hrve  or  narratio  cassetur,  and  for  the  plaintiff,  a  respondeat  ouster;  2  Show.  42. 

but  if  issue  be  joined  on  a  plea  in  abatement,  and  it  be  found  for  ^^^'y^^^' 

the  plaintiff,  it  shall  be  peremptory  against  the  defendant  {b) ;  j  W\\s.  302. 

and  the  judgment  shall  be  quod  recuperet,  because  the  defendant  {b)  Though 

choosing  to  put  the  whole  weight  of  his  cause  on  this  issue,  when  the  tenant  or 

he  might  have  had  a  plea  in  chief,  it  is  an  admission  that  he  had  ^^emandant 

.Pic  I  \  who  10ms 

no  other  defence,  (c)  -^^^J^  be  an 

infant.  1  Lev.  163.  But  not  so  on  indictments  for  capital  offences.  2  Hawk.  P.  C.  334.  [(c)  In 
an  action  that  sounds  in  damages,  the  jury  who  try  this  issue  must  assess  the  damages:  their 
omission  to  do  so  cannot  be  supplied  by  a  writ  of  enquiry,  but  a  venire  facias  de  novo  must  be 
awarded.    Eichorn  v.  Le  Maitre,  2  Wils.  368.] 

[But  on  a  demurrer  to  a  plea  in  abatement,  the  judgment  Theol.  Dig. 
against  the  defendant  shall  only  be  to  answer  over;  because,  1. 16.  c.  11. 
though  issues  in  fact  are  within  the  conusance  of  the  party,  \l^'  \a'c 

°  .     1  ^  *^       •"    163.       So,  if 

issues  in  law  are  not.  the  demurrer 

be  to  a  replication  to  a  plea  in  abatement.    1  East,  542.1| 
And  the  same  judgment  shall  be  given,  though  the  defendant  Putt  v. 

join  in  demurrer  to  it,  as  to  a  plea  in  bar,  because  the  fault  Nosworthy, 
'    .   .      ,  -.1    ^1        I   •   ^-rp  r  »  I  Ventr.  135. 

originates  with  the  plaintiff.  But  see  Lutw. 

197. 1643.  1665.    But  see  above,  whether  this  be  not  a  discontinuance? 

In  a  plea  in  abatement  in  C.  P.  the  plaintiff  may  enter  a  7iil  Osborne  v. 
capiat  per  breve  without  leave  of  the  court.]  Haddock, 

.  Where,  w^onn  respondeat  ouster,  the  defendant  pleads  the  ge-  Salk.4.  p.  11. 
neral  issue,  the  plaintiff  shall  sign  judgment,  if  the  defendant's 




Salk.7.  p.  18. 

Harries  V. 
5  Term  H. 

Powell  V. 
FuUerton  and 
another,  2  Bos. 

&  Pull.  428. 

and  see  2  Wm. 
Saund.  210.  b. 

case,  6  Co.  10. 

6  Co.  11.  a. 
1  Salk.  393. 
Cro.  Car.  294. 

6  Co.  10.  b. 

Lutw.  296. 
1  Salk.  593. 

attorney  on  delivering  back  a  copy  of  the  issue  will  not  pay  for 
it ;  and  it  seems  that  the  old  course  was  to  deliver  in  a  copy  of 
the  whole  record,  viz.  the  declaration,  plea  in  abatement,  Sj-c. 
and  issue ;  but  the  court  made  a  rule  that  for  the  future  a  copy 
of  the  declaration  and  issue  should  only  be  paid  for. 

Upon  a  respondeat  ouster,  no  notice  need  be  given  of  it,  for 
the  defendant  is  supposed  to  be  attending  his  cause  in  the  paper 
to  maintain  his  plea. 

II  If  a  plea  in  abatement  profess  to  answer  the  whole  declar- 
ation, and  yet  in  truth  answer  only  part  of  it,  it  will  be  bad. 
Thus  on  a  writ  in  debt  for  1066/.  the  plaintiff  declared  for 
1000/.  borrowed  by  the  defendant  of  the  plaintiff,  and  in  a  second 
count  for  661.  for  interest  of  money  lent  by  the  plaintiff  to  the 
defendant.  The  defendant  pleaded  in  abatement  of  the  writ, 
that  "  the  said  sum  of  money  in  the  said  writ  mentioned,  and 
thereby  supposed  to  be  borrowed  of  the  plaintiff,"  was  borrowed 
by  the  defendant  and  others,  and  not  by  the  defendant  sepa- 
rately. The  plea  was  demurred  to  because  it  answered  only 
one  of  the  causes  of  action,  viz.  that  mentioned  in  the  first  count ; 
and  the  court  held  it  bad  for  that  reason. 

But,  if  a  plea  in  abatement  contain  matter  which  goes  in  part 
abatement  of  the  writ  only,  and  conclude  with  a  prayer  that  the 
whole  writ  may  be  abated,  the  court  may  abate  so  much  of  the 
writ  as  the  matter  pleaded  applies  to.  |l 

[(Q)  Of  the  Writ  by  Journies  Accompts.] 


HEN  an  abatement  of  a  suit  happens  without  any  fault 
imputable  to  the  plaintiff,  he  is  permitted  to  sue  out  a 
fresh  writ  by  journies  accompts  ;  which  is  quasi  a  continuance  of 
the  first  writ,  and  placeth  him  in  the  situation  in  which  he 
would  be  supposing  that  he  were  still  proceeding  on  that  writ ; 
for  the  defendant  can  avail  himself  of  no  matter  which  ariseth 
subsequent  to  the  time  of  the  first  writ,  and  could  not  have  been 
pleaded  to  it. 

But  this  second  writ  is  not  suable  at  any  distance  of  time  after 
the  abatement  of  the  first,  but  must  be  prosecuted  per  dietas  com' 
putataSf  that  is,  recently,  as  soon  after  as  reasonably  may  be. 
What  is  a  reasonable  time  is  a  matter  in  the  discretion  of  the 

This  writ  being  in  a  manner  a  continuance  of  the  first,  must 
of  course  be  brought  in  the  same  court,  and  for  the  same  matter. 
It  ought  regularly  too  to  be  between  the  same  parties ;  but  it 
may  be  used  by  another  person  than  the  original  plaintiff,  if 
there  be  a  privity  between  them ;  as,  if  the  original  plaintiff  be 
executor  until  his  son  come  of  age,  the  son  upon  coming  of  age 
may  take  out  this  writ,  but  not  so,  if  he  be  administrator  du- 
rante niinore  cctate  of  the  son  ;  for  in  that  case,  as  they  derive 
their  titles  from  different  persons,  the  one  from  the  ordinary,  the 
other  from  the  testator,  there  can  be  no  privity. 

(R)  Foreign  Plea.  S3 

If  the  plaintiff  in  qume  impedit  die  pending  the  writ,  and  after  Bro.  Joum. 
I'lii  II-  -11  Ace    n  9."^ 

the  SIX  montlis  have  elapsed,  his  executors  are  not  entitled  to  q    j^j    {qq 
this  writ.  "'^" 

A  judicial  writ  shall  never  be  by  journies  accompts,  because  it  eCo.  lo.  2. 
never  abates  for  want  of  form. 

(R)  Foreign  Plea. 

A  FOREIGN  plea  (a)  is  when  the  defendant  pleads  such  plea  2  Lil.  Pr. 
as  carries  the  cause  out  of  the  court  wherein  it  is  laid,  by  Reg-  374. 
shewing  that  the  matter  alleged  is  not  as  to  its  trial  within  the  9^^'  ^°,^' 
jurisdiction  of  that  court.  ingrosTed  o^n 

parchment,  and  signed  by  counsel.  2  Lil.  Reg.  374.     jjSee  the  form  of  it  in  Lil.  Entr.  475.1| 

As  this  plea  is  merely  dilatory,  and  ousts  the  court  of  its  juris-  ^it-  Rep.  230. 
diction,   it  was  holden,  even  before  the  statute  of  4  &  5  Ann.  f'^'^'|^^'j 
c.  16.  that  it  must  be  on  oath,  and  before  imparlance  {b) ;  and  if  97.  Vj)  Ventr 
the  defendant  refuse  to  make  oath  of  the  truth  of  his  plea,  the  iso. 
plaintiff  may  sign  judgment  as  upon  a  nihil  dicit. 

If  a  defendant  in  a  corporation  court  plead  a  foreign  plea,   Hetl.  126. 
which  is  collateral ;  as,  in  debt  upon  a  bond,  if  he  plead  a  release  Lit.  Rep.  256. 
made  in  a  place  out  of  the  jurisdiction  of  the  court,  it  need  not  ^'  ^*  ^^^°^^' 
be  received  without  oath  :  but,  if  in  covenant,  or  debt  for  money 
to  be  paid  at  another  place,  he  plead  payment  accordingly,  or 
covenants  performed  in  the  place  limited,  which  was  out  of  their 
jurisdiction,  it  ought  to  be  i-eceived  without  oath. 

If  there  be  a  cause  removed  from  Canterbury  into  B.  R.  by  Pasch.  26. 
habeas  corpus^  and  the  plaintiff  declare  here  upon  a  demise  in  Car.  2.  in^.U. 
London  of  a  house  in  Canterbury ,-  if  the  defendant  plead  an  entry   jyj^j  j  jg 
and  ouster  in  Canterbury^  so, that  this  cannot  be  tried  here;  this  is  S.  C. 
not  a  foreign  plea,  because  it  arises  naturally  upon  the  case  :  so,  if 
matter  arise  within  two  counties,  and  the  plaintiff  lay  it  in  one, 
it  is  not  a  foreign  plea  for  the  defendant  to  plead  any  matter  in 
the  other. 

In  real  actions  in  London{c)  if  a  foreign  plea  be  pleaded,  it  3  H. 4. 12. 

shall  be  sent  into  the  Common  Pleas  to  be  tried  (tZ);  but  otherwise  \?^  -  "^, 
..  -     -  ,        .  V   / '  loreign  pleas 

It  IS  in  personal  actions.  in  Wahs  shall 

be  fried,  vide  the  statute  34  &  55  H.  8.  c.  26.  (rf)  This  is  within  the  equity  of  the  statute  of 
Glouc.  c.  12.  which  vide  expounded  2  Inst.  324, 32 5.  which  extends  to  real  actions  only  wherein 
voucher  lies,  and  not  to  personal.   2  Leon.  57.     Saund.  98. 

Ancient  demesne,  and  all  pleas  of  privilege,  are  pleas  to  the  ^  Mod.  335. 
jurisdiction,  but  not  foreign. 

If  a  person  be  sued  in  an  inferior  court  on  an  obligation  con-  Style,  22s. 
ditioned  to  pay  money  out  of  the  jurisdiction  of  such  court,  and  J^"||"^y  ^• 
the  defendant  plead  payment  according  to  the  condition  ;  this  is     *^  ^^'^' 
not  such  a  foreign  plea  as  need  be  on  oath. 

So,  if  in  covenant  brought  in  London  for  payment  of  a  certain  Sid.  234. 
sum  of  money  on  the  return  of  a  ship,  the  defendant  plead,  that  Collins  v. 
the  ship  returned  to  such  a  place  in  Cormmll^  and  thereupon  the  '^""""• 
plaintiff  demur,  this  plea  is  not  good ;  for  the  matter  being  tran- 
sitory, the  defendant  cannot  oblige  the  plaintiff  to  change  his 

Vol.  I.  D  action, 



Ventr.  180 
St.  Aubin 
V.  Cox. 
1  Mod.  81. 

Carth.  402. 

Chumley  t. 


5  Mod.  335. 

S.C.  12  Mod. 

123.  S.  C. 

6  Mod.  146. 
Sparks  v. 

sLutW.  1023. 

1  p.  Wms. 
476.  pi.  135. 

action,  but  must  plead  to  it  in  such  place  as  he  had  laid  it :  and, 
had  the  matter  been  local,  then  it  would  have  amounted  to  a 
foreign  plea,  which  must  have  been  put  in  on  oath. 

But,  where  a  prohibition  was  prayed  for  to  the  court  of  the 
Compter  in  IVood  Street^  London,  to  an  action  of  debt  there  com- 
menced, for  that  the  defendant  had  pleaded  before  any  imparl- 
ance, that  the  cause  of  action  did  arise  at  a  place  out  of  their 
jurisdiction,  and  offered  to  swear  his  plea,  and  they  refused  to 
accept  this  plea ;  upon  this  matter  a  prohibition  was  granted ; 
for  inferior  courts  have  not  cognizance  of  transitory  things 
which  arise  in  places  out  of  their  jurisdiction  :  but  then  it  is  not 
sufficient  to  surmise  such  matter  for  a  prohibition ;  but  a  plea  to 
that  effect  must  be  tendered  in  the  inferior  court,  and  that  before 
imparlance,  and  it  must  be  on  oath,  and  then,  if  refused,  a 
prohibition  shall  be  granted,  or  upon  such  refusal  a  bill  of  excep- 
tions may  be  made. 

In  debt  brought  in  B.  J?,  the  plaintiff  lay  the  visne  in  such  a 
place  within  the  county  palatine  of  Chester^  which  county  was 
also  in  the  margin  of  the  declaration  :  the  defendant  without 
imparling  pleaded  by  attorney,  that  he  is,  and  at  the  time  of 
the  action  brought  was,  resident  at  the  said  place  within  the 
said  county ;  and  so  prayed  judgment,  whether  the  Court  of  B.  It. 
ought  to  hold  plea  of  this  matter.  The  plaintiff  taking  this 
to  be  a  foreign  plea  rejected  it,  as  not  being  on  oath,  and 
signed  judgment :  hvitper  Holt  C.J.  —  A  foreign  plea  is  where 
the  action  is  carried  out  of  the  county  where  it  is  laid,  which  in 
this  case  was  not  done ;  so  that  this  is  only  a  plea  to  the  juris- 
diction of  the  court,  which  is  never  sworn ;  so  the  judgment 
was  set  aside. 

In  debt  brought  in  London,  a  prohibition  was  moved  for,  and 
ruled  nisi,  upon  suggestion,  that  the  defendant  had  tendered  for 
plea  below,  that  the  cause  arose  out  of  their  jurisdiction,  and 
offered  to  make  oath  of  the  truth  of  his  plea;  and  it  was  shewn, 
that  he  tendered  his  plea  after  the  court  was  up ;  whereas  it 
should  be  in  propria  persona,  and  in  court ;  and  though  an 
affidavit  was  offered  in  B.  R.  of  the  truth  of  his  plea ;  and  one 
lurner's  case  was  quoted,  where  a  prohibition  had  been  granted 
upon  such  an  affidavit  here  above  without  oath  of  it  below  ;  yet 
per  Powell,  Gould,  and  Po'jois,  absente  Holt,  the  rule  was  dis- 
charged ;  for  in  all  pleas  that  oust  a  court  of  jurisdiction,  whether 
inferior  or  superior,  there  must  be  oath  in  tliat  very  court  of  the 
truth  of  the  plea. 

If  one  be  sued  in  an  inferior  court  for  a  matter  out  of  the  juris- 
diction, the  defendant  may  either  have  a  prohibition  from  one  of 
\he  \BiVf  conxis  oi  Westminsta-hall ;  or,  in  regard  this  may  hap- 
pen in  a  vacation,  when  only  the  Chancery  is  open,  he  may  move 
that  :ourt  for  a  prohibition :  but  then  it  must  appear  by  oath 
made  that  the  fact  arose  out  of  the  jurisdiction,  and  that  the  de- 
fendant tendered  a  foreign  plea  before  imparlance,  which  was 
refused.    And  if  a  prohibition  has  been  granted  out  of  Chancery 



impravidif  and  without  these  circumstances  attending  it,  the  court 
will  grant  a  supersedeas. 

If  it  appear  on  the  face  of  the  declaration,  that  the  matter  is  Id.  477. 
out  of  the  jurisdiction  of  the  court,  then  a  prohibition  will  be  («)  In  a 
granted  without  oath  of  having  tendered  the  foreign  plea.     And  "^^^on  for  a 
in  these  cases  equity  imitates  the  common  law.  {a)  [^  an  eccle- 

siastical court,  as  to  more  than  appears  on  the  face  of  the  libel,  there  must  be  an  affidavit  of 
the  truth  of  the  suggestion.     2  Saik.  549. 

On  a  rule  to  shew  cause  why  an  attachment  should  not  be  Hil.  12G.  2. 
granted  against  the  mayor  of  Marlborough  for  refusing  to  accept  y  ?' 
the  defendant's  plea  in  his  court,  it  was  holden  that  it  was  not  CuU.  llSee 
sufficient  for  a  defendant  in  a  court  below  to  bring  his  plea  into  Litt.R.  236. 
court,  and  offer  to  make  oath  of  the  truth  of  it,  but  that  he  must  *  ^'d.  234. 
tender  his  plea  with  an  affidavit  annexed  of  the  truth  thereof,  and  ^  Salk  515  il 
that  this  must  be  done  before  a  general  imparlance,  but  he  may  ' 

pray  a  special  imparlance,  and  then  come  at  the  next  court  and 
plead.  It  was  also  holden,  that  the  proper  way  of  proceeding 
was  not  by  attachment,  but  that  a  prohibition  should  be  moved 
for.  And  so,  in  the  principal  case,  the  rule  for  an  attachment 
was  discharged. 


•^PHE  proceedmffs  m  this  action  bemg  difficult,  dilatory,  and  Salk.  9. 
J-  •       /7\*^-..-  ij  1  -71     •£•*!.  i.     Garth.  89. 

expensive  (^),  it  is  now  seldom  used,  especially  ir  the  party  q]^^^  q^  249 

have  other  remedy,  as  debt,  covenant,  case ;  or  if  the  demand  Vern.  283. 
be  of  consequence,  and  the  matter  of  an  intricate  nature ;  for  in  47o.  2  Vern. 
such  case  it  is  more  advisable  to  resort  to  a  court  of  equity,  where  \J^'  Eq.  Ca. 
matters  of  accompt  are  more  commodiously  adjusted,  and  deter-  2  Ark  410. 
mined  more  advantageously  for  both  parties ;  the  plaintiff  being  2  Ves.  sss. 
entitled  to  a  discovery  of  books,  papers,  and  the  defendant's  [(^)  From  the 
oath ;  and  on  the  other  hand,  the  defendant  being  allowed  to  experiment 
discount  the  sums  paid  or  expended  by  him ;  to  discharge  him-  actjon  Jq*^ 
self  of  sums  under  forty  shillings  by  his  own  oath  (provided  he  the  case  of 
swears  positively,  and  not  as  to  belief  only) ;  and  if  by  answer  or  Godfrey  v. 
other  writing  he  charges  himself,  by  the  same  to  discharge  him-  Simnders, 
self,  which  will  be  good,  if  there  be  no  other  evidence :  farther,  j^g  proceed- 
all  reasonable  allowances  are  made  to  him ;  and  if,  after  the  ings  seem  not 
accompt  is  stated,  any  thing  be  due  to  him  upon  the  balance,  he  ^o  deserve 

is  entitled  to  a  decree  in  his  favour.  f «  character 

here  given  of 
them.    A  matter  which  had  been  fruitlessly  depending  in  Chancery  upwards  of  twelve  years, 
was  thoroughly  examined,  and  finally  determined  in  this  form  of  action  in  the  course  of  two 

D  2  JlAnd 


13  Vm.  876.  IJAnd  from  thus  being  able  to  afford  a  more  easy  and  more 

complete  remedy  in  matters  of  accompt,  courts  of  equity  now 
assume  in  those  cases  a  concurrent  jurisdiction  with  courts  of  law. 
Dinwiddle  r.  Jt  is  to  be  remembered,  however,  that  to  sustain  a  bill  for  an 

f ■^'T  fvv^'l  accompt  there  must  be  mutual  demands,  except  in  the  case  of 
v.^Cooper,^  '  dower  or  of  a  steward,  which  stand  upon  their  own  specialties. 
Scac.  1791*.  The  case  of  executors  (a)  upon  payments  made  to  their  testator 
cited  I&id.         may  be  another  exception.  1| 

We  shall,  therefore,  under  this  head,  but  briefly  consider, 

(A)  Against  whom,  either  by  the  Common  Law,  or  by 

Statute,  this  Action  lies. 

(B)  Of  the  Manner  of  bringing  Accompt,  with  respect 

to  the  Persons  against  whom  it  is  brought;  and 
herein  of  charging  one  as  Receiver  when  Bailiff, 
et  vice  versa. 
'C)  The  Nature  of  the  Demands  for  which  it  may  be 

(D)  In  what  Cases  this  is  the  proper  Action,  or  some 

other  may  be  brought. 

(E)  What  shall  be  a  good  Bar  to  this  Action. 

(F)  Of  the  Auditors,  and  what  shall  be  a  good  Dis- 

charge before  them. 

(G)  Of  the  Judgment,  and  subsequent  Proceedings. 

(A)  Against  whom,  either  by  the  Common  Law,  or  by 
Statute,  this  Action  lies. 

sH.  4.  12.  b.  "DY  the  common  law,  accompt  lay  only  against  a  guardian  in 

Co.  Liu.  172.  -*-'  socage  (i),  bailiff,  or  receiver,  or  by  one  in  favour  of  trade 

F  N  B  117  E  ^"^  commerce,  naming  himself  merchant,  against  another,  nam- 

2 Inst. 404.  ing  him  merchant,  and  for  the  executors  of  a  merchant;  for 

nCo.  90.  a.  between  these  there  was  such  a  privity,  that  the  law  presumed 

2  Roll.  Abr.  them   conusant   of  each   other's   disbursements,    receipts,  and 

ZJIP"  acquittances.  W 

Marlcbridge^  52  H.  3.  c.  17.  is  usually  recited  in  the  writ,  as  if  the  writ  were  warranted  by 
that  statute  only.  Mayn.487.  F.  N.  B.  118.  (A.)  But  accompt  lay  against  the  guardian  in 
socage  at  common  law,  and  the  statute  was  merely  in  affirmance  or  declaration  of  it.  Co. 
Litt.  89.  Cro.  Car.  2i.'9.  (c)  By  the  prerogative  persons  could  be  charged  as  accomptants, 
notwithstanding  a  want  of  privity.     1 1  Co.  89.     2  Roll.  Abr.  161.] 

1  Leon.  219.  The  Statute  of  13  Edw.  1.  cap.  23.  gives  an  action  of  accompt 

?(i)B^fT^^  ^°  executors;  the  25  Edw.  3.  st.  5.  cap.  5.  to  executors  of  exe- 

thLlast'  cutors;    the  31  Edw.  3.  c.  11.  to  administrators;    and  by  the 

•tatute,  if  Statute  of  4  Ann.  c.  16.  sect.  27.  (d)  actions  of  accompt  may  be 

one  joint-te-  brought  against  the  executors  and  administrators  of  every  guard- 

(B)  Of  the  Manner  of  bringing  Accomptf  t|^.  ,  37 

lan,  bailiff,  and    receiver,    and    by  one  joint-tenant,   tenant   in  nant,ortenant 
common,  his  executors  and  administrators,  against  the  other  as  in  common, 
bailiff  (e)  for  receiving  more  than  his  share,  and  against  his  exe-  fu*^^'    ^^ 
cutors  and  administrators.  tjjg  other  ' 

could  not  have  this  action,  unless  he  actually  appointed  him  bailiff  or  receiver.  Co.  Litt.  172.  a. 
186.  a.  200.  b.  So,  if  there  had  been  two  executors,  and  one  had  received  all  the  debts  of 
the  testator;  for  between  these  there  was  not  such  a  privity  as  the  law  required.  Bro.  tit. 
Acconipt,  58.  59  E,  3.  28.  [But,  if  two  guardians  were  in  comnjon,  and  one  took  the  entire 
profits  to  his  own  use,  accompt  lay,  and  the  count  was  to  be  against  him  as  receiver  to  theii 
common  use.  So,  of  co-partners ;  but  not  so  of  tenants  in  common,  for  they  might  have  an 
assize.  F.  N.  B.  118.  J.  One  joint  lessee  for  years  might  have  accompt  against  the  other,  if 
he  took  the  issues  and  profits  to  his  own  use ;  for  he  would  otherwise  be  without  remedy,  as 
he  could  not  bring  an  assize.  39  E.  3.  27.  b.]  \\(e)  But  one  tenant  in  common  cannot  charge 
the  other  as  receiver.  Walker  v.  Holyday,  Com.  R.  272.  And  when  he  would  charge  him 
as  bailiff,  he  must  state  in  the  declaration  that  he  and  the  defendant  are  tenants  in  common, 
and  that  the  defendant  has  received  more  than  his  share,  else  he  will  not  bring  his  case  within 
the  statute.  Wheeler  v.  Home,  Willes's  R.  208.  Vin.  Abr.  tiu  Joint-tenants  (R),  a.  pi.  4. 
notes,  S.  C.|| 

Though  an  infant  may  be  an  executor,  or  may  be  charged  in  Roll.  Abr.  117. 
trover,  being  a  tort ;  yet,  if  he  be  made  factor,  bailiff,  or  receiver,  p  ^'  y-^^^- 
he  shall  not  be  accounUible  for  what  he  does  during  his  infancy,  g  p     ^^^ 
either  in  law  or  equity,  for  the  same  reason  that  other  acts  of  his  Ca.  Eq.  6. 
bind  him  not;  therefore  when  such  a  one  is  appointed  factor,  his  p'-3' 
friends  should  give  security  for  his  accounting. 

If  I  make  J.  S.  my  bailiff  or  receiver,  and  he  make  a  deputy,  F.N.B.irg. 
I  must  have  accoinpt  against  the  bailiff  or  receiver  himself,  and  ■*  Leon.  ,■52. 
not  against  the  deputy,  for  the  receipt  of  the  deputy  was  to  the  ^!^!,  ji  Yf  "'* 
use  of  his  master.  Potts,  where  in 

Chancery,  on  exceptions  to  a  Master's  report,  it  was  holden  sufficient  for  a  servant  or 
apprentice,  in  answer  to  a  bill  for  an  account,  to  say  in  general,  that  whatever  he  received  was 
by  him  received,  and  laid  out  again  by  his  master's  orders.  But  he  must  disclose  this  matter 
in  his  answer.  Vern.  1.36.  Harrison  v.  Hart,  Com.  R.  41 1.  Cary  v.  Webster,  Stra.  480.  But, 
where  on  a  bill  for  an  account,  and  discovery  of  money  received  by  defendant  on  the  behalf  of 
one  who  became  a  bankrupt,  he  pleaded  that  he  received  it  only  as  a  menial  servant  to  the 
bankrupt,  and  had  accounted  for  it  to  him  already,  and  that  the  commissioners  had  examined 
him  on  interrogatories;  the  plea  was  overruled.  Wagstaff  v.  Bedford,  Vern.  95.  2Ventr. 
358.  S.  C.  Eq.  Ca.  Afar.  6,  p.  5.  S.  C.  cited  with  a  query,  whether  there  were  not  circum- 
stances of  fraud  in  the  case,  or  a  combination  between  the  bankrupt  and  servant.]  East  India 
Company  v.  Henchman,  I  Ves.  jun.  289. 

An  apprentice  by  the  name  of  an  apprentice,  is  not  charge-  1 1  Co.  S9.  b. 
able  in  acconipt.  Though  he 

^  IS  not  charge- 

able for  the  ordinary  receipts  upon  his  master's  trade,  yet  upon  collateral  receipts,  which  con- 
cern not  the  ordinary  trade  of  his  master,  he  is  chargeable  as  well  as  another.  3  Leon.  6.5. 
But  then  he  must  be  charged  as  bailiff  or  receiver.  2  Inst.  379,  5«0.  [Chancery  will  decree 
an  account  against  the  administrator  of  an  apprentice  employed  as  a  factor.  Eq.  Ca.  Abr.  6. 
p.  2.] 

(B)  Of  the  Manner  of  bringing  Accompt,  with  respect 
to  the  Persons  against  whom  it  is  brought ;  and 
herein  of  charging  one  as  Bailifi'when  Receiver,  et 
vice  versa. 

TF  the  king  appoints  J.  S.  or  he  of  his  own  head  takes  upon  4 Co.  1*.^,. 
himself  the  charge  and  care  of  the  estate  of  a  lunatic,  he  is 

D  3  but 


but  in  nature  of  a  bailiff,  and  accountable  to  the  lunatic,  his  exe- 
cutors or  administrators. 
Co.Litt.  172.  ^  ^'^^  s^^^'  "O'^  t)e  charged  in  accoinpt^  as  surveyor,  comp- 
(a)  So.  if  a  troller,  apprentice,  reive,  or  heyward,  nor  shall  a  disseisor  (a), 
disseisor  ap-  or  other  wrongdoer,  be  so  charged ;  for,  to  maintain  an  action 
points  J.  S.  qP  accompt,  there  must  be  a  privity  either  in  law  or  by  the  pro- 
his  rents  vision  of  the  parties, 

the  disseisor  cannot  have  a  writ  of  accompt  against  J.  S.    5  Leon.  24.     Dalt.  99.  S.  P. 

oT?  n  AK  At  common  law,  if  a  man  were  disseised,  and  his  entry  taken 

2  Roll.  Abr.  i  i  i  i  *•         *u  c* 

550.   (A)  But    away,  he  could  never  recover,  by  any  action,  the  mesne  profats ; 

whether  he       but  if  the  disseisor  made  a  feoffment  in  fee,  by  the  statute  of 

could  have        Gloucester^  the  disseisee  in  an  assize  {b)  might  have  recovered 

an  action  o       damages  for  the  mesne  profits,  being  a  continuation  of  the  first 

trespass,  seems  »  i  »  o 

to  have  been     wrong. 

mnch  controverted;  for  whicli,  vide  Roll's  Abr.  554.     )  1  Co.  51.     And.  352.     Hob.  98,   Roll's 

R   101.     Godb.388.     Vide  Xit.  Ejectment. 

But  the  Chancery  interposed,  and  at  last  carried  the  remedy 

farther  than  had  been  admitted  at  common  law ;  for  though  hi 

(c)  Chan.  R.     ^jjg  g^gg  of  Otyew  and  Aprice{c)f  which  was  adjudged  4-  Car.  1. 

the  court  left  the  plaintifit'  to  his  remedy  at  common  law  lor  the 

recovery  of  the  mesne  profits,  and  would  not  assist  by  their 

(rf)  Id.  229.       decree  {d) ;    and    though   in   the   case    of  Eyre  and   Jadcsoiu 

14  Car.  2.  they  refused  to  assess  any  damages  for   a  trespass, 

for  that  was  a  matter  determinable  at  common  law,  and  to  be 

ascertained  by  a  jury,  yet  afterwards  they  began  to  make  the 

person,  who  was  the  disseisor  of  the  mesne  profits,  accountant 

to  him  who  had  the  right.     And  this   was  first  begun   where 

lands  were  settled  for  the  payment  of  debts;  there,  such  trustees, 

and  the  heir  of  the  debtor,  were  accountants  to  the  creditors 

for  whom  the  profits  were  to  be  received;  and   this  was  very 

clear  and  plain,   because  such  person   came  in   and   took  the 

profits  under  the  trust ;  and  this  was  settled  in  the  case  of  Gilpin 

Chan.Ca.          and  Smith,   18  &  19  Car.  2.     Afterwards  they  came   to  extend 

80,81.  their  notions;  and  the  person  that  took  the  mesne  profits  by 

wrong,  was  taken  as  trustee  for,  and  accountant  to,  him  that  hatl 

^21-41-5*  ^^'*^  "ght;  and  this  was  settled  in  the  great  case  of  Coventry  and 

2 Chan.* R.        Halt,  which  was  in  the  years  33,  34  &  35  Car.  2.  and  was  this: 

259.  261.  Sir  'Fkomas  Thynn  having  treated  with  the  Lord  Keeper  Coventry 

[It  is  gene-        for  a  marriage  between  his  son  and  Catharine  the  dnughter  of 

ral  y  true,  ^^  Lord  Keeper,  the  said  Sir  Tiiomas  covenanted  to  settle  lands 
that  a  court  ,  .  i         i  i   r     •        i  •  i 

of  equity  will    ^^  "'^  son;  but  the  conveyance  was  delective,  because  it  wanted 

not  decree  an  the  words,  that  he  should  stand  seised :  the  son  recovered  the 
account  of  lands  by  a  decree  in  Chancery,  notwithstanding  the  defect  in 
whJrefhe  ^^^  conveyance,  agahist  the  heir  at  law  of  Sir  Thomas,  the 
title  is  niersly  father,  and  afterwards  came  with  his  bill  for  the  mesne  profits  ; 
legal,  or  the  plaintifFis  out  of  possession.  Tilly  v.  Bridges,  Pre.  Ch.  252.  Norton  v.  Frecker, 
1  Atk.  524.  Saver  v.  Pierce,  1  Ves.  232.  But  from  this  rule  must  be  excepted  all  those  cases 
where  the  plaintiff  is  an  infant,  or  has  been  prevented  from  asserting  his  title  by  trust,  mistake,  or 
fraud  and  concealment  on  the  part  of  the  defendant.  Duke  of  Bolton  i?.  Deane,  Pre.  Ch.  516. 
Bennett  v.  Whitehead,  2  P.  Wins.  64.3,  Dormer  v.  Fortescue,  5  Atk.  130.  And  in  such  cases 
the  court  will  direct  tlie  account  to  be  taken  from  the  time  the  plaintiflfs  title  accrued,  unless 
•pocial  circumstaacci  require  that  it  should  commence  from  the  time  of  entrv,  or  filing  the 
Mil.    Jbid.] 


(B)  Of  the  Manner  of  bringing  Accompty  8^c,  39 

and  though  the  heir  at  law  was  entitled  to  the  mesne  profits  at    (a)  But  equity 
law,  because  the  conveyance  was  defective,  and  the  first  decree,  will  give  re- 
which  set  up   the  title  under  the  settlement,  had  ordered  no  "ef  "n  the 
account  for  the  mesne  profits ;  yet  the  court,  on  this  bill,  carried  beyond  that 
back    the  account  against  the  heir  at  law  for   all  the    profits   which  can  be 
received  by  him;  and  though  it  was  objected,    there   was   no  obtained  at 
agreement,  nor   any  trust,   that   the   heir   should   receive   the  ^^w,  it  the 
profits  for  the  rightful  proprietor,  yet  the  court  resolved,  that  the°de^and 
he  should  account  from  the  original  justice,  which  entitled  the  be  uncon- 
proprietor  to  seek  an  accoimt  against  the  person  who  had  taken  scientiously 
the  profits  of  the  land,  which  in  equity  and  justice  belonged  to  obsmicted; 
him;  and  though  the  heir  had  the  title  in  law,  yet  since,  in  such  case 
equity  and  conscience,  the  estate  belonged  to  another,  such  heir  decreed  in 
ought  to  account  with  him  for  the  profits  he  had  made  of  what  favour  of  the 
was  his.     And  from  this  time  equity  began  to  make  all  persons   widow  s  re- 
account  for  the  mesne  profits  they  had  received,  to  such  persons  Lajnst  the  * 
as  had  the  equitable  title.    But  in  a  case  where  the  husband  sold  personal  re- 
lands  for  valuable  consideration,  and  the  wife,  after  his  death,   presentative 
recovered  her  dower  against  the  purchaser,  and  brought  her  bill  ^f fu    u'^-^^ 
in  Chancery  for  the  mesne  profits  from  the  time  of  the  death  of  3^  account 
her  husband,    the  Lord  Chancellor  Cowpei'  would  not  relieve  of  the  mesne 
her ;  for  he  said  that  he  could  not  alter  the  law  of  dower,  which  profits  from, 
gave  no  damages  against  a  purchaser  under  the  husband;  and  !h   !| ™^u    r 
he  saw  no  reason  in  equity  to  introduce  a  different  rule,  (a)  the  husband. 

Curtis  V.  Curtis,  2  Bro.  Chan.  R.  620.  The  same  account  has  been  directed  in  favour  of  the 
representative  where  the  widow  has  died  before  she  had  established  her  right  to  dower. 
Wakefield  v.  Child,  cited  in  Fonblanque's  Notes  on  Eq.  Tr.  p.  147.  Wherever  a  widow- 
resorts  to  Chancery  for  her  dov/er,  (as  it  seems  she  may  now  do  in  all  cases,)  the  general 
course  of  that  court  is  to  give  her  an  account  fiom  the  time  her  title  accrued.  The  mesne 
profits  are  there  considered  as  (what  they  really  are)  the  widow's  subsistence,  and  not 
m  the  nature  of  vindictive  damages.  2  Bro.  Chan.  R.  620.  Dormer  v.  Fortescue,  3  Atk, 
ISO,  131.] 

[Courts  of  equity,  when  resorted  to  for  the  purpose  of  an  Fonbl.  Notes 
account  of  mesne  profits,  will  in  many  cases  consult  the  principle  °"  ^*1*  ^'*- 
of  convenience ;  and  therefore  Lord  Hard'wicke  held  in  Townsend 
V.  Ashy-S  Atk.  386.,  That  "though  the  party  claiming  a  share  in 
*'  the  New  River  water-works  had  not  established  his  right  at 
"  law,  yet  as  such  right  appeared  to  the  court,  he  ought  to  have 
"  an  account  of  the  mesne  profits ;  for  though  shares  in  water- 
"  works  are  a  legal  estate  and  corporeal  inheritance,  yet  no  one 
"  proprietor  could  receive  the  profits  himself;  but  the  company, 
"  or  their  officers,  are  the  common  hand  to  receive  the  profits ; 
"  and  that  it  would  be  absurd  to  send  the  plaintiffs  to  law ;  for 
*'  it  would  be  difficult  to  bring  ejectment  for  a  thirty-sixth  part, 
"  and  bits  of  land  in  several  counties ;  and  to  bring  actions  of 
**  trespass  against  the  terre-tenants  would  be  very  extraordinary ; 
"  and  therefore,  in  point  of  remedy,  there  could  not  be  a 
"  stronger  case  for  an  account  of  mesne  profits." 

In  cases  of  hardship,  as  where  an  heir  at  law  is  disinherited  Sympson  v. 
on  a  nice  construction  of  words,  the  courts  deem  it  inequitable  p ''"^'^J^' 
to  lend  their  assistance  if  there  is  no  infant  concerned,  anil  leave     ^'    '"     ^' 
the  party  to  his  remedy  at  law  by  entry  and  ejectment. 

D  i  Nor 



Higgins  T. 
York  Build- 
ings Company, 
sAtk.  107 

Gould  V.  Tan- 
cred,  2  Atk. 

Fonbl.  149. 

Lockey  v. 
Lockey,  Pre. 
Ch.  518,  Earl 
of  Newburgh 

Nor  will  they  interpose  in  favour  of  judgment  creditors  upon  a 
bill  to  set  aside  a  fraudulent  conveyance,  and  decree  an  account 
against  the  debtor  and  owner  of  the  estate,  of  rents  and  profits 
received  pendente  lite  from  the  filing  of  the  bill ;  nor  in  favour  of 
a  mortgagee  against  a  mortgagor,  left  in  possession,  for  any  of 
the  years  back  during  that  possession.  In  the  former  case  the 
plaintiffs  have  their  legal  remedy  by  elegit ;  and  in  the  latter, 
■where  interest  is  not  regularly  paid,  the  mortgagee  has  a  legal 
remedy  to  get  possession  of  the  estate,  which,  if  he  does  not  avail 
himself  of,  it  is  imputable  to  his  own  laches. 

But,  where  the  mortgagee  enters,  and  takes  possession,  he  is 
subject  to  an  account,  being  in  the  nature  of  a  bailiff  to  the 

The  cases  decreeing  an  account  of  rents  and  profits  where  the 
legal  tide  is  not  previously  established,  proceed  upon  that  respect, 
which,  in  justice,  is  due  to  the  interests  of  persons,  who,  by  in- 
fancy, fraud,  8^c.  have  been  prevented  from  pursuing  their  legal 
right ;  but  it  must  not  be  inferred  from  the  extreme  anxiety  of 
courts  of  equity  to  protect  such  rights,  that  they  will,  at  any  pe- 
riod (a),  or  under  any  circumstances,  act  upon  such  indulgent 
disposition ;  for  if  an  infant  neglect  to  enter  within  six  years  alter 
he  comes  of  age,  he  is  as  much  bound  by  the  statute  of  limita- 
tations  from  bringing  a  bill  for  an  account  o^  mesne  profits,  as  he 
v.  Bickerstaffe,  is  from  an  action  of  account  at  common  law ;  or,  if  there  be  a 
r  T^R"t^T^  verdict  at  law  against  the  infant's  title,  courts  of  equity  will  not 
plaintifFhas  direct  an  account  of  mesne  profits,  but  will  merely  retain  the 
been  kept  out  bill,  for  the  purpose  of  giving  the  infant  an  opportunity  to 
of  possession  estabUsh  his  title  at  law. 
by  fraud, 

Q.U.  Whether  equity  will  not  relieve  at  any  distance  of  time,  as  no  length  of  time  will  bar 
fraud?  Cotterell  v._  Purchase,  Ca.  temp.  Talbot,  63.  l|Where  the  plaintiff  had  been  pre- 
vented from  recoTering  in  ejectment  by  a  rule  of  the  court  of  law,  and  by  an  injunction,  both 
of  them  obtained  at  the  instance  of  the  occupier,  who  ultimately  failed  at  law  and  in  equity, 
an  account  was  directed  from  the  time  the  title  accrued  against  executors.  Pulteney  v.  War- 
ren, 6  Ves.  73.|| 

Ferrers  v.  Fer-       It  is  very  seldom,  even  in  the  most  favoured  cases,  that  interest 
temp.  Talb       ^^  allowed,  in  taking  the  account  of  rents  and  profits.] 
2,  5.    Robinson  t.  Gumming,  2  Atk.  409 

J^^'j: ^^''•. " ?•  A  bailiff"  cannot  be  charged  as  receiver,  because  if  he  be 
understood  a  **  charged  as  bailiff"  upon  his  account  (i),  he  shall  have  allowance 
servant  that  P^  ^^^  charges  and  expenses,  which  he  is  not  entitled  to  when  he 
hath  adrainis-  is  charged  as  a  receiver :  also,  he  is  not  allowed  in  an  action 
tration  and  brought  against  him  as  a  bailiff",  to  plead  that  he  was  before 
lamlfgoods,     cl^arged  as  receiver. 

and  chattels,  to  make  the  best  benefit  for  the  owner,  against  whom  an  action  of  accompt  doth 
he  for  the  profits  which  he  hath  raised  or  made,  his  reasonable  charges  and  expenses  de- 
ducted. Co.  Litt.  172.  a.  A  receiver  is  one  who  receiveth  money,  and  is  to  render  an  account 
of  It,  but  IS  not  allowed  any  charges  or  expenses  but  such  as  are  agreed  on  by  the  parties  ; 
T?  ?"r  *^^®  ^^  plaintiff  is  to  declare  by  whose  hands  he  received  it.  Co.  Litt.  172.  a. 
If  a  baihff  be  charged  as  receiver  it  seems  the  best  way  is  to  plead  it  specially,  for  he  cannot 
take  advantage  of  it  after  judgment,  quod  computet.  2  Lev.  126.  Freem.  378.  Whether  a 
person  mjiy  not  in   he  san:c  action  be  charged  as  bailiff  and  receiver,  Quturc  ;  and  vide  1  Roll. 


(D)  In  what  Cases  this  is  t fie  proper  Action,  S^c.  41 

Abr.  119.  Cro.  Car.  240.  3  Keb.  387.  435.  In  some  cases  in  an  action  of  account  against  one 
as  receptor  denariorum,  he  shall  have  allowance  of  his  expenses,  and  shall  account  for  the 
profit  he  received,  or  might  reasonably  receive.     Co.  Litt.  172.  a. 

(C)  The  Nature  of  the  Demands  for  which  it  may 

be  brought. 

A  N  action  oi accomptYiQs  not  for  a  thing  certain  ;  as,  if  a  man   Bro.  tit.  Ac- 
delivers  10/.  to  B.  to  merchandize  with,  he  shall  not  have  compt,  35. 
account  of  the  10/.  but  of  the  profits,  which  are  uncertain.  rown.     . 

No  action  of  acccompt  lies  for  rent  reserved  on  a  lease.     So,  if  ^o^l-  ^br.  1 16. 
a  lessee  of  goods  waste  them,  yet  no  action  of  accompt  lies  against 

If  the  bailee  of  goods  to  bail  over  waste  them,  or  refuse  to  de-  Roll.  Abr.  lie. 
liver  them,  no  action  o?  accompt  lies,  but  an  action  of  detinue  or  Owen,  86. 
trove?'  and  conversion. 

If  A.  hath  a  term  for  years  in  a  rectory,  and  tythes  being  set  ^  Leon.  24. 
forth  and  severed  from  the  nine  parts,  B.  without  any  pretence 
of  title,  carries  them  away  and  sells  them,  yet  A.  shall  not  have 
a  writ  of  accompt  against  B.  for  after  severance  the  tythes  im- 
mediately vested  in  A.,  and  the  taking  by  B.  was  merely  wrong- 
ful, and  therefore  without  privity. 

(D)  In  what  Cases  this  is  the  proper  Action,  or  some  , 

other  may  be  brought.  i 

TF  a  man  by  obligation,  acknowledges  that  he  has  received  Roll.  Abr.  lie. 

money  ad proficiendum  et  computandum,  the  obligee  may  either  Dyer,  20. 1  is. 
sue  the  bond,  or  have  an  action  o^  accompt  at  his  election.  ^^°'  ^i'G44. 

So,  \{  A.  acknowledges  by  deed,   that  he  has  received  100/.  Roll.  R.  52. 
from  B.  to  be  adventured  to  the  West  Indies  and  thence  to  Eng-  ^  ^u^st.  256. 
land  back  again,  and  covenants  to  render  a  true  account  thereof 
upon  his  return,  though  B.  may  have  a  writ  of  covenant  upon 
this  deed,  yet  he  may  also  have  a  writ  of  accompt  thereupon  at 
his  election. 

Assumpsit,  in  which  the  plaintiff  declared,  that  intending  to  go 
beyond  sea,  he  delivered  a  box  full  of  goods  to  the  defendant 
which  he  promised  to  dispose  of,  and  to  give  the  plaintiff  an  ac- 
count thereof  at  his  return  :  the  defendant  pleaded  in  abatement, 
that  he  was  bailiff  to  the  plaintiff,  to  merchandize  the  said  goods ; 
and  that  he  ought  to  bring  an  action  of  accompt,  and  not  an 
action  on  the  case;    and  upon  demurrer  it  was  adjudged,  that  Salk.  9.  pi.  1. 
here  being  an  express  promise,  on  which  the  action  is  founded,  ve*  k'"^  ^' 
assumpsit  will  lie  as  well  as  accompt  -,  and  that  wherever  one  acts  Carth  89. 
as  bailiff  he  promises  to  render  an  account.  S.  C.  where  it 

was  holden, 
that  the  action  would  lie  by  three  judges  against  HoH,  who  doubted,  and  who  told  the  plaintiff, 
that  when  it  came  to  be  tried,  he  would  not  suffer  him  to  give  all  the  account  in  evidence,  or 
to  enter  into  the  particulars  thereof;  but  that  he  should  direct  his  proof  only  as  to  the 
damages  which  he  had  sustained  for  not  accounting  according  to  the  promise,  for  he  would 
not  travel  into  an  account  in  such  actions.     Comberb.  149.  S.  C. 



Salk,  9.  pi.  2.  In  assumpsit  for  money  received  ad  comjmtandum,  and  verdict 
Poulter  V.  fyr  the  plaintifT,  it  was  moved  in  arrest  of  judgment,  that  this 
F^TaShow.  J^ction  tUd  not  lie,  but  accompt';  for  if  a  man  receives  money  to 
R.  301.  a  special  purpose,  as  to  account,  or  to  merchandize,  it  is  not  to 

be  demanded  of  the  party  as  a  duty,  till  he  has  neglected  or  re- 
fused to  apply  it  according  to  the  trust  under  which  he  received 
it;  and  the  declaration  must  shew  a  misapplication  or  a  breach 
of  trust :  but  it  was  holden,  that  in  this  case  the  verdict  had 
aided  the  declaration ;  for  it  must  be  intended  there  was  proof 
to  the  jury  that  the  defendant  refused  to  account,  or  had  done 
somewhat  else  that  rendered  him  an  absolute  debtor. 
Tonikins  v.  Iff  ^e  action  of  account  is  now  seldom  resorted  to,  and  it  is 

^^jl'''^'-'"'"'        held   that  the  balance  of  an  account,   however  numerous  the 
1  M^rsh   115    ^^^"'Sj  ^^y  ^6  recovered  in  assumpsit.^ 
Arnold  V.  Webb,  5  Taunt.  452.;  sed  vide  Scott  v.  Mackintosh,  2  Camp.  238.  contra. 

(E)  What  shall  be  a  good  Bar  to  this  Action. 

RoU.Abr.i2i.    T^  accompt  against  one  as  bailiff,  it  is  a  good  plea  that  he  was 

never  his  bailiff. 
Bro.  29.  Roll.        In  accompt  against  a  bailiff,  it  is  a  good  plea  that  he  was  the 
Abr.  121.          plaintiff's  servant  to  drive  his  plough,  and  keep  his  cattle  for  the 
drawing  of  his  plough,  absque  hoc  that  he  was  his  bailiff  in  other 
manner,  because  he  is  not  accountable  for  this  occupation. 
11  Ah    193         ^'  '^  ^  good  plea  in  bar  to  an  action   of  accompt^  that  the 
So  if  the  plaintiff  hath  released  to  him  all  actions. 

plaiiitifFhaJ  released  to  him  all  the  advantage  and  profit  that  he  might  have  by  the  account. 
Roll.  Abr.  125. 

Cro.  Car.  116.       go,  it  is  a  good  plea  in  bar,  that  the  plaintiff  and  defendant 
Hetl.  114.         submitted  to  the  award  of  J".  S.,  who  awarded  that  the  defendant 

ought  to  be  acquitted  against  the  plaintiff. 
Bro.  48.  Roll.  So,  it  is  a  good  plea  in  bar,  that  after  the  receipt  of  the  sum 
Abr.  123.  But  of  which  the  account  is  demanded,  by  the  mediation  of  their 
the  bare  ac-  friends,  it  was  agreed  between  them,  that  the  defendant  should 
an'obligation  make  an  obligation  of  100/.  for  the  100/.  received,  and  the  profit 
would  not  be  thence  to  arise,  which  obligation  of  100/.  he  did  make  and 
sufficient.  Vide  deliver  accordingly  to  the  plaintiff;  for  the  acceptance  of  the 
1  R  l^t°"io3    obligation  destroys  the  duty,  and  the  sum  in  demand  is  thereby 

as  strongly  released  as  by  a  release  of  all  actions. 
Roll.  Abr.  123,  It  is  no  good  plea  in  bar  to  the  action,  that  the  defendant  hath 
124.  So,  if  the  made  payment  of  the  money  which  he  hath  received  to  account 
1  ^ds  that  the  ^^^^'j  or  that  he  hath  made  satisfaction  for  the  same, 
plaintiff"  has  given  him  an  acquittance  for  the  sum  received.  Bro.  tit.  Account,  59.  For  these 
pleas,  being  matters  which  shew  that  he  was  once  accountable,  are  only  to  be  made  use  of 
before  the  auditors.     Vide  Dyer,  22.  145.    6  Co.  Ferrer's  case.     4  Leon.  61.     Stile,  55o.  410. 

49  E.  3.  to.  [Nonage  is  a  good  plea  in  bar  of  this  action.    So  is  pLaie  com- 

4iE.  3.  5.  9.    putavtt,  and  an  account  before  the  plaintiff  would  be  sufficient. 
Lutw.  58.  "      ■f/<'"^  coviputavit  and  a  release  are  the  only  pleas  which  admit 
3  Wils.  1 13,      the  plaintiff  to  be  accountable  that  can  be  pleaded  in  bar  to  the 
action ;  and  these  are  allowed,  because  they  are  total  extinctions 
of  the  right  of  action.     This  being  a  matter  for  the  court  to 


(F)  Of  tJie  Auditors,  and  what  shall  he  a  good  Discharge,  ^x.     43 

judge  of,  they  must  be  pleaded  specially,  and  cannot  be  given  in 
evidence  on  ne  unqjie  receivour. 

If  the  plaintiff  charge  the  defendant  as  receiver  for  a  particular  Southcot  v. 
time,  he  must  ansv^rer  that  time  precisely.  .  Rlvni'  57 

The  defendant  may  plead  the  statute  of  limitations  in  this  ac-  St.21  Jac.  1. 
tion;  but,  if  the  plaintiff  reply  that  it  was  an  account  between  c.  I6.  §5.  Firf. 
merchants,  the  plea  will  not  avail  him.  Ch  518 

If  the  defendant  plead  that  he  has  accounted  before  R.  and  W.,  Bui.  Ni.  Pri. 
evidence  that  he  accounted  before  R.  only  will  be  sufficient,  for  127.  C4th  edit.) 
the  accounting  is  the  substance.]  , 

(F)  Of  the  Auditors,  and  what  shall  be  a  good  Dis- 
charge before  them. 

TN  an  action  of  accompt  there  are  two  judgments;  the  first  is  Mod.  42. 

quod  computet,  after  which  the  court  assigns  auditors,  usually  p    ^"^'  '^^' 
two  of  the  officers  of  the  court,  who  are  armed  with  authority  to  l^J^  49 
convene  the  parties  before  them  de  die  in  diem,  at  any  day  or  Rast.  14, 
place  that  they  shall  appoint,  till  the  account  is  determined.    The  Lutw.  50.    Of 
time  by  which  the  account  is  to  be  settled,  is  prefixed  by  the  auditors  as- 
court;  but,  if  the  account  be  of  a  long  and  confused  nature,  the  parses  them- 
court,  on  application,  will  enlarge  the  time,  [a)     If  either  of  the  selves,  by  vir- 
parties  think  the  auditors  do  him  injustice,  he  may  apply  to  the  tue  of  the 
court;  and  if  rhe  defendant  denies  any  article,  or  demurs  to  any  statute  vv.  2. 
demand,  it  is  to  be  tried  and  determined  in  court.  2  Inst.  sso. 

Brownl.  24.  [Where  the  auditors  are  not  assigned  by  the  court,  the  remedy  for  not  making 
such  allowances  to  the  accountant  as  they  ought  to  do,  is  bj'  writ  o{  ex  parte  talis^  which  is  a 
commission  to  the  treasurer  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer  to  take  the  account.  F.  N.  B.  129.] 
JlTwo  principal  officers  of  the  Court  of  King's  Bench  were  on  motion  appointed  auditors  after 
a  judgment  quod  coviputet.  Smith  v.  Smith,  2  Cliitt.  R.  10.  Archer  v.  Pritchard,  3  Dow.  & 
Ry.  596.  The  rule  to  appoint  auditors  is  absolute  in  the  first  instance,  /ftjrf.ll  [2  Inst.  38  r. 
(a)  All  articles  of  account,  though  incurred  since  the  writ,  shall  be  included,  and  the  whole 
brought  down  to  the  time  when  the  auditors  make  an  end  of  their  account ;  per  Ld.  Mansfield 
2  Burr.  1086.] 

I    Whatever  may  be  pleaded  to  the  action  shall  never  be  allowed  Leon.  219. 
of  as  a  good  discharge  before  the  auditors  ;  therefore,  where  in  {^^^"s.  113. 
accompt  the  defendant  pleaded  never  his  receiver,  &c.  and  this  ^^  z,yo\d  trou- 
being  found  against  him,  he  was  adjudged  to  account;  and  be-  ble  and  charge 
fore  the  auditors  he  pleaded  a  submission  of  all  debts,  accounts,  to  the  parties. 
^c.  to  J.  S.,  who  awarded  that  the  defendant  should  pay  10/.  j^^i^^^Jp^^' 
only  in  discharge  of  all  debts,  accounts,  ^c.  which  he  paid  ac-  Hg^i  j {^       ' 
cordingly :  this  was  holden  no  good  plea ;  for  this  award,  made  S.  C] 
before  the  action  brought,  ought  to  have  been  pleaded  in  bar 
thereof;  which  being  omitted,  he  hath  lost  the  advantage  thereof, 
and  shall  not  plead  it  before  auditors. 

[Nothing  can  be  pleaded  before  auditors  contrary  to  what  has  Godfrey  v. 
been  pleaded  to  the  action,  and  been  found  by  verdict:  where,  Saunders, 
therefore,  a  defendant  charged  as  surviving  bailifi'of  goods  de-  ^  Wils.  114. 
livered  to  him  and  his  co-bailifi'to  be  merchandised,  and  to  ren- 
der an  account,  had  gone  to  issue  upon  this  fact,  namely,  whether 



upon  his  delivering  over  the  goods  to  the  deceased  bailiff,  all  his 
(the  defendant's)  concern  in  the  trust,  care,  and  management 
thereof  ceased  and  was  at  an  end;  which  issue  was  found  against 
him :  it  was  holden,  that  he  could  not  plead  afterwards  before 
auditors  that  he  delivered  the  goods  over  to  the  co-bailiff  with 
the  consent  of  the  plaintiff;  for  this  matter  might  have  been 
given  in  evidence  upon  the  former  issue ;  and  the  consequence 
of  admitting  it  to  have  been  put  in  issue  before  auditors  would 
have  been,  either  two  verdicts  the  same  way,  which  would  have 
been  nugatory,  or  two  contradictory  verdicts,  which  would  have 
entangled  the  court  so  much  that  they  would  not  have  known 
what  judgment  to  give. 
41  E.  3.  25.  The   defendant  may  plead  payment  to  the  plaintiff  without 

shewing  an  acquittance.] 
Roll.  Abr.  124.        It  is  a  good  discharge  before  auditors,  for  a  factor  to  say,  that 
Bro.  ut.  Ac-      jj^  ^  tempest,  because  the  ship  was  surcharged,  the  goods  were 

cast  over-board  into  the  sea. 
^,    J.  So,  it  is  a  good  discharge  before  auditors,  that  he  was  robbed 

(a)  Or  that  he  ^f  the  goods  without  his  default  or  negligence.  («) 
put  them  in  a  warehouse  from  whence  they  were  taken  by  an  enemy.     Stra.  680. 
Roll.  Abr.  124.       ^'  '^  ^  good  discharge  before  auditors  in  accompt  as  a  receiver 
(6)  This  must    of  10/.  if  he  tenders  tlie  10/.  {h)  and  swears  that  after  the  time 
be  understood  that  the  money  was  delivered  him,  he  found  that  he  durst  not 

ofonewhore-  X^^xy.  for  fear  of  loss ;  for  he  is  not  obliged  to  run  any  hazard 
ceives  money     i-        ir  "  ^ 

to  trade  and      himself. 

merchandize  therewith ;  for  no  other  receiver  is  in  any  case  obliged  to  buy  or  sell.  Roll. 
Abr.  124.  Qiusre,  Whether  such  oath  be  necessary;  and  vide  2  Mod.  101.  1  Bulst.  104. 
Eq.  Ca.  Abr.  369.  2  Vern.  638.  3  Wnis.  185.  187.  279.  10  Mod.  144.  12  Mod.  514,  602. 
[It  seems  that  the  defendant  may,  in  some  cases,  purge  himself  by  his  own  oath.  The  statute 
of  4  Ann.  c.  16.  $  27.  gives  the  auditors  a  power  in  the  cases  there  providedfor,  of  administer- 
ing an  oath,  and  examining  the  parties.  Fitz.  Abr.  Accompt,  p.  40.  Bro.  Accompt,  p.  66. 
2  Mod.  101.] 

^oll.  Abr.  125.  If  a  bailiff  of  a  manor  receives  the  rents  and  profits  of  the 
tenants,  and  retains  them  two  or  three  years,  yet  in  a  writ  of 
accompt  he  is  not  to  account  for  the  profits  thence  arising  in  the 
mean  time,  for  he  had  not  any  warrant  to  merchandize  with  the 
money,  or  to  gain  or  lose  thereby, 
a  Mod.  100.  If  in  accompt  the  defendant  pleads  before  auditors,  that  the 

and  the  above  goods  for  which  he  is  to  account  were  bona  peritura ;  and,  not- 
(c)  Nor  pawn,  withstanding  his  care  in  keeping  them,  were  worse,  and  that  they 
a  Stra.  1187.  remained  in  his  hands  for  want  of  buyers,  and  were  in  danger 
(<f)  Factors  of  growing  worse,  and  that  therefore  he  sold  them  upon  credit 
now  have  fo  a  man  beyond  sea;  this  is  no  goo<l  plea,  for  a  factor  cannot 
commission.  ^^'  even  bona  peritura  upon  credit  (c),  without  a  particular  com- 
mission so  to  do.  (rf) 
Bui.  Ni.  Pri.         [The  defendant  cannot  in  an  action  of  account  pay  money  into 

court,  as  he  may  in  an  assumpsit. 
1  Lutw.  63.  If  the  plea  oi' plane  compuiavit  be  found  against  the  defendant, 

he  shall  account  before  the  auditors  for  the  whole  money  he  is  . 
charged  with,  for  this  plea  admits  the  receipt  of  the  whole. 

' '  ^  (G)  Of 


(G)  Of  the  Judgment,  and  the  subsequent  Proceedings. 

TN  this  action,  as  is  above  mentioned,  there  are  two  judgments;   i  Brownl.24. 

the  first  is  quod  computet;  and  afterwards,  when  tlie  account  Cm.  Eliz.  806. 
is  finished,  the  second  judgment  is,  that  the  defendant  pay  the  ^  Black.  Cora, 
plaintiff' so  much  as  he  is  found  in  arrear.  (a)  Upon  the  first  (a)  \vhere 
judgment  a  capias  ad  computandum  Hes,  and  if  a  non  est  inveritus  final  jiid<>;ment 
be  returned  upon  it,  an  exigent  issues.  It  is  usual  to  bail  the  ^^^"^  entered  in 
defendant,  if  he  be  taken  on  the  capias^  though,  by  the  rigour  of  ^["^  "•"'^'^ '"" 
the  law,   he  is  to  account  in  prison.  c'ourt'set  it 

aside  upon  motion,  as  irregular.     Hughes  v.  Burgess,  Jff. /?.  H.  594.    Andr.  19.  S.  C. 

If  the  defendant  make  default  after  the  interlocutory  judgment,  Cro.  Eliz.  806. 
at  the  day  assigned   by  the   auditors,  final  judgment  shall   be   s  Wils.  ii7. 
entered  for  the  sum  demanded  by  the  plaintiff.     So,  if  there  be  ^    •  ^'\"  '''^' 
judgment  on  demurrer  to  an  insufficient  plea  before  the  auditors,   ^i  E.  3.  87.  * 

2R.  A.  131.  p.  4. 

It  seems  to  be  questionable,  whether,  in  all  cases,  damages  are  Jenk.  288. 

recoverable  in  account ;  but  it  is  clear  that  if  the  defendant  resists  *    y^ '    "'"' 

the  plaintiff^s  claim  by  pleading,  or  an  increase  is  received  by  j  Leo.  502. 

a  receiver,   ad  merchandizandum^   there  shall  be  judgment  for  2Leo.11 8. 

damages.  3  Wils.  117. 

It  hath  been  holden,  that  the  first  judgment  is  not  such  as  can  21  E..5.  9.  Z2. 
be  revived  by  scire  facias  upon  the  death  of  the  plaintiff,  before  ^i-  ^.^s-  li- 
the account  taken  (6),  or  as  a  writ  of  error  can  be  brought  upon ;  u^    ^'^  q-" 
and  yet  the  plaintiff  cannot  be  nonsuited  after  it. 

After  final  judgment,  the  plaintiff' may  pray  that  the  defendant's  Lutw.  51. 
body  be  taken  in  execution  ;  or  he  may  pray  an  elegit,  if  he 
refuses  the  body.     See  the  writ  to  the  gaoler  to  receive  the 
defendant  after  final  judgment.     Reg.  137.] 


A  CCORD  is  an  agreement  between  two  persons  at  least  to  give  5  E.  4.  7. 

and  accept  something  in  satisfaction  of  a  trespass,  Sfc.  done  j^^j]^"^'^*^  j^g 
by  one  to  the  other.  This  agreement,  when  executed,  may  be 
pleaded  in  bar  to  an  action  for  the  trespass;  for  in  all  personal 
injuries,  the  law  gives  damages  as  an  equivalent ;  and  when  the 
party  accepts  of  an  equivalent,  there  is  no  injury  or  cause  of  com- 
plaint, and  therefore  present  satisfaction  is  a  good  plea :  but,  if 
the  wrong-doer  only  promise  a  future  satisfaction,  the  injury  con- 
tinues till  satisfaction  is  actually  made,  and,  consequently,  there 
is  a  cause  of  complaint  in  being;  and  if  the  trespass  were  barred 
by  this  plea,  the  plaintiff  could  have  no  remedy  for  the  future 
satisfaction,  for  that  supposes  the  injury  to  have  continuance.. 

(A)  What 



(A)  What  shall  be  deemed  a  good  Accord  and  Satis- 


(B)  To  what  Actions  may  Accord  and  Satisfaction  be 


(C)  Of  the  Form  and  Manner  of  pleading  Accords. 


(A)   What    shall 

be    deemed    a 

good   Accord    and 

9E.  4.  19. 

Roll.Abr.  128. 
[(a)  Vide 
Perk.  $  749. 
Dy.  75,     In 
the  case  of 

A  N  accord  must  appear  to  be  advantageous  to  the  party  (a), 

otherwise  it  can  be  no  satisfaction ;  therefore  in  an  action  of 

trespass  for  taking  the  })laintifF's  cattle,  it  is  no  good  plea  to  say, 

that  there  was  an  accord  that  the  plaintiff'  should  have  his  cattle 

again ;  for  this  is  not  any  satisfaction. 

Cumber  V.  Wane,  Stra.  4'J6.  it  was  said  by  the  court,  that  the  satisfaction  must  appear  to  them 
to  be  a  reasonable  one;  at  least,  that  the  contrary  must  not  a[)pear  ;  that  consequently,  pay- 
ment of  a  less  suin  could  never  be  admitted  as  an  accord  and  satisfaction  for  a  greater.]  JlSo 
Pinnel's  case,  5  Co.  117.;  and  Fitch  v.  Sutton,  5  East,  2.'5l.|]  But,  if  it  was  to  drive 
them  to  a  certain  place,  so  that  it  would  be  a  charge  to  him  to  do  it,  this  would  make  it  a 
good  accord.  2  Roll.  R.  96.  In  covenant  against  the  executor  of  tenant  for  life,  Sec.  he 
pleads  an  acccord  that  he  should  quietly  depart,  and  leave  the  possession,  &c.  and  holden 
good ;  though  after  the  death  of  tenant  for  life  he  had  no  interest,  but  a  licence  in  law  only 
to  carry  away  his  goods.     Yelv.  124.  per  three  judges  against  one. 

Pinnel's  case,  ||Though  the  acceptance  of  a  less  sum  is  not  alone  a  good  ac- 
1 17  C  b  cord  and  satisfaction  of  a  greater,  since  there  is  no  consideration 
for  giving  up  the  rest  of  the  debt,  (it  makes  no  difference  that  there 
is  a  promise  by  the  debtor  to  pay  the  residue  when  able)  yet 
certain  other  additional  advantages  moving  to  the  creditor,  have 
been  held  to  render  the  agreement  on  his  part  to  accept  the  less 
sum  bindinu. 

V.  Wane, 
Stra.  426. 
Fitch  V.  Sut- 
ton, 5  East, 
231.;  and  see 
2  Bam.  &  C. 

Steinman  v. 
1 1  East,  390 

Thus,  where  the  debtor  entered  into  an  agreement  (not  sealed) 
with  his  creditors,  whereby  they  agreed  to  receive  20L  per  cent, 
in  satisfaction  of  their  several  demands,  and  released  the  re- 
Lewis  V.Jones,  mainder  in  consideration  that  half  the  sum  should  be  seaired  by  the 
acceptances  of  a  certain  other  person  also  a  creditor,  which 
security  was  accordingly  given  and  paid  when  due ;  it  was  held 
that  such  agreement  was  binding  on  the  plaintiff*,  one  of  the 
creditors.  Here  the  security  given  by  the  surety  for  half  the  com- 
position was  a  beneficial  consideration  moving  to  the  plaintiff"  and 
all  the  creditors,  and  as  the  surety  was  only  induced  to  give  it 
on  the  faith  of  the  defendant  being  discharged  from  the  remainder 
of  the  debts,  the  court  considered  it  a  fraud  upon  the  surety,  as 
well  as  on  the  other  creditors,  that  the  plaintiff'  should  sue  for  the 
residue  of  the  debt. 

So,  although  a  mere  agreement  between  the  debtor  and  his 
creditors  that  they  will  accept  a  composition  in  satisfaction  of 
their  respective  debts,  is  not  a  good  accord  and  satisfaction 
pleadable  to  an  action  brought  by  one  of  the  creditors,  to  recover 


4  Barn.  &  C 
513.;  and  see 
Boothbay  v. 
3  Camp.  1 74. 
Cork  v.  Saun- 
ders, 1  Barn. 
&  A.  46. 

Heathcote  v. 
2  Term  R.  24. 
and  see  2  H. 
Black.  317. 


.Jt    >v  "   AA*****^***-^" 

(A)  What  shall  be  deemed  a  good  Accord  and  Satisfaction.  47 

his  whole  demand,  yet  it  seems  that  if  the  debt  be  ascertained  by  2  Term  R.  24. 

the  agreement  and  a  fund  provided,  and  all  the  creditors   are  ^"ll^^^ 

bound  to  forbear,   the  agreement  constitutes  a  good  plea.     So,  "^    '""^' 
also,  (it  seems)  if  the  debtor  assign  over  all  his  effects  to  a  trustee 
for  equal  distribution  among  his  creditors,  for  this  is  a  good  con- 
sideration for  the  promise  of  each  not  to  sue. 

And  if  all  the  creditors  verbally  agree  to  accept  a  composition,  Bradley  v. 

partly  to  be  secured  by  acceptances  of  a  third  party,  and  partly  Gregory, 

by  the  debtor's  own  notes,  and  to  execute  a  deed  with  a  clause  ^  ^^^'"p.  383. 

of  release,  and  if  all  the  creditors  but  one  sign  the  deed,  and  the  q"^  ^^^^      ^^' 

acceptances  and  notes  are  duly  tendered  to  such  one  creditor,  q  i  erm  R, 

and  he  then  refuses  to  receive  the  bills  or  to  execute  the  deed,  263. 
it  has  been  held  he  cannot  sue  the  debtor  for  his  original  debt. 
Lord  Elleiiboroiigh  held  that  the  agreement  was  executed  by  the 
signing  of  the  other  creditors,  and  the  tender  of  the  bills,  and 
that  it  was  a  good  accord  and  satisfaction. 

It  has  been  held  a  good  plea  in  assumpsit  for  goods  sold,   cSr.  Kearslake 

that  the  defendant,  being  payee  of  a  promissory  note,  indorsed  it  ^' Morgan, 
to  the  plaintiff,  "for  and  on  account  of"  the  said  debt.     But  if  ^^^    Thomas 

the  demand   exceeds  the  amount  of  the  note,  it  can  only  be  v.  Heathorn, 

pleaded  as  to  so  much  of  the  demand  as  is  covered  by  the  amount  2  Barn.  &  C. 

of  the  note.  II  '*^^- 

An  accord  that  each  of  the  parties  should  be  quit  of  actions 

against  the  other,  is  not  good  («) ;  because  it  is  not  any  satis-  g°, '  045^^^' 

faction..  Lut%7. 
IJJames  v.  David,  5  Term  R.  M.jj     (a)  But  an  accord  that  each  should  give  the  other  a  quart 
of  wine  in  satisfaction  of  action,  is  good.     Roll.  Abr.  128. 

In  an  action  upon  the  statute  of  5  Rich.  2.  st.  1.  c.  8.  if  the  9  E.  4.  19. 

defendant  saith,  that  after  the  entry  an  accord  vans  made  between  Roll.  Abr.  128. 

them,  that  the  plaintiff  should  re-enter  into  the  land,  and  that  ^94'!'^^^''^* 

the  defendant  should  deliver  the  evidences  of  the  plaintiff  to  the  citeA  Dyer, 

plaintiff,  this  is  not  any  bar  of  the  action  ;  for  the  delivery  of  the  o56.  S.  C. 

plaintiff's  own  evidences  can  be  no  satisfaction  of  the  tortious  ^i^ed,  {b)  But, 

entry,  (b)  ''[ '?«  •»'^\^'^ 

•^    ^  '  title  to  the 

evidence,  it  would  be  a  good  bar.    Roll.  Abr.  128.     That  the  delivery  of  the  deed  by  the 

feoffee  to  cestui  que  use  is  a  good  accord,  because  it  belongs  to  the  feoffee.     Cro.  Eliz.  357. 

An  accord  that  the  defendant  should  endeavour  to  make  up  and  Roll.  Abr.  128. 
adjust  differences  between  the  plaintiff  and  J.  5.,    thai  he  did 
endeavour,  and  at  his  own  costs  make  up  such  differences,  is  a 
good  plea. 

In  trespass  for  trampling  his  grass,  the  defendant  pleads  that  Bro.  Trcs()ass, 
he  was  amerced  in  the  court-baron  of  the  plaintiff'  for  the  same  <56. 
trespass,  which  was  affeered  to  two  shillings,  for  which  he  hath 
agreed  with  the  plaintiff;  and  holden  a  good  plea  by  the  accept- 
ance thereof,   though   the  amercement  in  the  court-baron  was 

In  an  action  upon  the  case  for  scandalous  words,  the  defendant  Roll.  Abr.  128, 
pleads,  that  after  the  words  spoken,  the  plaintiff  sued  the  de-   ^^9. 
fendant  in  the   military  court  before  the  lord  marshal ;  where  it 
was  ordered  by  that  court,  with  the  consent  of  the  plaintiff  and 
defendant,  in  discliarge  of  this  suit,  and  all  other  differences 




cause  it  ap' 
peared  that 
the  first  obli- 
gation was 
forfeited,  and 
then  the  pe- 

(a)  Where  the  between  them,  that  the  defendant  should  make  a  submission  in 

defendant         writing,  in  a  place  appointed,  and  before  certain  persons,  Si-c.  and 

Ft  was^ agreed    ♦'v^'"'*  ^'^'^^  he  did  so  accordingly,  t^c.  and  on  demurrer  it  was 

the  defendant    holden  no  good  plea :  for  it  being  a  point  of  honour  only  (a), 

should  confess  could  be  no  discharge  of  the  damages. 

to  the  phiintiff 

he  had  done  him  wrong,  and  should  ask  forgiveness  on  his  knees,  whether  this  was  a  sufficient 

consideration  or  satisfaction.    2  Roll.  Rep.  96.  dubitattir.     Vide  Stile,  245.  Salk.  71.  pi.  5.  ijnd 

head  of  Arbitrament  and  Award. 

s  Lev.  55,  56.        Debt  upon  an  obligation  dated  the  twenty-third  of  March, 

Lobly  and  24,  Car.  2.  upon  condition  to  pay  10/.,  the  defendant  pleaded  an 
Gildart.    Hob.  »    1       1  c-    ^      -i    ,.,  V^        ^        i        i      •  11 

68.    Lovelace  occo7a  the  last  or  Aprils  31  Car.  2.  whereby  it  was  agreed  that 

V.  Cocket.  A.  the  defendant  should   give  the   plaintiff  a  new  security  for  this 

new  obligation  debt,  and  for  another  due  to  him  by  obligation  likewise  ;  and  be 

was  given;  and  ^einff  the  executor  of  the  obligor,  and  the  person  with  whom  this 

holden  no  sa-  »-  ,  <?     '  r 

tisfaction  be-    o.ccord  was  made,  gave  security,  pursuant  to  tlie  accord,  by  a 

bill  sealed  by  himself;  the  plaintiff  demurred  ;  and  by  the  whole 
court  judgment  was  given  for  the  plaintiff;  for  one  obligation 
given  in  satisfaction  for  another  is  no  discharge,  whether 
grounded  upon  an  accord  or  not;  for  the  concord  does  not 
mend  the  matter;  and  yet  here  the  new  obligation  binds  him  de 
nalty  was  the  bonis  jn-opriis,  whereas  the  first  obligation  bound  him  only  dc 
therVfo'rethe    ^onis  lestatoris, 

second  being  for  less,  could  not  be  a  satisfaction  for  a  greater  sum.  Lutw.  466.  Vide  5  Co. 
117.  Cro.  Eliz.  727.  4  Mod.  88.  7  Mod.  17.  [One  simple  contract  debt  cannot  be  pleaded 
in  bar  of  another.  Roades  v.  Barnes,  Burr.  9.  Black.  R.  65.  If  a  debt  is  on  deed  or  obliga- 
tion without  condition,  the  accord  and  satisfaction  must  be  by  deed,  and  so  pleaded.]  USee 
7  East,  148. II  [If  there  appears  a  condition  for  payraentof  money,  perhaps,  it  may  be  pleaded 
without  deed  in  satisfaction  of  the  money  or  condition.     2  Wils.  86.] 

Preston  v.  ^^  release  of  an  equity  of  redemption  is  no  satisfaction,  because 

Christmas,        of  no  value  in  the  eye  of  the  law."] 

2  Wils.  86.  Qu.  of  this,  and  whether  courts  of  law  do  not  look  at  mortgages  now  with  the 
same  eyes  as  the  rest  of  the  world  ? 

Scholey  v.  ||  Xhe  satisfaction  must  be  to  the  party  having  the  legal  interest 

7  East  148  ^^  ^^^  debt,  and  must  be  so  pleaded.  Thus,  where  the  sheriff 
declared  against  defendant  on  a  bail-bond,  and  the  defendant 
pleaded  that  the  action  was  brought  by  the  sheriff,  as  trustee  for 
the  sheriff^s  officer,  and  that  the  defendant  paid  the  officer  the 
debt  and  costs  in  the  action  after  the  return  day,  but  before  the 
sheriff  was  ruled  to  return  the  writ,  and  the  officer  accepted  the 
money  in  full  satisfaction  and  discharge  of  the  bail-bond  and  fees, 
and  that  if  any  damage  were  afterwards  incurred  for  default  of 
defendant's  appearance,  it  was  occasioned  by  the  officer  not  pay- 
ing over  the  debt  and  costs  to  the  plaintiff  in  the  action,  who 
would  have  accepted  the  same,  Sj-c,  the  plea  was  held  bad  on 
demurrer;  for  it  did  not  appear  that  the  officer  had  any  legal  or 
equitable  interest  (even  supposing  the  latter  would  have  sufficed) 
in  the  bond,  at  the  time  of  the  supposed  satisfaction  recovered  by 
such  officer.  II 

If  an  accord  be  to  do  two  things,  and  the  defendant  do  one  and 
w.^  ...uo  "°^  ^'^^  other,  this  is  no  bar  of  the  action,  because  the  plaintiff 

executed,  vide   ^^^^  "^t  any  remedy  for  that  which  is  not  performed. 

tupra  and  Plow.  5.  11.  b.    9  Co.  79.  b.  2  Jones,  158.  168.  2  Keb.  332.    Salk.  76.  T.  Raym. 

450.  where 

Roll.  Abr.  129 
That  the  ac- 
cord must  be 

(A)  What  shall  be  deemed  a  good  Accord  and  SatkfcKtioiu  49 

450.  where  it  is  said,  that  an  accord  may  be  pleaded  without  execution,  as  well  as  an  afWtra- 
inent ;  but  quare,  and  see  Allen  v.  Harris,  Ld.  Raym.  122.  Lutw.  1537.  S.  C.  James  v. 
David,  5  Term  R.  if.  J2.  141.]  ||Lynn  v.  Bruce,  2  H.  Bl.  317.  Bradley  v.  Gregory,  2  Camp. 
383.  from  which  cases  it  is  clear  the  accord  must  be  executed.  The  contrary  doctrine  would 
"  overthrow  all  the  books,"  according  to  the  language  of  the  court  in  Ld.  Raym.  122.j| 

But,  if  an  accoid  be  that  the  defendant  shall  do  a  certain  thing  6  H.  7.  ii.  b. 
at  a  day  to  come,  in  satisfaction  of  an  action;  if  he  perform  it  at  ^°  •^^•^^^' 
tiie  day,  this  is  a  good  bar  of  the  action,  thongh  it  was  executory  ^ss.W 
at  the  time  of  the  accord  made,  inasmuch  as  he  hath  accepted  it 
in  satisfaction. 

If  in  trespass  the  defendant  pleads  a  concord  between  himself  Raym.  203. 
and  the  plaintiff,  that  he  should  pay  the  plaintiff  Si.  in  hand,  ^^^^  ^"/^ 
and  should  undertake  to  pay  the  plaintiff's  attorney's  bill,  and  2  Keb  690*^ 
avers  that  he  had  paid  31.  and  was  always  ready  to  pay  the  at-  s.  C- 
ton>ey's  bill,  but  he  never  shewed  him  any ;  this  is  no  good 
plea,  because  the  accord  is  not  shewn  to  be  fully  executed. 

f  So,  performance  of  part,  and  tender  of  performance  of  the  Lewis  v.  Shep- 
resid Lie,  is  no  good  plea.  Jones  ^6^^' 

Where  to  debt  upon  bond  the  defendant  pleaded  payment  of  Balston  v. 
part  before  the  day  on  which  the   bond  became  due,  and  a  pro-  Baxter,  Cro. 
viise  to  pay  the  rent  at  a  day  to  come,  to  which  the  obligee  had  ,  \  aH^* 
agreed ;  the  court  held  it  no  bar,  it  being  executory.     For  the  Harris,  Ld.' 
same  reason  a  plea   to  an  action  of   trover  that  the  plaintiff  Raym.  122. 
agreed  to  discharge  the  defendant  of  the  trover  in  consideration  ^"^*  ^^*'^- 
■Tiis  undertaking  to  pay  a  sum  of  money,   was  holden  bad  (a)  ,^.  james  v 
So,  a  plea  that  the  plaintiff  and  defendant  agreed  to  settle  all  David, sTerm 
matters  in  dispute,  and  to  bind  themselves  in  a  penalty  not  to  R.  Hi. 
sue  each  other,  [b) 

So,  where  a  defendant  pleaded  that  his  several  creditors,  one  Heathcote  v. 
of  whom  was  the  plaintiff,  had  come  to  an  agreement  to  accept  Crookshauks, 
a  composition  in  satisfaction  of  their  respective  debts,  to  be  paid  np   "^fi     \f^' 
within  a  reasonable  time,  which  he  tendered  and  was  ready  to  caggs  0^  this 
pay ;  it  was  holden  that  this  was   no  plea  to  the  action  for  the  subject  see 
whole  demand ;  for  the  agreement  is  unexecuted,  and  the  pro-  '*'^^*^-  P-  ^^-ll 
mise  a  mere  nudum  pactum  for  want  of  a  consideration.     But 
per  Buller  J.  —  If  the  defendant  had  assigned  over  all  his  effects 
to  a  trustee  in  order  to  make  an  equal  distribution  among  all  his 
creditors,  and  they  had  been  bound  by  the  agreement  to  forbear, 
it  might  have  been  a  good  plea.] 

If  in  an  indebitatus  assumpsit y  Sfc.  the  defendant  pleads  an  Raym.  450. 
agreement  between  the  plaintiff  and  defendant,  and  J".  aS.  the  son  2  Jones,  158. 
of  the  defendant,  that  the  plaintiff  should  deliver  to  the  defend-  ^^^  ^^^^ 
ant  certain  clothes,  which  the  plaintiff  then  had  in  his  custody ;  Barber, 
and  that  the  plaintiff  should  accept  the  said  son  her  debtor  for  91. 
to  be  paid  so  soon  as  he  received  certain  pay  from  the  king,  due 
to  him  as  lieutenant  of  a  certain  ship,  hi  full  satisfaction,  S^c.  and 
that  after,  so  soon  as  the  son  received  his  said  pay,  he  was  ready 
and  offered  to  pay,  <§r.  and  that  he  yet  is  ready ;  this  is  no  good 
plea,  for  it  doth  not  appear  that  there  was  any  good  consider-  (r)  Vide 
ation  why  the  son  should  pay,  but  a  bare  agreement,  without  con-  2  Jones,  I68. 
sideration  (c) ;  and  admit  the  promise  good,  if  not  in  writing,  by    ^    *'*•    , 

Vol.  I.  E  29  Car.  '^^'■'''^'- 


29  Car.  2.  c.  3.  no  action  lies  thereupon ;  and  therefore  it 
ought  to  have  been  shewn  that  it  was  in  writing ;  for  when  such 
agreement  is  pleaded  in  bar,  it  must  appear  to  the  court,  that 
an  action  will  lie  thereupon ;  for  the  defendant  shall  not  take 
away  the  j)lainti{I''s  present  action,  and  not  give  him  another 
'   upon  agreement  pleaded. 

5  Lev.  189.  If  in  covenant  to  permit  the  plaintiff  to  receive  100/.  per  ann. 

Russell  and  j.^^^^^  jj^^  Jefendant  pleads  a  concord  between  the  plaintiff  and 
"*^  '  defendant,  that  each  of  them  should  deliver  his  part  of  the  in- 

denture into  the  hands  of  a  third  person,  to  be  cancelled,  and 
that  each  of  them  should  be  discharged  of  all  actions  upon  the 
indenture,  and  avers  that  he  had  delivered  his  part  to  the  third 
person ;  yet  this  is  no  good  plea,  because  it  does  not  appear 
to  be  executed  on  both  parts.  Sed,  qu.  the  default  being  the 

Per  Heath  J.         ||  Where  a  man  by  deed  acknowledges  himself  to  be  satisfied, 

*  Taunt.  145.    jj.  jg  ^  good  bar  without  receiving  any  thing.  || 

(B)     To  what  Actions  may  Accord  with  Satisfaction 

be  pleaded. 

4  Co.  1.  A  ^  accord  with  satisfaction  is  no  good    plea  to    an    action 

9  Co.  79.  b.  •**■  j-eal  (a) ;  for  a  right  or  title  to  a  freehold  cannot  be  barred 
detinue.'for      ^V  ^"7  collateral  satisfaction. 

charters  concerning  a  freehold  and  inheritance,  an  accord  is  a  good  plea.  7  E.4.33.  9  Co.  78. 
So,  in  waste  against  a  lessee  for  years,  though  in  the  tenet,  an  accord  is  a  good  plea,  because 
a  chattel  only  is  to  be  recovered.  N.  Bendl.  35.  Mo.  6.  9  Co.  78.  But  6  Co.  44.  contr. 
So,  in  ravishment  de  gard,  and  quare  ejecit  infra  termimim.  9  Co.  78.  An  accord  with  satis- 
faction is  a  good  plea  in  an  ejectione  firmce  ;  for  an  ejectment  includes  a  trespass,  and  they 
are  so  interwoven  that  they  cannot  be  severed ;  and  in  all  actions  which  suppose  a  wrong 
vi  et  armis,  where  a  capias  and  exigent  lay  at  common  law,  there  an  accord  is  a  good  plea. 
9  Co.  77.  Brownl.  134.  S.  C.  2  Brownl.  128.  S.  C  Godb.  149.  ||It  seems  that  satisfac- 
tion by  one  tort-feasor  discharges  the  others,  3  Taunt.  1 1 7.||  In  an  appeal  of  mat/hem  an 
accord  with  satisfaction  is  a  good  plea;  notwithstanding  the  writ  be  felonice.  6  Co.  44. 
9  Co.  78.  So,  in  attaint,  13  E.  4.  1.  6  Co.  44.  Cro.  357.  Dyer,  75.  If  an  accord  be  a 
good  plea  in  a  qiuire  impedit,  —  qiuere  ;  and  vide  1 1  H.  7. 13.  b.  6  Co.  44.  a.  2  Brownl.  128, 
139.     Brownl.  124. 

Q    ^,  When  a  duty  in  certain  accrues  by  the  deed  tempore  coitfec- 

Lutw.  358.  tionis  scriptif  as  by  covenant,  bill,  or  obligation,  to  pay  a  certain 
S.  P.  Cro.  Jac.  sum  of  money ;  this  certain  duty  takes  its  essence  originally 
^^*n*R*  ^"^  °"'y  ^y  writing,  and  therefore  ought  to  be  avoided  by 
187.°  IJSee  niatter  of  as  high  a  nature,  though  the  duty  be  merely  in  the 
Sch'oley  v.  personalty. 
Meams,  7  East,  i48.|| 

Kaye  v.  Wag-        ||And  therefore  accord  and  satisfaction,  made  beforehvesich  of 
423"'  Lowe*'  ^  covenant  under  se'^f,  cannot  be  pleaded  in  bar  of  an  action 
T.  E<"nnton,     on  the  covenant.  || 
f  Price,  604.;  and  see  Drake  v.  Mitchell,  3  East,  251. 

AH  "-9^^?:  ^"''  ^^  ^^  covenant  against  an  assignee  a  breach  is  assigned, 

Jac.  304.  Co.  *"  "°^  repairing  the  house,  the  defendant  may  plead  an  accord 
Entr.  117.  between  himself  and  the  plaintiff,  and  execution  thereof,  m 
Yeiv.  185".        satisfactiotie  et  exoneratioiie  reparationum  i^rad.}  for  no  certain 


(C)  Of  tJie  Form  a?id  Manner  of  pleading  Accords.  5 1 

duty  accrued  by  the  deed,  but  the  action  is  founded  upon  a  tort  Noy,  i  lo. 

or  default  subsequent,  together  with  the  deed,  and  damaojes  only  ^Ji?'  ^^^'  ^°P; 
*     t  ]       I  •  u  •     *i,  u  Wing.Max.64. 

to  be  recovered,  which  are  m  the  personalty.  9  Co?  79,  b. 

An  accord  with  satisfaction  generally  is  a  good  plea  in  all  g  q^  ^^ 
actions  where  damages  only  are  to  be  recovered.  Dyer,  75. 

II  To  a  scire  facias  on  a  bond  to  the  crown  a  plea  of  payment  Rex  v.  Ellis, 
after  the  day,  and  before  the  writ  issued,  and  acceptance  by  the  1  Price  R. 
crown  in  satisfaction,  is  not  sufficient. |j  ^^' 

(C)  Of  the  Form  and  Manner  of  pleading  Accords. 

^HE  best  and  safest  way  to  plead  an  accord  is  to  plead  it  by  9  Co.  so. 

way  of  satisfaction^  and  not  by  way  of  accord  ;  for  if  it  is   Vide  Roll, 
pleaded  by  way  o^  accord,  a  precise  execution  thereof,   in  every  ^^''-  ^^^* 
part,  must  be  pleaded  ;  and  if  there  be  a  failure  in  any  part,  the  241  gtra  57J 
plea  is  insufficient ;  but  if  it  is  pleaded  by  way  of  satisfaction,  the 
defendant  need  plead  no  more,  but  that  he  paid  the  plaintiff  105. 
in  full  satisfaction  for  the  action,  which  he  received. 

If  in  covenant,  by  the  heir  of  the  reversioner  against  the  exe-  Yelv.  124, 
cutor  of  tenant  for  life,   for   not  repairing,  S^x.  the    defendant  ^^^*    ^' 
pleads  that  the  testator  died  19th  March,  and  that  the  2'id  March  f^j.^  ^^^ 
concordat,  et  agreat.  fuit  between  the  plaintiff  and  defendant,  CutclifF; 
that  the  defendant  should  quietly  depart  and  leave  the  posses-  adjudged  by 
sion  to  the  plaintiff,  and  that  i7i  consider atione  inde  the  plaintiff  j^^^J^^'^^"  ^"'1 
did  agree  to  discharge  him  of  the  breach  i?i  7ion  reparando,  and   j^ynnalns  said 
shews  that  the  25th  March  he  did  depart,  4"^.  this  is  no  good  plea,  the  time  being 
because  the  concord  is  uncertain  as  to  the  time  of  his  departure ;  indefinite,  the 
and  though  he  shews  a  departure  within  five  days,  yet  he  cannot     ^^w*^!^'^\ 
help  the  original  insufficiency  of  the  concord,  which  is  the  found-  i,ggjj  imme- 
ation  of  all.  diatelv.   Noy, 

110.  S.C.  cited. 

In  an  assumpsit  for  wares  sold  and  delivered,  the  defendant  Young  v. 
pleaded  that  he  gave  and  delivered  unto  the  plaintiff  .a  beaver  p    .v* 
hat  in   satisfaction    and   discharge,  8^c.  and    that    the    plaintiff  5  y[Q^^  86.' 
accepted  the  said  hat  in  full  satisfaction  and  discharge  of  the  S.  C. 
promises,  8^c.     The  plaintiff  replied  j9ro/cs/aw^o  that  the  defend-  2  Salk.627. 
ant  never  gave  him  any  such  hat  in  satisfaction  and  discharge  of  P  .  ^p   , 
the  said  promises,  pro  placito  dicit,  that  he  never  accepted  a  s.C. 
beaver  hat  in  satisfaction  and  discharge,  Sfc.     On  demurrer  it 
was  insisted  first,  that  the  issue  ought  to  be  upon  the  giving  in 
satisfaction,  and  not  upon  the  receiving  in  satisfaction,  because 
every  gift  or  payment  must  be  directed  by  him  who  gives  or 
pays,  and  not  by  him  who  receives  it  [a) ;  but  the  Court  held  it  («)  Stra.  23. 
well  enough,   and  that  the  whole  matter  concerning  the  pay-  ^'^'** 
ment,  as  well  as  the  acceptance  in  satisfaction,  would  be  tried 
upon  this  issue ;  as  to  the  objection  of  its  being  pleaded  to  be 
given  in  satisfaction  and  discharge  of  the  promises,  S,'c.  when  it 
should  be  pleaded  in  satisfaction  of  the  money  mentioned  in  the 
promises,  and  not  of  the  very  promises,  the  court  held  it  of  no 

E  2  [It 



V.  Rawlings, 
Stra.  23. 
Paine  v. 
Jbid.  573. 
Francis  v. 
5  iJarn.  6i  A. 

Hopkinson  v. 
S  Chitt.  R. 
303. ;  and  see 
id.  324. 

1  Ld.  Raym. 
666.  4  Esp. 
Ca.  181. 

[It  liath  been  since  settled  that  this  is  the  proper  method  of 
pleading  :  for  there  are  two  requisites  to  a  discharge,  namely, 
payment,  and  acceptance ;  and  a  traverse  of  the  acceptance  is  an 
argumentative  denial  of  the  payment.] 

II  Where  the  plaintiff  declared  for  tythes  bargained  and  sold, 
and  the  defendant  pleaded  that  before  the  exhibiting  of  the 
plaintiff's  bill  the  defendant  paid,  and  the  plaintiff  accepted, 
a  sum  of  money  in  discharge  and  satisfaction  of  the  promises  in 
the  declaration,  and  the  plaintiff  replied  a  latitat  sued  out  before 
such  payment :  on  demurrer  judgment  was  given  against  the 
plea;  because  it  appeared  by  the  replication  that  the  plaintiff 
had  sustained  damages  and  costs  by  reason  of  the  nonperform- 
ance of  the  promises,  and  the  plea  did  not  allege  the  payment 
to  have  been  in  discharge  of  such  damages  and  costs. 

Where  in  assumpsit  on  several  promises  the  defendant  pleaded 
accord  and  satisfaction  of  the  cause  of  action,  the  plea  was  held 
bad  on  special  demurrer,  since  it  did  not  go  to  the  whole  declar- 

Accord  and  satisfaction  may  be  given  in  evidence  on  the 
general  issue,  and  it  is  not  very  frequently  pleaded.  l| 


nPHE  design  of  entering  into  society  being  the  protection  of 

our   persons    and  security  of  our  property,    men  in  civil 

society  have  a  right,  and  indeed  are  obliged  to  apply  to  the 

{a)  Actio  nihil    public  for  redress  when  they  are  injured ;  for  were  they  allowed 

•   "  ,!o*^5"'""  ^°  ^^  their  own  carvers,  or  to  make  reprisals,  which  they  might 

quendi  in         ^^  i'^  the  state  of  nature,  such  permission  would  introduce  all 

that  inconvenience  which  the  state  of  nature  did  endure,  and 

which  government  was  formed  to  prevent :    hence,    therefore, 

they  are  obliged  to  submit  to  the  public  the  measure  of  their 

damages,    and  to  have  recourse  to  the  law  and  the  courts  of 

justice,  which  are  appointed  to  give  them  redress  and  ease  in 

their  affairs ;  and  this  application  is  what  we  call  bringing  an 

action,  (a) 

recovery  of,  or  restitution  to  something,  Co.  Lit.  289.  and  differs  from  a  writ  of  error ,  | 
which  is  no  action,  but  only  a  commission  to  the  judges  to  examine  the  record,  Sfc.  \ 
Jenk.  25.  2  Inst.  40.  Yelv.  209.  Yet,  if  by  writ  of  error  the  plaintiff  therein  may  recover, 
or  be  restored  to,  any  thing,  it  may  be  released  by  the  name  of  an  action.  Co.  Lit.  288.  b. 
V'ule  for  this  2R0II.  Abr.  405.  The  suit  till  judgment  is  properly  called  an  action,  but  not 
after;  and  therefore  a  release  of  all  actions  is  regularly  no  bar  of  an  execution.  Co.  Lit.  289.  a. 
Roll.  Abr.  291. 


judicio  quod 
sibi  debetur. 
Co.  Lit.  285. 
or  a  legal 
demand  of 
one's  right. 
Co.  Lit.  285. 
a  Inst.  40. 
It  implies  a 

(A)  Of  tJie  different  Kinds  of  Actions.  18 

Under  this  head  we  shall  briefly  take  notice, 

(A)  Of  the  different  Kinds  of  Actions. 

(B)  In  what  Cases  an  Action  will  lie,   and  for  whom, 

and  against  whom. 

(C)  In  what  Cases  distinct  Things  may  be  laid  in  the 

same  Action. 

(A)  Of  the  different  Kinds  of  Actions. 
A  CTIONS  are  divided  into  criminal  and  civil.  Co.  Lit,  284w 

2  Inst.  40. 

Criminal  are  either  to  have  judgment  of  death,  as  appeals  of  2  Wooddes. 
death,  robbery,  8^c.\  or  only  to  have  judgment  of  damages  to  ^s'^* 
the  party,  fine  to  the  king  and    imprisonment,    as  appeals  of 
mayhem,  &c. 

Civil  actions  are  again  divided  into  real,  personal,  and  mixed.  Co.  Lit.  284. 

2  Inst,  40. 

And  here  it  may  be  proper  to  enquire  a  little  into  the  nature 
of  those  real  actions  which  were  formerly  in  use,  and  how  they 
came  to  be  discontinued. 

Actions  real,  or  relating  unto  lands,  are  either  droihiral,  that  [This  is  not 
is,  of  the  right  of  the  ancestor ;  or  possessory,  which  complain  the  true  dis. 

of  the  violation  of  a  right  of  which  the  parties  themselves  were  tinction  be- 
^  °  tween  droi- 

possessed.  turaUnd 

possessory  actions.  Whether  the  action  be  droitural  or  possessory  depends  not  upon  whether 
it  complain  of  an  injury  to  the  demandant  himself  or  to  his  ancestor,  but,  whether  it  seek  to 
recover  the  property  or  the  possession.  If  the  former,  the  action  is  droitural ;  if  the  latter 
it  is  possessory.  Finch  has  stated  this  correctly.  "  Real  actions,"  says  he,  "  where  a  free- 
*'  hold  shall  be  recovered,  are  possessory.,  or  in  the  right.  Possessory,  which  are  to  recover 
"  a  possession,  as  all  assizes,  writs  of  ayel,  besayel,  and  cosinage.  In  the  right,  which 
'*  are  to  recover  a  possession  mixed  with  the  right.  And  both  these  may  either  be  of  a  posses- 
"  sion  or  right  in  himself,  or  descended  from  his  ancestors,  which  we  call  ancestral.  Real 
"  actions  in  the  right,  are  either  founded  on  the  right,  or  for  the  mere  rigiit."  Finch's  Law, 
257,  258.  Note  —  The  part  referred  to  in  the  first  Institute  in  support  of  the  doctrine  of  the 
text,  vix.  1  Inst.  164.  is  not  at  all  referable  to  it,  nor  is  the  editor  aware,  that  it  is  warranted 
by  any  passage  in  that  book,]    ||See  Black,  Com.  b.  3.  c.  10.|1 

ITie  law  always  distinguished  between  a  right  of  entry  and  a  Booth,  99. 
naked  right  to  the  land  itself;  and  therefore  there  were  different  ^o- Ent.  182. 
remedies.     To  recover  the  naked  right,  the  law  gave  only  a  writ        *   *    ' 
of  right;  and  in  this  action,  the  defendant  at  his  election  might 
put  himself  upon  his  country  or  wage  battle.     But,  when  the 
disseisee  had  a  right  of  entry,  it  was  presumed  that  the  disseisin 
was  fresh  and  recent ;  and  therefore  the  trial  was  coram  paribus 
airtis.     But,   if  the  disseisee  did  not   come  till   the  heir  was 
seated  in  the  possession,  and  had  paid  relief  to  the  lord,  then  the 
entry  of  the  disseisee  was    taken    away,    and  his  title  became 
doubtful ;  and  then  they  appealed  to   Providence  in  such  deci- 
sions ;  and  if  any  freemen  would,  with  his  own  body,  defend  the 

E  3  '  title 



Booth,  177. 


||See  Roscoe 

on  Ileal  Ac- 


Booth,  175. 
S  Inst.  289. 

F.N.  B.  191. 

Booth,  175. 
e  Inst.  153. 
B  Black.  Com. 
C.  10.  181. 



Booth,  175, 
176.  200. 
3  Black.  Com. 

Glanv.  c.  7. 


Fleta,  214, 


Vide  Assize. 

So  the  writ  of 
jQuod  ei  dcfor- 
c£?af  which  was 
given  by  a  sta- 
tute passed  in 

F.  N.  B.  220. 
Vide  head  of 
3  Black.  Com, 
«.  11.  SCO. 

title  of  the  possessor,  tlie  demandant  was  obliged  to  find  a  cham- 
pion to  enter  the  lists  with  him. 

But  to  recover  the  right  of  possession,  the  ancient  way  was 
by  writ  of  entry.  Where  the  process  was  by  summons  grand 
cape  before  appearance,  and  petit  cape  afterwards,  as  in  the  writ 
of  right,  and  the  general  issue  was  disseisivit  vel  non  disseisivit; 
and  this  issue  was  tried  by  a  jury,  because  when  the  disseisin  was 
fresh,  they  did  not  put  it  upon  the  hazard  of  a  battle,  as  they 
did  in  those  cases  where  the  long  possession  had  made  the  right 

But  in  the  writ  of  entry  they  recovered  no'damages ;  for  that 
such  writ  only  demanded  the  freehold,  and  was  not  mixed  with 
the  personalty ;  and  therefore  to  recover  the  profits  which  are 
merely  personal,  they  had  an  action  of  trespass,  which  was  the 
proper  remedy  for  the  damages  sustained, 

There  were  anciently  only  three  sorts  of  writs  o^  entry ;  one  was 
against  the  disseisor  himself;  the  other  was  against  his  feoffee, 
which  was  called  the  'writ  of  entry  in  the  per;  the  third  was  after 
a  second  alienation,  which  was  called  a  *writ  of  entry  in  the  pei' 
and  cui;  but  the  statute  of  Marlb.  cap.  30.  gave  a  writ  of  entry 
in  the  post,  which  did  not  lie  at  common  law  against  an  alienee 
at  a  third  hand. 

And  as  a  man  might  have  brought  such  writ  of  entiy  of  his 
own  disseisin,  so'  he  might  have  brought  it  for  the  disseisin  of  his 
father,  or  he  might  have  brought  it  for  a  disseisin  done  to  his 
grandfather,  which  was  called  a  writ  of  ayel,  or  a  disseisin  done 
to  his  great-grandfather,  which  was  called  a  writ  of  hesayel,  or 
any  collateral  cousins,  that  were  more  remote  that  brothers  and 
sisters,  uncles  and  aunts,  nephews  or  nieces ;  and  this  was  called 
a  writ  of  cosinage. 

But  because  the  process  in  a  writ  of  entiy  became  tedious, 
when  such  actions  were  removed  out  of  the  lord's  court  into  that 
of  the  king,  and  thereby  the  process  w'hich  issued  from  three 
weeks  to  three  weeks  in  the  lord's  court,  was  depending  so  many 
several  terms  in  the  king's  court,  therefore  the  assize  was  in- 
vented, which  was  in  the  nature  of  a  commission  to  put  the 
disseisee  in  possession  by  trial  at  one  assizes ;  and  this  was  so 
sudden  and  immediate  a  remedy,  that  the  writ  of  entry  became 
obsolete;  and  therefore  when  the  assize  was  the  usual  remedy, 
the  writ  of  entry  began  to  be  called  a  inTit  of  entiy  in  the  nature 
of  an  assize. 

There  were  likewise  other  remedies,  as  the  formedoti  in  re- 
mainder and  reverter,  and  a  formedon  in  descender,  which  were 
given  by  the  statute  de  donis,  which  created  estates-tail. 

the  same  year  with  the  statute  de  donis,  vis,  13  E.  I.  c.  4.  and  occasioned  by  it. 

But  the  proceedings  of  these  real  actions  being  dilatory  and 
expensive,  and  in  many  cases  concluding  the  party  upon  one 
trial,  a  more  commodious  method  was  contrived  to  dispute  the 
title  to  lands,  which  began  in  the  reign  of  Hemy  the  Seventh  in 
this  manner ;    by  forming  a  term  for  years,    and  then  the  lessees 


(A)  Of  the  different  Kinds  of  Actions,  5^ 

bringing  an  ejectment  to  recover  the  term,  and  thereby  to  assert 
the  title  of  the  lessor  of  the  plaintiff:  before  this  time,  if  a  termor 
for  years,  who  only  claimed  as  a  bailiff  to  the  freeholder,  had 
been  ousted  of  his  possession,  he  had  only  a  remedy  to  recover 
damages  in  ejectment,  and  could  not  recover  the  term  itself  (a); 
but  in  the  reign  of  Heni-y  the  Seventh,  the  courts  of  equity  having  Jenk.Cent. 
obliged  such  wrong-doer  to  a  specific  restitution,  the  courts  of  law  p-  67.    See 
likewise  gave  an  habere  facias  possessionem  to  recover  the  term  i7i  ^n^^^?\  *" 
specie.  {a)1\e  term 

itself  was  recoverable  only  by  covenant  against  the  lessor.  Fitz.  Eject.  2  P  6.  R.  2.  F.  N.  B. 
145.  M.  So  early  as  the  reign  of  Edivard  the  Fourth  it  was  said  by  Fairfax  in  argument,  that 
the  plaintiff  in  ejections  firmcB  should  recover  possession  of  his  term,  as  he  would  in  a 
quare  ejecit  infra,  ierminiim.     7  E.  4.  6.  b. 

Personal  actions  are  ex  contractu,  or  those  founded  on  con- 
tract, as  debt,  which  is  to  recover  the  thing  in  mimero;  or  detinue, 
which  is  to  recover  the  same  in  specie;  or  (if  it  cannot  be  had)  its 
value,  and  also  damages  for  the  detention;  and  actions  of  acctw^w^, 
covenant,  assjwipsit,  guatiium  ?neruit,  quantum  valebat,  and  annuity. 

Or  ex  delicto,  as  trespasses  founded  on  force,  which  are  tres-  ||(*)  There  are 

passes  vi  et  armis;  or  upon  fraud,  which  are  actions  upon  the  "i^"y  actions 

n\  L        ^  ^  on  the  case 

<^ase.(6)  ^  which  are  not 

founded  on  frmtd,  as  actions  for  injuries  to  incorporeal  hereditaments  and  rights,  for  injuries 
to  reputation  by  libel  and  slander,  for  injuries  arising  from  negligent  acts  of  the  defendant 
himself  and  of  his  servants,  and  for  various  breaches  of  legal  duty.  See  further,  as  to  the  dis- 
tinction between  actions  of  trespass,  and  trespass  on  the  case,  tit.  Trespass  {A),  YoLYll.i 
and  see  next  page.j| 

Therefore  if  a  man  gets  the  goods  or  chattels  of  another  by 
lawful  means,  as  by  bailment,  borrowing,  or  pledging,  he  cannot 
have  an  action  of  trespass,  but  must  bring  detinue  or  trove?;  be- 
cause the  party  had  not  violated  his  possession. 

So,  where  a  man  comes  to  buy  goods,  and  they  agree  upon  a 
price  and  a  day  for  the  payment,  and  the  buyer  takes  them  away, 
trover  does  not  lie,  but  an  assumpsit  for  the  money,  because  the 
property  was  changed  by  a  lawful  bargain. 

If  I  borrow  a  horse  to  go  to  Dover,  and  go  to  other  places,  the  Roll. Rep.  its. 
owner  may  have  an  action  on  the  case  against  me,  for  exceeding 
the  purposes  of  the  loan :  for  so  far  it  is  a  secret  and  fallacious 
abuse  of  his  property ;  but  no  general  action  o(  trespass,  because 
it  is  not  an  open  and  violent  invasion  of  it. 

Where  the  act  is  lawful  (c),  as  the  fixing  of  a  spout,  and  8  Mod.  272. 
the  consequence  is  injurious,  the  remedy  is  by  case,  and  not  2Ld.  Raym. 
trespass.  1399.  Forteso. 

*  212.  1  btra. 

634.  11(c)  The  lawfulness  or  unlawfulness  of  the  act  is  not  the  criterion  between  the  action 
of  trespass  and  on  the  case.  Sec  2  Black.  R.  894.  3  Wils.  499.  Scott  v.  Shepherd ;  where 
instances  are  put  by  Blackstonc  J.  in  which  trespass  lies  for  the  consequences  of  a  lawful  act, 
and  where  case  may  be  brought  for  the  consequences  of  an  unlawful  one.  The  distinction  is 
between  direct  or  immediate  injuries  on  the  one  hand,  and  mediate  or  consequential  injuries  on 
the  other.  Trespass  never  lay  for  the  latter.  Ibid.  And  eee  tit.  Trespass  (A),  Vol.  Vll.;  and 
the  cases  there. || 

E  4  (B)  In 


(B)  In  what  Cases  an  Action  will  lie,   and  for  whom, 
and  against  whom. 

TT  is  clear,  that  for  all  injuries  done  to  a  man's  person,  repu- 
tation,  or  property,  he  shall  have  an  action,  and  that  for 
every  right  he  is  to  have  a  remedy ;  for  want  of  right  and  wanfe. 
of  remedy  are  the  same  thing.  * 

Co.Litt.  145.         It  is  also  agreed,  that  where  a  person  has  several  remedies,  he. 
Stile, 4.  jf^jjy  choose  which  he  pleases;  but  he  cannot  devise  or  lay  hold 

on  any  but  those  prescribed  by  the  laws  of  his  country ;  for  if 
this  were  allowed,  it  would  be  constituting  as  many  actions  as 
there  are  men,  which  would  be  highly  inconvenient. 

But  in  this  the  great  difficulty  is,  when  a  man  shall  be  said  to 
have  suffered  an  injury,  or  to  have  such  a  right  as  will  entitle  him 
to  an  action.  And  here  the  rules  established  by  that  society,  of 
which  he  is  a  member,  must  govern ;  and  therefore,  though  a 
man  has  a  right,  yet  if  he  be  barred  by  the  statute  of  limitations, 
he  can  have  no  remedy. 
Yelv.  196.  jSo,  if  I  promise  by  word  only  to  'convey  lands,  or  to  give 

BrownMii  f?oods  without  delivering  possession,  or,  if  I  promise  to  build  a 
6  Co.  18  Roil,  house  without  consideration  (a),  <^c.  though  by  the  laws  of  nature 
Abr.  9.  these  promises  are  binding,  yet  no  action  lies ;  for  without  deed 

(a)  But,  if  a  ^^iW  sealed  and  executed,  or  without  consideration,  no  property 
dertakcs'to"'  ^^  altered ;  and  every  such  promise  is  esteemed,  in  the  eye  of  the 
build  a  house    l^^j  to  be  nudum  pactum  wide  non  oritur  actio. 

for  me,  and  does  it  ill,  an  actim  on  the  case  lies  against  him.  Kelw.  78.  Roll.  Abr.  9.  So,  if 
a  carpenter  promises  to  repair  my  house  before  such  a  day,  and  does  not  do  it,  by  which  the 
house  falls,  an  action  on  the  case  lies.  Roll.  Abr.  9.  but  for  this  vide  AssunrpsU  and  Action  07i 
the  Case. 

'^M*  t^*^' *^^'  ^*  ^  cases  where  there  may  be  damnum  absque  injuria^  the 
Noy°i84.         pa^ty  can  have  no  action;  as  if  a  school  be  set  up  in  the  same 

town  where  an  ancient  school  has  been  time  out  of  mind,  by 

which  the  old  school  receives  damage,  yet  no  action  lies. 
rIiII  A!  ^Vo7        ^°'  *^  ^  retain  a  master  in  my  house  to  instruct  ray  children, 

though  this  may  be  to  the  damage  of  the  common  master,  yet 

no  action  lies. 
Norris  v.  [If  \  throw  out  windows  in  my  house  which  overlook  my 

itoyic,  ^^v*'*  neighbour's  house,  and  break  in  upon  that  privacy  which  he  be- 
The  case  of*     ^^'"^  enjoyed,  yet  no  action  lies. 

Clierrington  v.  Abney,  2  Vern.  646.  was  cited  in  the  argument,  but  the  court  thought  it  de- 
served no  attention.    See  the  note  to  this  case  in  Mr.  Raitbby's  valuable  edition  of  Vernon. 

_,    ,   ~  No  action  lies  for  the  fees  of  a  counsel,  or  physician ;   they 

Black.  Com*      ...  ^   .  j        i    j  ^  j 

28.  Chorley      ^^'"S  g^^en  as  a  mere  gratuity. 
V.  Bolcot,  4  Term  R.  317.    2  Atk.  332. 

Russell  v.  The  The  parties  to  civil  suits  are,  individuals,  who  must  be  parti- 
st"  R^°"'  ^"l^i'ly  ^^^sd,  bodies  corporate,  and  persons  ^^e^a^/ incorporated, 
667.  (6)  Such  rendered  liable  to  be  sued,  and  capable  of  suing  by  the  pro- 
are  the  visions  of  particular  acts  of  parliament,  [b)  The  inhabitants  of 
statutes  of  a  county  or  district,  unless  so  embodied,  cannot  be  called  upon 
haeraBd  cry,     ^^  answer  crviliter  for  an  injury  sustained  in  consequence  of  any 


(13)  In  -wJhal  Cases  cm  Action  mil  lie,  ^x,  57 

breadi  of  their  public  duty ;  for  collectively,  and  qua  inhabit- 
ants, they  are  not  otherwise  objects  of  civil  jurisdiction.] 

As  the  lavi^  grants  redress  for  all  injuries,  and  gives  a  remedy  Co.Litt.  128. 
for  every  kind  of  right,  so  it  is  open  to  all  kinds  of  persons, 
and  none  are  excluded  from  bringing  an  action,  except  on 
account  of  their  crimes  or  their  country ;  as  men  attainted  of  trea- 
son or  felony,  popish  recusants,  persons  outlawed  or  excom- 
municated, convict  in  apramunire,  or  alien  enemies. 

A  man  that  hath  a  special  and  limited  property  in  goods,  as  a  sBulst.  sii." 
carrier  that  hath  goods  delivered  to  him,  a  sherift'who  hath  Sid.  438.  Mod. 
levied  goods,  a  bailee  who  hath  goods  in  his  keeping,  Si-c.  shall  so.  2  Sand.  47. 
have  actions  against  strangers   who  take  them  away,  because  y^Z  '/^^' 
they  are  answerable  in  damages  to  the  absolute  owner.  sTermR.  594. 

;||See  tit.  Trespass  (C).  Trover  (C),  Vol.VII.|| 

So,  a  man  who  has  cause  of  action  agamst  two,  may  bring  it  Cro.  Jac.  is. 
against  which  he  pleases :  as,  if  A.  takes  the  goods  of  C.,  and  B. 
takes  them  from  A.,  C.  shall  have  his  action  against  A.  or  B,  at 
his  election,  because  both  damnified  C.  in  their  taking. 

So,  if  two  of  the  sheep  of  A.  have  been  lost,  and  one  of  them  Alleyn,  5. 

•  XT  A 

is  found  again,  and  the  shepherd  of  A.  affirms  it  to  be  one  of  ^  T"'^"r"]i 

them,  whereupon  A.  pays  for  the  feeding  of  it,  and  causes  it  to  ^^j.^  jq{'  g^  q] 

be  shorn  and  marked  with  his  own  mark,  and  after  the  shepherd, 

knowing  this  to  be  the  sheep  of  A.^  falsely  and  fraudulently 

affirms  to  the  bailiff  of  the  manor,  to  which  waif  and  stray 

belong,    that   the  said  sheep  is  a  stray,    whereupon  the  said 

bailiff'  seizes  it,  Src,  A.  may  have  an  action  against  his  shepherd, 

for  that  by  his  false  practice  he  hath  created  a  trouble,  disgrace,  / 

and  damage  to  him  ;  and  though  he  hath  good  cause  of  action 

against  the  bailiff  j  yet  this  will  not  excuse  the  shepherd. 

II  So,  if^.  positively  state  to  the  commander  of  a  pressgang  Flewster  v. 
that  B.  is  liable  to  the  impress  service,  who  in  truth  is  not  so,  *^°y'^' 
and  B.  in  consequence  is  impressed,  A.  may  be  sued  in  trespass  ^nj  ggg       ' ' 
and  false  imprisonment  by  B.    Alt'ter,  it  seems,  if  A.  had  only  e  Term  R. 
said  he  beliexjed  B.  was  liable.  ||  315. 

So,  if  one  slander  my  title,  whereby  I  am  wrongfully  dis-  Alleyn,  s. 
turbed  in  my  possession,  though  I  have  remedy  against  the  tres-    1  "y/ico  kf '^ 
passer,  yet  I  may  have  an  action  against  him  who  caused  the  gEast' 
disturbance.  was  held  that 

it  is  not  suffi- 
cient to  prove  a  mere  wrongful  act  of  a  third  party  as  the  consequence  of  the  slander ;  for  the 
plaintiff  may  have  his  remedy  against  him.     The  damage  must  be  the  legal  and  natural  con- 
fiequence  of  the  slander;  and  see  Cro.  Jac.  471.    2 Bos.  &  Pull.  £84. ;  and  tit.  Slander  {C)^ 
Vol.  VII.,  where  sec  the  cases  as  to  slander  of  title,|| 

If  there  are  several  proprietors  of  a  ship  which  hath  usually  Carth.  58. 

transported  goods  for  hire,  and  a  master  placed  therein  by  the  ^°^°"  ^"|^ 

part-owners,  who  hath  60/.  wages  for  every  voyage  from  London  g  galk.  440 

to  T.y  and  J.  S.  without  making  any  contract  with  the  part-  pi.  i,  5  Lev. 

owners,  and  none  of  them  being  present,  delivers  certain  goods  258.  3  Mod. 

on  board  to  the  master,   to  be  carried  for  hire  from  London  to  ^21.8.  C. 

7\  and  the  ship  safely  arrives  there,  but  the  goods  are  spoiled  Vern.  297 

througli  the  neglect  of  the  master,  an  action  lies  against  the  298.  465.' 



2  Vem.643.  part-owners;  for  tlious;h  the  master  is  chargeable  in  respect  of 
8  Mod.  89.  iiijj  wages,  so  are  the  j^roprietors  in  respect  of  the  freight,  at  the 
sfr^sos''^'     election  of  the  plaintiff. 

But  Qucere  whether  all  the  part-owners  are  not  to  be  sued;  bnt  clearly  if  they  are  not,  it  must 
be  pleaded  in  abatement.  Stra.  55.3.  822.  2  Black.  R,  947.  ||It  is  settled  that  if  the  action  in 
sucli  case  be  broniiiit  in  asjsnnijmt,  all  the  i)art-owners  must  be  joined,  or  the  non-joinder  may 
be  pleaded  in  abatement,  but  it  cannot  be  otherwise  objected  to.  If  the  action  be  shaped  in 
tort  against  the  defendants  as  common  carriers,  according  to  the  custom  of  the  realm,  then  it 
seems  the  non-joinder  of  some  parties  cannot  be  objected  to  at  all.  See  2  New  R.  454. 
12  East,  89.  452.  2  Marsh.  485.  3  Brod.  &  Bing.  54.  But  if  the  defendants  are  not  common 
carriers,  and  the  action  is,  in  fact,  founded  on  the  contract  to  convey  the  goods,  then,  though 
the  form  of  action  be  in  tort,  still  it  is  substantially  an  action  of  contract,  and  the  non-joinder 
of  some  parties  may  be  pleaded  in  abatement.  Idid. ;  and  see  ante,  Abatemenit,  and  Abbott 
on  Shipping,  95,  (5th  edit.}{| 

M    d      Id'  l'"^"  attainted  person  is  liable  to  civil  suits;  but  he  ought  not 

case  Post.         ^^  ^e  charged  without  leave  of  the  court,  or  of  a  judge.  || 
Cr.  L.  61.  Co.  Entr.  246.  a.  b.     Cro.  Eliz.  516.    Co.  Entr.  248.     2  Anders.  58.     Moor.  753. 

3  Inst.  215. 

(C)  In  what  Cases  distinct  Things  may  be  laid  in  the 
same  Action. 

sCo.  87.  but     n'^HE  distinction  herein,  with  respect  to  real  actions,  depends 

for  this  wrfe  q^  the  different  kinds  of  writs;  for  all  original  writs  are  of 

Owen  11  ^^^  sorts,  viz.  breve  nominatum  et  innominatum.     The  first  con- 

Kelw.\o5.         tains  the   time,    place,    and    demand,    very    particularly;    and 

Dyer,  145.         therefore  in  such  writ  several  lands  by  several  titles  cannot  be 

2Brownl.  274.  demanded  in  the  same  writ.     The  other  contains  only  a  general 

complaint,  without  expressing  time,  damages,  S^'c.  as  the  writ  of 

trespass  quare  clausum  freight^  Sfc.  and  therefore  several  lands 

coming  to  the  demandant  by  several  titles,  may  be  demanded  in 

such  writ. 

Cro.  Car.  20.         As  to  personal  actions,  the  difference  arises  from  the  above- 

-'^'  v*^i"''„.»    mentioned  division  of  personal  actions,  viz.  such  as  are  ex  con- 

566.  Keb.  847.  ^        ^  ,  ,  ^        i  t  .  r-ii  ,,i  c 

Bro.  Joinder     tractti,  and  sucn  as  are  ex  delicto,  or  founded  on  a  toit ;  tlieretore 

in  Action,  97.    debt  on  an  obligation  and  on  a  mutuaUis  may  be  joined,  because 

Register,  95.      the  writ  is  general,  and  the  declaration  upon  both  will  be  war- 

139.  (a)  1  he     wanted  by  the  authority  given  by  the  general  words  of  the  writ. 

tni6  reason  ^  ,        ^  ^  .. 

whv  actions      So,  debt  and  detinue  may  be  joined  in  the  same  writ,  because 

may  or  may  there  are  writs  in  the  register,  in  which  they  are  both  comprised 
not  be  joined,  in  the  same  writ.  So,  debt  upon  a  lease  and  for  clothes,  they 
IS  not  the  being  in  the  words  of  the  same  writ.  But  debt  and  account,  or 
of  the  defend-  ^^^^  f^nd  trespass  (a)  cannot  be  joined. 

nnt's  pleas;  for  if  that  were  the  reason,  debt  upon  an  obligation,  to  which  the  plea  is  non 
at  factum,  and  on  a  mutuatus,  nil  debet,  could  not  be  joined  :  therefore  the  true  reason  arises 
from  the  difference  of  the  process,  and  the  fines  paid  on  taking  out  the  original ;  for  in  debt 
the  old  process  was  summons,  attachment,  and  distress,  and  on  taking  out  the  original  a. 
fine  was  paid  to  the  king,  which  was  in  proportion  to  the  sum  demanded;  but  in  trespass  the 
process  was  a  capias,  because  the  man  that  had  committed  a  tort  might  be  supposed  to  fly 
from  justice;  and  in  this  action  the  court  set  a  fine  on  him  in  proportion  to  hii  offence,  and 
levied  it  by  a  capiaiur.    Gilb.  Hist.  C.P.  6. 

8  Co.  87.  In  personal  actions  several  wrongs  or  trespasses  may  be  joined, 

"Tev  9-  because  they  may  be  comprised  in  the  same  writ,  and  so  may 

Raym.  233.       several  actions,   on  the  case,  where  the  case  is  of  the  same  kind  ; 


(C)  WJien  dhlinct  Things  may  he  laid  in  same  Action.  59 

as  an  action  for  a  fraud  on  the  delivery  of  the  goods,  and  on  the  r/g^  ^^^  jj{-_ 

warranty  of  the  same  goods,    being  both  on  the  contract.     So,  ficulty  as  to 

against  a  common  carrier  on  the  custom  of  the  realm,  and  trover  what  counts 

may  be  ioined,  because  botii  on  the  tort,  it  being  a  violation  of  ™^>;  be  joined 
^i_  /  ^  ^     a  1-        ii,      u  /   \  1"  the  some 

the  custom  not  to  deliver  the  charge,  [a)  declaration 

hath  at  length  met  with  an  easy  solution :  any  counts  that  admit  of  the  same  plea^  and  are 
followed  by  the  same  judgment,  may  be  included  in  the  same  declaration  ;  but  counts  which  re- 
quire a  different  plea,  or  receive  a  different  judgment,  cannot  be  joined  ;  and  yet  the  cause  of 
action  comprized  in  such  counts  may  in  both  cases  be  the  same.  Thus,  a  count  against  a 
carrier  on  the  custom  of  the  realm  and  one  in  trover  may  be  joined,  because  the  plea  and  the 
judgment  proper  to  both  are  the  same ;  but,  instead  of  the  count  upon  the  custom  of  the 
realm,  let  a  count  \7.  assumpsit  be  substituted  against  the  carrier,  and  trover  cannot  be  joined 
with  it ;  because  the  plea  to  each  is  different.  Brown  v.  Dixon,  1  Terra  R.  576.  Mast  v.  Good- 
son,  5  Wils.  354.  Dickon  v.  Clifton,  2  Wils.  319.]  IJIn  extending  the  rule  beyond  what  the 
cases  cited  warrant,  the  above  note  is  not  accurate,  for  there  are  cases  where  counts  may  be 
joined,  although  the  plea  is  different ;  thus,  debt  on  bond  and  on  a  mutuatus,  and  debt  on  bond 
and  on  judgment,  may  clearly  be  joined.  And  even  taken  only  affirmatively,  the  rule  is  not  univer- 
sally true,  that  where  the  plea  is  the  same  and  the  judgment  the  same  the  actions  may  be  joined ; 
for  this  is  the  case  with  the  actions  of  trespass,  and  trespass  on  the  case  :  the  plea  is  the  same, 
and  the  judgment  in  each  is  for  damages  and  costs;  and  though  in  general  the  judgment  in 
trespass  is  quod  capiatur,  and  in  case,  quod  sit  in  misericordia,  yet  sometimes  there  is  an  entry 
of  a  capiatur  in  case  as  well  as  in  trespass.  And  yet  they  cannot,  in 
general,  be  joined.    2  Will.  Saiind.  117.  c;  and  note  (c)  by  the  last  learned  editors.|| 

But  actions  founded  upon  a  tort  and  upon  a  contract  cannot  be  5  Lev.  loi. 

joined,  as  ass7tmpsit  and  trover  against  a  carrier ;  for  though  these  ^^^-  ^^^*  ■^^• 

come  under  the  general  head  of  actions  on  the  case,  yet  they  are  j^,  jyj^j  _* 

more  distinct  cases  than  debt  and  account  (6),  which  cannot  be  SeeLd.Ray'm. 

joined.  38.  Salk.  lo. 

3  Salk.  204. 
5  Mod.  85.    Comb.  332.    {b)  Bro.  Joinder  in  Action,  97-     ||But  if  the  carrier  be  sued  in  case 
upon  the  custom  of  the  realm  a  count  in  trover  may  be  joined.     Brown  v.  Dixon,  I  Term 
R.  277.11 

If  trover  and  assumpsit  are  joined  in  one  action,  and  upon  and  ^  Lev.  99. 
guilty  the  jury  quoad  the  trover  find  for  the  defendant,  and  quoad  ^^^  *"j. 
the  assumpsit  for  the  plaintiff,  yet  he  shall  not  have  judgment ;  for 
these  cannot  be  joined  in  the  same  action,  and  the  severance  by 
the  jury  will  not  help  it,  the  declaration  being  naught  at  first. 

One  action  will  lie  for  entering  the  house  of  the  plaintiff,  break-  Alleyn,  9. 
ing  his  chests,  and  carrying  away  his  goods,  and  for  beating  his  Stile,  43. 202. 
servant p^  quod  servitium  amisit.  ^_ '  al™'f.^e . 

Hand  see  Ditcham  v.  Bond,  2  Maul.  &  S.  456.  ace.|| 

yAnd  so   also   for   entering  his  house   and  debauching   his  Worsland 
daughter  per  quod  servitium  amisit,  |]  v.  Walton, 

2  New  R.  476. 

If  in  an  action  upon  the  case  the  plaintiff  declares,  that  whereas  Cro.  Car.  20. 
accommodassit  to  the  defendant  a  gelding  ad  cquitand.  ah  L.  usque  ^.^^  *"^ 
£.,  ct  ibidem  salvo  deliberand.  to  the  plaintiff,    the  defendant  r^\  Yiut  the 
intending  to  deceive  the  plaintiff,  rid  upon  the  said  gelding  from  plaintilFhad 
L.  to  E.  and  E.  unto  L.  again,  and  by  that  riding  so  much  judgment, 
abused  the  saitl  horse,  that  he  became  of  little  value;  and  though  ^^'"?  ^^^^^ 
the  plaintiff  at  E.  demanded  a  re-delivery  of  the  said  gelding,  yet  „^^  Hobart 
the  defendant  refused,  and  yet  doth  refuse  to  deliver  him,  and  the  defendant 
hath  converted  the  said  gelding  to  his  own  use;  this  declaration  might  have  de- 
is  not  good  (c),  because  it  contains  distinct  matters,  for  part  is  '""'"red  for 

'^         ^  '  r        1    J  the  doubleness 





Orton  V. 
Butler,  5  Barn, 
&  A.652.; 
and  see 
1  New  R.  43. 
6  East,  3.33. 
Brill  V.  Neele, 
3  Barn.  &  A. 

Brownl.  86. 
Cro.  Jac.  68. 
Moor,  914. 
Noy,  3.  S.  C. 

of  the  declara-  founded  upon  the  contract,  and  part  upon  the  torty  which  are 
several  causes  of  action. 

II  And  so  where  a  count  stated  that  the  defendant  had  received 
to  plaintiff's  use  a  certain  sum  of  money  to  be  paid  by  defendant 
to  plaintiff  on  request,  and  that  the  defendant  did  not  pay  on 
request,  and  converted  the  money  to  his  own  use,  the  count  was 
held  bad  on  demurrer,  it  not  being,  either  in  form  or  substance, 
a  count  in  trover.  A  count  stating  that  defendant  was  indebted 
to  plaintiff  for  work  and  labour,  and  being  indebted,  that  he 
undertook  and  promised  to  pay,  <^c.  whereby  an  action  hath 
accrued,  Sfc.  is  not  a  good  count  in  debt,  and  tuunot  be  joined 
with  counts  in  debt.|| 
Hob.  249.  ^^  ejectment  and  assault  and  battery  were  joined  in  one  writ, 

s'^cT'and         ^^^  "*^''  ff^'^ty  pleaded,  and  a  verdict  and  entire  damages  given 
Winch  held       for  the  plaintiff";  and  it  seems  to  have  been  aided  after  verdict, 
the  writ 

naught,  but  the  damages  being  found  severally,  the  plaintiff  released  those  for  the  battery,  and 
had  judgment  for  the  ejectment. 

Yelv.  65.  Where  one  hath  a  right  to  recover  in  the  same  kind  of  action, 

Champernoon  though  he  derives  his  right  from  different  titles,  yet  being  con- 
joined in  him,  he  may  recover  in  one  action :  as  if  in  debt  upon 
2  &  3  E.  6.  c.  13.  for  not  setting  forth  tythes,  though  the  plaintiff 
shews,  that  by  prescription  the  rector  of  A.  hath  had  two  parts, 
andlhe  vicar  of  J.  the  third  part  of  the  tythes  there,  and  that  the 
said  rector  and  vicar,  by  several  leases,  did  demise  to  the  plain- 
tiff^  whereby  he  became  pt'oprietarius  of  the  said  tythes,  and  the 
defendant  sowed,  Sfc.  this  action  is  well  brought;  for  though  the 
vicar  and  parson  could  not  join,  because  they  claim  severally  by 
divided  rights,  yet  when  both  titles  are  conjoined  in  one  person, 
the  matter  of  the  tide  is  also  conjoined;  and  this  being  a  per- 
sonal action  and  founded  upon  a  wrong,  it  is  sufficient  to  shew 
generally,  that  the  plaintiff  isjt>7??fl;/-m  or  propnctarius  of  the  tithes, 
without  saying  by  what  tide. 

If  A.  being  seised  of  a  third  part  of  a  messuage,  ^'C.  in  fee, 
demises  the  same  to  B.  for  years,  who  assigns  to  C,  and  A.  by 
bargain  and  sale  enrolled  conveys  his  reversion  to  D.  and  his 
heirs,  who  was  then  seised  of  another  third  part  in  fee,  and 
afterwards  the  said  Z).  leases  his  third  part  also  to  the  said  C. 
for  years,  and  dies ;  and  his  heir  by  bargain  and  sale  enrolled 
conveys  the  reversion  of  the  said  two  third  parts  to^.  and  his  heirs, 
after  which  waste  is  done ;  E.  (a)  may  bring  one  action  of  waste 
upon  these  several  leases,  for  that  the  interest  neither  of  the 
theassignment  terms  nor  of  the  inheritance  was  severed  or  divided  to  several, 
in  one  and  ^"^  ^^^  ^"  °"^  person  at  the  time  when  the  waste  was  done. 
the  same  thin<».     Pt^f  Popliam  Ch.  Just.     Vide  head  of  Waste. 

Cro.  Jac.  329.        If  in  covenant  the  plaintiff  shews  that  A.  was  seised  in  fee  of 
Pyot  and  Lady  one  messuage,  and  possessed  of  another  for  a  certain  term  of 

'^^^  1  •  1111  t  t       r*  •%  r* 

years  yet  endurmg,  and  let  both  to  the  defendant  for  a  less  term 
of  years,  and  that  the  defendant  did  covenant  to  repair,  S^x.,  and 
shews  that  A.  by  one  deed  did  grant  to  the  plaintiff  the  reversion 
in  fee,  and  by  another  the  reversion  for  years,  ^c,  and  that  after 


Poph.  24,  25. 
Haydock  v. 
Warn  ford, 
Cro.  Eliz.  290. 
Owen,  11. 

(rt)  And  the 
rather  because 

St.  John.  Lev 
110.  S.C. 

(C)  TVhen  distinct  Things  may  he  laid  in  same  Action.  Gl 

the  houses  were  out  of  repair,  S^c.  this  action  is  well  brought; 
for  as  upon  several  leases  or  upon  several  grants  of  a  reversion 
one  action  of  vk^aste  lies,  so  for  the  same  reason  one  writ  of  cove- 
nant will  lie. 

But  one  cannot  in  the  same  action  join  a  demand  against  one  Hob.  88.  Her- 
in  his  own  right,  and  a  demand  on  him  as  representative  of  renden  and 
another ;  as  if  in  assumpsit  against  an  administrator,  the  plaintiff  558"g'^*p   S  ' 
declares  upon  a  sale  of  goods  to  the  intestate  for  200/.  and  upon   this  wVit-  head 
another  sale  to  the  defendant  himself  for  27/.,  and   that  upon  of  Executors 
account   the  defendant  was  found   indebted  to  the  plaintiff'  in   '^"^  Admms- 
these  sums,  and  promised,  Sfc.  the  declaration  is  naught,  for  the    '"  '"^*^   ^' 
charge  being:  in  several  manors,  viz.  in  his  own  right,  and  as 
administrator,  it  ought  to  have  been  by  several  actions. 

[Where  the  same  persons  are  assignees  of  two  bankrupts,   Hancock 
under  separate  commissions,  they  cannot  join  in  the  same  action  and  others, 
a  joint  debt  due  to  both  the  bankrupts,  with  separate  debts  due  jja-f^ar^i  ^' 
to  each.  ^  3  Term r!  433. 

But  where  the  same  persons  were  assignees  o?  A.  and  B.  and  Streatfield 
likewise  assignees  of  C,  and  they  declared  as  such  for  a  joint  de-  and  others,  as- 
mand  due  to  all  the  bankrupts,  such  declaration  was  holden  signees,  v. Hal- 
good  upon  a  motion  in  arrest  of  judgment.]  ^  ^^' ^     ""^ 

II  But  if  ^.  5.  and  C.  are  appointed  assignees   under  three  Ray  v.  Davies, 
separate  commissions  against  three  bankrupts,   they  cannot  sue  2  Moo.  3, 
as  if  they  were  joint  assignees  of  the  three  bankrupts,  or  it  is  a 
ground  of  nonsuit. 

Assignees  under  a  joint  commission  against  A.  and  B.^  in  suing  Stonehouse  v. 

on  a  separate  contract  made  with  A.  may  describe  themselves   ,  ^'^'  ^\^r. 
11  1  •  r  ^       •  1  "^     •       r,  I,  3  Camp.  599. 

generally  as  the  assignees  01  A.,  without  nammg  Jo.\\  Harvey  v. 

Morgan,  2  Stark.  17. 

Several  persons  may  join  in  an  action  where  their  interest  is  ^(^^  this  vide 

joint;  as  if  the  several  cattle  of  A.  and  J5.  are  distrained,  and  head  of  Jo?M^ 

C,  in  consideration  of  10/.  to  him  paid  by  A.  and  J5.,  assumes  i5g     j^q]]    ' 

and  promises  to  them  to  proc.ire  the  cattle  to  be  re-delivered  to  Abr.51.  S.  C. 
them,  if  they  are  not  re-delivered  accordingly,  one  joint  action 
lies,  for  the  consideration  is  entire  and  cannot  be  divided. 

So,  if  A.  hath  one  mill  and  B.  another  in  the  same  manor,  2  Lev.  27. 

which  they  have  used  to  repair,  and  time  out  of  mind  all  the  Litheley  and 

grain  which  was  ground  and  spent  in  the  houses  of  the  tenants  ^?^^,'^°"; 

of  the  said  manor,  and  was  not  ground  at  one  of  the  said  mills,  2Saund^ii5 

hath  always,  and  ought  to  be  ground  at  the  other,  and  C.  a  Vent.  lei. 

tenant  of  the  said  manor,  grinds  at  another  mill,  ^c.  A.  and  B.  S.  C.  agreed 

may  join  in  one  action  against  C,  for  the  damage  is  entire  to  Pf  ^"^'f"^  '^"" 
\     /u  4.1,   •         -11  o  »  &  riai7i;  but 

both  their  mills.  because  the 

plaintiffs  had  declared  that  all  the  grain  ought  to  be  ground  at  those  two  mills,  or  one  of  them, 
which  might  be,  if  all  ought  to  be  ground  at  one  of  the  mills  and  nothing  at  the  other,  for 
their  expedition  they  prayed  a  nil  cap.  per  billam. 

II  So  also  certain  persons,  dippers  of  the  wells  at  Tonhridge^  Wellerv. 
duly  chosen  by  the  homage  of  the  Court  Baron,  and  approved  ^^l* 
by   the   lords   according    to    the   terms  of   a    private    act  of  ^^j  ^^^  ^^'*- 
parliament,    were   held    entitled   to    maintain    a  joint  action  i  Will. 




Saimd.  125.       against  the  defendant  for  exercising  the  business  of  a  dipper, 

2/rf.  116.  not  being  duly  chosen  and  approved  according  to  the  act;  for 

though  each  dipper  received  gratuities  for  his  separate  use,  yet 

they  were  all  jointly  concerned  in  interest  as  against  a  stranger 

disturbing  them  in  their  employment. 

Townsend  v.  So  a  herald  and  a  pursuivant  at  arms  may  maintain  a  joint 

Neal,  2  Camp,  action  for  work  and  labour  in  making  out  a  pedigree,  both  having 

*^°'  been  on  duty  when  the  order  was  given,  although  one  of  them 

was  applied  to  by  the  defendant. 

But  where  two  parties  agreed  with  defendant  to  assist  him 
with  their  horses,  and  they  were  to  give  in  their  accounts  sepa- 
rately, and  each  assisted  him  with  three  horses,  it  was  held 
that  the  contracts  were  separate,  and  the  parties  could  not  sue 
jointly.  II 

If  within  the  parish  of  A.  there  is  a  custom  for  the  parishioners 
yearly  to  elect  two  persons  to  be  churchwardens  there,  and  ac- 
cording to  the  said  custom  B.  and  C\  are  elected,  but  the  surro- 
gate  of  the  bishop  refuses  to  admit  and  swear  them  into  the  said 
office ;  upon  which  they  bring  a  mandamus,  and  he  falsely  returns 
a  custom  for  the  vicar  to  choose  one  churchwarden,  and  that 
therefore  he  cannot  admit  both  the  said  parties,  but  is  ready  to 
admit  one  of  them ;  they  may  join  in  an  action  for  this  false  re- 
turn, for  the  niandajmis  and  whole  prosecution  thereof  was  joint, 
and  this  is  no  office  of  profit,  nor  action  brought  for  that,  but 
for  the  unjust  return. 

So,  if  the  registrar  of  the  bishop  refuses  to  register  a  licence  of 
a  chapel  for  a  conventicle,  according  to  1  W.  &  M.  c.  18.  and 
upon  a  mandamus  to  do  it  makes  a  false  return,  several  of  the 
inhabitants  may  join  in  one  action,  against  him. 

But,  if  one  man  calls  two  other  men  thieves,   and  shews  in 
certain  of  what,  ^c.  they  shall  not  {a)  join  in  one  action  against 
him ;  for  the  wrong  doer  to  one  is  no  wrong  to  the  other, 
(a)  So  in  false  imprisonment.    Dyer,  1 9. 

Smith  V. 
aChitt.  142. 

3  Lev.  S62. 
Ward  et  al. 
V.  Brampston. 

3  Lev.  365. 
Vide  12  Mod. 
349.  571. 

Dyer,  19. 

Gouldsb.  76. 
S.  P.  Cro.  Car. 
512.  S.  P. 

Kelw.  52. 
Fitz.  Joinder 
in  Action,  17. 
Reg.  105. 
Owen,  106. 

Cooke  v. 
3  Bos.  &  Pull. 

Barratt  v. 
10  Moo.  R. 

Dyer,  351.  Q. 

So,  in  assault  and  battery ;  for  the  battery  done  to  one  cannot 
be  the  same  as  that  done  to  the  other ;  and  one  battery  may 
hurt  more  than  the  other. 

l|However,  if  slander  is  spoken  of  two  partners  respecting  their 
joint  trade,  they  may  have  a  joint  action. 
150.;  and  see  2  Will.  Saund.  116.  a.  116.b. 

Where  two  plaintiffs  jointly  sued  the  defendant  for  a  malicious 
arrest,  alleging  as  special  damage  a  joint  injury  from  the  wrong- 
ful imprisonment,  and  also  a  joint  expense  thereby  incurred  by 
both,  the  court  ordered  the  judgment  to  be  arrested,  since  the 
injury  from  wrongful  imprisonment  could  not  be  a  joint  damage. 
But  it  seems  that  on  the  court  observing  that  the  jury  had  only 
found  damages  for  the  joint  expense,  they  ordered  the  postea  to 
be  amended.  || 

If  a  man  holds  several  lands  of  several  lords  by  heriot  custom, 
and  to  defraud  them  of  their  heriots  makes  a  fraudulent  gift  of  all 


(C)  TVheji  distinct  Things  may  he  laid  in  same  Action.  1)3 

his  beasts  heriotable,  all  the  lords  may  join  in  one  action  upon  the 
ISEIiz.  c.  5. 

If  two  joint  owners  of  a  sum  of  money  are  robbed  upon  the  Dyer,  570. 
highway,  they   may  join    in  one  action  against   the    hundred 
in  whicli,  4^c.  otherwise,   if  the   sums  are  several,   and  several 

\\A.  B.  and  C.  having  been  appointed  assignees  of  a  bankrupt,   Brand  v. 

and  acted  as  such,  A.  and  B.  pay  each  half  of  the  solicitor's  bill.   Boulcott, 

A.  and  B.  cannot  maintain  a  joint  action  against  C  for  his  pro-  ^  jl"*^-  '^  ;""• 
...  .  ,  ,•'  ,  .  °  ^1  ^  2.j5.  ;  and  see 

portion  or  the  sum  paid;  each  must  sue  him  separately.  Graham  v. 

Robertson,  2  Term  II.  282.    Kelby  v.  Steel,  5  Esp.  Ca.  194. 

But  where  A.  B.  and  C.  having  dissolved  partnership,  and  C-  Osborne  v. 

after  such   dissolution  drew  bills    in  the  partnership  name  in  -£.'^^\,).  . 

favour  of  Z).;  upon  which  Z).  brought  his  action  against^.  i5.  and  .,„j  sJe  "    ' 

C,   and  C.  having  pleaded  his  bankruptcy,  Z).  entered  a  nolle  ioEast,4i8. 

prosequi  as  to  him,  and  recovered  judgment  against  A.  and  B.j  '  Carr.  &  P. 

which  judgment  was  satisfied  by  their  attorney,  who  advanced  1^'^f  "'  ^ 
part  of  the  money  for  them  on  their  Joint  credit^  and  borrowed 
the  rest  on  ihe\vjoi7it  credit,  it  was  held  that  the  sum  so  paid  in 
satisfaction  of  the  judgment  might  be  recovered  by  A.  and  B.  in 
a  joint  action  against  C.  It  would  have  been  otherwise  if  each 
had  contributed  his  share  to  the  attorney  to  pay  the  demand. 

The  several  members  of  a  club  associated  for  the  purpose  of  Everett  v. 

buying  coals  and  dividing  them  in  proportions  amongst  them-  1'i"dall, 
selves,  cannot  maintain  separate  actions  for  penalties  against  the        sp.  i69. 
seller.  I] 

If  A.  delivers  goods  to  B.  to  deliver  over  to  C,  and  B.  does  i  Bulst.  68. 

not  deliver  them  over  accordingly,  but  converts  them  to  his  own  Hiird..32i. 

use,  either  A.  or  C.  may  have  an  action  against  5.,  but  both  shall  said  that  th^ 

not  have  an  action  ;  but  he  who  first  begins  his  action  shall  go  could  not  both 

on  with  the  same.  join. 

If  A.  is  seised  in  fee  of  the  reversion  of  a  close  expectant  upon  5  Lev.  209. 

a  term  for  years,  and  B.  is  possessed  of  another  close  adjoining  Bidlesford  and 

thereto,  between  wiiich  closes  there  runs  a  rivulet,  and  B.  stops  Vn       3,4, 

it,  per  quod  the  close  of  A.  is  surrounded,  so  that  the  timber-  q^^,  Jesser  v! 

trees,  Sfc.  become  rotten ;  A.  in  respect  of  the  prejudice  to  the  Gifford. 

reversion,  may  have  one  action,  and  the  termor  in  respect  of  the  llSee  Knight 

possession,  and  of  the  shade,  shelter,  S^c.  may  have  another  action,  T'n:^^ ''   „  n 
and  a  satisfaction  given  to  the  one  is  no  bar  to  the  other.  °" 

One  action  will  not  lie  against  several  men  for  speaking  the  Palm.  3x3. 

same  words ;  for  the  words  of  the  one  are  not  the  words  of  the  Adjudged 

other,  and  can  no  more  produce  a  joint  action,  than  their  words  "P°"  mot'on 

1  .  u         •  I  ..     u  after  a  verdict 

and  tongues  can  be  said  to  be  one.  ^-^j^.  pi^intift' 

Cro.  Jac.  647.  S.  C.  adjudged.  Style,  244.  S.  P.  2  Burr.  984.  S.  P.  Bulst.  15.  S.  P.  but 
there  said,  that  it  was  otherwise  in  the  spiritual  court,  tor  that  one  libel  may  be  against 
several  persons.  1|  Action  against  husband  and  wife  for  words  spoken  by  wife,  and  action  against 
husband  only  for  words  spoken  by  him,  cannot  be  consolidated.  Swithen  v.  Vincent,  2  Wils.  227.; 
and  see  1  Chitty  on  Plead.  64.  204.,  and  Vol.  I.  tit.  Baron  and  FemcJ^ 

But,  if  two  men  procure  another  to  be  indicted  falsely  for  a  Latch.  262. 

comiuoii  barretor,  he  may  liave  an  action  upon  the  case  against  So,iftwocon- 

•'  *■  -  °  V         spire  to  mam- 



t  '   a    't     d  '^^"^  ^^^^ '  though  ill  strictness  the  procurement  of  one  is  not 
one  only  ^ives  the  procurement  of  the  other,  (a) 

money.  Bro.  Joinder  in  Action,  47.  Fitz.  Error,  31.  Fitz.  Maintenance,  15.  So  in  trespass. 
Latch,  262.  Vide  head  of  Trespass.  So,  one  decks  tanltim  lies  against  all  the  jurors  who 
take  money,  for  they  all  give  but  one  verdict,  and  are  but  one  jury.  Bro.  Joinder  in  Action, 
5.  47.  100.  108.  Fitz.  Dedet  tantum,  1.  4.  6.  (a)  It  is  in  the  nature  of  a  conspiracy.  It  is  one 
jamt,  entire  act. 

Schuidam  v.  [] Where  there  are  two  or  more  bailiffs,  S^-c.  of  a  borough,  a 

Bunniss,  joint  action  will  lie  against  them  under  the  stat.  of  3  Geo.  3.  c.  1 5. 

for  refusing  inspection  of  the  books  and  papers  wherein  is  entered 
the  admission  of  freemen,  though  the  words  of  the  statute  are  in 
the  singular  number,  "  mayor,  or  bailiffj  S^-c"  for  the  breach  of 
trust  in  one  is  a  breach  of  trust  in  both,  they  being  in  law  but 
one  officer.] 

II  Where  a  landlord  demised  to  three  persons  jointly,  and  two 
of  them  without  his  assent  assigned  their  interest  to  the  third,  and 
the  plaintiff's  goods  being  on  the  premises  were  distrained  by 
the  landlord  for  rent;  it  was  held,  that  the  plaintiff  might  sue  the 
three  persons  jointly  for  money  paid  by  him  to  redeem  the  goods 
from  the  distress,  for  all  the  three  were  liable  to  the  landlord  by 
covenant  to  pay  the  rent.|| 

[One  action,  it  seems,  will  lie  against  all  the  coroners  of  a 
county  for  a  false  return  to  a  capias  utlagatum. 

Where  two  partners  contract  to  pay  a  certain  sum  of  money 
equally  out  of  their  private  cash  to  a  third  person,  they  must  be 
jointly  sued  upon  this  contract,  for  it  is  joint.] 

II  Two  candidates  at  a  county  election  are  jointly  liable  to 
the  sheriff  for  the  expenses  of  the  election,  if  they  have  jointly 
promised  to  pay ;  but  if  they  have  not  jointly  promised,  they  must 
be  sued  separately  under  the  stat.  18  Geo.  2.  c.  18.  §  7. 

Where  a  party  of  several  persons  dine  together  at  a  tavern 
they  are  jointly  liable  for  the  whole  expense,  and  not  merely 
each  for  his  own  share.  But  the  officers  of  a  regimental  mess 
are  only  separately  liable,  each  for  his  own  share. 

Cowp.  192. 

Exall  V. 
8  Term  R. 

308.  S.C. 
3  Esp.  8. 

Freem.  191. 

Byers  v. 
Dobev,  1  H. 

Wathen  v. 


2  Camp.  640. 

Where  goods  were  ordered  by  one  of  two  chapelwardens,  for 
the  use  of  the  chapel,  it  was  held  that  the  chapelwarden  giving 
the  order  might  be  sued  separately  without  joining  his  brother 

Forster  v. 


3  Camp.  49. 

Browne  v. 


3  Camp.  51. 

Shaw  V.  His 

lop,  4  Dow. 


and  see  8  Moo.   "   -jgn 

20.  iBing.       '«araen. 

201.     6  Dow.  &  Ry.  122. 

Carnev.Legh,     Where  several  actions  were  brought  against  several  members 

6  Barn.  &  C.  ^f  ^  mining  partnership  for  the  same  debt,  the  defendant  in  one 
action  having  paid  the  debt  and  costs  in  that  action,  the  court 
stayed  the  procedings  in  the  other  actions  without  costs. 

The  same  plaintiff  may  bring  several  actions  against  several 
parties,  all  liable  to  him  in  respect  of  the  same  injui'y,  where  he 
does  not  obtain  "adequate  redress  in  the  action  against  the  party 
first  sued.  || 

A  man  cannot  declare  against  one  defendant  for  an  assault  and 

judged.  llAnd  battery,  and  against  the  other  for  taking  away  his  goods ;  be- 

Alcxander^'      ^^"^6  the  trespasses  are  of  several  natures,  and  against  several 

5CamD.35.11     persons,  (i) 

^b^  Ana  are  several  distinct  causes  of  action. 



Morris  v. 
3  Barn.  &  C. 
196.  5  Dow. 
&  Ry.  35. 

Stile,  1 53.  ad- 



If  A.  leases  for  years  to  B.  and  C.  rendering  rent,  and  C  Palm,  ms. 
assigns  his  moiety  to  D.  and  after  rent  is  arrear,  A.  may  bring 
one  action  of  debt  for  the  rent  against  B.  and  D.  for  the  rever- 
sion remains  entire. 


""^  I  -"/^-'f  T^" 

I^RIGINALLY  all  actions  were  tried  in  the  proper  counties 
in  which  they  arose,  pursuant  to  the  maxim,  vici7n  mcinofum 
facta  jyrccsumuntur  scire:  this  created  no  inconveniency,  for  all 
men  being  anciently  in  decenna^  they  were  easily  come  at,  the 
decenna  being  responsible  for  their  appearance.  But,  when  the 
custom  of  the  decennary  began  to  wear  off,  men  used  to  fly  from 
their  creditors,  and  this  begot  the  distinction  between  local  and 
transitory  actions;  the  first  relating  to  lands,  which  must  be  tried 
where  the  lands  lie ;  the  other,  a  debt  or  duty  adhering  to  the 
person  wherever  he  fled.  Hence  men  omitted  to  date  their  con- 
tracts from  any  certain  place,  and  began  their  obligations  with 
noverint  universi.  When  this  distinction  was  established,  the 
licence  it  gave  was  soon  abused  to  a  great  degree ;  for  plaintiffs 
would  lay  their  actions  far  from  the  place  where  the  fact  was  done ; 
and  the  defendants,  for  fear  of  being  outlawed,  where  necessitated 
to  carry  their  witnesses  into  that  county,  how  far  soever  remote 
from  the  place  where  the  cause  of  action  arose. 

l|To  redress  this  abuse,  and  to  compel  the  suing  out  of  all  writs 
arising  upon  contract  in  the  very  county  where  the  contract 
arose,  it  was  ordained  by  the  statute  of  6  R.  2.  c.  2.  that  if  the 
writ  was  of  one  county,  and  the  plaintiff"  declared  of  another,  the 
writ  should  be  quashed.  But,  this  not  expressly  forbidding  the 
writ  to  be  sued  in  a  foreign  county,  the  statute  of  4-  H.  4.  c.  18. 
directed  all  attornies  to  be  sworn  that  they  would  make  no  suit 
in  a  "  foreign  county."  And  the  court  rules  of  15  J^liz.  and 
A.  D.  1630.  made  it  highly  penal  for  attornies  to  transgress  this 

Soon  after  the  statute  of  H.  4.  a  practice  began  of  pleading  in 
abatement  of  the  writ  the  impropriety  of  its  venue,  even  betbre 
the  })laintiff^  had  declared.  At  first  in  the  reign  of  H.  5.  the 
courts  examined  the  plaintiff"  on  oath  as  to  the  truth  of  his  venue : 
but  soon  after  they  allowed  the  defendant  to  traverse  the  venue, 
and  to  try  the  traverse  by  the  country.  But  this  practice  being 
subject  to  much  delay,  the  judges  introduced  the  present  method 
of  changing  the  venue  upon  motion,  upon  the  equity  of  the  sta- 
tutes of  R.  2.  and  H.  4.  Which  Lord  Holt  says  began  in  the 
time  of  James  I.     And  among  the  fees  of  the  King's  Bench  found 

Vol.  I.  F  by 

7  Co.  1.  Gilb. 
Hist,  C.  P.  89. 

Black. R. 


Rastall  tit. 
Debt,  184.  b. 
Fitzh.  Abr.  tit. 
Briefe,  18. 

Salk.  670. 


by  a  jury  under  the  king's  commission  1630,  one  is,  "  for  every 
"  rule  to  alter  a  visne."  Tyre's  Jus.  Filiz.  231.  The  form  of 
the  rule  and  affidavit  are  also  stated  in  &yl,  Pr.  Reg.  (edit.  1657.) 
331.,  as  established  in  23  Car.  1. 

An  affidavit  was  necessary,  because  the  motion  succeeded,  and 
was  equivalent,  to  a  plea  in  abatement ;  and  these  are  called  the 
common  rule  and  common  affidavit  in  16  Car.  2.  1  Sid.  185.; 
though  the  practice  did  not  universally  prevail  till  after  the  sta- 
tute of  jeofails  1 6  &  1 7  Car.  2.  c.  8.  Before  that  it  was  usual  to 
wait  till  after  trial  and  verdict,  and  then  arrest  the  judgment  for 
want  of  a  proper  venue.  But  the  statute  having  abolished  that 
practice,  the  mode  of  changing  the  venue  by  motion  and  affidavit 
began  universally  to  prevail. 

Yet  as  it  would  be  hard  to  conclude  the  plaintiff  by  the  single 
affidavit  of  the  defendant,  he  is  at  liberty  to  aver  that  the  cause 
of  action  arose  in  the  county  where  the  venue  is  laid,  and  to  go 
to  trial  on  that  fact  at  the  same  time  that  the  merits  are  tried  by 
undertaking  to  give  material  evidence  in  that  county.  This  is 
equivalent  to  joining  issue,  (as  in  Fitzherbert  before  cited,)  that 
Gilb.  H.C.P.  the  cause  of  action  arose  in  the  first  county.  And  if  the  plain- 
*•*•  tiff  fails  in  proving  it,  he  must  be  nonsuited  at  the  trial;  which 

has  in  this  case  the  same  effect  as  quashing  the  writ  by  a  judg- 
ment on  a  plea  in  abatement.  || 

And  here  we  shall  consider, 

(A)  What  Actions  are  Local  and  Transitory. 

(B)  In  what  Cases  the  Court  will  change  the  Venue. 

(A)  What  Actions  are  Local  or  Transitory. 

That  all  A  LL  actions  real  or  mixed,  as  trespasses,  quare  clausum  fregit, 

actions  on  pe-  ejectmenU  *waste.  Sec.  must  be  laid  in  the  county  where  the 

nal  statutes        i       i    t      /    \  ^ 

must  be  laid      1^"^*^  he.  {a) 

in  the  proper  county,  vide  Action  qui  tain,  letter  (C).  Co.  Lit.  282.  6  Mod.  222.  (a)  If  not 
laid  so,  it  is  cause  of  demurrer.  2  Black.  R.  1070.  ||But  advantage  can  be  taken  of  it  only 
by  demurrer ;  for  it  is  aided  after  verdict  by  the  statute  of  16  &  17  Car.  2.  c.  8.  Mayor,  &c. 
of  London  v.  Cole,  7  Term  R.  583.,  and  see  Willes,  431.  Not,  however,  in  the  case  of  an 
ejectment,  for  the  sheriff  of  one  county  cannot  deliver  the  possession  of  land  in  another.  If 
the  declaration  do  not  set  out  the  parcels  (as  is  now  often  the  case),  it  is  necessary  to  set  out 
the  indenture  on  oyer  in  order  to  raise  the  objection.  || 

Cro.  Car.  So,  an  action  of  debt  for  rent,  ||or  covenant  for  rent  or  not 

^^^  'rh""?^*     repairing,  8^c.,^  against  an  assignee  of  a  term  on  the  privity  of 
V.  Cornwall       estate  is  local,  and  will  lie  nowhere  but  in  that  county  where 
1  Wils,  1*65!      the  lands  are. 
JCarth.  182,  185.    Stevenson  v.  Lambard,  2  East,  580.|1 

s  Mod.  537.  g  So,  also,  the  assignee  of  the  reversion  must  sue  the  assignee 

Cartb  ^s?  of  the  term  in  the  county  where  the  land  lies.     And  so  also,  as 

1  Salk.8o.  i-o  the  assignee  of  the  term  suing  the  assignee  of  the  reversion; 

5  Rep.  17.  a.  for 

(A)  WItat  Aciions  at^e  Local  or  Transitory.  wf. 

for  the  statute  transfers  the  privity  of  contract  to  the  assignee  of 
the  term,  in  the  same  manner  as  the  lessor  had  it;  and  the  lessor 
must  sue  in  such  case  where  the  land  lies,  and  be  sued  there.  || 

So,  where  A.  granted  a  rent-charge  to  B.  and  C.  for  their  Hob.  37.  Pine 
lives,  and  the  lands  out  of  which  it  issued  came  to  the  defendant  ^-  Countess  of 
after  the  death  of  A.,  and  the  plaintiff,  as  executor  of  the  sur-       '^^^  ^'^' 
vivor  of  the  grantees,  brought  debt  for  arrears  incurred  in  their 
life-time,  and  laid  his  action  in  the  county  where  the  lands  lay ; 
on  appHcation  of  the  defendants  to  have  it  tried  elsewhere, 
suggesting  the  plaintiff's  power  and  interest  in  that  county; 
it  was  holden  a  local  action,  and  not  triable  elsewhere. 

A.f  as  assignee  of  a  reversion,  brought  covenant  against  the  Carth.  182 
assignee  of  the  lessee,  on  an  express  covenant  between  the  lessor  Damer  and 
and  the  lessee,  for  payment  of  rent  reserved  out  of  lands  which  Barker.   Stilk. 
lay  in  IrclandL  and  which  was  made  payable  in  London.     On  ^^.'^P ,  ^J.^ 

I        ^      xT_      •      •    T     •  o    y  •    ''  1111  1  1     5  Mod.  336. 

plea  to  the  jurisdiction  or  the  court,  it  was  held,  that  though  ghow.  191. 
such  action  may  be  maintained  here  by  the  lessor  against  the  S.  C.    6  Mod. 
lessee  (a),  yet  that  by  the  assignment  the  privity  of  contract  was  194-  S.  C. 
destroyed;    and   there  being  nothing  but   a  privity  of  estate  ^Jtted^tobe" 
between  the  two  assignees,  it  made  the  action  local.  good  law, 

there  being  no  privity  of  contract  remaining ;  and  there  is  no  difference  between  debt  and 
covenant  where  the  action  is  by  lessor  against  lessee,  &c.  {a)  The  assignee  of  the  reversion 
may  maintain  debt  or  covenant  upon  the  statute  52  H.  8.  cap.  34.  against  the  lessee ;  <per 
Holt  C.  J.  6  Mod.  194.  for  the  pnvity  of  contract  is  transferred  to  the  grantee  by  the  statute. 
Carth.  183.  i  Saund.  238.  S.  P.  240.  S.P.  ||See  the  notes  to  this  case  in  Will.  Saunders, 
(5th  ed.)]|  3  Lev.  154.  1  Wils.  165.  l|So  also  may  the  lessee  bring  covenant  against  the 
assignee  of  the  reversion  in  any  county  by  virtue  of  the  statute.  Thursby  v.  Plant,  1  Will. 
Saund.  258.|i 

II  Whenever  the  action  is  brought  upon  the  contract  itself  it  Bulwer's  case' 

is  transitory ;  therefore  the  lessor  may  bring  debt  or  covenant  J  „%'  |'  ^'  . 
-      •     ^  .1.     1  111  ''  ^  •  11  -1  WiU.Saund. 

against  the  lessee,  and  the  lessee  covenant  against  the  lessor  m  241.  e. 

any  county. 

An  action  of  debt  for  use  and  occupation  is  not  local.  ||  Egler  v.  Mars- 

don,  5  Taunt.  25. 

But  where  the  lessor  brought  debt  against  the  lessee,   and  6  Mod.  194. 
declared  on  a  demise  of  lands  which  lay  in  Jamaica^  on  plea  to  yat^^'^Salk 
the  jurisdiction  of  the  court,  and  objection,  that  if  the  defendant  65i. 
had  any  good  local  plea,  he  was  hereby  deprived  of  it ;  the  S.  C. 
court  held,   that  this  being  on  the  privity  of  contract,  was  a  (*)2 Stra.  776. 
transitory  action  {h\  and  might  be  laid  any  where;  and  that  if  a  ^'b  82.  pl"l9. 
foreign  issue  arose  which  was  local,  it  might  be  tried  where  the  (c)'For  thin 
action  was  laid;  and  for  that  purpose  there  may  be  a  suggestion  mde  6  Co. 48. 
entered  on  the  roll,  that  such  a  place  in  such  a  county  is  next  7  Co.  26. 
adjacent  (c) ;  and  it  may  be  tried  here  by  a  jury  from  that  place,  ^*^"*"  ^^' 
according  to  the  laws  of  that  country :  and  upon  nil  debet  pleaded, 
the  laws  of  that  country  may  be  given  in  evidence. 

If  a  declaration  contains  matters  lying  in  two  counties  that  Cro.Eliz.64«, 
join,  it  shall  be  tried  by  both  counties,  on  a  venire  directed  to  IJAs  to  an 
the  sheriffs  of  both  counties,  who  are  to  summon  six  of  each  ^f^}^  *'"  .f "; 
^°""  V  •  see  St.  7.  R.  2. 

c.  10.  Co.  Litt.  154  a.  F.N.  B.  Iso  a.,  and  Z5  H.  6.  so.  a-lj 
F  2  II  Where 


Biilwer's  case,       ||  Where  the  action  is  founded  upon  two  things  done  in  severs 
7  Co.  2.  a.        counties,   and   both   are   material   or  traversable,   and   the  one 
f*^*'  ^  li  ^^^'^'  without  the  other  doth  not  maintain  the  action ;  there  the  plaintiff 
Mayor  &c.       "^^y  ^^i"'"©  l^'s  action  in  which  of  the  counties  he  will.H 
of  Loiulon  V.  Co!e,  7  Term  II.  583.     Pope  v.  Davis,  2  Taunt.  252.;  and  see  Cro.  Eliz.  646* 
Sed  vide  3  Barn.  &  C.  700.     4  Barn.  &  A.  179. 

Latch.  262.  An  action   of  debl  ag-ainst  the  executor  of  a  lessee,  in  the 

271.  .J  Co.  24.  detinet  for  arrears  in  the  testator's  lifetime,  may  be  brought  any 
"^m°^-^"'k'  where;  but  where  it  is  in  the  debet  and  detinet  for  rent  accrued 
det'mct  ^"  ^'^^  executor's  time,  it  must  be  where  the  land  lies,  (a) 

against  an  executor  for  rent  accrued  in  his  own  time  may  also  be  laid  any  where  j  for  he  is 
chari^d  on  the  privity  of  contract,  and  is  only  liable  to  the  extent  of  assets.  1  Sid.  266. 
2  Lev,  80.    1  Will.  Saund.  1.  note  1.  and  241.  c.  notes,  and  cases  there  cited.jl 

Co.  Lit.  282.  All  personal  actions,  as  deht^  detinue,  assaidt,  deceit,  trover  and 

Debitumetcon-  conversion,  account,  Sfc.  may  be  brought  in  any  county,  and  laid 
mdliusloci  2  ^^  ^"7  P^'^^e ;  and  the  defendant  cannot  traverse  it,  or  be  allowed 
Inst.  231.  to  say,  that  the  cause  of  action  accrued  in  another  county  or 

7  Co.  3.  different  place,  except  in  the  case  of  an  officer  of  justice,  who 

may  plead  a  special  justification. 
Griffith  V.  [An  action  against  the  sheriff  for  a  false  return  is  transitory ; 

Walker,  1         for  that  which  is  false  is  universally  so. 

\Vlls.556.  "^ 

Gregson  v.  The  assignee  of  a  bail-bond  may  bring  an   action  upon  it, 

Heather,  either  in  the  county  where  it  is  taken,  or  in  that  where  it  is  J 

2St.-a.727.Ld.  assigned.  J 

Kaym.  1455.  °  1 

B.C.  \ 

Mayor  of  Ber-       An  action  for  breach  of  customs  of  a  town  is  local:  the  aver-' 

wick  V.  Lwart,  ment  of  an  immaterial  fact  will  not  in  such  case  warrant  the 
2  Black. R.       ,     .        .  „  ,  ^  . 

1068.  laying  the  venue  out  or  the  proper  county.]  I 

b.  6  Mo  j.  228  "^^  action  may  be  brought  on  a  contract  or  matter  which 

2  Ld.  Raym.  '  arose  beyond  sea ;  as,  if  A.  enters  into  a  bond  to  B.  in  any 
1043.  2  Salk.  foreign  country,  and  the  bond  bears  date  in  no  place,  B.  may 
^•''^- P'-^-  bring  his  action  where  he  pleases,  and  allege  that  the  bond  was 
"  L(I  Rav-in  "i^de  in  any  place  in  England ;  but  if  there  be  a  place  mentioned, 
1212.  ii'Mod.  ^s  Bourdeana:  in  France,  then  shall  he  allege  that  the  bond  was 
51.  pi.  21.  made  in  quodam  loco  vocat.  Bourdeaux  in  France,  (to  wit)  in 
Cowp.  177.  Islington  in  the  county  of  Middlesex,  and  from  thence  the  jury 

shall  come. 
Bayley  on  ||In  declaring  on  foreign  bills,  though  it  is  usual  to  state  that 

fl  i  ir^  ^^^    ^^^^y  were  drawn  at  the  place  where  they  bear  date,  adding  the 
V.  Morris         venue  under  a  videlicet,  yet  this  does  not  seem  necessary.  1| 

3  Camp.  504. ;  see  2  Barn.  &  A.  501.    1  Barn.  &  C.  16. 

Dutch  W.  L  [An  action  may  be  maintained  in  England,  to  recover  money 
MoserYs^tra  ^°^''^°^^'*''d  at  Amsterdam,  and  covenanted  to  be  paid  in  bank 
612.    2Ld.'''  there.  « 

Kaym.  1352.  S- C.  ' 

F^hf'a"  ^'  Trespass  and  false  imprisonment  will  lie  in  this  country  fo  • 

Cowp'.  161.       ^"  ^"j"0'  of  that  nature,  committed  abroad  in  an  English  set  ■ 

Cowp.  180.  It  was  formerly  thought  that  an  action  arising  abroad,  though 


(B)  In  "what  Cases  the  Cornet  uill  change  the  Vctiue.  09 

in  its  nature  local,  as  trespass  quare  claimimfregit,  might  be  main- 
tained in  this  country,  if  the  satisfaction  soug/it  wej-e  mereli/ per- 
sonal and  for  damages,  and  there  would  be  otherwise  a  failure  of  Doulson  v. 
justice  :  but  that  opinion  hath  been  over-ruled,  bein<y  found  to  Matthews,  4. 
be  inconsistent  with  the  settled  and  acknowledged  distinctions    f'enn  II.  so.-, 
between  actions  local  and  transitory.]  ^^g      ' 

II  Although  an  action  for  diverting  the  water  of  a  navigation  be  Company  of 

in  its  nature  confessedly  local,  yet  it  is  not  necessary  to  give  a  Proprietors 

local  description  to  the  nuisance;  and,  therefore,  if  it  be  doubtful  ^^j  ip^gj^^'^-'^ 

whether  the  place  where  the  navigation  is  stated  to  lie  be  laid  in  Navijration 

the   declaration  as  avenue  or  as   local  description,  it  will    be  v.  Donalas, 

referred  merely  to  venue,   and  need  not  be  proved  to  be  at  such  2  Eii^t,  497. 
place;  but  it  is  sufficient  if  it  be  at  any  other  place  within  the 

(B)  In  what  Cases  the  Court  will  change  the  Venue. 

T^HE  defendant  cannot  by  his  plea  oblige  the  plaintiff  to  lay  his  («)  Lntw. 

action  in  a  different  county  from  that  in  which  he  brought   1437.    Co.  ' 
it,  unless  the  matter  pleaded  be  local  {a) ;  for  in  transitory  actions  J/^-n^if  f ;  ^  1. 
he  must  move  the  court  on  affidavit  (6),  that  if  the  plaintiff  hath  \-^^  j^  ^^l ''  ^" 
any  cause  of  action,  such  cause  accrued  in  the  county  of,  4*^.   cessary,  be- 
and  not  where  the  plaintiff  hath  laid  it,  Sfc.  and  such  motion   cause  the  u!o- 
must  be  made  before  issue  joined  (c),  for  by  joining  issue,  he  *'""  ^"^" 
agrees  with  the  plaintiff  as  to  the  manner  of  bringing  the  action  :   wasefrjivilcnt 
and  though  the  court  seldom  refuse  on  such  affidavit  to  change  to  a  plea  in 
the  venue,  yet  if,  before  or  after  the  motion  made,  the  plaintiff  abatement. 
will  enter  into  a  rule  to  offer  no  evidence  but  what  arises  in  the  "  }^     .    '  . 
county  where  he  has  laid  his  action  {d),  the  cause  will  be  tried  there,  niust  state 
jmsitivefy  that  "  the  cause  of  action  (if  any)  arose  in  A.  (the  county  to  which  it  is  prt"«vt'tl  (o 
*'  change  tiie  venue)  and  not  in  13.  (the  county  where  it  is  laid  in  the  declaration)  or  elsc- 
*•  where  out  of  A."     This  is  the  established  <brni  with  which  the  courts  exact  a  sirict  com- 
pliance.    Cole  V.  Goring,  Barnes,  477.     Belshaw  v.  Porter, /6/(i.  478.     4  B^irr.  2452.    Alien 
V.  Griffiths,  3  Term  R.  495.     ||And  by  a  late  rule  of  li.  R.  it  must  be  drawn  up  "  ou  rcadin«' 
"  the  declaration,"   11  East,  275.    I'Marsh.  243.    1  Chitt.  R.  57.  534.||    It  hath  been  ques- 
tioned, though  it  is  frequently  done,  whether  the  venue  can  properly  be  changed  into  Wales: 
certain  it  is,  from  the  terms  of  the  affidavit,  that  it  cannot  be  directly  changed  into  the  next 
English  county,   though   the  process  may  be   afterwards  awarded  into  it.     4  Burr.  2452. 
Dougl.  262.     IJBut  now  since  the  latitat  is  holden  to  run  into  Wales,  it  has  become  the  com- 
mon practice  to  change  the  vemie  from  an  Englisli  to  a  Welsh  county.    2  Stra.  1270.   2  Black 
R.  962.    6  East,  355. li     \y\  the  case  of  a  libel  dispersed  in  several  counties,  the  vemie  cannot 
be  changed,  because  the  affidavit  cannot  be  made  in  the  prescribed  form,  the  |)ublication  of 
the  libel  being  co-extensive  with  its  circulation.    Pinkney  v.  Collins,  1  TermR.  571.    Clissold 
V.  Clissold,  Id.  647.  S.  P.    ||l  Brod.  &  B.  299-11     B"*  if  the  printing  and  publishing  were  both 
in  the  same  English  county,  or  if  the  libel  were  written  here,  and  sent  abroad,  there  is  then 
only  one  Englisli  county  in  which  the  cause  of  action  arose.     Freeman  v.  Norris,  3  Term  R. 
300.   Metcalfe  v.  Markham,  Td.  652,    One  only  of  several  defendants  may  make  the  afTidavit. 
Box  V.  Reed.  Barnes,  482.    Where  it  appears  on  the  face  of  the  declaration,  that  the  cause  of 
action  is /oc«/,  no  affidavit  is  necessary.     Mayor  of  Leicester  v.  Green,  Id.  492.  snpra  (A', 
(r)  It  has  been  received  afterwards,  1  Term  R.  781.     It  may  be  changed  after  an  order  for 
time  to  plead,  though  upon  the  terms  of  pleading  issuably ;  but  not  after  an  order  for  time  to 
plead,  upon  the  terms  of  pleading  issuably,  and  taking  short  notice  of  trial  at  the  first  sitti?i<»s 
in  London  or  Miildlescv^  because  t/icre  a  trial  would  be  lost.     Petyt  v.  Berkley,  Cowp;  510. 
Himter  v.  Gray,  Barnes,  49.3.  S.  P.     UShipley  v.  Cooper,  7  Term  R.  698.     Wilson  v.  Harris, 
•2  Bos.  &  Pull.  320.    Talmash  v.  Penner,  3  Bos.  &  Pull.  12.     It  cannot  be  changed  at  the 

F   3  instance 


instance  of  the  defendant  after  plea  pleaded,  even  thoujr^  he  afterwards  obtain  leave  to  with- 
draw his  plea,  and  plead  it  de  novo  with  a  notice  of  set-ofF.  Palmer  v.  Turner,  Tidd's  Pr.  528. 
Ed.  2.||  A  judge's  order  for  an  imparlance  is  no  bar  to  it.  Blackstock  v.  Payne,  Barnes,  487. 
Nor  is  the  putting  in  a  plea  after  a  rule  to  shew  cause  any  waver  of  it.  Herbert  v.  Flower, 
Id.  492.  (rf)  Or  undertake  to  give  material  evidence  in  the  county  where  laid.  Sid.  404. 
442.  [But  such  undertaking  is  indispensable.]  ||Guard  v.  Hodge,  10  East,  32.  Clarke  t. 
Reed,  1  N.  R.310.||  [The  want  of  it  cannot  be  supplied  by  an  affidavit  that  the  cause  of 
action  arose  where  laid.  French  v.  Coppinger,  1  H.  Black.  R.  216.  The  undertaking,  how- 
ever, is  satisfied  by  very  slight  local  evidence,  or  by  proof  that  the  cause  of  action  arose 
abroad.  Watkins  v.  Towers,  2  Term  R.  275.  Gerard  v.  De  Roebuck,  1  H.  Black  R  280.] 
||M'Ciare  v.  M'Keand,  2  Taunt.  197.  The  performance  of  it  may  indeed  be  dispensed  with 
where  the  plea  and  issue  joined  are  such  as  to  render  the  evidence  irrelevant;  for  it  does  not 
apply  to  collateral  issues,  but  is  confined  to  the  matters  stated  in  the  declaration.  Cockerell 
V.  Chamberlayne,  1  Taunt.  518.  Soulsby,  Assignee,  &c.  v.  Lea,  3  Taunt.  86.  If  the  plaintiff' 
can  shew  that  part  of  the  cause  of  action  arose  in  another  county  than  that  where  originally 
laid,  the  nde  for  changing  it  will  be  discharged.  Cailland  v.  Champion,  7  Term  R.  205. 
Collins  V.  Jacob,  3  Bos.  &  Pull.  579.  Hope  v.  Bennett,  2  New  R.  397.  But,  where  the  cause 
of  action  substantially  arose  in  a  county  at  a  great  distance  from  that  in  which  the  venue  was 
laid,  and  all  the  witnesses  resided  in  that  county ;  the  court  changed  the  venue  to  it  on  the 
defendant's  agreeing  to  admit  a  fact,  which  in  point  of  form  arose  in  the  original  county. 
Holmes  V.  Wainwright,  3  East,  329.||  [Evidence  merely  that  the  plaintiiTs  witnesses  reside 
in  the  county  where  he  has  laid  the  action  is  not  sufficient.  2  Black.  R.  1031.  After  the 
venue  hath  been  changed,  the  court  have  refused  to  bring  it  back  upon  an  affidavit  that  the 
witnesses  live  in  Scotland,  and  will  not  come  farther  than  Carlisle.  Fogoe  v.  Gale,  1  Wils. 

2  Mod.  215.         But  though  the  court,  on  application,  seldom  refuse  to  change 
Gilb.  Hist.        the  venzie,  yet  there  are  cases  in  which  the  judges  have  refused; 
i^  R°  ^^  where  a  peer  of  the  realm  brings  an  action  of  scandalum  mag- 

954.  1 1*  Mod.  ^^°^^^*  *h^  court  will  not  change  the  venue,  because  a  scandal 
9.  12  Mod.       raised  on  a  peer  reflects  on  .him  through  the  whole  kingdom. 
J  21.  401.  420.     Barnes,  343.  2  Stra.  807.  2  Ld.  Raym,  1418.   Andr.  198.  Bamardist.  K.  B.  60. 

1  Lev.  56.  S.P.  For  the  king  himself  is  party  to  the  suit;  but  in  ray  Lord  Shaftsbury\  case, 
who  brought  scandalum  magnatum,  and  laid  it  in  London,  the  venue  was  changed.  Vent.  5«4. 
Q  Jones,  192.  But  note  that  was  by  reason  of  the  great  influence  he  had  in  the  city ;  and  the 
established  doctrine  is,  that  the  venue  cannot  be  changed  in  an  action  of  scandtdum  magnatum. 

2  Salk.  668.  pi.  3.  1  Vern.  439.  It  was  refused  by  B.  R.  in  Ld.  Sandwich  and  MiUer,  in 
Eatter  Term  1773. 

Vide  head  of  A  Serjeant  at  law,  barrister,  attorney,  or  other  privileged 
Privilege.  2  person,  whose  attendance  is  necessary  at  Westminsta-'hall,  may 
f^o^'Yg^^'^'  ]^y  ^^^  action  in  Middlesex,  though  the  cause  of  action  accrued 
2  Show.  R.  ^^  another  county;  and  the  court,  on  the  usual  affidavit,  will  not 
176.  pi.  172.      change  the  venue. 

242^.  pi.  239.  S.  p.  Though  the  plaintiff*,  who  was  a  barrister,  had  discontinued  his  practice 
for  some  time  before.  [But  Quare  of  this  ?  On  motion  by  Mr.  Spelman  to  re-change  the 
^ffi"r^  .*°  ^Jiddlesex  on  the  ground  of  his  being  a  barrister,  the  court  obliged  him  to  make 
*  ni^^v  p  **'  ^^'  ^P^^""^"  ^^^  plaintiff"  and  Mr.  Spelman  the  barrister  were  the  same  person. 
£  Black.  R.  1067.  1  Black.  R.  19,  An  attorney  does  not  lose  his  privilege  to  change  or 
retam  the  venue  by  residing  in  the  country.     2  Black.  R.  1065.] 

s^Ld'^Ra^  m  ?"^'  ^^  ^  privileged  person  be  sued,  and  the  action  brought 

1053!  Bisse  against  him  in  the  right  county,  his  privilege  will  not  entitle  him 
V.  Harcourt.     to  have  it  tried  in  Middlesex. 

S  Salk.  668.  pi- 1.  Andr.  381.  4  Burr.  2027-  3  Term  R.  573.  Contr.  2  Stra.  1049.  Dolben  J. 
remembered  a  cause  where  the  venue  was  altered,  though  an  attorney  was  plaintiff",  because 
the  matter  arose,  and  all  the  witnesses  lived,  in  remote  parts.  Carth.  126.  So,  where  the 
plaintiff  was  an  attorney,  but  had  not  declared  in  person,  but  by  N.  C.  his  attorney.  Barnes, 
479.  bo,  where  plaintiff" sued  defendant  by  capias,  and  not  by  attachment  of  privilege.  Pract. 
n^'  ^  r,'  '^l?*  ^5P-  *  ^^**  P""**^'-  C.  p.  132.  So.  where  he  sued  by  original.  Barnes,  484. 
Rep.  &  Cai.  Pract.  C.  P.  I4fi.    Pract.  Reg.  C.  P.  420. 


(B^  In  ivJiai  Case^  tJie  Court  'will  cluinge  lite  Venue.  71 

g  And  if  the  privileged  person  lay  his  venue  in  London,  or  any  2  9alk.  668. 
other  county  than  Middlesex,  he  has  no  privilege  to  retain  it.         "^  Taunt.  146. 

And  the  privilege  does  not  extend  to  actions  by  an  attorney  Tidd.  6O8. 
in  aider  droit.\\  (^'^  ^^') 

So,  if  an  attorney  lays  his  action  in  London,  the  court  will  Vent.  47.  Cas. 
change  the  venue  on  the  usual  affidavit ;  for  by  not  laying  it  in  Temp.  Holt, 

Middlesex  (a),  he  seems  regardless  of  his  privilege,  and  is  to  be  J\^V^      1 

.J        ,^   ''  p  r  t)  »  (a)  In  order 

considered  as  a  person  at  large.  to  prove  the 

venue  was  not  laid  in  Middlesex,  a  copy  of  the  declaration  was  produced,  by  which  it  was 
said,  it  appeared  the  venzie  was  laid  in  London  ;  but  the  court  said  an  affidavit  ought  to  be 
annexed,  that  it  may  appear  to  be  a  true  copy,  and  that  they  did  not  require  this  affidavit  but 
in  the  case  of  an  attorney. 

II  The  venue  will  not  be  changed  to  any  of  the  four  northern  3  Black.  Com. 

counties,  previously  to  the  spring  circuit,  because  the  assizes  there  ^^'**  ^  j 

are  nolden  only  once  a-year  at  the  tune  01  the  summer  circuit.  ^^^  p       ' 

Nor  will  it  be  changed  into  a    county  palatine  but  on   the  praddely  and 
terms  of  not  assigning   error  on  the  want  of  an  original ;  and  others  v.  Rip- 
therefore,  in   C.  B.,  one  of  several  defendants  cannot  be  per-  pon,  5  Taunt, 
mitted  to  remove  it  thither,  because  it  is  not  competent  to  the  ^ T:, '  .^"^^^*^ 
court  in  that  case  to  lay  the  other  defendants  under  those  terms. |j  ^^^   "7  Taunt. 

466.  4Maul.  &S.  235. 

If  material  evidence  may  be  given  in  two  counties,  the  plaintiff  ^  g^^ij,  gg^ 
may  elect  to  bring  his  action  in  which  he  pleases ;  as,  if  A.  draws  pi,  4.  Comb. 
a  bill  of  exchange  in  Bristol,  payable  in  London,   the   action  84.  Lutw.  21s. 
accrues  by  the  refusal  to  pay  the  money  in  London,  and  there-  "^  ^°-  ^"'" 
fore  the  plaintiff  not  obliged  to  change  the  venue.  fioEa^t  34 

The  like  law  in  penal  actions.  2  Term  R.  238.] 

II  So,  where  the  venue  had  been  changed  by  the  defendant  2  Barn.  &  A. 
from  London  to  Staffordshire,  on  the  usual   affidavit  that  the  ^'8*  1  Chitt, 
cause  of  action  arose  in  the  latter  county,  and  not  elsewhere,  the     '  **    ' 
Court  of  King's  Bench  would  not  bring  it  back  to  London  on  an 
affidavit  that  the^cause  of  action  arose  partly  in  Staffordshire  and 
partly  in  Worcestershire,  and  on  the  plaintiff's  undertaking  to 
give  material  evidence  in  one  or  other  of  those  counties,  par- 
ticularly as  no  special  facts  were  stated  to  shew  that  the  defend- 
ant's affidavit  was  not  correct.     And  mere  hardship  and  delay  in 
being  obliged  to  try  a  cause  at  Lancaster,  when  all  the  plaintifi''s 
witnesses  reside  in  London,  is  no  ground  for  bringing  back  the  !^q,      " 
venue  to  the  latter  place,  unless  the  defendant  be  under  terms 
to  take  short  notice  of  trial  in  London,  and  has  undertaken  not 
to  assign  for  error  the  want  of  an  original  writ.U 

So,  where  an  assumpsit  was  brought  for  goods  sold  and  de-  Vent,  344* 
livered,  and  the  action  laid  in  London,  and  a  motion  was  made 
to  change  the  vemie  upon  affidavit  that  the  sale  was  in  Kent  -,  but 
it  appearing  that  the  delivery  was  in  London,  the  court  held  that 
where  the  matter  consists  of  two  parts  in  several  counties,  the 
plaintiff  shall  have  his  election. 

So,  an  action  against  a  lighterman  for  not  delivering  goods  2  Salk.  670. 
was  laid  in  London,  whither  they  were  to  be  carried;    it  was  jjl'/couKc'to 
moved  to  change  the  venue,  because  the  damages  and  neglect  change  the 
were  in  Kent.     Sed  non  allocatur ;  for  the  neglect  is  transitory,  venue  ia  aa 

F  i  and 



action  of 
escape;  •per 
Holt  C.  J, 

10  East,  52.; 
and  see 


aiid  not  material  where  it  was ;  and  the  court  will  never  change 
a  venue  for  a  carrier,  which  is  the  same  case. 

II  The  venue  may  be  changed  in  an  action  of  crim.  con.  on  the 
usual  affidavit. 

So  in  an  action  of  assault. 

6  Taunt.  754.         "^^  ^^  ^®  ^'  ^'  ^"  ^  penal  action. 
Scd  vide  1  Sid.  287. 

4  Taunt.  729.       So,  in  case  for  overturning  the  plaintiff  in  a  stage  coach,  it 
may  be  changed  to  the  county  where  the  accident  happened.  1| 
[But  where  the  cause  of  action  arises  in  two  counties,  the 

Shirley  v.  Col- 
lis,  2  6lack.  R. 

2  Mod.  228. 
That  the 
court  will  not 
change  the 
venue  in  an 

court  will  not  change  it  to  a  third.] 

If  the  action  be  grounded  on  a  specialty,  the  court  will  not 
change  the  venue ;  for  not  being  dated  at  any  particular  place,  it 
may  be  presumed  to  be  omitted,  that  it  may  charge  the  defendant 
at  any  place. 

action  of  covenant.  Lev.  307.     ||See  2  Chitt.  419.     1  M'Clel.  &  Y.  212.    Nor  in  assumpsit  on 

an  award.  2  Bos.  &  Pull.  353.  3  Barn.  «&  C.  9.  1 1.   Or  charter-party  of  affreightment.  7  Taunt. 

306.     1  Moo.  54.  Sed  vide.    4  Bing.  39.     Unless  some  special  ground  be  laid.     See  Tidd.  604. 

(9th  edit.)|j 

[Nor  will  they  change  the  venue  in  debt  for  rent  on  a  parol 
demise  of  lands  in  one  county,  and  the  action  laid  in  another. 


But  where  an  action  of  debt  for  rent  by  the  lessor  against  the 
original  lessee  was  brought  in  London^  and  the  lands  lay  in 
Gloucestershire;  on  affidavit  made  that  the  defendant  would 
plead  a  special  plea,  whereby  the  title  of  the  estate  would  come 
in  question,  the  court  ordered  the  venue  to  be  changed  into 
Glouccstersh  ire. 

Duplessis  r. 
Chalk,  Stra. 
878.  Fitzgib 
Meritt's  case, 
1  Freom.  260. 

Foster  v.  Tay- 
lor, \  Term  R. 

8  East,  268. ; 
but  see 
2  Chitt.  R. 

Watt  t. 
Daniel,  1  Bos. 
&  Pull.  425. 

Barnes,  480. 

It  is  a  general  rule  not  to  change  the  venue  in  actions  upon 
specialties;  yet  it  has  been  done  upon  certain  terms  imposed 
upon  the  defendant,  on  a  suggestion  that  both  the  plaintiff's  and 
defendant's  witnesses  resided  in  the  county  to  which  it  was 
prayed  it  might  be  changed;  but  several  similar  applications 
have  been  rejected.] 

II  In  covenant  on  a  lease  for  diverting  water  from  the  mill,  a 
view  being  proper  to  be  had  the  venue  was  changed  to  the 
county  where  the  premises  lay,  though  most  of  the  plaintifPs 
witnesses  resided  in  the  county  where  the  venue  was  laid. 

And  in  a  late  cat;e  the  Court  of  Common  Pleas  refused  to 
change  the  venue  in  an  action  on  a  deed  to  the  county  where 
it  was  executed,  on  the  ground  of  the  defendant's  witnesses 
living  there;  it  not  appearing  from  the  pleadings  to  be  necessary 
to  produce  many  witnesses  from  that  county,  and  there  being 
reason  to  suppose  that  a  fair  trial  could  not  be  had  there.  1| 

[The  Court  of  Common  Pleas  refuse  to  change  the  vetiue  in  an 

485.  485.  487.  action  on  a  bill  of  exchange  or  promissory  note  (a),  where  the 
sBIaok.R.        cause  of  action  is  confined  to  the  bill  or  note  only;  but  the 



practice  of  the  Court  of  King's  Bench  in  this  respect  seems  to  be  ,„., 

different.  (6)  ^     _        4i.*SayR.  7. 

Andr.  63.  HThey  have  however  done  it  where  the  defendant's  affidavit  disclosed  the  number 
of  witnesses,  and  shewed  that  a  serious  inconvenience  would  arise  from  bringing  them  into  the 
county  where  the  venue  was  laid  :  a  mere  statement  that  all  the  defendant's  witnesses  live  in 
the  county  to  which  it  is  moved  to  change  it  will  not  suffice.  Evans  v.  Weaver,  1  Bos,  & 
Pull.  20.  And  where  a  view  was  necessary,  they  have  done  it,  though  most  of  the  plaintiff's 
witnesses  resided  in  the  county  where  the  venue  was  laid.  Hodinott  v.  Cox,  8  East,  267.H 
(a)  They  consider  these  in  the  nature  of  specialties.  \\{b)  It  should  seem  to  be  the  same  where 
the  note  is  not  negotiable,  Orme  v.  Almay,  cited  in  2  Bos.  &  Pull.  5.95.  And  the  practice  of 
the  Court  of  King's  Bench  seems  now  to  be  the  same.  See  Tidd.  604.  (9th  edit.) ;  and  2  Chitt. 
R.  418.11 

II  It  would  seem  that  the  courts  will  neither  change  the  venue  Whitburn  v, 
in  an  action  on  an  award,  even  though  the  declaration  contains  ^^p^il'^R^^' 
the   common  counts,  nor  oblige  the  plaintiff  to  undertake   to 
confine  his  evidence  to  the  count  upon  the  award, |1 

[Though   the  plaintiff  cannot  regularly  move  to  change  the  Stroud  v. 
venue,  yet  he  may  do  it  in  effect  by  moving  to  amend,  and  striking  |  "v'  }^^:. 
out  the  name  of  the  one  county,  and  inserting  that  of  the  other ;  ^  Hallet 
and  as  he  may  make  this  motion  at  any  time,  therefore  where  the   1  Wils.  175. 
7)emie  has  been  changed  by  the  defendant,  the  court  will  permit  Bruckshaw  v. 
him  at  any  time  to  hrhm  it  back  on  the  usual  undertaking.]  Hopkms, 

•^  »  ^  -^  Cowp.  409. 


A  CTIONS  qui  tarn  are  (a)  such  as  are  given  by  acts  of  parlia-  3  Black.  Com. 
ment,  which  impose  a  penalty,  and  create  a  forfeiture  for  I60.  (a)  It  is 
the  neglect  of  some  duty,  or  commission  of  some  crime,  to  be  called  some- 
recovered  by  action  or  information,  at  the  suit  of  him  who  pro-  actixm^'when^'^ 
secutes  as  well  in  the  king's  name  as  in  his  own.  As  most  penal  the  penalty,  or 
statutes  direct,  that  the  penalty  may  be  recovered  by  action  or   part  of  it,  is 

information,  we  will  consider  both  matters  together,  and  there-  S^^en  to  anv 
r  1    II    1  one  who  will 

fore  we  shall  shew,  sue  for  the 

same.  In  these  actions  or  informations,  the  party  who  prosecutes  has,  by  commencing  his  suit, 
such  an  interest  in  the  penalty,  that  the  king  cannot  discharge  or  suspend  the  suit,  as  to  the 
part  the  plaintiff  is  entitled  to.  Vide  2  Hawk.  P.  C.  592.  and  head  of  Prerogative.  [Penal 
actions,  though  the  judgment  may  in  some  cases  be  followed  by  legal  disabilities,  are  considered 
as  civil  proceedings.  1  hey  are  founded  upon  the  implied  contract  which  every  one  is  under 
by  the  fundamental  constitution  of  government,  to  obey  the  directions  of  the  legislature, 
and  to  pay  the  forfeiture  incurred  by  his  disobedience  to  such  persons  as  the.  law  recjuires. 
3  Black.  Com.  15P.  Therefore  the  affirmation  of  a  Quaker  is  admissible  in  them;  Cowp. 
382.  and  a  new  trial  may  be  had  after  a  verdict  for  the  defendant.  Wilson  v,  Rastall,  4  Term 
R.  753.] 

(A)  In  what  Cases  they  lie. 

(B)  What  ought  to  be  the  Form  of  them. 

^C)  In  what  Courts  they  may  be  brought,  and  where 

(D)  Of 


(D)  Of  the  Proceedings  and  Pleadings  in  such  Actions 
or  Informations.  ' 

(E)  Of  the  Judgment   on    such  Actions   or  Inform- 

(F)  In  what  Cases  there  shall  be  Costs. 

(G)  Whether  the  Penalty  of  a  Penal  Statute  may  be 
compounded  or  granted  over. 

Within  what  time  the  prosecution  must  be  on  a  penal  statute, 
vide  head  of  "  Limitation  of  Actions." 

(A)  In  what  Cases  they  lie. 

Co  Ent.  375.    W/^HEREVER  a  statute  prohibits  a  thing,  as  being  an  imme- 
Lutw.  133.  diate  offence  against  the  public  good  in  genera],  under  a 

138.  Dyer,  95.  certain  penalty,  and  the  penalty,  or  part  of  it,  is  {b)  given  to  him 
lh\\K^  '^h^'  ^^^  ^^^^  ^^^^  ^^'  ^''  ^"y  person  may  bring  such  action  or  inform- 
out  such  pe-  ation,  and  lay  his  demand  tain  jpro  domino  rege  quam  pro  seipso. 
nalty  be  given,  no  private  person  can  sue,  for  the  whole  penalty  goes  to  the  king.  2  And.  127. 
2  Jones,  234.  2  Hawk.  P,  C.  377.  [It  hath  been  deterniinod,  however,  that  where  an  informer 
entitled  to  no  part  of  the  penalty,  sues  for  the  king  and  himself,  the  information  is  not  void, 
but  the  whole  shall  be  adjudged  to  the  king.     Parker,  105.     Hardr.  185.     But  an  act  which 

fives  a  remedy  only  to  the  party  grieved,  is  not  to  be  considered  as  a  penal  act ;  Cas.  Temp, 
lardw.  412.     Andr.  1 1 5.  S.  C.  Vin.  Abr.  tit.  Robbery  (U),  p.  2.  S.  C.     2  Term  R.  148.  for  the 
king  cannot  discharge  it,  or  proceed  in  it  after  the  death  of  the  party.     Wood's  Inst.  535.] 

Vide  2  Hawk.  go,  where  a  statute  prohibits  or  commands  a  thing,  the  doing 
aC  Vs'  ^^  omission  whereof  is  both  an  immediate  damage  to  the  party, 
and  also  highly  concerns  the  good  of  the  public,  the  honour  of 
the  king,  ^c.  the  party  grieved  may,  and,  as  some  say,  ought  to 
bring  his  action  on  such  statute  tarn  pro  domino  rege  quam  pro 
seipso.  especially  if  the  king  be  entitled  to  a  fine. 

(B)  What  ought  to  be  the  Form  of  them. 

Plow  79.  *   '  y^  ^^  agreed,  that  an  action  or  information  on  a  public  statute 

4  Co.  48.  Cro.  need  not  recite  the  statute  on  which  it  is  grounded  ;  whether 

Eliz.  236.  the  offence  be  such  only  because  prohibited,  or  be  an  evil  in  its 

Cro. Car.  229.  ^^^  nature;  and  whether  it  be  prohibited  by  more  than  one  sta- 

Show.  537.  ^"^^>  ^^  by  one  only  ;  for  the  judges  are  bound  ex  officio  to  take 

2  Hawk.  P.C.  notice  of  all  public  statutes. 

C.  25.  §  100. 

For  this  vide         But,  if  the  prosecutor  take  upon  him  to  recite  the  statute,  and 

^^^  &  loi       "^^^^'"'^lly  vai'y  from  a  substantial  part  thereof  (ff),  this  is  fatal, 

H(a)  Not  being  because  it  does  not  judicially  appear  to  the  court  that  there  is  such 

bound  to  re-     a  foundation  for  the  prosecution,  as  that  whereon  it  is  expressly 

cite  the  sta-      grounded. 

lute,  a  literal 

variance  will  be  fatal.    Dougl.  97.     Sed  vide  9  G*  4.  c.  15.  and  tit.  Pleas  and  Pleading  (B).!| 


(B)  What  ought  to  be  tlie  Form  of  tliem. 


C.  26.  §  20. 
(fl)  The  usual 
It  is  the  safest 

Vide  Hawk. 
P.C.  C.  26. 

But,  if  an  information  contain  several  offences  against  a  statute,  Cro.  Jac  104. 
and  be  well  laid  as  to  some,  and  defective  as  to  others,  the  informer  ^^^'  ^'"°*  ^  ' 
may  have  judgment  for  v^^hat  is  well  laid ;  as,  where  the  words  of 
the  statute  are  fully  pursued  in  the  description  of  some  of  the 
offences,  and  not  of  others ;  or,  where  the  time  is  in  part  certain, 
and  in  part  uncertain. 

Also,  an  action  or  information  qui  tarn  need  not  conclude  contra  2  Hawk.  P.  C. 
pacem^  or  m  conteviptum  domini  regis  ;  as  an  indictment  must.       c.  26.  §  is. 

He  who  brings  an  action  on  a  penal  statute,  which  gives  one  Jones,  26i. 
moiety  of  the  forfeiture  to  the  king,  and  the  other  to  the  informer,   Cro.  Car.  256. 
may  either  have  a  writ  against  the  defendant  quod  reddat  domino  Plow.  77. 
regi  e/  A.  B.  qui  tarn,  Sfc.  quas  eis  debet," or  quod  reddat  A.  B.  qui  ^J^^^  ^  ' 
tarn,  Sfc,  quas  ei  debet ;  and  in  either  case  the  writ  is  well  pursued  Dal.  66. 
by  a  declaration  in  the  name  of  the  plaintiff  only. 

But  it  seems  doubtful  whether  there  be  any  necessity  that  QbioEre^  Vide 
either  the  writ  or  count,  in  any  such  action,  do  express  that  it  2 Hawk. P.C. 
is  brought  by  or  for  the  king  as  well  as  the  party,  (a) 

form  of  declaring  is,  that  the  party  sues  'as  well  for  the  king  as  for  himself, 
method,  and  perhaps  is  necessary. 

But  it  seems  agreed,  that  every  information  must  be  in  this 
form,  viz.  that  the  informer  tam  po  domino  rege  quam  pro  seipso  .  ,  , 

sequitu?;  even  where  it  is  brought  upon  a  statute  which  gives  one  other  autho- 
third  of  the  penalty  to  a  third  person.    But  there  is  great  variety  rities  there 
in  the  form  of  such  informations  in  other  respects ;  for  sometimes  cited, 
they  say,  that  the  action  accrues  to  the  informer,  to  demand  the 
forfeiture  for  the  king  and  himself;  sometimes  that  it  accrues  to 
the  king  and  to  the  informer ;  sometimes  that  it  accrues  to  the 
king  and  to  the  informer  and  to  J.  S.  viz.  where  it  is  divided  into 
three  parts  ;  sometimes  they  have  no  clause  at  all  of  this  kind ; 
sometimes  a  process  is  prayed  to  bring  in  the  defendant  to  answer 
the  informer ;  sometimes  to  answer  as  well  the  king  as  the  in- 
former ;  and  sometimes  to  answer  concerning  the  premises,  with- 
out saying  to  whom. 

Such  information  may  demand  what  is  due  to  the  informer,  2  Hawk.  P.  C. 
without  mentioning  what  is  due  to  the  king.     Also,  if  the  quan-  ^-  26.  §  20. 
tum  depend  on  what  shall  be  found  by  the  jury,  a  blank  (A)  may  thi  blank'*  i? 
be  left  for  the  sum ;  but  if  it  demand  more  or  less  for  the  party  it  would  not 
than  his  due  (c),  it  is  insufficient  as  to  him ;  but  even  in  such  case  be  bad  ? 

it  may  be  sufficient  as  to  the  king's  share.  (^)  !^°^-  ^'^^• 

°  Bull.  Ni. 

Pri.  196. 

If  the  action  be  popular,  i,  e.  such  as  any  person  may  bring,  Bro.  Action 
it  may  conclude  ad  grave  damnumt  without  adding,  of  the  plaintiff;  ^^P"'^'  ^' 
because  every  offence,  for  which  such  action  is  brought,  is  sup-  ^  26  21  ^  ^ 
posed  to  be  a  general  grievance  to  every  body. 

It  is  said  that  the  fact  is  sufficiently  alleged  after  a  qjiod  aim 
in  an  action  on  a  statute,  but  not  in  an  information,  (d) 

rule  will  hold  universally  ?    And  if  it  must  rather  depend  on  the  particular  circumstances  of 
each  case  ?    ||See  Carth.  216.   Pleas  arid  Pleading  (B).|| 

Where  the  penalty  is  given  for  continuing  such  a  practice  for  Lutw.  I62. 

a  cer- 

Show.  337. 
{d)Qu.  If  this 



(a)  The  King  V.  a  certain  time,  or  for  not  doing  such  an  act  within  such  a  time, 

1  aylor,  Lent  ^^^  information  must  be  very  particular  in  bringing  the  offence 
assizes  for  ...       ,        .  .,     ,    .•'v'^  "     o 

Stirry  1776.       withm  the  time  prescribed,  (a) 

before  Mr.  J,  Blachlone,  an  information  aaainst  the  defendant  for  following  the  business  of  a 
tanner,  not  having  served  an  apprenticeship.  The  evidence  did  not  specify  the  time  as  laid 
in  the  information ;  and  the  prosecutor  having  closed  his  case,  the  judge  refused  to  let  him 
supply  the  defect;  it  being  a  prosecution  that  was  not  to  be  encouraged;  and  directed  the  jury 
to  acquit  the  defendant. 

2  Hawk.  P.  C.  By  the  18  Eliz.  cap.  5.  (b)  None  shall  pursue  against  any 
c.26.  $22.        person- on  a  pejial  statute^  but  by 'way  of  information^  or  original 

action^  except  where  the  penalty  is  limited  to  a  certain  person^  &c. ; 
yet  popular  actions  in  the  King's  Bench  or  Exchequer  seem  not 
within  the  meaning  of  this  statute  ;  for  it  doth  not  restrain  the 
suit  to  original  writs,  but  only  to  original  actions,  and  such 
actions  by  bill  are  properly  original  ones  in  the  courts  in  which 
they  are  commenced ;  and  therefore  it  seems  a  reasonable  con- 
struction, that  the  meaning  of  the  statute  was  only  to  restrain 
suits  commenced  in  inferior  courts,  and  afterwards  removed  into 

{hi)  Made  per- 
petual by 
27  Eliz.  c.  10 
and  51  Eliz. 
€.5.     [The 
latter  cases 
support  this 
See  Leigh 
V.  Kent, 
3  Term  R. 
565.  n.  a.] 

51  Eliz.  c.  5. 

Com.  Dig.  tit. 
Action  (N), 
B.  N.  P.  195. 

3  Term  R. 
3.58.  2  Bos.  & 
Pull.  581. 

4  East,  385.    9 

V.  Wynn, 

5  M.  &  S.  427. 

Bun.  23C. 
261.  Parker, 
182.  5  Anst. 

21  Ja.  I.  C.4. 

(C)     In    what    Courts   tliey    may   be    brought,    and 
where  laid. 

|[T>Y  31  Eliz.  c.  5.  §2.  in  any  declaration  or  information  tlie 
offence  against  any  penal  statute  shall  not  be  laid  to  be 
done  in  any  other  county  but  where  the  contract  or  other  matter 
alleged  to  be  the  offence  was  in  truth  done ;  and  every  defendant 
in  such  action  or  information  may  traverse  and  allege  that  the 
offence  was  not  committed  in  the  county  where  it  is  alleged, 
which  being  tried  for  the  defendant,  or  if  the  plaintiff  be  there- 
upon nonsuit,  then  the  plaintiff  shall  be  barred  in  that  action  or 

This  statute  is  still  in  force,  and  is  held  to  extend  to  all  actions 
or  informations  brought  by  common  informers  upon  penal  sta- 
tutes, 'whether  made  before  or  after  31  Eliz.  And  hence  the 
venue  in  all  such  actions  and  informations  must  be  laid  in  the 
county  where  the  offence  was  committed. 
East,  296.    5  Taunt.  754.    3  Maul.  &  S.  429. 

This  statute  extends  to  offences  of  omission  as  well  as  com- 

There  is  an  exception,  however,  in  the  statute  that  it  shall 
not  extend  to  any  such  officers  of  record  as  had  in  respect  of 
their  offices  theretofore  lawfully  used  to  exhibit  informations 
and  sue  upon  penal  laws,  which  exception  extends  to  inform- 
ations by  the  Attorney-General  in  the  Court  of  Exchequer.  || 

By  the  statute  21  Ja.  1.  cap.  4.  all  offences  against  penal  sta- 
tutes, for  which  any  common  informer  may  ground  any  popular 
action,  bill,  plaint,  suit,  or  information,  before  justices  of  assize, 
or  nisi  prius^  or  of  general  gaol-delivery,  or  of  oyer^  Sfc.  or  of 
peace,  Sfc.  (except  offences  concerning  recusancy  or  mainte- 

(C)  In  xvhat  Courts  they  may  be  hroitght,  and  wJiere  laid.  77 

nance,  or  the  king's  customs,  or  transporting  gold,  or  silver,  or 
munition,  or  wool,  or  leather,  Sic)  shall  be  commenced,  sued,  pro- 
secuted, tried,  recovered,  and  determined  by  way  of  action,  plaint, 
bill,  information,  or  indictment,  before  the  justices  of  assize,  of 
nisiprms,  of  oj/«-,  SfC.  or  of  gaol-delivery,  or  before  justices  of 
peace,  of  every  county,  city,  borough  or  town  corporate,  or 
liberty,  having  power  to  enquire  of,  hear,  and  determine  the  same, 
within  this  realm  of  England  and  dominion  of  Wales,  wherein 
such  offences  shall  be  committed,  in  any  of  the  courts,  places  of 
judicature,  or  liberties  aforesaid  respectively,  only  at  the  choice 
of  the  parties  which  shall  commence  suit  or  prosecute  for  the 
same,  and  not  elsewhere,  save  only  in  the  said  counties  or  places 
usual  for  those  counties,  or  any  of  them  ;  and  the  like  process 
in  every  poj)ular  action,  bill,  plaint,  information,  or  suit,  shall 
be  as  in  actions  of  trespass  vl  et  armis  at  common  law ;  and  all 
informations,  actions,  bills,  plaints,  and  suits  whatsoever,  either 
by  the  attorney-general,  or  by  any  other  officer  whatsoever,  in 
any  of  the  courts  of  Westminster,  for  or  concerning  any  the 
offences  aforesaid,  shall  be  void. 

And  in  all  suits  on  penal  statutes,  the  offence  shall  be  laid  in 
the  county  where  it  was  in  truth  committed;  and  if,  on  the 
general  issue,  the  offence  be  not  proved  in  the  same  county  in 
which  it  is  laid,  the  defendant  shall  be  found  not  guilty. 

And  no  officer  shall   receive,  file,  or  enter  of  record,  any 
information,  bill,  plaint,   count,   or  declaration,  on  the  said  sta- 
tutes, which  by  this  act  are  appointed  to  be  heard  and  deter-  , 
mined  in  their  proper  counties,   till  the  informer  or  relator  hath  wThissec- 
laken  an  oath  before  a  judge  of  the  court,  that  the  offence  was  statute  seems 
not  committed  in  any  other  county  than  where,   by  the  inform-  now  to  be  dis- 
alion,  Sj-c.  the  same  is  supposed  to  have  been  committed,  S^-c.  the  re<;arded.  Sea 
same  oath  to  be  there  entered  of  record.  («)                                      tnjra. 

In  the  construction  of  this  statute  it  hath  been  holden,  that  no  2  Hawk.  P.  C. 
action  of  debt  or  information,  or  other  suit  whatever  (6),  can  be  '^•^e.  §54. 
brought  on  any  penal  statute  made  before  21  Jac.  1.  in  any  of  the  '^^)  f^f'^V^'^^,^' 
courts  01  Westminster-kall,  tor  an  oiience  not  excepted  by  the  4(55.  5  Mod. 
statute,  and  for  which  the  offender   may  be  prosecuted  in  the  425.  2  Lev. 
country  (c),  unless  such  offence  shall  be  committed  in  the  same  204.  5  Inst, 
county  in  which  such  court  shall  sit.    And  as  to  the  objection,  that  ^^^;  v^'L,"?, 
by  this  restraint  or  suits  on  penal  statutes  to  the  said  courts,  tlie  Lev.  249. 
offence  would  become  dispunishable  by  the  offender's  removing  5  Lev.  71. 
from  the  county  ;  it  may  be  (^/)  answered,   that  he  may  be  sued   2Keb.4oi. 
to  an  outlawry  in  the  same  manner  as  in  an  action  of  trespass.       ^^q'  ^^^  "^P^; 

Vent.  304.     2  Lev.  204.     Latch.  192.     Sid.  359.    Ld.  Raym.  370.    Stra.  413.     Wille'sR.654, 
(«5j  Jon.  193.     {d)  Salk.  573.  pi.  24.     Salk.  372.  pi.  13. 

IjThat  the  statute  does  not  extend  to  offences   created  by  j  g.^2|^  ^^^ 
subsequent  statutes.  Bull.  N.  P. 

195.    3  Maul  &  S.  458. 

Neither  this  statute  nor  the  31  Eliz.  c.  5.  extends  to  actions  by  i  Show.  354. 
tlie  party  grieved.  ||  ^"^''  ^-  P* 

That  where  a  subsequent  statute  gives  an  action  of  debt,  or  ^wt per  Holly 



it  conies  any  other  remedy,  for  the  recovery  of  a  penalty  in  any  court  of. 

within  the         record  generally,  it  so  far  implietlly  repeals    the    restraint   of 
^['•"tute"      ^     ^^  ^^'^'  ^•'  ^"^'  consequently,  leaves  the  informer  at  his  liberty 
[(a)  The  king     to  sue  in  the  courts  of  IVestminster-hall.  (a) 
V.  Gaul. 

1  Salk.  375.  Ld.  Ra)ma.  370.  S.  C.  Hick's  case.  1  Salk.  373,  But  this  was  merely  the 
private  opinion  oi  Holt ;  and  the  cases  here  referred  to  have  been  confirmed  by  a  subsequent 
case  of  Harris  v.  Reyney,  B.  R.P.  1734,  cited  in  Parker,  186.;  .and  the  reason  of  the  judg- 
ment, as  there  stated,  is,  that  the  preamble  speaks  of  offences  against  divers  and  sundry  penal 
laws  and  statutes  of  the  reahn ;  and  the  enacting  clause  of  or  concerning  offences  committed 
or  to  be  committed  against  any  penal  statute,  must  relate  to  a  statute  in  being,  for  there 
can  be  no  offence  against  a  statute  which  does  not  exist.  However,  the  offence  must  be  laid 
within  the  proper  county.     I  Salk.  573.] 

Cro.  Car.  119.  That  the  statute  gives  no  jurisdiction  to  the  courts  therein 
Lit.  Rep.  163.  mentioned  over  any  offences  in  relation  to  which  they  had  none 
Hut.  98.  Vent,  before ;    and,  therefore,   that  suits  for  such  offences   must   be 

?,\^  .'"•^\^'"  brought  into  the  courts  oi'  fVesttninster  in  the  same  manner  as 
(b)  It  IS  only      ,    r  /j:\ 

where  there  is  before.  (6) 

a  concurrency  of  jurisdiction  in  the  superior  and  inferior  courts,  both  as  to  the  subject  viatler^ 
and  as  to  the  mode  of  proceeding,  that  the  statute  excludes  the  jurisdiction  of  the  former. 
Therefore  a  suit  may  be  maintained  in  the  courts  at  Westminster  for  the  recovery  of  penalties 
incurred  against  the  statute  of  1  Jac.  1.  c.  22.  notwithstanding  a  subsequent  clause  of  that 
statute,  which  authorizes  justices  of  assize,  of  gaol-delivery,  and  of  the  peace,  to  enquire  of  the 
premises,  and  to  hear  and  determine  the  same ;  the  mode  of  proceeding  under  that  clause 
being  merely  by  indictment  or  presentment.     Shipman  v.  Henbest,  4  Term  R.  109.]     iJSee 

1  Will.  Saund,  312.  a.  b.jl 

Keb.  106.  That  the  statute  hinders  not  the  removal  of  any  cause  into 

Jones,  195.       j.j^g  King's  Bench  by  certiorarL  after  which  it  may  be  either  tried,  -l 

2  Hawk.  P.C.  ^,  •    ^u  4.    u       •  •      •       /  \  \ 
c  26.  §57.       there  or  in  the  county  by  mstprius.  (c)                                            •' 

Rex.  V.  Martel.  Bull.  Ni.  Pri.  196.  4th  edit,  (c)  [It  is  now  settled,  though  formerly  doubted, 
that  an  appeal  lies  from  the  King's  Bench  to  the  Exchequer  Chamber  in  a  qui  tarn  action  of 
debt.  This  question  was  determined  by  the  Exchequer  Chamber,  the  courts  of  King's  Bench 
and  Chancery  having  previously  refused  to  entertain  it.     Lloyd  v.  Skutt.  Dougl.  553.  n.] 

2  Andr.  127.  Also,  where  a  statute  limits  suits  by  an  informer  qui  tarn  to 

2  H  k  P^  C  ^^^^^'  courts,  yet  any  one  may,  by  construction  of  law,  exhibit 
c.  26.  §25.  *  ^"  information  in  the  Exchequer  for  the  whole  penalty  for  the 
Parker,  182.      use  of  the  king. 

Cro.  Car.  316.       That  on  the  last  clause  of  the  statute  it  cannot  be  assigned 
vide  4  Inst.       for  error,  that  an  information,  S^c.  was  filed  without  such  pre-  : 
193    B  t^'      vious  oath  as  the  statute  requires,  for  it  was  only  directory  to  the 
qu(^re  Whe-      officer,  [d) 

ther  for  want  of  such  an  oath,  the  court  will  not,  on  motion,  set  aside  the  process.  Salk.  367. 
pi.  19.  Ld.  Raym.  426.  Carth.  503.  [(rf)  This  oath  is  not  necessary  where  the  action  is  in 
the  superior  courts,  the  statute  not  extending  to  any  actions  which  may  be  brought  in  those 
courts.    Leigh  qui  tarn  v.  Kent,  3  Term  R.  562.    Balls  qui  tarn  v.  Atwood,  1  H.  Black  R.  546.] 

Show.  354.  That  no  suit  by  a  party  grieved  is  within  the  restraint  of  the 

Gates  qui  tarn  [Where  an  offence  is  created  by  a  statute  under  a  penalty,  the 
v.^night,^^^  penalty  may  be  sued  for  in  the  superior  courts;  for  the  jurisdic- 
tion of  those  courts  is  not  to  be  taken  away  but  by  express  words 
or  necessary  implication.  But  the  statute  of  25  G.  3.  c.  51. 
having  imposed  penalties  of  50/.  and  of  10/.  and  having  enacted 
that  the  former  should  be  sued  for  in  any  of  the  courts  of  West- 
minster, but  having  provided  that  it  should  be  lawful  for  justices 


3  Term  R.  442. 

(D)  Proceedings  and  Pleadings  in  such  Actions^  cj-c,  79 

of  the  peace,  S^e.  to  hear  and  determine  the  latter,  with  a  power 
to  mitigate  the  penalties ;  it  was  holden,  that  such  proviso 
ousted  the  jurisdiction  of  the  superior  courts  as  to  the  penalties 
of  10/.] 

(D)  Of  the  Proceedings  and  Pleadings  in  such  Actions 
and  Informations. 

"OY  the  18  EHz.  c.  5.  every  informer  on  any  penal  statute  shall  ig  Eliz.  c.  5. 
exhibit  his  suit  in  proper  person,  and  pursue  the  same  either  2  Hawk.  P.  C. 

by  himself,  or  by  his  attorney  in  court,  and  shall  not  use  any  E"^?;,^^"l' 
•\        ^      I    \  [(«)  rherefore 

deputy,  (a)  aa  infant  can- 

not  be  a  common  informer,  for  he  must  sue  by  guardian ;  Maggs  v.  Ellis,  M.  25  G.  2.  Bull. 
Ni.  Pri.  196.  (4th  edit.)  and  he  cannot  be  an  attorney,  because  he  must  be  sworn.    March  92.J 

Any  infoi'mer  qui  tarn  {b),  or  plaintiff  in  a  popular  action  (c),  ny.  ^^  j  j^j 
may  be  nonsuit,  and  thereby  determine  the  suit,  as  to  himself  139.    Bro. 
at  least ;  and  though  the  king  cannot  be  nonsuit,  the  attorney-  Nonsuit,  68. 
general  may  enter  a  nolle  proseqtii  to  an  information  by  the  king  (^)  """o-  ^^n- 

only.  Sid.  420.  Salk. 

21.  pi.  11.  [Moulton  qui  tarn  v.  Bingham.  2  Term  R.  51 1.  n.  a.  But  the  act  of  14  G.  2.  c.  17. 
for  judgment  as  in  case  of  a  nonsuit,  does  not  extend  to  an  information  qui  tarn  for  the  king 
and  partV"  Parker,  92.]  |[It  extends  to  qui  tarn  actions  as  well  as  others.  Barnes,  315. 
1  Wils.  325.  7  Term  R.  178.     1  East,  554.1| 

[Where  the  moiety  of  a  penalty  is  given  by  a  statute  to  the  4  Term  R. 
treasurer  of  a  county,  riding,  or  division,  the  word  division  does  K.B.  224.459. 
not  apply  to  any  small  districts,  or  to  any  arbitrary  divisions  of  /t 

the  county  made  for  the  convenience  of  the  magistrates,  and  to  *^ 

which  separate  treasurers  are  appointed,  but  must  be  taken  in 
its  legal  sense,  and  therefore  an  action  cannot  be  supported  in 
the  name  of  the  treasurer  of  such  districts,  Sfc.'] 

By  the  29  Eliz.  c.  5.  and  31  Eliz.  c.  10.  if  any  natural-born  29  Eliz.  c.  5. 
subject  or  denizen,  shall  be  sued  on  any  penal  law  in  the  Queeris  ^"'^  ^^  ^''** 
Bench,  Common  Pleas,  or  the  Exchequer,  where  he  is  bailable,  or  ^'  ^°' 
by  form  of  the  court  may  appear  by  attorney,  in  every  such  case 
he  may,  at  the  time  contained  in  the  first  process,  appear  by 
attorney,  and  not  be  urged  to  personal  appearance,  or  to  put  in 

If  the  defendant  plead  a  special  plea,  he  must  take  care  to  set  Roll.  Ren.  49. 

it  forth  with  all  convenient  certainty,  and  to  answer  the  whole  134.   Bridg. 

time  laid  in  the  information ;  and  if  he  plead  the  general  issue,   * '  ^-  that  he 

he  must  depend  upon  it,  for  he  cannot  plead  together  with  it  a  f?""°*  ^^S^ 

•  ii»«  ^  nis  Itiw  or  t(iK6 

special  plea,  either  to  the  whole,  or  to  part  of  the  charge,  {a)         advantaoe  of 

a  protection  2  Hawk.  P.  C.  390.  [(d)  The  stat.  4  Ann.  c.  16.  does  not  extend  to  penal  actions ; 
see  §  7.  2  Stra.  1044.  2  Wils.  21.  4  Term  R.  K.  B.  701.  |ll  Bos.  &  Pull.  222. ||  A  qui  tam 
information  cannot  be  quashed  upon  motion.     Stra.  953.] 

If  the  defendant  plead  nil  debet,  it  is  safest  to  say  expressly  Co.  Ent.  165. 
that  he  owes  nothing  to  the  informer,   nor  to  the  king ;  for  if  he  ^°'^'  ^^J* 
only  plead  that  he  owes  nothing  to  the  informer,  it   may  be  g  Lev.  375. 
objected  that  the  whole  declaration  is  not  answered.  Vide  Cro. 

Car.  10,  11. 

If  there  be  more  than  one  defendant,  they  ought  not  to  plead  2  Hawk.  P.C. 


jointly,  that  they  are  not  guilty,  but  severally,  that  neither  they 

nor  any  of  them  are  guihy,  S,-c. 
jj^jj  218  tit   seems   that  either   nil   debet^   or  not  guilty,   is  a  good 

lTerniR.'462.   plea.] 
||See  5  Bos.  &  Pull.  lll.|| 

2  Hawk.  P.  C.  ^  If  the  suit  be  grounded  on  the  breach  of  a  statute  appearing 
c.  26.  § 6S.  ^y  matter  of  lecord,  ////  debet  is  not  a  good  plea. 
Cro.  Eliz.  261.  Wherever  a  suit  on  a  penal  statute  may  be  said  to  be  {a)  de- 
Roll.  Rep.  49-  pending,  it  may  be  pleaded  in  bar  of  a  subsequent  prosecution, 
134.  Hob.  209.  ijgij^g  expressly  averred  to  be  for  the  same  offence,  as  it  may, 
the  sutt  shall  though  it  be  laid  on  a  day  different  from  that  in  the  former ;  and 
be  said  to  be  it  is  said,  that  a  mistake  in  such  a  plea  of  the  day  whereon  such 
pending,  vide  prior  suit  was  commenced,  will  not  be  fatal  on  the  issue  of  nul 
2  Hawk.  P.  C.  ^1^^  record,  if  it  appear  in  truth  to  have  been  prior,  4^c.  and  if 
and  qucBre  two  informations  be  exhibited  on  the  same  day,  they  may  mu- 
Whetherfrom  tually  abate  one  another,  because  there  is  no  priority  to  attach 
the  time  of  the  i\iq  right  of  suit  in  one  informer  more  than  in  the  other, 
purchase  or 

return  of  the  writ.  Salk.  89.  From  the  time  of  the  purchase  of  the  writ  [The  day  of  suing 
it  forth  is  the  commencement  of  the  suit.  3  Burr.  1425.  Combe  v.  Pitt.  IJNotice  of  action 
has  been  held  no  commencement  of  it.  2  Black.  R.  781.||  The  plea  must  aver  the  priority  of 
the  suit,  and  the  very  hour  of  its  commencement  may  be  shewn,  if  necessary.  Jackson  v. 
Gisling,  Stra.  1169.     5  Burr.  1425.] 

Bredenquiiam  [The  record  of  a  recovery  in  another  action  cannot  be  given 
V.  Harman,  j^j  evidence  on  nil  debet;  for  if  it  be  pleaded,  the  plaintiflf  may 
Bull  Ni  Pri.  ^^P^y  ^'"^  ^^^^  record,  or  that  the  recovery  was  by  fraud  to  defeat 
197.  (4th  ed.)  a  real  prosecutor,  which  he  cannot  be  prepared  to  shew  upon  the 
general  issue. 

If  the  defendant  plead  a  prior  recovery,  and  the  plaintiff  reply 
11(a)  This  sta-    per  Jraudem,    and    such    recovery   be    found  to  be  fraudulent, 

tute  does  not    ^j^g  defendant  is  liable  to  two  years'  imprisonment  by  4  H.  7. 

extend  to  _  ,    »  •'  '■  •' 

cases  where        ^'  ^^•-1  \^} 

the  penalty  is  given  to  the  party  grieved.     1  Salk.  30.  2  Hawk.  P.  C.  279.|| 

2  Roll.  Abr.  I^  the  defendant  be  within  the  proviso  of  a  penal  statute,  he  may 

683.  Vide  take  advantage  of  such  proviso  on  the  general  fssue,  in  a  suit  on 
2  Hawk.  P.  C.  such  statute ;  but  it  hath  been  holden  (even  since  the  statute  of 
c.  26.  ^69.  22  j^^  ^  P^  ^  \  ^|^g|.  jf  j^g  have  matter  in  his  discharo;e  dependinc: 
that  he  may  ,  '  ,  i      i  •  -11°'  ° 

take  advantage  Oil  a  subsequent  statute,  he  must  plead  it  specially. 

of  it  by  virtue  of  the  statute,  without  pleading  it  specially  ;  but  as  to  those  matters  to  which 
the  statute  doth  not  extend,  qucere.  |jlf  the  same  act  that  imposes  the  penalty  contains  the 
proviso  of  exemption,  it  is  clear  this  may  be  shewn  on  the  general  issue.  4  Burr.  2284.  2469. 
And  it  seems  the  same  if  a  subsequent  act  contain  the  exempting  clause.  1  Black.  250. ;  and 
see  3  Camp.  222.1|  [The  defendant  cannot  avail  himself  under  the  general  issue  of  any 
matter  that  goes  to  the  jurisdiction  of  the  Court.     4  Term  R.  109.] 

2  Hawk.  P.  C.  As  to  replications  to  special  pleas  to  informations  qtd  tarn  in  the 
^'     '  '  courts  of  Westminster-hall,  they  are  properly  made  in  the  name  of 

the  attorney-general  only;  and  such  replications  in  suits  at  assizes 
are  proper  in  the  name  of  the  clerk  of  assize  only  :  also,  replica- 
tions to  general  issues,  on  such  informations  in  the  King's  Bench 
or  Exchequer,  may  be  in  the  name  of  the  attorney-general  only  ; 
but,  generally,  the  plaintiff  only  replies  in  actions  qui  tarn;  and  , 
a  demurrer  to  a  plea  in  bar  to  an  information  qui  tarn  in  the 
informer's  name  only  has  been  received. 


(E)  Of  the  Judgment  on  such  Actions  or  Informations ^ 


Wherever  a  plaintiff  may  declare  tam  pro  domino  rege  quam  2  Hawk.  P.C. 
pro  seipso,  he  may  continue  the  same  form  of  words  both  In  the  c.  26.  §  73. 
joining  of  issue  and  in  the  venire;  but  is  not  bound  to  do  it  unless  ^"^  Hawkins 
the  king  be  entided  to  part  of  the  penalty,  (a)  qulTe^Whe- 

ther  he  be  bound  to  do  it  in  this  case  ;  for  there  are  precedents  to  the  contrary.  The  usual 
form  in  the  plaintiff's  replication  is,  "  and  the  plaintiff  ivho  sues  as  aforesaid,  doth  so  likewise, 
"  ^c."  where  defendant  offers  issue.  If  the  plaintiff^  then,  "  and  of  this  the  said  A.  who  sues 
"  as  aforesaid,  puts  hiviselfon  the  country,  Sfc." 

Where  several  persons  are  jointly  charged  for  an  offence  against  2  Roll.  Abr. 
a  statute,  which  in  its  own  nature  may  be  committed  by  a  single  Ig  59  ^"^* 
person,  without  the  concurrence  of  any  other,  some  of  them  may 
be  acquitted  and  others  found  guilty;  for  though  the  words  of  the 
information  be  joint,  yet  in  judgment  of  law  the  charge  is  several 
against  each  defendant;  but,  if  one  only  be  informed  against,  as 
having  offended  oftener,  or,  in  a  higher  degree  than  is  proved, 
as  for  having  been  absent  from  church  ten  months,  where  he  has 
been  absent  but  eight;  or  for  having  ingrossed  1000 quarters  of 
wheat,  where  he  has  ingrossed  but  100;  he  maybe  found  guilty 
as  to  what  is  proved,  and  not  guilty  as  to  the  residue,  for  such 
offences  are  in  the  nature  of  trespasses,  which  it  is  sufficient  to 
prove  for  any  part;  but,  if  the  offence  consist  in  making  a  con- 
tract contrary  to  the  purview  of  a  statute,  as  in  the  case  of  usury, 
it  must  be  proved  as  it  is  laid. 

[Where  an  offence  made  penal  by  statute  is  in  its  nature  single,  Rex  v.  Clarke, 
and  cannot  be  severed,  there,  the  penalty  shall  be  only  single,  Cowp.  610. 
though  several  persons  may  join  in  committing  the  offence.    But,  m°     455^^^' 
where  the  offence  is  in  its  nature   several,  there  every  offender  ^oy^  52. 
is  separately  liable  to  the  penalty.     Thus,  impounding  a  distress  |[See  Reeve  r. 
in  a  wrong  place,  against  the  statute  of  1  &  2  P.  &  M.  c.  1 2. 
though  done  by  many,  is  but  one  act,  and  shall  be  satisfied  by 
one  forfeiture.      So,   under  the  statute  5  Ann.  c.  14.  killing  a 
hare,   though   several   be   concerned  in  it,  is  but  one  offence. 
But  the  offence  against  the  8  Geo.  1.  c.  18.  §  25.  of  obstructing 
a  custom-house  officer  in  the  execution  of  his  duty,  is  several; 
and  every  offender  is  separately  liable  to  the  penalties  which  the 
act  imposes.] 

II  The  plaintiff  in  declaring  on  a  penal  statute  must  expressly  Spieres  v.  Par- 
negative  the  exceptions  or  exemptions  contained  in  the  enacting  ^^'"»  ^  ^^""  ^* 
clause  which  gives  the  penalty,  and  also  those  contained  in  any  pratten  ^^  ^' 
other  clause  to  which  the  enacting  clause  refers;  but  not  those  6 Term R. 559. 
contained  in  a  subsequent  proviso,  to  which  the  enacting  clause  Steel  v.  Smith, 
does  not  refer,  nor  those  contained  in  a  subsequent  statute :   in  ^  ^^"• 
these  last  cases  it  is  for  the  defendant  to  bring  himself  within  the 
exempting  proviso.  || 

Pool,  4  Barn. 
&  C.  155.|l 


(E)  Of  the   Judgment  on   such  Actions  or   Inform- 

^^^HERE  by  statute  the  offender  is  to  forfeit  such  a  sum,  to  Andr.  139, 
be  divided  into  three  parts,  whereof  one  shall  go  to  the  ^tile,  329. 
king,  one  to  the  informer,  and  the  other  to  the  poor,  and  to  be 
Vol.  I.  G  com- 

Roll.  Abr. 
102.   2  Keb. 



820.  2  Andr. 
128.  Parker, 
105.  Where  a 
statute  distri> 
buting  one 
moiety  of  the 

committed  if  he  do  not  pay  it  within  such  a  time,  the  judgment 
may  be  general,  that  the  king  and  informer  shall  recover  the 
whole,  without  mentioning  how  it  shall  be  distributed,  or  that 
the  party  be  committed  for  nonpayment.  But,  if  it  mention 
only  that  the  informer  shall  recover,  without  saying  any  thing 
penalty  to  the  of  the  king,  it  is  erroneous ;  yet,  if  on  such  an  information,  as 
the^'otheir  to  ^^  ^^  ^^^^'  informer  appear  to  have  no  right  to  any  part,  but 
the  poor,  di-  the  king  ought  to  have  the  whole,  and  the  judgment  be,  that 
rects  that  the  the  defendant  forfeit  the  whole,  and  that  the  king  shall  have  one 
informer  shall  part,  and  the  informer  another,  Sfc.  it  is  erroneous  only  as  to 
[udffnfent^that  '^"^^  ^^^^  clause,  which  distributes  the  forfeiture,  but  shall  stand 
the  informer  for  the  first  clause,  that  the  defendant  shall  forfeit  the  whole,  {a) 
Also,  if  there  be  no  clause  at  all  concerning  the  forfeiture,  in  a 
conviction  on  a  penal  statute,  but  only  a  judgment  quod  convicius 
est,  it  is  sufficient,  for  the  forfeiture  is  implied. 

(a)  2  Hawk.  P.  C.  c.  26.  §  76.  Adjudged  Mich.  3  G.  1.  [Wherever  the  act  expresses  the 
amount  of  the  penalty,  or  leaves  it  to  the  discretion  of  the  magistrate,  there  must  be  a 
judgment  of  forfeiture  as  well  as  a  conviction.  Rex  v.  Hawks,  Stra.  8  58.  Fitzgib.  1 24.  Barnard. 
K.  B.  212.  But  where  the  act,  as  9  Ann.  c.  14.  says,  "  That  the  offender  shall  forfeit  five  times 
"  the  value"  &c.  all  the  judgment  the  court  can  give  is,  quod  convictus  est,  and  a  new  action 
must  be  brought  upon  that  judgment  for  the  forfeiture.  In  recusancy  there  is  no  other  judg- 
ment.   Rex  V.  Luckup,  Stra.  1048. 

and  the  poor 
shall  recover 
is  good. 
4  Burr.  2018. 

4  Burr.  2018. 
Frederick  v. 
Lookup,  qui 

5  Term  R.  448. 

Willan  V. 


7  Barn.  &  C. 


2  Keb.  781. 
Roll.  Abr.  574. 
Lutw.  200. 
Vent.  133. 
Salk.  206.  pi. 
4  cont.  Moor, 
65.  3  Lev.  374. 
2  Inst.  288. 

2  Hawk.  P.  C. 
c.  26.  §  57. 
Vide  the  au- 

[A  judgment  in  a  popular  action  may  be  affirmed  as  to  one 
part,  and  reversed  as  to  the  other ;  as,  where  damages  and  costs 
were  given  on  9  Ann.  c.  14.,  it  was  reversed  as  to  the  damages 
and  costs,  and  affirmed  as  to  the  debt. 

If  the  jury  find  a  general  verdict  with  one  penalty  for  the 
plaintifi^,  and  he  apply  it  to  one  count,  he  shall  not  be  permitted 
afterwards  to  apply  it  to  another  count,  though  the  former  were 
bad  in  law,  and  the  evidence  would  have  warranted  the  applica- 
tion of  it  to  any  other  count.] 

II  Where  the  plaintiff  in  an  action  on  the  9  Ann.  c.  14.  §2. 
recovered  treble  the  value  of  money  lost  at  play,  the  loser  not 
having  sued  within  the  time  prescribed  by  the  statute,  and  a 
writ  of  error  was  broight  by  the  defendant,  and  judgment  was 
affirmed  without  costs ;  it  was  held,  that  the  poor  of  the  parish 
where  the  offence  was  committed  were  entitled  to  one  moiety  of 
the  sum  recovered,  without  deducting  costs.  1| 

(F)  In  what  Cases  there  shall  be  Costs. 

A  N  informer  on  a  popular  statute  shall  in  no  case  whatsoever 
have  his  costs,  unless  they  be  expressly  given  him  by  such 
statute,  for  the  common  law  gives  costs  in  no  cases;  and  the 
statute  of  Gloucester  gives  the  demandant  costs  only  in  cases 
wherein  he  shall  recover  his  damages,  which  supposes  some 
damage  to  have  been  done  to  the  demandant  in  particular,  which 
cannot  be  said  in  any  popular  action. 

But,  wherever  a  statute  gives  a  certain  penalty  to  the  party 
grieved,  he  is  entitled  to  his  costs  by  the  statute  of  Glaucesttr, '_ 
which  gives  the  demandant  his  costs  in  all  cases  wherein  lie 



(F)  In  what  Cases  tfhere  sJmH  be  Costs,  83 

shall  recover  his  damages  (a) ;  for  otherwise  it  would  be  in  rain  thoritiee 

for  him  to  sue,  since  in  many  cases  the  costs  would  exceed  the  '^PI^'   „  -.' 
^j.  ^  1  Term  R.  71« 

P*^nalty.  lliH.BIack.lO. 

7  Term  R.267.||  (a)Also,  wherea  statute,  introductive  of  a  new  law,  gives  a  remedy  in  a  point 
not  remediable  at  the  common  law,  but  no  certain  penalty,  the  jury  may  consider  the  costs,  so 
as  to  give  damages  accordingly,    2  Hawk.  P.  C.  ibid. 

By  the  18  Eliz.  c.  5.  made  perpetual  by  27  Eliz.  c.  10.  if  (A)  Extends 
any  informer  or  plaintiff  (Z*),  on  a  penal  statute,  shall  willingly  onlytoacora- 
I  delay  his  suit,  or  discontinue,  or  be  nonsuit,  or  shall  have  the  ^d^notTcra*^* 
I  trial  or  matter  passed  against  himself  therein  by  verdict  or  judg-  party  grieved  ; 
I  ment  of  law,  he  shall  pay  to  the  defendant  his  costs,  charges,  yet  if  a  party 
'  and  damaijes,  to  be  assigned  by  the  court  in  which  the  suit  shall  g^iered  brings 
I        i-i.        ?  J    0      /  \  his  action,  and 

be  attempted,  ^r.  (c)  such  action 

be  for  any  oiFcnce  or  wrong  personal,  immediately  supposed  to  be  done  to  the  plaintiflfj  or 

plaintiffs;  or  whatsoever  the  nature  of  the  action  may  be,  if  the  plaintiff  might  have  costs  in 

case  judgment  should  be  given  for  him,  he  shall  pay  them  on  a  nonsuit,  or  verdict  against 

him,  by  virtue  of  25  H.  8.  c.  15.  and  4  Jac.  1.  c.  3.     Vide  2  Hawk.  P.  C-  c.  26.  §  59.  and  the 

\   authorities  there  cited.    JlMayor  of  Plymouth  v.  Werring,  Willes,  440.    College  of  Physicians 

;!  v.  Harrison,  9  Barn.  &  C.  526.  acc.||     [For  this  reason  the  costs  of  a  nonsuit  were  awarded  to 

(    the  defendant  in  an  action  by  the  party  grieved,  on  the  statute  of  9  G.  1.  c.  22.    Greetham  v. 

I    the  Inhabitants  of  the  Hundred  of  Thrale,  3  Burr.  1725.     That  the  plaintiff  is  in  such  case 

I    entitled  to  costs,  see  Witham  v.  Hill,  2  Wills.  91.  and  Jackson  v.  the  Inhabitants  of  Calesworth, 

I    1  Term  R.  71.  ||6  Term  R.  355.    7  Term  R.  267.1|  though  denied  by  Aston  J.  in  giving  judg- 

:    ment  in  the  case  of  Wilkinson  qui  tarn  v.  Allott,  Cowp.  366.]     (c)  And  it  is  no  objection 

■•    against  paying  the  costs,  that  the  court  had  no  jurisdiction  of  the  cause,  or  that  the  statute  on 

I    which  it  is  grounded  is  discontinued.     2  Keb.  106.     Vide  Hutt.  35. 

[There  is  a  proviso  in  this  act,  that  it  shall  not  extend  to  any  2  Ld.  Raym. 

■    officers  who  are  used  to  exhibit  informations;  but  it  must  appear  l^-^V,  •}. 

on  record  that  they  are  such  officers,  else  they  will  be  considered  117'xerm  R.* 

as  common  informers,  and  affidavits  to  the  contrary  will  not  be  367.|| 


If  a  prosecutor   qui   tarn  for  killing  game   does   not  reply,  Law  qui  tarn 

defendant  shall  have  costs,  for  this  statute  extends  to  informers  T'wn"^}L*~ 
1    X  ,   ,     T  1  Wills.  177, 

on  penal  statutes.]  Hit  extends  to 

subsequent  statutes.    Willes,  392.  440.|| 
II  It  does  not  extend  to  give  costs  to  one  of  several  defendants,  1  Carr.  &  P. 

who  has  been  acquitted  where  a  verdict  has  been  given  against  ^^^'  '**^* 

his  co-defendants.  II 

[A  prosecutor  not  going  on  to  trial  shall  pay  costs.  Cas.  Temp. 

3  Burr.  1304. 
In  an  action  qui  tarn  on  the  5  Eliz.  c.  4-.  the  plaintiff  shall  pay  „. . 

^^^^^'  V.Stevens, 

Ld.  Raym.  1333.    Jeynes  qui  tarn  v.  Stephenson,  Barnes,  124. 

I  Where  there  is  any  reason  to  suspect  that  the  defendant  may  Parker  qui  tain 

.  lose  his  costs,  if  the  plaintiff  should  fail  in  the  suit,  he  will  be  I'r^^^'u^^l^' 

5  permitted  to  pay  the  issue  money  into  court  to  abide  the  event,  pjgjj   ^^^  "^^^^ ' 

5  Whether  the  plaintiff  can  in  such  case  be  compelled  to  give  v.Carran,2H. 

^  security  for  the  costs,  is  a  point  not  yet  settled,  there  being  a  Black.  27.  Ficfe 

j  difference  of  opinion  in  this  respect  between  the  courts  of  West-  f**;  /^.f *' , 

yl  minster-hall:    the    Courts  of  Common   Pleas   and  Exchequer  S.'i'g" 

r^  holding  the  negative,  whilst  the  affirmative  is  maintained  by  die  (9th  edit.)|| 

^j  Court  of  King's  Bench. 

nl  G  2                                         The 

English  qui 
tain  V.  Cox, 
Ck)wp.  522. 


The  courts  have  refused  to  stay  proceedings  in  an  action  for 
usury,  till  the  costs  of  a  nonpros  in  a  former  action  by  a  diifereiit 
plaintiff  against  the  same  defendant  were  paid.] 

II  See  the  next  head  (G).|| 

isEliz.  c.  5. 
(a)  Extends 
only  to  com- 
mon infor- 
mers.    [But  it 
equally  to 
those  who  sue 
for  the  whole 
penalty,  as  to 
qui  tarn  infor- 
mers. Cowp. 
3G6.]  2  Hawk. 
P.  C.  c.  26. 
§  77.  {b)  Ex- 
tends as  well 
to  subsequent 
penal  statutes 
as  to  those 
which  were  in  being  when  it  was  made, 

4  H.  7.  c.  20. 

(G)  Whether  the  Penalty  of  a  Penal  Statute  may  be 
compounded  or  granted  over. 

"DY  the  18  Eliz.  c.  5.  no  informer  or  plaintiff  shall  compound 
or  agree  with  any  that  shall  offeuil(^),  or  sliall  be  surmised 
to  offend  against  any  penal  statute  (i),  for  such  offence  com- 
mitted, or  pretended  to  be  committed,  but  after  answer  made  in 
court  to  the  suit,  nor  after  answer,  but  by  consent  of  the  court 
in  which  the  information  or  suit  shall  be  depending;  on  pain, 
that  whoever  shall  offend  contrary  to  the  true  intent  of  this 
statute,  or  shall  by  colour  or  pretence  of  process,  or  without 
process,  on  colour  of  any  offence  against  any  penal  law,  make 
any  composition,  or  take  any  money,  reward,  or  promise  of 
reward,  for  himself,  or  to  the  use  of  any  other,  without  consent 
of  some  of  his  majesty's  courts  at  Westminster^  and  shall  be 
thereof  convict,  shall  stand  in  the  pillory,  S,-c.  by  the  space  of 
two  hours,  and  shall  be  disabled  to  sue  on  any  popular  or  penal 
statute,  and  shall  forfeit  10/.  S^c. 

Hutt.  35.  Also,  it  extends  to  the  compounding  of 
suits  commenced  in  courts  which  have  no  jurisdiction,  as  much  as  if  they  had  a  jurisdiction. 
K^b.  106.    Sid.  311. 

II  By  4  Hen.  7.  c.  20.  actions  popular  prosecuted  by  collusion 
shall  be  no  bar  to  those  which  are  prosecuted  with  good  faith, 
and  the  defendant  being  lawfully  condemned  or  attainted  of  covin 
or  collusion  shall  suffer  imprisonment  for  two  years.  1| 

By  the  21  Jac.  1.  c.  3.  it  is  declared,  That  all  monopolies,  and 
all  commissions,  grants,  licences,  charters,  or  letters  patent,  of  or 
for  the  sole  buying,  selling,  Sfc.  or  of  any  other  monopolie:;,  or 
of  power,  liberty,  or  faculty,  to  dispense  with,  or  to  give  licence 
or  toleration  to  do  any  thing  against  the  tenor  or  purport  of  any 
law,  or  to  give  or  make  any  warrant  for  any  such  dispensation, 
SfC.  or  to  agree  or  compound  for  any  forfeitures  limited  by  any 
statute;  or  of  any  grant  or  promise  of  the  benefit  of  any  such 
forfeiture,  before  judgment  thereupon,  and  all  proclamations,  Sfc. 
tending  to  the  furtherance  of  the  same,  are  contrary  to  law,  and 
void :  And  it  is  enacted,  That  monopolies,  and  all  such  commis- 
sions, S,-c.  shall  be  examined,  heard,  tried,  and  determined  by, 
and  according  to  the  common  laws  of  this  realm,  and  not  other- 
wise ;  hut  it  is  provided  that  this  act  shall  not  extend  (c)  to  any 
warrant  or  privy  seal  from  the  king  to  the  justices  of  either 
bench,  or  the  Exchequer,  or  of  assize,  or  of  oye7'  or  terminer  and 
gaol- delivery,  or  peace,  or  other  justices  having  power  to  hear 
and  determine  offences  against  any  penal  statute,  to  compound 
for  the  forfeitures  of  any  penal  statutes  depending  in  suit  before 


21  Jac.  1.  c.3. 
That  this  sta- 
tute is  in  af- 
firmance of 
the  common 
law,  vide 
2  Hawk.  P.  C. 
C.  26.   §  80. 
(r)  Such  jus- 
tices by  such 
warrant  can 
make  such 
for  tne  use  of 
the  king  only ; 
per  Ld.  Coke, 
."Inst.  178. 
Bat  by  the 
18  Eliz.  supra, 
they  may  give 
leave  to  an 
informer  to 
with  a  defend- 

(G)   Whether  the  Fenalty  may  he  compounded,  <J'C. 


tliem,  after  plea  pleaded:  Also  it  is  further  pr&oided.  That  the  ant  after  plea 
said  act  shall  not  extend  to  any  grants,  S)X.  that  had  been  granted  P'^^Jed, 
concerning  the  licensing  of  taverns,    or    selling,    uttering,    or  ^  og  Sgl    [ft 
retaihng  wines  to  be  spent   in  the  house  of  the  party  selling  is  the  rule'of 
the  same,  or  concerning  the  making  of  compositions  for  such  the  Court  of 

licences,  so  as  the  benefit  thereof  be  reserved  to  the  use  of  the  -^'"g's  Bench,  1 
1  •  o  that  where 

Kmg,  CfC.  ^  ^    ^  they  give  leave 

to  compound,  the  king's  half  of  the  composition  shall  be  paid  into  the  hands  of  the  master  of 
the  crown  office  for  the  use  of  his  majesty.  4  Burr.  1 929.  The  giving  leave  to  compound  is 
discretional  in  the  courts.  I  Stra.  167.  1  Wils.  79.  130.  It  hath  been  given  after  verdict  for 
the  plaintiff".  5  Term  R.  98.]  ||In  a  later  case,  however,  the  Court  of  C.  P.  seemed  to  doubt 
their  power  to  give  leave  after  verdict  without  the  consent  of  the  attorney-general.  In  all 
events,  they  said,  it  was  not  a  matter  of  course;  circumstances  must  be  laid  before  them  to 
satisfy  them  that  the  defendant  was  entitled  to  such  an  indulgence.  1  Bos.  &  Puil.  18.j|  [If  a 
defendant  obtain  a  rule  to  stay  proceedings  upon  payment  of  a  sum  agreed  upon  between 
him  and  the  plaintiff,  the  court  will  enforce  the  payment  of  that  sum  by  attachment. 
5  Term  R.  257.] 

JIThe  application  for  leave  to  compound  a  penal  action  must  i  Chitt.R.Jsi. 
be  made  to  the  court  in  bank,  and  not  at  AVs/  Prius  on  the  trial 
of  the  cause. 

In  one  case  vv'here  the  defendant  was  in  execution,  the  Court   iStra.  167. 
of  King's  Bench,  on  an  affidavit  of  his  poverty,  gave  the  plaintiff 
leave  to  compound  with  him. 

But  in  the  C.  B.  where  part  of  the  penalty  goes  to  the  king,   i  Taunt.  105. 
the  consent  of  the  crown  must  be  obtained  before  the  motion  for  "^  i'aunt-  268. 
leave  to  compound  can  be  granted,  whether  a  verdict  has  passed 
for  the  plaintiff  or  not. 

It  is  discretionary  in  the  courts  to  give  or  withhold  leave ;  and  Tidd,  557 
they  refused  it  in  an  action  on  the  25  G.  2.  c.  36.  for  keeping  a 
disorderly  house. 

(9th  edit.) 
2  Black.  R. 
1157.;  and  see 
2  Smith,  195. 

1  Bos.  &  Pull. 

On  a  bonajide  composition,  though  not  on  a  collusive  one,  the 
plaintiff  may  be  allowed  a  reasonable  sum  for  his  costs  ;  and  in 
compounding  a  penal  action  on  the  post-horse  act,  which  gives 
costs  to  the  prosecutor,  the  Court  of  Common  Pleas  allowed 
him  to  receive  the  deficient  duties  not  amounting  to  40^.,  and 
full  costs  of  suit,  though  exceeding  together  the  405.  paid  to  the 

But  where  no  costs  are  given  to  the  plaintiff,  as  in  an  action  2  Taunt.  213. 
on  the  statute  of  usury,  the  crown  is  entitled  to  a  moiety  of  the 
sum  agreed  to  be  paid  to  the  plaintiff  for  his  costs ;  for  whatever 
the  defendant  may  pay  under  the  name  of  costs  is  considered,  in 
fact,  as  an  addition  to  the  penalty. 

When  leave  is  given  to  compound  a  qui  tarn  action,  it  is  a 
general  rule  that  the  king's  half  of  the  composition  shall  be  paid 
into  the  hands  of  the  master  of  the  crown  office  in  the  King's 
Bench(a),  or  one  of  the  prothonotaries  of  the  Common  Pleas  (6), 
for  the  use  of  his  majesty,  which  is  now  usually  done  before  the 
rule  is  drawn  up.  And  where  the  defendant  in  a  qui  tarn  action 
obtained  a  rule  to  stay  proceedings  on  paying  a  sum  agreed  upon 
between  him  and  the  plaintiff,  the  Court  of  King's  Bench  con- 
sidered it  an  undertaking  by  him  to  pay  that  sum  ;  and  for  the 

G  S  nonpayment 

(a)  R.  M. 
7G.5.  K.B. 
4  Burr.  192.0.; 
and  see 
2  Black.  R. 

Black.  R. 




5  Dura.  & 

R.  E.  33  G.  8. 

7  Taunt.  43. 
S  Marsh.  358. 

R.M.  13Jac.l 

5  Taunt  850. 

nonpayment  of  it  granted  an  attachment.  But  for  preventing 
any  doubt  in  future,  an  order  was  made,  that  "  every  rule  to  be 
drawn  up  for  compounding  any  qui  tarn  action,  do  express  that 
the  defendant  doth  undertake  to  pay  the  sum  for  which  the  court 
has  given  him  leave  to  compound  such  action." 

So,  in  the  Common  Pleas,  where  a  defendant,  in  a  penal 
action,  obtains  a  rule  to  stay  proceedings  on  payment  of  part  of 
the  penalties,  the  court  will  grant  an  attachment  against  him  for 
nonpayment.  And  in  diat  court  it  is  a  rule,  on  compounding 
informations  on  penal  statutes,  that  "  if  the  defendant,  after 
"  composition  made  with  the  informer,  do  not  voluntarily  come 
"  in  to  answer  unto  the  king  for  his  fine,  to  be  taxed  and  assessed 
"  by  tlie  justices  of  this  court  for  his  majesty's  use,  then  a  capias 
"  ad  satisfaciendu7njinem  shall  be  awarded  against  him  to  compel 
"  him  thereunto;  whereupon  the  fine  being  set  and  assessed, 
"  shall  be  presently  paid  in :  and  satisfaction  being  thereupon 
"  made,  and  entered  by  the  prothonotary  upon  the  roll  of  the 
**  said  information,  shall  be  for  ever  a  full  and  final  discharge  of 
"  the  defendant  for  the  same  offence." 

The  plaintiff,  in  compounding  a  penal  action  by  consent, 
having  by  mistake  abandoned  a  good  cause  of  action,  the  Court 
of  Conmion  Pleas  refused  to  interfere  and  rescind  the  order 
made  thereon.  || 


JT  has  been  observed,  that  for  every  right,  and  for  e^very 
injury  done  a  man  in  his  person,  reputation,  or  property,  the 

party  hath  a  remedy.  But  this  remedy  he  must  take  according 
.««,  «.v..  ai.-  ^  ^y^  methods  laid  down  and  rules  prescribed  by  the  law ;  for 
tioD  was  never  which  purpose  there  are  writs  framed,  and  setded  actions,  to 
brourfitbcfore;  which  he  must  apply;  as  debt  upon  a  contract,  trespass  on  a 
iSsTr  coming  "|a";fest  and  open  invasion  of  his  property,  S^c.  But,  where 
■    *     the  law  has  made  no  provision,  or,  rather,  where  no  general 

action  could  well  be  framed  before-hand,  (the  ways  of  injuring, 

and  methods  of  deceivmg  being  so  various,)  every  person  is  (a) 

allowed  both  by  the  common  law  and  the  st.  Westm.  2.  13  E.  1. 

C.24.,   to  bnng  a  special  action  on  his  own  case,  which  is  a 

liberal  action,  {b) 

r^r.    FiJsModl,^^^^^^  Cro.Jac.478.  Roll.  Abr.  108, 109.  2R0II: 

o;^  the  .tatSi  of  Jf<;,5o„'  wl  Y\'  ^    "'•  ''^r^P''  Z^'^^^^^",  no  action  having  been  brought 
«n  uic  iniuie  otJUerion,  it  is  to  be  presumed  no  act  on  will  lie-  and  Pn  T  iff  «i   h  ^^^  I  rl 

Ew  mS^-^'edTor  act  on     S^^ToTl  'e  MoVf/'  ^  "''f  %^  thing  an  injury,  the  san.e 
•dH.)   (*)  2  Burrf R.  ooe.  101 1^012  '  "  ^^'  ^^  °°*^  ^^^  *°  C°-  ^itt.  81.  b.  (I3th 


Co.  Lit.  56.  a. 
6  Mod.  53.  54. 
(a)  Nor  is  it 
any  objection 
that  Mich  ac 

to  view  the 
huid*,  to  see 
if  any  waste 
initted,  being 
hindered  by  a 
ttflUKCi  from 


These  actions  are  founded  on  some  fraud  or  deceit  in  contracts,   [They  arise 

or  some  secret  iniurv  to  a  man's  right  or  property,  and  are  said  simply  from 

,       „  J     J  oii^*/'^  tort  or  wron*'' 

to  arise  from  a  non-feasance,  male-feasance,  or  mis-feasance.  ^hgre  no  "' 
But  as  this  division  seems  too  general,  I  shall  choose  the  follow-  breach  of  any 
ing,  as  more  proper  to  include  the  most  material  cases  that  fall  contract  is 

under  this  head,  referring  to  others  for  a  more  full  discussion  of  suggested,  and 

,  .     ,  ,     .^^  1  no  forcible 

several  particulars  relating  to  them.  violence  im- 

puted to  the  defendant.  5  Wooddes.  167.]  ||And  that  they  lie  in  many  cases  for  breaches  of 
duty  arising  out  of  contract,  or  ex  quasi  contractu,  see  Carth.  62.  2  New  R.  365.  3  East,  62. 
12  East,  452.    2  Marsh.  485.    3  Brod.  &  B.  54.1| 

(A)  What  Persons,  with  respect  to  the  Injury,  may 

bring  an  Action  on  the  Case. 

(B)  Against  whom  such  Action  lies. 

(C)  Fbr  what  Injuries  an  Action  on  the  Case  will  lie  ; 

and  herein  of  those  Cases  where  a  Man  may  be 
said  to  suffer  Damnum  absque  injuria, 

(D)  At  what  Time  the  Right  of  Action  shall  be  said  to 

have  accrued. 

(E)  Of  Actions  on  the  Case  for  Fraud  and  Deceit  in 

Contracts,  on  an  implied  or  express  Warranty. 

(F)  Of  Actions  on  the  Case  for  Injuries  to  a  Man's 

Person,    Property,    Right  or    Privilege :    And 

1.  Where  an  Action   on  the  Case  'will  lie  against  Officers 

and  Ministers  of  Justice. 

2.  Where  Case  mil  lie  for   Torts  and  Injuries  committed 

by  Persons  contrary  to  the  Duty  of  their  Trades  and 

(G)  Where   an   Action   on  the   Case  will  lie  for   a 

Nuisance,  and  therein  of  the  Inconvenience  of 
multiplying  Actions. 

(H)  Where  an  Action  on  the  Case  will  lie  for  a  Con- 
spiracy, and  oppressive  Proceedings  in  Pro- 
secutions and  Suits  at  Law. 

(I)  Where  Case  will  lie  though  the  Party  injured  has 
another  Remedy. 

(K)  Where  Case  will  lie  though  the  Wrongdoer  be 
punishable  criminally. 

G  4  (A)  What 


(A)  What  Persons,  with  respect  to  the  Injury,  may 
bring  an  Action  on  the  Case. 

Bulrt.  68.  T  F  ^.  delivers  goods  to  B.  to^deliver  over  to  C,  and  B.  does  not 

Hardr.ssi.  •■•  deliver  them  over  accordingly,  but  converts  them  to  his  own 
aP.  •aduid  y^g^  ^jjj^gp  J  Qj.  Q  n^gy  j^a^g  an  action  against  B.  but  both  shall 
thgr  could  not  ^^^  ^^^^^  ^^  ^^^.^^^  ^^^  j^^  ^j^^^  g^.^^  ^^^^^  j^jg  action  shall  go  on 

with  the  same. 
9  Let.  909.  If  ^'  is  seised  in  fee  of  the  reversion  of  a  close,  expectant 

rid# «  RoU.  upon  a  term  for  years,  and  B.  is  possessed  of  another  close 
Abr.  55.  adjoining  tliereto,  between  which  closes  there  runs  a  rivulet,  and 

*  ^7*^  So 'if   ■^*  *^°P*  '^  P^  ^'^^  ^'*®  *^'°"^®  °^  ^'  **  surrounded,  so  that  the 

iTicMet »'       timber-trees,  <^c.  become  rotten,  A.  in  respect  of  the  prejudice 

houM  to  B.       to  the  reversion,  and  the  termor,  in  respect  of  the  possession, 

for  yfw%,  and    ^^^  ^^  j|^g  shade,  shelter,  ^c.  may  each  (a)  have  an  action ;  and 

down  th'rouch    satisfaction  given  to  one  is  no  bar  to  the  other. 

the  neglect  of  a  nei<»hbour,  A.  may  have  an  action  for  the  damage  to  his  inheritance,  and  B. 

for  that  to  his  possession.    3  Lev.  360.    But  see  6  Ann.  c.  31.  §  6.  made  perpetual  by  10  Ann. 

c.  M.  §\.  by  which  this  remedy  is  taken  away. 

Provost,  &c.  II  If  the  tenant,  or  a  stranger,  do  a  present  injury  to  the  estate 

0  n"***n  °^  ^'^®  reversioner,  the  reversioner  may  have  this  action  against 
IbrdTlHalirt,    ^»">  pending  the  term.|| 

14  East,  489.  Ipackson  v.  Pesked,  1  Maule  &  S.  233.  Peyton  v.  Mayor  of  London,  9  Barn. 
&  C.  785.  J  and  sec  1 0  Barn,  &  C.  1 45.     1  Moo.  &  Malk.  550.1| 

If  a  master  of  a  ship  brings  an  action  on  the  case,  and  declares 

that  the  ship  was  laden  with  corn  in  such  a  harbour,   ready  to 

sail  for  Dantzic,  and  that  the  defendant  entered  and  seized  the 

ship,  and  detained  her,  per  quod  impeditus  et  ohstructus  fiiit  in 

viagio :  this  action  well  lies,  for  the  master  has  not  the  property 

8«Ik.  10.  pi.  4.  of  the  ship,  but  the  owners;  and  he  is  only  a  particular  officer, 

Ld.Rayin.558.  and  can  only  recover  for  his  particular  loss  :  yet  he  might  have 

Gaince.  brought  trespass,  as  a  bailiff  of  goods  may,  and  then  as  bailifFhe 

could  only  have  declared  on  his  possession,  which  is  sufficient  to 

maintain  trespass. 

Cro'jM^asj  ^^^  servant  is  cosened  of  his  master's  money,  the  master  may 

So,  if  Tsur-      ***^^  °^  action  on  the  case  against  the  cosener. 

geoo,  in  connderation  of  a  sura  of  money,  undertakes  to  cure  my  servant  of  a  hurt,  and  he 

•pphes  unwholesome  medicines  thereto,  on  purpose  to  make  the  wound  worse,  by  which 

1  lose  the  service  of  my  8er\ant  for  a  long  time,  I  may  have  an  action  on  the  case  against  the 
•uricon.  Roll.  Abr.  98.  Roll.  R.  1 24.  S.  C.  adjorn.  2  Bulst.  332.  S.  C,  and  quoad  the  point 
of  law,  the  court  inclmed  for  the  plaintiff,  but  for  default  in  the  pleadings  adjourned.  And 
Mdiolr"  ^^  composition.      Roll.  Abr.  88.     HSee  tit.   Master  and  Servant  (I), 

SfVilJ'Fr'  ^^'^^'^'^^"■^"*  ^^^^  '^'^'  in  execution  upon  a  capias  ad 
»49.  S.  P.  ild-'  *°^^sMi^dum,  at  the  suit  of  J.  D.  and  after  J.  S.  escapes  by  a 
mitted  prrmr.  'Wcue  of  himself,  the  sheriff  may  have  an  action  upon  the  case 
(a)Bui,if  wch  against  him  for  this  escape,  for  he  is  thereby  chargeable  {b)  over 
!LCri!r.h»t   'o""  t^'s  to  J.  Z).  and  this  escape  made  from  his  bailiff  was  an 

f**"^"?*^  ^™!"  i!'*'  **""^'  ^^"^  ^^^f'^  shall  not  have  an  action  upon  the  case  against  him, 
bMMW  be  w  not  Charlie  over :  but  the  baUiff  only  is  chargeable.  For  this  vide  RoW.  Abr. 
•7,  f«,  W.  t ro.  Elu.  26, 349.    Moor,  432.  and  tit.  Escape  in  Civil  Cases 


(B)  Against  whom  such  Actio7i  ties.  89 

If  a  man  gives  money  to  his  servant  to  carry  to  such  a  place,   Vide  head  of 
and  he  is  robbed,  the  master  cannot  bring  case  against  him,  for  ^^^'^^^  o"d 
a  servant  only  undertakes  for  his  diligence  and  fidelity,  and  not  VoTT 
for  the  strength  and  security  of  his  defence. 

But,  if  ^.  is  employed  by  B.  to  sail  from  England  to  the  Sid.  298. 
IndieSy  and  A.  covenants,  that  he  or  his  servants  vi^ill  not  thence  Hussey  and 
import  any  calicoes,  Sfc.  and  A.  retains  C.  as  his  servant  in  this  ^^^^y-  Lev. 
voyage,   and  acquaints  him  with   the  covenant,  and  notwith-  s.C  Roll  Abr* 
standing  C  falsely  and  fraudulently  brings  thence  certain  call-  105.  S.P. 
coeSf  Sfc.  A.  shall  have  an  action  against  C. ;  for  though  no  action 
lies  by  a  master  for  the  bare  breach  of  his  command,  yet,  if  a 
servant  does  any  thing  falsely  and  fraudulently  to  the  damage  of 
his  master,  an  action  will  lie. 

[An  action  on  the  case  for  goods  lost  may  be  maintained  Dgyjg  y^  Jq^. 
against  a  carrier  either  by  the  consignor  or  consignee  ;  and  it  dan,  5  Burr, 
may  be  brought  by  the  former,  notwithstanding  a  private  agree-  2680.  Moor  v. 
ment  between  him  and  the  consignee,  that  the  carriage  should  be  ^      '„ 
paid  by  the  latter ;  for  the  carrier  is  liable  upon  his  agreement.]  559     WThe 
doctrine  that  the  action  may  be  brought  either  by  the  consignee  or  the  consignor  seems 
unsound.      The  question  is  governed  by  the  consideration  in  whom  the  property  of  the 
goods  is  vested ;  and  it  is  now  settled  that  if  the  goods  were  ordered  to  be  delivered  to  a  car- 
rier, whether  a  particular  carrier  be  named  or  not,  thej'  vest  in  the  vendee  by  delivery  to  the 
carrier,  and  the  action  against  the  carrier  for  their  loss  must  be  in  the  name  of  the  vendee. 
Dawes  v.  Peck,  8  Term  R.  330.    Button  v.  Solomonson,  3  Bos.  &  Pull.  582;  and  see  Jacobs  v. 
Neilson,  3  Taunt.  423.    And  though  the  consignor  pay  for  the  booking  of  the  goods,  or  be 
liable  for  the  carriage  to  the  carrier,  these  circumstances  have  been  held  to  make  no  difference. 

8  Term  R.  530.  King  v,  Meredith,  2  Camp.  639. ;  and  see  Brown  v.  Hodgson,  2  Camp.  36. ;  but 
see  contrh  the  cases  above  referred  to.  5  Burr.  2680.  1  Term  R.  659.,  and  3  Camp.  320.  But 
if  the  vendor  is  induced  by  a  fraud  of  a  swindler  to  deliver  goods  to  a  carrier  for  him,  and  the 
carrier  by  negligence  lets  him  get  possession  of  them,  the  vendor  may  sue  the  carrier  in  his  own 
name;  for  no  property  in  such  case  passes  out  of  the  vendor.  Duff  v.  Budd,  3  Bro.  &  Bing. 
177.    oMoo.  469.|| 

(B)  Against  whom  such  Action  lies. 

T  F  the  servant  of  a  taverner  sells  wine  to  another  which  is  cor-  9  H.  6.  53.  b. 
rupted,  an  action  upon  the  case  lies  against  the  master  (a),  JRoll.  Abr.  95. 

though  he  did  not  command  the  servant  to  sell  it  to  any  par-  ^'  ^'  (")  ^"' 
..1°  ,7^  •'   ^         no  action 

ticular  person.  (6)  lies  against 

the  servant.  Roll.  Abr.  95.  So,  if  an  attorney  in  an  action  of  debt,  knows  of,  and  was  a  witness 
to,  a  release  of  the  debt  made  before  the  action  brought  for  it,  yet  no  action  lies  against  the 
attorney,  for  he  acted  only  as  a  servant,  and  in  the  way  of  his  calling.  1  Mod.  209.  /;er  curiam. 
Vide  2  Black.  R.  869.  {b)  If  a  servant  sells  an  unsound  horse,  or  other  merchandize  in  a  fair, 
no  action  lies  against  the  master,  unless  he  commanded  him  to  sell  to  a  particular  person. 

9  H.  6.  53.  Roll.  Abr.  95.  S.  C.  Poph.  143.  S.  C.  cited.  2  Roll.  R.  6.  S.  C.  cited.  But,  if  by 
the  command  and  covin  of  the  master  he  sells  to  a  particular  person,  an  action  lies  against  the 
master,  for  it  is  then  his  own  sale.  9  H.  6.  53.  Fitz.  Action  sur  le  Case,  5.  S.  C.  Roll.  Abr.  95. 
Bridgm.  128.  S.C.  cited.  Sed  qu.  In  the  former  case,  if  the  servant  warrant  a  horse  sound 
when  he  is  unsound,  and  receive  a  sound  price  of  the  buyer,  whether  the  master  is  not  bound 
by  the  warranty  of  the  servant,  and  liable  to  an  action  ?  ||It  is  now  held,  that  if  a  servant  is 
employed  by  his  master  to  sell  a  horse,  he  has  an  implied  authority  to  warrant  it,  and  the  master 
is  bound  by  his  warranty.  Alexander  v.  Gibson,  2Camp.  555. ;  and  see  5  Esp.  Ca.  72.  1  Dow. 
P.  C.  45.  3  Term  R.  76 1.  15  East,  45.,  and  tit.  Master  and  Servant  (K),  Vol.  V.  The  doctrine 
that  a  sound  price  given  implies  a  warranty  is  now  exploded.  2  East,  322.|| 

So,  if  a  goldsmith  makes  plate,  wherein  he  mingles  dross,  so  Vide  Cro.  Jac, 

that  it  is  not  according  to  the  standard,  and  by  his  servant  sells  r  oc^s^c' 

if  J 



it;   an  action  lies  against  the  master,  because  it  fails  in  the  price 

of  silver. 
BHdcn.  I«5,  ^"l  'f  -^-y  ^*"g  possessed  of  certain  artificial  and  counterfeit 

It6.  SoutbCTn  jewels,  of  the  value  of  168/.,  and  knowing  them  to  be  such,  de- 

■nd  How, 

livens  them  to  B.  his  servant,  commanding  him  to  transport  the 
said  jewels  into  Barbary,^  and  to  sell  them  to  the  king  of  Bar- 
baryt  or  such  otlier  person  as  would  buy  them,  but  gives  B.  no 
charge  to  conceal  their  being  counterfeit;  and  thereupon  B. 
Pop*^»«-  goes  into  Barbary,  and  knowing  these  jewels  to  be  counterfeit, 
Cro  3Jf"J69r  s****^"  ''»*^'"  ^  ^'  ^^^  SP^^  ^"^  ^''"^  jewels,  and  affirming  to  C, 
ac.,«ndiherc  that  they  were  worth  810/.,  desires  C.  to  sell  them  to  the  said 
Mid^the  court  kinff  for  8I0/L,  which  money  C.  pays  B.y  and  B.  thereupon  ira- 
"**!"^.  mediately  returns  to  England,  and  pays  the  810/.  to  A.  his 

£«^  prin-    roster ;  and  after  the  jewels  being  discovered  to  be  counterfeit, 
dpally  becaufc  C.  is  imprisoned  by  the  said  king  till  he  repays 

the  810/.  out 

of  his  own  effects;  of  all  which  matter  C.  gives  notice  to  A.  and 
demands  satisfaction,  Sfc,  yet  no  action  lies  against  A. ;  for  jewels 
are  in  themselves  of  an  uncertain  value,  and  B.  was  not  by  A, 
particularly  directed  to  C,  and  all  that  was  done  quoad  C.  was 
the  voluntary  act  of  the  servant,  for  which  the  master  is  not 
bound  to  answer. 

A.  did  not 
order  B.  to 
coocoii  their 
being  counter- 
feit. |But  it 
Sipean  from 
e  report  of 
this  case  in 

Brid^.  196, 1S7.,  and  S  MolL  330.,  that  the  plaintiff  had  judgment;  but  in  2  Roll. R.  26,  27.  it 
b  Hud  judgment  was  for  the  defendant.|| 

Salk.  S89. 
pL  85.  Ruled 
by  HoUon 
eridcnce  at 
MM  priui ; 
bat  for  this 
flUr  tit. 


n.  Ruled 

Miit.  |But  it 



■adit  wiQ  not 

In  an  action  on  the  case  for  a  deceit,  the  plaintiflf  set  forth 

that  he  bought  several  parcels  of  silk  for silk,  whereas  it 

was  another  kind  of  silk ;  and  that  the  defendant,  well  knowing 

this  deceit,  sold  them  to  him  for silk.     On  trial,  upon  not 

guilty,  it  appeared  that  there  was  no  actual  deceit  in  the^  de- 
fendant, who  was  the  merchant;  but  that  it  was  in  his  factor 
beyond  sea :  and  the  doubt  was,  if  this  deceit  could  charge  the 
merchant.  And  Holt  C,  J.  was  of  opinion,  that  the  mer- 
chant was^  answerable  for  the  deceit  of  his  factor,  though  not 
cnminaliter  yet  civiliter ;  for  seeing  somebody  must  be  a  loser 
by  this  deceit,  it  was  more  reasonable  that  he  that  employs  and 
puts  a  trust  and  confidence  in  the  deceiver  should  be  a  loser, 
than  a  stranger;  and  upon  this  opinion  the  plaintiff  had  a 

If  A.  brings  case  against  the  master  of  a  stage-coach,  on  the 
custom  of  the  realm,  for  a  trunk  lost  by  his  negligence,  S^c.  and 
on  evidence  it  appears  that  the  trunk  was  delivered  to  the  servant 
who  drove  the  coach,  who  promised  to  take  care  of  it,  and  that 
the  trunk  was  lost  out  of  his  possession ;  the  action  does  not  lie 
against  the  master,  for  a  stage-coachman  is  not  within  the  custom 
as  a  carrier  is  (a),  unless  he  take  a  distinct  price  for  the  carriage 
of  goods  as  well  as  persons ;  and  though  money  be  given  the 
•  v/*^*  u^'  '^*'  ^^  *  gratuity,  and  cannot  bring  the  master 
withm  the  custom ;  for  no  master  is  chargeable  with  the  acts  of 
hJs  servant,  but  when  he  acts  in  execution  of  the  authority  given 
by  his  master,  and  then  the  act  of  the  servant  is  the  act  of  the 


(B)  Against  whom  such  Action  Hes.  91 

unless  he  stipulate  for  a  reward  to  be  paid  to  himself.  Ibid.\\  (a)  That  if  a  carrier's  porter 
receives  goods,  the  carrier  shall  be  liable.  Comb.  118.  per  Dolben  J.  jjSee  Cavenagh  v.  Such, 
1  Price,  328.11 

II  On  the  trial  of  an  action  on  the  case  for  not  delivering,  ac-  Ellis  v.  Tur- 
cording  to  contract,  certain  goods  of  the  plaintiff  at  Siockwith,  "^^'  ^z^^"^™  ^' 
which  were  shipped  on  board  the  defendant's  vessel  at  Hull ,-   jj^ses  where 
it   appeared  that  the  defendant's  vessel,   trading  from  Hull  to  the  servant  is 
Gainsborough,  took    on    board  some    goods    belonging    to  the  acting  within 
plaintiff,  which  were  to  be  delivered  at  Stochwith ;  the  vessel  hj^g^^^i^*'^ 
went  safe  as  far  as  Stockwith,   and  there  delivered  part  of  the  mg^t  the 
cargo ;  but  the  master  of  the  vessel  finding  it  inconvenient  to  master  is  liable 
deliver  the  rest  there,  proceeded  on  the  voyage,  and  the  vessel   to  answer  for 
sunk   before  her  arrival   at    Gainsborausli.      It   was  objected,  ^"^  damage 
that  in  this  form  of  action,  an  action  on  the  contract  for  not  from  the  un- 
safely carrying  and  delivering  the  goods  at  Stockwith,  the  de-  skilfulness  or 
fendants  were  not  liable ;  as  the  non-  delivery  of  the  goods  there  negligence  of 
was  owing  to  the  misconduct  of  the  master  of  the  vessel ;   and  1;^    ^^'^^^^.J 
that  if  they  were  liable  at  all,  the  action  should  have  been  for  the  ley  v.  Gaisford 
tort.     But  it  was  holden,  that  though  the  loss  happened  in  con-  2  H.  Black, 
sequence  of  the  misconduct  of  the  defendant's  servant,  the  supe-  ^22.  M'Manua 
riors   (the   defendants)   are  answerable  for   it  in   this   action;  T g  "*  j^5' 
that   the   defendants   are  answerable   for  the  conduct   of  their  O'^le  v.  Barnes 
servant  in  those  things  which  respect  his  duty  under  them  (a),  sTermR.  i88. 
although  not  for  his  conduct  in  those  things  which  do  not  respect  ^tone  v.  Cart- 
his  duty  under  them.  2"/^^/'  ^T^™ 

Steinman,  1  Bos.  &  Pull.  404.  Croft  v.  Alison,"  4  Barn.  &  A.  590.  Laugher  v.  Pointer,  5  Bam. 
&  C.  547. ;  and  see  tit.  Matter  and  Servant  (K),  and  tit.  Carriers. 

Where  a  vessel  was  run  down  by  a  sloop  of  war  during  the  Nicholson  v. 
watch  of  the  lieutenant,  who  was  upon  deck,  and  had  the  actual  ^ou"sey, 
management  and  direction  of  the  steering  and  navigating  of  the  ^^d  see'        * 
sloop  at  the  time,  and  when  the  captain  was  not  upon  deck,  4  Made  &  S. 
nor  called  by  his  duty  to  be  there;  it  was  adjudged,  that  the  86.,  and  tit. 
captain  was  not  answerable  for  the  damage.  ||  V^'^^^^r^K? 

If  two  are  constituted  post-masters  general,  by  letters  patent,  Salk.  17.  pi.  8. 
pursuant  to  the  statute  12  Car.  2.  c.  35.,  and  in  the  patent  there  i^s.  Carth. 
is  a  power  to  make  deputies,  and  appoint  servants  at  their  will  o^^r  h   f  ^ 
and  pleasure,  and  to  take  security  of  them  in  the  name  and  to  Cotton  and 
the  use  of  the  king,  and  that  they,  the  post-masters  general,  shall  Sir  Thomas 
obey  such  orders  as  from  time  to  time  shall  come  from  the  king ;  Frankland, 
and  as  to  the  revenue,  shall  obey  the  orders  of  the  treasury;  and  f  m  d  E^^t 
it  is  further  granted  to  them,  that  they  shall  not  be  chargeable  los.Ld.Raym. 
for  their  officers,  but  only  for  their  own  voluntary  faults  and  646.  12  Mod. 
misbehaviours,  and  this  is  granted  with  a  fee  of  1500/.  per  an-  472.  Comyns, 
num ;  and  A.  having  exchequer-bills,  encloses  them  in  a  letter  n*^*.},  iX 
directed  to  B.  at  Worcester,  and  delivers  it  at  the  post-office  at  s.C.  with  the 
London,  into  the  hands  of  J.  S.  who  was  appointed  by  the  post-  arguments 
master  general  to  receive  letters,  and  had  a  salary ;  by  three  P''°  ^^^  <^on.  at 
judges  against  Holt  C.  J.  the  post-masters  general  are  (a)  not  g'^fjf  ^^"Jg 
I'able.  ^^i;,,  r^.  • 

sons,  who  held  also  that  J.  S.  was  chargeable,  but  not  as  an  officer,  but  as  a  wrong-doer.  [The 
opinion  of  the  three  judges  hath  been  confirmed  in  a  late  case  of  Whitfield  v.  Lord  Le  De- 



^„„„  i„  which  1. «.  dcciiea  that  d.e  ^'-^r  d"l^y  p°o"]fi:Lrrl  f^^! 

CbX'v.'"'lAn  acul  for  not  repairing  fences,  .hereby  a  party  is  dam- 
hX»"  nififd,  cannot  be  brought  against  the  owner  of  the  fee,  who  is  not 
4TerniK.31«.  j    possession,  but  lies  only  against  the  occupier.] 

W^i^E.  in  my  possession,  tl^ugh  1  have  a  remec  y  =«--t   the  tres 
Vic.r...\Vil.    p^sor,  yet  I  may  have  an  action  agamst  him  that  caused  the 

cock^8ElUt,l.    J:„.,,rh«npe 

s  Bos.  &  Pull,   disturoance. 

a84..  and  Pro.  Jac.  471.||  i  ,       i  v  u- 

Roll  Abr.90.        If  1  deliver  my  horse  to  a  smith  to  shoe,  and  he  de  ivers  h.m 

s;),if  I  deliver    ^o  another  smith,  who  pricks  hnn,  I  may  have  an  action  on  the 

g«°<^^^°  ^-       case  against  him,  though  I  did  not  deliver  the  horse  to  him. 

rhemVo  rto  keep  to  the  use  of  ^.,  and  B.  wastes  them  I  may  have  an  action  upon  the  case 

Ininst  B.  though  I  did  not  deliver  them  to  him.    Roll.  Abr.  90. 

Scbinotti  V.  [An  action  on  the  case  will  lie  against  the  commissioners  of 

Bumsted,          the  lottery,  for  not  adjudging  a  prize  to  the  person  entitled  to 

6  Term  R.  646.  ^.^ceive  it. 

Blake  V.  Lan-        It  will  lie  against  a  person  who  receives  or  continues  to  employ 

yon,  6  Term      t^g  servant  of  another  after  notice,  though  he  did  not  originally 

^tTfJ^and  entice  him  away.] 

Servant  {0).\\  ,  .  ,    ,      .  n   ,  , 

Sutton  V.  II A  person  acting  in  a  public  function  which  he  is  compellable 

Clarke,  *  to  execute  gratuitously,  using  his  best  skill  and  diligence,  and 

6  Taunt.  29.;     actinf  without  malice,  is  not  liable  for  consequential  damages 

^ITtId."     occasioned  by  his  act.l| 

penden,  1  East>  555. 

(C)  For  what  Injuries  an  Action  on  the  Case  will  lie ; 
and  herein  of  those  Cases  wherein  a  Man  may  be  said 
to  suffer  Damnum  absque  injuria, 

TINDER  this  division  various  cases  maybe  crmprehended ; 
^  but,  as  several  of  them  fall  under  others,  I  shall  here  only 
observe,  that  though  in  some  cases  an  injury  happens  to  a  man 
in  his  property,  by  the  neglect  of  another,  yet  if  by  law  he  was 
not  obliged  to  be  more  careful,  no  action  will  lie. 

Leon.  223.  As,  if  a  man  finds  butter,  and  by  his  negligent  keeping  it 

Owen,  Ml.       putrifies,  yet  no  action  will  lie. 

Cro.  Elix.  219.  Or,  if  a  man  finds  garments,  and  by  negligent  keeping  they 
are  moth-eaten,  no  action  lies. 

Id.  ibid.  So,  if  a  man  finds  goods,  and  loses  them  again  ;  or  if  he  finds 

a  horse,  and  gives  him  no  sustenance,  no  action  lies ;  for  in 
these  cases  the  law  has  laid  no  duty  on  the  finder  :  for  it  would 
be  too  rigorous  to  obUge  him  to  be  charitable  in  behalf  of  a  care- 
less owner. 

Roll.  Abr.  5.  But,  if  he  makes  gain  and  advantage  of  the  things  he  finds ; 

1  Leon.  224.      as  if  he  rides  the  horse,  or  if  he  abuses  the  things ;  as  by  putting 


(C)  For  whcU  Injuries  an  Action  on  the  Case  will  lie,  S^»  93 

paper  into  water;  or  if  he  kills  sheep,  Sfc.  he  shall  answer  for  Cfo.EHz. 219. 

them.  g?"'^  1^5. 

Stile,  261. 

If  A.  hires  B.  to  carry  a  load  of  timber  from  one  town  to  another   2  Lev.  196. 
to  be  unloaded  there,  at  such  a  place  as  A.  shall  appoint,  and  B.  Virtue  and 
gives  notice  to  A.  that  he  will  bring  it  such  a  day,  and  requests  ?'*"'^'  Yf °'* 
him  to  appoint  a  place  where  he  shall  lay  it,  and  he  brings  it  sKeb.Vss. 
accordingly,  but  A.  will  not  appoint  any  place  where  it  shall  be  S.C.  adjudged, 
laid,  so  that  the  horses  of  B.  are  kept  so  long  in  the  cart,  that 
being  hot  they  catch  cold  and  die ;  yet  B.  shall  have  no  action 
against  A.  for  he  might  have  taken  his  horses  out  of  the  cart  and 
walked  them,  or  put  them  in  a  stable,  or  if  A.  would  not  have 
appointed  a  place,    as  soon  as  he  came  there,  he  might  have 
unloaded  in  any  convenient  place,  so  that  the  injury  the  horses 
received  was  through  his  own  default. 

II  The  being  delayed  four  hours  by  an  obstruction  in  a  high-  Greasly  v. 
way,  and  the  being  thereby  prevented  from  performing  the  same  Colling, 
journey  as  many  times  in  a  day  as  if  the  obstruction  had  not  ^  ^'"&'  ^6^- ; 
existed,  is  a  sufficient  injury  to  entitle  the  plaintiff  to  sue  the  v"M^les^°*^ 
obstructor.  4'Maule'&  S. 


If  the  proximate  cause  of  the  injury  to  the  plaintifFbe  his  own  Butterfield  v. 
unskilfulness  or  want  of  care,  he  cannot  sue  the  defendant,  though  Forrester, 
the  primary  cause  be  the  defendant's  wrongful  act ;  thus  where  i?    ^*^'  ^^' 
the  plaintiff  was  riding  violently  and  without  ordinary  care,  and  Adam 
rode  against  an  illegal  obstruction  in  the  highway,  it  was  held  2  Taunt.  314. 
he  could  not  maintain  an  action. 

An  action  on  the  case  will  not  lie  against  a  person  suing  out  Sclieibel  y. 
a  writ,  if  he  neglect  to  countermand  it  after  payment  of  the  debt,  Fairbain, 
unless  malice  be  averred.     Without  an  averment  of  malice,  it  1  Bos.  &  Pull. 

should  seem  that  courts  will  scarcely  subject  a  party  to  damages  \^?r.  ,  S®  ^• 
n.  r  J        J  f     J  o      Whiple, 

tor  mere  non-ieasance.  3  East  314 

Gibson  v.  Chaters,  2  Bos.  &  Pull.  129. ;  and  see  1  Moo.  92.    5  Price,  1. 

But  if  an  execution  creditor  refuse  to  accept  from  the  debtor  Crozer  v.  Pill- 
who  is  in  custody  the  debt  and  costs  when  tendered,  and  to  sign  '"g.  *  Bam.  & 
an  authority  to  the  sheriff  to  discharge  the  debtor,  an  action  on       ^^* 
the  case  lies  for  maliciously  refusing,  and  the  refusal  to  sign  the 
discharge,  is  evidence  of  malice  in  the  absence  of  circumstances 
to  rebut  the  presumption.  1| 

If  it  be  damnum  absque  injuria^  no  action  on  the  case  lies  [a) ;  (a)  Damnum 
as  if  a  school  be  set  up  in  the  same  town  where  an  ancient  school  ^bsqiie  injurid, 
has  been  time  out  of  mind,  by  which  the  old  school  receives  wiU  not*Xear 
damage,  yet  no  action  upon  the  case  lies,  because  it  is  lawful  for  an  action. 
a  man  to  teach  where  he  pleases ;  and  this  is  for  the  ease  of  the  6  Mod.  46. 
people.  P^^  Gould  J. 

^      ^  3  Bulst.  95. 

11  H.  4.  47.    22H.6.  14.b.    Fitz.  Action  sur  le  Case,  28.  S.  C.  Bro.  42.  S.C.  Noy,  184.S.C. 
Noy,  184.  S.  C.  cited  Roll.  Abr.  107.    Mod.  69.  S.  P. per  Twisden  arguendo. 

So,  if  I  retain  a  master  in  my  house  to  instruct  my  children,  n  H.  4.  47. 
though  this  be  to  the  damage  of  the  common  master,  yet  no  ^^^-  ^**'"'  ^^'^' 
action  lies.  * 



Roll.  Abr.  107.  So,  if  I  have  a  mill,  and  my  neighbour  builds  another  mill 
Hardr.  16«.  upon  his  own  ground,  per  quod  the  profit  of  my  mill  is  dmimished, 
Brownl.  57.       yg^  „(,  action  lies  against  him ;  for  every  one  (a)  may  lawfully 

(a?t*ut!tf  I       c*^*^'  *  *"'''  **"  '"^  °^"  ground. 

have  had  a  mill  by  prescription  in  my  own  land,  if  another  erects  a  new  mill  upon  his  own 
land,  if  this  draws  away  the  stream  from  my  mill,  or  stops  it,  or  makes  too  great  a  quantity 
of  water  run  to  my  mill,  by  which  I  receive  damage,  so  that  my  mill  cannot  grind  as  much 
m  it  was  used  to  do,  I  shall  have  an  action  on  tlic  cote  against  him.  22  H.  6. 14.  Dyer,  248. 
Roll.  Abr.  107. 

9S  H.  6.  M.  If  a  man  hath  a  house  upon  his  own  ground  by  prescription, 

b.  Roll.  Abr.  „  *  jf  j  [i^xM  a  house  upon  my  own  ground  next  adjoining,  no 
107.  But  if  I    •'  *:      ,.  .    ^  '  •'  ° 

had  a  house      ac''©"  "es  against  me. 

by  prescription  upon  my  ground,  another  cannot  erect  a  house  upon  his  own  ground,  so  near 
to  It  as  to  stop  the  light  of  my  house.  22  H.  6.  15.  9  Co.  59.  Bland's  case,  Bulst.  115. 
Hut.  136.    Roll.  Abr.  107.     2  Roll.  Abr.  143.     3  Leon.  93. 

S2  H.  6.  14.  If  I  have  100  acres  of  pasture  in  a  town,  and  before  this  time 

^oy-  '84.         jjQ  jjj^,^  \\ax\i  ever  had  any  pasture  within  the  same  town,  and 
those  of  the  town  have  used  to  agist  their  cattle  in  my  pasture, 
and  another  that  has  freehold  within  the  town,  converts  his  arable 
land  into  pasture,  so  that  those  of  the  town  agist  their  cattle 
there,  per  qtiod  this  is  a  damage  to  me,  yet  I  cannot  have  any 
remedy  against  him ;  for  it  is  lawful  for  him  to  make  the  best 
advantage  he  can  of  his  own  land. 
Governor  &c.       ^^'^  ^  sustain  an  injury  by  the  act  of  commissioners  appointed 
of  the  British    by  an  act  of  parliament,  without  any  excess  of  their  jurisdiction, 
Cast  Plate-       no  action  lies  either  against  the  commissioners  or  the  persons 
glasa  Manufac-  acting  under  them.] 
tory  V.  Mere-  °  -• 

dith,  4  Terra  R.  794.  ||See  Harris  v.  Baker,  4  Maule  &  S.  27.  Hall  v.  Smith,  2  Bing.  156. 
Boolton  T.  Crowther,  2  Barn.  &  C.  703.;  and  see  Jones  v.  Bird,  5  Barn.  &  A.  857.|| 

Roll  Abr.  98. 
Cro.  Jac.  474. 
S.  C.    3  Term 

Cro.  Eliz.  53. 

Rayin.  194. 
Good  jar  and 
688.  S.  C.  ad- 
Joora.  sKeU 

(D)  At  what  Time  the  Right  of  Action  shall  be  said 
to  have  accrued. 

TF  .4.  sells  sheep  io  B.  affirming  them  to  be  his  own,  whereas 
they  belong  to  C,  B.  may  have  an  action  against  A.  for  his 
dc  -it,  oefore  C.  hath  seized  the  sheep,  or  interrupted  him; 
because  they  are  things  transitory,  and  therefore  the  action  lies 
before  interruption  :  for  if  he  should  stay  till  C.  interrupted  him, 
he  may  be  dead  before,  or  other  disadvantage  may  happen. 

If  A.  recovers  in  debt  against  B.  and  thereupon  a  capias  ad 
satisfaciendum  k  directed  to  C.  the  sheriff  of  N.  to  take  B.  in 
execution,  which  is  accordingly  done,  and  after  B.  rescues  him- 
self, per  quod  C.  becomes  liable  to  answer  for  the  debt ;  now  C. 
may  have  an  action  against  B.  before  A.  sues  C. ;  for  the  rescue 
and  escape  was  a  wrong  to  C,  and  he  is  always  chargeable  to  A, 
for  it;  and  if  C.  must  stay  till  sued  by  A.,  B.  may  die  in  the 
interim,  or  fly  his  country. 

A.  brings  an  action  against  B.  in  which  C.  is  attorney  for  A., 
and  after  verdict  for  A.,  C.  enters  judgment  before  the  rules 
(according  to  the  course  of  the  court)  are  out,  per  quod  B.  is 
prevented  from  moving  an  arrest  of  judgment,  and  whether  B. 


(E)  Actions  on  the  Case  for  Fraud  and' Deceit.  96 

may  have  an  action  against  C.  was  doubted ;  and  Twisden  thought  716  S  C  ad- 
it hard  the  attorney  should  be  sued  after  the  judgment  is  set  aside,  journ,  it  ap- 
But  7iote,  it  does  not  appear  in  the  case,  as  reported  by  Rai/mond,  peanng  that 
otherwise  than  from  what  Twisden  said,  that  the  judgment  was  the  judgment 
set  aside  before  the  action  brought.  before  B^  ^ 

brought  his  action.  —  An  action  brought  against  the  plaintiff's  attorney,  for  entering  judgment 
against  the  defendant,  when  the  court  ordered  a  nonpros.  Hut.  125.  and  yet  it  appears  the 
judgment  was  set  aside  before  the  action  brought. 

If  a  man  forges  a  bond  in  my  name,  it  is  possible  I  may  be  Hob.  267. 
damnified  by  it,  but  till  it  be  put  in  suit  against  me  I  cannot  ^  ^^•.  '*^* 
bring  an  action  against  the  forger.  where'^bythe 

plaintiff's  own  shewing  he  had  no  right  of  action  at  the  time  of  bringing  it.  Vide  Carth.  1 13. 
and  tit.  Error. 

II  The  cause  of  action  accrues  at  the  time  when  the  tortious  Grander  v. 

act  is  done  by  the  defendant,  so  that  the  statute  of  limitations  then  George, 

begins  to  run,  although  the  plaintiff  rriay  not  in  fact  know  of  the  5  Barn.  &  C. 

act  till  long  after ;  unless  indeed  the  defendant  is  guilty  of  fraud  in  gj^'^j^  ^"^  ^^^ 

concealing  the  act  from  the  plaintiff's  knowledge,  in  which  case  the  M'Carthy. 

cause  of  action  would  seem  to  be  complete  only  on  the  plaintifPs  s  Bam.  &  A. 

knowledge.    Where  an  act  is  done  not  in  itself  tortious,  and  some  ^26.    Brown 

time  after  consequential  damage  arises  to  the  plaintiff  from  it,  the  ^'n  °^&V 

cause  of  action  does  not  accrue  [a)  till  the  damage  happens.  ||  73  .  ^nd  see 
3  Barn.  &  A.  288.     (a)  Roberts  v.  Read,  16  East,  215.    Gillon  v.  Boddington,  1  R.  &  Moo. 
161.;  and  see  3  Barn.  &  A.  448. 

(E)  Of  Actions  on  the  Case  for  Fraud  and  Deceit  in 
Contracts  on  an  express  or  implied  Warranty. 

II (See  Addenda  to  tit.  Fraud.) |1 

1.  On  an  implied  Warranty  in  Laia. 

T  F  there  be  a  communication  between  A.  and  B.  for  the  buying  ^oU.  Abr.  90. 

of  certain  sheep,  and  B.  the  vendor  («),  says  they  are  his  own  g*^^    4^% 

sheep,  when  in  truth  they  are  the  sheep  of  another:  whereupon  c.ios.  2  East 

A.  buys  them  of  B.  though  B.  made  not  any  express  warranty  of  314.    (a)  In 

the  sheep,  yet  an  action  upon  the  case,  in  nature  of  deceit,  lies  ^"  action  for 
•     ^  u- '  fraudulently 

against  him.  selling  to  the 

plaintiff  a  horse  that  was  not  the  defendant's  own  horse,  the  plaintiff  must  prove  that  the  defend- 
ant knew  him  not  to  be  his  own  horse.  Allen,  91.  Keb.  523.  but,  qucere  ;  et  vide  C^vth.  90.  and 
Salk.  210.,  that  the  having  possession  of  any  personal  chattel,  and  affirming  it  to  be  his,  amounts 
to  warranty;  and  an  action  lies  on  the  affirmation.     Per  Holt  C.J.     See  ace.  3  Term  R.  37. 

II  The  law  raises  an  implied  promise  on  the  part  of  a  sheriff  Peto  v.  Blades, 
selling  goods  seized  in  execution,  that  he  does  not  know  that  he  ^  Taunt.  657. 
has  no  title  to  the  goods.  || 

So,  if  the  vendor  affirms  that  the  goods  are  the  goods  of  a  Roll.  Abr.  91. 
stranger,  his  friend,  and  that  he  had  an  authority  from  him  to 
sell  them,  and  thereupon  B.  buys  them,  when  in  truth  they  are 
the  goods  of  another;  yet,  if  he  sold  them  fraudulently  and 
falsely,  upon  this  pretence  of  authority,  though  he  did  not  war- 
rant them,  and  though  it  is  not  averred  that  he  sold  them,  know- 



Roll.  Abr.  91. 
Stile,  310. 
S.C.  Keb.  5S3. 
&C.  cited. 

Carth.  90. 
Crosse  and 
5  Mod.  261. 
S.  C.    Comb 
148,  S.  C. 

Ing  them  to  be  the  goods  of  a  stranger,  yet  B.  shall  have  an 
action  upon  the  case  for  this  deceit. 

In  an  action  upon  the  case  by  A.  against  B.  if  the  plaintiff 
declares  that  the  defendant  craftily  intended,  S^c.  and  offering  to 
sell  a  gelding  to  the  plaintiff,  affirmed  that  he  brought  up  that 
gelding  from  a  colt,  and  that  the  said  gelding  was  then  his  own, 
which  the  plaintiff  believing,  afterwards,  that  is  to  say,  upon  the 
same  day  and  year,  and  at  the  place  aforesaid,  did  buy  the  said 
gelding,  ^c.  the  action  lies  upon  this  declaration,  though  there 
was  no  warranty  upon  the  sale ;  for  this  was  an  apparent  deceit, 
contrary  to  his  own  knowledge ;  and  though  it  is  not  averred  that 
he  sold  the  gelding  at  the  same  time  when  he  affirmed  he  bred 
him  up  from  a  colt,  but  that  the  plaintiff /(O^/^-a  the  same  day  and 
place  bought  him,  giving  credit  thereunto,  this  shall  be  intended 
immediately  after  the  speaking  of  the  words ;  for  all  the  words 
could  not  be  spoken  together. 

So  in  case^  in  which  the  plaintiff  declared,  that  there  being  a 
colloquium  between  him  and  the  defendant,  concerning  the  buying 
and  selling  of  two  oxen,  which  the  defendant  then  had  in  his 
possession,  that  he  (the  defendant)  adtioic  et  ibidem  false  et  mali- 
tiose  affirmahat)  that  these  oxen  where  his  ;  to  whiqh  the  plaintiff 
Show.68.S.C.  giving  credit,  bought  them  of  the  defendant  for  so  much  money; 
(a)  fj"f^'^  when  in  truth  the  said  oxen  were  the  proper  goods  of  t7.  S.  and 
vendidit,  <J-c.  that  he  the  said  J.  b.postea,  Sfc.  lawiully  recovered  the  said  oxen 
after  verdict,  from  the  plaintiff,  Sfc.  it  was  holden  after  verdict,  that  the  action 
imports  that  it  lay  on  the  bare  affirmation,  without  an  express  warranty ;  and 
an"  'supplies  ^^^ugh  objected,  that  it  was  not  set  forth  that  he  {a)  sciens  that 
the  want  the  oxen  were  the  oxen  of  J.  S.  nor  that  he  did  it  deceptive. 

thereof.  Stile,  3 lo.  sKeb.  807.  vide  Keb.  309.  —  So  sciem,  ^c.  implies  that  it  was  fraudtt- 
Imthr.  Sid.  146.  —  So  where  the  plaintiff  declares  quod  improvidk  et  incautb  absque  consider- 
atione  inaptUudimt  loci,  he  drove  his  horses  over  the  plaintiff;  though  not  said  sciens  that  they 
were  unruly.    2  Lev.  172. 

M^dira^v^''"'  ^°'  ^^®^*^  ^^^  plaintiff  declared,  that  the  defendant  being  pos- 
Stoughton.for  messed  of  a  certain  lottery-ticket,  sold  it  to  him,  affirming  it  to  be 
selling  false  ^'s  own,  whereas  in  truth  it  was  not  his,  but  another's ;  defendant 
bills  of  credit,    pleaded,  he  bought  it  bona  fide,  and  so  sold  it :  on  demurrer, 

repJrtS\y  ^°^^  ^^^'  "^"^'*  ^^^^'  ^''^^'^^  °"^  having  possession  of  any  per- 
lA.  Raymond,  ^*^"^^  chattel,  sells  it,  the  bare  affirming  it  to  be  his,  amounts  to 
595.  and  the  a  warranty,  and  an  action  lies  on  the  affirmation ;  for  his  having 
duunction  possession  is  a  colour  of  title,  and  perhaps  no  other  title  can  be 
twJln^Se  ^^"^^  °"''  "^''^^'  ^^^^''^  the  seller  is  out  of  possession  ;  for  there 
teller  being  in  '"^y  ^^  room  to  question  the  seller's  title,  and  caveat  emptor  in 
poacMion  and  such  case  to  have  either  an  express  warranty,  or  a  good  title :  so 
2J1.  b'S^  "  '^'"  '^^  case  of  lands,  whether  the  seller  be  in  or  out  of  pos- 
mentioned  by  f^^^'^"/  ^^  the  seller  cannot  have  them  without  a  title,  and  the 
him.   Sec  Mr.  '^"3'^'*  ^s  at  his  peril  to  see  to  it. 

J^-jfer'.  observations  upon  it,  3  Term  R.  58.]     Vide  Stile,  343.  346.    Cro.  Jac.  197. 
RS^efranf'       ^^  ^^^  plaintiff  declares,  that  whereas  Queen  Elizabeth  was 
Vaughan.  ^^l^*^"  /"  J^^  pf  t^e  advowson  of  the  vicarage  of  S.  whereto  the 

Moor,  4€7.  t'thes  m  5.  did  belong,  and  that  the  defendant,  upon  the  ninth 
S.C  of  June,  did  affirm  himself  to  be  lawful  incumbent  thereof,  and 


(E)  Actions  on  the  Case  for  Fraud.  (Warranty.)  97 

that  he  had  right  to  the  tythes  from  the  death  of  Jl  N.  and  after, 
upon  the  sixteenth  o^June,  the  plaintiff  having  a  communication 
with  the  defendant  about  his  buying  of  the  defendant  the  said 
tythes  till  Michaelmas  following,  the  defendant  adtunc  sciens  that 
he  had  no  right  thereto  (the  defendant  not  having  been  insti- 
tuted, c§T.)  yet  false  et  deceptive  sold  them  to  the  plaintiff  for  30/. 
and  alleges  in  facto,  that  J.  N.  was  after  presented,  ^c.  and  took 
the  tythes,  <^c.  the  action  does  not  lie ;  for  there  was  no  warranty 
that  the  plaintiff  should  enjoy  them ;  and  this  affirmation  also 
was  in  time  precedent  to  the  sale.  ^ 

So,  if  the  plaintiff  declares,  that  upon  a  communication  be-  Yelv.  20. 
tween  the  plaintiff  and  the  defendant,  for  the  purchase  of  a  certain  Harvey  and 
term  of  years,  v/hich  the  defendant  then  had  in  certain  lands,  Young.    See 
the  defendant  asseruit  to  the  plaintiff,  that  the  said  term  was        ^^^ 
worth  1 50/.  to  be  sold ;  to  which  the  said  plaintiffj'^l^^w  adhihens 
did  give  the  defendant  1 50/.  for  the  same,  and  that  after,  the 
plaintiff  offering  the  said  term  to  sale,  could  not  get  so  much  for 
the  same ;  the  action  does  not  lie ;  for  here  was  only  a  naked 
affirmation  of  the  defendant,  that  the  term  was  worth  so  much ; 
and  it  was  the  plaintiff's  folly  to  believe  him. 

But  if,  on  a  treaty  for  the  purchase  of  a  house,  the  defendant  5. 
affirms  the  rent  to  be  SO/,  per  annum,  whereas  in  truth  it  is  but  ^  ^.^"^^  ^1?4 
20/.,  and  thereby  the  plaintiff  is  induced  to  give  so  much  more  Ray^^'ms 
than  the  house  is  worth,  the  action  lies  (a) ;  for  the  value  of  the  g.  C.  (a)  Lev. 
rent  is  matter  that  lies  in  the  private  knowledge  of  the  land-  102.  Sid.  146. 
lord  and  tenant;  and  if  they  affirm  the  rent  to  be  more  than  it  Keb.  510.  318. 
is,  the  purchaser  is  cheated,  and  ought  to  have  a  remedy  for  ^^^\y'^^ " 
it.  (^)  (6)  But  if  A 

possessed  of  a  term  of  years,  offers  to  sell  it  to  B.,  and  says  that  a  stranger  would  have  given 
him  20/.  for  this  term,  by  which  means  B.  buys  it,  though  in  truth  A,  was  never  offered  20/. 
no  action  on  the  case  lies,  though  B.  is  hereby  deceived  in  the  value.  Roll.  Abr.  91.  101. 
Sid.  146.  S.  P. 

II  Where  an  action  is  brought  for  a  false  representation  by  ^^^^^  ^• 
defendant  knowingly  made,  and  by  which  the  plaintiff  has  sus-  r'Vj^^'''.^, 
tamed  damage,  it  is  not  necessary  to  shew  that  the  aeienuant 
intended  to  injure  the  plaintiff.  || 

2.   Where  Case  will  lie  for  a  Fraud  on  an  express  Warranty. 

If  A.  being  a  goldsmith,  and  having  skill  in  jewels  and  precious  Cro.  Jac.  4. 
stones,  hath  a  stone  which  he  affirms  to  be  a  Bezoar-stone,  and  tvveen^Chan^- 
sells  it  to  B.  for  100/.,  when  in  fact  it  was  no  Bezoar-stone,  no  jgr  and  Lopus 
action  lies  against  A. ;  for  every  one  in  selling  his  wares  will  affirm  upon  a  writ  of 
that  his  goods  are  good,  or  that  the  horse  which  he  sells  is  sound ;  ^^'^  '"  'j'^'"* 
and  yet  if  he  does  not  warrant  them  so  (c),  if  false,  no  action  g^rst  judgment 
lies,  (a)  reversed  ac- 

cordingly by  all  the  justices  and  barons,  cont.  Anderson.  Vide  Dyer,  15.  'n  margin,  S.  C. 
cited,  as  adjudged  in  B.  R.  and  they  said,  that  the  opinion  of  Popham  was,  that  if  I  have 

any  commodity     •  •  "   '  ••  •    «  .        .     r,- 

80,  an  action  1 

it  to  be  good, 

as  adjudged  in  "b.  R.     2  Roll.  Rep.  5.  S.  C.  cited,  and  said  that  the  judgment  was  reversed, 

because  it  was  not  pleaded  that  he  knew  it  to  be  false  at  the  time  of  the    sale.     ||So 

Vol.  I.  H  Springwell 


Snrinewcll  v.  Allen,  Alc^•n  91.  Paget  v.  Wilkinson,  Tr.  8  W.  5.  2  Bast,  448.  in  not.  and 
DowJinj:  V.  Mortimer,  Ibid.  453.  in  not.  (c)  If  therefore  he  warrants  tliem,  in  an  action  on 
the  cnsHbr  a  breach  of  that  warranty,  the  scioiIIt  need  not  be  charged,  nor  if  charged  need  it 
be  proveii.  Willianison  v.  Allison,  2  East,  44G.  LofFc,  146.||  (d)  [An  affirmation  at  the  time  of  a 
sale  is  n  warranty,  provided  it  appear  in  evidence  to  have  been  so  intended.  3  Term  R,  57. 
tuprii,  (E.)]     llAs  to  implied  warranties  of  the  quality  of  goods  &c.  sold,  see  Parkinson  v.  Lee, 

2  East,  514.  Gray  v.  Cox,  4  Barn.  &  C.  108.  Laing  v.  Fidgcon,  6  Taunt.  108.  4  Camp.  169. 
144.    Jones  V.  Bright,  5  Bing.  553.\\ 

Jeudwinc  v,  ||It  lias  been  held  that  the  setting  the  name  of  an  old  master 

Riade,  2  Esp.  against  a  picture  in  a  sale  catalogue  is  no  warranty,  but  merely 

*'**  a  representation  of  the  seller's  opinion. 

Hall  V.  Gray,  But  if  the  agent  of  the  vendor  of  a  picture,  knowing  the  vendee 

I  Stark.  434.  labours  under  a  delusion  with  respect  to^i  picture,  which  mate- 

rially influences  his  judgment,  permits  him  to  make  the  purchase 
without  removing  the  delusion,  the  sale  is  void.  || 

II  H.  6.  18.  If  a   man   sells  a  tun  of  wine  (a),  and  warrants  it  to   be 

^•^•^•^^-       sound,  and  not  corrupted,  if  it  be  corrupted  an  acftmi  upon  the 

o.  p.  Poph.  1-  *• 

J43.S.P:cited.  <^«5^"es. 

A.  sells  sheep,  and  warrants  that  they  are  sound,  and  shall  continue  so  for  a  year  after,  this  is 

good,  and  shall  bind  him.     l|See  JoliflTe  t.  Bendell,  1  Ry.  &Moo.  136.||     Vide  Dam.  Ahr.  96. 

188.    (a)  This  action  lies,  though  he  hath  not  paid  for  it;  for  the  other  may  have  debt  for  his 

money.     Bro.  Guarranty,  59.  ^ 

(b)  11  H.  6.  18.       So,  if  a  man  sells  a  horse  (Z»),  and  warrants  him  to  be  sound  of 

S  r  M  B  t^'  ^^^  wind  and  limbs  (c),  if  he  be  not  ah  action  upon  the  case  lies. 

without  such  warranty  no  action  lies.  20  H,  6.  35.  F.  N.  B.  94.  S.  P.  Bridg.  127.  S.  P.  Roll. 
Ahr.  90.  S.  P.  [If  sold  at  the  price  of  a  sound  horse,  case  in  the  nature  of  deceit  would  lie. 
Deianccy  v.  Dymock,  sittings  after  Easter  term   1789,  coram   Lord  Kenyon.      See   too 

3  Wooddes.  199.]  ||But  a  sound  price  given  does  not  raise  an  implied  warranty.  2  East,  322. 
Douglas,  20.|| 

D^mlon  V.  []If  the  seller  sell  the  horse  as  of  the  age  stated  in  a  written 

PeakeCa.  123.  V^^^ff^^^  this  is  a  warranty,  though  the  seller  declare  he^  knows 

nothing   of  the  horse  except  what  he   has  learned  from  the 

pedigree.  || 
Roll.Abr.  96.         If  ^  nian,  knowing  his  horse  to  be  lame  and  foundered,  offers 
((f)  Rut  qiuere,  him  to  me  to  buy,  and  warrants  him  to  be  sound,  4  c.  relying 
nt^rllJule^tat  "P°"  ^^^^^^  ^  buy  him,  by  which   I  am  deceived ;  though  the 
thrwarranty^    warranty  here  was  before  the  sale,  yet  because  this  was  the  cause 
must  be  made    of  the  sale,  an  action  upon  the  case  Hes  thereupon,  {d) 
at  the  time  of  the  sale.  Vide  Cro.  Jac.  4. 1 96, 1 97.  630.,  nor  can  it  be  made  after ;  per  Bridgman 
127.   Godb.  31.     Vide  Salk.  211.  pi.  4.     [Where  a  treaty  for  the  sale  of  a  commodity  had 
been  entirely  broken  off,  a  warranty  made  at  the  time  of  such  sale  was  holden  not  to  extend 
to  a  subsequent  sale  ofthe  same  commodity  at  a  reduced  price.     Anon.  Stra.  414.] 
Roll.  Abr.  97.         ^^  ^'  ^ells  a  horse  to  B.  and  warrants  him  to  be  sound  of  wind 
adjudged.  and  limb,  and  clean  of  legs,  whereas  he  well  knows  that  he  is 

I.C  adiiidged  s^oyWer-pitched,  and  has  splints  upon  his  legs,  an  action  lies 
(*)  But  (}u^re  ^g^^st  him  upon  this  warranty  (e) ;  for  these  imperfections  are 
of  .^  V  not  subject  to  the  view  of  an  unskilful  person. 

**'  V't  ^*'"^'.  ^  ^°"-  ^-  ^'    ^"^S-  ^28.    Diversity  where  he  has  no  eve,  and  where 

nU'liror''V.  n  •  ^"S*^*  *^>'®'^"^"'''^'^C'*o-J«c.3B7.  sBulst.  95.  sKeb.loi.  Bro. 
•SiIj.    smS,!^^^^^^^      F.N.B.94.note(c).  2  Wooddes.  41 5.    l|See  Liddard  v.  Kain, 

B^JleffieVifv.'*'       V^^  plaintiff  declared,  that  the  defendant  sold  him  a  horse 

Burroughs.  *     ^"^'^ »  ^^y  and  place,  ct  adlunc  et  ibidem  'isoarrantizavit  equum 

prcedict,  to  be  sound  wind  and  limb,  whereupon  he  paid  hi» 


(E)  Actions  on  the  Case  for  Fraud.  (Warranty.)  99 

money,  and  avers  the  horse  had  but  one  eye,  Sfc,  on  plea  nmi 
ivarrantizavit,  the  plaintiff  had  a  verdict :  and  it  was  objected  in 
arrest  of  judgment,  1.  That  the  want  of  an  eye  is  a  visible  thing, 
whereas  the  warranty  extends  only  to  secret  infirmities;  but  to 
this  it  was  answered  and  resolved  by  the  court,  that  this  might 
be  so,  and  must  be  found  to  be  so,  since  the  jury  have  found  that 
the  defendant  did  warrant.  2.  As  the  warranty  is  here  set  forth, 
it  might  be  at  a  time  after  the  sale,  whereas  it  ought  to  be  part 
of  the  very  contract ;  and  therefore  it  is  always  alleged  warranti- 
zando  vendidit;  sed  non  allocatur;  for  the  payment  was  after- 
wards, and  it  was  that  which  completed  the  bargain,  which  was 
imperfect  without  it. 

[If  there  be  an  express  warranty  not  respecting  the  soundness  Buchanan  v. 
of  horses  merely,  but  some  distinct  matter,  as  their  age;  and  it  2XerraR'745 
be  a  condition  of  sale,  that  the  horses,  if  conceived  to  be  unsound,  ii/^)  ggg  Poul- 
shall  be  returned  in  a  limited  time ;  an  action  may  be  maintained  ton  v.  Latti- 
by  the  buyer  if  the  horses  are  not  of  the  age  they  are  warranted  more,  9  Barn, 
to  be,  though  they  are  not  returned  till  after  such  time  has  &^-259.|l 
elapsed ;  for  the  condition  of  sale  applies  only  to  the  unsound- 
ness ;   nor  does  the  buyer  lose  his  remedy,  though,  upon  the 
seller's  refusing  to  take  them  back,  he  sells  them  again  to  a  third 
person,  [a) 

Although  on  the  sale  of  a  horse  there  is  an  express  warranty  Adam  r. 
by  the  seller,  that  the  horse  is  sound,  free  from  vice,  8fC.  yet,  if  ?  u^  gf\ 
it  is  accompanied  with  an  undertaking  on  the  part  of  the  seller  to  ^^^J 
take  the  horse  again,  and  pay  back  the  purchase-money,  if  on 
trial  he  shall  be  found  to  have  any  of  the  defects  mentioned  in  the 
warranty ;  the  buyer  must  return  the  horse  as  soon  as  he  dis- 
covers any  of  those  defects,  else  he  cannot  maintain  an  action 
upon  the  warranty.     For  the  term  trial  in  such  case  means  a 
reasonable  trial. 

It  has  been  determined  by  the  Court  of  Common  Pleas,  that'  Fielder  r. 
the  seller  of  an  unsound  horse  warranted  sound,  if  it  can  be  ^^''Hi?'  .  p 
clearly  proved  that  the  horse  was  unsound  at  the  time  of  the  sale,  J^  iisee  Curl 
is  liable  to  an  action  on  the  warranty,  without  notice  or  return.]  tis'v.  Hannay, 

3  Esp.  82.    Poulton  V.  Lattiinore,  9  Bam.  &  C. 

II A  temporary  lameness  which  renders  a  horse  less  fit  for  ser-  i<;iton  v. 
vice  is  a  breach  of  warranty  of  soundness.  Brogden, 

4  Camp.  281.;  sed  vide  2  Esp.  Ca.  573 . 

Roaring  is  unsoundness,  if  it  is  shewn  to  proceed  from  some  gassett  v.  Col- 
disease  or  organic  defect.  lis,  2  Camp. 

523.   Onslow  V.  Eames,  2  Stark.  81. 

A  nerved  horse  is  unsound.  Best  v.  Os- 

borne, 1  Ry.  &  Moo.  290. 

Crib-biting  is  not  a  breach  of  a  general  warranty  of  soundness.  Brennenburgh 

V.  Haycock,  Holt  Ca.  630, 
A  cough,  unless  proved  to  be  of  a  temporary  nature,  is  un-  shillitoe  v. 
soundness.  Claridge, 

2  Chitt.  R.  425. ;  and  see  Ibid.  418. 

If  a  horse  is  sold  with  a  warranty  that  he  is  a  good  drawer,  Coltherd  v. 

H  2  and 



Rjran,  10. 

Richardson  v. 
I  Btng.  344. 


Cuwcll  V. 


I  Taunt.  566. 

1  Camp.  82. 

Symonds  v. 
Carr,  I  Camp. 

P&yne  v. 
Whale,  r  East, 


and  pulls  quiet  in  harness,  both  parts  of  the  warranty  must  be 
shewn  by  the  seller  to  be  true. 

A  warranty  as  follows,  «  To  be  sold,  a  black  gelding,  five 
years  old,  has  been  continually  driven  in  the  plough,  warranted," 
applies  to  nothing  more  than  soundness,  and  not  to  having  been 
driven  continually  in  the  plough. 

Wliere  a  horse  is  sold  with  a  warranty  of  soundness,  but  there 
is  a  misrepresentation  at  the  sale  as  to  the  place  from  whence  the 
horse  came,  if  the  warranty  is  complied  with,  the  misrepresent- 
ation will  not  vitiate  the  sale. 

Upon  the  breach  of  a  warranty  of  a  horse,  the  measure  of 
damages,  if  the  horse  is  returned,  is  the  price  paid  for  him ;  if 
the  horse  is  not  returned,  the  measure  of  damages  is  the  differ- 
ence between  the  real  value  and  the  price  paid.  If  the  horse  is 
not  tendered  to  the  defendant,  the  plaintiff  can  recover  nothing 
for  the  expense  of  his  keep. 

Where  two  persons  severally  employed  a  dealer  to  sell  their 
horses,  and  he  sold  them  for  an  entire  price,  and  warranted  them 
sound ;  it  was  held  that  the  purchaser  could  not  sever  the  con- 
tract, and  bring  an  action  on  the  warranty -against  one  of  the 
sellers,  in  respect  of  the  unsoundness  of  his  horse. 

Where  the  seller  warranted  a  horse  sound,  and  in  a  conversa- 
tion subsequently  said,  that  if  the  horse  were  unsound  (which  he 
denied),  he  would  take  it  again,  and  return  the  money  ;  it  was 
held  that  this  was  no  abandonment  of  the  original  contract,  and 
the  vendee's  remedy  was  upon  the  warranty.  U 

(F)  Of  Actions  on  the  Case  for  Injuries  to  a  Man's 
Person,  Property,  Right,  or  Privilege. 

Vent  295.  JF  .4.  rides  an  unruly  horse  in  Lincoln^ s-Inn  Fields,  (being  a 
3  kcl)  6^^'  ^^^^^  "^"^^  frequented  by  the  king's  subjects,  and  unfit  for 

S.  C.'and  8c-  ^^^^^  purpose,)  to  break  and  tame  him,  and  the  horse  breaks  from 
veral  cases  •^'  and  runs  over  B.  and  grievously  hurts  him,  8^c.  B.  shall  have 
cited  of  actions  an  action  against  A. :  for  though  the  mischief  was  done  against 

i.3«  done  '^^  ^^^^  °^  ^'^  y®'  ^'"^^  ^^  ^^^  ^'^  ^^^^^  ^  bring  a  wild  horse  into 
to  a  man's  ^^^^  ^  P^^^^»  where  mischief  probably  might  ensue,  A.  must 
person  by  wild  answer  for  the  consequence  of  so  ill  an  act. 

and  ungovernable  animals.  An  action  for  keeping  a  mad  bull  which  gored  the  plaintiff,  &c. 
^^:ui  n  '"  ,  r.^^  *^"'"^*  ^^  ^"^ge'l  '"  the  declaration  that  the  defendant  knew 
ttattne  bull  was  mad.  Ibid  In  all  cases  where  the  mischief  is  done  by  animals  mansuetcB 
mnawttie  owner  must  be  shewn  to  have  had  notice  of  their  viciousness  before  he  can  be 
SEI^-k"  L  "°"?  must  be  set  out  in  the  declaration  ;  but  as  to  animals /^r*  nature, 
SSTJ^?  ^l  ,bT/^'''".nr 'V^''^^'^?'■  «"y  ''^'"^?e  t^'ey  may  do,  wUhout  notice.  Ld.  Raym. 
SL  ir~>»  .  A  '^     'F"??  plamtiff  allege  m  his  declaration  that  the  defendant  /enow- 

2Si?L?»1fl!^"l°'"*^  **?  '"/^  '^^P  ""^  ^°  bite  mankind,  this  allegation  must  be  strictly 
ErSrfji^t  l"^*  /  ^?  declaration  would  be  good  if  it  alleged  generally  that  the  defend- 
ffiS^Hlil^^Mt^^^^^  l!'^f'^'  '^'  --^^  disposition.^ufge  v.  c'ox,  I  Stark.  .86. 

t^'u^Jo'  ^'  -{^  "^^"  ^^y*  H^  of  wood  cross  a  highway,  though  a  person 
H«;    there      ^^y  care  ride  safely  by  (a),  yet  if  by  means  thereof  my  horse 



(F)  For  Injuries  to  a  Matins  PersoUy  Propertt/,  <§,t.  101 

stumbles,  and  thereby  I  am  wounded  or  hurt,  I  shall  have  action  be  a  want  of 
on  the  case.  ordinary  care, 

in  such  case 
the  action  will  not  lie.   Butterfield  v.  Forrester,  1 1  East,  60.  Though  the  primary  cause  of  the 
damage  may  be  the  misfeasance  of  the  defendant,  yet  if  the  proximate  cause  be  the  plaintiff's 
unskilfulness,  he  cannot  recover.    Flower  v.  Adam,  2  Taunt.  SM.JI 

For  an  injury  accruing  to  a  man  in  his  (a)  real  estate  of  free-  ^°'^- ^^"^v. '°^* 
hold  or  inheritance,  case  will  lie  ;   as,  \i  A.  levies  a  fine,  suffers  fee  jn'^r^ft  for 
a  recovery,   acknowledges   a  judgment,    recognizances,  statute  me  refuses  to 
merchant,  or  staple,  in  my  name,  I  may  have  an  action.  execute  the 

trust,  I  have 
no  remedy  but  in  chancery;  but,  if  he  enfeoffs  another,  an  action  on  the  case  lies.    Roll. 
Abr.  108.     2  Vent.  27.      So,  if  the  officer  refuses  to  enrol  a  bargain  and  sale.     Sid.  209, 
2  Bulst.  336. 

If  a  parishioner  sets  out  his  tythes  of  hay  duly,  and  requires  Roll.  Abr.  109 
the  parson  to  carry  them  off  his  land,  but  he  does  not  carry  them  5  Burr.  i89i, 
off  in  a  convenient  time,  per  quod  the  grass  where  the  hay  lies  is  USee  Williami 
impaired  by  the  hay's  lying  upon  it,  an  action  upon  the  case  lies  ^"^^     p' 
against  the  parson,  ^„/[^  y^^^;, 

(G  g).  Vol.  VIII. II  [The  parson  is  not  obliged  to  take  tythe  of  grass  the  day  it  is  cut,  but  may 
let  it  lie  there  long  enough  to  make  it  into  hay.     Stra.  245.] 

If  a  man  who  ought  to  enclose  against  my  land  does  not  Roll.  Abr.  105. 
enclose,  per  quod  the  cattle  of  his  tenants  enter  into  my  land  (*)  Or  the  cat- 
and  do  damage  to  me,  I  may  have  an  action  on  the  case  against  *^^  of  any  other 
k;.^  /j.\  person.  [The 

*^"^-(^)  .  ^  action  can  be 

brought  only  against  the  tenant  in  possession.  4  Term  R.  318.  Supra,  (B).]  Ij Unless  it  can 
be  shewn  that  the  landlord  is  actually  bound  to  repair.  Payne  v.  Rogers,  2  H.  Black.  350. ; 
and  see  4  Taunt.  649.  A  person  who  has  suffered  loss  in  consequence  of  the  decay  of  sea  walls, 
which  a  corporation  is  directed  to  repair  under  a  grant  from  tne  crown,  may  sue  the  corpo- 
ration for  damages.     Henly  v.  Mayor  &c.  of  Lyme,  5  Bing.  91.|| 

Ijlf  A.  sends  his  horse  to  B.  for  the  night,  and  B.  turns  it  out  Rooth  v. 
after  dark  into  his  field,  separated  from  a  field  of  C.  by  a  fence,  y^^^°"'o  . 
which  C.  is  bound  to  repair,  and  the  horse,  from  the  bad  state  of  ^g 
the  fence,  falls  from  one  field  into  the  other  and  is  killed,  B.  may 
maintain  an  action  against  C,  and  recover  the  value  of  the  horse, 
and  this  although  B.  is  a  gratuitous  bailee.  || 

If  A.  being  a  mason,  and  using  to  sell  stones,  is  possessed  of  Cro.  Jac.  567. 
a  certain  stone-pit,  and  B.  intending  to  discredit  it  and  deprive  Roll.R.  I62. 
him  of  the  profit  of  the  said  mine,  imposes  so  great  threats  upon     '    * 
his  workmen,  and  disturbs  all  comers,  threatening  to  maim  and 
vex  them  with  suits  if  they  buy  any  stones,  so  that  some  desist 
from  working,  and  others  from  buying,  S^c.  A.  shall  have  an 
action  upon  the  case  against  B.,  for  the  profit  of  his  mine  is  thereby 

If  a  man  menaces  my  tenants  at  will  of  life  and  member,  per  ^o\\.  Abr.  107, 
quod  they  depart  from  their  tenures  (c),  an  action  upon  the  case  j^e  threaten- 
lies  against  him.  ing,  without' 

their  departure,  is  no  cause  of  action.  Roll.  Abr.  108.  Where  a  copyholder  may  have  case 
against  his  lord  for  cutting  the  tops  of  trees,  for  not  admitting  on  a  surrender,  or  for  not  hold- 
ing a  court,  vide  head  of  Copyhold. 

II  If  a  man  discharges  guns  near  my  decoy-pond  with  design  to  Keeble  v. 
damnify  me  by  frightening  away  the  wild  fowl  resorting  thereto,  f  J^E^^^t"^'-'! 

H  3  and         ** '  ^'  * 


and  the  wHd  fowl  are  thereby  frightened  away,  and  I  am  clamni- 

ficd,  nn  action  on  the  case  lies  against  him. 
Ilaanam  ▼.  It  is  to  be  observed  tliat  wild  fowl  are  protected  by  statute 

Mockett,  25  H.  8.  c  1 1.  and  are  a  known  article  of  food  ;  but  an  action 

9  Bam.  &  C.  jo^s  ^ot  lie  for  discharging  guns  near  the  plaintiff's  rookery,  and 
"^  thereby  disturbing  the  rooks,  for  they  are  birds ^r<a?  nalura,  of 

destructive  habits,  and  not  protected  by  any  act  of  parliament, 

and  the  plaintiff  can  have  no  property  in  them.|| 
But  for  thw  If  a  commoner,  who  hath  a  right  to  common  by  grant  or 

■Mghod  of  prescription,  be  disturbed  by  the  lord  or  a  stranger  in  the  enjoy- 
g|""*^*"*^     ment,  lie  may  have  an  action  on  the  case. 

4  Mod.  17*5.  6  Mod.  19.  Ld.  Raym.  1225.  Salk.  170.  pi.  3.  364.  pi.  5.  Skin.  214.  Lutw. 
74.  101. 

1  Roll.  Abr.  [If  a  man  has  a  private  way  over  the  land  of  another,  and  is 

109.  Cro.  EUi.  obstructed  in  the  enjoyment  of  it,  this  action  lies,  whether  he 
« RoH  Abr  da'^i  it  by  express  reservation  in  any  modern  deed,  by  grant, 
140.  1  Venu-.  by  prescription,  or  by  operation  of  law.  This  easement  may  be 
874.  Com.  7.  obstructed  in  an  actionable  manner,  not  only  by  slopping  up  the 
In  an  action  ^^y  q^  passage,  but  by  ploughing  up  the  land  over  which  the 
^Dot  repair-  ^^  ^*®^*  ^'  *^  sufficient  as  against  a  wrongdoer"(a),  for  the  declar- 
ing a  private  ation  to  allege  generally  that  the  plaintiff  was  lawfully  possessed 
road  leading      of  a  certain  tenement,  and  by  reason  thereof  entitled  to  the  way 

through  his  jj^  question,  without  deducing  a  regular  title  from  any  person 
crotind.  It  IS  •     j  •     r  o  o  J  r 

efficient  to      seised  m  fee. 

charge  him  as  occupier  upon  h'ls  possession  merely.  Rider  t.  Smith,  3  Term  R.  766.  %a)  And 
to  also  in  declaring  against  the  owner  of  the  soil,  the  phiintiff  may  declare  on  his  possession. 
9WiU.S8und.n4.a.  no^ii.jl 

1  RdL  Abr.  If  any  person  erects  a  smelting-house,  or  works  for  making 

mitt^i  Burr.  QQ^sfort's,  or  such  like,  the  vapour  and  smoke  of  which  spoil  the 
835.  ISeepwi  g^^ss  or  com,  or  injure  the  cattle  of  his  neighbour,  it  is  a  nui- 
(G),  and  aUo     sance  to  the  land  for  which  this  action  lies.] 
tit.  Nttttanct.\^ 

For  dm  tide  If  A.  hath  a  mill  by  prescription  which  he  hath  used  to  repair, 

Ro!l!Abr*i*07.  ^"^  *^  ^^'^.^  ^^^  ^^^  tenants  of  the  manor,  time  out  of  mind,  have 

Dany.Abr.  5,'  ground  their  corn  and  grain  spent  in  the  houses  of  the  tenants  of 

«.  and  Carth.  the  said  manor,  if  one  of  the  tenants  grinds  his  corn  elsewhere, 

filLi^™'*!'  \'  ^*  ^^^°^^  ^^^^  *"  ^'^^"^  ^  '^^  '^°^^  against  him.     So,  if  A.  by  his 

5i<?*pL  5.         prescription  has  a  mill  on  his  own  land,  and  B.  erects  a  mill  on 

889.  pL  25.       "^  own  land,  if  by  this  ^.'s  mill  receives  any  prejudice  by  having 

the  water  stopped  or  drawn  away,  or  having  too  great  a  quantity 

°^^ater  run  on  his  mill,  by  which  it  cannot  grind  as  much  as  it 

used  to  do,  A,  shall  have  an  action  on  the  case  against  him. 

1^51^7?^'  k  ^     °'  "^^  ^^^^  ancient  pits  which  are  replenished  by  a  rivulet, 

"®  "^*y  cleanse,  but  cannot  enlarge  the  channels  leading  to  them 

to  the  prejudice  to  another ;  if  he  does,  he  is  liable  to  an  action 

^^  on  the  case  for  diverting  the  water.] 

5Il?6^ka«.  v}^^  the  owner  of  land  through  which  a  river  runs  enlarge  a 
w^,  ndm  <^"^nel  of  certain  dimensions,  through  which  the  water  had  been 
ig^W.  y^J°  J®^  before  any  appropriation  of  it  by  another,  and 
«  Ph«.  .  Uiereby  divert  more  of  it  to  the  prejudice  of  a  land-owner  lower 

down  the  nver,  who  had  at  any  time  before  such  enlargement 


•  Prioe,!. 

(F)  For  Injuries  to  a  Man*s  Person,  Properlify  S^^.  lOS 

appropriated  to  Iiimself  the  surplus  water  vhich  did  not  escape 
by  the  former  channel,  case  lies  against  him. 

But  the  plaintiff  in  such  an  action  must  allege,  and  prove  that  Williams  r 
he  has  sustained  an  injury  from  the  want  of  a  sufficient  quantity  Moriand, 
of  water.    If  this  is  shewn,  the  action  may  be  maintained,  though  2  Barn.  &  C. 
the  plaintiff  has  not  enjoyed  his  mill  precisely  in  the  same  con-  ^^o.  4  Dow.* 
dition  for  twenty  years.  ||  Sa^u'nckrs  t. 

Newman,  1  Barn.  8c  A.  258.    And  see  Greenslade  v.  Halliday,  6  Bing.  379. 

[If  a  man  have  an  ancient  ferry,  and  another  set  up  a  new  Blisset  v. 
ferry  so  near  to  it  as  to  draw  away  the  custom,  case  lies;  for  he  ^ '^'p  Vj*" 
who  has  an  ancient  ferry  is  compellable  by  law  to  keep  boats,  Sfc.  jj^jj'  j^j  p"^ 
and  therefore  the  law  having  imposed  an  obligation  upon  him,  76. 
protects  him  in  the  exclusive  enjoyment  of  the  right. 

But  an  exclusive  right  to  a  ferry  from  A.  to  B.  does  not  pre-  Tripp  v. 
vent  persons  from  going  by  any  other  boat  from  A.  directly  to  C  l^rank,  4  Term 
though  it  be  near  to  B.,  provided  it  be  not  done  fraudulently,  ^^'  ^^^' 
and  merely  for  the  purpose  of  avoiding  the  regular  ferry.] 

II  In  an  action  on  the  case  for  disturbing  a  f«rry,  it  is  sufficient  Peter  v.  Ken- 
to  prove  that  the  plaintiff  was  in  possession  of  the  ferry  at  the  dall,  6  Barn, 
time  when  the  cause  of  action  arose.     It  is  not  necessary  to  &  ^-  703. 
allege  or  prove  the  payment  of  any  specified  sum  for  passage 

Neglect  of  duty  on  the  part  of  the  owner  of  the  ferry  is  no         Ibid. 
answer  to  the  action,  although  the  crown  may,  on  that  ground, 
repeal  the  grant  by  a  scire  facias  or  a  qiio  warranio.\\ 

For  injuries  to  a  man's  house  or  habitation,  an  action  on  the  Kell.  98.b. 

ca5^  will  lie;  as  i?  A.  hath  the  upper  room,  and  B.  the  under  , ',  '  ,  ^'"^' 
1    J         1     .    .  1  •  r>  L  (C).  2  Leon, 

room,  and  A.  neglects  to  cover  his  upper  room,  B.  may  riave  an  ^^^  j^^  ^j  ^^^y 

action  on  the  case  against  A.  and  thereby  compel  him  to  cover  force  li.  to 

his  upper  room  for  the  preservation  of  the  timber  of  the  under  support  his  un- 

room.  '^^^  '■"O"*  ^""^ 

the  preserv- 
ation of  the  upper  room  of  A.    Kelw.  98.    ||See  Peyton  r.  Mayor  of  London,  post.\\ 

If  the  plaintiff  declares  that  J".  S.  being  seised  of  a  messuage  in  Poph.  46. 
fee,  23  April,  32  Eiiz.  did  demise  to  the  plaintiff  a  cellar  from  f,^)-,"'!'^'^  ""f 
week  to  week,  Sfc.  and  that  after,  viz.  29  Julj/,  32  Eliz.  J.  S.  did  juj^^.i!  i,i  the 
demise  to  the  defendant  a  warehouse,  being  right  over  the  said  Court  of  Ex- 
cellar,  to  hold  from  week  to  week,  ^c.  and  that  the  plaintiff  being  chequer,  and 
possessed  of  the  cellar,  and  the  defendant  of  the  said  warehouse,  ^,  ™ c  '" 
and  the  plaintiff  then  having  in  the  said  cellar  three  butts  of  sack,  q  Leon.  93  a-i. 
of  the  value  of  40/.  4'c.  the  defendant,  30  Jidi/,  32  Eliz.  did  place  S.  C. 
so  great  a  weight  of  goods  in  the  said  warehouse,  and  thereby  did 
so  over-burden  the  floor  of  the  said  warehouse,  that  by  force  and 
weight  of  the  said  burden,  the  said  floor  on  the  said  30  Juli/ 
broke,  and  the  said  goods  did  fall  upon  the  said  butts,  and  broke 
the  same,  ^r.  and  the  defendant  pleads  that  a  short  time  before 
the  floor  did  sustain  as  great  weight  as  this,  and  the  warehouse 
was  let  to  him  to  lay  in  thirty  ton  weight,  and  that  he  had  placed 
there  but  fourteen  ton ;  and  that  what  damage  had  happened  to 
the  plaintiff,  was  by  reason  that  the  floor  at  the  time,  as  also 
before  the  lease  to  him  made,  was  rotten,  and  the  wall  whereupon 
the  floor  lay  so  decayed,  that  the  said  floor  liroke,  Src.  for  want  of 

H  4  repara- 


reiiarations  before  the  lease  to  him  made;  the  plaintiff  shall  have 
his  judgment,  for  it  is  expressly  alleged  that  the  floor,  by  the 
weight  of  the  said  merchandize,  did  break,  and  that  is  not  tra- 
versed but  answered  argumentatively  only,  viz.  that  it  did  bear 
more  l>efore,  ngo,  ^c.  and   though  it  was  ruinous   when   the 
defendant  took  it,  yet  if  it  fell  by  reason  of  any  weight  by  the 
defendant  placed  there,  he  must  answer  for  the  consequence. 
For  Um  cum         It  was  formerly  holden,  that  if  a  fire  broke  out  accidentally  in 
on  thb  had,     n  man's  house,  and  raged  to  that  degree  as  to  burn  his  neigh- 
«Mr  DaiiT.        hour's,  tl>at  he  in  whose  house  the  fire  first  happened,  was  liable 
•nd  sis  'is     *o  *"  ^^^'^  ^  '^'^  '^^^^  °"  ^^^  general  custom  of  the  realm,  quod 

&ih'.°i:  Lr^"^  '^"'°' '""" "'""  *'• ,        :::z^i^-  'VA-, 

6  Ann.  C.31.  But  now  by  tlie  6  Ann.  cap.  31.  §  6,  7.  it  is'  enacted,  that  "  no  ' 

$6,  7.  M  action,  suit,  or  process  whatsoever  shall  be  had,  maintained, 

roa.'Ic'pcnw^  "  °^  prosecuted  against  any  person  in  whose  house  or  chamber 
tualbj  loAnn.  "  any  fire  shall  accidentally  begin,  or  any  recompense  be  made 
c  H.  $1.  "by  such  person  for  any  damage  suffered  or  occasioned  there- 

Co.  Lit  57.  iL  «  jjy^  ^^^  provided  that  nothing  contained  in  the  act  shall  extend 
°*   '  ^  '  "to  defeat  or  make  void  any  contract  or  agreement  made  be- 

"  tween  landlord  and  tenant.";^ ' ;  .      ,  /^^,  fVr*~ 
Pc)ton  T.  II  If  the  plaintiffs  house  in  Cheapside  adjoins  the  defendant's 

Mayor  of  house,  and  the  defendant  pulls  his  house  down,  and  in  conse- 
^^?~;^'^£;  quence  thereof  the  plaintifjp's  house  in  part  falls,  the  plaintiff 
7g^,  '     cannot  have  an  action  against  the  defendant,  unless  he  allege  and 

prove  a  right  to  have  his  house  lean  against  and  be  supported  by 
the  defendant's  house.     But  if  the  defendant  pulls  his  house 
down  without  giving  proper  notice  to  the  plaintiff,  so  that  the 
plaintiff  may  protect  his  house  by  shoring  it,  it  seems  an  action 
lies.  II 
Cro.Car.  187.       If  the  plaintiff  declares  that  he  was  and  is  yet  possessed  of  a 
8  C*lJhKiBed  ^^^^  ^^^  several  years  adtunc  et  adhuc  ventur.  of  and  in  a  house, 
juogea.  ^^j  ^j^^^  j^^  demised  the  same  to  the  defendant  for  six  months, 
and  that  after  the  six  months  expired,  the  defendant  being  per- 
mitted to  occupy  the  said  house  for  two  months  longer,  pulled 
down  the  windows,  Spc.  this  action  well  lies,  in  regard  that  the 
plaintiff  is  chargeable  over  in  an  action  of  waste. 
Yomgv.  flThe  owner  of  a  house  may  have  an  action  on  the  case 

8p««'»  against  his  lessee  for  opening  a  new  door,  if  the  reversionary 

I45^^t«*  '"^®*"<^s'  >s  injured  by  it,  although  the  house  itself  is  not  weak- 
Malk.  350.  405. 

fiwthbf'tiile'^  ^^  °'  ™^.*^^^^  *"  ancient  house,  and  another  builds  a  house  so 
JVWMlie«,«nd"f°'"  ^^^^  ^^^  windows  are  darkened,  he  may  have  an  action  on 
Daav.  805.       '^  <^^*  against  him.  (a) 

2!?l;i*?'  ,?xT''/«'  f  Mod.  116.  313.  See  Ld.  Raym.  392.  713.  2  Salk.  459.  pi.  4. 
!S-  f„  I'll  I'     ^"^  ^'»    *  "•""  ^"^*^^  a  ^o"se  so  near  mine  as  to  cause  the 

jfaloWluponniyhouK.     Roll.  Abr.  107.     2  Leon.  93.  S.  P.     [i  Stra.  645.     Fortesc. 

{SITr™  •  V^^^.  '^"^'^"^  window  has  been  stopped  up  for  twenty  years. 
oi«,3Ump.  It  103^3  jt3  privUege,  and  the  owner  cannot  sue  his  neighbour 


(F)  For  Injuries  to  a  Maris  Person,  Property,  S^c.  105 

for  doing  an  act  which  was  no  nuisance  while  the  window  was  514.  And 
stopped  up,  and  which  only  became  so  by  a  new  window  being  v^u[^  ^  j 
opened  where  the  old  one  had  been.  l,|gn  stopped 

up  and  a  blank  wall  built  for  the  space  of  seventeen  years,  the  privilege  was  held  to  be  lost,  so 
that  the  owner  could  not  open  windows  again,  and  complain  of  an  obstruction  by  his  neigh- 
bour made  while  the  blank  wall  was  existing.  Moore  v.  Rawson,  3  Bam.  &  C.  332. ;  and  see 
1  Moo.  &  Malk.  350. 

But  if  an  ancient  window  be  enlarged,  although  the  enlarged  Chandler  v. 
portion  of  it  is  not  privileged,  yet  the  adjoining  landowner  cannot  Thompson, 
obstruct  the  passage  of  light  and  air,  to  any  portion  of  the  space  '^' 

occupied  by  the  ancient  window ;  and  it  is  no  excuse  for  doing 
so,  that  more  light  and  air  is  admitted  through  the  unobstructed 
part  than  was  anciently  enjoyed. 

The  owner  of  ancient  windows  cannot  by  altering  the  purposes  Martin  v. 
for  which  his  house  is  used,  acquire  any  extended  right  against  Goble, 
his  neighbour.     Therefore  where  a  building,  which  had  been  for   ^  ^a™P-322. 
twenty  years  used  as  a  malt-house,  was  converted  into  a  dwelling- 
house,  it  was  decided  that  the  owner  was  entitled  only  to  the  de- 
gree of  light  necessary  for  making  malt,  and  not  to  all  that 
might  be  necessary  for  domestic  purposes. 

A  title  to  lights  cannot  be  acquired  as  against  an  adjoining  Daniel  t. 
proprietor  by  twenty  years'  enjoyment  of  them,  if  it  appear  that  North, 
during  all  that  time  the  adjoining  premises  have  been  occupied  ^  ^       *•'  ^^^* 
by  a  tenant,  and  there  is  no  evidence  of  the  proprietor  having 
any  knowledge  of  the  enjoyment  of  the  lights ;  for  without  his 
knowledge  a  grant  of  the  easement  cannot  be  presumed  against 

And  it  was  held  the  same  where  the  land  adjoining  the  lights  Barker  v. 
had  been  glebe  land,  in  the  occupation  of  the  rector ;  for  the  4  b^^^^'a 
rector  as  a  mere  tenant  for  life  could  not  grant  the  easement,  and  579.    * 
consequently  a  grant  could  not  be  presumed. 

But  if  it  appear  that  the  adjoining  premises  have  been  occu-  Cross  v.  Lewis, 
pied  by  a  tenant  for  twenty  years,  and  it  does  not  appear  how  Lg   ^VT    g^ 
they  were  occupied  prior  to  that  tenancy,  and  the  lights  have  Ry.'234. 
been  enjoyed  thirty-eight  years  without  interruption,  a  presump- 
tion of  grant  may  be  made,  since  during  the  eighteen  years  after 
their  commencement  nothing  appears  to  rebut  the  presumption ; 
and  it  makes  no  difference  that  the  lights  were  not  opened  at  the 
extremity  of  the  party's  land. 

If  the  owner  of  a  house  divide  it  into  two  tenements,   and  Riviere  v. 
demise  one  to  the  defendant,  he  is  liable  to  an  action  on  the  case  ^°^^'"'  *  ^y* 
for  obstructing  windows  existing  in  the  house  at  the  time  of  the  &^oo-24.i 
demise,  although  of  recent  construction,  and  though  there  was   1  Price  27. 
no  stipulation  against  the  obstruction.  ||  1  Moo.  & 

Malk.  396. 

[If  a  man  has  a  right  to  sit  in  a  particular  pew  in  a  church.  Stocks  v. 
and  is  disturbed  therein,  he  may  have  an  action  on  the  case,  ^oo''^  ^^.^'■™ 
Such  right  may  be  claimed  either  by  prescription  as  appurtenant  q'^^  g*^^  '  ^* 
to  a  messuage  from  keeping  it  in  repair ;  or  under  a  faculty  (a)  1  b.  E.  L.  329. 
from  the  ordinary ;  or,  perhaps,  under  an  allotment  and  agree-  Kenrick  v. 
ment  with  the  minister  and  churchwardens,  especially  where  the  Taylor,  iWils. 
church  is  rebuilt.     In  all  cases  it  seems  necessary  to  claim  the  f^^'  umnte?™ 



,  iicw  ns  appurtenant  to  a  messuage  in  the  declaration,  {b)     Where 

SSl^te  this  action  is  brought  against  a  stranger  or  wrong-doer,  it  is 
ptaamed.  sufficict.t  for  the  plaintiff  to  allege  in  his  declaration  that  he  is 
5T«raiIt898.  entitletl  by  prescription  to  the  pew  in  question,  as  appurtenant  to 
A  fiioilry  to  •  ,^j^  niessuage,  without  further  stating  the  particulars  of  his  claini.  (c) 
hS!i  U  not"  Hilt  against  the  ordinary,  wiio  has  pHrnd  facie  the  disposal  of  all 
good:  nor  is  a  the  scats  in  the  church,  a  title  or  consideration  must  be  shewn  m 
prcKription  m  ,1,^  declaration  and  proved ;  as  a  faculty  from  one  of  his  prede- 
K'^iTtTm**  censors  having  built  at  a  distant  period,  or  by  due  authority,  such 
r!  488.  I  n.  E.  pew,  or  having  constantly  repaired  the  same. 

L.  S3 1,  jjlt  mu«t  l)c  npinirtcnnnt  to  a  house  or  messuage  in  the  parish.  Mainwanng  v.  Giles, 
5Btfn.  &  A.  35«.;  and  see  Forrest,  14.  Byerlev  v.  WincUis,  5  Barn.  &  C.  l.||  See  Cross  v. 
adter,  3  Term  H.  63y.,  in  which  case  the  King's  Bench  held,  that  the  sentences  in  the  eccle- 
Mttiral  courts  were  not  conclusive  evidence  of  the  right.  But  that  case  does  not  seem  to 
itfbrd  anv  gcncrul  rule,  for  the  two  superior  ecclesiastical  jurisdictions  appear  not  to  have  de- 
cMed  po'iitivcly  on  the  right.  3  Wooddes.  196.  (A)  1  Wils.  526.  1  Term  R.  431.  (c)  An 
uninterrupted  [Hjssetwion  of  the  pew  for  thirty  years  is  presumptive  evidence  of  a  prescnptive 
right;  but  that  presumption  may  be  rebutted  by  proof  of  the  non-existence  of  the  pew  before 
that  time.    Griffith  v.  Matthews,  5  Term  R.  296. 

Godb.  SCO.  If  a  parson  deface  a  grave-stone  or  coat-armour  in  a  church, 

Cto.Jac.367.    jjjjs  action  lies,  notwithstanding  the  injury  l^e  wilful  and  direct; 

for  in  this  case,  as  in  that  immediately  preceding,  trespass  vi  et 

minis  cannot  be  brought ;  because  the  freehold  of  the  church  is 

in  the  rector.] 

Spooncrv.  ||  Where,  however,  a  person  wrongfully  removed  a  tombstone 

Brt-wstcr,  from  the  church-yard,  and  erased  the  inscription,  it  was  lately 

sBii%.  136       jjgjj  j|,gj  ^j^g  erector  of  it  might  maintain  trespass  against  him.|l 

As  to  the  torts  and  injuries  affecting  a  man's  personal  property, 

and  for  which  an  action  on  the  case  is  the  proper  remedy,  they 

are  so  many  and  so  various  in  their  kinds,  that  they  cannot  well 

be  laid  together;  I  shall  set  down  only  some  of  them  here,  and 

such  as  may  govern  in  like  cases. 

p^     y^  [Fraud  and  deceit  in  the  defendant,  and  damage  to  the  plain- 

Freemao,  tiff,  are  a  sufficient  foundation  for  this  action,  though  no  benefit 

s  Term  R.  51.    accrue  to  the  defendant ;  therefore  it  was  holden  by  three  justices 

!-*JJ*  V^""*"  °^  ^^^  ^"'"^  °^  ^*  ^•'  against  Grose  J.  that  it  would  lie  for  a 

."Tis's.  i*  ^*'^^  affirmation  respecting  the  credit  of  a  third  person,  made 

Without  fraud  with  intent  to  deceive  the  plaintiff*,  and  by  which  he  was  injured, 

and  an  intent    though  it  did  not  appear  that  the  defendant  was  benefited  by  the 

to  weave,  deceit,  or  tiiat  he  colluded  with  him  of  whom  he  ijave  the  ficti- 
thia  action.  It     .•  \         ^     -,  * 

•eeM,  cannot    ^^^^^  character.] 

be  mvatained ;  the  representation  must  be  made  maid  fide.  Haycraft  v.  Creasy,  2  East,  92. 
Hoh*» Ca.  387.  Sec  Lord  Eldonh  observations  on  the  case  of  Pasley  v.  Freeman,  6  Ves.  186. 
See  aUo  Ta(>p  v.  Lcc,  3  Bos.  &  Pull.  361.  If,  however,  the  representation  of  the  defendant  is 
fidae  to  hh  knowleiigc,  the  platntifT  need  not  show  any  intention  on  the  defendant's  part 
to  injlire  him.  7  Bin^.  105.  if  the  representation  is  fraudulent,  and  is  made  with  reference 
to  tlw  pbiotiflr*  o|>enmg  an  account  with  the  party  as  a  gaieral  customer,  and  the  plaintiH", 
ia  coMSqMMc  of  it,  tells  gootis  from  time  to  time  to  the  buyer,  and  is  afterwards  a  loser 
%j  yjm,  CMS  Kc*  for  the  deceit,  although  the  buyer  pays  for  the  first  parcels  of  goods,  on  the 
^^  1  of  which  the  reference  is  made.  This  liability,  however,  is  to  be  limited  within  a  rea- 
dme, and  to  a  reasonable  amount.  Hutchinson  v.  Bell,  1  Tannt.  558.  But  if  the  vendor 
generally  of  the  defendant  concerning  the  buyer's  circumstances,  he  cannot  maintain 
the  action  if  the  buyer  pays  for  the  particular  goods  which  it  was  in  contemplation  to  sell  at 
-iMl  IIbk  the  rcprewntation  was  made,  though  the  buyer  becomes  insolvent  and  docs  not  pay 
fcr  Mkv  goods  Mibwquently  sold.  Dc  Graves  v.  Smith,  2  Camp.  533, :  and  see  2  New  R.  24 1. 
«i  Price,  56.  7Pricc,5«.|| 

li  Where 

(F)  For  Tniuries  to  a  Man^s  Person,  Property ,  6^c,  107 

II  Where  the  vendor  of  a  public-house,  pending  the  treaty,  made  Dobell  v. 

deceitful  representations  as  to  the  amount  of  business  done  at,  S^-c.  ?n^^"^V  p 

whereby  the  plaintiff  was  induced  to  give  a  large  sum  for  it,  it  was  ggs, 
held  that  the  latter  might  sue  for  the  deceitful  representations, 
although  not  noticed  in  the  conveyance  or  agreement  of  sale.  || 

If  a  man  razes  the  name  of  the  obligor  out  of  an  obligation.  Roll.  Abr.  loo. 

and  in  the  room  thereof  puts  in  the  name  of  J.  S.  and  after  sues  ^9'"  cheating 

him  upon  this  obligation,  J.  S.  may  have  an  action  on  the  case.  q^.^  g^j^,  '^^  ^ 

Co.  Ent.  8.  F.  N.  B.  95.  Moor,  776.  For  keeping  a  dog,  knowing  him  to  be  accustomed  to 
bite  sheep.  Danv.  Abr.  19.  [If  he  afterwards  bite  a  hoi*se ;  for  the  owner  ought  to  have 
destroyed  him  on  notice  of  the  first  mischief.  Ld.  Raym.  69.  That  he  hath  done  so  twice 
before  is  sufficient  proof  of  usage.  Dy.  236.]  ||Seean/^,  p.  100,,  and  sCarr.  &  P.  138.||  For  using 
the  same  mark  which  the  plaintiff  hath  used  to  set  to  his  cloths.  Poph.  144.  Cro.  Jac.  471. 
S  Roll.  R.  28.    iJSykes  v.  Sykes,  3  Barn.  &  C.  541.  acc.|l 

If  A.  takes  my  cattle  and  drives  them  into  ^.'s  close,  where  Roll.  Abr.  90. 

tliey  do  B.  such  prejudice  as  subjects  me  to  B's  action,  I  may  Lane,  67. 
have  an  action  o?i  the  case  against  A. 

II  If  a  man  place  dangerous  traps  baited  with  flesh  in  his  own  Townsend  v. 

ground,  so  near  to  a  highway  or  the  premises  of  another,  that  Wathen, 

dogs  passing  along  the  highway,  or  kept  in  those  premises,  will  9 East,  277. 
probably  be  attracted  by  the  scent  into  the  traps,  and  his  neigh- 
bour's dogs  are  so  attracted,  and  thereby  injured,  an  action  on 
the  case  lies  against  him. 

The  court  of  C.  B.  were  divided  in  opinion  on  the  question,  Deane  v. 

whether  it  was  lawful  for  the  owners  of  woodlands  to  set  dog  Clayton, 

spears  in  them  for  the  preservation  of  his  hares,  the  spears  being  ji^oof  *203  *• 

all  more  than  fifty  yards  from  the  public  pathway,  which  passed  and  see 

through  the  wood,  and  public  notice  being  given  outside  the  2  Stark.  317. 

And  where  a  trespasser  had  knowledge  that  spring  guns  were  Ilott  v.  Wilkes, 

set  in  a  wood,  although  ignorant  of  the  particular  spots  where  ^  Barn.  &  A. 

they  were  placed,  it  was  held  that  he  could  not  maintain  an  action  ^°^' 
for  an  injury  received  from  treading  on  one  of  the  guns. 

But  it  is  otherwise  if  the  plaintiff  has  no  knowledge.  Bird  y.  Hol- 
brook,  4  Bing.  1  Moo.  &  Malk.  595.  628.     By  7  &  8  G.  4.  c.  18.  $  1.  setting  spring  guns,  man 
traps,  &c.  is  a  misdemeanour,  except  when  set  in  dwelling  houses. 

The  law  requires  of  persons  keeping  instruments  of  danger,  Dixon  v.  Bell, 
that  they  should  keep  them  with  the  utmost  care ;  therefore  where  f  gg  *" 
the  defendant  being  possessed  of  a  loaded  gun,  sent  a  young  girl 
to  fetch  it,  and  gave  directions  to  take  the  priming  out,  and  this 
was  done,  but  nevertheless  a  damage  accrued  to  the  plaintiff's 
son,  in  consequence  of  the  girl  presenting  the  gun  at  him  and 
drawing  the  trigger,  when  it  went  off,  it  was  held  that  defendant 
was  liable  to  an  action  on  the  case.|| 

If  a  man  lend  or  hire  another's  horse,  and  for  want  of  safe  Cro.  Eliz.  777. 
keeping  the  horse  die,  the  owner  may  have  an  actio?i  on  the  case  ^*^*  Owen,  52, 
to  repair  the  damage  sustained  by  the  negligence  of  the  borrower,  j^^^.'  jg. 
So,  if  a  man  lend  another  sheep  to  tath  his  land,  and  if  by  the  Godb.  72. 
negligence  of  the  borrower  they   are   drowned;  so,  if  a  man  Doci.Sf  Stud. 
lend  another  a  horse,  who  puts  him  into  a  ruinous  stable,  which  M^"{«f'"u^^V 
tumbles  in  upon  him  and  kills  him  («) :  or  if  a  man  over-ride  a  'i  \viS)n°°* 
horse  lent  or  hired  to  him,  in  all  these  cases  an  action  will  lie;  1  Bam.  &'a. 

but,  59.11 


but,  if  the  stable  had  fallen  by  a  violent  tempest,  or  the  horse  died 

of  any  disease,  then  had  the  hirer  or  borrower  been  excused. 

Oodb.  885,  If  ^'  obtains  judgment  in  a  debt  against  B.  as  executor  to  his 

sRoU.  R.31S    father,  and  thereupon  A.  takes  out  ajerifadasy  but  before  the 

Mod.  186.         sheriff  can  execute  it  B.  secrete  etfraudulenter  sells,  removes,  and 

[Thb  lart  MI-    disposes  of  all  the  testator's  goods,  so  that  the  sheriff  is  forced 
uin*  tL"c"n'.    to  return  nuUa  bona,  ^c.  an  action  upon  the  case  lies^  against^.. 

thority  roain- 

tnry.]  for  the  sheriff  could  not  return  a  devastavit;  and  if  this  action 

does  not  lie,  the  party  is  without  remedy. 

Garth.  3,  4.  If  ^'  declares  that  he  had  obtained  judgment  against  J.  S.  for 

Smith  and         100/.  and  that  100/.  more  was  due  to  him  for  rent  arrear;  that 

Tonstall,  ad-     |,g  intending  to  take  out  execution,  and  also  to  bring  an  action  of 

judgcil^on^e^   debt  for  the  rent  in  arrear,  (the  said  J.  S.  being  then  possessed  of 

3^ffii^ed  in  goods  and  chattels  sufficient  to  discharge  the  whole,)  which  being 

the  House  of    very  well  known  to  B.  (the  defendant)  he,  by  covin  conspiring 

Pccn.  ^ith  the  said  J.S.  to  defeat  the  plaintiff  of  his  execution,  and  of 

recovering  the  money  for  rent  arrear,  procured  the  said  J.  S.  to 

confess  a  judgment  for  160/.  (of  such  a  term)  to  one  J.  N.  uhi 

revera  the  said  J.  S.  did  not  owe  any  thing  to  the  said  J.  N.  and 

that  he  sued  out  execution  on  this  feigned  jndgment,  by  virtue 

whereof  he  seized  all  the  goods  and  chattels  of  the  said  J.  S. 

which  he  esloined  to  places  unknown,  and  converted  to  his  own 

use,  by  reason  whereof  the  plaintiff  lost  his  debt ;  the  action 

well  lies. 

Leon.  240.  Also  for  injuries  done  to  a  man  with  respect  to  his  wife,  as  by 

Noy,  106.         having  criminal  conversation  with  her ;  with  respect  to  his  child, 

I      k\^  iO    ^  ^y  enticing  him  away,  or  by  enticing  away  his  servant  (a);  or 

by  aeducing       ^^  ^Y  servant  without  cause  or  licence  departs  from  my  service, 

Im  daughter,     and  J.  S.  knowing  him  to  be  my  servant,  retains  him  in  his 

per  quod  $er-     service,  and  so  keeps  him,  an  action  lies. 
vitium  tmtitit. 

The  right  to  which  action  seems  to  be  extended  to  one  standing  in  loco  parentit.  But  in  either 
case  if  the  daughter  be  of  age,  acts  of  service  must  be  proved.  2  Term  R.  166.  5  Burr.  1878. 
1 1  East,  22.  If  under  age  the  relation  of  master  and  servant  must  subsist  at  the  time  of  the 
•eduction.  Dean  v.  Peel,  5  East,  45.  In  actions  of  adultery  the  proper  form  is  trespass ;  and 
for  the  other  injuries  adverted  to  in  the  text,  satisfaction  may  be  had  in  that  form  of  action. 
Cowp.  54.  sWils.  18.  See  2Term  R.  1C7.  Ld.  Raym.  1032.,  and  the  remarks  thereon  in 
sWoodde«.«45,  246.  n.  ||Sce  tit.  Trespass  (C),  VoI.VII.||  (a)  But  where  a  servant  had 
covenanted  to  work  at  a  trade  for  a  limited  time,  under  a  penalty,  and  having'quitted  his  place, 
tbeaatter  sued  him  and  recovered  the  penalty;  this  was  holden  to  discharge  the  second 
BMter  fipom  an  action  for  hiring  him,  the  penalty  being  deemed  full  satisfaction  for  the  loss  of 
•emce.  Bird  v.  Randall,  3  Burr.  1345.    1  Black.  R.  375.  S.  C.    jjSee  tit.  Master  and  Servant.\\ 

gttaktad  v.  [So  it  was  holden,  that  this  action  would  lie  where  the  de- 

Wakeman,        fendant  falsely  and  maliciously  wrote  a  letter  to  a  person  who 
'S  M  8.C  ^^  engaged  to  take  the  plaintiff  as  his  wife,  suggesting,  that  he 
IKA.US.       ^^  ^^^  husband,  by  means  whereof  the  intended  marriage  was 
«w.«o».S.C.  frustrated.] 
It  neiat,  unleM  »omc  special  damage  could  have  been  proved,  that  this  cause  would  have  been 

pronBrooly  for  the  eccleuastical  court,  under  the  name  of  a  suit  for  jactitation  of  viarriage. 

RolL  Abr.  88.        So,  if  a  man  digs  a  ditch  in  the  highway,  into  which  my  ser- 
2Bul»i.334.     vant  falls  and  breaks  his  thigh,  by  which  I  lose  his  service  for  a 


(F)  For  Injuries  to  a  Man's  Person,  Property,  ^c.  109 

lonff  time,  I  shall  have  an  action  oil  the  case  against  him  lb)  for  „  ,.  t, 

.1     °l  ru-  •  ^  Roll.  R.  124. 

the  loss  of  his  service.  (^^  S^^  ^^  dig. 

ging  a  pit,  per  quod  J.  S.  for  whose  life  I  hold  lands,  was  drowned.   Keb.  847. 

Also  actions  on  the  case  are  proper  for  injuries  in  disturbing  Vide  Assump- 
one  in  the  enjoyment  of  any  right  or  privilege  he  is  entitled  to;  ^''■*  ^^**  -^^*'* 
as,  if  the  beadle  of  an  hundred  ought  by  virtue  of  his  place  to 
have  by  prescription  certain  gallons  of  beer  of  every  brewer  at  a 
certain  price,  if  the  brewers  will  not  suffer  him  to  have  it  ac- 
cordingly, an  action  upon  the  case  lies. 

II A  declaration  is  bad  which  merely  states  that  the  plaintiff  Thompson  v. 
being  a  solicitor  retained  at  a  public  meeting  to  submit  a  bill  in  Noel,  1 5  East, 
parliament,  and  that  the  defendant,  the  chairman  of  the  meet-  *  ^  ' 
ing,  and  one  of  the  committee  appointed  for  despatch  of  business, 
conspired  with  others  to  disturb   plaintiff  in  his  employment, 
and  procured  other  solicitors  to  be  employed.  || 

If  a  man  ought  to  have  toll  upon  the  buying  of  cattle  in  a  7  H.  4.  44.  b. 
market,  if  one  buys  cattle  and  does  not  pay  the  toll,  an  action  on  ^^'  ^-  ^^'  ^- 
the  case  lies  against  him.  ^^X^S^e. 

S.  R.  Bro.  57.  S.  C.  Roll.  Abr.  ]  06.  S.  C.  [In  such  case,  assuvipsit  is  now  usually  brought, 
1  Term  R.  61 6.  660.]  So,  if  persons  coming  to  market  are  disturbed,  by  which  I  lose  my  toll, 
an  action  on  the  case  lies.  11  H.  4.  47.  b.  Roll.  Abr.  106.  Vent.  26,  28.  Or  if  upon  a^sale 
in  a  fair  a  stranger  disturbs  the  lord  in  taking  the  toll,  an  action  upon  the  case  lies.  9  H.  6.  45. 
Roll.  Abr.  106.  [It  is  the  proper  remedy  for  a  fraud  upon  the  toll  of  a  market.  Cowp.  664.] 
IJBailiffs,  &c.  of  Tewkesbury,  v.  Bricknell,  2  Taunt.  120.|| 

[An  action  on  the  case  will  not  lie  against  justices  of  the  peace  Basset  v.  God- 
for  refusing  to  grant  a  licence  to  keep  an  inn  or  ale-house.]  schall,  Esq. 

sWils.  121. 
[I  In  an  action  against  a  magistrate  for  a  malicious  conviction,   Burley  v. 
it  is  not  sufficient  for  plaintiff  to  shew  himself  innocent  of  the  Bethune, 
offence,  but  he  must  also  prove,  from  what  passed  before  the  ^  Tf  ""u  11°* . 
magistrate,  that  there  was  a  want  of  probable  cause.  |j  and  see  tit.     ' 

Justices,  and  tit.  Trespass. 

If  my  tenants  within  a  certain  seignorv  ought  time  out  of  43  E.  3.  so. 

mind  to  go  free  to  every  market  and  fair  to  sell  and  buy  goods  ^o"-aw.  106. 

without  payment  of  toll,  and  one  takes  toll  of  them  in  his  fair  or  ya^j  y'j  p^j.j 

market,  an  action  on  the  case  lies  against  him.  2  Saund.  172. 

and  the  notes  (5th  ed.).|| 

If  a  man  disturbs  my  steward  in  holding  my  leet,  an  action  on  ^^„  ^  ^^ 
the  case  lies  against  him.  So  if  the 

lord's  servants  are  disturbed  in  collecting  his  tythes.  19R.  2.  52.  Roll.  Abr- 107.  So,  if  a 
&t"anger  who  has  no  right,  holds  a  court  in  my  manor,  and  by  distresses,  &c.  so  impoverishes 
my  tenants  that  they  cannot  pay  their  rents,  an  action  on  the  case  lies.  13  H.  4.  11.  Roll. 
Abr.  106. 

If  a  man  hath  the  assize  of  bread  and  beer,  fines,  amerciaments,  38  H.  6.  9.  b. 
and  other  matters  of  frankpledge,  by  the  king's  grant,  and  he  Rojl.  Abr.  106. 
distrains  for  an  amerciament,  and  a  stranger  makes  a  rescue,  an     „  ju''"  action 
action  upon  the  case  lies  against  him.  the  plaintiff 

declares  that  Queen  Elizabeth  did  grant  to  him  the  office  of  steward  of  the  manor  of  D.  and 
that  the  defendants  eundem  plaintiff  ad  exercend.  dictum  officium,  et  vadia,  feoda,  commoda 
et  proficua  thereto  belonging  habere  et  percipere,  vi  et  armis  ivipediverunt,  ^c.  this  is  a  good 
declaration,  notwithstanding  the  catua  cauians^vix.  the  interruption  of  the  plaintiff  to  exercise 



the  ofBcc.  U  Jaia  to  be  done  ri  ct  armit,  for  the  causa  causata,  viz.  the  loss  of  the  fees,  is  the 
LL^fthe  .ction.  9  Co.  50.  4  Leon,  243.  Hob.  180.  Pahn.  46.  2  Brownl.  532.  Cro. 
C«r.  377.     5»  Roll-  Kep-  139. 

9Co.88.Vent.       If  the  sljeriff  of  the  county,  or  his  bailiff,  execute  a  writ  in  a 
SM.8ko«r.  »7.  franchise  or  liberty  of  one,  who  by  grant  or  prescription  hath  the 
^^•■*'  *'**       execution  and  return  of  writs,  an  action  on  the  case  lies. 
Cvrctt  ▼.  U  But  where  the  long  established  and  recognized  practice  had 

SmJIpi^  been,  that  a  writ  of  capias  with  a  noti  omittas  clause  issued  in 
9  BM^  530.  ji^g  ^^j.j  instance,  and  was  executed  by  the  sheriff,  within  a  par- 
ticular liberty,  the  bailiff  of  which  had  the  execution  and  return 
of  writs,  without  a  writ  of  latitat  first  issued,  and  a  return  of 
mandavi  halliro,  Sfc.y  it  was  held,  that  an  action  on  the  case  could 
not  be  supported  by  the  bailiff  against  the  party  suing  out 
such  writes;  since  under  these  circumstances  he  could  not  shew 
that  he  wrongfully,  injuriously,  and  deceitfully  caused  it  to  be 
issued.  II 

We  are  next  to  enquire  for  what  wrongs  and  injuries  com- 
mitted by  officers  and  ministers  of  justice,  and  others,  acting 
contrary  to  the  duty  the  law  lays  on  them,  with  respect  to  their 
trades  and  callings,  an  action  on  the  case  will  lie.    And  therefore, 

1.  Where  an  Action  on  the   Case  mil  lie  against   Officers  and 
Ministers  of  Justice, 

9  H.  6.  60,  h.  It  seems  agreed,  that  no  action  on  the  case  (a)  lies  against  a 
Roll.Abr.92.  judge  of  a  court  of  record  for  a  wrong  judgment,  and  that  if  it 
\\C  'p'p  appears  to  have  been  an  error  of  his  judgment  (i),  he  is  subject 
350.   URex  v.    ^  ^^  prosecution  whatsoever. 

Jackson,  1  Term  R.  653.  Rex  v.  Borron,  3  Barn.  &  A.  452.  Rex  v.  Bishop,  5  Barn.  A.  612.j| 
(a)  Not  against  a  judge  of  the  inferior  court  for  taking  insufficient  bail.  Hutt.  120.  An 
actioQ  Ues  against  a  judge  of  the  Stannary  CJourt  for  refusing  a  plea  which  by  law  he  ought  to 
have  accepted.  2  Roll.  R.  498.  per  j'onet  Just,  cccteris  absentibus ;  but  for  this  vide  title 
BUU  of  Excepliom,  (6)  But  for  corruption  they  are  punishable ;  the  judges  in  Westminster- 
hail,  properly,  by  impeachment  in  parliament.  1  Hawk.  P.  C.  550.  Inferior  judges  by  inform- 
ntioo,  attacnmcnt,  &c.  for  which  vide  the  heads  ;  also  the  head  of  Offices  and  Officers  ;  and 
t  Salk.  396.  where,  per  HoU^  the  Mayor  of  Hereford,  for  giving  judgment  for  his  own  lessee 
in  ejectment,  was  committed.* 

•  As  to  the  immunity  of  the  judges  from  prosecutions,  vide  31  Ed.  3.  st.4.  c.  17. 

Leon.  189.  If  the  plaintiff  declare  that  he  affirmed  a  plaint  of  debt  in  the 

court  of  B,  against  C.  and  thereupon  caused  C.  to  be  arrested, 

and  that  the  defendants  (being  the  mayor,  town-clerk,  and  gaoler 

of  n.  did  conspire  to  delay  the  plaintiff  in  his  suit ;  and  in  part 

of  his  said  debt  had  let  C.  go  at  large,  without  taking  any  part, 

this  action  will  lie,  for  the  not  taking  of  bail  is  not  the  cause  of 

the  action,  but  the  conspiracy. 

ME. 3.39.  If  the  bailiffs  in  ancient  demesne  hold  plea  after  the  record  is 

UkcMint'       '^"^oved  in  banky  by  which  the  tenant  loses  his  land  there  by 

Roil.  Abr.  92.    '«^overy,  he  may  have  an  action  upon  the  case  against  them. 

8^P«  •c^ooy'"^^  the  under  steward  of  a  court  baron,  for  proceeding  after  a  corpus  cum 

emuA  deRrared.    S  Leon.  99  adjudged.   Against  a  clerk  who  had  the  custody  of  a  record,  and 

Riflrred  it  to  be  altered.     Raym.  53.    Sid.  77.    Keb.  23.  346.     Vide  Lev.  64. 

4  Intt.  226.  If  an  escheator  returns  a  false  office,  contrary  to  what  was 

Rol^AlM-%a.   ^^"*^  ^y  ^^^i"^»  in  prejudice  of  the  party,  an  action  upon  the 



(F)  For  Lyurks  to  a  MarCs  Person,  P roper ti/,  <§^c.  Ill 

case  lies  against  him ;  for  in  this  he  is  barely  an  officer,  and  not 
a  judge. 

If  my  servant  is  robbed,  and  he  goes  to  a  justice  of  peace  and  Leon.  323. 
prays  to  be  examined  touching  the  robbery,  and  the  justice  re-  ^ji.^'^t-  27. 
fuses  to  examine  him,  so  that  I  am  thereby  damnified,  and  can-  But  for  this 
not  proceed  against  the  hundred,  I  shall  have  an  action  against  vide  title 
the  justice;  for  the  examination  by  him  in  this  case  is  not  as  a  Justices  of 
judge,  but  as  a  particular  minister  by  the  act  appointed  for  this        ^^«c^. 
purpose,  (c) 

{(I)  If  a  summoner  of  the  ecclesiastical  court  falsely  and  ma-  Roll.  Abr.  90. 
liciously  colore  officii  sui  to  the  intent  to  scandalize  J.  S.  with  the  Carlian  and 
fame  of  incontinency  with  A.,  and  to  put  him  to  expense  in  the  ^'Ul- Cro.  Car. 
Ecclesiastical  Court,  cites  J.  S.  to  appear  for  incontinency  with  A.,  jon'gg  gjg 
upon  which  J.  S.  appears,  and  is  there  charged  by  the  judge  with  S.  C.  (d)  Like 
it,  and  upon  his  answer  discharged,  by  which  he  is  put  to  ex-  point  in  an  ac- 
pence ;  J.  S.  may  have  an  action  upon  the  case  against  the  sum-  ^'°"  ^'nst 
moner  upon  such  a  declaration,  though  he  be  an  officer  of  the  dens  for  such  a 
Ecclesiastical  Court;   inasmuch  as  it  is  alleged  that 'he  cited  him  presentment, 
falsely  and  maliciously  et  colore  officii^  it  shall  be  intended  that  he  Cro.  Car.  285. 
did  it  without  process.  ^^^'  ^^■ 

Abr.  112.  pi.  9.     2  Mod.  52.    Vent.  86.    Sid.  463.    Lev.  292.  S.P. 

(a)  If  a  minister  of  justice  hath  a  warrant  to  (a)  attach  (b)  the  (a)3Bulst.2i2. 
goods  of  another,  and  can  do  it  and  does  it  not,  an  actio?i  tipon  ^        ._' 
the  case  lies  against  him.  S.P. per  curiam, 

(b)  So,  if  I  shew  J.  S.  to  the  sheriff,  and  give  him  a  writ  to  arrest  him,  and  he  does  not. 
Cro.  Eliz.  873.  per  Walvisly.  (c)  But,  if  upon  a  capias  utlagatum  before  judgment,  the  sheriflT 
neglects  to  extend  or  seize  goods,  &c.  this  is  the  king's  loss,  and  the  party  shall  have  no 
action,  though  it  was  objected,  the  sheriff  extending,  &c.  would  have  been  a  means  to  force 
the  defendant  to  appear ;  but  it  was  said,  that  if  it  had  been  shewn  that  the  sherift"  might  have 
taken  his  body,  &c.  there  would  have  been  more  reason  to  support  the  action.    2  Vent.  90. 

If  a  sheriff  makes  a  false  return,  as,  if  he  return  a  cepi  corpus  For  this  vide 
and  paratum   haheOy   or  languidus,  when  the  party  is  at  large  "^'-^^  ^x  Sheriff 
without  bail,  an  action  on  the  case  lies  against  him  for  the  false  ^^j,^  Actions. 
return  :    but  if  he  had  taken  bail,  though  the  party  does  not  ap- 
pear at  the  return  of  the  writ,   yet  no  action  lies  against  the 
sheriff;  for  by  the  23  H.  6.  c.  9.  the  sheriff  is  obliged  to  take 

If  the  sheriff  returns  the  tenant   summoned  in  a  real  action  26  Ass.  48. 
where  he  was  not,  by  which  he  (d)  loses  by  default,  an  action  lies  li  ^  V^^'u^f* 
against  him  for  this.  "  acdonVthe 

sheriff  is  liable,  vide  head  of  Sheriff,  {d)  For  the  judgment  should  stand,  and  the  party  is  put 
to  his  remedy  against  the  sheriff.     Moor,  349.     Bro.  Action  sur  Case,  5.     Goulds.  128. 

[If  a  bailiff  remove  goods  off  the  premises  under  a.  Jieri  facias  Palgravev. 

before  the  landlord  is  paid  his  year's  rent  pursuant  to  the  statute  ^"'"^'ham, 

8  Ann.  c.  17.,  case   lies  against  him;   and  the  action  may  be  iiSce tit.  ^t«/ 

brought  at  the  suit  of  an  administrator.]  (K),  8.|| 

If  at  the  petition  of  ^.  and  the  rest  of  the  creditors  of  5.  a  com-  2  Roll.  Rep. 

mission  upon  the  statute  against  bankrupts  is  issued  out  against  47.    But  for 

B.  and  thereupon  the  commissioners  sit,  and  offer  interrogatories  ^^^^  "^''  '^^''^ 

to  C.  and  he  refuses  to  be  examined,  and  by  them  thereupon  is  and^GoalTnS 

committed  to  prison,  and  the  gaoler  suffers  him  to  escape,  A.  Gaoler. 
may  have  an  action  against  the  gaoler  for  this  escape. 



Ravenscroft  [If  a  gaoler  suffer  a  prisoner  upon  mesne  process  to  escape,  he 

▼.  Eyle«,  is  liable  to  an  action  on  the  case,  though  the  prisoner  return  the 

l^^'  ^l*'    same  day  to  the  prison,  and  the  plaintiff  proceed  to  final  judgment 
iaj>€,m,lGaol  aganist  him.J 
and  Gaoler^  and  Sheriff.^^ 

Roll.  Hep.  78.  If  a  warrant  upon  a^fieri facias  to  levy  a  debt  at  the  suit  of  J.  S. 
^^oH-Abr.  94.  i^  jirected  to  an  under-bailiff  of  a  liberty,  and  he  by  virtue 
AM^u  thereof  levy  the  debt,  and  after  conceal  the  writ  and  make  not 
and  BaHif.       any  certificate  thereof,  an  action  on  the  case  lies  against  the 

under-bailiff,  because  he  has  done  a  personal  tort. 
Latch,  159.  So,  if  a  distress  at  the  suit  of  ^.  issues  out  of  the  court  of  C. 

Adjudged  directed  to  J.  S.  (who  is  not  the  usual  officer)  to  distrain  the  cattle 
"rroruTnV  °^  ^'  *^^-'  °^  ^^^^  ^'  should  find  pledges  to  appear  at  the  next 
judgment  in  court ;  and  thereupon  J.  S.  distrains  the  cattle  of  B.  and  after  re- 
Cheyney  delivers  them  to  B.  without  taking  sufficient  security,  Sec.  and  B. 

Court.  jQgs  not  appear,  4'C'  an  action  lies  against  J.  S.,  notwithstanding 

he  is  no  known  officer,  but  pro  hac  vice  only. 

Roll.  Abr.  93.        If  a  summoner  of  the  ecclesiastical  court,  upon  a  premonition 

s  Bulst.  266.     directed  to  him  by  the  ecclesiastical  court  to  warn  J.  S.  to  pay 

12  Co'.  128.       certain  costs  awarded  against  him  by  the  court,  returns  to  the 

Roll.  Rep.  63.    court,  that  he  hath  warned  the  said  J.  5.,  by  which  the  saidjl  S, 

S.C. adjudged  is  excommunicated,  where  in  truth  he  never  warned  him;  J.  S. 

between  ^^^y  have  an  action  upon  the  case  against  him  for  this  false  return, 

Godfrey.  though  he  be  an  ecclesiastical  officer ;  for  the  excommunication 

is  a  temporal  as  well  as  a  spiritual  disadvantage,  as  during  its 

continuance  he  cannot  bring  an  action,  and  is  liable  to  an  ex- 

communicatio  capiendo. 

Sid.  276.  \{  dijleri  facias  de  bonis  ecclesiasiicis  of  J".  &  be  directed  to  the 

l^*Ss^^320     ^'shop  of  E.  and  he  return  qicod  nulla  habet  bono  ecclesiastical 

lA.  Raym.    '    which  is  false,  an  action  on  the  case  lies  against  the  bishop  for 

265.11  this  false  return. 

11  Co.  99.  If  upon  a  mandamus  to  restore  J.  S.  to  his  place  of  a  burgess  of 

James  Bagge's  p,  xiel  causam  nobis  signif.  the  mayor,  S^c.  return  a  good  cause, 
SS.'^So'^'an  '^^^  matter  of  which  is  false,  an  action  lies  for  the  false  return, 
action  lies  against  the  mayor  and  commonalty  of  L.  for  making  a  false  certificate  of  a 
custom.  Hob.  87.  So,  against  the  surrogate  of  a  bishop,  who  makes  a  false  return  as  to  the 
custom  of  choosing  churchwardens.  3  Lev.  362.  Vide  Garth.  227.  2  Salk.  428.  pi.  1.  430. 
pi.  5.  Ld.  Raym.  391.  Vide  tit.  Mandamus.  [And  note,  that  regularly  an  action  on  the  case 
IS  the  proper  remedy  for  all  false  returns.    Doug.  153,  154.] 

beTween'  ^^"         ^^  ^^^  plaintiff  declares,  that  within  the  city  of  London  there  is 

Turner  and  *"  ancient  bridge,  and  that  by  custom  of  the  said  city  two  officers 

Sr  Samuel  to  look  after  it,  called  bridge-masters,  by  the  citizens  at  a  common 

Suriing,  ad-  hall  assembled  have  been  yearly  chosen  or  continued ;  and  that  if 

!^J^m  ^Tu^  '^^"^  ^^^^*°  ^^^  ^^^^  ^^'^  ^"^^^^  another  for  the  remainder 
colli.  Vaughan,  of  the  year  hath  always  been  chosen  as  aforesaid,  and  that  there 
and  Vent. 206.  are  certain  fees  and  profits  belonging  to  the  said  office;  and  that 
S.  C.  upon  a  A.  and  B.  were  elected  to  this  office ;  that  A.  during  his  said  year 
InBR!^^  „  '  7^  "PO"  a  hall,  by  the  defendant  (being  then  lord  mayor) 
firmed  per  called  for  the  election  of  a  bridge-master  in  the  place  of  A.  then 
totam  curiam,  and  there  the  plaintiff  and  one  J.  S.  as  competitors  stood  for  the 
St  Ut.  53.        said  office ;  and  thereupon  the  question  did  arise,  who  had  the 


(F)  For  Injuries  to  a  Man's  Person^  Property t  S^'  H^ 

greater  number  of  electors  ;  and  the  plaintiff  did  aver  his  number  g  q. 
to  be  the  greater ;  and  thereupon  did  request  the  defendant,  that  there  the  cus- 
according  to  the  custom  they  might  go  to  the  poll,  but  the  defend-  torn  was  laid, 
ant  did  refuse  to  number  the  polls,  and  made  proclamation  that  gjg(.j.Qj.g  ^gj-g 
die  electors  should  depart,  and  discharged  the  court,  and  J.  S.  go  divided, 
was  sworn  ;  per  quod  the  plaintiff  lost  the  profit  of  the  place,  <§•<:.  that  the  plu- 
this  action  lies  as  well  for  this  (a)  injurious  prevention  of  him  ra^i^y  ^^"^^ 
from  obtaining  the  office,  as  for  an  hindrance  of  him  in  the  ,    ^^^  ^j^^^ 
execution  thereof;  for  qui  destruit  medium  destruitjinem.  the  mayor 

ought  to  m'ant  the  poll,  and  that  the  electors  were  so  divided,  &c.  And  adjudged  per  cur. 
prcEter  Vaughan,  that  the  action  lay  ;  though  it  was  not  averred  that  he  would  have  been 
elected  if  the  poll  had  been  granted  ;  for  the  mayor  did  not  do  his  duty,  and  the  per  quoad 
he  lost  the  profits  of  his  place  is  sufficient  after  verdict,  (a)  If  upon  a  writ  de  coronatore 
eligend,  the  sheriff  will  not  return  him  coroner  who  is  chosen  by  the  major  part,  an  action  lies. 
2  Vent.  26.  Vide  2  Sid.  168, 169,  &c.  3  Keb.  664.  859.  Diversity  between  an  office  of  govern- 
ment and  an  office  of  profit. 

A.  declares  that  the  king's  writ  issued,  and  was  delivered  to  the  Salk.  20,  21. 
sheriff  of  Bucks,  for  election  of  members  of  parliament  in  his  &c.  Ld.Raym. 
county ;  that  the  sheriff  made  out  his  precept  to  the  defendants,  ^^a\^\\  8. 
being  constables  of  the  borough  of  Ayleshurif,  for  the  election  of  g^  -pri,  89. 
two  burgesses  for  that  borough,  which  was  delivered,  and  the  Cas.  Temp, 
burgesses  duly  assembled  to  choose,  ^c.  and  that  the  plaintiff  Holt,  524. 
being  duly  qualified,  8fc.   and  ready  to  give  his  voice  for  L.  and  1^J^°  ^  '    ^' 
M.  to  be  burgesses,  Sfc.  the  defendants,  knowing  the  premises,   white  et  al. 
maliciously  obstructed   him,   and  would  not  allow  or  receive  it,  adjudged  by 
and  that  without  his  voice  two  burgesses  were  chosen;  it  was  ad-  three  judges, 
judged  after  a  verdict  for  the  plaintiff  in  B.  B.  by  three  judges  Q^j^.^ho  held, 
against  Holt  C.  J.  that  the  action  did  not  lie.     Their  chief  rea-  that  for  every 
sons  were,  that  this  was  a  parliamentary  offence,   and  properly  injury  an  ac- 
enquirable  there ;  that  to  determine  it  here  might  occasion  a  t^o"  i»y  >  *^'\^* 
clashing  of  jurisdictions ;  that  it  did  not  appear  that  the  party  had  jury  jong'the" 
suffered  any  injury;  that  to  allow  of  such  actions  would  create  a  plaintiff;  as  it 
multiplicity  of  actions,  to  the  great  prejudice  of  officers ;  and  deprived  him 
per  Gould  J.  the  officer  is  a  judge,  and  therefore  not  liable  to  an  of  the  greatest 
action;   Siud  per  PowisJ.  he  is  quasi  a  judge,  and  therefore  has  ^u^Yecf  has 
a  distinguishing  power  who  to  admit  and  who  to  refuse.'  which  is  that 

of  consenting  to  those  laws  by  which  he  is  to  be  bound  ;  that  the  parliament's  having  a  juris- 
diction is  no  objection,  especially  in  this  case,  where  the  grievance  is,  that  the  party  is  not 
represented;  that  the  officer  is  neither  a  judge,  nor  quasi  a  judge;  that  the  multiplicity  of 
actions  is  no  objection ;  for  if  a  man  will  multiply  wrongs,  it  is  but  reasonable  that  actions 
should  be  multiplied,  &c.  And  note ;  the  judgment  was  reversed  in  the  House  of  Lords, 
according  to  Holt's  opinion :  Trevor  C.  J.  and  P7-ice  and  sixteen  lords  concurred  with  the 
judges  o(  B.  R.  the  rest  of  the  judges  and  fifty  lords  concurred  with  Holt.  ||l  Bro.  P.  Ca.  62. 
S.  C.  But  though  the  judgment  was  reversed  in  the  House  of  Lords,  yet  the  lords  did  not 
proceed  upon  the  broad  ground  which  Lord  Holt  had  taken  in  the  court  below.  Lord  Holt 
nad  insisted  that  the  action  lay  for  the  mere  obstruction  of  the  right ;  but  the  lords,  in  the 
justification  of  their  conduct,  which  was  supposed  to  be  written  by  Lord  Holt,  put  it  upon  a 
different  principle,  the  wilfulness,  the  maliciousness  of  the  act.  8  St.  Tr.  129.  And  subsequent 
cases  have  considered  malice  as  of  the  very  essence  of  actions  of  this  kind,  and  upon  that 
principle  judges  have  adopted  the  decision  of  the  lords  in  this  case.     Harman  v.  Tappcnden, 

1  East,  555.    Drew  v.  Colton,  Id.  563.    Milward  v.  Sargent,  Id.  567.    Cullen  v.  Morris, 

2  Stark.  R.  577.|| 

flln  case  against  the  sheriff  of  Sujfolk,  the  declaration  charged,   Barnardiston 
that  the  defendant  maliciously  intending  to  deprive  him.  of  the  ^"    °*'*'"^' 
Vol.  I.  I  office 


«Lct.  114.  office  of  kni«r|it  of  the  shire,  made  a  double  return.  Upon  a 
Pollcxf.  470.  trial  at  bar,  Twisdcti,  Rainsford,  and  Wijlde  held,  and  so  dn-ected 
the  jury,  that  if  the  return  were  made  maliciously,  they  ought 
to  fintl  for  the  plaintiff;  which  they  did  with  800/.  damages. 
On  motion  in  arrest  of  judgment,  Hnle  C.  J.  being  in  court,  he, 
Twisdeii  and  n^lde  J.  held,  that  forasmuch  as  the  return  was 
laid  to  he /also  et  malitiose  et  ed  intentinne  to  put  the  plaintiff  to 
charge  and  expense,  and  so  found  by  the  jury,  the  action  lay. 

5  Lev  50  Judgment,  however,  was  reversed  in  the  Exchequer  Chamber, 
iLutw.89.  and  that  judgment  of  reversal  affirmed  in  parliament.  This 
7  St,  Tr.  422.  reversal  gave  occasion  to  the  act  of  7  &  8  W.  S.  c.  7.  which  should 
eScTr.  102.     gggj„  Jo  be  a  declaratory  act,   and  which  gives  an  action  against 

the  returning  officer  for  all  false  returns  mlfully  made,  and  for 
double  Teiuvns  falsely,  'wilfully^- and  maliciomlij  made. 
Schinotti  v.  ^^  action  on  the  case   lies  against  a  commissioner  of  the 

Bumstead,  *       lottery  for  not  adjudging  a  prize  to  the  holder  of  a  ticket  entitled 

6  Term  R.  646.  to  receive  it-U 

2.   Wliere  Case  •will  lie  for  Torts  and  Injuries  committed  hy  Per- 
sons contrary  to  the  Duty  of  their  Trades  and  Callings. 

Roll  Abr  8.  ^^*  ^^^  (^)  delivers  goods  to  a  common  carrier  (/;),  to  carry 

Vide  for  this  them  to  a  certain  place,  if  he  loses  them,  an  action  upon  the  case 
title  Carrier,     lies  against  him ;  for  by  the  common  custom  of  the  realm  he 

and  head  of      ^^^i  to  carry  them  safely. 
Trover  and  o  J  J 

Convertion.  (a)  An  action  lies  against  a  ferryman  that  refuses  to  carry  passengers.  Hardr.  1G3. 
Vide  a  special  declaration  against  a  letter-carrier  for  the  non-<lelivei"y  of  a  letter  delivered  out 
to  him  at  the  general  post-office.  Rob.  Ent.  103.  (i)  So,  against  a  lighterman,  master  cf  a 
ship,  or  owners.  Roil.  Abr.  2.  2Lev.  C9.  Hob.  25.  That  the  undertaking  makes  him  a  com- 
mon carrier.  Cro.  J;ic.  262.  Sid.  245.  Vide  head  of  liniliuent.  So,  if  they  are  damaged. 
Palm.  523.  So,  if  he  be  robbed  of  them.  4  Co.  84.  2  Saund.SSO.  [Tlie  carrier  is  liable  for 
every  accident,  except  by  the  act  of  God,  or  of  the  king's  enemies.    1  Term  R.  35.] 

Roll.  Abr.  3,  4.  So,  if  an  innkeeper  refuses  to  entertain  a  guest,  on  pretence 
r^e  h  ad  of  ^^^  house  is  already  full,  an  action  on  the  case  lies  against  him : 
Inns  and  Inn-    ^^^  ^^  ^^  goods  of  his  guest  are  stolen  or  lost  in  his  house,  ^c. 


Ld.Raym.2i4.  [So,  if  a  man  suffer  materially  from  the  neglect  or  ignorance 
1  Danv.  77.  of  a  common  surgeon  or  apothecary ;  aliter,  if  of  a  person  not 
Iventfc^*  making  public  profession  of  such  business,  for  it  was  the  plaintifTs 

8 East, 347,11     °^"  ^'^^^^y  ^°  ^^^^^  t"  one  who  was  unskilled;  however,  upon  an 
So,  where  a      express  undertaking,  the  action  would  lie,  even  in  that  case.] 
surgeon  and  an  apothecary  broke  the  callus  of  the  plaintiflTs  leg  after  it  was  formed,  it  appear- 
ing that  It  was  done  by  their  going  out  of  the  common  course  of  practice,  and  in  making  an 
expenment  with  a  new  instrument.     Slater  v.  Baker  and  Stapleton,  2  Wils,  559. 

R^lf  Abr^l  ^.^  *  ^^^^^^  refuses  to  shoe  my  horse,  or  if  he  pricks  him,  an 

Saund.3i2.  '    ^^''on  on  the  case  lies  against  him.  (c) 

Roll.  Abr.  10.  So,  if  a  farrier  kills  my  horse  with  bad  medicines,  or  by  neglect 
49'  That'an  '"  curmg  him ;  an  actt07i  on  the  case  lies,  without  any  express 
action  lies         promise. 

•gainst  a  barber  for  shaving  the  plaintiff  »«.g/^eirf^  et  inarixficialifer.    2  Bulst.  333.    Vide  Hobr 


(F)  For  Injuries  to  a  Man's  Person,  Property,  ^c,  116 

211.  11  Co.  54.  Saund. 512.,  that  before  SEWz.  c. 4.  no  man  was  restrained  from  exercising 
any  trade;  but  he  that  performed  it  falsely  and  insufficiently  was  answerable  in  an  action.  [An 
action  cannot  be  maintained  against  a  carpenter  simply  as  such,  and  without  any  express  con- 
sideration, for  an  injury  sustained  in  conse()uence  of  liis  not  entering  upon  a  piece  of  work  he 
had  engaged  to  perform.    Elsee  v.  Gatward,  5  Term  R.  143.] 

If  a  client  receives  an  injury  by  the  neglect  or  fiaud  of  bis  at-  y^^^  ^j^ 
torney,  an  action  lies(r/);  as,  if  an  attorney  suffers  judgment  to  Attorney. 
go  against  his   client  by  nil  dicit,  when  he  had  a  warrant  to  ('0  Winch,  go. 
plead  the  general  issue  {e) ;  so,  if  in  a  plea  of  land  he  makes  de-  ^^J  r  1 P  n'^r 
fault  (^);  or,  if  an  attorney  by  collusion  with  J.S.  and  without  gg'  Ci-o,  jac. ' 
any  warrant  from  me,  appears  for  me  in  an  action  of  trespass  at  695.  Dyer,5C2. 
the  suit  of  J.  S.  and  suffers  the  inquest  to  pass  against  me  by  de-  Stile,  42g 
fault,  whereupon  J.  S.  recovers  against  me,  I  may  have  an  action  ^  "^  J''a  j 
on  the  case.  rr«?"wiiethe? 

the  judgment  should  not  be  vacated.  Cro.  Jac.  344.  695.  sinst.  122.  Keb.  89.  2koll.  Abr.  724. 
Where  case  will  lie  against  a  counsellor,  vide  Roll.  Abr.  10.  91.  ||BIackstone  expressly  lays  it 
down,  "  An  advocate  or  attorney  that  betray  the  cause  of  their  client,  or  being  retained 
neglect  to  appear  at  the  trial,  by  which  the  cause  miscarries,  are  liable  to  an  action  on  the  case 
for  a  reparation  to  their  injured  client."  Books,  c.  9.  p.  164.  Finch's  Law,  p.  188.  Anil  in 
the  Year-Book,  11  Hen.  C.  24.  55.  it  is  laid  down,  "  If  one  retains  counsel  and  give  him  his 
fee  to  assist  in  the  purchase  of  a  manor,  if  he  becomes  counsel  for  another,  or  cliscovers  his 
council,  case  lies;"  which  is  cited  by  Lord  Hcde.,  F.N.  B.  94.  notd.  And  in  the  Year-Book, 
14  Hen.  6.  pi.  18.,  it  is  laid  down  by  Paston  J.,  "  If  a  serjeant-at-law  undertake  to  plead  my 
cause,  and  do  it  not,  or  plead  it  otherwise  than  I  inform  him,  whereby  I  incur  damage,  an 
action  on  the  case  lies ;"  which  is  cited  Bro.  Abr.  Action  sur  le  Case,  p.  69.  Roll.  Abr.  Action 
6ur  le  Case,  6,  7,  8.,  and  Com.  Dig.  Action  on  the  Case  for  Deceit,  (A)  5.;  and  see  Broke  v. 
Mountagu,  Cro.  Jac.  90.  ace.  Harrison  v.  \A\\m\ey,2\e?,.R.A?,S.  per  LovA  Hardwiche  ;  and 
Bradish  v.  Gee,  Ambl.  229.  In  the  above  instances  there  seems  to  have  been  a  breach  of  faith 
in  the  counsel's  conduct,  and  not  mere  negligence  or  unskilfulness.  And  in  Fell  v.  Brown, 
Peake's  Ca.  96.  Lord  Kenyan  held,  that  an  action  did  not  lie  against  a  barrister  for  unskilfully 
and  negligently  settling  a  bill  in  Chancery,  whereby  it  was  referred  for  scandal  and  imperti- 
nence, and  the  plaintiff  obliged  to  pay  the  costs.  In  this  case  the  Court  of  Chancery  may  order 
the  counsel  to  pay  the  costs.  Beames's  Oril.  167.  Mitford's  Plead.  59.  —  In  Turner  v.  Phil- 
lips, PeakeCa.  122.,  where  an  action  was  brought  against  a  counsel  to  recover  back  a  fee  paid 
him,  on  the  ground  that  he  had  not  attended  the  trial.  Lord  Kenyan  expressed  himself  strongly 
against  the  action,  and  it  was  settled.  This,  however,  is  no  authority  that  the  plaintiff  might 
not  have  sued  the  counsel  specially,  showing  a  damage  from  his  non-attend.ince,  which 
seems  the  proper  remedy  in  such  a  case,  and  not  an  action  to  recover  back  the  fee.|| 

[It  was  holden  to  lie  against  an  attorney  for  not  charging  a  Russell  v. 

person  in  execution  at  his  client's  suit  according  to  the  terms  of  Palmer,^ 

a  rule  of  court,  though  it  seemed  to  be  rather  an  error  of  iud>j-  i?o     A'-^l^^' 
,  '  f        , .  _,  JO      See  Pitt  V. 

ment  than  any  actual  negligence.]  Yaldin,  4 Burr. 

20G0.    Lee  V.  Ayrton,  Peake's  Ca.  1 18.fl 
II  An  attorney  employed  to  purchase  an  annuity  was  held  not  Baikie  v. 
liable  to  his  client  for  not  advising  him  that  the  annuity  was  void   ^^^""'ess 
under  the  enrolment  act,  when  the  courts  had  not  at  that  time  de- 
cided on  construing  the  act  in  such  a  manner  as  to  render  it  void. 

An  attorney  is  not  liable  except  for  crassa  negligentia,  not  for  Laidler  v. 
a  misconstruction  of  an  obscure  rule  of  court.  Elliott, 

3  Barn.  &  C.  738. 

If  an  attorney  employed  for  the  vendor  of  an  estate,  in  taking  Ireson  v. 
Counsel's  opinion  on  the  title,  omit  to  state  certain  material  deeds  Pearman, 
in  the  chain  of  tide,  and  wrongly  state  a  party  to  be  seised  in  fgg  "' 
fee  when  he  was  not  so,  and,  in  consequence  thereof,  the  counsel 
advises  that  the  title  is  good,  and  he  would  have  advised  other- 

I  2  wise 


wise  had  he  known  of  the  deeds  omitted ;  these  facts  are  suffi- 
cient to  justify  a  jury  in  finding  the  attorney  guilty  of  negli- 
gence, so  as  to  sustain  an  action. 
Reeve  v.  Where  an   attorney  for  the  plaintiff  suffered   the  cause  to 

Righy,  4  Barn,  be  called  on  without  previously  ascertaining  whether  a  ma- 
&  A.  20'-'.  terial  witness  whom  the  plaintiff  had  undertaken  to  bring  into 
court  had  arrived,  in  consequence  of  which  the  plaintiff  was 
nonsuited,  it  was  held,  that  iu  an  action  for  negligence  it  was 
properly  left  to  the  jury  to  say  whether  he  had  used  reasonable 
care  in  conducting  the  cause;  and  the  jury  having  found  in  the 
negative,  the  court  refused  to  disturb  the  verdict.  |l 

(G)  Where  an  Action  on  the  Case  will  lie  for  a  Nui- 
sance, and  therein  of  the  Inconvenience  of  multiply- 
ing Actions. 

Vide  head  of     TT  is  clearly  agreed,  that  for  a  common  nuisance,  which  is  an    || 
Nuixances,  offence   against  the  public,  either   by  doing  a  thing  which 

R  ii  Ah  ^RR^*  ^^^^  ^°  '^^  annoyance  of  all  the  king's  subjects,  or  by  neglect- 
110.  2  Roll.  '"S  ^°  ^^  ^  thing  which  the  common  good  requires,  7io  action  on 
Abr.  140, 141.  the  case  will  lie;  for  this  would  create  a  multiplicity  of  actions. 
Moor,  180.        one  man  being  as  well  entitled  to  bring  an  action  as  another; 

1  ri°'  }^l  and  therefore  in  such  cases  the  remedy  must  be  by  indictment 
9  Co.  113.  1  •       f    1      1  •  "^  ^ 

2  Brownl.  147.   ^t  the  suit  oi  the  kmg. 

Vaugh.341.    Cro. Eliz.  664.    3Mod.294.   Garth.  191.  451.    Ld.  Raym.  486.    Salk.  1 5.  pi.  1 7. 

Co.  Litt.  5Q.  But,  if  by  such  a  nuisance  I  suffer  a  particular  damage,  as,  if 

Keb  847  '*^^'    ^y  stopping  up  a  highway  with  logs,  S^c.  my  horse  throws  me,  by 

s  Jones,  157.      which  I  am  wounded  or  hurt,  an  action  lies. 

Vide  the  authorities,  tupra.  Vide  Garth.  191.  451.  Salk.  15.  pi.  17.  what  shall  be  such  a  spe- 
cial damage  as  will  maintain  the  action. 

Dev^''  ^'  JJ"^"  action  does  not  lie  by  an  individual  for  an  injury  sus- 

2  Te°m  R.667    *^'"^^  ^"  Consequence  of  a  county  bridge  being  out  of  repair. 

Bush  V.  If  A.  or  his  servants,  in  repairing  his  house,  place  a  quantity 

Steinman,  of  lime  in  the  road  whereby  i?.'s  carriage  is  overturned,  A.  is 

404?'"  answerable  in  an  action  on  the  case. 

Matthews  v.  So,  if  the  servants  of  a  water-works  company,  in  laying  down 

West  London  pipes,  leave  rubbish  in  the  street,  without  any  light  or  watchman 

Water-works  to  warn  passengers,  and  a  coach  driven  by  the  plaintiff  is  thereby 

5  Sp?403  overturned,  and  plaintiff's  leg  broken,  the  company  are  liable  to 

Jones  V.  Bird,  »«  action. 

5  B.  &  A.  837.;  and  see  1  Stark.  189. ;  but  see  Harris  v.  Baker,  4  Maule  &  S.  27. 

H^Sam  ^°'  ^^  ^^  °^"^^  ^'^  ^  ^^"^^  ^°   "^^  properly  fence  in  his 

3  Camp.  398.    ^'^^^  ^°  ^^  '°.^^  ^^^^  ^"^  passengers,  and  the  plaintiff  falls  down 
the  area  and  is  hurt,  the  owner  is  answerable ;  and  it  is  no  excuse 
that  when  he  took  the  house,  and  as  long  back  as  can  be  remem- 
bered, it  was  in  the  same  state. 
Haraond  v.  So,  if  the  owner  of  a  vessel  which  is  sunk  in  a  navigable  river 

f  ?^°'  c, .     J^Slect  to  place  a  buoy  over  the  wreck,  and,  in  consequence,  the 
1  uuDp.515.    barge  of  another  strikes  on  it  and  is  damaged,  he  is  liable  to 


(H)  For  Conspiracy f  oppressive  Prosecutions^  <§'c.  117 

his  action,  and  this  although  he  may  have  placed  a  watchman 
near  the  spot  to  point  out  the  danger.  || 

Also,   an  action  lies  for  continuing  a  nuisance;  as,  where  for  Salk.  lo,  pl.3. 
erecting  a  nuisance  2  die  Febr.  the  defendant  pleaded  a  prior  Carth.  455. 
action  brought  for  erecting  a  nuisance  20  die  Martii,  and  a  re-  ^^-  R^ay™-  370. 
covery  thereupon,  and  averred  these  to  be  the   same  nuisance 
and   erection:   on    demurrer  the  plaintiff  had  judgment;    for 
though  he  cannot  have  a  new  action  for  the  same  erection,  yet 
he  may  for  continuing  the  same  nuisance. 

(H)  Where  an  Action  on  the  Case  will  lie  for  a  Con- 
spiracy, and  oppressive  Proceedings  in  Prosecutions 
and  Suits  at  Law. 

TT  seems  agreed,  that  for  a  false  and  malicious  prosecution  for  RolI.Abr.  112. 

any  crime  (a),  whether  capital  or  not,   by  which  the  party  Several  cases 

may  be  put  in  peril  of  his  life,  suffer  in  his  liberty,  reputation,  ^^  this  pur- 

^     /7\  ^'  /u  •  4.  c  -i     c  pose,  (a)  How 

or  property  (6),  an  action  on  the  case  m  nature  or  a  writ  ot  con-  \^^  ^^^^  prose- 

spiracy  lies  ;  whether  the  prosecutor  proceeded  so  far  as  actually  cution  must  be 
to  exhibit  an  indictment,  on  which  the  party  was  acquitted,  or  false  and  raali- 
jjq|.^  cious  and  with- 

out probable 
cause  of  suspicion,  wrfe  Cro.Eliz.  70. 134.  Leon.  107.  Kelw.  81.  Moo.  600.  Danv.  212.,  and 
Salk.  15.,  where  per  Holt  C.  J.,  that  this  action  is  not  to  be  favoured,  because  it  deters  men 
from  prosecuting ;  and,  therefore,  if  the  grand  jury  find  the  bill,  the  defendant  shall  not  be 
obliged  to  shew  a  probable  cause,  but  it  shall  lie  on  the  plaintiiF's  side  to  prove  an  express 
rancour  and  malice.  Qucere,  How  far  the  modern  practice  of  granting  a  copy  of  the  indict- 
ment upon  an  acquittal,  makes  it  necessary  that  such  copy  should  be  produced,  in  order  to 
prove  it  a  false  and  malicious  prosecution.  And  t«V/e  Carth.  416.  Ld.  Raym.  374.  12  Mod. 
208.211.  5Mod.  394.405.408.  [A  copy  of  the  record  of  the  acquittal  granted  by  the  court  must 
be  produced  in  order  to  support  an  action  for  a  malicious  prosecution  of  a  felony  ;  but  in  the  case 
of  misdemeanors  the  practice  is  different.  1  Black.  R.  385.]  Hit  seems  not  sufficient  to  produce 
the  original  indictment,  because  it  does  not  prove  the  caption.  2  Esp.  Ca.  57.  See  10  Barn.  &  C. 
70.  If  the  prosecution  was  before  a  magistrate  the  proceedings  should  be  produced ;  or  if  they 
have  been  lost  secondary  evidence  should  be  given.  2  Barn.  &  C.  496.||  {b)  It  has  been  holden, 
that  for  exhibiting  an  indictment,  which  only  affected  a  man's  property,  no  action  lay  if  the 
indictment  were  insufficient,  or  the  bill  found  ignoramits  by  the  grand  jury.  Vide  Danv.  208, 
209.  several  cases  put  jaro.  and  con.  And  Salk.  15.  in  margine.,  that  in  an  action  on  the  case  for 
maliciously  procuring  //.  to  be  indicted  for  exercising  the  trade  of  a  badger  without  licence, 
'pcr  quod  he  was  put  to  great  expense ;  in  which  it  was  agreed,  that  the  indictment  was  insuffi- 
cient; it  was  resolved  by  Parker  C.J.  and  the  whole  court,  upon  great  consideration,  that 
there  was  no  reason  for  this  diversity  between  a  malicious  prosecution  upon  a  good  indict- 
ment and  upon  a  bad  one;  and  that  this  action  will  lie  as  well  for  damages  by  expense,  as  by 
scandal  or  imprisonment,  though  the  indictment  be  insufficient.  Hil.  12  Ann.  Jones  and  Gwin. 
10  Mod,  148.  214.  [Gilb.  Gas.  185.  Stra.691.  977.  Ca.  temp.  Hardw.  54.  4  Term.R.  247.  ace.] 
||This  was  confirmed  in  Pippet  v.  Hearn,  5  Barn.  &  A.  634.  The  mere  return  o( ignoramus,  where 
the  indictment  contains  no  scandal,  and  where  the  defendant  has  suffered  no  imprisonment,  no 
special  damage,  will  not  of  itself  support  the  action  without  proof  of  express  malice.  Byne  v. 
Moore,  5  Taunt.  187.  Sed  vide  4  I3arn.  &  C.  25.  Nor  can  malice  be  inferred  so  as  to  sustain 
the  action  from  the  mere  fact  of  the  plaintiff  having  been  acquitted  for  want  of  the  prosecutor's 
appearing  when  called  for.  Purcell  v.  M'Namara,  9  East,  561.;  and  see  14  East,  502.  1  Camp. 
204.  If  some  of  the  charges  in  the  indictment  are  maliciously  preferred,  though  others  are 
not  so,  the  action  lies.  Reed  v.  Taylor,  4  Taunt.  616.  And  it  is  no  answer  that  the  defendant 
did  what  he  did  by  the  advice  of  counsel  if  the  opinion  was  ill-founded,  or  if  the  facts  were 
improperly  stated  to  counsel.  Hewlett  v.  Crutchley,  5  Taunt.  277.;  and  see  2Barn.  &C. 
695.11  [^'^6  action  may  be  brought  by  a  husband  for  the  expense  of  defending  his  wife. 
2  Stra,  977.] 

I  3  [If 


Canh.4i6.  C^^ '^®  action  be  brought  against  several,  and  one  only  be  found  ; 

Bull.  Ni.  Pri.    guilty,  it  is  sufficient;   for  there  is  a  great  difference  between  the  , 
M.  But  see  a    action  on  the  case  in  the  nature  of  conspiracy,  and  the  writ  of 
doubt  in  this     conspiracy  at  common  law;  for  in  this  case  the  damage  sustained  . 
cane  by  Suund-  •    ^,'         -^     i     r^i         »• 
en,  where  the    is  the  ground  of  the  action.  , 

declaratioo  stated  the  injury  to  have  been  committed  per  contpb'ationem  inter  eo»  habittttiu-; 
Saund.  230.  In  actions  for  prosecutions  or  oppressive  proceedings,  it  is  indispensably  neces- 
•ary  to  make  out  two  grounds:  malice  and  want  of  probable  cause.  4  Burr.  1974.  From  the 
latter  the  former  may  be  implied,  but  not  e  conveno.  ||In  general  the  plaintiff  must  give  some 
evidence  of  the  want  of  probable  cause ;  but  as  this  is  evidence  of  a  negative,  very  slight  evi- 
dence is  sufficient  to  call  on  the  other  party  to  shew  the  affirmative.  See  Cotton  v.  James, 
1  Barn.  &  Adolph.  I33.||  Where  there  had  been  a  condemnation  of  goods  by  sub-commissioners 
excise  for  not  entering  and  paying  the  duties,  which  was  afterwards  reversed  by  the  commis-  \ 
sioners  of  appeal,  it  was  adjudged  that  an  action  for  a  malicious  prosecution  did  not  lie  against - 
the  informer,  for  the  judgment  of  the  sub-commissioners  shewed  that  there  was  a  foundation 
for  the  prosecution.  1  \Vils.  232.  1  Term  R.  500.  ||See  1  Barn.  &  Adolph.  133.||  Inactions  of 
this  kind  the  plaintiff  must  allege  that  the  original  suit,  wherever  instituted,  is  at  an  end. 
Dougl.  205. ;  for  otherwise  the  point  would  come  to  be  tried  too  soon  and  disorderly.  Yelv. 
117.,  it  must  be  legally  at  an  end;  and,  therefore,  in  an  action  against  a  justice  for  an  illegal 
commitment  on  a  supposed  charge  of  felony,  the  court  held  an  allegation  that  the  plaintiff 
was  discharged  from  bis  in)prisonment,  to  be  insufficient;  because  there  are  various  ways  by 
which  a  discharge  may  be  had,  without  putting  an  end  to  the  suit :  it  ought  to  have  been  shewn 
how  dischayged.  2  Term  R.  225.  Stra.114.  Hob.  206.  266.  10  Mod.  245.  So,  in  an  action 
for  maliciously  holding  to  bail,  it  must  be  shewn  what  is  become  'of  the  original  action. 
iSalk.  15.  Dj^.  285.  If  it  has  been  abandoned,  it  should  seem  that  an  action  will  lie,  for 
abandonment  is  an  indication  of  its  being  false  and  hopeless.  W.  Jones,  93.  ^Sed  qu.  and  ; 
vide  Sinclair  v.  Eldred,  4  Taunt.  7.||  So,  where  the  plaintiff  suffered  himself  to  be  nonsuited.  ' 
Bull.  Ni.  Pri.  13.  (4th  edit.)  But  a  nolle  prosequi  by  the  attorney-general  is  not  such  a 
termination  of  a  criminal  suit  as  will  authorize  an  action.  6  Mod.  261.  See  10  Mod.  219. 
Gilb.  ('as.  185.,  &c.  Nor  is  a  stet  processus.  Wilkinson  v.  Howel,  1  Moo.  &  Malk.  495.|| 
Qu.  Whether  the  defect  of  stating  the  original  action  to  be  determined,  may  not  be  cured  by 
a  rerdict  or  plea  in  bar?    Rayra.  418.    2  Keb.  456.  753.    5  Keb.  781.   Saund.  229. 

Austin  V.  II  Where  there  are  mutual  dealings  between  two  parties,  and 

^R'"*'"xr  r  ^'^"^^  known  to  be  due  on  each  side  of  the  account,  if  one  party 

i39^™and  see  *^^^^^  ^^^^  °^''^^'  ^°^  ^''^  amount  of  one  side  of  the  account,  with- 

5  Barn.  &  A.  ^."'^  gi^'^o  credit  for  what  is  due  on  the  other,  the  arrest  is  mali- 
513. ;  sed  vide  cious  and  without  probable  cause,  and  an  action  may  be  supported. 

2  Camp.  594. 

Nicholson  v.         Where  A.  arrested  B.  on  the  10th  December,  and  was  ruled  to 

4&Iin''&C      ^5^'''^*"^. ""  ^I'e  17th.,  and  filed  a  declaration  on  the  24-th,  and 

2j     "•       •     discontinued  the  action  on  payment  of  costs  on  the  31st,  it  was 

«Dow.&R.i2.j  ^^^^^f  t^at  the  circumstances  were  sufficient  jprima  facie  evidence 

and  see  Went-  of  malice  and  want  of  probable  cause. 

worth  V.  Bulien,  9  Bam.  &  C.  840. 

Berry  v.  If  the  sherifTs  officer  having  a  writ  against  A.  send  him  a 

6  ftJ!r&  C      ^^'^^'^^  *°  ^^  ^  t™^  ^"  call  and  give  bail,  and  A.   accordingly 

528. ;  and  see    *"t"^?  ^"^^  ^'^^  ^^'''    ^^'^  ^^   "°  ^^'^'^^^  5    and  an  action  for  a 

2  New  R.  211.   malicious  arrest  does  not  lie,  although  the  party  suing  out  the 
1  Moo.  fi         writ  have  no  cause  of  action. 

Malk.  244. ;  sed  vide  sCarr.  &  P.  605. 

MwkiSo^h      A^^  •  ^^f  defendant  can  show  that  in  making  the  arrest,  he  acted 

3  BwD.  &  c!  ^fJ^f  on  the  opinion  of  counsel  of  competent  skill  and  ability, 
693.;  and  sec  "."J'  believed  that  he  had  a  good  cause  of  action  against  the  plain- 
ly*** ^**  ^  u  ^°^^^  ^  ^°°^  defence  to  an  action  for  a  malicious  arrest. 
S02.  But  where  it  appeared  that  the  party  was  influenced  by  an  indi- 

(H)  For  Conspiracy,  02)presshe  Prosecutions^  ^c.  119 

rect  motive  in  making  the  arrest,  it  was  held  to  be  well  left  to  the 
jury  to  say  whether  he  acted  bona  Jidc  on  his  counsel's  opinion, 
and  beheved  that  he  had  a  good  cause  of  action. 

If  the  plaintiff' in  an  action  for  malicious  prosecution,  prove  a  £)avis  v 
case  which  in  the  opinion  of  the  judge  shows  that  there  was  no   Hardy, 
probable  cause  for  the  indictment,  and  the  defendant  then  calls  a  6  Bam.  &  C, 
witness,    who  proves  an  additional  fact,    which  in    the  judge's  ^^^' 
opinion  shows  a  probable  cause,  and  there  is  no  contradictory 
testimony,   and  nothing  in  the  demeanour  of  the  witness  to  im- 
peach his  credit,  the  judge  is  not  bound  to  leave  the  fact  to  the 
jury,  but  may  act  upon  it  as  a  fact  proved,    and   nonsuit  the 

The  plaintiff  may  maintain  the  action,  although  he  has  ob-  p,  , , 
tained  a  criminal  information.  Ij  Barlow 

1  Ry.  &  Moo.  275. 

If  a  justice  of  peace  malitiose  et  invide  macJiinans  J.  S.  de  bonis,  Windham  v. 
nomine,  fama  et  vita  deinrivare,  directs  his  warrant  to  several  con-  CI  ere,  Leon, 
stables  to  apprehend  J.  S.  alleging,  in  his  said  warrant,  that  J.  S.  *87.   Cro. 
was  accused  before  him  for  steahng  an  horse ;  whereupon  he  is  ^  wp|?^        * 
arrested,  and  detained  till  he  enters  into  bond  for  his  appearance ;  of  Windham 
whereas  he  was  not  accused,  nor  stole  such  horse ;  an  action  will  v.  Clere  is  not 
lie;  for  though  the  justice  (a)  is  excused  when  upon  a  false  ac-  jaw;  for  the 
cusation  he  sends  out  his  warrant,  yet  it  is  otherwise  where  he  ""i;"ediate  act 
makes  it  out  without  any  accusation  at  all.  (b)  ment  pro- 

ceeded from  the  justice  ;  and  therefore  the  action  should  have  been  trespass,  and  trespass  only ; 
but  where  the  act  of  imprisonment  by  one  person  is  in  consequence  of  information  from  ano- 
ther, there  an  action  on  the  case  is  the  proper  remedy,  because  the  injury  is  sustained  in  con- 
sequence of  tlie  wronjjful  act  of  that  other  person.  Morgan  v.  Hughes,  2  Term  R.  231.]  ||See 
2  Chitt.  504,  1  Dow.  &  R.  97.11  (b)  If  a  justice  of  peace  procures  some  witnesses  to  appear 
and  give  evidence  upon  an  indictment,  that  is  but  his  duty ;  and  though  his  name  was  indorsed 
upon  the  indictment  to  give  evidence,  yet  this  made  him  no  prosecutor,  and  so  no  action  lies 
against  him  for  a  malicious  prosecution.    Vent.  47.    2  Keb.  572. 

[An  action  on  the  case  is  the  proper  remedy  against  excise  Bootv.Cooper 
oflficers  who  enter  a  house  under  a  legal  warrant  to  search  for  ?^"^  another, 
concealed  goods,  when  there  are  none.]  ^'  ^  2  Term 

R.  535.  See  the  case  of  Bostock  v.  Saunders  and  others.  2  Black.  R.  912.  3  Wils.  434. 
where  the  Court  of  Common  Pleas,  after  hearing  two  arguments,  held,  that  trespass  would  lie 
in  such  a  case. 

II  So  also  for  maliciously  suing  out  a  commission  of  bankruptcy  Cotton  v. 
or  lunacy.  II  James, 

I  Barn.  &  Adol.  133.    1  Gow.  Ca.  50. 

An  action  on  the  case  lies  against  churchwardens,  for  that  they   VideRoW. 
falsely  and  maliciously,  to  the  intent  to  draw  the  plaintiff  within  Abr.  112.  and 
the  censures  of  the  ecclesiastical  court  for  adultery,  presented  him  ^^  r  c^se''^'ill 
there,  upon  a  fame  of  living  in  adultery  with  A.  S.  not  lie  for  an 

ecclesitistical  scandal.  Sed  qu.  If  it  will  not  lie  for  the  expense,  trouble,  and  vexation  attend- 
ing defence  ? 

If  yi.  was  churchwarden  of  J5.  and  at  the  end  of  the  year  gave  Rayra.4i8. 

up  his  account  to  his  successor,  and  vet  yl.  is  falsely  and  maUci-  F,  7?"^^.  ^f^', 
1       -^    1  I      i-w  .  1      T-.     1     •       .     i*v-i  1  .     b.C adjudged, 

ously  cited  byZ).  into  the  Ecclesiastical  Court  to  render  an  account,  ^i^^  plaintiff 

and  at  the  request  of  Z).  he  is  excommunicated  for  not  rendering  declaring  that 

J  4,  lip  the  defendant 


knowinp  the  "P  ^»s  account,  an  action  lies  against  D.  notwithstanding  this 
plaintiff  had      sentence  was  given  by  the  judge.  .„^  ,„s 

before  made  up  his  accounts,  which  were  approved  by  the  parish,  &c.  Vide  Hardr.  194,  195. 
S.  C  and  a  long  argument. 

Ackcrlcy  v.  [j  An  action  on  the  case  cannot  be  maintained  against  the  judge 

** "m'Tx  «     of  an  ecclesiastical  court,  for  excommunicating  the  plaintiff  for 
3  Maule  &  b.    j|i5oi,eying  a  citation  of  the  court,  if  the  judge  has  jurisdiction  of 
the  subject-matter,  and  if  no  malice  appears,  notwithstanding  the 
citation  by  which  the  plaintiff  was  cited  be  void,  and  the  proceed- 
ings thereon  have  been  set  aside  on  appeal. 
Beaurain  v.  But  if  the  judge  excommunicate  a  party  for  disobeying  an  order 

Sir  W.  Scott,    which  the  judge  has  no  authority  to  make,  or  if  the  party  has  not 
3  Camp.  387.     ^^^^  previously  served  with  a  citation  or  monition,  or  had  notice 
of  the  order,  the  action  lies  against  the  judge,  though  there  is  no 
pretence  of  malice.  || 
Salk.  14.  But  it  must  be  observed,  that  there  is  a  great  difference  between 

Hob^266°         a  false  and  malicious  prosecution  by  way  of  indictment,  and  bring- 
3  Leon.  138.      »ng  a  civil  action ;  for,  in  the  latter,  the  plaintiff  asserts  a  right, 
Cro.  Jac.  432.    and  shall  be  amerced  pro  /also  clamore ,-  also  the  defendant  is 
entitled  to  his  costs;   and  therefore,   for   commencing  such  an 
action,  though  without  sufficient  grounds,  no  action  on  the  case 
Sid.  424.  But,  if  the  plaintiff  declares,  that  he  being  arrested  in  Middle- 

s  Keb.  546.  sex  at  the  suit  of  the  defendant,  and  the  defendant,  intending  to 
Lcy^275  detain  him  in  prison, /also  et  malitiose  dixit  to  the  sheriff  of  Mid- 

3  Lev.  21 1.  dlesex,  that  the  plaintiff  owed  him  500/.  requiring  him  to  take 
S.  C.  cited.  bail  accordingly,  per  quod  he  was  detained  in  gaol  several  days ; 
^Hj  *  *■  ^'  ^'  ^"^^  action  lies,  because  of  the  special  damage  sustained  by  the 
crewhsTerm    P^'^^'^y  ^n  this  false  affirmation. 

R,  185.  S.  P.  IJWthout  the  ingredient  oi  malice  this  action  cannot  be  supported:  moTtce 
must  be  averred  and  proved.  Scheibel  v.  Fairbain,  1  Bos.  &  Pull.  588.  Gibson  v.  Chater, 
2  Bos.  &  Pull.  129.-  With  that  ingredient,  mixed  with  falsehood,  it  will  lie  for  holding  to 
bail  in  an  inferior  court  :is  well  as  in  the  courts  of  Westminster  Hall,  either  where  the  inferior 
conrt  has  not  cognizance  of  the  cause,  the  defendant  knowing  that  it  has  not,  Goslin  v. 
Wiicock,  2  Wils.  302.  or,  where  the  sura  actuidly  due  would  not  authorize  an  arrest  in  it. 
Smith  V.  Cattle,  Id.  376.H  But  it  is  not  enough  to  declare  generally  that  he  brought  an  action 
uainst  him  ex  malitid  et  tine  causa,  per  quod  he  put  him  to  great  charge,  &c.  but  he  must  shew 
tne  grievance  specially ;  jjhe  must  shew  that  the  original  suit  is  terminated ;  judgment  of 
non  pros  in  the  original  action  is  not  of  itself  proof  of  malice.  Sinclair  v.  Eldred,  4  Taunt.  7.\\ 
Saund-  228.  Vent.  12.  19.  86.  Danv.  196.  1  Salk,  15.  pi.  6.  Ld.  Raym.  503.  12  Mod.  273. 
||2  Term  R.  232.1| 

R  \'i*  Ah*''  ^^  ^  Stranger  brings  an  action  against  A.  in  the  name  of  J.  5. 

S.V  Marih^'  ^^'^°"^  the  consent  of  J.  5.  an  action  on  the  case  lies  against 
47  8.  P.  Cro.    liim-(«) 

t  • '  ^«?*  ^°?  ^'"  *^^'"*^  ^^y  ^  remedy  upon  the  8  Eliz.  c.  2.  But  qiuere  where  there  are  several 
plaintiits,  and  one  of  them  gives  his  consent.  Cro.  Eliz.  236.  2  Sid.  162.  If  upon  an  issue 
botween  A.  and  B.,  a  stranger  that  was  not  returned  of  the  jury,  causes  himself  to  be  sworn 
m  the  name  of  one  that  was  returned  of  the  jury,  and  a  verdict  is  given  for  B.,  A.  may  have 
»n  acuon  upon  the  case  against  the  stranger.     March,  81. 

Skelind''*  ?^  ^'  ^"^^^^  ^  petition  to  a  committee  of  parliament,   ap- 

Kh^.  Mod.58.  pointed  for  the  examination  of  public  grievances,  and  therein 
S.  C.  2  Kcb.  charges  2?.  being  a  doctor  of  law,  and  vicar  general  to  the  Bishop 
361.  4«2.  466.  of  L.  with  several  great  offences,  as  extortion,  S^c.  in  his  office; 


(I)  Where  Case  lies,  though  there  is  another  Remedy.  121 

and  for  the  better  manifestation  of  these  grievances,  causes  the  g^g  gg4  goj, 
said  petition  to  be  printed,  and  to  be  delivered  to  several  of  the   832.  S.C.Lev. 
members  of  the  said  committee ;  yet  no  action  upon  the  case  lies ;  240.  S.  C.  Sid. 
for  this  printing  and  delivering  of  the  case  as  aforesaid,  is  accord-  ^^'   .  j 
ing  to  the  order  and  course  of  proceeding  in  parliament.  Libel znASlan' 

der.\(  [Aliter,  if  it  had  been  dispersed  abroad  before  it  had  been  presented.  Hardr.  S.  C. 
2  Keb.  832.  1  Hawk.  P.  C.  c.  73.  $  8.  12.  15.  Case  will  not  lie  for  words  spoken  or  sworn  in  a 
legal  and  judicial  way.  2  Burr.  SIC]  If  a  man  brings  a  writ  of  forgery  against  a  peer,  &c.  and 
the  defendant  is  found  not  guilty,  yet  shall  he  not  have  scandalum  magnatum,  and  lay  the  charge 
contained  in  the  writ  to  be  a  scandal.  Roll.  Abr.  34.  Moor,  38.  Hetl.  55.  Hob.  266.  No 
action  lies  against  a  witness  for  perjury,  in  giving  his  evidence  in  a  cause.     Vide  Danv.  195. 

In  case,  the  plaintiff  declared  that  the  defendant  maliciously  Carth.  189. 
levied  a  plaint  in  London,  and  prosecuted  the  plaintiff  thereon,   lempiev.  lui- 
ubi  revera  the  cause  of  action  did  arise  in  D.  in  Kent,  out  of  the  show.  194. 
jurisdiction  of  the  court  o^  London;  after  verdict  for  the  plaintiff,  254.    Cases, 
the  court  inclined  that  the  action  would  not  lie ;  for  the  plaintiff  S.  R.  4  S.  C. 
might  have  pleaded  to  the  jurisdiction,  and  if  they  had  refused  ?:"'  noresolu- 
his  plea,  he  might  have  applied  for  a  prohibition.  said' that  it 

was  fit  to  have  the  opinion  of  all  the  judges ;  for  that  such  action  was  never  held  to  lie  till 
^or^A's  time.  Vide  \ent.  669.  2  Jones,  214.  Hob.  205.  Cro.  Jac.  667.  Sid.  465.  Sand. 
221.  4  Co.  14.  No  action  lies  for  suing  an  attorney  in  an  inferior  court;  for  who  knows 
whether  he  will  insist  on  his  privilege,  and  if  he  does,  he  may  plead  it.  Mod.  209,  210.  per 
cur.  [It  is  now  settled  that  an  action  of  the  case  will  lie  for  maliciously  suing  a  person  in  an 
inferior  court,  when  that  court  has  no  jurisdiction  of  the  cause :  and  the  Court  of  Common 
Pleas,  after  due  consideration,  refused  a  new  trial  in  such  a  case,  though  the  declaration  did 
not  allege,  as  it  ought  to  have  done,  that  the  defendant  knew  that  the  inferior  court  had 
no  jurisdiction.     2  Wils.  302.] 

[An  action  on  the  case  is  maintainable  for  a  malicious  abuse  of  Sutherland  y. 
delegated  authority  of  the  highest  nature ;  as,  where  the  governor  Murray,  Sit- 
and  vice-admiral  of  one  of  his  majesty's  islands  suspended  the  ,^;^^/er  after" 
judge  of  the  vice-admiralty  court  from  the  exercise  of  that  office,  Easter,  1783. 
maliciously  and  without  any  reasonable  cause.  cor.  Eyre  B. 

,  ,  ,  .  1  Terra  R.538. 

But  this  action  will  not  lie  for  a  malicious  prosecution  before  a  Johnstone  v. 
naval  court  martial,  for  an  offence  cognizable  therein  (a) :  nor  Sutton, 
for  delaying  to  bring  an  officer  under  arrest  to  a  court-martial,  it  1  Term  R.  493. 
being  a  military  offence.     Nor  will  it  lie  (b)  against  a  command-  >  \   7  th"' 
ing  officer  for  an  improper  exercise  of  his  power,  Jlagrante  hello,  defendant  has 
and  out  of  the  British  dominions.]  not  been  tried 

for  it  by  a 
court-martial,    (b)  Barwis  v.  Keppel.    a  Wils.  314. 

11  An  action  on  the  case  does  not  lie  to  recover  damages  against  r>.,„.„„  „ 
11  r.  1       1  •    •  rt»  •  •  •  „      ^       ^  I'urton  V. 

the  lessor  ot  the  plaintm  in  a  vexatious  ejectment.  1)  Honnor, 

I  Bos.  &  P.  205. 

(I)  Where  Case  will  lie,  though  the  Party  injured  has 
another  Remedy. 

TF  one  slanders  my  title,  whereby  I  am  wrongfully  disturbed  Allen,  3.  ||5Icrf 

in  my  possession,   though  I  have  remedy  against  the  tres-  ^^.  V'cars  v. 
passer,  yet  I  may  have  an  action  against  him  that  caused  the  g  ^^  /  ^^^ 
disturbance.  2  Bos.  &  Pull. 

284.  and  tit.  Slander^  C.|| 
If  a  man  stops  a  water-course,  per  quod  his  neighbour's  ground  Dyer,  250.  in 



margitie.  is  surrounded,  his  neighbour  may  have  an  assize,  or  action  on 

Leon.  247.        the  case,  at  his  election. 

verts  totum  curtum  aqiue  from  my  water-course  to  my  mill,  though  I  may  have  an  assize  tor 
this,  yet  1  may  have  an  action  upon  the  case,  at  uiy  election.     Roll.  Abr.  104. 

Ley  130  by  ^^*  copyholder  in  fee  surrenders  a  messuage  to  the  use  of  one 
Penlerton  for  life,  the  remainder  to  another  in  fee,  and  the  defendant  (the 
ami  Lfvinz  husband  of  the  tenant  for  life)  pulls  down  part  of  the  messuage, 
cord.  Wind-  ^^^  |jg  j„  (.he  remainder  may  have  an  action  on  the  case  against 
haiH  and  .  . 

Charlton.  And    '^^^'  ^  ,      , 

per  Fcmbcrlon  and  Levinz,  where  Coke  says,  that  before  the  statute  of  Gloucester  the  lessor 
was  without  remedy  for  waste  done  by  his  tenant ;  that  must  be  intended  according  to  the 
subject  matter  of  which  he  was  speaking,  scUicet,  that  he  had  no  remedy  by  action  of  waste  : 
and  Femberton  said,  that  without  doubt  at  this  day  the  lessor  may  wave  his  remedy  by  action 
of  waste,  and  bring  an  action  on  the  case.* 

•  Where  the  estate  of  any  one  in  remainder  or  reversion  is  injured  by  the  tenant  in  pos- 
session or  any  other  person,  an  aclion  on  the  case,  in  the  nature  of  an  action  of  waste,  may  be 

Kinlyside  v.  [An  action  on  the  case  in  the  nature  of  waste,  as  well  as  an 

Thornton  and  action  of  covenant,  will  lie  against  a  tenant  for  years  after  the 

2Bi2r.iiii.  ^'^P'''^^'®"  "^^"^ '^^™-^ 

R  11  Ab    108        ^^  cestui  que  use  at  common  law  had  requested  his  feoffees  to 
s  Bulst.  336.      make  a  feoffment  to  J.  S.  and  they  had  refused,  no  action  on  the 
Roll.  R.  125.      case  lay  against  them,  but  his  remedy  was  in  chancery  only. 
Carth.  224.  If  a  parson  is  guilty  of  dilaj^idations,  and  after  takes  another 

3  Lev.  268.        benefice,  by  whicli  his  former  becomes  void,  his  successor  may 

^*^*iio  ^^*  have  an  action  on  the  case  ajjainst  him  ;  thouf^h  it  was  objected, 
116.   See  *u  ^  I  •  A  •**!,•  V     1  * 

2  Term  R.         '"^^  "'^  proper  remedy  was  in  the  spiritual  court. 

630.  Young  V.  Munby,  4  Maule&  S.  183.  Browne  v.  Ramsden,  2  Moo.  Gia.]}  [This  action 
lies  for  the  neglect  of  repairing  a  prebendal  \\o\ise  by  a  succeeding  prebendary  against  the  pre- 
decessor, or  his  personal  representative,  as  well  as  in  the  case  of  parochial  preferments.  Rad- 
cliffe  V.  D'Oyley,  2  Term  R.  650.  3  Wooddes.  206.  n,]  jjln  Gibson  v.  Wells,  1  N.  R.  90.  it  is 
holdea  that  case  will  not  lie  for  permissive  waste.||  Where  an  action  on  the  case  lay  for  a 
legacy  in  CVomu;c/fs  time.  Raym.25.  2Sid.  21.  85.  Keb.  116.  jjAn  action  at  law  does  not 
lie  for  a  pecuniary  legacy,  Decks  v.  Strutt,  5  Term  R.  690. ;  but  lies  to  recover  a  specific  chattel 
bequeathed,  after  the  executor  has  assented  to  the  bequest.    Doe  v.  Guy,  3  East,  120.1| 

Roll.  Abr.  no.  \{  A.  and  his  predecessors  have  used  time  out  of  mind  to  find 
wcre'a  public  ^  chaplain  to  sing  divine  service,  and  to  perform  the  sacraments 
chapel.  Roll.  ^"^  sacramentals  in  the  chapel  of  B.  within  his  manor  of  D.  for 
Abr.  1 10.  Cro.  B.  his  servants  and  family,  and  he  does  not  find  a  chaplain  ac- 
EUz.  664.  cording  to  the  custom;  B.  may  have  an  action  on  the  case  against 

bid.  34.  An       Yiim.  ^  ^ 

action  on  the 

case  lies  against  a  parson  for  refusing  to  give  J.  S.  the  sacrament,  because  a  man  is  bound  to 
receive  It  upon  a  penalty.  Per  Keb.  947.  ^\A.  oA.  dubitatur.  Against  a  bishop  for  not  taking 
caution  of  a  party  excommunicated.  Raym.  226.  2  Inst.  623.  Against  an  ordinary  for 
refusing  to  grant  administration.  Carth.  126.  [Against  an  archdeacon  for  refusing  to  induct. 
F.N.B.  47H.    Fortesc.  R.291.] 

SmSr'        •  ^^^^  ^^^^  ^'^  ^^^  ^^^^^^y  ^"^  maliciously  suing  out  a  commis- 

2  WUs.  145.       ^^°"  °^  bankrupt,  though  the  chancellor  has  power  under  the 

3  Burr.  1418.     statute  of  5  Geo.  2.  to  give  200/.  damages.] 
||Sce  Cotton  v.  James,  1  Barn.  &  Adol.  128.|1 

Themen\n*.          ."^'  1'®^  "P°"  *^^  ^'^^"^^  of  6  Geo.  1.  c.  16.  §  1.  by  the  part^ 
grieved  to  recover  damages  against  the  inhabitants  of  the  adjoin- 

(K)  Where  Case  lies,  though  Wrong-doer  he  punishable,  123 

ing  township  for  trees,  coppice,  and  underwood,  unlawfully  and  habiting  the 
feloniously  burnt  by  persons  unknown;  though  the  clause  directs  u^Ij  ^^e  1 1 
the  party  grieved  to  recover  his  damages  in  the  same  manner  nEast  349.' 
and  form  as  given  by  the  statute  of  13  E.  1.  st.  1.  c.  46.  for 
dikes  and  hedges  overthrown  by  persons  in  the  night;  upon 
which  the  usual  course  of  proceeding  has  been  by  the  writ  of 
Noctanter.  || 

(K)  Where  Case   will  lie  thoiigh  the  Wrong-doer  be 
punishable  criminally. 

TT  seems  to  be  the  better  opinion  of  the  books,  that  a  person  g^jjg  ^^^^ 

guilty  of  felony,  and  pardoned,  or  burnt  in  the  hand,  may  Yelv.  89,  90. 
be  proceeded  against  in  a  civil  action  at  the  suit  of  the  party  Jones,  147. 
injured  ;  for  when  the  party  is  prosecuted,  there  can  be  no  (a)  (}^^'  ^'**' 
inconvenience  in  allowing  the  action,  and  the  criminal  prosecu-  ^-q^  ^^^  ^^  '^' 
tion  ought  to  be  no  bar  to  it;  for  why  should  he  not  answer  in  brought  whilst 
damages  to  the  party  whom  he  hath  injured,  as  well  as  be  made  the  party  is 
an   example   of  for  the   sake  of  the  public,  whom   he   hath  """ei"  indict- 
/v.     J   J  o  *  ment  for  the 

offended.''  same  crime, 

for  if  that  were  allowed,  it  might  hinder  all  exemplary  punishment.  Stile,  346.  [See  4  Term 
R.  332,  333.]  ||After  an  acquittal  of  the  defendant  for  a  felonious  assault  on  the  plaintiff  by 
stabbing  him,  the  plaintiff  may  maintain  trespass  to  recover  damages  for  the  civil  injury,  if  he 
be  not  shewn  to  have  colluded  in  procuring  the  acquittal.  Crosby  v.  Leng,  12  East,  409.|| 

In  case  against  husband  and  wife,  the  plaintiff  declared  that  Sid.  375. 
the  wife  malitiose^  8fc.  affirmed  herself  to  be  unmarried  et  strenue  ^?f^^  ^ 
requisivii  him  to  marry  her;  to  which  affirmation  he  giving  credit,  ^^^  ^^J  g  q 
married  her,  being  then  the  defendant's  wife,  by  which  he  was  2Keb.399. 
put  to  great  charge,  injured  in  his  reputation,  and  greatly  troubled  And  note ; 
in  his  conscience ;  and  the  court  held,  that  the  ground  of  this  PfT  ^"««'^'^ 
action  being  the  conversation  and  contract  of  the  wife,  could  not  does^not'lie  • 
bind  the  husband.  because  the' 

marrying  of  the  second  husband  is  felony.  [See  St.  1.  J.  1.  c.  11.  That  if  seven  years  have 
elapsed  without  the  former  husband  or  wife  having  been  heard  of,  the  guilt  of  felony  is  not  in- 
curred. However,  where  a  man  falsely  pretending  himself  single,  only  solicits,  but  does  not 
actually  contract  a  second  marriage  with  the  plaintiff,  and  she  sustains  special  damage  in  con- 
sequence of  such  deceit,  as,  by  rejecting  other  offers,  there  can  be  little  doubt  of  her  right  to 
sue  this  action.    3  Wooddes.  201,  202.] 

But,  where  the  plaintiff  declared  that  she  was  a  virgin  of  good  Skin.  1I9. 
name  and  fame,  and  sought  to  for  marriage  by  J.  S.,  that  the 
defendant,  pretending  himself  to  be  a  single  person,  made  love 
to  her,  and  married  her;  when  in  truth  he  was  married  to  another 
woman,  ^c.  whereby  she  became  of  less  credit,  Sfc  the  court  held 
that  the  action  lay. 

[     124     ] 


AN  affidavit  is  an  oath  in  writing,  signed  by  the  party  deposing, 
sworn  before,  and  attested  by  him  who  hath  authority  to 
administer  the  same.  As  most  motions  and  orders  of  court  are 
<rrounded  on  affidavits,  it  seems  impracticable,  and  indeed  un- 
necessary, to  instance  in  what  cases  they  are  to  be  made  use  of, 
or  when  they  may  be  said  to  be  defective,  short,  or  evasive ;  this 
being  a  matter  of  practice,  and  few  things  relating  thereto  being 
thought  worth  reporting. 

We  shall,  however,  under  this  head,  set  down  what  we  find 
relating  to 

(A)  The  taking  and  filing  of  Affidavits. 

(B)  Where  an  Affidavit  is  necessary. 

(C)  Where  it  may  be  said  to  be  short  and  defective. 

Style  Pract. 
Rt^.  78. 

S9Car.2.  C.25. 
Car.  2.  c.  9.  the 
chancellor  of 
the  duchy  of 
Jjoncatter  may 
empower  per- 
sons to  take 
afiidavits.   [By 
the  4G.3. 
c  21.  a  similar 
power  is  giren 
to  the  chan- 
cellor and  jus. 
tices  of  the 
Court  of  Pleas 
in  the  county 
Palatine  of 

(A)  The  taking  and  filing  of  Affidavits. 

II  (See  Tidd's  Practice,  c.  19.  (9th  ed.)  and  Beames's  Ord.)|l      \ 

A  FFIDAVITS  were  only  to  be  taken  by  some  judge  of  that 
court  in  which  they  were  to  be  made  use  of.  But  now, 
"  By  the  29  Car.  2.  c.  5.  the  chief  justice,  and  other  the  justices 
"  of  the  Court  of  King's  Bench,  or  any  two  of  them,  whereof  ' 
"  the  chief  justice  to  be  one  for  that  court ;  the  chief  justice  of 
"  the  Common  Pleas,  and  the  rest  of  the  justices  there,  or  two  of 
"  them,  whereof  the  chief  justice  to  be  one  for  that  court ;  and 
"  the  lord  treasurer,  chancellor,  and  barons  of  the  Exchequer, 
"  or  two  of  them,  whereof  the  lord  treasurer,  chancellor,  or 
"  chief  baron  to  be  one  for  that  court,  may  by  commission  or 
"  commissions  under  the  seal  of  the  said  respective  courts,  from 
"  time  to  time,  as  need  shall  require,  empower  persons  in  the 
*'  several  counties  to  take  affidavits  concerning  any  thing  de- 
"  pending  or  concerning  any  proceedings  in  the  said  courts,  as 
"  masters  in  chancery  extraordinary  use  to  do  ;  and  any  judge 
"  of  assize  in  his  circuit  may  take  affidavits  concerning  any 
"  thing  depending,  8[c.  as  aforesaid ;  which  affidavits  shall  be 
'*  filed  in  the  several  offices  of  the  said  courts,  and  be  made  use 

«  of 

(A)  The  taking  andJiUng  qf  Affidavits*  125 

"  of  as  othei*  affidavits  taken  in  the  said  courts ;  and  all  persons 
"  forswearing  themselves  in  such  affidavits  shall  incur  the  same 
"  penalties  as  if  they  had  been  taken  in  open  court ;  the  persons 
**  taking  such  affidavits  shall  receive  only  Is.  for  so  doing,  be- 
**  sides  the  king's  duty,  which  duty  shall  be  paid  to  the  proper 
"  officers  in  the  said  courts,  before  such  affidavit  be  there  filed 
*'  or  made  use  of." 

II  By  rule  of  H.  T.  3  &  4<  G.  4'.,  no  commission  for  taking  affi-  i  Barn.  &  C. 
davits  can  be  issued  to  any  person  practising  as  a  conveyancer,  288.  2  Dow. 
unless  such  person  be  an  attorney  or  solicitor.  *''^' 

And  by  rule  of  E.  T.  4  G.  4.,  attornies  and  solicitors  of  the  i  Barn.  &  C. 
great  session  in  Wales,  and  the  counties  palatine  of  Chester,  ^^  fvo  ** 
Lancaster,  and  Durham  are  within  the  above  rule.|| 

[By  a  rule  of  the  Court  of  King's  Bench  E.  31  G.  3.  it  is  HSee  8  Price, 
ordered,  "  That  where  any  affidavit  is  taken  by  any  commis-  ^^^•'' 
*'  sioner  of  that  court  made  by  any  person,  who  from  his  or  her 
*'  signature  appears  to  be  illiterate,  the  commissioner  taking 
*'  such  affidavit  shall  certify  or  state  in  the  jurat,  that  the  affi- 
*'  davit  was  read  in  his  presence  to  the  party  making  the  same, 
"  and  that  such  party  seemed  perfectly  to  understand  the  same, 
"  and  also  that  the  said  party  wrote  his  or  her  signature  in  the 
*'  presence  of  the  commissioners  taking  the  said  affidavit." 

Affidavits  taken  before  a  person  who  is  solicitor  in  the  cause  3  Atk.  815. 

are  not  allowed  to  be  read  either  at  law  or  in  equity.  5TermR.405, 

^     •'  H9  Price,  88-11 

||Nor  can  affidavits  be  received  which  are  sworn  before  the  „        Vaisev 
attorney  of  the  party,  or  his  partner.  i  W\ce,  lie.,' 

Hopkinson  v.  Buckley,  8  Taunt.  74. ;  and  see  5  Moo.  325, 
But  an  affidavit  may  be  taken  before  the  clerk  of  the  attorney  8  Term  R.  638. 
in  the  cause,  if  the  clerk  be  empowered  to  take  affidavits. 

It  may  be  taken  before  the  party's  own  attorney,  if  in  the   pi 
country,  if  the  agent  in  town  be  the  attorney  on  the  record.  Cooper, 

5  Taunt.  89. ;  and  see  8  Taunt.  435. 

Affidavits  not  entitled  "  in  the  King's  Bench,"  and  sworn  be-  R- 1;  ^^^^> 
fore  A.  B.  a  commissioner,  Sfc.  without  stating  him  to  be  a  com-  Ir^^Kennett 
missioner   of  that  court,    were    not  allowed  to  be   read ;  but  &c,  y.  Jones,' 
affidavits  sworn  in  court  or  before  a  judge  of  the  court,  though  7TermR.  isy. 
not  entitled  "  in  the  King's  Bench,"  were  read.|| 

If  affidavits  taken  before  commissioners  in  the  country,  ac-  2  Salk.  46i. 
cording  to  the  above  statute,  be  expressed  to  be  in  a  cause  P  ^" 
depending  between  A.  and  B.  and  there  be  no  such  cause  in 
court,  they  cannot  be  read,  because  the  commissioners  have  no 
authority  to  take  them,  and  there  can  be  no  perjury;  otherwise, 
if  there  be  a  cause  in  court,  and  this  concerns  some  collateral 

[If  an  affidavit  in  a  cause  have  no  title,  it  cannot  be  received,  2  Term  R.  644. 
though  the  adverse  party  is  willing  to  wave  the  objection.] 

II  So  if .  be  not  entitled  in  any  court,  it  cannot  be  received.        Osbom  v. 

*^  Tatteson,  1  Bos.  &Pull.  271. 

An  affidavit  to  support  a  rule  nisi  for  staying  proceedings  on  Roberts  v. 
a  bail-bond,  should  be  entitled  in  the  action  against  the  bail.  Giddins, 



1  Bos.  &  Piill.  But,  where  no  action  against  the  bail  is  commenced,  as,  if  a  mo- 
337.  tioii  be  made  to  cancel  the  bail-bond,   the  affidavit  must  be  en- 

titled in  the  ori<rinal  action;   for  unless  it  be  entitled  in  some 
action,  no  perjury  can  be  assigned  upon  it.|| 
iStra.704.  An    affidavit   upon   a  motion  for  a  certiorari  to  remove  an 

indictment   is  properly  entitled,    "  t/ie  King  v.  A.  B,   (the  de- 
fendant.) " 
Bevan  v.  The  affidavits  on  which  to  apply  for  an   attachment  for  dis- 

Bevan.sTerm  obeying  an  award,  where  the  submission  is  made  a  rule  of  court 

R,  601.  The  under  the  statute,  need  not  be  entitled  in  any  cause ;  but  those 
same  practice     •  . 

prevails  in         m  answer  n.ust. 

affidavits  to  move  for  informations.    Rex  v.  Pierson.    Andr.SlO.     sStra.  1107.     S.  C. 
Bainbridgev.         ||  But  neither  need  be  entitled  on  a  motion   to  set  aside  the 
Houlton,  award.  II 

5  East,  21.  " 

Wood  V.  Affidavits  for  attachments  in  civil  suits  are  to  be  entitled  with 

Webb,  3  Term  \]^q  names  of  the  parties,  but  as  soon  as  the  attachments  issue, 
R.  25j.  bo,  1    ^j^g  j.j      jg  ^^  ^g  named  as  prosecutor. 

S ranted,  o  r 

oiigh  not  issued.  7  Term  R.  439.  Rex  v.  Sheriff  of  Middlesex,  6  Term  R.  GO.  Whitehead 
V.  Firth,  12  East,  165.  ||Siich  title  is  sufficient  without  naming  the  cause,  though  it  is  conve< 
nient  to  do  so.     5  Barn.  &  C.  389.||  ' 

Rex  V.Robin-  ||An  affidavit  on  a  motion  for  leave  to  file  a  criminal  inform- 
rT'^^^Coi"  ^'^'""  ought  not  to  be  entitled;  and  if  it  is,  it  cannot  be  read. 
6TeriDR.387.  ^"^  ^'^^  affidavits  produced  on  shewing  cause  against  the  rule 

may  or  may  not  be  entitled ;  all  affidavits  made  after  the  rule  is 

made  absolute  be  entitled. 
Ex  parte  In  moving  for  a  rule  nisi  for  a  certiorari  the  affidavit  must 

6  c'^267^"'^""  "°'  ^^  entitled  in  any  cause. 

Kelly  V.  Wro-  Affidavits  in  support  of  a  rule  to  set  aside  proceedings  on  a 
ther,  2  Chitt.     bail-bond  may  be  either  entitled  in  the  action  on  the  bond,  or  in 

109.  Sedvide      ^j^^       •    j^^ 
1  Bmg.  142.  o 

7  Moo.  600. 

Gandell  v.  Where  a  motion  is  made  in  a  cause  removed  to  the  K.  B.  by 

Rogier,  ^rit  of  error,  the  affidavit  must  be  entitled  in  the  cause  in  error. 

4  Bam.  &  C.  862. 

Sowerby  V.  I"  entering  up  judgment  on  an  old  warrant  of  attorney,  the 

Woodroffe,       affidavit  may  be  properly  entitled  in  a  cause. 

1  Barn.  &  A.  567.  r     r      j 

K^ar"  T*^^  Christian  names  as  well  as  surnames  of  the  parties  must 

7  Term k  661.  ^  inserted  in  the  title  of  an  affidavit  produced  to  shew  cause 
against  a  rule. 

Steyner  v.  An  affidavit,  the  tide  of  which  styles  the  plaintiff  «  assignee,'* 

Cottrell,  without  more  is  bad. 

5  Taunt.  377. 

Doe  V.  Want,       ^"^^  ^°  ^^^°  ^^^^^  names  of  all  parties  are  not  stated.    A.  B. 
s  Moo.  722.     "  ^nd  others,"  is  insufficient.  || 
Bullman  v.  Callow,  l  Chitt.  727. 

2  WUs.  571.         Where  an  affidavit  has  been  read  and  filed,  it  cannot  be  taken 

off  the  file. 

l?TvL'n'of^'       Affidavits  made  for  one  purpose  may  occasionallv  be  used  for 
iermK..85.  another.     Thus  an  affidavit  taken  before  a  judge"  at  7iisi prius 


(B)  Where  an  Affidavit  is  necessary.  1^7 

upon  an  information  out  of  the  King's  Bench,  and  afterwards 

returned  into  that  court  and  filed,  was  admitted  as  a  ground  on 

which  to  grant  another  information,  the  court  considering  the 

authority  of  the  judge  at  nisi  2^^'ius  in  that  case  as  an  emanation 

of  their  own.      So,  affidavits    upon  wliich  a  defenilant  hath   ob-  CphmoU* 

tained  his  discharge  in  one  cause,  have  afterwards  been  admitted  4TermR.285. 

for  a  similar  purpose  in  another  cause. 

||The  courts  of  this  country  will  take  notice  of  affidavits  sworn 
before  foreign  judicatures,  provided  they  are  properly  authenti- 

Where  the  affidavit  is  taken  before  one  of  the  judges  of  the  ^ ^"^^^ ou 
superior  courts  in  Ireland,  an  affidavit  that  the  signature  is  in  his   3ia(.k.  275. 
hand-writing,  has  been  admitted  as  a  sufficient  authentication  of 
it.     But,  with  resjiect  to  ordinary  magistrates,  it  is  usual  to  re- 
quire the  attestation  of  a  notary  public.     In  a  late  case  («),  how-  (rt)Dalmer  v. 
ever,  the  Court  of  King's  Bench  received  an  affidavit  purporting  ^^p"^'*'^' 
to  be  sworn  before  the  high  bailiff  and  chief  magistrate  of  the  251  .  but  see 
district  of  7Joz^i^/fir5  in  ihe  Isle  of  Maji,  upon  oath  made  before  the  Riddle  v.  Nash, 
court  here,  that  the  deponent  believed  the  signature  to  be  of  the  8  Moo.  632. 
proper  hand-writing  of  that  magistrate. 

Affidavits  sworn  before  a  justice  of  the  peace  in  Scofla?id,  are  Tumbull  v. 
admissible  in  a  cause  in  the  K.  B.  if  the  handwriting  of  the  justice  Moreton,  721^    g^^^-^ 

19  Ves.  345.    So,  also,  before  a  baron  of  exchequer  in  Scotland.     1  Jac.  &  W.  296. 

(B)  Where  an  Affidavit  is  necessary. 

'T^HE  law  and  practice  of  the  courts  require,  that  on  all  motions   Vide  the  seve- 

for  an  information,  attachment,  complaint  against  any  officer  ral  heads.  [By 

for  an  offence  not  committed  in  the  face  of  the  court,  for  a  new   ^^fj*''  °^'^^ 

trial,  relating  to  the  serving  and  returning  of  writs  or  processes,  jj.  jg  enacted 

4c  oath  or  affidavit  be  made  of  what  is  affirmed,  that  the  judges  that  the  so- 

may  be  satisfied,  as  well  of  the  truth  thereof,  as  of  the  reason-  lemn  affirm- 

ableness  of  granting  relief  when  made  out.  ^f"^"  ?"'*  ^^' 

°  *^  claration  ot  a 

Quaker  shall  be  accepted  in  all  cases,  except  in  a  criminal  cause,  instead  of  an  oath  in  the 

usual  form.    See  too  12  G.  2.  c.  13.  22  G.  2.  c.  46.] 

Also,  by  acts  of  parliament,  affidavits  are  made  necessary,  as 
by  4  Ann.  cap.  16.  §  11.  in  the  case  of  dilatory  pleas;  and  by 
the  12  Geo.  2.  cap.  29.  to  hold  to  special  bail. 

II  As  a  general  rule  the  court  requires  in  all  petitions  under  acts  2  Younge  &  J. 
for  local  improvements,  ^c.  for  payment  of  money  out  of  court,  ^^^^ 
that  the  parties  applying  shall  by  affidavit  shortly  verify  their  title, 
and  state  that,  to  their  knowledge  and  belief,  no  other  person  has 
any  title  to,  or  claims  any  interest  in  the  estate.  || 

If  a  person  exhibits  a  bill  for  the  discovery  of  a  deed,  and  prays  Q\^Q;{y  q^  j  i^ 
relief  thereupon,  he  must  annex  an  affidavit  to  his  bill,  that  he  23i.Vern.i80. 
has  not  such  deed  in  his  possession,  or  that  it  is  not  in  his  power  247.  3  Chan. 
to  come  at  it;  for  otherwise  he  takes  away  the  jurisdiction  of  the  S' **' pP'^''* 
common  law  courts,  without  shewing  any  probable  cause  why  he  g  q.^  \^^^ 
should  sue  in  equity.  15.'  2  Eq.  Ca. 

Abr.  13.    2Freem.  7.    2  P.  Wms.  Rep.  541.    Prec.  Ch.  536.    sAtk.  17.  132.    Con/r.  1  Yern. 
59.  evidently  a  mistake. 



V«jrn.  180.  But,  if  he  seeks  discovery  of  the  deed  only,  or  that  it  may  be 

«<T-  produced  at  a  trial  at  law,  he  need  not  annex  such  affidavit  to 

his  bill ;  for  it  is  not  to  be  presumed  that  in  either  of  these  cases 
he  would  do  so  absurd  a  thing,  as  exhibit  a  bill,  if  he  had  the 
deed  in  his  possession. 
King  V.  King,        [It  is  also  unnecessary  in  the  case  of  a  bill  for  discovery  of  a 
Most'ly,  192.     cancelled  instrument,  and  to  have  another  deed  executed,  for  if  the 
plaintiff  had  the  cancelled  instrument  in  his  hands,  he  could  make 
no  use  of  it  at  law,  and  the  relief  prayed  is  such  as  a  court  of 
equity  only  can  give.]  Eq.  14.       Also,  if  he  sets  forth  the  whole  circumstances  of  his  case,  and 
Prcc.  Ch.  536.  p^ys  general  relief,  the  prayer  of  relief  shall  be  applied  to  the 
GUb.^Hist.        discovery  only. 

Philips  V.  [If  a  bill  be  filed  for  examining  a  material  witness  upon  the 

Carew,  1  P.     ground  that  his  evidence  is  likely  to  be  lost  by  death  or  departure 
Wms.  117.       from  the  realm,  there  must  be  an  affidavit  annexed  to  it,  of  the 
Ferrers  %  P*^    circumstances  from  which  the  danger  of  such  loss  is  apprehended. 
Wms.  77.         So,  if  a  bill  be  filed  for  perpetuating  the  testimony  of  a  witness 
1  Atk.  450.       upon  the  ground  of  his  being  the  only  witness  to  a  particular 
Mitf.  Eq.  pi.     point,  and  his  evidence  being  of  the  utmost  importance,  an  affi- 
davit of  the  witness  himself  should  be  annexed, to  it.     The  prin- 
ciple on  which  it  is  required  in  these  cases  to  annex  to  the  bill  an 
affidavit  of  the  circumstances  which  render  the  examination  of 
witnesses  proper  in  a  court  of  equity ;  though  the  matter  is  capable 
of  being  made  immediately  the  subject  of  a  suit  at  law ;  seems 
to  be  the  same  as  that  on  which  the  practice  of  annexing  an 
affidavit  of  the  loss  or  want  of  an  instrument,  to  a  bill  seeking 
to  obtain  in  a  court  of  equity  the  mere  legal  effect  of  an  instru- 
ment, is  founded;  namely,  that  the  bill  tends  to  alter  the  ordi- 
nary course  of  the  administration  of  justice,  which  ought  not  to 
be  permitted  on  the  bare  allegation  of  a  plaintiff  in  his  bill. 
Taylor  v.  In  order  to  obtain  the  leave  of  the  court  to  bring  a  bill  of  re- 

Sharp,  3  P.  view,  or  a  supplemental  bill  in  the  nature  of  a  bill  of  review  ujpon 
x^]!^f'£^^^'l  ^^^  discover!/  of  new  matter^  thfere  must  be  an  affidavit  that  such 
78.  82.       *     °^^^  matter  could  not  have  been  produced  or  used  by  the  party 

claiming  at  the  time  when  the  decree  was  made.] 
Bunb.  303.  In   an    interpleading    bill,    the  party   who    prefers    it   must 

jSee  3  Ves.  &  make  affidavit  that  he  does  not  collude  with  either  of  the  other 
^•'•>°ll  parties. 

[(a)  He  must  He  who  moves  for  a  ne  exeat  regno  against  another,  must  make 
ly  ^fthc"'^  affidavit  of  the  loss  he  is  like  to  sustain  by  the  party's  going  out 
clcfcndant  is  °^  ^^^  kingdom,  and  that  thereby  the  debt  may  be  lost,  and  that 
indebted  to  the  party  is  actually  going  out  of  the  kingdom,  (a) 
him  in  a  sum  certain:  where  indeed  a  bill  is  for  an  account  only,  the  plaintiff's  swearing  that 
he  beheves  the  balance  in  his  favour  will  be  so  much,  will  be  sufficient.  3  Atk.  501.]  llSee 
5  V».  96.  8  Ves.  52.  7  Ves.  417.  10  Ves.  164.  ll  Ves.  54.  16  Ves.  470.  18  Ves.  354. 
19  Vet.  342.     6  Madd.  276.;  and  see  tit.  Prerogative,  Vol.  VI.|| 

St^*^  Tp  f^  Quaker  hath  been  permitted  to  put  in  an  answer  to  a  fri- 

Wras!  78i!       volous  and  vexatious  bill  without  either  oath  or  affirmation. 
S  P.  Wms.  Where  a  party  excepts  to  a  fact  certified  by  a  master's  report, 

.142.  note.        he  must  support  his  exception  by  an  affidavit. 


(C)  Where  it  rruiy  he  said  to  he  short  and  defective. 


Jonee,  155. 
Seld.  3  Vol. 
p.  2.   1335. 

The  nobility  of  this  kingdom,  and  lords  of  the  upper  house 
of  parliament,  are  of  ancient  right  to  answer  in  all  courts,  as 
defendants  upon  protestation  of  honour  only,  and  not  upon 

A  peeress  by  her  answer  owned  that  she  had  several  deeds  in  p^^  q^ 
her  power,  but  did  not  set  them  forth  ;  and  on  motion  she  was  Duke  HamiJ- 
ordered  to  produce  them  on  oath,  but  that  order  was  changed,  ton  and  Lady 
and  she  to  produce  them  on  honour  only,  beinff  in  supplement  Gerrard;  but 
to  her  answer,  which  was  on  honour.  ^j^^j.  ^^^  ^^.^^^ 

that  a  peer  or  peeress  should  produce  writings  on  affidavit,  or  be  examined  on  oath,  as  to  any 
thing  in  his  answer,  is  not  good.  [Lord  Harcourt  held,  that  the  privilege  of  a  peer  to  depose 
on  his  honour  only,  was  confined  solely  to  his  answer  in  Chancery ;  that  in  all  other  cases  he 
must  be  upon  oath ;  and  therefore  the  Lord  Stourton  was  put  to  answer  upon  his  oath  to 
interrogatories.    Sir  Thomas  Meers  v.  Lady  Stourl^on,  1  P.  Wms.  146.] 

(C)  Where  it  may  be  said  to  be  short  and  defective. 

/V  N  affidavit  must  set  forth  the  matter  positively,  and  all  ma- 
terial circumstances  attending  it,  that  the  court  may  judge 
whether  the  deponent's  conclusions  be  just  or  not. 

And  therefore,  on  motion  to  put  off  a  trial  for  want  of  a  ma- 
terial witness,  it  must  appear  that  sufficient  endeavours  were 
made  use  of  to  have  him  at  the  time  appointed,  and  that  he  can- 
not possibly  be  present,  though  he  may  on  further  time  given. 

II  In  an  affidavit  in  a  cause  the  plaintiff  need  not  state  his  resi- 
dence. || 




Crockets  v. 


2  Madd.  446. 

2  Salk.  461. 

Rex  V.Wilson, 

Upon  a  rule  to  shew  cause,  the  plaintiff  offered  several  new 
affidavits,  and  this  diversity  was  taken,  viz.  where  they  contain  pi.  i. 
new  matter,  and  where  they  tend  only  to  confirm  what  was  al- 
leged and  sworn  when  the  rule  was  made ;  in  the  latter  case  they 
may  be  read,  not  in  the  former. 

[When  a  defendant  who  has  suffered  judgment  by  default  in  a 
criminal  prosecution,  is  brought  up  for  judgment,  each  party 
should  come  prepared  with  affidavits  disclosing  his  case  (if  he 
mean  to  produce  any) ;  but  if  in  the  course  of  the  enquiry  the 
court  wish  to  have  any  point  further  explained,  they  will  give  the 
defendant  an  opportunity  of  answering  it  on  a  future  day. 

When  a  defendant  who  has  been  convicted  on  an  indictment  Rex  v.  Sharp, 
comes  up  for  judgment,  the  prosecutor  may  read  affidavits  in  »ess,  i  Term 
aggravation,  though  made  by  witnesses  who  were  examined  at  the  ^*  ^^®' 
trial,  which  affidavits  the  defendant  is  at  liberty  to  answer.] 

If  there  be  affidavit  against  affidavit,  the  proper  method  is  to  „     . 
have  it  tried  by  an  issue  at  law.  ifseTBearnVs 

Ord.  34.||  But  this  is  matter  discretionary  in  the  court.  See  3  Mod.  108.  where  an  action 
'on  the  case  was  brought  for  scandalous  matter  inserted  in  an  affidavit ;  that  the  party  is  to 
put  nothing  in  the  a^f/ayjMnit  what  is  material  to  the  point,  and  therefore  not  to  set  forth 
the  merits  of  his  cause  on  motion.  Stile  Prac.  Reg.  79.  where  the  affidavit  of  one  who  stood 
in  the  pillory  was  read.  2  Salk.  461.  But  for  this  vide  tit.  Evidence.  ||As  to  affidavits  in 
support  of  injunctions,  see  tit.  Injunction.^ 

li  An  affidavit  made  in  support  of  a  state  of  facts  may  be  re-  In  re  Burton, 
ferred  for  scandal,  but  not  for  impertinence,  by  a  party  who  has   ^  Russell,  580. 
Vol.  I.  K  filed, 


See  7  Price,      filed,  in  support  of  a  counter  state  of  facts,  an  affidavit  which  ap- 
***•  |)ears  to  be  an  answer  to  the  former.  II 




(a)  An  agree-  A  N  agreement  [a)  is  the  consent  of  two  or  more  persons,  the 
mentis  defined  xX  ^^^^  ^^  p^j.^^  with,  and  the  other  to  receive,  some  property, 

*^^t^  ■  •  riffht,  or  benefit.  The  notion  of  contracting  or  entering  into 
wtennum  tn  re        o     '  „,.  ^  '^  ,,° 

atiqua facta  vel  agreements  arose  trom  the  mcrease  or  commerce,  and  the  neces- 
facicnda.  sity  men  were  under  of  bartering  their  superfluities  for  things  of 

Plowd.  17.  a.  j.gjj|  ygg^  which  lay  out  of  the  way  of  their  acquiring.  That  men 
uluiiumin  should  execute  their  agreements  and  perform  their  promises, 
idem  placitum  though  made  without  writing  or  consideration),  is  enjoined  by  the 
consensus.  law  of  nature ;  but  in  civil  societies,  and  in  ours  in  particular, 
P^'  T"',' "ij  circumstances  are  required  which  protect  the  weak,  and  those 
Though  aeon-  ^ho  are  under  the  power  of  others ;  and  provision  is  made  against 
tract  executed  fraud  and  circumvention, 
with  all  the 

solemnity  required  by  law,  may  properly  be  called  an  agreement,  yet  in  the  more  common 
acceptation  of  the  word  articles,  viinutes,  and  escrow,  &c.  containing  something  preparatory 
to  a  more  solemn  and  formal  execution,  are  called  agreements. 

Under  this  head  we  will  consider, 

(A)  Who  are  capable  of  contracting  and  binding  them- 

selves or  others  by  their  Agreements. 

(B)  Of  Agreements  which  are  good  in  Law,  and  will 

be  decreed  in  Specie  in  Equity :  and  herein, 

U  Of  unreasonable  Agreements,  and  such  as  may  he  said  to 
be  obtained  by  Fraud  or  Circumvention. 

2.  Of  voluntary  Agreements, 

3.  Of  the  Manner  in  which  they  are  to  be  performed, 

(C)  Of  Parol  Agreements,  or  such  as  may  be  said  to 

be  within  the  Statute  of  Frauds  and  Perjuries : 
and  herein. 

Hi.  Of  Agreements  mentioned  in  the  First,  Second  and  Third 
Sections  of  the  Statute. 

2.  Of  Agreements  mentioned  in   the  Fourth  Section :    and 

1.  Of 

(A)  Who  are  capable  of  making  Agreements,  131 

1.  Of  Promises  by  Executors,  Administrators,  &c. 

2.  Of  Promises  to  answer  for  the  Debt,  Default,    or 

Miscarriage  of  another. 

3.  Of  Agreements  in  consideration  of  Marriage. 

4.  Of  Contracts   for  Sale   of  Lands,   Tenements,  and 


5.  Of  Agreements  not  to  be  performed  within  One  Year 

from  the  making  of  them. 

3.  Of  Agreements  mentioned  in  the  Seventeenth  Section :  and 

1.  What  Agreements  are  within  the  Section. 

2.  Of  Acceptance  of  Goodsj  and  part  Payment  within 

the  meaning  of  the  Section. 

3.  Of  the  Memorandum  in  Writing,  and  the  signing  by 

the  Party  to  be  charged,  or  by  an  Agent,  jj 

(D)  Of  Cases  where  Equity  decrees  specific  Perform- 
ance of  Agreements  on  the  Ground  of  their 
being  in  part  performed. 

(A)  Who  are  capable  of  contracting  and  binding  them- 
selves or  others  by  their  Agreements. 

A    PERSON  non  compos  is  not  capable  of  entering  into  any  But  for  this 
agreement,  for  an  agreement  is  an  act  of  the  understanding  vide  head  of 
which  such  persons  are  incapable  of,  and  therefore  are  to  be  ^^^^^'^  ^^'^ 
under  the  care  of  their  curators  or  guardians,  by  a  commission 
from  the  public. 

An  infant  for  the  same  reason  is  incapable  of  contracting.  pj^^  ^^jg^  ^^^^ 

of  Infancy  and  Age,  ||and  Void  and  Voidable.^  [If  an  infant.  Bays  Ld.  Mansfield^  does  a  rifrht 
act  which  he  ought  to  do,  or  which  he  was  compellable  to  do,  it  shall  bind  him.  3  Burr.  1801. 
And  if  an  infant  enter  into  a  contract  with  the  advice  and  concurrence  of  his  friends,  and  such 
contract  appear  to  be  beneficial  to  the  interests,  of  the  infant,  equity  will  support  and  give 
it  efifect.     1  Eq.  Cas.    Abr.  287. 

A  wife  during  the  intermarriage  is  [a)  incapable  of  entering  Vide  tit.  Baron 

into  any  agreement  in  pais,  being  under   the  power  of  her  f"f^^'.^'. 
It        1  ffl)  But  it  IS 

husband.  iaid.thatif 

a  feme  covert,  by  agreement  made  with  her  husband,  is  to  surrender  a  copyhold  or  levy  a  fine, 
though  the  husband  die  before  it  be  done,  equity  will  compel  her  to  perform  the  agreement. 
2  Vern.  61.  pi.  52.  Eq.  Ca.  Abr.  25.  pi.  6.    Upon  looking  into  the  Registrar's  book,  it  ap- 

E eared  that  the  court  made  no  decree  in  it,  but  it  was  by  consent  referred  to  Mr.  Serjeant 
lawlinson  for  his  arbitration.    Equ.  Ca.  Abr.  62.  pi.  2,  per  curiam. 

The  ancestor  seised  in  fee  may  by  his  agreement  bind  his  heir;  Baden  v. 
therefore  if  A.  agrees  to  sell  lands,  and  receives  part  of  the  pur-  p°"u^^  °^ 
chase  money,  but  dies  before  a  conveyance  is  executed,  and  a  bill  2  Vern.  215. 
is  brought  against  the  heir,  he  will  be  decreed  to  convey  (6),  [(A)  So  in  the 
and  the  money  shall  go  to  the  executor,  especially  if  there  are  caseofacus- 

K  2  more 


tomory  heir,     more  debts  due  than  the  testator's  personal  estate  is  sufficient  to 


But  if  a  man      '    •' 

for  100/,  assumes  to  make  a  lease  for  twenty-one  years,  and  dies,  his  heir  is  not  compellable  in 
a  court  of  equity  to  make  the  lease,  for  this  is  against  tlie  common  law.  Qiuere.  Eq.  Cas. 
Abr.  265.  pi.  4.     iJRoll.  Abr.  377.  pi.  18.|| 

VuU  in/n)  of  So  if  a  father  conveys  to  a  younger  son  by  a  defective  convey- 
voluntary         ^^^^^  ^^^^  jj^^^  ^1^^  |^gjj.  ^j.  ^^^  jj^  ^^^  ^^^^^  shall  be  compelled 

(fl!T?9.*^uTOn  'o  make  it  good.  1.  Where  there  is  a  covenant  {a)  for  further 
a  marriage  assurance,  binding  the  heir,  because  the  heir  is  bound  by  the 
treaty  was  to     covenant.     2.  Where  there  is  a  provision  made  by  the  father  in 

settle  500/. ;«rr  j,jg  iife_time  for  the  heir,  or  he  hath  such  provision  by  descent 
annum  asa^,^,,,.  '  '  •' 

jointure,  in       from  the  father.  (6) 

consideration  of  a  marriage  portion ;  J.  S.  was  intrusted  with  the  drawing  of  the  settlement, 
which  was  never  read  by  the  wife;  the  jointure  settled  was  but  400l.  per  annwrn,  of  which  the 
husband  took  notice,  and  talked  of  making  it  up  so  much,  but  dying  before  it  was  done,  his 
heir  was  decreed  to  make  it  up,  although  there  was  no  covenant  by  which  he  bound  his 
heir  to  make  it  up  so  much.  Vern.  16.  [{b)  See  the  case  of  Chetwynd  v.  Fleetwood,  4  Br. 
P.  C.  435.  where  a  specific  performance  of  an  agreement  made  by  the  ancestor,  only  tenant  for 
life,  was  decreed  against  the  heir,  the  agreement  being  clearly  for  his  benefit.]  jjSee  Brummell 
V.  Clavering,  3  Swans*.  690.||  v 

Hob.  203.  I^  tt:.ant  in  tail  agrees  to  convey,  or  bargains  and  sells  the 

Chan.  Ca.  171.  lauus  for  valuable  consideration,  without  fine  or  recovery,  and 
10  Mod.  469.  dies  before  the  fine  or  recovery  be  levied  or  suffered,  the  issue 
(d)  So^th^o^u'  h  ^^  "°'  (^^  bound  either  in  law  or  equity,  for  equity  cannot  set 
there  be  a  de-  aside  the  statute  de  doniSf  which  says,  voluntas  donatoris  obser- 
cree  against  vetur ;  nor  can  the  court  set  up  a  new  manner  of  conveyancing, 
the  tenant  in  and  supersede  fines  and  recoveries  ;  for  thereby  the  king  would 
filieand^  suffer  ^^^^  ^^®  perquisites  by  fines,  on  the  writs  of  entry  and  fines  for 
a  recovery,        alienation. 

and  he  dies  in  contempt  and  in  prison  for  not  executing  it,  yet  the  issue  shall  not  be  bound- 
Vide  Eq.  Abr.  25.  pi.  4.  265.  pi.  2.  2  Vern.  506.  [2  Ves.  634.  But  see  Hill  v.  Cari;^  1  Ch. 
Ca.  294.  The  issue  not  bound  by  a  covenant  for  further  assurance.  1  Lev.  237.  nor  by 
articles  to  convey  for  payment  of  debts.  2  Eq.  Ca.  Abr.  28.  p.  34.  By  analogy  to  the  cases 
of  tenants  in  tail  who  claim  paramount  to  the  contracting  party,  it  hath  been  holden,  that  the 
widow  of  a  copyholder  for  life,  who  had  agreed  for  the  sale  of  his  estate,  but  died  before  the 
conveyance  was  executed,  was  not  debarred  by  this  agreement  of  her  free  bench;  for  that  her 
claim  was  not  under  the  husband,  but  from  the  custom  of  the  manor.  Musgrave  v.  Dashwood, 
2  Vern.  45,  63.  But  Ld.  Hardwicke  thought  that  the  widow's  estate  was  a  branch  of,  and 
arose  from  that  of  the  husband,  and  that  the  custom  merely  directed  its  derivation ;  and  there- 
aIL^a^^^  the  agreement  was  for  a  valuable  consideration,  paid,  as  to  the  greatest  part,  he 
.  ^^^  c.    -_r  ...  ...  ...  __  ,^^^    Arabl.  277. 

same  principle, 

o ,  —  without  doing  so, 

eouity  would  not  enforce  the  agreement  against  the  survivor.  But  this,  it  seems,  must  be 
taken  with  this  limitation,  where  the  articles  are  not  such  as  amount  to  a  severance  of  the 

"•^l  ^'  I  •  ^^  ^^  ^'^»  ^^^^^y  '''^^  ^^"^^  against  the  survivor.  Per  Ld.  Hardwicke,  2  Ves. 
634.     Co.  Lltt.  59,  b.] 

Sir*a^d'  ^^^'  ,  ^*  *^i^®^  °^  ^^"^*  ^"  ^^^'  agrees  with  B.  that  he  and  his  heirs 
fUm,  (d)So  if  snail  enjoy  the  entailed  lands,  if  A.  and  his  heirs  may  enjoy  his 
the  issue  in  fee-simple  lands ;  this  agreement  is  executed  accordingly,  and  B. 
tail  had  rcco.  had  a  decree  against  A.  to  levy  a  fine  and  settle  it,  pursuant  to 
the  pufcha^.  ^^"^  agreement;  but  A,  died  without  doing  it:  though  it  was  de- 
money  in  his  creed  that  A.  himself  was  bound  by  this  agreement  to  convey,  yet 
father's  life-  since  he  died  before  he  executed  the  fine,  his  issue  was  not  bound 
time,  or  after     by  the  agreement :  but  if  the  issue  in  tail  liad  approved  of  his 


(A)  Who  are  capable  (^making  Agreements,  133 

ancestor's  agreement,  as  he  did  in  this  case,  by  entering  on  the  his  deatli.or  if 
land  of  B.  then  it  becomes  his  own  agreement,  and  consequently  ^^  had  joined 
in  equity  he  shall  be  obliged  to  perform  it.  {d)  with  tie  father, 

or  covenanted  for  further  assurance,  &c.  Chan.  Ca.  171.  Lev.  238.  [Any  agreement  with  an 
equivalent  will  bind  the  issue,  as  a  partition,  though  but  by  parol,  or  an  excharge  of  lands. 
2  Vern.  202.    Co.  Litt.  174.  a.  384.  a.] 

If  there  be  tenant  in  tail  in  equity  as  of  a  trust,  or  under  an  chan.  Ca.  234. 
equitable  agreement,  and  he  for  valuable  consideration  bargain  2  Chan.  Ca.  64. 
and  sell  the  land  without  fine  or  recovery,  this  shall   bind  his  2  Vent.  sso. 
issue,  because  the  statute  de  donis  doth  not  extend  to  it,  being  Jvern  %?^* 
an  entail  in  equity  and  a  creature  of  the  court,  {a)  583_  702. 

[(a)  It  seems  that  upon  the  same  principle  the  heir  in  tail  of  a  copyhold,  whose  ancestor  had 
entered  into  an  agreement  to  sell,  but  had  died  before  surrender,  would  be  decreed  to  convey 
to  the  purchaser ;  for  the  entail  of  a  copyhold  is  not  within  the  statute  de  donis.  Powell 
on  Contr,  126.] 

As  tenant  in  tail  is  restrained  from  alienating  the  estate  with-  Bro.  Contract. 

out  fine  or  recovery,  so  he  is  from  charging  it,  or  disposing  of  the  p^*  }  ^  r?'  ^°" 

lasting  improvements  after  his  death  ;  therefore  if  tenant  in  tail  (Jj^Qh.  Whe- 

sells  the  trees  growing  on  the  inheritance,  the  vendee  must  sever  ther  he  may 

them  during  the  life  of  the  tenant  in  tail,  for  if  he  dies  before  "ot  have  relief 

they  are  cut  down,  his  issue  shall  have  them  as  part  of  the  inherit-  J."jher"^^  "t*^ 

ance,  and  the  vendee,  though  {b)  obliged  to  pay  the  whole  sum  ^^  action  for 

contracted  for,  yet  shall  not  be  allowed  to  cut  down  one  tree  after  money  had 

the  death  of  tenant  in  tail ;  for  as  the  tenant  in  tail  has  power  over  and  received 

the  inheritance  but  during  his  own  life,  so  he  cannot  delegate  would  not  lie 
.  I     .  ^  11^1  .  1  °  1       against  the  re- 

tnat  power  to  another  but  tor  the  same  time ;  and  consequently,  presentative  ? 

whatever  remains  part  of  the  inheritance  at  the  death  of  tenant  in  [If  tenant  in 

tail,  at  which  time  his  power  over  it  ceases,  must  necessarily  go  tail  covenant 

to  the  heir,  to  whom  the  inheritance  belongs.  f°  make  a 

D  lease,  which  he 

has  power  to  make,  and  die  before  execution,  equity,  it  seems,  will  carry  it  into  execution 

against  his  heir.    10  Mod.  469.     If  tenant  for  life,  with  power  to  make  leases  for  twenty-one 

years,  grant  one  for  twenty-six  years,  such  lease  shall  bind  the  remainder-man  for  .twenty-one 

years,  for  under  the  power  of  leasing  there  is  a  referable  privity  given.     Campbell  v.  Leach, 

Anibl.  740.]    \\Vide  Shannon  v.  Bradstreet,  1  Scho.  & Lef.  52.    Ellard  v.  Lora  LlandafF,  1  Ball. 

&  B.  241.,  and  1  Chan.  Ca.  25.    3  Chan.  R.  1  l.jl 

CA  mother,  acting  as  administratrix,  may  bind  her  children.     Highter  v. 

Sturman,  1  Vern.  210. 

Churchwardens  are  in  that  character  competent  to  enter  into  Dr.  Martin  v. 
any  agreement  which  may  be  beneficial  to  the  parish,  and  thereby  w^^^^^ofi^s^' 
to  bind  the  parishioners  and  their  successors,  as  also  succeeding  nggg  jjj.^ 

churchwardens.  Church- 


If  a  party  undertaking  for  and  on  the  behalf  of  another  have  Johnson  v. 
no  authority  from  his  principal,  there  it  is  a  fraud,  and  the  un-  Ogilby,  3  P. 
dertaker  ought  himself  to  be  liable.     But  where  a  due  authority  Wms.  279. 

Martini"  xr 

is  given  to  treat,  there  the  performance  of  the  contract  shall  be  ^^^jg  g  Vem 
enforced  against  the  principal.  127.  Duchess ' 

of  Marlborough  v.  Strong,  5  Yin.  Abr.  533.  p.  38.  2  Bro.  P.  C.  500.  S.  C.  If  an  attorney 
should  bid  more  for  an  estate  sold  under  a  decree  of  the  Court  of  Chancery,  than  he  waa 
empowered  to  bid,  and  declare  his  principal,  Sir  Thomas  Sewell,  Master  of  the  Rolls,  thought 
that  the  attorney  himself  would  be  liable,  but  doubted  whether  the  principal  would.  Ambl. 
498.  But  where  many  are  concerned  in  interest,  and  the  credit  is  evidently  given  to  the 
person,  and  not  to  any  fund,  the  immediate  contractors  are  liable.    Thus  where  a  man  con- 

K  3  tractei 


tracted  to  pore  the  streets  of  a  town  by  a  written  instrunaent  executed  between  hira  and  two 
of  the  parishioners,  the  Court  of  Excheauer  decreed  him  relief  against  the  undertakers,  and 
left  them  to  their  remedy  over  afjainst  the  rest  of  the  parish  ;  more  especially  as  the  written 
contract,  which  was  the  plaintiff"'s  evitience,  was  in  the  hands  of  one  of  the  defendants.  Me- 
rick  V.  Wymondfold,  Hardr.  205.  So  it  was  holden,  that  a  bill  might  be  supported  against  the 
committee  of  a  club  for  an  agreement  entered  into  by  them  on  account  of  the  club,  without 
making  the  rest  of  the  subscribers  parties.  Cullen  v.  Duke  of  Queensberry,  1  Bro.  Ch.  R.  101. 
affirmed  in  Dom.  Proc.  March  27.  1787.  So,  where  the  commissioners  of  a  navigation  act 
entered  into  an  agreement  with  an  engineer,  they  were  holden  to  he  personally  liable.  Horsley 
T.  Bell,  Ambl.  770.  S.  C.  in  1  Bro.  Chan.  R.  101.  in  note.  I|Eaton  v.  Bell,  5  Barn.  &  Aid.  34. 
In  these  cases  the  contracting  parties,  though  agents,  are  held  liable  on  the  ground  of  the 
absence  of  any  re»ponsiblc  principal ;  but  there  is  an  exception  to  this  rule  in  the  case  of 
government  agents  and  public  officers :  e.g.  the  governor  of  a  settlement,  a  commissary 
general,  the  commander  of  a  ship  of  war,  who,  in  general,  are  not  personally  responsible  on 
the  contracts  made  in  their  public  capacity,  although  there  be  no  principal  against  whom  a 
remedy  can  be  had.    Macbcath  v.  Haldimand,  ||l  Term  R.  172. ;  and  see  Myrtle  v.  Beaver 

1  East,  135.  Bowen  r.  Morris,  2  Taunt.  374.  If,  indeed,  the  agent  bind  himself  by  a  formal 
engagement,  as  if  a  factor  enter  into  a  charter  party  in  his  own  name,  or  if  an  agent  purchasing 
bills  for  his  principal  indorse  them  himself,  or  if  an  agent  covenant  for  himself  and  his  heirs  for 
the  act  of  his  principal,  then,  whether  a  public  officer  or  not,  he  is  personally  liable.  1  Term 
R.  181.  2  Moll.  331.  2Atk.  623.  2  Vern.  280.  Goupy  T.  Harden,  7  Taunt.  1 59.  Appleton 
T.  Binks,  5  East,  148.  Burrell  v.  Jones,  5  Barn.  &  A.  47.  Paley  on  Princ  and  Agent,  ch.  6. 
(2d  edit.jil  / 

Daniel  v.  Where  an  agent  employed  by  husband  and  wife  to  sell  the 

Adams,  Ambl.  wife's  estate  by  public  auction  sold  it  by  private  contract,  at  a 
*•*•  higher  price  than  they  had  required,  the  court  refused  to  compel 

them  to  execute  the  contract,  the  agent  not  having  acted  pur- 
suant to  the  authority  given  him. 
Ambl.  498.  But  if  a  factor  sell  goods  at  less  price  than  he  is  commissioned, 

otherwbe'  i'n      '^^  ^^^^  ^^^^  ^^"^  '^^  principal  for  the  convenience  of  trade, 
case  of  a  broker,    i  Esp.  Ca.  lil.H 

Cox  V  Peele  ^^^  agreements  of  the  solicitors  in  a  cause,  relative  to  orders 

2  Bro.  Ch.  R*.    of  court,  are  binding  on  their  clients.] 
334.    ||A»  to  admissions  by  attorneys  of  facts,  vide  tit.  Evidence.^ 

(B)  Of  Agreements  which  are  good  in  Law,  and  will 
be  decreed  in  Specie  in  Equity :    and  herein, 

1.  Of  unreasonable  Agreements^   and  stick  as  may  be  said  to  be 
obtained  by  Fraud  or  Circumvention. 

(a)  Vide  t\t.  JN  many  cases  the  party  injured  by  breach  of  an  agreement 
#am^/,  and  ,  ™^^  ^^^^  *  remedy  either  by  action  at  common  law  (a),  ojr 
Covenant.  ^V  recourse  to  a  court  of  equity ;  but  here  a  general  rule  must 

Vide  Abr.  Eq.  be  observed,  that  wherever  the  matter  of  the  bill  is  merely  in 
the  rallof"  *^^"^«ges,  there  the  remedy  is  at  law,  because  the  damages  can- 
courts  o(  1?°^  ^^  ascertained  by  the  conscience  of  the  chancellor,  and  there- 
equity  not  to     'ore  must  be  settled  by  a  jury,  (b) 

entertdn  the  suit  unless  the  plaintiff"  wants  the  thing  in  specie,  and  cannot  have  it  any  other 
way.  fcmngton  v.  Aynesley,  2  Bro.  Ch.  R.  343.  Therefore,  in  general,  they  will  not  allow  a 
S  i  K  »  '^uf"  performance  of  contracts  of  stock,  corn,  hops,  or  other  articles  of  merchan- 
due,  but  w^l  leave  the  plamtifi^to  his  remedy  at  law.  l  P.  Wms.  570.  5  Vin.  Abr.  538.  S.  C. 
XS^n  o'o  Tf'  K  •  r' u  °°"'°"  ^-  Westbrook,  2  Eq.  Ca.  Abr.  161.  p.  8.  5  Vin.  Abr. 
««,;h'^;,  rk  '^''^^^^ /f  the  common  covenant  to  repair  demised  premises,  is  considered  as 
•«rin  J  in  rh  M^  L°h  ?"'*  P^PI'T-**"'^  *°  b^  redressed  by  action  at  law.  Whistler  v.  Main- 
E^^  I  ^»  ov  ^'  ^'  u '±"  '  Wooddes.  464.  n.  2.]  HMosely  v.  Virgin,  3  Ves.  1 85. 
R*ynar  V.  Stone  ,3Lden.  128.||    [But  on  a  covenant  to  rebuild,  as  it  was  holden  by  Lord 


(B)  TFhaf  good  in  Law,  and  speci/icall^  enfoj^ced  in  Equitif.       135 

Hardwicke,  the  landlord  or  lessor  may  come  into  Chancery  for  a  specific  performance,  if  he  is 
in  due  time,  and  no  constructive  acquiescence  can  be  imputed  to  him.  City  of  London  v. 
Nash,  i  Ves.  12.  and  5  Atk.  512.  S.  C.  This  doctrine,  however,  has  been  lately  controverted, 
and  perhaps  entirely  over-ruled.  Lucas  v.  Comerford,  3  Bro.  Ch.  R.  166.]  [jSee  Mosely  v. 
Virgin,  3  Ves.  185.  Flint  v.  Brandon,  8  Ves.  164.  Hill  v.  Barclay,  16  Ves.  402.1|  [In  the  cases 
of  Gardener  v.  Pullen,  2  Vern.  594.  Thomson  v.  Harcourt,  2  Bro.  P.  C.  41 5.  a  performance  of 
an  agreement  for  stock  was  decreed.  But  it  should  be  observed,  that  in  those  cases  the  party 
who  had  undertaken  to  transfer  the  stock  was  j)laintifF,  seeking  relief  against  a  penalty,  in 
which  he  had  bound  himself  for  performance  of  the  contract,  and  that  the  performance  of  it 
was  the  only  ground  on  which  equity  could  relieve  him.  Fonbl.  Notes  on  Eq.  Tr.  p.  120. 
But  on  a  bill  filed  against  the  party  who  had  undertaken  to  transfer  the  stock,  Lord  King  did 
not  think  the  rule  so  invariably  settled,  as  to  allow  a  demurrer  to  the  bill  for  want  of  equity. 
Colt  V.  Nettervill,  2  P.  Wms.  304.]  ||See  Mason  v.  Armitage,  15  Ves.  37.  Nutbrown  v. 
Thornton,  10  Ves.  161.  And  a  bill  will  lie  for  performance  of  an  agreement  to  purchase  stock 
where  it  prays  a  delivery  of  certificates  which  give  a  legal  title  to  stock.  Doloret  v.  Rothschild, 
1  Sim.  &  Stu.  590.||  [And  contracts  respecting  mere  personal  chattels  will  be  enforced  in 
equity  where  the  damages  recoverable  at  law  would  not  be  an  adequate  compensation  for  the 
non-performance.  Buxton  v.  Lister,  3  Atk.  383.,  and  Taylor  v.  Neville,  and  Duke  of  Buck- 
ingham V.  Ward,  there  cited;  and  Lord  Ranelaugh  v.  Hays,  irifra.}  |lAs  in  the  case  of  the 
stock  on  a  farm  seized  by  the  landlord  during  the  tenancy.  Nutbrown  v.  Thornton,  10  Ves. 
159.;  family  pictures  and  furniture.  Lady  Arundell  v.  Phipps,  Ibid.  139.;  and  see  Withy  v. 
Cottle,  1  Sim.  &  Stu.  174.  1  Turner  &  R.  78.  The  court  will  enforce  a  specific  performance 
of  a  contract  to  purchase  a  debt.  Wright  v.  Bell,  5  Price  R.  325.  Dan.  95. ;  and  see  Withy 
V.Cottle,  suprh.    Adderley  v.  Dixon,  1  Sim.  &Stu.607.1| 

But  if  there  be  matter  of  fraud  mixed  with  the  damages,  as  if  Chan.  R.  158. 
A,  sues  B.  on  a  covenant  at  law  for  damages,  and  B.  files  a  bill  ^^''•Eq.  17. 
for  an  injunction  upon  this  equitable  suggestion,  that  the  cove- 
nant was  obtained  by  fraud,  if  y^.  files  his  cross-bill  for  relief  upon 
that  covenant,  the  court  will  retain  it,  because  the  validity  of 
the  covenant  is  disputed  in  that  court,  and  on  a  head  properly 
cognizable  there ;  and  therefore,  if  the  validity  of  the  deed  be 
established,  the  court  will  direct  an  issue  for  the  quantum  of  the 

So  where  the  agreement  is  to  do  something  in  specie,  as  to  See  Chan.  Cd. 
convey  lands,  execute  a  deed,  8fc.  there  it  will  be  proper  to  apply  42.  where  an 
to  a  court  of  equity  for  a  specific  execution,    to  which  the  party  agreement  m 
is  entitled,  if  the  agreement  be  good  and  sufficiently  proved,  ^^ger  was 
when  otlierwise  he  could  only  recover  damages  at  law.  decreed  in 


Ij  A  specific  performance  will  not  be  decreed  of  an  agreement  street  v. 
to  submit  to  arbitration.  Rigby,  cVes. 

818.  Agar  V.  Macklew,2  Sim.  &  Stu.  418.  Gourlay  v.  Somerset,  19  Ves.  431. 

Nor  of  an  agreement  to  purchase  an  attorney's  business,  since  Bozon  v. 
supposing  such  agreement  not  illegal,  the  court  has  no  means  of  Farlow, 
carrying  it  into  execution.  *  Meriv.  459. 

Nor  of  an  agreement  for  partnership,  as  it  may  be  dissolved  „ 
immediately  afterwards.  1|  Birch  9  Ves, 

357. ;  ted  vide  3  Atk.  385.    Madd.  Treatise  on  Chan.  411.  note  (x). 

The  plaintiff  assigned  some  shares  of  the  excise  to  the  defend-  Vern.  i89. 
ant,  who  thereupon  covenanted  to  save  him  harmless,  and  to  R'-  ^^^'  ^"'"'^ 
stand  in  his  place  touching  all  payments  to  the  king ;  the  plain-  j|'  ^  2  Chan', 
tiff  being  sued  by  the  king,  brought  his  bill  to  have  the  agree-  Ca.  146.  S.  Cr 
ment  performed  in  specie;  and  although  it  was  insisted  that  the 
plaintiff  might  recover  damages  at  law,  and  that  this  was  not  a 
covenant  for  any  thing  certain ;  and  by  this  means  a  Master  in 

K  4  Chancery 


C'hancery  was  to  tax  damages  instead  of  a  jury;  yet  it  was  de- 
creed, that  the  defendant  should  perform  his  covenants  ;  and  it 
was  directed  to  a  Master,  that,  as  often  as  any  breach  should 
happen,  he  should  report  it  specially ;  that  the  court,  if  occasion 
should  be,  might  direct  a  trial  in  a  quantum  damnijkat. 
Abr.  Eq.  18.  So  if  a  jointress  brings  her  bill  to  have  an  account  of  the  real 

^7.  [(a)  In  j^„j  personal  estate  of  her  late  husband,  and  to  have  satisfaction 
Stcwart,*4th  thereout  for  a  defect  of  value  of  her  jointure  lands,  which  he  had 
/m/j  1786.  covenanted  to  be  and  to  continue  of  such  value ;  and  the  defend- 
er L.Kcnyon  ant  insists,  that  this  is  a  covenant  which  founds  only  in  damages, 
Master  of  the  ^^^  properly  determinable  at  law;  though  it  be  admitted  that  a 
Rolls,  directed  f    r        -.  ..  i     i  i  ►  •     *u- 

the  Master  to    court  of  equity  cannot  regularly  assess  damages ;  yet  in  this  case, 

enquire  what  a  Master  in  Chancery  (a)  may  properly  enquire  into  the  value  and 
damage  the  defect  of  the  lands,  and  report  it  to  the  court,  who  may  decree 
plaintiff  had  g^^jj  defect  to  be  made  good,  or  send  it  to  be  tried  at  law,  upon 
sustained  by  .         i         -^     .      °  »      r 

the  defendant's  «  quantum  dammficat. 

not  having  performed  his  agreement,  of  which  a  specific  performance  was  prayed  by  the  bill, 
but  which  could  not  be  decreed,  the  defendant  having,  by  sale  of  the  estate,  put  it  out  of  his 
power  to  perform  his  agreement  with  the  plaintiff.  Fonbl.  Notes  on  Eq.  Tr.389.]  jjThis 
decision  was  followed  by  the  Master  of  the  Rolls  in  Greenaway  v.  Adams,  12  Ves.  595. ;  but 
the  nrinciple  was  doubted  in  that  case,  and  also  in  Gwillim  v.  Stone,  14  Ves.  128.,  and 
Todd  v.  Gee,  17  Ves.  273.;  and  see  a  foil  note  of  Denton  v.  Stewart,  17  Ves.  276.,  and  1  Cox 
R.  258.0 

Abr.  Eq.  18.  The  condition  of  a  bond  was  to  settle  certain  lands  in  such  a 

P'-^' K*)^*  manor,  by  such  a  day;  and  the  obligor  died  before  the  day,  so 
holden  that  to  ^^'  ^^  bond  was  saved  at  law  ;  yet  the  court  decreed  a  specific 
found  a  de-        execution,  {h) 

cree  for  a  specific  performance,  the  contract  must  be  good  at  law  ;  and  therefore  it  is  stated 
by  Sir  Thomas  Clarke^  Master  of  the  Rolls,  in  Ambl.  406.  that  it  was  the  practice  before  Lord 
Somers*  time  with  respect  to  agreements,  to  send  the  party  to  law ;  and  if  he  recovered  any 
thing  hy  way  of  damages  then  to  entertain  the  suit.  But  equity  will  often  enforce  a  perform- 
ance of  agreements,  though  no  action  will  lie  at  law  upon  them,  as  in  the  case  in  the  text,  and 
in  Cannel  v.  Buckle,  2  P.  Wms.243.  Acton  v.  Pierce,  2  Vern.  480.  Scott  v.  Wray,  1  Chan. 
R.  45.  Edwin  v.  East  India  Company,  2  Vern.  210.]  ||Chandos  v.  Brownlow,  2  Ridg.  P.  Ca. 
416.;  but  see  2  Freeni.  216.,  and  see  1  Anst.  45.    3  Swanst.  41 7.1| 

Abr.  Eq.  17.  ^"'  .^^^^  it  must  be  observed,  that  agreements,  out  of  which 

3Atk.386.  an  equity  can  be  raised  for  a  decree  in  specie,  ought  to  be  ob- 
TS)*234'Pr  ^'"*:^  ^^^^  ^^^  imaginable  fairness,  and  without  any  mixture 
Ch.538.  iBro.  ^^"^'"g  to  surprise  or  circumvention;  and  that  they  be  not  un- 
Ch.  R.  440.       reasonable  in  themselves,  (c) 

((e)  Vaughan  v.  Thomas,  l  Bro.  Ch.  R.  SSG,  ace.  Stanhope  v.  Toppe,  2  Bro.  P.  C.  1 83.  2  Ed. 
Ca.Abr.55.  note  to  Ca.1.1  iJCostigan  v.  Hastier,  2  Scho.  &  Lef.  166.  Howel  v.  George, 
1  Madd.  K.  1 1.  note.  Revell  v.  Hussey,  2  Ball  &  B.  287.||  [But  inadequacy  of  price,  simply 
and  of  Itself,  independently  on  any  other  circumstances,  is  not  a  ground  with  the  court  to 
annul  an  agreement,  though  executory.    Keen  v.  Stukeley,  Gilb.  R.  155.,  and  2  Bro.  P.  C,  396. 

-n"*"!?^'!;  ''P^'"L.-.S''°-^^-'^'^^^-  ^^""y^^  v-  Sherrard,  Ambl.  18.  Jackson  v.  Lever, 
5  wro.  I  h.  K.  605.  ^^tIll  less  is  it  a  ground  to  rescind  one  already  executed.  Nicols  v.  Gould, 
S  \  C8. 422.  Henley  v.  Acton,  2  Bro.  Ch.  R.  1 7.  Spratley  v.  Griffith,  2  Bro.  Ch.  R.  1 79.  Willis 
V.  Temegan,  2  Atk.  25 1. ;  but  see  Heme  v.  Meeres,  l  Vern.  465.  In  the  case  of  Heathcote  v. 
Mugnon,  2  liro.  Ch.  K.  167.  Lord  Thurlow  admitted,  that  mere  inadequacy  of  price  was 
•cwcely  sufficient;  but  said,  that  «  there  was  a  difference  between  that  and  evidence  arising 
frominatlequacy.Ifthere  IS  such  inadequacy  as  to  shew  that  the  person  did  not  undert 
stand  the  bargain  he  made,  or  was  so  oppressed  that  he  was  glad  to  make  it,  knowing  its 

Vnlln!'^"n  W  k  «  VT"^«"^  ""l^'  '"•"  ^hich  may  amount  to  fraud."  And  see  ace. 
Young  V.  Clerk,  Pr.  Ch  538.]  HLovc  v  Borchard,  8  Ves.  1 33.  Westburn  v.  Russell,  3  Ves.  & 
B.187.    Matthew,  v.  Peern,  1  Cox's  R  278.    Copi,  v.  Middleton,  2  Madd.  430.    Coles  v. 


(B)  What  good  in  Law,  and  specifically  enforced  in  Equity,       137 

Trecothick,  9  Ves.  246.  Underbill  v.  Harwood,  loVes.  219.  Burrows  v.  Lock,  loVes.474. 
Murray  V.  Palmer,  2  Scho.  &  Lef.  488.    Peacock  v.  Evans,  16  Ves.  517.    Lukey  v.  O'Donnel, 

2  Scho.  &  Lef.  471.  Pickett  V.  Logan,  14  Ves.  240.  Inadequacy  of  price  coupled  with  dis- 
tress of  the  vendors,  and  want  of  advice,  is  a  ground  for  invalidating  a  sale.     Wood  v.  Abrey, 

3  Madd.  417. ;  and  see  Kemyes  v.  Hansard,  Coop.  C.  125.  Martin  v.  Mitchell,  2  Jac.  &  W.  13.|1 
[And  where  agreements  are  endeavoured  to  be  set  aside,  for  supposed  weakness  of  understand- 
ing in  one  of  the  contracting  parties,  for  breach  of  confidence,  or  other  substantive  reason,  the 
inequality  of  the  terms  may  be  a  material  ingredient  in  the  case,  as  evidence  of  imposition. 

5  VVooddes.  455.,  and  Griffin  v.  De  Veulle,  and  others,  reported  in  the  Appendix.  It  is  to  be 
further  observed,  that  where  an  agreement  appears  very  unequal,  the  courts  will  lay  hold  of 
very  slight  circumstances  to  avoid  enforcing  the  execution  of  it ;  as  where  the  plaintiff  had 
not  made  out  his  title  by  the  time  stipulated.  Kenn  v.  Stukely,  2  Bro.  P.  C.  396, ;  a  circum- 
stance which,  in  general,  has  not  any  weight  with  them.  Gibson  v.  Patterson,  1  Atk.  12.  If 
the  contract  be  fair  in  its  creation,  it  shall  not  be  aifected  by  a  subsequent  event,  which  has 
thrown  the  advantage  greatly,  or  wholly  on  one  side.  See  the  case  of  Cass  v.  Rudele,  2  Vern. 
280.  more  correctly  stated  in  1  Bro.  Ch.  R.  157.  City  of  London  v.  Richmond,  2  Vern.  423. 
Carter  v.  Carter,  Ca.  temp.  Talb.  271.  Mortimer  v.  Capper,  1  Bro.  Ch.  R.  156.  and  the  case 
there  referred  to  by  Lord  77/Mr/ot/;.  Adams  v.  Weare,  1  Bro.  Ch.  R.567.  Jackson  v.  Lever, 
3  Bro.  Ch.  R.  605.  where  contracts,  under  such  circumstances,  have  been  specifically  decreed. 
And  see  the  case  of  Nicols  v.  Gould,  2  Ves.  422.  Henley  v.  Acton,  2  Bro.  Ch.R.  17.  Baldwin 
V.  Boulter,  cited  in  1  Bro.  Ch.  11.156.  where  the  courts  have  refused  to  set  them  aside.] 
iJRamsbottom  v.  Parker,  6  Madd.  5.1J  [To  this  current  of  authorities  must  be  opposed  the 
dictum  of  the  Master  of  the  Rolls,  in  Stent  v.  Bailis,  2P.  V/ms.  220.  and  the  case  of  Pope  v. 
Roots,  7  Bro.  P.  C.  184.,  in  which  case  an  estate  was  sold  for  an  annuity,  but  the  vendor  dying 
before  any  payment  was  made ;  and  after  the  day  on  which  the  first  payment  was  to  have 
been  made,  the  contract  was  rescinded,  though  not  impeached  in  any  other  respect.  James  v. 
Owen,  E.  T.  1733,  cited  in  Fonbl.  Notes  on  Tr.  Eq.  c.  2,  §  11.,  appears  to  have  proceeded  on 
a  different  ground  :  the  plaintiff  had  agreed  to  present  the  defendant  to  the  Court  of  Alder- 
men, and  to  resign  the  place  of  printer  to  the  city  of  London  in  his  favour,  to  which  place 
certain  fees  and  profits  were  then  annexed,  but  which  the  Court  of  Aldermen  intimated  their 
intention  to  reduce ;  and  for  that  reason  the  defendant  refused  to  perform  his  agreement.  The 
court  thought,  that  the  object  of  the  agreement  being  the  then  profits,  which  were  not  purely 
contingent,  and  the  plaintiff  not  having  actually  surrendered,  the  performance  of  the  agree- 
ment ought  not  to  be  decreed.]    jjSee  Paine  v.  Mellor,  6  Ves.  349.    Revell  v.  Hussey,  2  Ball 

6  B.  287.||  [A  party  who  demands  a  specific  execution  of  an  agreement,  must  shew  that  he 
has  performed  all  that  was  to  be  done  on  his  part,  or  that  he  is  ready  to  do  so ;  "  for  if  he 
"  either  will  not,  or  through  his  own  negligence  cannot  perform  the  whole  on  his  side,  he  has 
"  no  title  in  equity  to  the  performance  of  the  other  party,  since  such  performance  could  not 
"  be  mutual."  Tr.  of  Eq.  c.  6.  ^  2.  But  it  must  be  observed,  that  though  a  plaintiff  has  not 
performed  what  was  required  on  his  part  within  the  time  stipulated,  he  is  yet  in  general  entitled 
to  a  specific  execution,  especially  if  the  non-performance  has  not  arisen  by  his  default.  Penn 
V.  Lord  Baltimore,  1  Ves.  450.  If  in  the  sale  of  an  estate,  it  be  stipulated  that  the  price  shall 
be  paid,  or  the  title  be  completed  by  a  certain  day,  which  elapses  without  either  being  done, 
still  the  contract  shall  be  enforced ;  for  the  general  rule  is,  not  to  consider  the  time  as  of  the 
essence  of  agreements.  Gibson  v.  Paterson,  1  Atk,  12.]  |lBut  this  doctrine  is  much  questioned, 
and  see  on  the  subject  Pincke  v,  Curtis,  4  Bro.  Ch.  R.  329.  Lloyd  v.  CoUett,  4  Bro.  Ch.  R. 
469.  Ormerod  v.  Hardman,  5  Ves.  736.  Seton  v.  Slade,  7  Ves.  265.  Hall  v.  Smith,  14  Ves. 
426.  Wynn  v.  Morgan,  7  Ves.  202.  Alley  v.  Deschamps,  13  Ves.  228.  Radcliffe  v.  Warring- 
ton, 12  Ves.  326.  1  Ball  &  B.  68.  Morgan  v.  Shaw,  2  Meriv.  140.  Levy  v.  Lindo,  3  Meriv. 
84.;  and  what  is  said  in  Hudson  v.  Bertram,  3  Madd.  R.  447.  Boehm  v.  Wood,  1  Jac.  &  W. 
419.  Morse  V.  Merest,  6  Madd.  26.  Doloret  v.  Rothschild,  1  Sim.  &  Stu.  590.  Coslake  v.  Till, 
1  Russell,  376.  Newman  v.  Rogers,  4  Bro.  Ch.  R.  391.  Lewis  v.  Lechmere,  10  Mod.  503.  ||[In 
the  case  of  non-completion  of  the  title  by  the  day  appointed,  if  the  vendee,  immediately  upon 
the  vendor's  failure  in  that  respect,  demand  a  return  of  the  deposit,  and  distinctly  refuse  to  go 
on  with  the  purchase,  the  court  will  not  compel  him ;  but  if  he  acquiesce  in  the  delay,  know- 
ing the  state  of  it,  or  do  not  sufficiently  declare  his  determination  not  to  proceed  in  the  pur- 
chase, he  will  not  be  allowed  to  resist  the  performance  afterwards  upon  that  ground.  Pincke, 
V.  Curtels,  4  Bro.  Ch.  R.  329.,  and  the  case  of  Ambrose  v.  Hodgson  therein  cited.  Vernon  v. 
Stephens,  2  P.  Wms.  66.  However,  in  either  case,  if  any  injury  would  accrue  to  the  other 
party  from  the  failure,  or  if  the  circumstances  which  occasioned  it  ate  likely  to  create  any 
embarrassment,  or  to  protract  the  final  completion  of  the  agreement  for  any  unreasonable 
time,  the  court  will  set  it  entirely  aside.  In  the  case  of  Mackreth  v.  Marlar,  at  the  Rolls, 
Juli/  10. 1786,  Sir  L.  Kent/on  decreed  a  contract  for  the  purchase  of  an  estate  to  be  delivered 




up,  the  purchaser  having  died  shortly  after  the  contract,  and  a  suit  having  been  instituted  for 
ail  account  of  assets,  which  was  then  dependinff.     The  purchaser  had  agreed  to  complete  his 
purcha-sc  on  or  before  the  50th  of  November  ;  he  died  on  the  12th  of  January  following,  and 
the  vendor  filed  this  bill  in  the  beginning  of  the  year  1785.     This  decree  was,  that  the  de- 
fendants, the  executors  of  tlie  purchaser,  should  deliver  up  the  contract  to  the  plaintiff  the 
vendor,  and  that  the  plaintiff  should  retain  his  costs  out  of  the  deposit.    2  P.  Wnis.  67.  note  1. 
Eijuity,  too,  distin;,'uiihes  between  those  cases,  where  the  one  party  having  performed  part  of 
the  a"reenient,  is  rendered  unable  to  perform  the  whole  by  some  subsequent  accident ;  and  yet, 
notwithstanding  the  part  performance,  is  in  statu  quo,  and  those  where  after  such  part  per- 
formance he  is  not  in  statu  quo,  and  in  the  latter  holds  him  entitled  to  a  performance  from  the 
other  party,  though  it  refuses  it  in  the  former.    To  this  distinction  must  be  referred  the  dif- 
ference of  decision  in  the  cases  of  Earl  of  Feversham  v.  Watson,  Rep.  temp.  Finch.  445. 
a  Frecm.  35.  S.  C.    Meredith  v.  Wynn,  Pr.  Ch.  312.    Gilb.  Ch.  242.  S.  C.    1  Eq.  Ca.  Abr.  70. 
1.  J  5.  S.  C.    Gilb.  Eq.  II.  170.  S.  C.    If  the  plaintiff  has  taken  all  necessary  steps  to  perform 
lis  part  of  the  agreement,  but  has  been  prevented  by  the  defendant,  his  endeavours  will  be 
considered  as  equivalent  to  perfomiance     Blackwell  v.  Nash,  1  Stra.  535.     Hotham  v.  East 
India  Company,  1  Term  R.  658.    Though  it  be  generally  said  that  contracts  are  entire,  and 
shall  be  perfonned  in  toto,  or  not  at  all,  yet  there  are  cases  in  which  the  courts  will  decree  a 
performance,  notwithstanding  a  partial  failure,  as  in  the  case  of  marriage  agreements,  in  favour 
of  a  wife  or  children,  where  there  has  been  a  failure  by  the  father's  or  mother's  relations  in 
the  part  they  had  engaged  to  perform.    Earl  of  Feversham  v.  Watson,  suprk.    Perkins  v. 
Lady  Thornton,  cited  in  Pyke  v.  Pyke,  1  Ves.  376.;  or  of  part  becoming  illegal  by  a  subse- 
quent statute.    Dr.  Bettcsworth  v.  Dean  and  Chapter  of  St.  Paul's,  Sel.  Ca.  Ch.  G6. ;  or  of 
E art  exceeding  the  power  of  the  contracting  party.    Pawsey  v.  Bowen,  1  Ch.  Ca.  2J.     Carap- 
ell  V.  Leach,  Ambl.  740.    So  in  the  case  of  a  sale  of  an  estate  by  lots,  though  the  vendor  can- 
not make  a  good  title  to  all  the  lots,  yet  the  court  will  oblige  the  purchaser  to  take  those  to 
which  a  good  title  can  be  made,  if  they  can  be  separated  from  the  others  without  being 
lessened  in  value.     Poole  v.  Shergold,  2  Bro.  Ch. R.  118.] 

2  Ch.  Ca.  17.  As  where  by  a  marriage  agreement  the  son's  intended  wife  was 

to  have  more  than  would  have  been  left  for  the  father  (though 

indebted),  his  wife  and  two  daughters  unpreferred,  the  Court 

would  not  decree  it ;  principally,  by  reason  of  the  extremity  of 

it,  but  left  the  party  to  his  remedy  at  law. 

Vera.  227.  So  where  A.  articled  for  the  purchase  of  B.^s  estate,  pretending 

V  ^'^b^k''"     ^^  bought  it  for  one  whom  B.  was  willing  to  oblige,  and  thereby 

of  Bucks"  ^      S^^  ^'  somewhat  cheaper,  when  in  truth  he  bought  it  for  an- 

[(a)  In  the         Other  (a),  equity  would  not  decree  an  execution  of  this  agreement. 

«T  °K^T''  Irnham  v.  Child,  1  Bro.  Ch.  R.  95.,  Lord  Thurlow  is  reported  to  have  said,  that 

^  he  should  be  very  sorry  to  lay  it  down,  that  a  man  treating  with  a  third  person  in  trust  for 

^  a  second,  whom  he  had  refused  to  deal  with,  could  therefore  set  the  contract  aside ;  that 

no  case  had  gone  so  far;  that  Phillips  v.  Duke  of  Bucks  was  upon  a  difference  of  price." 

But  in  the  case  of  Eyre  v.  Popham,  M.  14G.3.,  Lord  Bathurst  held,  that  an  acreement 

entered  mto  under  the  circumstances  stated  by  Lord  Thurlow,  was  not  that  fair  acreement 

which  ought  to  be  decreed  in  specie  by  a  court  of  equity.]     iJSee  Davis  v.  Symonds,^  1  Cox's 

Fellowes  v.  ||But  \i  A.  in  contracting  with  B.  falsely  represent  himself  as 

1  Sim  63 '*^'^'    *^^  '^^^"^  °^  P'  ^"^  thereby  obtains  better  terms,  the  court  will 

notwithstanding  enforce  the  contract,  unless  A.  knew  that  such 

would  be  the  effect  of  the  misrepresentation. 
Scott  V.  Han-        Where  a  piece  of  land  imperfectly  watered  was  described  in 
tee  Wetu™v"'  ^^^  Particular  as  uncommonly  rich  water  meadow,  it  was  held 
Stubbs,' '  ^*      ^^^^  ^^'^  ^'^^  "°t  such  a  misrepresentation  as  would  avoid  the      sale. 
Cadman  v.  Homer,  is  Ves.  lo. 

L^t'cr"'^'         .    ^^^^^  on  the  face  of  an  agreement  a  specific  sura  was  to 

3Att,*385.         ,    ^'^'^"  ^°^  timber;  but  it  was  shown  by  parol  testimony  that 

the  dcfeudants  were  iiiducetl  to  give  that  sum  by  a  representation 


(B)  What  good  in  Law,  and  specifically  enforced  in  Equity,       1S9 

that  it  had  been  valued  by  two  timber  merchants,  the  agreement 
was  not  enforced. 

So,  where  an  agi'eement  was  to  pay  so  much  rent,  but  it  ap-  Woollam  r 
peared  in  evidence  that  the  defendant  agreed  to  the  rent  on  the  Hearne, 
plaintiff's  false  representation  that  it  was  the  rent  he  paid,  a  spe- 
cific performance  was  refused. 

So,  where  the  defendant  had  executed  the  agreement  on  the  Clark  v. 
faith  of  a   parol   agreement  by  the  plaintiff  which  was  unper-  Grrant,  i4Ves. 
p  J  •  i^  n  n       1  *iy.  J  and  see 

lormed,  a  speciiic  pertormance  was  retused.  Beaumont  v. 

Dukes,  1  Jac.  422, 

And  a  party  obtaining  an  agreement  by  a  partial  misrepresent-  S^^'^J'^""^  ^* 
ation  is  not  entitled  to  a  specific  performance  on  waving  the  part  j  j^^  "&^w 
affected  by  the  misrepresentation.  112. 

Where  the  particulars  of  sale  state  it  to  be  without  reserve.   Meadows  v. 
and  puffers  are  employed  by  the  vendor,  a  specific  performance  ^"J"^*^'  „ 
will  not  be  decreed.  1|  ^    "^  • 

So,  where  A.  on  the  marriage  of  his  daughter  to  B.  covenanted  Bromley  and 
that  B.  should  have  his  lands  at  his  death  cheaper  than  any  Jefferies, 
other  person,  and  he  lived  twenty  years  after,  and  devised  to  B.  n^^^  Emerv  t 
1000/.  and  to  his  daughter,  ^.'s  wife,  500/.  and  he  devised  the  Wase,  sVes. ' 
lands  to  his  grandson ;  the  court  refused  to  decree  an  execution  846.  Brodie  v. 
of  the  agreement,   because  of  the  uncertainty  of  it,  and  it  not  ^tv^'"^?^'^ 
being  mutual ;  B.  not  being  bound  to  take  it  at  any  price.  ^^^  Lyndsay  v. 

Lynch,  2  Scho.  &  Lef.  7.|i 

An  agreement  for  a  purchase  being  obtained  by  an  attorney  2  Vern.  652. 
from  an  old  woman  of  ninety,  and  several  suspicious  circum-  ^^^  j  ^^^ 
stances  appearing,  the  court  would  neither  decree  it  to  be  car-  temp.  Talb. 
ried  into  execution  against  the  heir  at  law,  nor  to  be  delivered  2.56.  Savage  v. 
upon  a  cross  bill  exhibited  for  that  purpose ;  but  left  the  parties  Taylor,  S.  P. 
to  their  remedies  at  law. 

But  as  these  cases,  and  all  others  on  this  head,  depend  so  much  [The  Court 
upon  circumstances,  and  are  to  stand  or  fall  according  to  the  de-  will  not  com- 
grees  of  fraud  or  circumvention  attending  them,  and  proved  in  Pf  ^  P"*""   , 
the  cause,  or  by  what  appears  unreasonable  on  the  face  of  them ;  ^  title  which 
I  shall  only  observe,  that  a  court  of  equity  will  much  more  easily  is  at  all  doubt- 
be  prevailed  on  to  dismiss  a  bill  which  prays  a  specific  execution  ful ;  Shapiand 
of  an  unreasonable  agreement  (a),  than  set  aside  an  agreement,  nu  r^^c' 
though  not  strictly  fair  (b),  on  a  bill  for  that  purpose ;  for  this  Cooper  v. 
deprives  the  party  of  what  he  had  a   right   to  by   law ;  and  Denne,  4  Br. 
that  where  such  agreements  are  set  aside,  it  must  be  on  refund-  Ch.  R.  so.  nor 
ing  what  was  bona  fide  paid,  making  allowances  for  improve-  posg^vv^here  a^' 
ments,  Src.  (c)  party  has  for- 

borne to  insist  upon  an  agreement  for  several  years;  Scolefield  t.  Whitehead,  2  Vern.  127. 
Wingfield  v.  Wheley,  5  Vin.  Abr.  534.  pi.  58.  Powell  v.  Hankey,  2  P.  Wms.  Orby  v.  Trigg, 
9  Mod.  2.  IJMoore  v.  Blake,  1  Ball.  &  B.  62.||  unless  the  delay  can  be  accounted  for  by  special 
circumstances;  Eq.  Tr.  c.4.  §  27.  nor  in  case  of  a  written  agreement,  afterwards  discharged 
by  parol ;  Goman  v.  Salisbury,  1  Vern.  240.  Ld.  Milton  v.  Edgeworth,  6  Br.  P.  C.  580. 
Legal  V.  Miller,  2  Ves.  299.  nor  in  the  case  of  a  sale  by  auction,  where  an  accident  has  hap- 
pened to  cast  a  damp  upon  the  sale,  though  without  blame  imputable  to  any  one ;  as  where 
the  vendor's  agent,  known  to  be  such  to  the  company  pi-escnt,  bid  for  the  purchaser ;  Twining 
V.  Morrice,  2  Br.  Ch.  R.  326.  IJSmith  v.  Clarke,  12  Ves.  483.  Sed  vide  Meadows  v.  Tanner, 
5  Madd.  34. II  nor  if  the  agreement  be  to  do  a  thuig  which  would  tend  to  extortion,  or  pro- 


mote  inebriery ;  Mythwold  v.  VValbank,  2  Ves.  238.  ||See  Stone  v.  Liddcsdale,  2  Anstr.  533.\\ 
nor  if  damages  be  stipulated  ;  Woodward  v.  Gyles,  S  Vern.  119.  But  a  penalty  in  general  will 
not  Ite  allowc<l  to  release  parties  from  their  agreements ;  it  being  usually  designed  merely  as  a 
medium  for  securing  the  performance  of  the  contract.  Parks  v.  Wilson,  10  Mod.  517.  Chil- 
liner  v.  Chilliner,  2  Ves.  528.  Sloman  v.  Walter,  1  Bro.  Ch.  R.  418.  Howard  v.  Hopkyiis, 
8  Atk.  371.  nor  will  they  interpose,  if  the  agreement  be  founded  on  an  illegal  consideration, 
a<  that  of  stifling  a  prosecution  for  felony,  or  for  fraud,  3  P.  Wms.  279.  Keen  v.  Stukely, 
Ciib.  Eq.  R.  153.  Hanger  v.  Eyles,  2  fiq.  Ca.  Abr.  20.  p.  16.  Hickes  v.  Phillips,  Pr.  Ch. 
575.  (a)  See  ace.  Savage  v.  Taylor,  Ca.  temp.  Talb.  236.  Young  v.  Clark,  Pr.  Ch.  538. 
Vaughaa  v.  Thoinas,  1  Bro.  Ch.  R.  556.  Davis  v.  Symonds,  Scac.  1787.  (6)  Solemn  con- 
Tcyaiices,  releases,  and  agreements  by  parties,  are  not  slightly  to  be  blown  off  and  set  aside, 
per  Ld.  MaccUxJUU,  Cann  v.  Cann,  1  P.  Wms.  227.  ||See  Stockley  v.  Stockley,  1  Ves.  &  B. 
31. II  Equity  therefore  will  not  avoid  a  reatonable  andjfair  agreement^  though  founded  on  mis- 
take, i-rank  v.  Frank,  1  Ch.  Ca.  84.  Stapleton  v.  Stapleton,  1  Atk.  10.  or  though  the  party 
were  intoxicated,  jjsce  Cragg  v.  Holm,  18,  Ves.  14.||  or  in  prison,  at  the  time  he  entered  into 
it,  or  some  paternal  authority  were  exerted,  and  some  benefit  accrue  to  the  father  under  it. 
Cory  V.  Cory,  1  Ves.  19.  Hinton  t.  Hinton,  1  Ves.  632.  Kincliant  v.  Kinchant,  1  Bro.  Ch. 
R.  SCO.  ||See  Poth.  torn.  1.17.  Brown  v  Carter,  5  Ves.  576.  Hawes  v.  Wyatt,  2  Cox,  263- 
3  Bro.  C.  C.  156.  Wycherley  v.  Wycherley,  2  Eden,  180.||  It  will  not  decree  a  forfeiture 
after  an  agreement,  in  which,  if  there  were  a  mistake,  it  was  the  mistake  of  all  the  parties  to 
iu  PuUen  v.  Ready,  2  Atk.  592,  Maiden  v.  Merril,  2  Atk.  8.  (c)  Savage  v.  Taylor,  Ca. 
temp.  Talb.  236.  For  cases  of  Fraud,  vide  infra,  tit.  Fraud  (B).]  JlAnd  see  Bowes  v.  Heaps, 
3  Ves.  &  B.  117.    Dalbiac  v.  Dalbiac,  16  Ves.  U6.|j 

2.  Of  voluntary  Agreements. 

3  Co.  81.  b.  As  men  have  a  right  to  their  acquisitions,  so  may  they  dispose 

*.-    i^^   ,,"2'  of  them  at  their  pleasure,  and  without  valuable  consideration: 

443.    Uy.  33b.    ,  .„  *  '  ,        ,  .  1.1 

b.  2  Bulstr.  but  11  a  man  promises  to  convey  lands,  or  to  give  goods,  without 
225.  valuable  consideration,  or  without  delivering  possession  of  them, 

t(a)  Though  this  alters  no  property,  nor  has  the  party  any  remedy  in  law  or 
^wedThis  ^'  ^^"^ty>  ^^  being  nudum  pactum  unde  non  oritur  actio,  (a) 
maxim  from  the  civil  law,  yet  we  do  not  agree  with  the  civilians  in  their  definition  of  what 
constitutes  a  nudum  pactum,  the  want  of  consideration  not  being  regarded  by  them.  In  their 
law,  "  Nuda  convenlio  est,  qucB  in  nudis  placiti  et  conventionis  finibus  stat,  nee  certuvi  novien 
"  habetu,  nee  uUam  obligaTuJi  causam  prceter  eonventionevu"  D.  1.  7.  §  1.  2.  and  4.  de  Pact.  1.  27. 
Vinnius,  in  his  Commentary  on  the  Institutes,  p.  578.  explains  some  of  the  terms  of  this 
definition.  **  Dtto  tunt  conventionum  genera  ;  unum  eorum,  ques  spedale  nomen  habent,  ex  quo 
"  genere  sunt  cmplio-venditio,  locatio-conductio,  societas,  mandatum,  depositum,  commodatum, 
•»  pignut,  et  similet  contractus,  qui,  quod  certum  novien  habent,  dicuntur  contractus  nominati,  et 
"  oUigniionem  actionemque  producunt,  non  utique  propter  nomen,  quod  extriiisecum  quid  est  atq: 
**  accidcns  ;  sed  propter  utUitatem  commercii,  cujus  indicium  est,  quod  certo  ac  proprio  nomine 
**  appellantur;  vel  potius  quia  hee  conventiones  ob  frequentiorem  mum  talem  accepere  vim  ac 
"  naiuram,  qiuB  etiamsi  nihil  specialiter  dictum  sit,  ex  ipso  nomine  satis  intelligatur.  Grot.  L.  2. 
*  de  Jure  Bell,  et  Pac.  12.  n.  3.  Alterum  genus  est  earum  conventionum,  qua:  nomine  quidem  pro- 
*♦  prio  carent,  sed  quibus  prceter  consensum  subest  causa,  ut  hoc  exprimit  jurisconsidtus.  D.  1.  7. 
**  §  2.  Et  hcB  quoque  cimventioncs  ob/igationem  et  actionem  pariunt.  Causam  definio  dationem 
«•  vel  factum  certd  lege,  puta,  si  quid  ttbi  dedi  aut  feci  eu  lege,  ut  vicissim  niihi  aliquid  dares  aid 
*'  facercs."  See  further  Fonbi.  Notes  on  Eq.  Tr,  p.  326.  A  mere  agreement  by  a  creditor  to 
take  a  less  sum  than  that  which  is  owing  to  him,  is  nudum  pactum.  Heathcote  v.  Crookshanks, 
a  Term  R.  24.;  ||see  tit.  Accord  and  Satisfaction.^^  As  to  the  nudum  pactum,  see  Elsee  v. 
Gatward,  5  Term  R.  143.  A  consideration  executed  will  not  support  a  subsequent  promise, 
unless  the  act  were  done  at  the  request  of  the  party  promising.  Dy.  272.  Lampleigh  v. 
Braithwaite,  Hob.  105.  Hayes  v.  Warren,  2  Barnard.  141 .  Robertson  v,  St.  John,  2  Bro.  Ch. 
R.  140.  or  unless  the  party  promising  were  under  a  moral  obligation  to  do  the  act  himself, 
or  to  procure  it  to  be  done.  Church  v.  Church,  cited  in  Hunt  v.  Wotton,  Sir  T.  Raym.  259. 
Turner  v.  Watson,  Bull.  Nisi  Prius,  147.  (4th  edit.)  Trueman  v.  Fenton,  Cowp.  544.  An 
agreement  to  settle  boundanes,  though  nothing  valuable  is  given,  implies  sufficient  consider- 
auon  extending  to  both  parties,  who  have  an  interest  in  shunning  contention.  Penn  v.  Lord 
Baltimore,  1  Ves.  444.] 


(B)  What  good  in  Law,  aiid  specifically  enforced  in  Equity.       141 

But  if  it  be  done  by  deed  duly  executed,  under  seal,  this  is  pi,  308  309. 
good  in  law,  though  there  be  no  consideration,  or  no  delivery  Yelv.  196. 
of  possession  ;  because  a  man  is  estopped  to  deny  his  own  deed,  Cro.  Jac.  270. 
or  affirm  any  thing  contrary  to  the  manifest  solemnity  of  con-  li'J^^^"  A,V* 
trading,  {a)  2  Black.  Com. 

446.  [A  consideration  is  by  our  law  necessary,  though  the  agreement  be  evidenced  by  writings 
unless  the  writing,  as  in  the  text,  from  its  being  of  the  highest  solemnity,  import  a  consider- 
ation, or  'inless  it  be  negotiable  at  law,  and  the  interests  of  third  persons  be  involved  in  its 
efficacy ;  for  in  this  latter  case  as  between  the  original  parties,  the  want  of  consideration  may 
be  averred,  and  will  bar  the  plaintiff  from  recovering.  Pearson  v.  Garnett,  4  Mod.  242. 
JefFeries  v.  Austin,  1  Stra.  674.  Gilb.  Lex  Praetoria,  388,  289.  Fonbl.  Notes  on  Eq.  Tr.  535. 
j|And  so  also  between  third  parties,  if  it  appear  that  the  holder  gave  no  consideration  for  the 
instrument.  Rees  v.  Headfort,  2  Camp.  574.  Reynolds  v.  Chettle,  ibid.  596.  Patterson 
V.  Hardacre,  4  Taunt.  1 14.  Delauney  v.  Mitchell,  1  Stark.  439.||  (a)  Though  the  agreement 
bfijinder  seal,  yet  if  there  be  no  considqratJPOj.  .equity  will  not  agree  specifically ;  for  as  in 
suchcase*TR5minal  damages  only^ould  be  recovered  at  law,  equity,  which  follows  the  law, 
will  not  give  more' suT)stantial  relief.  iVes.  450.  1  Atk.  10.  Fursaker  v.  Robinson,  1  Eq.  Ca. 
Abr.  123.    Pr.  Ch.  475.  8,  C.   Gilb.  Eq.  Rep.  479.  S.  C   Tudor  v.  Anson,  2  Ves.  582.] 

II  Notwithstanding   the   case   oi  Fur saJcer  \.  Robinson,   suprh,  Randall  v. 
and  the  dictum  of  Lord  Northington  in   Wycherly  v.  Wycherly,  Randall,  Prec. 
2  Eden,  177,  that  he  did  not  recollect  a  precedent  of  specific  per-  in  Ch.  464. 
formance  of  a  voluntary  agreement,  tliere  are  precedents  both  ^^^'v  y  .  "^' 
ways.  427,  Husband 

V.  Pollard,  2  P.  Will.  467.  Wiseman  v.  Roper,  1  Ch.  Ca.  84.  Frank  v.  Frank,  Ibid.  Pea- 
cock v.  Monk.  1  Ves.  135.  Underwood  v.  Hitchcox,  1  Ves.  280.  Griffin  v.  Hanson,  4  Ves. 

In  some  cases  the  court  has  held  that  it  has  a  discretionary  Prec.Chan.7S. 

It  seems  to  be  now  settled  that  the  court  will  not  interfere  Morrice  v. 
against  volunteers,  unless  in  case  of  fraud  ;  noYfoi'  them,  by  en-  f  Y|^"f  qi' 
forcing  the  specific  performance  of  a  mere  voluntary  agreement.     Stapeiton  v. 
Stapelton,  1  Atk.  10.;  and  see  3  Atk.  399.    18  Ves.  149.    Matthews  v.  Lee,  1  Madd.  R.  565. 
Crosbie  v.  M'Doual,  15  Ves,  148. 

Unless,  indeed,  in  those  cases  where  a  specific  performance  of  Goring  v. 
marriage  articles  has  been  decreed  in  favour  of  collaterals,  as   wfo     q  „  '  j 
being  within  the  consideration  of  marriage.  &  Strode  ° 

3  P.  Wms.  245.     Edwards  v.  Warwick,  Ibid.  175. 

And  this  cannot  be  done  against  a  purchaser  subsequent  to  Sutton  v. 
the  articles  or  setdement.  Pa^ ^-^"1*. 

5  Meriv.  249. 

And  a  voluntary  covenant  in  a  marriage  settlement  in  favour  Johnson  v. 
of  a  stranger,  clearly  cannot  be  enforced  at  law  or  in  equity.  I:'^]?.^'^''' 

If,  however,  a  voluntary  deed  is  sufficient  to  pass  the  subject  Colman  v. 

out  of  the  conveyor,  it  will  be  specifically  enforced  in  equity  as  p  p  '  ^  ^""^ 

a  trust  executed,  and  not  resting  in  contract,  as  where  stock  is  j  *yg^  ■'    '^^ 

actually  transferred,  or  lands  conveyed  to  a  trustee,  the  court  Ellison  v.  El- * 

will  execute  the  agreement  as  against  the  trustee  and  author  of  lison,  6  Ves. 

the  trust.l|    Ir,  f,f.v  /'    >    6    i,    /<  hi  ■  -    ■  /»      /  i.  ^r  >     ,.  Jf^'  Griffin  v. 
II     ar(^  r.^-'^r /j'l    /f    V    Id:!'-      .'  <  I      Cjk.U'      XYisfan8on,4Ves. 

356.    Pulvertoft  V.  Pulvertoft,  1  ^  V es.  99.    Lechmere  v.  Carlisle,  3  P.  Will.  222.    Smith  v. 

French,  2  Atk.  24.5.     Antrobus  v.  Smith,  12  Ves.  46.;  and  see  Willan  v.  Willan,  16  Ves.  82, 

Bayley  v.  Tyrrell,  2  Ball  &  B.  363. 

So  in  equity,  voluntary  conveyances  are  good  against  the  par-  Vem.  loo. 
ties,  and  cannot  be  revoked;  nor  will  the  court  interpose  in  1^2. 42'a456. 


1V2  agreemp:nts. 

464.  1  Ch-  R.  behalf  of  one  volunteer  against  another ;  but  if  they  affect  cre- 
173.  sCh.  R.  jitoj-s  purchasers,  or  younger  children,  the  court  will  set  them 
•132.     NV  ornill       •  i        *^  »        ^         o 

v.Jac"b,  «Slile.  ,„      ., 

.•5  Meriv.  271.11    For  cases  where  voluntary  deeds  and  settlements  are  held  void  as  against  cre- 
ditors, &c.  see  tit.  Fraud. 
2  Vent.  365.  If  there  be  a  defective  conveyance,  without  an  equitable  con- 

1  Vern.37.  sideration,  a  court  of  equity  will  not  oblige  the  party  to  make 
1 0^11.^147.     ^t  good,  though  there  be  a  covenant  for  further  assurances ;  as 

2  Krcem.  65.  if  a  man  makes  a  feoffment  to  a  stranger,  without  livery,  the 
[(a)  Equity  will  feoffor,  or  his  heir,  shall  not  be  obliged  to  make  good  that  feoff- 

not  supply  the  ^lent,  but  it  shall  be  construed  in  equity  to  be  an  estate  at  will, 
want  Ota  sur-  -^  •         i         /    \ 

render  of  a        as  it  IS  at  law.  (a) 

cojjyhold  in  favour  of  a  bastard  daughter  against  the  heir  of  her  father,  though  the  father  had 
covenanted  to  convey  it,  and  make  further  assurances ;  for  the  daughter  is,  in  consideration  of 
law,  a  mere  stranger,  nuUiusJilia,  and  the  conveyance  is  merely  voluntary.  Fursaker  v.  Robin- 
son, lEq.  Ca.Abr.  123.] 

Abr.  Eq.  24.5.  If  an  annuity  is  granted  by  one  to  his  housekeeper,  with  a 
pi.  7. 93.  p.  bond  for  payment  of  it,  and  the  bond  is  lost,  equity  will  decree 
11  nf"r^  payment  of  the  annuity ;  for  service  is  a  consideration,  and  no 
the  payment  turpis  contractJis  shall  be  presumed,  unless  proved,  {b) 
of  a  bond  given  to  an  innocent  woman  whom  the  obligor  hath  seduced,  for  it  is  pnBmium  pu- 
doris.     Marchioness  of  Annandale  v.  Harris,  2  P.  Wms.  432.    Eq.  Cas.  Abr.  87.  p.  6.  S,  C. 

3  Bro.  P.  C.  445.  S.  C.  Cray  v.  Rooke,  Ca.  temp.  Talb.  153.  S.  P.  And  a  bond  of  this  kind 
hath  been  holden  good  at  law.  Turner  v.  Vaughan.  2  Wils.  339.  So  where  a  provision  has 
been  made  for  her  by  an  ineffectual  conveyance,  it  will  interpose  in  her  behalf  both  against  the 
grantor  himself  and  his  repreientative.  Ord  v.  Blackett,  cited  in  2  P.  Wms.  435.,  and  Carew 
y.  Stafford,  Ibid.  See  the  last  case  in  Ambl.  520.  by  the  name  of  Gary  v.  Stafford.  Nor  will 
it  relieve  against  a  bond  given  even  to  a  common  prostitute,  if  there  be  no  fraud  in  the  case, 
though  the  application  be  made  by  the  representative  of  the  obligor.  Hill  v.  Spencer,  Ambl. 
641, ;  a  circumstance  which  hath  been  formerly  thought  to  strengthen  the  ground  for  relief. 
Matthew  v.  Hanbury,  2  Vern.  187.  Alitor  where  there  is  fraud,  as  where  the  plaintiff  claims  it 
as  prcEmium  pudicilia,  and  she  is  found  to  have  been  a  prostitute  prior  to  the  time  of  her 
having  been  connected  with  the  party  giving  it.  Clark  v.  Periam,  2  Atk.  333.  But  bonds  of 
this  kind  entered  into  ex  turpi  causa  are  void ;  as  where  a  woman,  knowing  a  man  to  be  mar- 
ried, submits  to  his  temptation.  Priest  v.  Parrot,  2Ves.  160.;  or  where  a  woman  having 
ignorantly  married  a  man  who  had  another  wife  alive,  upon  coming  afterwards  to  the  know- 
ledge of  his  situation,  continues  to  live  with  him.  Lady  Cox's  case,  3  P.  Wms.  339.  So 
where  the  condition  of  the  bond  was  that  the  parties  should  live  together  in  a  state  of  forni- 
cation. Walker  V.Perkins,  Administrator,  3  Burr.  1568.  1  Black.  R.  517.  S.C]  put  not- 
withstanding the  case  of  Priest  v.  Parrot,  it  is  decided  that  a  bond  given  by  a  married  man  to 
_a  woman  who  had  cohabited  with  him  knowing  him  to  be  married,  on  the  cessation  of 
intercourse  may  be  enforced  at  law.  Nye  v.  Moseley,  6  Barn.  &  Cres.  133.,  and  see  S.  C.  mm. 
Knye  v.  Moor,  2  Sim.  &  Stu.  260.|1 

2Ven7'6?r^'       ^^^^"^'^y  ^i^^  "ot  carry  a  merely  voluntary  covenant  beyond  the 

letter  of  it. 
[(c)  This  rule  In  decreeing  the  execution  of  agreements,  it  regards  the. intent 
inlhvour  of^  ^^  the  parties,  and  does  not  confine  itself  to  the  strictly  legal 
issue  male  by  operation  of  the  words.  Where,  therefore,  marriage  articles, 
many  cases ;  literally  taken,  would  give  the  husband  or  wife  an  estate  tail,  it 
first,  where  decrees  a  strict  settlement ;  for  otherwise  the  provisions  for  the 
cle7t^!^in  '^^"^  (^)'  ^^^  ^'^j^^^  ^f  ^^^  settlement,  might  be  defeated,  (rf)] 
Jones  V.  Laughton,  1  Eq.  Ca.  Abr.  392.  pi.  2.  Nandick  v.  Wilkes,  1  Eq.  Ca.  Abr.  393.  pi.  5. 
Cusack  v.  Cusack,  1  Bro.  P.  C.  470.  Trevor  v.  Trevor,  l  P.  Wms.  622.  Dodd  v.  Dodd,  Ambl. 
274.  Robmson  v.  Hardcastle,  sTerm  R.252.  So  where  there  are  articles  before  marriage, 
and  a  settlement  IS  made  after  marriage  in  the  words  of  the  articles,  as  in  Streatfield  v.  Streat- 
field,  Ca.  temp.  Talb.  176. ;  or  where  there  are  both  articles  and  settlement  before  marriage, 





(B)  What  good  in  Law,  and  specifically  enforced  i?i  Equity.        143 

and  the  settlement  is  made  in  pursuance  of  the  articles,  as  in  Honor  v.  Honor,  1  P.  Wms.  125. 
Roberts  v.Kingsley.  1  Vcs.  258.  But  otherwise,  where  the  settlement  made  before  marriage  is 
not  in  pursuance  of  the  articles;  for  then  the  parties  will  be  presumed  to  have  come  to  a  new 
agreement.  Legg  v.  Goldwire,  cited  in  Ca.  temp.Talb.  20.  Partyn  v.  Roberts,  Ambl.515. 
And  the  same  equity  arises  to  the  issue  female.  Barton  v.  Hastings,  Gilb.  Eq.  R.  113.  West 
V.  Erissey,  2  P.  Wms.  349.,  and  Hart  v.  Middlehurst,  5  Atk.  371.  But  this  must  be  under- 
stood where  the  articles  make  no  other  provision  for  them.  Powell  v.  Price,  2  P.  Wms.  535. 
{d)  But  where  this  mischief  does  not  occur,  or  where  the  intention  of  the  parties  to  create  an 
estate  of  inheritance  is  not  sufficiently  explicit,  it  seems  the  rule  is  not  applicable.  Chambers 
v.  Chambers,  Mos.  333.  Green  v.  Eakins,  2  Atk.  476,  Partyn  v.  Roberts,  Ambl.  315.  Cordwell 
V.  Mackrill,  Ambl.  515.   Highway  v.  Banner,  1  Bro.  Ch.  R.  584. 

In  contracts  proper  for  a  specific  performance,  equity  considers  Money  cove- 
them  often  as  actually  performed  {a)  from  the  time  they  are  entered  nanted  to  be 
into.     Money  covenanted  to  be  laid  out  in  land,  it  considers  as  '^id  out  in 
land;  and  land  articled  to  be  sold,  it  treats  as  money;  and  in-  ^^"'j'  "'''Is^ 
vests  each  with  the  qualities  of  the  other.  a,,,!  pot  the 

executor.    Chaplin  v.  Homer,  1  P.  Wms.  483.     Scudamore  v.  Scudamore,  Pr.  Ch.  540.    Ed- 
wards V.  Lady  Warwick,  2  P.  Wms.  171.     Lechmere  v.  Earl  of  Carlisle,  3  P.  Wms.  221.]    [jSee 
Thornton  v.  Hawley,  10  Ves.  219.|1     [Settled  on  the  wife  of  a  freeman  of  London  in  heu  of 
dower,  will  not  bar  her  of  her  customary  part.     Babington  v.  Greenwood,  1  P.  Wms.  530.    It 
will  not  be  personal  assets.    Earl  of  Pembroke  v.  Bowden,  3  Ch.  R.  115.     2  Vern.  52.  S.C. 
Lawrence  v.  Beverley,  2  Keb.  84 ) .  cited  also  in  1  Vern.  47 1 .    It  shall  be  subject  to  the  curtesy 
of  the  husband.   Sweetapple  v,  Bindon,  2  Vern.  536.     Otway  v.  Hudson,  2  Vern.  583.     Cun- 
ningham V.  Moody,  1  Ves.  176.;  but  not  to  the  dower  of  the  wife,  because  she  is  not  dowable 
of  an  equitable  estate.    It  shall  pass  as  land  by  a  will,  under  sweeping  words,  if  at  the  time  of 
making  the  will  the  testator  has  an  equitable  estate  therein.  Davie  v.Beardsham,  1  Ch.Ca.  39. 
Prideaux  v.  Gibben,  2  Ch.  Ca.  144.     Milner  v.  Mills,  Mos.  123.    AUeyn  v.  Alleyn,  Mos.  262. 
Greenhill  v.  Greenhill,  2  Vern.  679.  Pr.  Ch.  320.  S.  C.   Shorer  v.  Shorer,  10  Mod.  39.  Lingen 
V.  Sowray,  1  P.  Wms.  172.   Pr.  Ch.  400.  S.  C.     Langford  v.  Pitt,  2  P.  VVms.  629.     Guidot  v. 
Guidot,  3  Atk.  254.    Potter  v.  Potter,   1  Ves.  437.    Gibson  v.  Lord  Montfort,  1  Ves.  494, 
And  it  will  not  pass  as  money  under  a  general  bequest  to  a  legatee,  unless  described  as  so  much 
money  agreed  to  be  laid  out  in  land.    Cross  v.  Addenbroke,  and  Fulham  v.  Jones,  cited  in  a 
note  5  P.  Wms.  221.]     [[See  Biddulph  v.  Biddulph,  12  Ves.  16I.H   [Where  a  recovery  would  be 
necessary  to  give  a  person  the  absolute  interest  in  it,  if  land,  a  fine  will  not  be  sufficient. 
Colwell  v.  Shadwell,  cited  in   1  P.  Wms.  471.  485.    Edwards  v.  Countess  of  Warwick,  2  P. 
Wms.  171.    Collet  V.  Collet,  5  Atk.  11,    TrafFord  v.  Boehm,  3  Atk.447.    Carter  v.  Carter, 
Ca.  temp.  Talb.  272.]    USee  7  G.  4.  c.  45.  §  1,  2.  empowering  a  court  of  equity,  where  money 
is  directed  to  be  invested  in  land,  to  be  settled  in  such  manner  that  the  first  tenant  in  tail 
might  bar  the  estates  tail  and  remainders,  to  order  the  money  to  be  paid  to  the  tenant  in  tail; 
and  6  Ves.  116. 156.     8  Ves.  609.    9  Ves.  462.     1  Jac.  234.1|     [But  equity  will   not  consider 
money  as  land,  unless  the  covenant  or  direction  to  lay  it  out  in  land  be  express.     Symons  v. 
Rutter,  2  Vern.  227.     Curling  v.  May,  cited  in  3  Atk.  255.]     iJSee  Pearson  v.  Lane,  17  Ves. 
104.11    [And  money  thus  circumstanced  shall  be  deemed  as  part  of  the  personal  estate  of  one 
who  might  have  aliened  it,  there  being  no  other  use  but  to  himself.    Chichester  v.  BickerstafF, 
2  Vern.  295.    Pulteney  v.  Earl  of  Darlington,  1  Bro.  Ch.  R.  236.     Wade  v.  Pagett,  1  Bro.  Ch. 
R.  368. ;  but  see  Lechmere  v.  Earl  of  Carlisle,  5  P.  Wms.  220.     Ca.  temp.  Talb.  90.  S.  C — 
Where  land  is  agreed  or  directed  to  be  gold,  it  seems  the  creditors  of  the  bargainor  may  compel 
the  heir  to  convey  the  land.     Best  v.  Stamford,  1  Salk.  154.     (c)  Therefore  the  personal 
estate  of  a  man,  who,  in  consideration  of  marriage  with  an  orphan  of  a  citizen  of  London, 
had    covenanted    to   take   up    his    freedom    of   the    city,  was   divided   according  to   the 
custom,  though  the  covenant  was  not  performed.    Frederick  v.  Frederick,  1  P.  Wms.  710. 
iBro.P.C.  7.] 

3.  Of  the  Manner  in  iiohich  they  are  to  he  performed. 

If  an  agreement  be  to  quit  the  possession  of  lands,  the  court  Qerrard  v. 
will  not  decree  a  conveyance  of  the  lands  themselves  ;  but  if  the  Vaux,  Vern. 
agreement  was  to  convey  the  lands,  it  is  said  that  the  court  would  121.    How 
have  decreed  the  agreement,  though  the  party  was  not  apprized  agrfements 
what  estate  he  hadlr.  the  lands.  Z'j^ZZ- 

cuted  at  law,  vide  heads  of  Assumpsit  and  Covenant, 




If  one  is  bound  to  transfer  300/.  East-India  stock  before  such 
a  time,  which  he  neglects  to  do,  and  the  stock  is  much  risen,  he 
shall  be  obliged  to  transfer  the  stock  in  specie,  and  account  for 
all  dividends  from  the  time  that  it  ought  to  have  been  trans- 

sure  of  damages  at  law  for  not  transferring  stock,  see  Shepherd  v.  Johnson,  2  East,  211. 

M'Arthur  v.  Lord  Seaforth,  2  Taunt.  257.     Harrison  v.  Harrison,  1  Car.  &  P.  412.j| 

If  a  creditor  agrees  with  his  debtor  to  take  less  than  his  debt, 
so  that  it  be  paid  precisely  at  such  a  day,  and  the  debtor  fails  of 
payment,  he  cannot  be  relieved,  for  cujics  est  dare,  ejus  est  dis- 
lieve  in  such  case,  if  the  security  be  bettered.     1  Ch.  Ca.  110.]     HSee  ante,  Accord  and  Satis- 

If  money  be  lent  on  a  mortgage,  at  5  per  cent,  and  the  mort- 
gagor covenants  io  pay  6  per  cent,  if  he  make  default  for  the 
space  of  sixty  days  after  the  time  of  payment ;  if  he  makes  de- 
fault, the  court  will  not  relieve,  this  being  the  agreement  of  the 
parties,  [a) 
Wyse,  2  Vern.  289.,  and  in  Shode  y.  Parker,  2  Vem.3I6.,  the  interest  was  reserved  at  6l.  per. 
cent,  with  an  agreement  to  accept  5l.  per  cent,  if  duly  paid ;  a  statement  doubtless  correct,  as 
it  reconciles  the  case  to  the  other  decisions  upon  this  point,  which  at  present  it  clashes  with. 
See  Jury  V.  Cox,  Pr.  Ch.  160.  Walmsley  v.  Booth,  Barnard.  Ch.  R.  481.  Nichols  v.  May- 
nard,  3  Atk.  519.    5  Burr.  1374.]     USeejaoii.  tit.  Mortgage}^ 

If  a  lessee  for  a  long  term  of  years  covenants  to  lay  out  200/. 
upon  the  premises  within  the  first  ten  years,  and  lays  out  but 
30/.  and  after  the  expiration  of  thirty  years  of  the  lease,  the 
lessor  brings  an  action  o^  covenant,  and  recovers  150/.  damages, 
equity  will  neither  relieve  against  the  damage,  nor  decree  the 
money  to  be  now  laid  out  in  the  improvements ;  for  though  the 
damages  seem  excessive,  yet  the  jury  were  proper  judges ;  and 
to  degree  it  to  be  laid  out  now  the  lease  is  almost  expired,  is  not 
proper ;  for  it  is  probable  the  lessee  would  not  be  so  careful  in 
laying  it  out  in  lasting  improvements,  as  he  would  have  been  if 
laid  out  at  first. 

II  If  a  regular  corporate  resolution  has  been  passed,  and  upon 
Queenbo-°"°    ^^^  ^^^^^  *^^  ^^'  expenditure  has  been  incurred,  the  court  will 
rough,  1  Sim.     compel  the  corporation  to  make  a  legal  grant  in  pursuance  of  the 
resolution,  though  not  under  the  corporation  seal. 

Where  there  is  a  contract  to  sell  at  a  valuation,  by  A.,  B.,  and 
C,  the  court  will  compel  the  vendor  to  permit  the  valuation. 

Where  the  vendor  of  an  estate  having  lost  his  title-deeds, 
agreed  to  give  real  security  for  the  title,  the  court  held  that  per- 
sonal security  was  not  sufficient,  and  that  he  must  purchase  real 
estate  for  the  purpose. 

If  a  person  possessed  of  a  term,  contracts  to  sell  the  fee,  he 
rSwans't.  54.;  *^^""ot  compel  the  purchaser  to  take,  but  the  purchaser  can  com- 
andseeioVes.  pel  him  to  convey  the  term,  and  the  court  will  arrange  the 
316.  equities  between  the  parties. 

Ormond  v.  Equity  has  the  power  to  compel  the  specific  performance  of  a 

Anderson,         complete  contract,  but  cannot  add  any  term  not  agreed  on.]! 
2  Ball  &  B  569. ;  and  see  Id.  28«. 

(C)  Of 

Gardner  v. 
PuUen,  2  Vern. 
394.   Vide 
xupr^CB),  1. 
note  c.  II And 
as  to  the  mea- 

Vern.  210. 
[Ambl.  332. 
But  qu.  whe- 
ther equity 
will  not  re- 

2  Vern.  134. 
Halifax  v. 
[(a)  As  this 
case  is  stated  in 
Lady  Holies  v. 

Vern.  31 6. 
Barker  v. 
Holder,  1  Eq. 
Ca.  Abr.28. 
pi.  5.  S.  C. 

Marshall  v. 

&  Stu. 520 

Morse  V. 


6  Madd.  26. 

Walker  v. 


3  Madd.  247. 

Wood  V. 

(C)  Agreements  withiJi  the  Statute  of  Frauds.  145 

(C)  Of  Parol  Agreements,  or  such  as  may  be  said  to  be 
within  the  Statute  of  Frauds  and  Perjuries, 

II 1.  Of  the  Firsts  Second^  and  Third  Sections  of  that  Statute.^ 

T^HE  common  law  required  no  other  solemnity  in  passing  lands  ^o.  Lit.  48. 

or  tenements,  but  that  of  livery  and  seisin,  which  being  a  e'|o  q'n'  /-i, 
translation  of  the  feud  coram  paribus  curtis^  and  testified  by  them,  j^qiJ^  Abr.  7. 
was  held  an  act  of  sufficient  notoriety  to  direct  the  lord  of  whom 
to  demand  his  service,  and  strangers  against  whom  to  commence 
their  actions ;  but  now, 

By  the  29  Car.  2.  c.  3.  §  1.  it  is  enacted,  "  That  all  leases,  29  Car  2.  c.5. 
"  estates,  interests  of  freehold,  or  terms  of  years,  or  any  uncer-  §  ^' 
"  tain  interest  of,  in,  or  out  of  any  messuages,  manors,  lands, 
*'  tenements  or  hereditaments,  made  or  created  by  livery  and 
"  seisin  only,  or  by  parol,  and  not  put  in  writing,  and  signed 
*'  by  the  parties  so  making  or  creating  the  same,  or  their  agents 
"  thereunto  lawfully  authorized  by  writing,  shall  have  the  force 
"  and  effect  of  leases  or  estates  at  will  only,  and  shall  not,  either 
"  in  law  Qr  equity,  be  deemed  or  taken  to  have  any  other  or 
*'  greater  force  or  effect ;  any  consideration  for  making  any  such 
**  parol  leases  or  estates,  or  any  former  usage  to  the  contrary 
"  notwithstanding. 

"  Except  leases  not  exceeding  the  term  of  three  years  from         §  -• 
"  the  making  thereof,  whereupon  the  rent  reserved  to  the  land- 
"  lord,  during  such  term,  shall  amount  unto  two  third  parts  at 
"  the  least,  of  the  full  improved  value  of  the  thing  demised." 

Also  it  is  enacted,    "  That  no   leases,   estates   or  interest,  5  '• 

*'  either  of  freehold  or  terms  of  years,  or  any  uncertain  interest, 
**  not  being  copyhold  or  customary  interest  of,  in,  to  or  out  of 
*'  any  messuages,  manors,  lands,  tenements  or  hereditaments, 
"  shall  be  assigned,  granted  or  surrendered,  unless  it  be  by 
**  deed  or  note  in  writing,  signed  by  the  party  so  assigning, 
"  granting  or  surrendering  the  same,  or  their  agents  thereunto 
*'  lawfully  authorized  by  writing,  or  by  act  or  operation  of  law." 

11  Notwithstanding  the  words  of  the  first  section,  it  is  settled   Clayton  v. 
that  parol  leases  for  more  than  three  years  have  the  effect  of  Blakey, 
leases  from  year  to  year,  and  require  a  notice  to  quit,  in  order   ^„/g^   '   ' ' 
to  determine  them,  the  meaning  of  the  statute  being  that  such   5  Term  R.  471. 
leases  shall  not  create  a  term.  and  Holt's 

N.P.C.  47 

A  parol  lease  for  three  years,  to  satisfy  the   statute,    must  Rawlins  v. 
commence  from  the  time  of  making,  and  cannot  be  made  to  r^ "m^'sc  • 
commence  at  a  subsequent  day.  and  see  Ryl'ey 

V.  Hicks,  Stra.  651.    Legg  v.  Strudwick,  2  Salk.  414. 

Where  a  lease  had  been  made  by  deed  for  twenty-one  years  Hoby  v.  Roe- 
to  A..,  who  afterwards  took  B.  into  partnership,  and  A.  and  B.  ^"JJ^'  "^  T^"""-^- 
made  a  parol  agreement  with  the  landlord,  that  if  he  would  en- 
large the  building,  they  would  pay  him  10  per  cent,  on  the  cost, 
in  addition  to  the  original  rent,  for  the  rest  of  the  term,  which 

Vol.  I.  L  exceeded 



excccdeil  three  years,  and  the  new  building  was  consequently 
made,  the  Court  of  Common  Pleas  held  that  this  agreement 
was  not  within  the  statute,  for  that  as  whatever  was  subsequently 
built  became  part  of  the  premises  demised,  it  was  a  collateral 

Though  the  statute  does  not  require  that  an  assignment  should 
he  by  deed,  it  absolutely  requires  it  to  be  in  writing,  and  there- 
fore, where  a  parol  assignment  was  made  of  a  lease  from  year 
to  year  granted  by  parol,  it  was  held  void  under  the  statute. 

The  mere  cancelling,  in  fact,  of  a  lease,  is  not  a  legal  sur- 
Archbishop  of  York,  6  East,  86. ;  and  see  Doe  v.  Thomas,  9  Bam.  &  C.  288. 

A  surrender  of  a  lease  may  be  made  without  deed  ;  as  where 
a  mortgagee  wrote  on  the  mortgage-deed,  "  Received  of  ^.  B. 
"  for  principal  and  interest,  and  I  do  release  and  discharge  the 
**  within  premises  from  the  term  of  500  years,"  this  was  holden 
a  sufficient  surrender. 

If  the  landlord  accept  an  under-tenant  as  his  tenant,  with  con- 
Cook,  2  Barn,    sent  of  the  original  lessee,  and  distrain  upon  his  goods,    this 
*  i^'^'pi''        amounts  to  a  surrender  of  the  original  tenant's  term,  by  oper- 
v"scuUhorpe*  ation  of  law,  though  there  is  no  surrender  in  writing. 
1  Barn.  &  A.  50.    Stone  v.  Whiring,  2  Staik.  235.   Hamerton  v.  Stead,  3  Barn.  &  C.  478. 
Johnstone  v.  ^"^  ^  ^^^  notice  to  quit,  though  accepted  by  the  landlord, 

Hu.ldlestone,     cannot  operate  as  a  surrender. 

4  Barn.  &  C.  922 

Whitehead  v. 


fi  Taunt.  5 18.; 

and  see  Ibid. 


Walls  V.  At- 

Farmer  v. 


2  VVils.  C6. 

Dotting  V. 


1  Camp.  518. 

Roc  dem. 
Berkeley  v, 

Fanner  v. 
8  \Vils.  26 

Thomas  v. 

If  the  landlord  accept  possession  of  the  demised  premises 
from  the  tenant,  he  cannot  subsequently  sue  him  for  use  and 
in  writincr. 

although  there  is  no  surrender  of  the  tenant's  term 

cbeson,  3  Bing,  462. 

And  so  if  the  landlord  let  them  to  another  tenant.  || 

§  I. 

2  Jones,  108. 
Giiniorc  and 

II 2.  Of  Agreements  tmthin  the  Fourth  Section.\i 

And  it  is  further  enacted,  *'  That  no  action  shall  be  brought 
whereby  to  charge  any  executor  or  administrator,  upon  any 
special  promise  to  answer  damages  out  of  his  own  estate,  or 
whereby  to  charge  the  defendant  upon  any  special  promise  to 
answer  for  the  debt,  default  or  miscarriages  of  another  person ; 
or  to  charge  any  person  upon  any  agreement  made  upon  con- 
sideration of  marriage,  or  upon  any  contract  or  sale  of  lands, 
tenements  or  hereditaments,  or  any  interest  in  or  concerning 
them ;  or  upon  any  agreement  that  is  not  to  be  performed 
within  the  space  of  one  year  from  the  making  thereof,  unless 
the  agreement  ujion  which  such  action  shall  be  brought,  or 
some  memorandum  or  note  thereof,  shall  be  in  writing,  signed 
by  the  party  to  be  charged  therewith,  or  some  other  person  by 
him  thertunto  lawfully  authorized. 

111.  Of  Promises  by  Executors,  Administrators,  &c.|l 

The  clause  which  enacts,  that  no  action  shall  be  brought,  Sfc. 


(C)  Agj-eemenis  xvithin  the  Statute  of  Frauds,  (4th  Section.)      147 

to  charge  an  executor,  S^c.  extends  not  to  promises  made  before,  shutter 
though  to  be  performed  after  the  making  of  the  statute;  for  it  i  Freem.  466. 
would  be  against  natural  justice,  that  a  promise  made  upon  good  S-  ^-  Vent. 
consideration  should  be  destroyed  by  the  retrospect  of  a  law  t\?.'ti^ 
which  none  could  divine  would  be  made.  227!  2  Show. 

R.  1 6.  S.  C.     ||Rann  v.  Hughes,  4  Bro.  P.  C.  27.    7  Term  R.  550.  n.jj 

A.  promised  if  the  widow  of  an  intestate  would  permit  him  to  Tomlinson  v. 
be  joined  with  her  in  the  letters  of  administration,  that  he  would  ^^H'^^bl. 
make  good  any  deficiency  of  assets  to  pay  debts.  Lord  Hard- 
isoicke  held  this  promise  not  within  the  act ;  nor  within  the  first 
branch  of  the  section,  for  A.  was  not  administrator  at  the  time 
of  making  it ;  nor  within  the  second,  for  here  is  a  new  distinct 

The  plaintiff  in  his  declaration  need  not  shew  any  note  in  writ-  Raym.  45o, 
ing,  but  it  will  be  sufficient  for  him  to  produce  it  on  the  trial;  ^^^'  ^ Jones, 
but  if  such  promise  is  pleaded  in  bar  of  another  action,  it  must  g  gaik  ^i9 
be  shewn  to  be  in  writing,  so  that  it  may  appear  to  the  court  to 
be  such  a  promise  upon  which  an  action  will  lie. 

y2.  Of  Promises  to  answer  for  the  Debt,  Default,  or  Miscarriage 

of  another,  jj 

On  the   clause,  that  no  action  shall  be  brought  on  a  special  Salk.  27.  pi. 
promise  to  ansivei-for  the  debt,  defaidt,  &c.  of  another,  it  has  been  V'l^^  I*   ^^* 
resolved  that  if  A.  is  about  hiring  a  horse  from  B,,  and  C,  to  249.  LdrRaym. 
encourage  him  to  lend  the  horse,  promises  that^.  should  deliver  224.  sLd. 
him  safe,    this  is  a  collateral  promise,  and  an  undertaking  within  Raym. 
the  statute;  for  C.  subjects  himself  to  an  action  on  the  breach  o°^^'„^t^^^j 
of  the  original  contract  by  A.,  against  whom  detinue  lies  on  the  250. 
bailment.     So  if  two  come  to  a  shop,  and  one  of  them  contracts 
for  goods,  and  the  seller  does  not  care  for  trusting  him,  where- 
upon the  other  says,  let  him  have  them,  and  I  will  undertake  he 
shall  pay  you  ;  but  if  the  promise  be,  I  will  see  you  paid ;  or  I 
will  be  your  paymaster,  it  is  otherwise.       So  if  A.  comes  to  B, 
and  tells  him,  let  your  horse  to  J.  S.  and  I  will  see  you  paid  the 
hire ;  there  the  hiring  is  to  A.  and  not  to  J.  S.  who  is  considered 
as  servant  to  A.    So,  in  all  cases  where  the  whole  credit  is  given 
to  the  undertaker,  he  alone  is  liable  to  an  action. 

[A  doubt  was  formerly  entertained,  whether,  if  the  undertak-  g  Term  R.  so. 
ing  of  a  third  person  were  before  the  delivery,  it  were  within  the  Cowp.  227. 
statute.     But  the  general  line  now  taken,  is,  that  if  the  person  ^  ^^-  Black, 
for  whose  use  the  goods  are  furnished  is  liable  at  all,  any  promise     "  * 
by  a  third  person  to  pay  that  debt,  must,  in  all  cases,  be  in 

If  ^.,  in  consideration  that  B.  will  stay  proceedings  in  an  action  pisi,  v.  Hutch- 
he  had  commenced  against  C.  to  recover  a  sum  of  money  due  inson,  2  Wils. 
from  C.  to  him,  promise  to  pay  that  money,  such  promise  must  ^'*' 
be  in  writing,  for  it  is  to  pay  a  debt  of  another  person  still  sub- 
sisting :  but  where  in  consideration  that  the  plaintiff  in  an  action 
of  assault  and  battery  against  J.  S.  would  withdraw  his  record,  ^^ed  v.  Nash, 
and  forbear  to  proceed,  the  defendant  promised  to  pay  him  30/.  iiQ^^^ijiether 
the  court  held  the  promise  not  to  be  within  the  statute,  for  the  [1,]^  case  is 

L  2  consideration 



considerntion  wns  new,  here  was  no  subsistinf;  debt ;  it  could  not 
be  known  before  the  trial  whether  the  plaintiff  would  recover  any 
damages  or  not] 

\\A.,  without  the  leave  or  licence  of  the  plaintiff,  wrongfully 
rode  the  plaintiffs  horse,  and  caused  its  death,  and  the  defend- 
ant in  consideration  that  the  plaintiff  would  not  sue  y^.,  promised 
to  pay  the  plaintiff  for  the  damage  sustained.  Held,  that  as  A. 
was  liable  to  the  plaintiff  for  the  wrong,  this  was  a  collateral 
promise  of  the  defendant,  and  consequently  not  being  in  writing 
was  void.  II 

[J.  S.  becoming  insolvent,  made  a  bill  of  sale  to  the  defendant 
of  all  his  goods  in  his  dwelling-house  in  trust  to  be  sold  for  the 
benefit  of  his  creditors.  After  the  defendant  had  taken  possession, 
the  landlord  came  to  distrain  for  rent,  and  to  prevent  the  dis- 
tress, and  that  the  sale  might  go  on,  the  defendant  promised  to 
pay  it     This  promise  is  not  within  the  statute.] 

ijlf -/4.,  at  the  request  of  B.,  enter  jointly  with  him  into  a 
bond  to  indemnify  a  third  party,  and  B.  promise  to  save  A. 
harmless  from  all  loss  by  reason  of  the  bond,  this  is  not  a  pro- 
mise requiring  writing  within  the  statute.  {a)\\ 
indemnifv  the  plaintiff  against  all  costs  of  a  tithe  suit,  in  consideration  that  the  plaintiff  (de- 
fendant \n  the  tithe  suit)  would  allow  defendant  to  defend  it  in  plaintiff's  name.  Adams  v. 
Dansey,  6  Bing.  506. 

[Wherever  a  man  is  under  a  moral  obligation  (a),  to  do  a  thing, 
and  another  does  it  without  request,  a  subsequent  promise  to 
pay  is  good,  though  not  in  writing ;  as  where  an  overseer  pro- 
mises by  parol  to  pay  an  apothecary  who,  without  his  knowledge, 
has  administered  medicines  to  a  pauper.] 
obligation  on  the  overseers  to  provide  medicines  for  the  poor  is  a  legal  one,  and  it  is  at  least 
doubtful,  whether  in  any  case  a  mere  moral  obligation  is  a  sufficient  consideration  to  support 
an  express  promise;  it  clearly  is  not  sufficient  to  raise  an  implied  promise.  See  the  elaborate 
note  to  Wennall  v.  Adney,  3  Bos.  &  Pull.  249.  In  Wing  v.  Mill,  1  Barn.  &  Aid.  104.  the 
court  held  that  an  action  was  maintainable  by  an  apothecary  against  the  overseer  of  the 
parish  where  a  pauper  was  settled,  for  medicines  furnished  to  the  pauper  in  another  parish 
where  he  lived,  the  overseer  having  expressly  |)roraised  to  pay ;  —  but  here  also  there  was  a 
legal  obligation  on  the  overseers  of  the  parish  of  settlement  to  provide  for  the  pauper,  which 
they  had  acknowledged  by  making  him  a  weekly  allowance.  In  Atkins  v.  Banwell,  2  East  R. 
505.  it  was  decided,  that  a  parish  where  a  pauper  was  taken  ill  and  died,  could  not  recover 
the  price  of  mrdicines  and  necessaries  furnished  to  him  against  the  parish  in  which  he  was 
settled,  since  there  was  no  legal  obligation  to  reimburse  the  amount,  and  there  was  no  express 
promise;  and  see  Lamb  v.  Bunce,  4  Maule  &  S.  275.  There  could  be  no  ground  for  requiring 
writing  to  such  a  promise  as  that  in  the  principal  case,  since  it  is  notwilhin  thescopeof  any  clause 
in  the  statute ;  and  see  1  Smith  R.  305.  1  Dow.  &  Ry.  541.  1  Car.  &  Pa.  132.  5  Barn.  &  C.  738.|| 
Goodman  v.  |jSo  also  a  promise  to  pay  the  debt  of  a  debtor,  in  consider- 

& A^*97  • '^"d  ^'*°"  ^^  ^"^  being  discharged  out  of  custody,  is  an   original 
promise,    and    not   within    the    statute,   since  the    debt    is  ex- 
tinguished by  the  discharge,  and  the  debtor  ceases  to  be  liable. 
Castling  v.  Aubert,  2  East,  325.    Anstey  v.  Marden,  1  New  R.  124. 

So  also  a  promise  to  execute  a  bail-bond  for  A.  B.,  in  con- 
sideration of  the  plaintiff  forbearing  to  arrest  him,  is  not  within 
the  statute. 

not  overruled 
by  Kirkhani 
V.  Marter, 


Kirkhiun  v. 


a  Barn.  &  A. 

613.  See 


Ames,  4  Bing. 


Williams  r. 
.•J  Burr.  1886. 
2  Wils.  308. 

IjBampton  v. 
4  Bing.  264.|| 

Thomas  v. 
Cook,  8  Barn 
&  C.  728. 
(a)  Nor  is  a 
promise  to 

Watson  V. 
Turner,  Scacc. 
Tr.  7  G.  3. 
(4th  edit.) 
11(a)  But  the 

sec  Williams 
V.  Leper, 
2  Wils.  308. 
Jarmain  v. 
Algar,  Ry.  & 
Moo.  348.; 
and  sec  4  Bing. 

Cbater  v. 


7  Tcnn  R.  20! 

But   an   agreement   to   pay  a  composition  on   the   debt  of 
another  is  within  the  statute,  since  the  debtor  remains  liable. 


(C)  Agreernenis  mthin  the  Statute  qf  Frauds.  (4th  Section.)      149 

Bo  also  in  cases  of  promises  to  pay  for  goods,  SfC.  supplied  to  Anderson  v. 

a  third  party,  if  the  third  party  is  liable  at  all  the  promise  is  Hayman,  i  H. 

within  the  statute,  and  requires  writing;  but  if  the  articles  are  Black.  120. 

supplied  entirely  on  the  credit  of  the  promiser,  so  that  the  third  ^^*.^""  ^' 

party  is  not  liable,  then  the  promise  is  not  within  the  statute.  2  Term  JI.80. 
Jones  V.  Cooper,  2  Term  R.  80.  Browning  v.  Stallard,  5  Taunt.  450.  Colman  v.  Eyles, 
2  Stark,  62. ;  and  see  4  Bing,  474. 

And  there  is  no  distinction  whether  the  promise  is  made  before  Matson  v. 
the  goods  are  supplied,  or  afterwards.  aTennR  so 

The  word  *'  agreement"  in  the  fourth  section,  is  held  to  import  Wain  v.  Warl- 
not  merely  the  promise  on  one  side,  but  also  the  consideration  on  ters,  s  E^jst,  lo. 
the  other ;  and,  therefore,  in  cases  within  the  section  it  is  necessary  g  g   /"^ag 
that  both  should  appear  in  writing,  and  parol  evidence  is  inad-  Saunders  v. 
missible  to  shew  either,  [a)    Where,  however,  a  letter  was  written  Wakefield, 
by  the  defendant  to  the  plaintifTs  attorney,  undertaking  to  pay  the  ^  Barn.  &  A. 
debt  of  another,  parol  evidence  was  held  admissible  to  shew  the  ^^^   ^-^-^^''^an 
amount,  and  also  that  the  person  receiving  it  was  the  plaintiff's   15  ]5agt  cj^^. 
attorney ;  and  in  several  late  cases  the  courts  have  gathered  a  (a)  This  de- 
sufficient  consideration  from  the  import  of  the  instrument,  where  cision  was 
it  did  not  appear  in  very  clear  terms  on  the  face  of  it.  TmtA^FMoii' 

in  Ex  parte  Minet,  1 4  Ves.  190.,  and  in  Ex  parte  Gardom,  15  Ves.  28S.  his  lordship  decided 
against  it ;  but  its  authority  is  now  established  by  Saunders  v.  Wakefield,  4  Barn.  &  A.  595* 
and  Jenkins  v  Reynolds,  5  Bro.  &  Bing.  14.' 

Thus  where  the  defendant  wrote  a  letter  to  the  plaintiffs,  Boehm  v. 
**our  mutual  friends,    Messrs.  JR.  J.  S.,    having  accepted    the  Campbell, 
"  underwritten  bill  (h'awn  on  them  by  your  firm,  I  hereby  give  ^  ^}"^'}f'' . 
"  my  guarantee  for  the  due  payment  of  the  same,  should  it  be  ^"gtace  *^'^™ 
*'  dishonoured  by  the  acceptors;"  and  a  copy  of  the  bill  was   1  Holt,N.'p.C. 
at  foot:  the  court  held  that  the  consideration  of  forbearance  to   15>.   Pace  v. 
sue  I{.  J.  (S.,   and  of  giving  them  time  by  taking  a  bill,   suffi-  Mi""sl'>  1  Bing. 
ciently  appeared  on  the  face  of  the  guarantee  to  satisfy  the  seifv^Mosd" 
statute  of  frauds.  5  Bro.  «ife  Bing' 

211.     Stead  v.  Liddard,  1  Bing.  R.  19(5.     Benson  v.  Hippius,  4  Bing.  455* 

But  where  the  guarantee  was  in  these  words,  "To  the  amount  Jenkins  v.  Rcy- 

**  of  100/.  consider  me  as  security  on  J.  CJs  account;  "  it  was  ^'i|?'  ^  ^'■'^• 

held  insufficient,  for  want  of  a  consideration  appearing.  ^^^^  '"S*  A^ ' 

V.  Bromfield,  2  Chitt.  205.     Morley  v.  Boothby,  3  Bing.  107.  10  Moo.  395. 

Where  the  original  guarantee  is  in  writing,  so  as  to  satisfy  the  Gibbons  v. 

statute  of  frauds,  it  is  not  requisite  that  a  subsequent  acknow-  M'Casland, 

ledgment  of  the  guarantee,  relied  on  to  take  the  case  out  of  the  ^  Barn.  &  A. 

statute  of  limitations   should   be  also  in  v/riting ;  a  parol   ac-  ^^°*ijefore  ^he 

knowledgment  is  sufficient.  9  q.  4.  c.  14. : 

for  which  see  tit.  Limitation  qf  Actions  (E). 

3.  Of  Agreements  made  upon  Consideration  of  Marriage. 

It  is  now  settled,  notwithstanding  former  decisions  to  the  con-  (a)  Philpot  v. 
trary  (a),  that  this  clause  does  not  extend  to  mutual  promises  to  }X''7*'"'r 
marry;  consequently  such  promises  are  binding,  although  not  ]^>eenj,2'4i. 
reduced  into  writing  and  signed  by  the  party.  {b)\\  S,  c.  ('/>)  Cork 

V.  Baker,  1  Stra.  24.  Harrison  v.  Cage,  Ld.  Raym.  386.;  and  see  loVcs.43«.  Bull. 
N.  P.  280. 

L  3  If 


A5r.E(L  19.  If  a  parol  agreement  is  agreed  to  be  reduced  into  writing,  and 

'''i^  S  C^""*  in  part  executed,  but  the  reducing  it  into  writing  is  prevented 

Free.  Ch.  526.  ^y  ^raud,  it  may  be  decreed  in  ecjuity ;  as  if  upon  a  marriage 

S.C.  Stra.236.  treaty  instructions  are  given  by  the  husband  to  draw  a  settle- 

S.  C.  Gilb.  ment,  and  by  him  privately  countermanded,  and  afterwards  he 

S*c  ^'bf*^'  '^^"^^  *"  ^^^^  woman  by  persuasions  and  assurances  of  such  settle- 

Ch.  k.  565?"  ment  to  marry  him. 

Abr.  Eq.  20,  So  where  the  defendant  on  a  treaty  of  marriage  for  his  daughter 

2  Vem.  373.      with  the  plaintiff,  signed  a  writing  comprising  the  terms  of  the 

:.'        "P    agreement,  and  afterwards  designing  to  elude  the  force  thereof^ 
mention  matle      o,  i^  i-  °*'i        il-j        \  ^       ^  I 

of  the  fraud,      ^"d  get  loose  from  his  agreement,  ordered  riis  daughter  to  put 

only  that  the  on  a  good  humour  and  get  the  plaintiff  to  deliver  up  that  writing, 
father  con-  ^nd  then  marry  him,  which  she  accordingly  did,  and  the  de- 
match  *°  ^  *^    fendant  stood  by  at  a  corner  of  the  street  to  see  them  go  by  to  be 

*  married  ;  and  the  plaintiff  was  relieved  on  the  point  of  fraud. 

Fr  em"  29 f  ^"  ^  ^^^^  exhibited  for  a  marriage  portion,  the  chief  evidence 

S  .C.  Where  a  ^^  support  it  was  a  letter  proved  to  have  been  written  by  the 
letter  from  the  father's  direction,  where  it  was  said  he  would  give  1500/.  por- 
father,  pro-  tion  with  his  daughter,  and  that  he  was  afterwards  privy  to  the 
don"and''a '^"  "^^^""iag^,  and  consented  to  it,  and  the  portion  was  decreed  the 
'marriage  had     l>usband. 

in  pursuance  thereof,  has  been  held  sufficient,  vide  2  Vent.  361.  2Vern.200.  sCh.R.  157. 
Prec.  in  Chan.  561.  Where  an  uncle  in  his  letter  promised  his  niece  lOOO/.  portion ;  but  in 
the  same  letter  dissuaded  her  from  marrying  the  person ;  Lord  Chancellor  would  not  decree 
the  payment,  but  left  the  party  to  his  action  at  law.  2  Vern.  202.  [A  letter  from  a  father  to 
his  daughter  that  he  will  give  her  3000/.  not  shewn  to  the  husband,  who  afterwards  accepts  of 
£000/.  under  a  will,  is  no  foundation  for  a  decree.  See  a  different  state  of  this  case  in 
9  Mod.  3.  2  P.  Wms.  65.  Nor  is  a  letter  promising  a  portion,  but  not  reducing  it  to  any  cer- 
tainty. Hall  V.  Butler,  Eq.  Ca.  Abr.  p.  7.  Gilb.  Lex.  Prsetor.  243.  For  a  letter  cannot  be 
set  up  as  an  agreement  unless  the  terms  of  the  contract  are  distinctly  set  forth  therein.  Sea- 
good  V.  Neale,  1  Stra.  426.  Pr.  Ch.  560.  Clerk  v.  Wright,  1  Atk.  13.]  j'See  Luders  v.  Anstey, 
4Ves.  501.  5Ves.216.  The  amount  of  consideration  and  the  subject  matter  must  appear. 
Kennedy  v.  Lee,  5  Meriv.  44 1.||  [But  a  letter,  (though  not  signed)  referring  to,  and  promising 
to  perform  an  agreement  in  w;hich  the  terms  are  set  forth,  is  sufficient.  Tawney  v.  Crowther, 
3  Bro.  Ch.  R.318.  ||And  it  is  said  parol  evidence  is  admissible  to  shew  what  l^ras  the  thing 
rclerrcd  to.  Clinan  v.  Cook,  1  Scho.  &  Lef.  53. ;  and  see  Brodie  v.  St.  Paul,  )  Ves.  jun.  326. 
And  a  letter  is  binding,  though  the  writer  look  to  the  execution  of  a  more  formal  instrument. 
I'owle  V.  treeman,  9  Ves.  351.  Whether  a  note  written  in  the  third  person  offering  to  pur- 
chase and  accepted,  is  a  sufficient  agreement,  qucsre  Mofison  v.  Tumour,  18  Ves.  175.  The 
court  will  not  decree  a  performance  on  letters,  unless  on  a  fair  interpretation  they  import  a 
concluded  agreement.  Huddlestone  v.  Briscoe,  1  ]  Ves.  59 1.  Stratford  v.  Bosworth,  2  Ves.  & 
A  ^'*^'  iv/ 1 1  ^^^  ^°®*^  ^'*  Conynghame,  1 1  Ves.  550.  Selby  v.  Selby,  3  Meriv.  2.  Boys  v. 
Aycrst,  6Madd.316.  Randall  v.  Morgan,  12Ves.67.||  Qzi.  Whether  a  court  of  equity  will 
decree  an  agreement  entered  into  by  letter,  if  a  deed  appear  to  have  been  afterwards  framed 
/ 1  %1k'  executed),  varying  the  terms  expressed  in  the  letter  ?  Cookes  v.  Mascal,  2  Vern.  35. 
ur  It  the  terms  be  varied  by  parol  ?  Jordan  v.  Sawkins,  5  Bro.  Ch.R.  388.  See  2  Ch.  Ca.  180. 
ruzgiD.  21  o.  2  balk.  444.  ||Whether  a  settlement  made  after  marriage,  reciting  a  parol  agree- 

a^cement  m  wntmg  may  be  discharged  by  parol,  see  1  Vern.  240.  2  Ves.  376.  A  bond 
orw,:i  «,^  r  woman  to  her  intended  husband,  conditioned  to  settle  an  estate  upon  him  in  fee, is 
f.^  ntl^.!;f  *"  ^  the  agreement  so  specified  in  the  condition  on  a  bill  in  equity  to  carry  it 
Sn^7f  a  '  \°^  ''•^'^  ^""^  *'  '^^-  ^'«""el  V.  Buckle,  2  P.  Wms.  242.  it  is  a  sufficient 
3  Atk  50T  P^''v"'  «  "?TJ'^''^""^'^"^''«"^scribe  a  deed  as  a  witness  only.  Welfordv.Beazelv, 
itmon«  nf'.'Ko  .f.r*     •.  i'  "^-     '^'^  *°  t''^  signature,  in  order  to  comply  with  the  requi- 

nnd  TeL  k  h,Tth  ;  V"T-  ^^''^  '''*^  ^^'''''  ^^  8'^'"g  authenticity  to  the  whole  instrument ; 
ihcre  a  fj  V  r  ^^  ^'^^'^  '^  IS  immaterial  in  what  part  of  the  instrument  it  is  found  :  bvM 
HDcrc  a  iiarty  had  given  written  instructions  to  his  agent  for  a  lease,  and  had  inserted  his 

(C;  AgreetnenU  within  the  Statute  of  Frauds.  (4th  Section.)      15  J 

name  in  those  inetructiona  as  applicable  only  to  a  particular  purpose,  the  Court  of  Exchequer 
held  that  this  did  not  amount  to  a  sufficient  authentication.  Stokes  v.  Martin,  1  P.  Wms.  771. 
note  1.  It  was  formerly  thought  necessary  that  both  parties  should  sign;  but  in  the  case  of 
Cotton  V.  Lee,  before  the  Lords  Commissioners,  1770,  it  was  determined  to  be  sufficient  if  the 
party  charged  has  signed.  Cited  in  2  Bro.  Ch.  R.  564.  An  agreement  signed  by  one  party 
may,  in  some  cases,  be  conclusive  against  both.  Owen  v.  Davis,  1  Ves.  82.  [[Seton  v.  Slade, 
7  Ves.  265.||  [But,  though  the  contract  itself  must  be  in  writing,  an  authority  to  buy,  or  treat 
Bs  agent  for  another,  may  be  good  without  writing.  Vin.  Abr.  tit.  Contract  and  Agreements  (H), 
p.  45.  Wedderburne  v.  Carr,  in  the  Exchequer,  Tr.T.  1775.  S  Wooddes.  427.]  ||Coles  v. 
frccothick,  9  Ves.  254.  250.  Clinan  v.  Cooke,  1  Scho.  &  Lef.  22.  Barry  v.  Barrymore,  Ibid. 
28.    Emmerson  v.  Heelis,  2  Taunt.  38.|| 

But  where  on  a  marriage  treaty  the  lady's  father  proposed  to  Abr.  Eq.  21. 
give  4500/.  portion,  and  the  husband  v^^as  to  settle  4  or  500/.  per  Bawdes  and 
ann.  for  a  jointure;  the  father  and  intended  husband  went  to  Amhnrst.  [Pr. 
Mr.  Minshid's  chambers,  who  hearing  the  proposals  on  both  ^'^-  \^?'^'  S' 
sides  took  down  minutes  or  heads  thereof  in  writing,  and  the  ^j^/te's  ob- 
same  day  gave  them  to  his  clerk  to  draw  a  settlement  according  servations  up 
to  the  terms  of  the  agreement ;  the  next  day  the  father  fell  sick   on  this  case, 
suddenly,  and  died  in  two  hours  after,  and  the  next  morning  the  1,     j    ^^p^f 
marriage  was  consummated;  and  on  a  bill  brought  to  have  a  v.  Trecothick^ 
specific  performance  of  the  agreement,  my  Lord  Chancellor  de-  9  Ves.  254. 
creed  it  to  be  within  the  statute  oi  frauds,  and  said  he  knew  no  Griffin  v.  Grif- 
case  where  an  agreement,  though  written  by  the  party  himself,  fi"»6Ves.i79.n. 
should  bind,  if  not  signed  or  in  part  executed  by  him  [a) ;  and  ^  Harrop 
that  those  preparatory  heads  might  have  received  several  alter-   7  Ves.  541. 
ations  or  additions,  or  the  agreement  might  have  entirely  broke  Selby  y.  Selby, 
off  upon  some  further  enquiry  of  the  party's  circumstances ;  and   '^  ^^^^•■'v-  2.II 
this  decree  was  thought  very  just  by  the  bar,  who  all  agreed  si<Tned  and 
with  my  Lord  Chancellor,  that  if  the  marriage  had  been  on  the  given  by  ahus- 
foot  of  this  writing,  and  the  father  had  been  privy  and  consent-  band  to  his 

ing  to  it,  that  he  should  afterwards  have  been  oblig-ed  to  execute  ^^^'l  previously 
1  .°         ^' ,  f.  ="  to  their  mar- 

his  part  thereof.  riage,  promis- 

ing  to  rectify  a  mistake  in  the  settlement,  in  consideration  of  which  she  was  induced  to  execute 
it,  was  holden  to  be  part  of  the  settlement,  and  binding  on  the  husband  and  his  assignees, 
Tyrrell  v.  Hope,  2  Atk.  558.] 

On  the  marriage  of  the  plaintiff  with  the  defendant's  daughter,  25  Jan.  1724. 
the  defendant  promised  to  give  her  450/.  portion,  and  accordingly  9"  ^''^^  ^"'^ 
paid  the  plaintiff  200/.  in  part,  but  took  a  bond  from  him  for  it  adjudged' 
till  a  suitable  settlement  should  be  made,  and  the  defendant  him-  between  San- 
self  gave  particular  directions  concerning  the  settlement,  which  sum  and 
was  drawn  accordingly  and  engrossed;  but  before  it  was  executed  Butter, 
thp  plaintiff's  wife  died,  and  the  bill  was  brought  to  have  the 
200/.  bond  delivered  up,  and  the  remaining  250/.  paid ;  the  de- 
fendant pleaded  the  statute  o^  frauds  and  perjuries,  the  agree- 
ment not  being  reduced  into  writing  and  signed  by  the  parties ; 
and  by  way  of  answer  denied  that  the  200/.  was  paid  in  part  of 
the  portion,  but  said  it  was  lent  the  plaintiff,  and  the  bond  given 
for  it ;  and  the  plea  was  allowed ;  for  if  the  marriage  should  be 
looked  upon  as  an  execution  of  the  agreement  on  the  one  side, 
so  as  to  take  it  out  of  the  statute,  it  would  entirely  evade  it;  for 
all  promises  of  this  kind  suppose  a  marriage  either  already  had 
or  to  be  had. 

L  4  114.   Of 



General  V. 
Day,  1  Ve«. 

SI 8.  ||01ng(len 
▼.  Uradbcar, 
12  Vcs.  466.11 

Ves.  931. 


Cox  ▼.  Peclo, 
2  Bro.  Ch.  R. 

n*.  OfContracts  for  Saleof  Lands,Tenements,andHereditaraents.|| 

[A  judicial  sale  of  an  estate  under  a  decree  of  the  Court  of 
Chancery  is  not  within  the  statute.     Thus  A.  being  likely  to  die, 
made  a  conveyance  of  a  real  estate  in  favour  of  a  charity,  and 
then  made  a  will,  by  which  he  gave  3000/.  (the  exact  value  of 
that  land,)  and  also  250/.  to  the  same  charity,  and  gave   the 
estate  to  D.  (wife  of  B.)  and  C.     A  bill  was  brought  for  an  ac- 
count, and  for  the  direction  of  the  court  for  a  settlement  of  the 
estate  under  the  will ;  and  a  decree  was  had  thereupon,  and  the 
master  was  thereby  directed  to  receive  a  scheme  for  carrying  the 
conveyance  into  execution ;  the  foundation  of  part  of  which  was 
to  consider,  in  what  way  the  money  should  be  laid  out,  and  a 
perpetual  fund  created  for  the  maintenance  of  the  charity.     The 
master  reported  a  scheme  for  laying  out  the  money  in  the  pur- 
chase of  lands ;  and  the  case  being  set  down  to  be  heard  on  the 
matter  reserved,  the  court  made  a  decretal  order  confirming  the 
master's  report,  and  ordering  that  the  scheme  should  be  approved 
of,  and  the  other  matters  therein  carried  into  execution.     These 
directions  were  all  acquiesced  under  by  B.  and  D.  who  survived 
him.     After  her  (Z).*s)  death,  an  information  was  brought  on 
behalf  of  the  charity,  together  with  the  administratrix  of  D.  to 
have  this  purchase  carried  into  execution  by  the  aid  of  the  court 
against  the  devisee  of  the  heir  at  law  of  Z).  and  the  infant  son  of 
C.  the  co-devisee  with  Z).     And  it  being  objected  that  there  was 
no  agreement  signed  pursuant  to  the  statute  of  frauds,  one  ques- 
tion was,  whether  the  transactions  which  passed  in  the  life-times 
of  Z).  and  C.  amounted  to  a  binding  agreement  on  them  for  the 
Bale  of  the  lands  ?     And  Lord  Hardwicke  held,  that  here  was 
such  an  agreement  as  the  court  ought  to  execute  notwithstanding 
the  statute ;  this  being  a  judicial  sale  of  the  estate.     And  upon 
the  same  principle  it  is  holden  that  purchasers  before  the  masters 
are  out  of  the  statute,  and  the  court  will  in  such  cases  carry  into 
execution  against  the  ropresentative,  a  purchase  by  a  bidder  be- 
fore the  master,  without  the  bidder's  subscribing,  after  confirm- 
ation of  the  master's  report  that  he  was  the  best  bidder :  the 
judgment  of  the  court  taking  it  out  of  the  statute.     So  if  the  au- 
thority of  an  agent  who  subscribed  for  a  bidder  before  the  master 
cannot  be  proved,  yet  if  the  master's  report  can  be  confirmed, 
the  court  will  carry  it  into  execution,  miless  there  be  some  fraud. 
And  Lord  TJiurl&w  was  of  opinion,  where  the  attornies,  con- 
cerned in  a  suit  by  a  first  mortgagee  for  a  foreclosure,  agreed, 
with  respect  to  the  final  decree,  that  the  estate  should  be  sold, 
the  first  mortgagee  paid  principal  and  interest,  and  the  remainder 
paid  to  the  second  mortgagee,  but  that  the  former  should  in  the 
mean  time  take  a  decree ;  that  if  the  first  mortgagee  made  an 
improper  use  of  the  decree,  this  agreement,    though  by  parol, 
might  be  read,  on  an  applicatian  to  open  the  foreclosure,  as  an 
agreement  relative  to  a  decree ;  the  attornies  being  competent  to 
make  agreements  relative  to  the  orders  of  the  court.     And  upon 


(C)  Agreements  within  the  Statute  of  Frauds.  (4th  Section.)      153 

that  ground  he  admitted  the  evidence  of  it  de  bene  esse,  though 
it  had  been  rejected  at  the  Rolls,  because  it  was  not  in  writing, 
and  therefore  void  under  the  statute.] 

If  there  be  a  parol  agreement  for  the  purchase  of  lands,  and  ^^'^'  ^q- 19. 
a  bill  brought  for  a  specific  execution  thereof,  and  the  substance  Eq^R  55 
of  the  agreement  is  set  forth  in  the  bill,  and  confessed  by  the  s.  C.  Gilb.  Ch. 
defendant's  answer,  the  court  will  decree  a  specific  execution,  257.  S,  C. 
because  there  is  no  danger  of  peijury,  which  was  the  principal  ^^'  ^'  ^^^\ 
thing  the  statute  intended  to  prevent.  ^^^  ^  Tweed ' 

Pr.  Ch.  374.  Lacon  v.  Martins,  5  Atk.  3.  Attorney-General  v.  Day,  1  Ves.  221.  S.  P.  Gunter 
V.  Halsey,  Ambl.  586.  Potter  v.  Potter,  1  Ves.  441.  [See  Eyre  v.  Ivison,  Scac.  Tr.  1 785.  cited 
2  Bro.  Ch.R.  563.  Stewart  v.  Careless,  Scac.  April  1785,  cited  Ibid.  564.,  and  Rondeau  v. 
Wyatt,  2  H.  Black.  R.  68.]  jjBut  according  to  the  modern  doctrine,  if  the  defendant  insist  on 
the  statute,  a  specific  performance  will  not  be  enforced,  though  the  agreement  is  confessed  j 
for  as  the  defendant  cannot  protect  himself  from  answering  whether  there  was  an  agreement 
or  not,  it  would  be  unjust  to  take  the  case  out  of  the  statute  on  the  ground  of  his  admission. 
Cooth  V.  Jackson,  6  Ves.  39.  Rowe  v.  Teed,  15  Ves.  375.  Blagden  v.  Bradbear,  12  Ves.  471. 
Walters  v.  Morgan,  2  Cox's  R.  369.  As  to  whether  an  agreement  confessed  will  be  enforced 
if  the  party  do  not  insist  on  the  statute,  see  Ex  parte  Whitbread,  19  Ves.  211.  1  Fonb,  on  Eq. 
180.  note  (d).ll  [If  the  party  himself  die,  his  heir  will,  it  seems,  be  bound  on  a  bill  of  revivor. 
P^r  Lord  Hardwicke,  1  Ves.  221.  And  upon  this  principle,  equity  will  decree  an  agreement  on 
evidence  of  its  having  been  confessed  by  a  party  to  it,  although  it  be  denied  by  his  answer. 
As  where  an  agreement  was  proved  by  one  witness  only,  and  positively  denied  by  the  defend- 
ant's answer;  but  there  was  proof  in  the  cause  that  the  defendant  had  confessed  the  agree- 
ment :  the  Master  of  the  Rolls  offered  to  direct  an  issue  to  try  the  agreement  if  the  defendant 
desired  it ;  but  he  declined  that,  unless  his  honour  would  make  an  order  that  his  answer  should 
be  read  at  the  trial,  which  his  honour  refused,  there  being  circumstances  to  corroborate  the 
evidence  of  the  single  v/itness,  and  decreed  the  agreement  to  be  carried  into  execution. 
Only  V.  Walker,  3  Atk.  407-  Where  the  two  defendants  in  a  suit  confessed  an  agreement  in 
their  answer,  but  different  from  that  stated  in  the  bill,  and  an  agreement  different  from  either 
was  proved  by  the  testimony  of  only  a  single  witness.  Lord  Loughborough  C  decreed  a  per- 
formance pursuant  to  the  terms  of  the  agreement  confessed  by  the  answer.  Mortimer  v. 
Orchard,  2  Ves.  jun.  243.]  ||If  the  party  to  an  agreement  is  dead,  so  that  his  answer  cannot 
be  had,  evidence  of  his  parol  confession  of  the  agreement  in  his  lifetime  is  inadmissible. 
Perchard  v.  Benyon,  1  Cox's  R.  214.1|  [In  what  manner,  and  in  what  cases  the  statute  may 
be  pleaded  to  a  bill  for  the  performance  of  a  parol  agreement,  vide  in  Whitbread  v.  Brock- 
hurst,  1  Bro.  Ch.  R.  404.  Whitchurch  v.  Bevis,  2  Bro.  Ch.R.  5^9.,  and  the  cases  there  men- 
tioned. See  also  Mitf.  Eq.  Tr.  217.  (3d  edit.)  Taylor  v.  Beach,  1  Ves.  297.]  pvans  v. 
Harris,  2  Ves.  &  B.  361.  Morison  v.  Tumour,  18  Ves.  175.  Strickland  v.  Aldridge, 
9  Ves.  516.|| 

[The  plaintiff  agreed  with  the  defendant  to  sell  him  a  house  Hawkins  v. 
for  640/.  and  by  consent  of  both  parties  an  attorney  was  employed  holmes,  i  P. 
to  make  a  draft  of  the  conveyance :  which  the  attorney  accord-      '"^'       * 
ingly  prepared  and  sent  to  the  defendant,  who  made  several 
alterations  therein  with  his  own  hand,  and  delivered  it  back  to 
the  attorney  to  be  engrossed;  upon  which  a  time  was  appointed 
for  the  plaintiff  and  defendant  to  meet  at  a  tavern  to  execute  the 
writings,  and  for  the  latter  to  pay  the  money.     The  plaintiff  and 
his  attorney  came  to  the  tavern,  where  the  plaintiff  executed  the 
writings,  and  having  gotten  the  conveyance  registered,  (the  house 
being  in  Middlesex,)  brought  his  bill  against  the  defendant  to 
compel  him  to  pay  the  purchase-money.     The  defendant  pleaded 
the  statute  ofjrauds;  and  it  was  holden  he  was  not  bound,  he 
not  having  signed  the  agreement. 

A.  agreed  by  parol  with  B.  for  the  purchase  of  lands.     B.  de-  Whaley  y. 
livered  a  rent-toll  which  was  dated  and  altered  in  his  own  hand-  Bagenal, 
writing,  and  shewed  by  the  title  of  it  that  an  agreement  had  been  J^^fo-P-^- 



made  between  them  for  the  sale  of  the  estate  at  twenty-one  years' 
I)urchase.  An  abstract  of  the  title  was  also  delivered  to  A.  to- 
gether with  the  deeds,  in  order  to  be  compared  with  the  rent-roll, 
B.  likewise  wrote  letters  to  several  of  his  creditors,  informing 
them  that  he  had  contracted  with  A.  for  the  sale  of  his  estate  at 
twenty-one  years'  purchase,  and  sent  the  tenants  to  treat  with  A. 
for  the  renewal  of  their  leases.  Notwithstanding  all  these  cir- 
cumstances, upon  A.'s  filing  a  bill  for  a  specific  performance,  the 
plea  of  the  statute  ofjrauds  was  allowed  by  the  House  of  Lords 
both  as  to  the  discovery  and  relief. 
2  Bro.  Cb.  R.  If  there  be  general  instructions  for  an  agreement  consisting  of 
^^'  material  circumstances,  to  be  hereafter  extended  more  at  large, 

and  to  be  put  into  the  form  of  an  instrument  with  a  view  to  be 
signed  by  the  parties,  and  no  fraud,  but  the  party  takes  advan- 
tage of  the  loais pcenitenticE,  he  shall  not  be  compelled  to  perform 
such  an  agreement  as  that,  when  he  insists  upon  the  statute  of 
frauds.  Per  Lord  Thurlonso.'] 
O'Connor  V.  H-^"  agreement  for  an  abatement  of  rent  of  land  is  within  the 

Spaight,  statute,  and  must  be  in  writing. 

1  Scho.  &  Lcf.  306. 

Crosby  v.  So  also  a  contract  for  the  purchase  of  a  growing  crop  of  grass, 

Wadswortb,  ^^  |jg  mown  and  made  into  hay  by  the  vendee,  but  no  time 
set!  vkle  1  Lord  heing  fixed  for  the  mowing,  is  a  contract  for  an  interest  in  land 
Raym.  182.  within  the  statute,  and  is  voidable  if  not  in  writing,  and  may  be 
discharged  by  a  parol  notice  from  the  vendor,  before  any  act  is 
done  in  part  execution  of  it. 
Scorell  V.  go  also  the  sale  of  growing  underwood,  to  be  cut  by  the  pur- 

1  Y         &        chaser,  has  been  held  to  convey  an  interest  in  land  under  the 
J.  396.  fourth  section. 

Teal  V.  Auty  "^^  ^^^^  ^^  ^^  ^  '^^^^  of  growing  poles. 

2  Brod.  &  B.  99.;  sed  vide  9  Barn.  &  C.  561. 

Eramerson  v  ^  ^^^°  ^  ^^^^  °^  growing  turnips,  no  time  being  fixed  for  their 

Heelis,2Taunt.  removal,  and  their  degree  of  maturity  not  being  stated. 
S8. ;  and  see  Waddington  v.  Bristow,  3  Bos.  &  P.  452. 

Parker  v.  But  where  the  contract  was  for  a  crop  of  potatoes,  to  be  taken 

ii^E^r'sel  ^^  ^^^  vendee  immediately  out  of  the  ground,  it  was  considered 
Warwick  v.  *  ^  ^  sale  of  personal  chattels,  and  not  within  the  fourth  section. 
Bruce,  2  Maule  &  S-  205, ;  and  see  Poulter  v.  Killingbeck,  1  Bos.  &  P.  397. ;  and  Evans  v. 
Roberts,  5  Barn.  &C.  836.  which  seems  to  over-rule  Emraerson  v.  Heelis;  and  see  Smith  v. 
Surman,  9  Barn.  &  C.  561.,  where  a  contract  for  sale  of  growing  timber,  at  so  much  per  foot, 
was  held  not  within  the  fourth,  but  within  the  seventeenth  section. 

Broc^kiYl  ^  licence  to  enjoy  an  easement  is  good  without  writing,  this 

8Eajt7308.       "°'  ^^'"S  ^^  interest  in  land  within  the  statute. 

Russell  V.  ^  deposit  of  title-deeds,  by  way  of  security,  is  held  to  consti- 

Russell,  taX-j   an   equitable  mortgage,    though   unaccompanied    by   any 

1  Bro.  C.  R.      writing.     This  decision  has  been  much  regretted  as  letting  in 

uXh^uYes   ^^^°^  evidence  as  to  the  terms  of  the  deposit,  and  leading  to 

403:  Norris*^v!  ^^i^cussion  on  the  truth  and  probability  of  evidence,  which  it  was 

Wilkinson,        ^^^^  object  of  the  statute  to  exclude.     But  the  doctrine  is  now 

i2Ves.  197.;      settled. 

and  see  tit.  Mortgage,  (A).  Vol.  V. 


(C)  Agreements  within  the  Statute  of  Frauds.  (4th  Section.)      155 

It  has  been  repeatedly  decided  (a),  that,  on  a  sale  of  goods  by  {a)  Simon  v. 
auction,  the  auctioneer  is  the  agent  of  both  parties,  and  able  to  Motives, 
bind  both  within  the  statute  by  his  signature.  j  'Qlack  599  * 

Hinde  v.  Whitehouse,  7  East,  558.;  and  see  2  Barn.  &  C.  945. 

But  the  contrary  has  been  decided  (b)  as  to  sales  by  auction  of  {b)  Walker  v. 
estates  in  land,  though  the  principle  of  the  distinction  is  not  Constable, 
evident;  audit  has  been  questioned  by  several  judges.  see.  Stansfield 

V.Johnson,  1  Espin.   Ca.  101.     Buckmaster   v.   Harrop,   7  Ves.  341.     isVes.  456.    Coles 
V.  Trecothick,  9  Ves.  234. 

And  in  two  late  cases  the  Court  of  Common  Pleas  held  the  t-. 

p       ,  ,  1       p  1      1  Emmerson  v. 

auctioneer  an  agent  lor  the  purchaser  on  a  sale  or  land.  Heelis 

2  Taunt.  58.    White  v.  Proctor,  4  Taunt.  209. 
The  latter  case  was  an  action  against  the  vendee  for  the  Kemeys  v. 
auction-duty  on  the  sale,  and  the  vendor  afterwards  filing  a  bill  Proctor, 
for  a  specific  performance  of  the  contract,  the  Master  of  the  f  j  **&  w"^^* 
Rolls,  on  the  authority  of  the  cases  in  the  Common  Pleas,  held  550. 
the  auctioneer's  signature  sufficient  to  bind  the  vendee,  and  de- 
creed accordingly.     The  rule  appears,    therefore,   now   to   be 
settled,  that  the  auctioneer  is  the  lawful  agent  of  both  parties  on 
a  sale  of  land,  as  well  as  of  goods. 

5.  Of  Agreements  not  to  be  performed  within  the  Space  of  one 
Year  from  the  making  thereof. 

This  clause  extends  only  to  cases  where,  by  express  agree- 
ment of  the  parties,  the  contract  is  not  to  be  performed  within 
one  year,  and  not  to  agreements  depending  on  a  contingency 
which  may  happen  either  within  or  beyond  the  year. 

Therefore  an  agreement  to  pay  the  plaintiff  so  many  guineas  Anon.  Salk 
on  the  day  of  his  marriage,  was  held  not  within  the  statute, 
although  the  marriage  did  not  take  effect  for  nine  years ;  for  it 
might  have  happened  within  the  year,  Holt  C  J.,  and  the 
minority  of  the  judges  holding  contra,  on  the  ground  of  the 
marriage  actually  happening  after  the  year. 

So  an  agreement  to  bequeath  to  the  plaintiff  an  annuity,  pay- 
able yearly,  from  the  testator's  death,  was  held  not  within  the  biers,  Execu 
statute,  in  an  action  brought  against  the  executor,  for  the  testa-  to""*  ^  Burr, 
tor  might  have  bequeathed  the  annuity  by  will  within  the  year.      r^5%\  and 

see  Smith  v.  Westall,  Ld.  Raym.  316 

But  where  the  plaintiffs  agreed  to  publish  an  expensive  work  Boydell  v. 
of  art  in  numbers,  one  number  at  least  to  be  published  annually,  Drummond, 
and  stated,  they  were  confident  they  should  be  enabled  to  pro-  ^  ^^^*'  ^1^* 
duce  two  numbers  in  the  course  of  every  year,  and  the  defendant  jj^g  subscriber 
became  a  subscriber,  and  the  first  number  was  delivered  to  him  in  such  case 
within  a  year  from  the  date  of  his  subscription,  it  was  held  that  is  not  bound, 
the  case  was  within  the  statute,  as  it  appeared  to  be  the  clear  w^^^^out  writ- 
understanding  of  the  parties,  that  the  agreement  was  not  to  be  jj^ue  to  take 
completed  within  the  year ;  and  the  part  performance  within  the  in  the  num- 
year,  by  the  delivery  of  the  first  numbei*,  made  no  difference,  bers,  he  is 
since  the  word  "  performed,"  in  the  statute,  means  a  complete  f""?^  ^"JJ^^ 
performance  or  consummation  of  the  work.  has  accepted. 

Mavor  v,  Pyne,  3  Bing.  285 

280.,  recog- 
nised by 
Wilmut  J.  in 
5  Burr.  1281.; 
and  see  Wells 
V.  Horton, 
4  Bing.  43. 

Fenton  v.  Em- 



HeaM,  l  Barn. 
Hi  A.  722.  See 
Williams  v. 
Jones,  5  Unra. 
&  C.  108. 

Birch  V.  Earl 
9  Bam.  &  C. 

J  17. 

Alexander  v. 
Comber,  1  H. 
Black. R.  20. 
Towers  V.  Os- 
borne, I  Stra. 
596.  Clayton 
V.  Andrews, 

4  Burr.  2101. 
(o)  Rondeau 
V.  Wyatt, 

5  il.  Black. 
R.63.  sBro. 
Ch.R.  154. 

Cooper  V. 


7  Term  R.  14. 

Garbut  v. 
5  Bam.  &  A. 

Groves  v. 
Buck,  S  Maule 

Smith  T.Sur. 

And  accordingly,  where  the  defendant  verbally  agreed,  on  the 
27  JMizy,  to  take  the  plaintiiF  into  his  service  for  a  year  from  the 
30th  Jwie  following,  it  was  decided,  that  this  being  a  contract 
which  would  not  be  completely  performed  within  the  year,  was 
within  the  statute,  and  void  for  want  of  writing. 

A  contract  to  hire  a  carriage  for  five  years,  paying  an  annual 
sum  for  it,  and  determinable  at  any  time  on  paying  a  year's  hire, 
is  a  contract  not  to  be  performed  within  a  year,  and  requires 

As  to  the  seventh  section,  respecting  declarations  of  trust, 
which  was  improperly  inserted  here  in  former  editions,  see  tit. 
«  Trusts,"  (B)  (C)  Vol.  VIII.|| 

II 3.  Of  Agreements  mentioned  in  the  Seventeenth  Section.\\ 

By  §  17.  it  is  enacted,  **  That  no  contract  for  the  sale  of  any 
*'  goods,  wares,  and  merchandize  for  the  price  of  ten  pounds 
*'  sterling,  or  upwards,  shall  be  allowed  to  be  good,  except  the 
*'  buyer  shall  accept  of  p'hrt  of  thegoods  so  sold,  and  actually 
*'  receive  the  same,  or  give  something  in  earnest  to  bind  the 
"  bargain,  or  in  part  of  payment ;  or  that  some  note  or  memo- 
**  randum  in  writing  of  the  said  bargain  be  made  and  signed  by 
**  the  parties  to  be  charged,  or  their  agents  thereunto  lawfully 
**  authorized." 

II 1.  What  Agreements  are  within  the  Seventeenth  Section,  jj 

6.  As  to  the  clause  respecting  sales,  it  has  been  formerly 
thought,  that  it  means  only  present  and  immediate  sales,  and 
does  not  include  executory  contracts,  where  goods  are  bespoken, 
and  time  is  given  by  special  agreement  for  the  delivery  of  them, 
and  payment  of  their  value.  But  this  construction  has  been  de- 
nied in  a  recent  determination  of  the  Court  of  Common  Pleas, 
Wilson  J.  dissent,  (a),  where  an  executory  contract,  merely  a 
contract  of  sale,  even  though  confessed  by  the  defendant  in  his 
answer  in  Chancery,  was  determined  to  be  within  this  provision. 
To  this  opinion,  it  may  be  added.  Lord  Thurlow  intimated  an 
incUnation,  when  the  case  was  before  him  in  Chancery. 

IJThe  case  of  iJowrf^aM  v.  Wyatt  has  been  confirmed  by  sub- 
sequent cases.  In  one  case  a  sale  of  wheat  by  sample,  to  be  de- 
livered by  the  defendant  at  a  different  place  from  the  place  of 
sale,  was  held  to  be  within  the  clause  of  the  statute,  and  the 
receipt  of  the  sample  by  the  buyer  was  held  not  a  sufficient 
acceptance,  the  sample  being  no  part  of  the  wheat  sold. 

So  also  a  contract  for  sale  of  flour  not  yet  ground  was  held 
within  the  statute ;  and  was  distinguished  from  the  case  of  Torwers 
V.  Osborne,  supra,  since  there  the  chariot  ordered  would  never, 
but  for  the  order,  have  had  existence,  whereas  the  flour  was  sold, 
as  part  of  the  vendor's  general  stock. 

A  contract  for  a  quantity  of  oak  pins  to  be  cut  out  of  slabs 
and  delivered  to  the  buyer,  was  held  not  a  sale  of  goods  within 
the  statute. 

But  where  A.,  being  the  owner  of  trees  growing,  agreed  ver- 

(C)  Agreements  within  the  Statute  of  Frauds.  (17th  Section.)     15? 

bally  with  D.  to  Bell  him  the  timber  at  bo  much  per  foot,  it  was  «"»".  ^  \hin. 

held  an  agreement  for  sale  of  goods  within  the  section.  ^  V*  '^^-Vr'  . 

*=  ^  and  see  Watts 

V.  Friend,  10  Barn.  &  C.  446.     The  case  of  Groves  v.  Buck  is  over-ruled  by  Garbut  v. 

Watson,  sujmi;  see  9  Barn.  &  C.  561. 

But  the  sale  of  growing  underwood  to  be  cut  by  the  purchaser  Scorell  v. 
has,  as  we  have  seen,  been  held  by  the  Court  of  Exchequer  to  |^^^'l> 
confer  an  interest  in  land  within  the  fourth  section.  39g  .  ^,jj  ^^^' 

2  Brod!  &  B.  99. 

The  circumstance  of  a  buyer  agreeing  to  pay  a  higher  price  Astey  v. 
for  goods  in  consideration  of  their  being  delivered  at  the  vendor's  ^j^^'^^j'  o  c 
expense,  does  not  make  the  contract  a  mixed  contract  for  the  252. 
carriage  as  well  as  the  sale,   so  as  to  prevent  its  coming  within 
the  seventeenth  section  as  a  sale  of  goods. 

A  contract  for  the  purchase  of  several  articles  at  the  same  time,  Baldej  v. 
each  under  10/.  and  at  separate  prices,  but  in  the  whole  amount-  ^^n'^^'^' <>  p 
ing  to  above  10/.  is  within  the  seventeenth  section.  ^^  ^■^^nd  see 

Price  v  Lea,  1  Barn.  &  C.  156. 

A  contract  to  procure  coals  for  plaintiff  at  A.,  and  convey  Cobbold  v. 

them  to  i?.,  is  not  a  contract  for  sale  of  coals  to  the  plaintiff  Gaston,  1  Bing. 

•  1-1  R  399 

witlim  the  statute. 

2.   Of  Acceptance  of  Goods,   and   part  Payment,  within   the 
Seventeenth  Section. 

Where  goods  are  ponderous,  and  incapable  of  being  at  once  chaplin  v. 
handed  over  by  actual  delivery,  the  statute  may  be  satisfied  by  Rogers, 
that  which  is  tantamount,  as  the  delivery  of  the  key  of  the  ware-  ^  East,  192.; 
house  where  they  are,  or  other  zw<//cmwofproperty,  or  the  exercising  ^  ^^     ''P'"' 
acts  of  ownership  over  them,  as  selling  a  part  to  another  person. 

And  the  offering  to  sell  them  by  the  buyer  to  a  third  party,   Blenkinsop  v. 
who  refuses  to  purchase  them,  is  such  an  act  as  ought  to  be  left  Clayton, 
to  a  jury,  to  say  whether  it  amounts  to  an  acceptance  or  not.  '  i^     itf/' 

S.  C.  '  "^ 

Where  wine  lying  in  the  London  Docks  was  sold  without  any  Bentall  v. 
written  contract,  and  an  order  of  delivery  was  given   by  the  ^"^'  ^  ^*™* 
vendor  to  the  vendee,  it  was  held  that  the  acceptance  of  this 
order  by  the  buyer  was  not  an  acceptance  of  the  goods  within 
the  statute,  since,  till  the  Dock  Company. accepted  the  order, 
they  continued  to  hold  the  wine  for  the  vendor. 

The  acceptance  of  a  sample  of  the  goods,  if  part  of  the  bulk  Hinde  v. 
sold,  is  a  sufficient  acceptance  within  the  statute,  but  not  if  the  Whitchouse,' 

sample  form  no  part  of  the  commodity.  7  bast,  558.; 

^  ^  •'  Cooper  V. 

Elston,  7  Term  R.  14. 

Where  the  defendant  contracted  to  purchase  two  horses  of  the  Elmore  v. 
plaintiff,  and  desired  the  plaintiff,  who  was  a  livery-stable  keeper,  Stone, 
to  keep  them  at  livery  for  the  defendant,  in  consequence  of  which  1  Taunt.  458. 
the  plaintiff  removed  them  out  of  his  sale  stable  into  another,   it 
was  held  that  this  was  a  complete  delivery  to  the  defendant. 

But  where  the  defendant  verbally  bought  a  horse  of  plaintiff,  to  Carter  y. 
remain  for  twenty  days  with  the  plaintiff  without  any  charge,  and  Toussaint, 
no  time  was  fixed  for  payment  of  the  price,  and  at  the  end  of  the  855!^"        ' 




Howe  V. 

3  Barn.  &  Aid 
321.;  see 
2  Carr.  &  P 

Rohde  V. 

C  Barn.  &  C. 

Tempest  v. 
3  Bam.  &  A. 
680.    See 
Tarling  v. 
6  Barn.  &  C. 

Hanson  v. 
5  Barn.  &  A. 
£37. ;  ted  vide 
Hart  V. 
3  Camp.  523. 
Baldey  v. 
2  Bam-  &  C. 
44. ;  and  see 
Thompson  v. 

Phillips  V. 


2  Bara.  &  C. 


twenty  days  the  defendant  ordered  the  horse  to  be  sent  to  grass, 
but  entered  as  the  plaintifs  huise,  it  was  held  that  an  action 
would  not  lie  for  the  price,  suice  there  was  no  sufficient  accept- 
ance by  the  defendant. 

So  where  a  quantity  of  tares  were  purchased  by  the  defend- 
ant of  the  plaintiff,  and  they  were  to  remain  in  the  plaintiff's 
'  possession  till  the  defendant  fetched  them  away,  the  mere  cir- 
cumstance of  the  plaintiff's  servant  measuring  them  out  and 
setting  them  apart  in  the  plaintiff's  granary  for  the  defendant,  was 
held  not  a  sufficient  delivery  and  acceptance  within  the  statute. 

But  where  A.  agreed  to  sell  to  B.  twenty  hogsheads  of  sugar 
without  any  writing,  and  four  hogsheads  were  delivered  to  and 
accepted  by  J3.,  and  A.  filled  up  and  appropriated  sixteen  other 
hogsheads,  and  informed  B,  they  were  ready,  and  desired  him 
to  fetch  them  away,  and  B.  said  he  would  take  them  as  soon  as 
he  could,  it  was  held  that  the  appropriation  having  been  made 
by  A.  and  assented  to  by  J5.,  the  property  in  the  sixteen  hogs- 
heads passed  to  the  latter. 

So  where  the  defendant,  while  on  a  visit  to  plaintiff,  agreed  to 
purchase  a  horse  for  ready  money,  and  to  fetch  it  away  about 
the  22d  of  Septembery  and  the  defendant  went  away,  and  re- 
turned on  the  20th  of  September,  and  then  rode  the  horse,  and 
gave  directions  as  to  its  treatment,  and  requested  it  might  remain 
another  week  in  plaintiff's  possession,  and  said  he  would  return 
and  pay  for  it  about  the  26th  or  27th  of  September,  and  the 
defendant  returned  on  the  27th  to  take  the  horse  away,  but 
in  the  mean  time  it  had  died,  and  the  defendant  refused  to 
pay  the  price ;  it  was  held  that  there  was  no  acceptance  of  the 
horse  within  the  statute  of  frauds,  for  the  sale  being  for  ready 
money,  the  defendant  had  no  right  to  take  away  the  horse  till 
tlie  price  was  paid,  and  therefore  his  acts  on  the  20th  September 
could  not  be  considered  as  acts  of  ownership. 

An  acceptance  of  the  goods  by  a  wharfinger,  in  order  to  con- 
vey them  to  the  buyer,  is  not  an  acceptance  by  the  buyer  within 
the  statute ;  for  the  acceptance  must  be  such  as  precludes  the 
buyer  from  afterwards  making  any  objection  to  the  quantum  or 
quality  of  the  goods. 

As  long  as  the  lien  of  the  vendor  remams,  the  possession  of 
the  goods  is  not  so  transferred  to  the  vendee  as  to  amount  to 
an  acceptance  of  them  within  the  statute. 
Maceroni,  3  Bara.  &  C.  1.     Mayfield  v.  Wadsley,  Ibid.  557. 

In  order  to  satisfy  the  statute,  there  must  be  a  delivery  of  the 
goods  by  the  vendor  with  an  intention  of  vesting  the  possession 
in  the  vendee,  and  an  actual  acceptance  by  the  latter  with  in- 
tention of  taking  the  possession  as  owner.  Therefore,  where 
jewels  were  knocked  down  by  the  plaintiff  to  the  defendant  at  an 
auction,  at  which  the  conditions  were,  that  the  purchaser  should 
pay  thirty  per  cent,  upon  being  declared  the  highest  bidder,  and 
the  residue  of  the  price  on  removal  of  the  goods,  and  the  de- 
fendant received  the  jewels  on  their  being  knocked  down,  and 


(C)  Agreements  within  the  Statute  qf  Frauds.  (17th  Section.)    159 

three  or  four  minutes  afterwards  objected  that  he  had  mistaken 
the  price,  when  the  plaintiff  refused  to  receive  them  again,  it  was 
held,  that  as  it  could  not  be  presumed  that  the  vendor  intended, 
contrary  to  the  conditions,  to  part  with  the  goods  without  the 
deposit  or  price  being  paid,  there  was  very  slight  evidence  to 
shew  that  the  plaintiff  intended  to  part  with  the  control  over  the 
goods  when  he  delivered  them,  and  that  the  receiving  the  jewels 
for  a  few  minutes  before  making  his  objection  was  very  slight 
evidence  of  an  acceptance  by  the  vendee,  and  that  it  was  a 
question  for  the  jury  whether  there  was  a  delivery  and  accept- 
ance intended  by  both  parties  to  transfer  the  possession. 

If  the  purchaser  of  goods  draw  a  shilling  over  the  hand  of  the  Blenkinsop  v. 
vendor,  and  return  the  money  into  his  own  pocket,  which  is  Clayton, 
called  in  the  north  of  England  striking  of  a  bargain,  this  is  not  '^  Taunt.  597. 
a  part  payment  within  the  statute. 

3.  Of  the  Memorandum   in  Writing,    and  the  signing  by  the 
Party  to  be  charged,  or  his  Agent 

The  language  of  the  seventeenth  section  differs  from  that  of  Egerton  v. 
the  fourth,  inasmuch  as  in  the  latter  the  "  agreemenf*^  is  required  Matthews,; 
to  be  in  writing,  in  the  former,  only  a  "  note  or  memorandum  in  ^  ^^''  ^^ '^ 
writing  of  the  bargain  "  is  required.    Therefore,  where  an  action 
was  brought  for  not  accepting  goods  according  to  the  following 
memorandum  —  "We  agree  to  give  Mr.  Egerton  \^d.  per  lb.  for 
30  bales  of  Smyrna  cotton,  customary  allowance,  cash  3  per  cent. 
Matthe*iSos  and  Turnbidl"  it  was  objected  that  no  consideration 
appeared  for  the  defendant's  undertaking,  and  that  there  was  no 
mutuality  in  the  agreement ;  but  the  Court  distinguished  this 
from  the  cases  on  the  fourth  section,  and  held  that  there  was  a 
sufficient  memorandum  of  the  bargain  to  bind  the  parties  to  be 
charged  and  that  their  signatures  were  all  that  the  statute  re- 

In  the  above  case  the  name  of  the  seller  appeared  in  the  me-  champion  v. 
morandum,  although  the  purchasers  only  signed  it.     But  where  Phimmer, 
the  seller  alone  siimed  a  memorandum  of  the  bargain,  and  the  i  New  R.  252^ 
buyer's  name  did  not  appear  on  it,  it  was  held  insufficient ;  since  *^" J'*"^  ^"^" 
there  cannot  be  a  contract  without  two  parties,  and  the  memo-  5  Xaunt.  167. 
randum  would  prove  a  sale  to  any  other  party  as  well  as  to  the 

The   memorandum  may  be  made  up  of  two  separate  writ-  Saunderson  v. 
ings,  if  they  refer  one  to  the  other.     Thus,  in  an  action  for  Jackson, 
not  delivering  gin  bought  of  the  defendants,  it  appeared  that  2  Bos.  &  PulT, 
at  the   time   the   order  was  given   by  the   plaintiff  a   bill   of  ^^^* 
parcels  was  delivered  to  him  by  the  defendants,  headed  in  print 
thus:  "  Bought  of  Jacit^on  2iX\d.  Hawkins,  distillers;"  and  then  , 

followed,  in  writing,  "  1000  gallons  of  gin,  1  in  5  gin,  7^.,  350/.;" 
and  the  name  of  the  buyer  appeared  on  the  bill  of  parcels. 
About  a  month  after,  the  defendants  also  wrote  the  following 
letter  to  the  plaintiff:  —  "  Sir,  we  wish  to  know  what  time  we 
"  shall  send  your  order,  and  shall  be  obliged  for  a  little  time  in 
"  delivering  of  the  remainder.  Must  request  you  to  return  our 
"  pipes.     Yours,  &c  Jcckson  and  Hawkins.^^     It  was   holden 




Jackson  v. 
Lowe,  1  Bing. 

Cooper  V. 
Smith,  15  East 
103.;  and  see 
Boydell  V. 
II  East,  142. 
Richards  v. 
Porter,  6  Barn. 
&  C.  437. 

1  Espin.  190. 
see  Selby  v. 


Saunderson  v. 


S  Bos.  &  Pull. 


Schneider  v. 


12  Maule  &  S. 


Smon  T.  Me- 
tivier,  1  Black. 

that  by  connecting  the  bill  of  parcels  with  the  subsequent  letter 
of  the  defendants,  the  requisites  of  the  statute  were  made  out. 

So,  in  an  action  for  not  delivering  flour  according  to  con- 
tract, it  appeared  that  the  plaintiff  had  sent  a  written  notice 
to  the  defendant  that  certain  flour  delivered  by  the  defendant  to 
the  plaintiff  ("  in  part  performance  of  the  plaintiffs  contract 
"  with  him  for  100  sacks  or  bags  of  good  English  seconds 
"  flour,  at  45s.  per  sack  or  bag,")  was  so  bad  that  the  plaintiff 
would  not  accept  it,  and  that  he  held  the  defendant  answerable, 
and  expected  him  to  fulfil  the  contract  above  alluded  to  in  the 
course  of  a  week;  and  the  defendant's  attorney's  clerk,  by 
direction  of  the  defendant  returned  an  answer,  stating  that  de- 
fendant considered  he  had  performed  his  contract  with  the 
plaintiff  as  far  as  it  had  gone,  and  w^as  ready  to  perform  the 
remainder;  it  was  held,  that  as  the  plaintifTs  notice  stated  the 
terms  of  the  contract,  and  the  defendant's  letter  clearly  referred 
to  the  same  contract,  the  two  papers  together  made  a  sufficient 
memorandum  within  the  statute. 

But  where  in  an  action  for  goods  sold  and  delivered,  the 
plaintiff  offered  in  evidence  an  entry  of  the  order  for  the  goods, 
made  in  an  order-book  of  the  plaintifTs  rider,  which  purported 
to  be  a  mere  general  order  of  forty  sacks  of  flour  at  58s.  per 
sack,  and  this  order  being  insufficient  as  a  memorandum  for 
want  of  signature,  the  plaintiff  endeavoured  to  satisfy  the  statute 
by  connecting  the  order  with  a  letter  of  the  defendant,  stating, 
that  as  the  plaintiff  had  not  sent  the  flour,  the  defendant  was 
provided,  and  that  he  had  expected  to  receive  it  in  a  vceek,  it  was 
held,  that  the  letter  of  the  defendant  appeared  to  refer  to  a  dif- 
ferent contract,  and  could  not  be  connected  with  the  order,  so  as 
to  form  a  memorandum  within  the  statute. 

The  place  of  signature  of  the  memorandum  is  immaterial.  If 
a  person  draw  up  an  agreement  in  his  own  hand-writing,  be- 
ginning, "  I  A. B.  agree,  8^c"  and  leave  a  place  for  signature  at 
the  bottom,  but  does  not  sign  it,  the  agreement  will  be  con- 
sidered as  sufficiently  signed. 

So  it  seems  if  a  person  be  in  the  habit  of  printing  instead  of 
writing  his  name,  he  may  be  said  to  sign  by  his  printed  as  well 
as  by  his  written  name. 

And  where  the  name  of  the  seller  was  printed  in  the  common 
way  on  the  bill  of  parcels,  and  he  had  written  in  the  bill  the 
name  of  the  buyer,  that  was  held  to  be  a  recognition  of  the 
contract  and  adoption  of  the  printed  name,  so  as  to  satisfy  the 

Tlie  question  whether  sales  of  goods  by  auction  were  within 
the  seventeenth  section  was  long  without  a  solemn  determi- 
nation. In  one  case  Lord  Mansfield  C.  J.  and  Wilmot  J.  were 
inclined  to  the  negative,  on  the* ground  that  the  solemnity 
of  that  kind  of  sale,  and  the  number  of  persons  present,  pre- 
cluded perjury  as  to  the.  fact  of  sale.  But  Lord  Ellenhorough, 
in  Hinde  v.  Wliitehouse,  7  East,  568.,  observed,  that  with  all 
deference  to  these  opinions  he  did  not  feel  any  sufficient  reason 
for  dispensing  with  the  express  requisition  of  the  statute  apply- 

(C)  Agreements  xvithin  the  Statute  c)fFratids.  (lyth  Section.)    161 

ing  to  all  sales  of  goods  above  the  value  of  10/.  without  exception,  Kenworthy  v. 

merely  because  the  quantum  of  parol  evidence  in  case  of  an  Schofield, 

auction  is  likely  to  render  the  danger  of  perjury  less  consider-  L/"^"' 
able ;  and  in  a  late  case  the  Court  of  King's  Bench  {Abbott  C.  J. 
and  Littledale  J.  being  absent,)  expressly  decided  that  such 
sales  are  within  the  seventeenth  section.  We  have  already 
seen  (p.  155),  that  the  auctioneer  is  the  agent  of  both  parties, 
and  a  memorandum  made  by  him  of  the  bargain  binds  both 
the  seller  and  buyer. 

But  the  terms  of  the  contract  must  sufficiently  appear  on  the  Hinde  v. 

Face  of  the  memorandum,  signed  by  the  auctioneer.     Therefore,  Whitehouse, 

where  at  a  sale  by  auction  of  sugars,  the  auctioneer  (having  Kenwo'rthvV 

before  him  the  printed  catalogue  of  sale,  containing  the  lots,  Schofield, 

marks,  and  number  of  hogsheads,  and  the  gross  weight  of  the  2  Barn.  &  C. 

sugars,  and  also  another  paper  containing  the  conditions  of  sale,  pf^"?'  i  ^"*  ^^^ 

which  latter  he  read  to  the  bidders  as  the  terms  on  which  the  Barry"i°Camp 

sugars  were  sold,  but  the  two  papers  were  neither  externally  513.  'The 

annexed  nor    contained  any  internal  reference  to  each  other,)  note  in  writing 

wrote  down  on  the  catalogue  the  name  of  the  highest  bidder,  "^"^^  ^t'^^^  the 

and  the  sum  bid  for  each  lot,  it  was  holden  that  the  minute  on  goodsln  oi^er 

the  catalogue  (the  catalogue  not  being  incorporated  with  the  to  satisfy  the 

conditions  of  sale)  was  not  a  sufficient  memorandum  of  a  bargain  statute. 

under  those  conditions.  ^  ^*'^*  ^  %• 


If  the  action  is  brought  in  the  auctioneer's  own  name  for  not  Farebrother 

accepting  goods  knocked  down  at  an  auction,  the  statute  will  not  v.  Simmons, 

be  satisfied  by  the  signature  of  the  auctioneer  as  agent  for  the  ^  Barn.  &  A. 

buyer ;  for  the  agent  signing  must  be  a  third  party,  and  not  the  ''"'t  "■  'r^y"^'^ 
^u  ^     ..     .1-  X  '^  .         xu  J  V.  Lmthorne, 

Other  party  to  the  contract  on  the  record.  1  \^y  &  Moo. 

325.    Wright  V.  Dannah,  2  Camp.  R.  203.;  and  see  1  Moo.  &  Malk.  125. 

In  sales  made  by  brokers  acting  between  tlie  parties  buying  Kucker  v. 

and  selling,   the  memorandum  in  the  broker's  book,  and  the  Cammeycr, 

bought  and  sold  notes  transcribed  therefrom,  and  signed  by  the  Hinde  v.* 

broker,  and  delivered  to  the  buyer  and  seller  respectively,  are  Whitehouse, 

held  a  sufficient  compliance  with  the  statute  to  render  the  con-  7  East,  569. 

tract  binding  on  each  party.  f'^f  ^°^^,^^ 

'^  ^       •'  lenborough. 

It  was  laid  down  by  Lord  Ellenboroiigh  C.  J.,  that  the  entry  j-je„^  ^ 
signed  by  the  broker  is  alone  the  binding  contract,  and  that  the  Neale,2Ca'mp. 
bought  and  sold  notes  transcribed  from  it  are  only  sent  to  the  357.  Gumming 
parties  for  their  information.     But  in  another  case,  where  the  T:  Roebuck, 
bought  and  sold  notes  diffi=red  in  terms,  Gibbs  C.J.  denied  this  Thornton \^* 
doctrine,   and  held  that  the  parties  were  bound  by  the  notes  Kempster, 
delivered  by  the  broker,  and  if  they  differed  there  was  no  valid  5  Taunt,  vsg. 
contract ;  and  the  Courts  of  Common  Pleas  and  King's  Bench  ^"^  ,^^^  f^^^^ 
in  similar  cases  decided  accordingly.  5  B.lrn  &'^C 

436.  In  Gumming  v.  Roebuck,  and  Thornton  v.  Kempster,  it  did  not  appear  whether  there 
was  any  entry  signed  by  the  broker  in  his  book.  Qu.  whether  such  an  entry  signed  will  make 
a  binding  contract  where  the  bought  and  sold  notes  differ?  It  is  clear  an  unsigned  entry  will 
not.     Grant  v.  Fletcher,  supra. 

So,  if  a  material  alteration  is  made  in  the  note  by  the  broker  Powell  v.  Di- 
at  the  instance  of  one  party,  without  the  assent  of  the  other,  )^^"'  1 5  East, 
it  annuls  the  instrument.  ''^^' 

Vol.  I.  M  In 


Dickenson  ?.  In  a  late  Nisi  Prius  case,  the  question  arose  whether  the  bought 
Lilwall,  and  sold  notes  alone  would  constitute  a  contract,  without  any  entry 

1  Surk,  128.  Q^  all  j„  ti,g  broker's  book  ;  but  it  was  not  necessary  to  decide  it. 
Goomv.  But  it  has  lately  been  held,  that  where  the  broker  makes  an 

Aflalo,  6  Bam.  entry  in  his  book  but  does  not  sign  it,  and  sends  bought  and 
*  ^"c  *•';,  ^'^  sold  notes,  copied  from  the  book  and  signed  by  him,  to  the  parties, 
Sparrow,  2C.    ^hey  form  a  sufficient  memorandum.|| 

&  P.  544.  If  the  broker's  clerk  sign  the  book  it  will  not  be  sufficient;  for  the  broker  cannot 
delegate  his  authority.  Henderson  v.  Barnwall,  1  Young  &  J.  587 ;  see  Blore  v.  Sutton, 
3  Meriv.  237.  Though  the  agent  signing  the  contract  has  no  authority  from  his  principal  at 
the  time  of  signing,  it  will  be  sufficient  if  the  principal  afterwards  ratifies  the  contract. 
Maclean  v.  Dunn,  4  Bing.  722. 

(D)  Of  Cases  where  Equity  decrees  specific  Perform- 
ance of  Agreements  on  the  Ground  of  their 
being  in  Part  performed. 

There  are  several  cases  in  which  it  has  been  holden,  that  a 
parol  agreement  in  part  executed  shall  be  performed  in  the  whole ; 
but  as  those  cases  are  not  exactly  stated  or  well  reported,  it  will 
be  sufficient  to  mention  what  seems  to  be  the  sense  of  them,  and 
what  with  any  justness  can  be  collected  from  them.     If  an  agree- 
Leek  v.  Mor-    nient  be  made  concerning  lands,  though  not  in  writing,  and  the 
rice,  2  Ch.  Ca.  party  by  whom  it  was  made  receive  all  or  part  of  the  money, 
135.  Alsop  V.  equity  will  compel  a  specific  performance  of  the  whole  agree- 
i^atten,  1  Vern.  jjjgjjj-.  because  this  is  out  of  the  statute,  which  designed  to  defeat 
H.  C.  239.        such  agreements  only,  no  part  whereof  was  carried  into  exe- 
cution, and  set  up  merely  by  parol ;  for  that  was  the  occasion  of 
the  statute,  that  persons  used  to  swear  verbal  agreements  upon 
others,  and  by  such  false  oaths  charge  the  parties  in  equity  to 
perform  such  agreements,  though  they  had  never  been  made  ;  and 
therefore  the  mere  parol  proof  of  such  agreements  concerning 
lands  cannot  be  admitted  in  a  court  of  equity :    but  where  the 
Bamett  v.        price  is  paid,  there  it  doth  not  stand  upon  the  parol  proof  of  the 
Gomeserra,       agreement  only,  but  upon  the  execution  of  part  of  the  agreement, 
sled  V.  Cole-  '  ^^^'<^''  is  evidence  that  the  agreement  was  really  made ;  and  diere- 
man,Bunb.65.  fore  there  is  the  same  reason  that  the  plaintiff  in  equity  should 
[{a)  In  Lacon    have  the  land  for  his  money  (a),  as  it  is  that  he  should  deliver  the 
3  Atk"4°*'Ld    S^ods  where  he  hath  received  the  money ;  but  the  doubt  in  these 
Hardwicke     '  ^^ses  is,  what  shall  be  a  proof  of  the  receipt  of  the  money, 
said,  that  pay-  Thus  far  it  seems  certain,  that  if  the  defendant  in  his  answer 
mcnt  had  al-     confess  the  receipt  of  the  money  for  that  purpose  in  the  bill,  or  if 
holden*^a")art    ^^  ^^"^  ^^®  receipt,  and  it  be  proved  upon  him  by  writing,  as 

Krformance.  ^y  letter  under  his  hand,  or  other  written  evidence,  he  shall  be 
It  it  seems  obliged  specifically  to  perform  the  whole  agreement,  because  he 
that  it  is  not  hath  carried  part  into  execution  :  but  if  the  defendant  confess  the 
S  lands!  *St  ^^^p'P.^  of  the  money,  but  say  that  he  borrowed  it  from  the 
eooile  v!  plaintiff,  and  that  he  had  it  not  in  execution  of  that  agreement, 

Mealc,  Pr.Ch.  there  he  turns  the  proof  of  the  agreement  upon  the  plaintiff, 
560.  Lord  and  then  the  plaintiff  must  prove  the  receipt  of  the  money  by 
R^2En  ^^^  defendant,  for  the  purpose  in  the  bill,  by  some  written 
Ca.  Abr.  46.      agreement.  (6) 

pi   12.   Simmons  V.  Cornelius,  1  Ch.  Rep.  128.    But  sec  VoU  v.  Smith,  5  Ch.  Rep.  16.    Anon. 
2  Freem.  128.]    ^Xn  dinan  y.  Cooke,  1  Scho.  &  Lef.  22.  Lord  Redesdale  decided  that,  pay- 

(D)  Part  Performance  in  Equity.  16S 

ment  of  purchase-money  was  not  a  part  performance,  since  the  statute  having  expressly 
declared  that  it  shall  be  so  in  case  of  goods,  must  have  meant  to  exclude  it  in  case  of  lands; 
and  see  O'Herliliy  v.  Hedges,  Ibid.  125.  and  4  Ves.  720.  14  Ves.jun.  588.  ace.  and  the  cases  on 
the  subject  stated  in  Sugd.  Vend.  &  P.  (6th  edit.)  104. ;  nor  is  payment  of  auction  duty  on 
a  sale  a  part  performance.  Buckmaster  v  Harrop,  13  Ves.  456.  and  on  a  parol  agreement  for 
division  of  an  estate  by  arbitration,  acts  done  by  the  arbitrators  as  surveying,  &c.  are  not  a 
part  performance.  Cooth  v.  Jackson,  6  Ves.  4I.|1  [Acts  done  in  part  performance,  must  be 
such  as  could  be  done  with  no  other  view  or  design  than  to  perform  the  agreement,  and  not 
such  as  are  merely  introductory  or  ancillary  to  it.  Ex  j)arte  Hooper,  19  Ves.  479. 
I  Meriv.  7.  They  must  be  such,  too,  as  would  be  a  prejudice  to  the  party  who  has 
done  them,  if  the  agreement  should  afterwards  be  vacated ;  and  where  no  fraud  is  alleged, 
it  seems,  that  the  terms  of  the  agreement  must  be  certainly  proved.  Gunter  v.  Halsey, 
Ambl.  586.  W^hitbread  v.  Brockhurst,  1  Bro.  Ch.  R.  412.  The  giving  of  possession  is 
to  be  considered  as  an  act  of  part  performance.  Butcher  v.  Stepeley,  1  Vern.  363.  Pyke 
v.  Williams,  2  Vern.  455.  Lockey  v.  Lockey,  Pr.  Ch.  519.  Lacon  v.  Mertins,  sAtk.  4. 
Floyd  V.  Buckland,  2  Freem.  268.  Stewart  v.  Denton,  Fonbl.  Notes  on  Eq.Tr,  38.]  Wills 
V.  Stradling,  3  Ves.  jun.  578.  Bowes  v.  Cator,  4  Ves.  jun.  71.  Gregory  v.  Mighell,  18  Ves. 
jun.  328.  Kine  v.  Balfe,  2  Ball  &  B.  343.  Morphettv.  Jones,  1  Swanst.  172.  ;11  [but  possession 
wrongfully  obtained,  or  from  persons  not  competent  to  give  it,  of  however  long  continuance, 
will  not  avail.  Hole  v.  White,  cited  in  1  Bro.  Ch.  R.  409.  Ireland  v.  Rittlc,  1  Atk.  541.] 
II And  it  must  be  a  possession  delivered  in  part  performance;  therefore,  the  mere  continuing  in 
possession  of  a  tenant  cannot  weigh  with  the  court  on  a  bill  by  the  tenant  for  specific  per- 
formance of  a  parol  agreement  for  a  new  lease.  Wills  v.  Stradling,  sVes.  382. ;  and  see 
1  Ball  &  B.  282.;  and  the  mere  payment  of  additional  rent  by  the  tenant  is  an  equivocal  act, 
unless  it  appear  that  the  landlord  accepted  it  on  the  ground  of  the  agreement,  ibid. ;  and  the 
laying  out  money  in  rebuilding  a  party-wall  by  a  tenant  does  not  take  an  agreement  out  of 
the  statute,  since  it  must  be  done  independently  of  the  agreement,  either  at  the  expense  of 
the  party  or  his  landlord.  Frame  v.  Dawson,  14  Ves.  386,;  and  see  Lindsay  v.  Lynch,  2  Scho, 
&  Lef  1.  O'Reilly  v.  Thompson,  2  Cox.  271. |1  [The  giving  directions  for  conveyances,  and 
going  to  view  the  estate,  are  not  considered  as  acts  of  part  performance.  Clerk  v.  Wright, 
I  Atk.  12.  Whaley  v.  Bagenal,  6  Bro.  P.  C.  45.  Hole  v.  White,  suprh.  Nor  will  desisting 
from  a  jjurchase  of  lands  in  favour  of  another,  upon  certain  terms,  take  an  agreement  in  favoui 
of  the  party  desisting,  as  to  part  of  the  lands,  out  of  the  statute.  Lames  v.  Bayley,  2  Vern. 
627. ;  and  see  Vin.  Abr.  tit.  Contract,  &c.  (H)  pi.  32.  2  Eq.  Ca.  Abr.  45.  10.  which  seem  to  be 
the  same  case.]  {b)  For  a  parol  evidence,  as  to  the  receipt  of  the  money,  seems  to  be  as 
much  excluded  by  the  statute,  as  parol  evidence  relating  to  the  agreement ;  tamen  queere. 
Whether  parol  evidence  may  not  properly  be  applied  to  the  act  of  receiving;  though  not  to 
the  act  of  contracting.    See  1  Pow.  on  Contracts,  306,  507,  308. 

If  a  man,  on  a  promise  of  a  lease  to  be  made  to  him,  lays  out  Pr.  Ch.  561. 
money  on  improvements,  he  shall  oblige  the  lessor  afterwards  to  So  lessee 
execute  the  lease,  beinff  executed  on  the  part  of  the  lessee,  and  <'""sed  where 

■'  o  1  '  nosspsscQ  SIX 

the  lessor  shall  not  be  allowed  to  take  advantage  of  his  own  fraud,  years.  2  Stra. 
and  run  away  with  the  improvements  made  by  another ;  but  if  785.    Earl  of 
no  such  expense  had  been  on  the  lessee's  part,  a  bare  promise  of  Aylesford's 
a  lease,  though  accompanied  with  possession,  would  be  within  ^^.?;    ''e^®  , 
the  statute  of  frauds.  ling^  3  Ves. 

332.  and  Frame  v.  Dawson,  14  Ves.  386.    Toole  v.  Medlicott,  1  Ball  &  B.  401.|| 

One  that  could  read  made  an  agreement  for  a  lease  of  twenty-  Skin.  159.  pie. 
one  years ;  the  lessor  himself  drew  the  lease  but  for  one  year,  and  Anon.  [That  a 
yet  read  it  for  twenty-one  years,  and  after  the  expiration  of  the  ^^^^^  '"  * 
year  ejected  the  lessee ;  on  a  bill  brought  to  be  relieved  upon  this  ^lent  cannot 
matter,  which  was  proved,   the  court  held  it  to  be  within  the  be  supplied, 
statute  of  frauds  and  perjuries,  and  dismissed  the  bill  with  costs,   see  Binsted  v. 
it  being  the  plaintiff's  own  folly,  being  able  to  read  ;  seciiSi  if  he  ^^JfiJ^g"'  ^^^^ 
had  been  unlettered.  on  the  ground 

of  fraud  or  mistake  it  may.    Joynes  v.  Stathani,  3  Atk.  388.] 

If  a  man  purchases  lands  in  another's  name,  and  pays  the  2  Vent.  36 1. 
money,  it  will  be  a  trust  for  him  that  paid  the  money,  though  g^p'^^ho^e  it 

M  2  there 


« said  that  the  there  be  no  deed  executed  declaring  the  trust  thereof;  for  the 

proof  must  be  statute  of  frauds  and  perjuries  extends  not  to  trusts  raised  by 

very  clear  that  operation  of  law. 

he  paid  the  ' 

purchase  money ;  but  for  this  vide  head  of  Evidence,  and  Trusts, 

Hales  V.  Van-        [Although  parol  agreements  are  bound  by  the  statute,  and 
herchem,  agreements  are  not  to  be  part  parol  and  part  in  writing,  yet  a 

KuSlv  Riis-  deposit  or  collateral  security  for  the  performance  of  a  written 
sell,  Bro.  Ch.    agreement,  is  not  witliin  the  purview  of  the  statute.] 

K.  269. 

Abr.  Eq.  20.  Where  a  parol  agreement  was   concerning  the  lending   of 

pi.  5.  2Frecm.  money  on  a  mortgage,  and  the  conveyance  proposed  was  an  ab- 
Skfn^fis  solute  deed  from  the  mortgagor,  and  a  deed  of  defeasance  from 

5  Atit.  389.       the  mortgagee,  and  after  the  mortgagee  had  got  the  deed  of  con- 
s  Wooddes.       veyance  he  refused  to  execute  the  defeasance,  yet  it  was  decreed 

■429.  [Where  a  gnrainst  him  on  the  point  of  fraud. 

man,  m  conn-      «=•  * 

dence  of  a  parol  promise,  has  omitted  making  that  provision  for  others  which  he  intended,  such 

promise  has  been  enforced  in  equity  on  the  ground  of  fraud.     Davenish  v.  Baines,  Pr.  Ch.  3. 

2  Eq.  Ca,  Abr.  43.  S.  C.    Sellock  v.  Harris,  Vin.  Abr.  tit.  Contract  and  Agreement  (H),  p.  31. 

Reech  v.  Kennigate,  Ambl.  67.   Harris  v.  Horwell,  Gilb.  Eq.  R.  1 1.] 


(A)  Who  are  Aliens,  and  this  either  by  the  Common 

Law,  or  by  Statute. 

(B)  Of  Naturalization  and  Denization,  the  Difference 

and  Effect  of  them. 

(C)  Of  the  Disadvantages  which  Aliens  lie  under  by 

our  Law. 

[(C  2.)  How  far  the   Laws   of  this   Country  attach 
upon  Aliens.] 

(D)  What  Actions  Aliens  may  maintain  ;  and  therein 

of  the   Difference    between  an   Alien   Friend 
and  one  whose  King  is  at  enmity  with  us. 

(E)  Of  Pleading  Alienage. 

(A)  Who  are  Aliens,  and  this  either  by  the  Common 
Law,  or  by  Statute. 

7  Co.  18. a.       _^LL  those  are  natural-bom  subjects  whose  parents,  at  the  time 
^setW  of  their  birth,  were  under  the  actual  obedience  of  our  king^ 

who'were  bom  ^^  "^^osQ  place  of  birth  was  within  his  dominions. 
in  Normandy,  Gascoigne,  &c.  while  under  actual  obedience  to  the  kings  o^ England,  were  subject. 



(A)  ff7io  are  Aliens  by  Common  Lctw  or  Statute.  165 

born.  7  Co.  20.  b.  Vaugh.  270.  S.  P.  And  this  by  the  statute  42  Ed.  3.  c.  10.  is  declared  to 
have  been  the  common  law;  but  see  Bro.  Denizen,  14.,  but  those  born  there  now  are  aliens, 
those  places  not  being  in  the  actual  possession  of  our  king.    7  Co.  18.  a. 

If  one  of  the  king's  ambassadors  in  a  foreign  country  hath  7  Co.  is. a. 
issue  there  by  his  wife,  being  an  English  woman,  by  the  common 
law  they  are  natural-born  subjects. 

If  the  king  of  England  make  a  new  conquest,  the  persons  Dyer,  224. 
there  born  are  his  subjects;  but  if  it  be  taken  from  him  again,  Vaugh. 28 1» 
the  persons  there  born  afterwards  are  aliens. 

One  born  in  Ireland,  Scotland  (a),  or  ^a/^s,  or  any  of  the  Vaugh.  279. 
king's  plantations,  is  a  natural  subject  oi  England^  because  he  is  ^°'^  '^  ^' n 
born  within  the  ligeance  of  the  king.  bT 3^  c  9  %I 

(a)  The  Antenati,  or  those  born  in  Scotland  before  the  descent  of  the  English  crown  to  king 
James  I.  are  aliens ;  for  the  uniting  the  kingdoms  by  a  subsequent  descent  cannot  make  them 
subjects  of  that  crown  to  which  they  were  born  aliens ;  but  the  post?iati,  or  such  as  were  born 
after,  are  not  aliens ;  for  being  born  within  the  allegiance,  and  under  the  protection  of  the  king 
o^  England,  they  are  his  natural  subjects,  and  not  aliens.  7  Co.  1 — 28.  Calvin's  case  adjudged, 
with  the  reasons  at  large. 

If  aliens  come  as  enemies  into  the  realm,  and  possess  themselves  7  Co.  is.  a. 
of  a  town  or  fort,  and  one  of  them  has  issue  born  here,  this  issue 
is  an  alien ;  for  it  is  not  calum  or  soliim  that  makes  a  subject,  but 
the  being  born  within  the  allegiance,  and  under  the  protection  of 
the  king. 

If  the  king  o^  England  enter  with  his  army  in  a  hostile  man-  Vaugh.  231, 
ner  the  territories  of  another  prince,  and  any  be  born  within  the 
places  possessed  by  the  king's  army,  and  consequently  within  his 
protection,  such  person  is  a  subject  born  to  the  king  of  England^ 
if  from  parents  subjects,  and  not  hostile. 

Those  born  on  the  English  seas  are  not  aliens.  Molloy,  b.  5. 

c.  2.  §  9. 

By  a  statute  25  Ed.  3.  de  natis  idtra  mare,  it  is  declared,  "  that  25  E.  5.  Bt.  3. 
*'  the  king's  children,  wherever  born,  ought  to  inherit:  and  that 
*'  all  children  in  heritors,  which  from  henceforth  shall  be  born 
*'  without  the  ligeance  of  the  king,  wiiose  fathers  and  mothers, 
**  at  the  time  of  their  birth  be  and  shall  be  of  the  faith  and  allegi- 
**  ance  of  the  king  of  England,  shall  have  and  enjoy  the  same 
**  benefits  and  advantages  to  have  and  bear  the  inheritance  within 
*'  the  same  ligeance  as  other  inheritors  aforesaid,  in  time  to 
*'  come,  so  always  that  the  mothers  of  such  children  do  pass  the 
"  sea  by  the  licence  and  wills  of  their  husbands." 

If  an  E?igltsh  merchant  goes  beyond  sea,  and  takes  an  alien  Qr^  q^^  gQl 
wife,  the  issue  shall  inherit  him ;  so  it  is  if  an  English  woman  ^02.  Bacon  v. 
goes  beyond  sea  and  takes  an  alien  husband,  the  children  there  Bacon,  ad- 
born  shall  inherit  her;  for  thoujih  the  statute  be  in  the  coniunc-  J"^sed.  Lit. 

•  \«  ^«  .Iv   22   24  S  I 

tive  (b),  yet  it  hath  been  construed  in  the  disjunctive  to  hinder  sjj^  193.  s.c' 
this  disability  ;  and  the  word  and  taken  instead  of  or,  as  some-  cited.  Vent, 
times  it  is,  it  being  not  reasonable  that  the  child  shoukl  not  ^.-7.  S.  C. 

inherit  the  parent  that  is  of  ability,  for  the  defect  of  the  other  *^'^^^,'  f'"' '' 
♦k„«.  :    ^   4.  was  holden, 

t^^t^^no;-    .  that  if  baron 

and  feme  English  go  beyond  sea  witliout  licence,  or  stay  there  beyond  the  time  limited  by  the 
licence,  and  have  issue,  such  issue  is  an  alien,  and  not  inheritable.  Cro.  Eliz.  5.  Hyde  v. 
Hill  ;  tnmcn  quarc,  ct  vide  Lit.  R.  27.,  and  Bro.  tit.  Denizen,  G.;  and  see  infra,  [{b)  But  qu. 
Whether  the  cases  referred  to  warrant  this  construction;  and  sec  the  case  of  Doe  ex  dem. 

M   3  Count 



of  tl>c  '25  E. 
Dyer,  2124  in 

Count  Durouie  v.  Jones,  where  it  was  determined  that  the  son  of  an  alien  father,  of  an  En- 
glish mother  bom  out  of  the  king's  dominions,  cannot  inherit  an  estate  in  right  of  hia  mother. 
ITic  juJement  of  the  court  went  upon  the  statutes  of  4G.2.  c.  21.  and  15  G.  5.  c.  21.,  which 
confine  the  privilege  to  the  paternal  heirs,  and  were  conceived  to  be  parliamentary  expositions 
4  Term  R.  300.] 

Husband  and  wife  dwelling  in  Calais,  when  it  was  taken  by  the 
Fretichy  fled  into  Flariders,  where  the  wife  was  delivered  of  a 
son;  the  issue  adjudged  a  denizen,  because  his  parents  were 
born  in  Calais,  then  reckoned  part  of  the  king's  dominions,  and 
because  he  himself  was  begotten  there,  though  to  avoid  the  rage 
of  enemies  born  in  another  prince's  territories. 

By  the  7  Ann.  c.  5.  §  3.  it  is  enacted,  "  that  the  children  of 
"  all  natural-born  subjects,  born  out  of  the  ligeance  of  her  Ma- 
"  jesty,  her  heirs  and  successors,  shall  be  deemed,  judged  and 
"  taken  to  be  natural-born  subjects  of  this  kingdom,  to  all  intents, 
"  constructions,  and  purposes  whatsoever. 

By  the  4  G.  2.  c.  21.  the  above  clause  is  confirmed  (a) 
with  the  following  proviso,  "  that  it  shall  not  extend  to  any 
"  children,  so  as  to  make  them  natural-born  subjects  of  Great 
"  Britain,  whose  fathers,  at  the  time  of  the  birth  of  such  chil- 
"  dren  respectively,  were  or; shall  be  attainted  of  high  treason,  by 
"  judgment,  outlawry,  or  otherwise,  either  in  this  kingdom  or  in 
"  Ireland,  or  whose  fathers  at  the  time  of  the  birth  of  such  chil- 
"  dren  respectively,  by  any  law  or  law  s  made  in  this  kingdom, 
"  or  in  Ireland,  were  or  shall  be  liable  to  the  penalties  of  high 
"  treason  or  felony,  in  case  of  their  returning  into  this  kingdom 
"  or  into  Ireland,  without  the  licence  of  his  majesty,  his  heirs 
"  or  successors,  or  any  of  his  majesty's  royal  predecessors,  or 
"  whose  fathers,  at  the  time  of  the  birth  of  such  children  re- 
"  spectively,  were  or  shall  be  in  the  actual  service  of  any  foreign 
"  prince  or  state,  then  in  enmity  with  the  crown  of  England  ; 
"  but  that  all  such  children  are,  were,  and  shall  be  and  remain 
"  in  the  same  state,  plight,  and  condition,  to  all  intents,  con- 
"  structions,  and  purposes  whatsoever,  as  they  would  have  been 
"  in  if  the  said  act  of  the  seventh  year  of  her  said  late  majesty's 
"  reign,  or  this  present  act,  had  never  been  made ;  but  out  of 
"  this  proviso  are  excepted  (other  than  the  children  of  such  per- 
"  sons  who  went  out  of  Ireland  in  pursuance  of  the  articles 
"  oi  Limerick)  the  child  of  every  such  person  before  described, 
"  who,  at  any  time  between  the  16th  day  of  November  1708, 
"  and  the  25th  day  oi  March  1731,  hath  come  into  Great  Bri- 
"  tain  or  Ireland,  &c.,  and  hath  continued  to  reside  in  any  of 
"  those  places  for  the  space  of  two  years,  and  during  such  re- 
"  sidence  hath  professed  the  protestant  religion ;  also  every  child 
"  whose  father  came  into  Great  Britain  or  Ireland,  &c.  and  pro- 
"  fessed  the  protestant  religion,  and  died  there  between  the 
"  times  aforesaid ;  also  every  child  whose  father  continued  in 
the  actual  possession  or  receipt  of  the  rents  and  profits  of  any 
lands,  S)C.  for  the  space  of  one  whole  year,  at  any  time  be- 
tween the  aforesaid  times,  or  hath  bmajde,  and  for  valuable 
"  consideration,  sold,  conveyed,  or   settled  any  lands.  SfC.  in 

«  Great 

7  Ann.  c.  5. 

4G.2.  C.23. 
[(a)  The  con- 
clause  here 
alhuied  to, 
differs  from 
the  statute  of 
Ann.  in  this 
respect,  that  it 
restricts  tiie 
privilege  to 
the  paternal 
line.    The 
words  are, 
"  That  all 
children  born 
out  of  the 
ligeance,  &c. 
shall  be  natu- 
ral-bom sub- 
jects, &c."] 
Ijlf  the 
lather  has  lost 
his  character 
of  natural- 
born  subject 
before  the 
birth  of  the 
child,  the  child 
is  an  alien. 
Doe  dem. 
Thomas  v. 
Acklam , 
2  Bara.  &  C. 
779.;  and  see 
pottf  168.|| 

(A)  Pfho  are  Aliens  by  Common  La'w  or  SUttute,  Id? 

'*  Great  Britain  or  Ireland  ,•  and  any  person  claiming  title  there- 
*'  to  under  such  sale,  ^c.  who  hath  been  or  continued  in  the 
**  actual  possession  or  receipt  of  the  rents  and  profits  thereof, 
*'  for  the  space  of  six  months,  between  the  times  aforesaid, 
**  tlien,  Sj-c. 

[By  the  13  G.  3.  c.  21.  the  provisions  of  the  above  acts  are  isQ.s.  c.2i. 
extended  to  grand-children,  still  however  adhering  to  the  pater- 
nal line,  with  provisoes  that  nothing  in  that  act  "  shall  be  con- 
**  strued  to  affect  any  of  the  limitations  or  restrictions  of  the  act 
"  of  4  G.  2.  c.  21.  or  to  repeal  or  alter  the  act  of  5  G.  1.  c.  27. 
*'  hereafter  mentioned ;  or  to  repeal  or  alter  any  law  or  custom 
**  concerning  aliens'  duties,  customs,  and  impositions,  or  to  cause 
"  any  privilege,  exemption,  or  abatement  relating  thereto,  in 
*'  favour  of  any  person  naturalized  by  virtue  of  that  act,  unless 
*'  such  person  shall  come  into  this  realm,  and  there  inhabit  and 
**  reside,  and  shall  take  and  subscribe  the  oaths,  and  make,  re- 
*'  peat,  and  subscribe  the  declaration  appointed  by  the  act  of 
**  1  G.  1.  c.  13.,  entitled  an  act  for  the  further  security,  4"^.  at 
**  the  places  and  times,  and  in  the  manner  directed  by  that  act, 
**  and  also  receive  the  sacrament  of  the  Lord's  Supper  according 
"  to  the  usage  of  the  church  of  England,  or  in  some  protestant 
*'  or  reformed  congregation  within  the  kingdom  of  Great  Britain, 
"  within  three  months  before  his  taking  the  oaths  in  the  said 
**  act  mentioned,  and  shall,  at  the  time  and  place  of  taking  such 
**  oaths,  and  of  making,  repeating,  and  subscribing  the  said  de- 
**  claration,  produce  a  certificate  signed  by  the  person  administer- 
**  ing  the  said  sacrament,  and  signed  by  two  credible  witnesses, 
**  whereof  an  entry  shall  be  made  of  record  in  the  court  and 
**  courts  respectively  wherein  such  oaths  shall  have  been  made 
*'  and  subscribed,  without  any  fee  or  reward.  And  it  is  further 
*'  provided,  that  no  person  shall  be  by  this  act  enabled  to  defeat 
**  any  estate,  right,  or  interest,  which  on  the  last  day  of  that  ses- 
**  sion  should  be  had  or  vested  in  any  other  person,  or  to  claim  or 
"  demand  any  estate  or  interest  which  shall  hereafter  accrue,  so 
**  as  such  claim  or  demand  shall  be  made  within  five  years  after 
**  the  same  shall  accrue." 

By  Stat.  14?  &  15  H.  8.  c.  4.  it  is  enacted,  that  if  an  English  14  &  15H.  8. 
subject  go  beyond  the  seas,  and  there  become  a  sworn  subject  to  c*  *. 
any  foreign  prince  or  state,  he  shall,  during  his  residence  abroad, 
pay  such  impositions  as  aliens  do  :  with  a  proviso,  that  if  he  re- 
turns, and  lives  here,  he  shall  be  restored  to  his  liberties  and 

By  the  5  G.  1.  c.  27.  it  is  enacted,  "  that  if  any  manu-  sG.  i.  c.27. 
**  facturer  or  artificer  of  or  in  wool,  iron,  steel,  brass,  or  any 
*'  other  metal,  clockmaker,  watchmaker,  or  any  other  artificer 
**  or  manufacturer  of  Great  Britain,  shall  at  any  time  after  the 
*'  first  day  of  May  1719,  go  into  any  country  out  of  his  ma- 
**  jesty's  dominions,  there  to  use  or  exercise,  or  teach  any  of  the 
*'  said  trades  or  manufactures  to  foreigners:  or  in  case  any  of 
"  his  majesty's  subjects  now  being,  or  who  hereafter  shall  be  in 

M  4  «*  any 



Fost.Cr.L.  59. 
Dyer,  29a.  b. 
500.  b. 

1  Wooddcs. 

Doe  dem. 
Thomas  v. 
2  Barn.  &  C. 

"  any  such  foreign  country  out  of  his  majesty's  dominions  a> 
"  aforesaid,  and  there  using  or  exercising  any  of  the  said  trades- 
"  or  manufactories  herein-before  mentioned,  shall  not  return 
"  hito  this  realm  within  six  months  next  after  warning  shall  be 
"  given  to  him  by  the  ambassador,  envoy,  resident,  minister,  ok 
"  consul  of  the  crown  of  Great  Britain,  in  the  country  in  which 
"  such  artificer  shall  be,  or  by  any  person  authorized  by  such 
"  ambassador,  ^c.  or  by  one  of  his  majesty's  secretaries  of  state 
"  for  the  time  being,  and  from  thenceforth  continually  inhabit 
"  and  dwell  within  this  realm ;  then  and  in  such  case  every 
**  such  person  shall  be  deemed  an  alien." 

[It  should  here  be  observed,  that  the  duty  of  allegiance  arising 
from  birth  is  perpetual  and  unalienable,  and  that  it  is  not  in  the 
power  of  any  private  subject  to  shake  off  his   allegiance,  and 

transfer  it  to  a  foreign  prince ;  nor  is  it  in  the  power  of  any 
foreign  prince  by  naturalizing  or  employing  a  subject  of  Great 
Britain,  to  dissolve  the  bond  of  allegiance  between  that  subject 
and  the  crown.  But  when,  by  treaty,  especially  if  ratified  by 
act  of  parliament,  our  sovereign  cedes  any  island  or  region  to 
another  state,  the  inhabitants  of  such  ceded  territory,  though 
born  under  the  allegiance  of  our  king,  or  being  under  his  pro- 
tection whilst  it  appertained  to  his  crown  and  authority,  becoma 
effectually  aliens,  or  liable  to  the  disabilities  of  alienage,  in  re- 
spect of  their  future  concerns  with  this  country.  And  similar  to 
this  seems  the  condition  of  the  revolted  Americans,  since  the 
recognition  of  their  independent  commonwealths.] 

II This  question  has  now  been  decided.  The  case  was  an  action 
of  ejectment,  to  recover  premises  at  Kingsto7i-tij)on-Hnll,  which 
came  on  to  be  tried  before  Abbott  C.  J.  at  the  York  summer 
assizes  1822.  The  jury  found  a  special  verdict,  stating  that 
Elizabeth  Harrison  died  seised  of  the  premises  in  1813,  without 
a  will,  and  never  having  been  married,  and  that  Frances  Mai-y 
(one  of  the  lessors  of  the  plaintiff),  the  wife  of  Philip  Thomas, 
was  her  next  heir,  if  she  was  capable  of  inheriting.  Peter  Har- 
rison, the  uncle  of  Eliz.  Harrison,  and  the  grandfather  o{ Frances 
Mary  Thomas,  being  a  natural-born  British  subject,  went  to  the 
British  colonies  in  North  America,  and  died  there  in  1775,  leaving 
several  children  who  all  died  without  issue  in  the  life  of  Elizabeth 
Harrison,  except  one  daughter,  Elizabeth  Harrison,  who  in  1781 
married  at  Rfiode  Island,  one  of  the  British  Colonies,  James 
Eudlow,  a  native  subject,  born  in  the  American  Colonies.  Eliz. 
Ludlcnx)  died  in  America  in  1790,  leaving  the  lessor  Frances 
Mary  her  only  child,  she  having  been  born  at  Rhode  Island,  in 
the  United  States,  on  the  4th  Febniary  1784,  after  the  recognition 
of  the  independence  of  the  United  States  by  the  British  crown, 
which  recognition  took  place  on  the  3d  September-  1783.  James 
Ludlffw  and  Elizabeth  his  wife  continued  to  reside  in  America 
after  the  recognition  of  independence.  For  the  plaintiff  it 
was  contended,  that  the  parents  of  Frances  Mary  Thomas, 
having  been  natural-born  subjects  of  the  British  crown  at  the 


(B)  Of  Naturdlization  and  Denization.  169 

time  of  the  separation  of  the  colonies,  did  not  cease  to  be  so 
by  that  event,  and  that  the  lessor  Frances  Maty  Thomas  was 
therefore  the  child  of  a  natural-born  subject,  and  as  such  entitled 
to  be  considered  a  natural-born  subject  of  the  crown  of  Great 
Britain  within  the  meaning  of  the  statutes  25  Edw.  S.  stat.  2 
7  Ann.  c.  5.  ^S.^  Geo.  2.  c.  21.     But  the  court  held,  that  under  ,.  ^^  .  , 
the  words  of  this  last  statute,   a  child  was  not  to  be  considered  a  Lessee  v. 
natural-born  subject,  unless  the  father  were  at  the  time  of  the  Rochester, 
birth  a  subject;  and  that  as  Mr.  Ludlow  had  lost  the  character  7  Wheaton's 
of  a  subject  of  Great  Britaiti  at  the  separation  of  the  colonies  from  CaseTin^he 
the  mother  country,  his  daughter  born  after  that  event  was  an  Supreme 
alien,  and  incapable  of  inheriting,  and  judgment  was  accordingly  Court  of  the 
given  for  the  defendant.     (In  a  casein  the  supreme  court  of  the  United  States. 
United  States,  it  had  previously  been  determined  that  natives  of 
Great  Britain  were  aliens,  and  incapable  of  inheriting  lands  in 
the  United  States,  {a) 

But,  in  a  subsequent  case,  where  the  parents  were  natural-born  Auchmuty  v. 
British  subjects  residing  in  America  before  the  recognition  of  the  Mulcaster, 
independence  of  that  country,  and  on  that  event  adhered  to  the  t^f^' 
British  government,  (by  embarking  with  the  British  troops  when 
they  evacuated  New  York,  and  residing  in  England  for  two  years, 
and  by  the  father  going  to  America  under  an  appointment  from 
the  British  government),  it  was  held,  that  their  children  born 
after  the  recognition  were  capable  of  inheriting  lands  in  this 
country.     Bayley  J.  said,  —  There  is  a  very  plain  distinction  be- 
tween this  case  and  that  of  Doe  v.  Acklam.  In  that  case  it  appeared 
that  the  parent,  through  whom  the  claim  was  made,  put  off  his 
allegiance  at  the  time  of  the  treaty,  which  enabled  him  to  do  so; 
here  the  parent  took  no  such  step  at  that  time,  and  the  law  did 
not  enable  him  to  do  so  at  any  future  time.  || 

(B)  Of  Naturalization  and  Denization,  the  Difference 
and  Effect  of  them. 

A  LIEN  born  may  become  a  subject  of  England  two  ways,  by  i  Inst,  8.  a. 

denization  and  by  naturahzation :  denization  is  by  the  king's  ^^^'  ^-  Pal>". 

letters  patent ;  it  receives  him  into  the  society  as  a  new  man,  and    "^'i  ^?"'''^y 
11-11  1  1  •    /  \  1      1     1      a""  Uixon. 

makes   him  capable  to  purchase  and  to  transmit  [a)  lands  by  Cro.  Jac.  539. 

descent,  but  not  inheritable  to  any  other  relation  ;  for  though  the  (a)  His 

king  by  his  charter  may  admit  him  into  the  society,  yet  he  can-  children  born 

not  alter  the  law,  which  denied  him  to  inherit  any  relations :  but  jgj^[  ^^^ 

if  he  be  naturalized  by  act  of  parliament,  then  he  in  all  things  shall  inherit 

inherits  like  a  natural-born  subject,  because  in  an  act  of  parlia-  but  not  those 

ment  every  man's  consent  in  included.  ^°^"  before; 

•^  .  •  but  all  the 

children  of  one  naturalized  shall  inherit,  as  well  those  born  before  as  after,     Co.  Lit.  8. 
Style's  R.  139. 

A  man  may  be  made  a  denizen  in  tail,  for  life,  years,  or  upon  2  Jones,  12. 
condition :  so  the  king  may  make  a  particular  denization,  as  if  ^™-'^^^-  ^3^- 
he  grants  to  an  alien  qtiod  in  qidbiisdam  curiis  suis  Anglitv  audi-     '^^  ^'t.  129.  a. 


170  ALIENS. 

ulur  ut  Anglus,  et  quod  non  repeUatur  per  illam  excepiionem  qttod 
est  alienigena. 
Co.  Lit.  1 89. 0.       But  one  cannot  be  naturalized,  either  with  limitation  for  years, 
2 Roll. R. 95.    life,  or  in  tail,  or  upon  condition;  for  it  is  against  the  absolute- 
ness, purity,  and  indelibility  of  natural  allegiance. 
Carter  185  ^^  *  "^^"  ^^  naturalized  in  Ireland  by  the  parliament  there,  this 

aKcb.eoi.       is  no  naturalization  as  to  England,  for  the  parliament  of /r^/an^ 
2  Jonc«,  12.      hath  no  direct  or  consequential  power  of  binding  England;  and 

2  Vent.  2.         naturalization  is  but  a  fiction,  which  can  only  bind  those  that 
But  a  natu-  .  ,      .. 

ralization  in      consent  to  it.  .,,.,,      u  «   •  u 

England  makes  a  man  a  natural-born  subject  of  Ireland,  Vaugn.291.  hie  is  here  made  a 
natural  subject  of  the  Britith  dominions.  [But  Q,u.  since  the  statute  of  25  G.  3.  c.  28.] 
Roll.  Abr.  195.  If  an  alien  be  made  a  denizen,  and  the  letters  of  denization 
Manning's  Yiaye  a  proviso  (usual  in  such  charters  (a),  that  the  denizen  shall 
^"c  r^Txhis  ^^  ^^  Mege  homage,  and  that  he  shall  be  obedient,  and  observe 
proviso  is  the  laws  of  this  realm ;  this  proviso  is  not  any  condition,  for 
required  by  though  he  never  doth  his  liege  homage,  nor  is  obedient  to  all 
Stat.  32  H.  8.  j.j^g  j^^g  of  this  realm,  yet  this  will  not  make  the  denization  voidj 
C.16.  $   .J        £^j,  \^\iQ  doth  not  observe  the  laws,  he  shall  forfeit  the  penalties 

appointed  by  them. 
vJac.i.  0.2.  By  the  7  Jac.  1.  cap.  2.  it  is  enacted,  "  That  no  person  or 
IIThis  provision  "  persons  of  what  quality,  condition,  or  place  soever,  being  of 
was  dispensed  «  the  age  of  eighteen  years  or  above,  shall  be  naturalized  or 
T'  h*  *th  "  '''^stored  in  blood,  unless  the  said  person  or  persons  have  re- 
famous  Jew  "  ceived  the  sacrament  of  the  Lord's  Supper  within  one  month 
Bill,  26  G.  2.  "  before  any  bill  exhibited  for  the  purpose ;  and  also  shall  take 
c.  26. ;  but  this  <t  ^he  oath  of  supremacy  and  the  oath  of  allegiance  in  the  parlia- 
statute  wasre-  «  pient  house,  before  his  or  her  bill  be  twice  read  ;  which  oath 
27  G.  2.  c.  i.||    "  the  lord  chancellor,  or  lord  keeper,  and  the  speaker  of  the 

"  house  of  commons,  have  authority  to  administer." 
Molloy,  bk.  3.  A  denizen  is  not  capable  of  nobility,  or  to  sit  in  parliament ; 
c  3.  §  14.  for  that  to  have  a  power  of  making  laws  it  is  necessary  he  should 
be  totally  received  into  the  society,  which  he  cannot  be  without 
the  consent  of  parliament. 
[Co.  Litt.  278.  [If  ^^  alien  be  a  disseisor,  and  obtain  letters  of  denization,  and 
b.]  then  the  disseisee  release  unto  him,  the  king  shall  not  have  the 

land ;  for  the  release  hath  altered  the  estate,  and  it  is,  as  it  were 
a  new  purchase ;  othei'wise  it  is,  if  the  alien  had  been  feoflfee  of 
the  disseisee.] 
Fish  V.  Klein,  ||But  where  an  alien  trustee  joins  in  a  conveyance,  and  after- 
2  Meriv.  431 . ;  wards  obtains  an  act  of  naturalization,  by  which  it  is  declared 
52*^2  Ves  286*  ^^  ^^  ^^  ^^"^  thenceforth  naturalized,  and  shall  be  and  is 
538.  5  Bro.  enabled  to  "  ask,  take,  have,  retain,  and  enjoy  all  lands  which 
P.C.  91.  "  he  may  or  shall  have  by  purchase  or  gift  of  any  person  what- 

"  soever,"  and  "  shall  be,  to  all  intents  and  purposes,  as  if  he 
"  had  been  a  natural-born  subject,"  this  act  cannot  retrospec- 
tively confirm  the  title  of  the  purchaser  under  the  conveyance 
previous  to  the  act.|| 
1S&  15  W.  3.  By  the  12  &  13  W.  3.  cap.  2.  it  is  enacted,  "  that  no  person 
"  born  out  of  these  kingdoms,  (although  he  be  naturalized  or 
"  made  a  denizen,)  except  such  as  are  born  o^  English  parents, 

«  shall 

(B)  Of  Naturalization  and  Denization, 


[{a)  A  natu- 
ralized person 
is  not  eligible 

"  shall  be  capable  to  be  of  the  privy  council,  or  a  member  of 
"  either  house  of  parliament,  or  to  enjoy  any  office  or  place  of 
"  trust,  either  civil  or  military ;  or  to  have  any  grant  of  lands, 
"  tenements,  or  hereditaments  from  the  crown  to  himself,  or  to 
"  any  other  or  others  in  trust  for  him." 

But  this  statute  by  the  1  Geo.  1.  stat.  2.  cap.  4.  is  explained  iG.  i.stat.  2. 
so  as  not  to  extend  to  disable  or  incapacitate  any  person,   who  c.4. 
at  or  before   his  majesty's  accession  to  the  crown  was  natural- 
ized, to  be  of  the  privy  council,  or  a  member  of  either  house 
of  parliament,  8fC. ;  and  by  this  statute  is  is  enacted,    "  that  no 
"  person  shall  hereafter  be  naturalized,  unless  in  the  bill  exhi- 
"  bited  for  that  purpose  there  be  a  clause,  or  particular  words 
"  inserted,  to  declare  that  such  person  shall  not  thereby  be  en- 
"  abled  to  be  of  the  privy  council,  or  a  member  of  either  house 
"  of  parliament ;  or  to  take  any  office  or  place  of  trust  {a)  either 
"  civil  or  military,  or  to  have  any  grant  of  lands,  tenements,  or 
"  hereditaments  from  the  crown,  to  himself,  or  any  other  in  trust  to  the  office 
*'  for  him;  and  that  no  bill  of  naturalization  shall  hereafter  be  of  constable. 
"  received  in  either  house  of  parliament,  unless  such  clause  or  m^.  when  any 
"  words  be  first  inserted  or  contained  therein.  (6)"  foreigner,  dis- 

tinguished by  eminent  rank  or  services,  is  naturalized,  it  is  usual  first  to  pass  an  act  for  tiie 
repeal  of  these  statutes  in  his  favour,  and  then  to  pass  an  act  of  naturalization  without  any 
exception.     4  Ann.  c.  1.  7  G.  2.  c.  5. 

[And  by  14  G.  3.  c.  84.  it  is  enacted,    "  that  no  naturaliz- 
"  ation  bill  shall  in  future  be  received,  unless  there  shall  be  a 
"  clause  in  it,  declaring,  that  the  person  to  be  naturalized  shall 
"  not  thereby  obtain,  or  become  entitled  to  claim  within  any  effect  in  natu- 
"  foreign  country,  any  of  the  immunities  or  indulgences  in  trade,  ralization  bills 
"  which  are  or  may  be  enjoyed  or  claimed  therein  by  natural-  ^^'03*^  ^"^ 
"  born  British  subjects,  by  virtue  of  any  treaty  or  otherwise,  acT^'llie  nrac- 
"  unless  such  person  shall  have  inhabited  or  resided  within  Great  tice  had  ob- 
"  Britain^  or  the  dominions  thereto  belonging,  for  the  space  of  tained  ever 
"  seven  years  subsequent  to  the  first  day  of  the  session  of  parlia-  '^'"'^^  '^^  J'^^"^ 
"  ment  in  which  the  said  bill  of  naturalization  shall  have  passed;   sequence^o"a 
"  and  shall  not  have  been  absent  out  of  the  same  for  a  longer  petition  to 
*'  space  than  two  months  at  any  one  time  during  the  said  seven  parlianient  at 
«  years  "  {c\  ^^^  tvm^ from 

\  ,  the  City  of 

London,  complaining  of  the  great  abuse  of  the  privileges  of  naturalization  in  this  respect. 
Debrett's  Deb.  5  vol.  124.] 

By  statute  13  G.  2.  c.  3.  every  foreign  seaman,  who  in  time  of  is  G.2.  c.  3. 
war  serves  two  years  on  board  an  English  ship  by  virtue  of  the 
king's  proclamation,  is    ipso  facto   naturalized  under  the  like 
restrictions  as  in  12  W.  3.  c.  2.;  and  by  statutes  13  G.  2.  c.  7.  12W.3.  c.  2. 
20  G.  2.  c.  44.  22  G.  2.  c.  45.   2  G.  3.  c.  25.  and  13  G.  3.  c.  25.  is  G.  2.  c.  7. 
all  foreign  Protestants  and  Jews,  upon  their  residing  seven  years  ^oG  2   '^4^' 
in  any  of  the  American  colonies,  without  being  absent  above  two  2  G.  s.  c.  25.' 
months  at  a  time,  and  all  foreign  protestants  serving  two  years  13  G.  3.  c.25. 
in  a  military  capacity  there,  or  being  three  years  employed  in 
the  whale-fishery,  without  afterwards  absenting  themselves  from 
the  king's  dominions  for  more  than  one  year,  and  none  of  them 
falling  within  the  incapacities  declared  by  statute  4  G.  2.  c.  21. 


14  G.  3.  c.  84. 
[(c)  It  was 
usual  to  insert 
a  clause  to  this 

igCt  ALIENS. 

shall  be  (upon  taking  the  oaths  of  allegiance  and  supremacy,  or, 
in  some  cases,  making  an  affirmation  to  the  same  effect,)  natu- 
ralized to  all  intents  and  purposes,  as  if  they  had  been  born  in 
this  kingdom ;  except  as  to  sitting  in  parliament  or  being  of  the 
privy  council,  and  holding  offices  or  grants  of  land,  S^c.  from  the 
crown  within  the  kingdoms  of  Great  Britain  and  Ireland.  By 
statute  26  G.  3.  c.  50.  §  24..  27,  28.  and  28  G.  3.  c.  20.  §  15. 
every  foreigner  who  has  established  himself  and  family  in  Great 
Brttaiji,  and  carried  on  the  southern  whale-fishery,  and  im- 
ported the  produce  thereof  for  the  space  of  five  years  succes- 
sively, is  declared  to  be  entided  to  all  the  privileges  of  a 
natural-born  subject.] 

(C)  Of  the  Disadvantages  which  Aliens  lie  under. 

Vaugh.  227.       A  N  alien  cannot  purchase  (a)  or  inherit  any  lands  [in  this 
291.  7  Co.  16.  country,  because  an  interest  in  the  soil  requireth  a  perma- 

Dyer,  2.  pi.  8.  ^^^^^  allegiance,  which  would  probably  be  inconsistent  with  that 
£g1it  that  ^hich  he  oweth  to  his  own  natural  liege  lord.] 
the  laws  aipiinst  aliens  were  introduced  in  the  time  of  Henry  the  Second  when  a  law  was  made 
at  the  [)arlianient  of  Wallingford  for  the  expulsion  of  strangers,  in  order  to  draw  away  the 
Flemings  and  Ficards  who  were  brought  into  the  kingdom  by  the  wars  of  King  Stephen. 
Daniel,  67.  Others  have  thought  that  the  original  of  this  law  was  far  more  ancient ;  and 
that  it  is  an  original  branch  of  the  feudal  law ;  for,  by  that  law,  no  man  can  purchase  any 
lands  without  being  obliged  to  fealty  to  the  laws  of  whom  they  are  holden  ;  so  that  an  alien, 
who  owed  a  previous  faith  to  another  prince,  could  not  take  an  oath  of  fidelity  in  another 
sovereign's  dominions,  Spelm.  tit.  Ligeantia,  568.  Custumer,  c.  43.  Some  restraints  have 
been  laid  upon  aliens  by  the  laws  of  almost  all  countries.  Among  the  Romans,  the  civet 
Romani  only  were  at  first  esteemed  freemen ;  afterwards,  when  their  territories  increased,  all 
the  Italians  were  made  free,  under  the  name  of  Latins,  only  they  had  not  the  privilege  of 
wearing  gold  rings,  which  was  altered  by  Justinian ;  at  last,  all  born  within  the  pale  of  the 
empire  were  citizens,  in  orbe  Romano  qui  sunt,  ex  conslitutione  Imperatoris  Antonini  civet 
Romani  effecti  sunt.  Vicinius,  27.  Dig.  Lib.  1.  tit.  5.  fo.  16.  Dio  Cassius  relates  the  occasion 
of  this  constitution  being  made,  in  Excerpt.  Vales,  p.  751.  The  Orbis  Romanus  of  Spanheim 
is  a  complete  history  of  the  progressive  admission  of  Latium,  Italy,  and  the  provinces,  to  the 
freedom  of  Rome.  Lord  C.  J.  Hale  saith,  that  the  law  of  England  rather  contracts  than 
extends  the  disability  of  aliens,  because  the  shutting  out  of  aliens  tends  to  the  loss  of  people, 
who,  when  laboriously  employed,  are  the  true  riches  of  any  country.  Ventr.  427,  2  Roll. 
Rep.  94.  [a)  He  may  purchase,  but  cannot  hold.  Co.  Lit.  2.  b.  Therefore,  if  tenant  in  tail, 
he  may  suffer  a  recovery,  and  dock  the  remainders.  Goldsb.  102.  4  Leon,  82.  Bro.  tit. 
Denizen  and  Alien,  17.  On  a  covenant  to  stand  seised,  an  use  will  arise  for  an  alien.  Godb. 
275.  But  by  act  of  law,  he  cannot  take,  as  by  descent,  courtesy,  dower,  guartlianship.  Ventr. 
417.  Molloy,  464.  7  Co.  25.  By  a  special  act  of  parliament,  not  printed.  Rot.  Pari.  8  H.  5. 
n.  1 5.  women  aliens  marrying  Englishmen,  with  the  king's  licence,  were  allowed  in  future  to 
demand  dower.  But  this  act  not  extending  to  those  married  before,  therefore,  in  Rot.  Pari. 
9  H.  5  n.  9.  there  is  a  special  act  of  parliament  to  enable  Beatrice  Countess  oi  Arundel,  born 
in  Portugal,  to  demand  her  dower.  Hal.  MSS.  Hargr.  Co.  Litt.  31.  b.  n.  9.  See  ace.  Roll. 
Abr.  675.  The  disability  of  an  alien  to  hold  lands  for  his  own  benefit  is  not  to  be  considered 
as  a  penalty  or  forfeiture ;  but  ariseth  merely  from  the  policy  of  the  law ;  and  therefore,  it 
hath  been  adjudged  in  equity,  that  he  cannot  demur  to  a  discovery  of  any  circumstances 
necessary  to  establish  the  fact  of  alienage.    Attorney-General  v.  Duplessis,  Parker,  144.  5  Bro. 

Sid.  193.  198.  And  as  an  alien  cannot  inherit  himself,  so  he  cannot  be 
429.  Colling-  "iherited ;  the  grandfather  born  in  England^  the  son  an  alien, 
wood  v.  Pace,  the  grandson  born  in  England^  the  grandson  shall  not  inherit 
Hard.  224.  Co.  the  grandfather,  because  he  must  then  represent  the  father, 
Lite  8.  cont.      who  cannot  be  represented ;  but  if  the  father  be  an  alien,  and 


(C)  Of  the  Disadvantages  which  Aliens  lie  under,  17S 

two  brothers  born  in  England,  they  may  hiherit  each  other, 
because  the  descent  is  immediate,  and  they  do  not  take  by 
representation  of  the  father. 

If  the  eldest  son  be  an  alien,  the  younger  brother  born  in  Vent.  417. 
England  shall  inherit  the  father ;  otherwise  it  were  if  the  eldest   '  .^"*'-  ^-  ?L, 
son  were  attainted,  because  the  eldest  son  and  all  his  descend-  ^Ixher  being  a 
ants  are  before  the  younger  brother,  and  the  younger  brother  natural-born 
cannot  inherit  before  that  line  is  extinct;  and  it  is  a  foreign  pre-  subject,  the  son 
sumption,  to  suppose  that  any  of  that  line  should  come  over  and  "^^^^^  be  so 
have  children  in  England;  but  the  person  attainted  is  supposed  of  the^statutes 
to  have  all  his  children  residing  in  the  kingdom  under  the  king's  of  7  Ann.  c.  5. 
allegiance,    therefore  there  is  a  line  continuing  before  that  of  and  4  G.  2. 
the  younger  brother.  ^^f^^'^  "'""''• 

For  the  same  reason,  if  an  alien  hath  four  sons,  the  two  eldest 
aliens,  and  the  two  younger  naturalized,  and  one  of  the  younger 
sons  purchaseth  lands  and  dies,  the  eldest  brother  having  issue 
born  within  the  realm,  the  younger  brother,  and  not  the  issue  of 
the  eldest,  shall  inherit. 

If  an  alien  hath  a  son  alien,  and  afterwards  is  made  a  denizen,  Cro.  Jac.  539. 

and  hath  a  second  son,  the  second  son  shall  inherit,  thouffh  the  ^"'^  ^°  ^\  ^  ^"*^' 
M     ^  u       ^^  '  o  8.  a.  to  be  un- 

eldest  son  be  alive.  derstood. 

If  an  alien  hath  issue  two  sons,  A.  born  beyond  sea,  and  B.  Palm.  5.  Cro. 
born  in  England,  and  A.  is  naturalized,  he  shall  inherit  B.  l^*^'  •539.  God- 

And  now  by  the  11  &  12  W.  3.  c,  6.  it  is  enacted,    "  that  all  11  &  12  W.s. 
"  and  every  person  or  persons,  being  the  king's  natural-born  ^^  ^• 
"  subject  or  subjects,  within  any  of  the  king's  realms  or  domi-  ^j^^®,  ^^^^^ 
"  nions,  shall  and  may  hereafter  lawfully  inherit  and  be  inherit-  scendinfr  to  an 
*'  able,  as  heir  or  heirs  to  any  honours,  manors,  lands,  tenements,  alien  could 
"  or  hereditaments,  and  make  their  pedigrees   and   titles  by  "°*^  ^]^  taken 
"  descent  from  any  of  their  ancestors,  lineal  or  collateral,  al-  1  ^"J''  ^?^» 
"  though  the  father  and  mother,  or  fathers  or  mothers,  or  other  could  not    ^ 
"  ancestor  of  such  person  or  persons,    by,  from,  through,  or  oblige  his  per- 
*'  under  whom  he,  she,  or  they  shall  or  may  make  or  derive  their  ^?"  and  ser- 
"  title  or  pedigree,  were  or  was,  or  is  or  are,  or  shall  be  born  V^^^-    ^"^  «* 
"  out  of  the  king's  allegiance,  and  out  of  his  majesty's  realms  that  subjects  ' 
"  and  dominions,  as  freely,  fully,  and  effectually  to  all  intents  within  the  al- 
"  and   purposes,    as   if   such   father  or  mother,   or  fathers  or  legiance,  who 
"  mothers,  or  other  ancestor  or  ancestors,  by,  from,  through,  or  him^rif  "kf^ 
"  under  whom  he,  she  or  they  shall  or  may  make  or  derive  disabled  from^ 
"  their  title  or  pedigree,  had  been  naturalized,  or  natural-born  conveying  de- 
**  subjects."  scent,  by  the 

operation  of  a 
reason  of  which  the  very  reverse  was  true  as  to  themselves,  therefore  this  statute  was  made.  Law 
of  Forfeit.  84.]  See  25  G.2.  c.  39.  which  obviates  some  doubts  that  may  arise  therein,  and  con- 
fines the  benefit  of  this  statute  to  such  heirs  as  shall  be  living,  and  capable  of  taking  the  estate 
at  the  death  of  the  person  last  dying  seised.  But  in  case  the  descent  shall  be  cast  upon  a 
daughter,  and  there  shall  be  afterwards  a  son  born,  or  one  or  more  daughter  or  daughters,  the 
descent  so  cast  upon  the  daughter  shall,  in  the  one  case,  be  entirely  divested  in  favour  of 
the  son,  and  the  after-born  daughter  or  daughters  shall,  in  the  other  case,  inherit  in  copar- 
cenery  with  her. 

If  an  alien  purchases  land,  the  king  shall  have  it  upon  office  Co.  Litt.  2.  b. 

found ;  for  since  the  freehold  is  in  the  alien,  and  he  is  tenant  to  "j?'f'r^'  ^^**^ 

the  lord  of  whom  the  lands  are  holden,  it  cannot  be  devested  pi.'oi.     "' 




pi.  61.  Dyer, 
283.  pi.  31. 
Note;  There 
are  two  sorts 
of  offices,  an 
office  of  enti- 
tling, which  is 

o?  Mm  but  by  some  notorious  act,  by  which  it  may  appear  tlmt 
the  freehold  is  in  another ;  but  if  an  alien  purchases  lands  and 
dies,  then  the  freehold  is  in  the  king  without  office  found,  be- 
cause no  man  can  take  it  as  heir  to  the  alien,  therefore  the  free- 
hold is  cast  upon  the  king;  but  if  an  alien  purchases,  and  after- 
wards is  made  a  denizen,  and  then  hath  issue,  and  dies,  the  issue 
shall  inherit  till  office  found,  because  there  is  a  person  in  being 
to  take  as  heir  to  the  denizen,  upon  whom  the  law  casts  the 
freehold,  which  is  not  to  be  devested  out  of  him  without  the 
solemnity  of  an  office. 
Goldsb.  29.  If  an  alien  and  a  subject  purchase  lands  to  them  and  their 

pi.  4.  Leo.  47.  i^eii-s^  tJie  survivorship  shall  take  place  till  office  found,  but  the 
office  found  entitles  the  king,  and  severs  the  joint-tenancy ;  for 
the  freehold  is  in  the  alien  by  the  solemnity  of  livery,  till  it  is 
devested  out  of  him  by  solemn  office  found  ;  and  every  person, 
who  is  resident  in  the  kingdom,  is  supposed  a  natural-born 
subject,  till  the  contrary  be  found  by  office, 
under  the  great  seal ;  and  an  office  of  instruction,  which  is  under  the  seal  of  the  Exchequer ; 
the  office  of  entitling  is  an  inquest,  which  gives  the  king  a  title,  as  here  in  the  case  of 
aliens,  &c.  5  Co.  52.  Page's  case.  See  Gilb.  Hist.  View  of  the  Exchequer,  132,  1.53,  134. 
Gilb.  Hist.  Chan.  12.  [The  king  has  a  title  before  office  found;  the  office  vests  the  possession. 
5  Co.  52.  Hob.  153.  Parker,  152.  Choses  in  action  belonging  to  an  alien  enemy  are  forfeit- 
able to  the  crown,  but  there  must  be  an  inquisition  to  entitle  the  king ;  and  if  a  peace  be  made 
before  the  inquisition  is  taken,  the  cause  of  forfeiture  is  discharged.  Attorney-General  v. 
Weeden  and  Shales,  Parker,  267.] 

Roll.  Abr.  194.  If  an  alien  purchases  a  copyhold  in  fee  in  the  name  of  J.  S. 
j\^l\\]'^'  ini  trust  for  him  and  his  heirs,  though  it  be  found  that  the  copy- 
14.  Stile  20  '  ^®1^  ^^^  ^"  ^""^^^  ^°^  ^^^  alien,  and  that  J.  S.  had  the  legal  estate, 
yet  the  king  must  sue  in  Chancery  to  have  the  trust  executed 
for  his  benefit. 

II  An  alien  cannot  hold  property  as  a  trustee,  or  make  a  good 
conveyance  of  it  to  a  purchaser.  Where  an  alien  was  a  joint 
devisee  in  trust,  and  joined  in  a  conveyance  of  the  trust  estate  to 
a  purchaser,  and  after  the  conveyance,  in  order  to  confirm  the 
title,  procured  an  act  of  naturalization,  whereby  he  was  author- 
ized, "to  take,  retain,  have,  keep,  and  enjoy  all  manors,  lands,"  Sj-c. 
the  Vice-Chancellor  held,  that  the  estate  being  out  of  the  alien  at 
the  time  of  the  conveyance,  and  the  act  being  silent  as  to  it,  the 
vendee  was  not  in  a  better  situation  than  the  alien  himself.  — 
N.  B.  The  vendors  had  endeavoured  to  have  retrospective 
words  introduced  into  the  naturalization-act,  but  a  departure 
from  the  common  form  was  found  impracticable.  || 

[An  alien  infant,  under  the  age  of  twenty-one  years,  cannot  be 
a  merchant  trader  within  this  realm,  nor  can  he  enter  any  goods 
in  his  own  name  at  the  custom-house.] 

An  alien  cannot  purchase  a  lease  for  years  of  lands,  but  he 

_  _ ^^   may,  if  he  be  a  merchant  (a),  take  a  lease  of  a  house  for  his 

to  rent  houses,  habitation,  for  years  only,  and  this  is  for  the  encouragement 
and  to  buy  and  of  commerce;  for  if  an  alien  trade  he  must  have  an  abode 
c^mmoditS"  among  "s;  but  if  he  depart  the  kingdom,  or  die,  it  goes  to 
themselves,  ^^^  ^^"S'  "^^  t®  ^is  executors  or  administrators  {b) ;  because  it 
without  any  in.  was  Only  a  personal  privilege  annexed  to  the  alien,  as  a  mer- 

21.  41.  76. 
Parker,  156. 

Fish  V.  Klein 
2  Meriv.  R. 

fit.  13  &  14 
Car.  2.  c.ll. 
$  10. 

strangers  were 
first  permitted 

(C)  Of  the  Disadvantages  which  Aliens  lie  under,  IJ5 

chant,  for  the  encouragement  of  commerce,  and  consequently  terruptionfiom 
must  expire  with  him,  without  going  to  his  executors  or  ad-  *^^  citizens, 

ministrators.  fj^l'  ^^^  f ''«• 

1284 ;  for  be- 
fore that  time  they  hired  lodgings,  and  their  landlords  were  the  brokers,  who  sold  all 
their  goods  and  merchandizes  for  them,  Rapin,  361.  note  9.  Fab.  Chron.  This  indulgence, 
together  with  the  loss  of  their  brokerage,  seems  to  have  provoked  the  resentment  of  the 
citiaens  :  for,  in  the  Parliament  Roli,  in  the  18th  year  of  Edward  the  First,  {viz.  A.D.  1289), 
we  find  the  following  petition,  and  answer :  "  Gives  London,  pctunt  quod  alienigena;  viercatoj'cs 
"  expellantur  a  civitate,  quia  ditentur  ad  dcpaupcrationem  civiuvi"  See.  —  Responsio :  "  Sex 
'*  intcndit  quod  mercatores  extranei  sunt  idonei  ct  utiles  magnatibus.  Sec.  ct  non  habet  concilium 
"  eos  expellendi"  2  Inst.  741.]  (a)  Poph.  36.  Co. Litt.  2.  b.  and  the  notes  in  14th  edit. 
Roll.  Abr.  194.  must  be  a  merchant,  {h)  Not  if  he  goes  beyond  sea,  and  leaves  servants  in  his 
house  during  his  absence.    Dyer,  2.  b. 

But  by  the  32  H.  8.  c.  16.  paragr.  13.  it  is    enacted,  "  that  32  H.  s.  c.  le. 
"  all  leases  of  any  dwelling-house  or  shop  within  this  realm,  or  par.  13.  [Sir  W. 
*'  any  of  the  king's  dominions,  made  to  any  stranger  artificer,  or  /,  ri    ]°"p 
"  handicraftsman  born  out  of  the  king's  obeisance,  not  being  ^^2.)  says  th'at 
"  denizen,  shall  be  void,  and  of  no  effect ;  and  the  person  so  the  statutes, 
"  taking  such  lease  forfeits  lOOZ.  and  the  person  letting  100/.  prohibiting 

"  more ;  one  moiety  to  the  king,  and  the  other  to  him  that  will  f  ^^"  artificers 
et  c      ai  >j  '^  work  tor 

"  sue  for  the  same.  themselves,  are 

generally  held  to  be  virtually  repealed  by  the  stat.  5  Eliz.  c.  7.;  but  there  doth  not  appear  to  be 
any  other  authority  to  that,effect.  1  Wooddes.  575.  note.]  liThe  statute  32  H.  8.  c.  16.  §  13. 
is  unrepealed,  and  surely  requires  the  revision  of  the  legislature.  Though  the  statute  avoids 
leases,  &c.  made  to  stranger  artificers,  yet  if  such  artificer  occupies  a  dwelling-house  or  shop 
under  an  agreement  which  does  not  amount  to  a  lease,  as  if  he  be  tenant  from  year  to  year, 
or  for  one  year  or  a  shorter  time,  an  action  for  use  and  occupation  lies  against  him.  2  Show. 
135.  And  if  an  alien-amy  occupy  a  dwelling-house  of  the  yearly  value  of  10/.  as  such  tenant, 
and  reside  in  it  forty  days,  he  gains  a  settlement.  The  King  v.  Eastbourne,  4  East,  105.  j  and 
see  Hargr.  &  But.  Co.  Litt.  2.  b.  notes  7,  8.?;  and  1  Will.  Saund.  7,  8.|1 

Upon  this  statute  the  case  was,  an  action  of  debt  was  brought  Sand.  1,  to  10. 
upon  an  obligation,  and  upon  oyer  demanded  of  the  condition,  ^^^  ^^-  ^'  ^* 
it  was  recited,  and  it  referred  to  indentures,  which  indentures  were  j  jg^  *g  q' 
likewise  recited  in  hcoc  verba;  the  indentures  were  upon  a  lease  2  Show.  R, 
of  a  house  in  Westminster,  reserving  rent  with  covenants,  Sfc. ;   135.    S.  C. 
the   defendant   pleaded    32  H.  8.  c.  16.   and   that   he  was   an  ^^J^l'd^^'^b 
alien,  S^c.  and  so  would  avoid  the,  lease  and  the  rent,  and  all  the  ^Sod^^law  rio  ' 
.security;  divers  exceptions  were  taken  to  this  plea.     1.  He  has  this  case  two  ' 
not  said  where  he  was  an  artificer,  but  this  was  over-ruled ;  for  actions  were 
it  is  a  personal  quality,  and  shall  follow  the  person,  and  is  uni-  ^'■^"ght ;  the 
versal.     2.  The  defendant  ought  to  have  set  forth  and  pleaded  rg^t-  theother 
the  indenture;  hnt  per  Cur.,  —  since  the  plaintiff  has  brought  it  the  action  here 
into  court,  as  must  be  intended,  and  set  it  forth,  the  defendant  mentioned.  la 
may  plead  upon  it  without  setting  it  forth  again.     3.  The  plea  f*"     ^^^  ®*^", 
is,  that  indentura  prccdicta  vacua  existii,  and  this  was  likewise  gd  •  it  was  in 
overruled ;  for  the  law  is,  that  the  indenture  and  bond  make  but  the  first  that 
one  security,  and  if  the  covenant  be  released  before  breach,  the  the  objection 
bond  will  signify  nothing.     4.  This  appears  to  be  a  messuage  ["fro  made,  for 
i.    u   Ju     u      ^  J  -i.^    1  •       u  °     the  want  of  the 

or  tenement,  but  he  has  not  averred  it  to  be  a  mansion-house  or  averment  was 

shop,  according  to  the  statute ;  and  upon  this  point  the  court  at  taken :  for  the 
first  were  divided.     Keyling  held,  that  messuagium  is  mansum,  other  stood 
et  quod  dare  constat  non  debet  ve^-jficare.     Morton  :  Though  7nes-  ^       ^.     f^, 
smigium  be  a  word  of  art,  and  may  be  applied  to  other  things  by  opinion  of  the*^ 
a  large  sense,  as  to  a  barn  or  chapel ;  yet  in  propriety  it  is  a  court  was  not 


176  ALIENS. 

mansion-house,  and  sliall  be  intended  so.  Twisden  and  WyndJiattti 
on  the  point ;  ^^{0.1  it  ought  to  have  been  averred  ;  for  he  must  bring  himself 
Int.^belie'vinV  precisely  within  the  statute,  especially  in  such  a  case  as  this, 
iha't  jutlgment  where  he  would  avoid  his  own  contract;  but  afterwards  the 
wouUl  be  pro-  defendant  had  judgment, 
against  him,  submitted.] 

2  Show.  R.  A  special  verdict  found,  that  the  plaintiff  made  a  lease  of  a 
135.  Piliiing-  jioQse  to  the  defendant,  who  was  found  to  be  an  alien  artificer, 
ton  V.  Pe^^jCh,  ^^j  ^^^^^  ^^j^j^  j^^^^  ^^^^  made  by  indenture  between  the  plaintiff 
inent°  (o)^iit  and  defendant,  and  that  there  was  no  other  security  or  promise 
per  Cur. -there  made  by  the  defendant;  and  that  the  defendant  entered,  and 
are  other  ways  enjoyed  so  long,  for  which  the  plaintiff  brought  a  5'?m«/ttw 
to  evade  It;  as,  ^  ^^y^  ^^  which  the  defendant  pleaded  no7i  assumpsit ;  and  the 
to  make  an  i.<>i  vi  iiii 

agreement  for    matter   bemg  round  ut  supra,  the  court  held,  that  an  assumpsit 

as  long  as  you    would   not  lie.     1.    Because  this  (a)   would  evade  the  statute. 

and  I  please,     g.  A  promise  in  law  ih)  never  takes  place  where  there  is  an 

at  the  rate  of        ^     ,  ^  ,  ^ 

20/.  per  annum  actual  agreement. 

for  an  assumpsit  ^iu  ije  thereon  ;  or,  you  shall  have  my  house  for  so  long  as  you  and  I  please, 

for  so  much  as  it  is  worth.    (Jb)  No  such  thing.     6  Mod.  131. 

3  Mod.  94.  Debt  upon  an  obligation  for  performance  of  covenants  in  a 
r'hV^^'^1  ^^^^  ®^  ^  house,  S^c;  the  defendant  pleaded  the  statute  of 
Front^!"  *"      ^2  ^*  ^*  ^'  ^  ^'  ^"^  ^^^  forth  that  he  was  a  vintner,  and  alien 

artificer ;  and  upon  demurrer  it  was  insisted  upon  for  him,  that 

a  vintner  is  as  much  an  artificer,  and  within  the  meaning  of  the 

statute,  as  a  mercer,  draper,  or  grocer.      Chief  Justice :  —  This 

statute  refers  to  another  made  1  R.  3.  c.  9.  tohich  prohibits  alien 

artificers  to  exercise  any  handiaaft  in  England,  unless  as  servant 

to  a  subject  skilful  in  the  same  art,  upon  pain  of  forfeiture  of  his 

goods ;  now  the  mystery  of  a  vintner  chiefly  consists  in  mingling 

wines,  and  that  is  not  properly  an  art,  but  a  cheat;  so  the 

plaintiff  had  judgment. 

7  Co.  25.  Co.        If  a  woman  alien,  be  she  friend  or  enemy,  marry  a  subject, 

Liu.  31.  a.  b.     gj^g  shall  not  be  endowed;  because,  by  the  policy  of  the  common 

But  by  the  law  ^^»  ^^  aliens  are  disabled  from  acquiring  any  freehold  amongst 

of  the  crown,     US :  dower,  too,  is  an  estate  created  by  act  of  law ;  and  therefore 

if  the  king  mar-  the  law,  which  nilfrustra  agit,  shall  not  transfer  an  estate  to  one 

17  an  alien,  she  ^yj^^  cannot  keep  it ;  but  must  immediately,  in  respect  of  her 

dowed,because  ^^S^^  disability,  give  title  to  another:  and  there  is  a  diversity 

princes  cannot  between  such  acts  of  law  and  the  acts  of  the  party  himself;  as  if 

marry  accord-   an  alien  makes  an  actual  purchase,  Sfc.  so  aliens  shall  not  be 

d^nUyl^unJess   '^nants  by  the  courtesy,  by  the  same  reason. 

to  persons  abroad;  and  now,  by  a  special  act  of  parliament,  not  printed,  8  H.  5.  12.  15. 
women  aliens  who  marry  with  the  king's  licence,  to  Englishmen,  shall  be  endowed ;  so  of 
English  women  who  marry  aliens  by  the  same  licence;  but  this  latter  part  can  only  be  meant 
where  the  alien  husbands  are  after  made  denizens,  that  their  wives  shall  have  dower  of  lands  pur- 
chased before ;  for  otherwise  they,  having  no  capacity  at  all  to  hold  any  lands  of  any  estate  of 
freehold,  can  derive  no  title  of  freehold  to  their  wives,  and  this  act  never  intended  to  put 
them  in  a  better  condition  for  that  purpose  than  they  were  before ;  but  it  must  be  intended 
of  land  purchased  before  their  denization  ;  since  as  to  land  purchased  after,  they  would  not 
want  the  assistance  of  an  act  of  parliament,  being  by  the  common  law  dowable  of  these.  Roll. 
Abr,  675.  If  one  marries  a  woman  alien  without  such  licence,  and  then  sells  his  lands,  and 
after  the  wife  is  made  a  denizen,  she  shall  not  be  endowed,  because  her  capacity  began  by  the 


(C)  Of  the  Disadvantages  'which  Aliens  lie  under,  177 

denization,  and  she  was  before  absolutely  disabled  to  hold  any  land ;  but  if  this  marriage  were 
by  the  king's  licence,  then  it  seems  the  wife  may  be  endowed,  because  being  married  conform- 
able to  that  act,  her  title  to  dower  began  presently,  and  cannot  be  defeated  by  any  after-act  of 
the  husband's.     Co.  Litt.  33.  a.  13  Co.  23. 

Aliens  seem  not  incapable  [of  the  superior  ecclesiastical  pre-  Comp.   in- 
fer ments  (a),]  and  though  this  practice,  says  Watsoji,  has  always  cumb.  213, 
prevailed,  yet,  says  he,  it   proceeded  rather   from  the  pope's  p^^"  Hughes's 
usurpation,   and  a   submission  to  his  pretended   authority   in  q  ■^^^  ^  ^i^ 
church  matters,  than  from  any  nice  distinctions  made  use  of  Abr.  548. 
between  spiritual  and  laymen,  that  the  former  would  less  dis-  4  Inst.  338. 
cover  the  secrets  of  the  realm,  or  transport  the  treasure  thereof  ^^°°',t^' 
to  nourish  the  king's  enemies,  than  the  latter.  ^^^  „gg  ^^* 

(a)  Aliens  prohibited  to  take  benefices  without  the  king's  licence.  5  R.  2.  c.  3.  7  R.  2.  c.  12. 
1  H.  5.  c.  7.  [To  the  first  of  these  statutes,  it  is  said,  in  the  old  abridgment,  that  the  Lords 
Spiritual  did  not  assent.] 

[By  the  statute  of  24  G.  3.  c.  35.  the  bishop  of  London,  or  24  G.  3.  c.  35. 
any  bishop  appointed  by  him,  is  enabled  to  ordain  aliens  either 
as  priest  or  deacons,  without  requiring  them  to  take  the  oath  of 
allegiance,  provided  that  they  do  not  officiate  in  any  place  within 
the  king's  dominions :  and  further,  that  in  the  letters  testimonial 
of  such  orders,  the  name  of  the  person  so  ordained  be  inserted, 
with  the  addition  of  the  country  to  which  he  belongs,  and  the 
further  description  of  his  not  having  taken  the  oath  of  allegiance, 
being  exempted  from  so  doing  by  this  act. 

II  Aliens  are  disqualified  to  serve  on  juries  or  inquests,  except  gQ  4.  c  50 
juries  de  medietate  lingua.  '        §  3.    Alienage 

IS  a  ground  of  challenge  to  a  juror,  and  the  objection  must  be  taken  when  the  party  has  an 
opportunity  of  challenging.  And  it  seems  not  to  be  a  ground- of  challenge  to  a  special  juror. 
See  the  King  v.  Sutton,  8  Barn.  &  C.  417. 

By  5Q  G.3.  c.  86.  various  regulations  are  established  respect- 
ing aliens  arriving  in  or  resident  in  this  kingdom ;  but  this  sta- 
tute, after  having  been  continued  by  several  subsequent  acts, 
has  now  expired.  By  7  G.  4.  c.  54<.  (commencing  1st  JwZy,  1826)  7G.  4.c.  54. 
the  above  act  is  recited  as  being  about  to  expire,  and  it  is 
recited  to  be  expedient,  in  lieu  of  its  regulations,  that  provision 
should  be  made  for  a  complete  registration  of  all  aliens,  and  it 
is  enacted  that  every  alien  in  the  realm  at  the  commencement 
of  the  act  shall,  within  foui'teen  days,  make  a  declaration  of  his 
abode,  name,  rank,  4'^.;  and  if  a  domestic  servant,  then  also  of 
the  abode,  S^c.  of  his  master  or  mistress,  and  of  the  country 
from  whence  he  came,  or  of  which  he  is  a  native,  and  of  the 
time  when  he  last  came  into  the  realm,  and  shall,  within  the 
said  fourteen  days,  transmit  the  same  to  one  of  his  majesty's 
secretaries  of  state,  or,  if  in  Ireland^  to  the  chief  secretary  of  the 
lord  lieutenant. 

By  §  2.  the  master  of  every  vessel  arriving  from  foreign  parts  $  2. 
sliall  immediately  on  arrival  declare  to  the  chief  officer  of  cus- 
toms at  the  port  of  arrival,  whether  there  is  any  alien  on  board, 
and  shall  specify  the  number  (if  any)  on  board,  or  who  have 
landed  from  his  vessel,  and  their  names,  rank,  Sfc,  under  penalty 

Vol.  I.  N  '  of 

178  ALIENS. 

of  20/.  for  every  false  declaration,  and  of  10/.  for  every  alien 
whom  he  shall  have  neglected  to  declare, 
5  J,  By  §  3.  every  alien  who  shall,  after  the  commencement  of  the 

act.  arrive  in  the  kingdom  shall  deliver  to  the  chief  officer  of 
the  customs  at  the  port  of  debarkation  any  passport  in  his  pos- 
session, and  declare  in  writing  the  name  of  the  vessel  in  whicli 
he  shall  arrive,  and  also  his  name,  rank,  8fc.  and  the  conntry 
from  whence  he  shall  have  come,  and  the  place  to  which  he  is 

going,  and  the  name  of  the  person  (if  any)  in  the  realm  to  whom 
e  is  known ;  and  if  any  alien  shall  neglect  or  refuse  to  deliver 
up  his  passport,  he  shall  forfeit  5/.;  and  if  he  shall  neglect  to 
make  such  declaration,  or  shall  wilfully  make  a  false  one,  he 
shall  (by  §  9.))  on  conviction  before  two  justices,  forfeit  50/.,  or 
be  imprisoned  not  exceeding  six  months. 

§  4  &  5.  By  §  4  &  5.  the  officer  to  whom  the  passport  shall  be  de- 

livered and  declaration  made  shall  register  the  declaration,  and 
shall  deliver  a  certificate  thereof  to  the  alien,  and  shall,  within 
two  days,  transmit  the  declaration  and  copy  of  the  certificate 
to  the  alien  office,    Westminster. 

§  6.  By  ^  6.  every  alien  shall,  within  one  week  after  his  arrival, 

produce  such  certificate  at  the  alien  office,  Westminster^  and 
declare  where  he  intends  to  reside,  or,  if  the  place  to  which  he 
intends  to  go  is  more  than  five  miles  from  Westminster,  shall 
transmit  such  certificate  and  declaration  by  post  to  the  alien 
office,  or,  in  case  of  neglect,  shall  be  punished  as  above. 

$  7.  By  §  7.  every  alien  shall,   on  the  first  day  of  January  and 

Jidy,  or  within  a  week  therefrom,  make  a  declaration  of  his 
residence,  and  state  therein  at  what  place  he  intends  in  future  to 
reside,  and  transmit  the  same  to  the  alien  office,  under  the 
penalties  above  mentioned. 

§  8.  By  $  8.  one  of  the  secretaries  of  state  may  require  any  alien 

to  make  a  declaration  of  his  actual  place  of  residence,  and  of  the 
place  at  which  he  intends  to  reside  in  future,  at  shorter  intervals 
than  those  above  mentioned ;  and  if  the  alien  shall  refuse,  he 
shall  be  punished  as  above. 

§  10.  By  §  10.,  on  receipt  at  the  alien  office  of  any  declaration  in 

the  cases  aforesaid,  a  clerk  nominated  by  the  secretary  of  state 
shall,  within  three  days,  make  out  a  certificate,  setting  forth  tlie 
name,  rank,  S^c.  of  the  alien,  and  his  place  of  abode,  and  shall 
transmit  the  same  by  post  to  such  alien ;  and  any  alien  being 
by  his  own  defeult  without  such  certificate,  or  residing  without 
lawful  excuse  in  any  other  place  than  that  expressed  in  it,  shall 
forfeit  20/. 

{For  further  provisions^  see  the  act,)^ 

(C  2)  How  far  the  Laws  of  this  Country  attach  upon 


1  Wooddes.      A^  ^^*^"*  whilst  he  resides  here,  is  generally  subject  to  our 
379.  Fost.  Cr.         laws,  and  owes  a  local  and  temporary  allegiance  to  the  sove- 

(C  2)  How  far  the  Laws  of  this  Country  attach  upon  Aliens.     179 

reign,  by  whose  authority  those  laws  are  administered,  and  by  Law  is 5. 
whom  his  person  and  property  are  protected ;  consequently,  if  '  Hawk.  P.  C. 
during  such  residence  he  commit  an  offence,  which  in  the  case  9  Ann  c  16  ' 
of  a  natural-born  subject  would  amount  to  treason,  he  may  be  Hob.  271. 
dealt  with  as  a  traitor;  and  this  whether  his  sovereign  be  in 
amity  or  at  enmity  with  us.    My  Lord  Coke's  position,  therefore,  s  Inst.  4,  5. 
that  an  alien  enemy  cannot  be  guilty  of  treason,  must  be  taken 
with  this  restriction,  namely,  where  he  invades  this  country,  and 
is  taken  in  war :  in  which  case,  indeed,  he  is  not  punishable  at 
all,  according  to  the  course  or  by  the  rules  of  the  municipal  in- 
stitutions, but  is  to  be  dealt  with  according  to  the  law  of  nations 
in  martial  affairs. 

It  is  declared  by  statute  32  H.  8.  c.  16.  §  9.  That  every  alien, 
coming  into  the  king's  dominions,  shall  be  bounden  by  and  unto 
the  laws  and  statutes  of  this  realm. 

But  a  French  prisoner  of  war,  being  indicted  for  privately  Post.  Cr.  L. 
stealing  in  the  shop  of  a  goldsmith  and  jeweller  a  diamond  ring,  188.  note, 
which  by  statute  10  &  11  W.  3.  c.  23.  is  an  offence  punishable  Moliere's  case. 
with  death,  the  judge  who  tried  him  thought  it   improper  to  i^arned^writer 
proceed  capitally  upon  a  local  institution,  and  therefore  advised  observes,  the 
the  jury  to  acquit  him  of  the  circumstance  of  stealing  in  the  shop,  humanity  of 
and  to  find  hira  guilty  of  simple  larceny  to  the  value  laid  in  the  '^^  J"^se  was 
indictment.]        ^       '  "^  at  least  more 

-^  conspicuous 

than  the  eoundness  of  the  principle,  as  a  point  of  mere  law'.  I  Wooddes.  382. 

II  Aliens  are  subject  to  be  tried  here  for  offences  committed  on  The  King  ▼. 
the  high  seas,  under  the  provisions  of  the  28  H.  8.  c.  15. ;  but  it  Depardo. 
appears  that  they  are  not  liable  to  trial  by  special  commission,  Aliens^are  en- 
issued  under  the  S3  H.  8.  c.  23.  for  offences  committed  on  shore  titled  to  be 
in  foreign  countries.     Where  a  Spanish  prisoner  of  war  entered  tried  by  a  jury 
as  a  volunteer  on  board  an  East  India  company's  ship,  and,  '(^  medietate 
while  remaining  one  of  the  crew  of  such  ship,  committed  a  man-    "W^'  „  ^!f 

1         1  ^  •      ^y  •  1  1  1-1  1  .         6  (j.  4.  C.  50. 

slaughter,  at  Canton  m  China,  where  the  ship  lay,  and  was  m-  §  47, 
dieted  at  the  Old  Bailey  for  feloniously  killing  and  slaying,  on 
the  43  G.  3.  c.  1 1 3.,  a  case  was  stated  and  argued  before  the 
twelve  judges,  on  which  no  judgment  was  given ;  but  the  pri- 
soner was  afterwards  discharged.  || 

[Aliens  are  comprehended  within  the  statute  25  E.  3.  c.  4.  for  2  Hawk.  P.  C. 
extending  the  benefit  of  clergy,  according  to  a  very  old  interpret-  ^^n[  ^'  ^'^oo 
ation  of  that  law.  *    ^'"Sy'P' 

A  resident  alien,  it  hath  been  adjudged,  is  entitled  to  the  be-  Courteen's 
nefit  of  a  general  pardon ;  but,  if  he  is  not  in  the  kingdom  at  the  *^^^»  ^^^'  ^'°' 
time  of  the  promulgation  of  the  pardon,  he  is  not  within  the  be- 
nefit of  it,  for  he  is  no  otherwise  a  subject  but  by  his  residence 

Aliens  are  subject  to,  and  shall  have  advantage  of  the  statutes  ^^  21.  Jac.s. 
against  bankrupts.  ^'  ^^'  *'  ^^' 

The  property  of  an  alien  resident  abroad,  consisting  of  stock  1  Atk,  19. 
in  the  public  funds,  or  other  personal  effects  in  this  country,  is  llW^hat  court 
subject  to  the  controul  of  the  Court  of  Chancery,  {a)  ^^X  the  copy- 

right of  a  foreigner.  Delondre  v.  Shaw,  2  Sim.  257.  Where  both  parties  were  subjects  of 
Denmark^monQy  belonging  to  the  wife  was  ordered  to  be  paid  to  the  husband,  the  law  o( Den- 
mark not  requiring  a  settlement,  Dues  v.  Smith,  1  Jac.  544.|| 

N  2  But 



Pi  pen  V.  PipcPj 
Ainbl.  25. 
Burn  V.  Cole, 

Mclan  V.  Duke 
of  Fitz  James. 
1  Bos.  &  Pull. 
138.;  and  see 
Talleyrand  v. 
De  la  Vega  v. 
1  Barn.  & 

But  if  an  alien  resident  abroad  dies  intestate,  his  whole  pro- 
perty here  is  distributable  according  to  the  laws  of  the  country 
where  he  so  resided  :  but  the  residence  must  be  stationary,  not 
occasional,  else  the  municipal  institutions  will  not  attach  upon 
the  property.] 

II  Where  an  alien  in  a  foreign  country  entered  into  a  contract 

which,  according  to  the  law  of  that  country,  did  not  subject  his 

person  to  arrest,  it  was  held  by  the  Court  of  Common  Pleas 

{Heath  J.  dissent.),  that  he  was  not  liable  to  arrest  upon  it  in  this 


But  Lord  Ellenhorongh  in  2  East.  445.  expressed  his  dissent 
from  this  doctrine,  and  it  has  lately  been  overruled  by  the  Court 
of  King's  Bench,  who  have  decided  that  a  party  may  be  arrested 

Adolph.  284.;    jj^  ^j^jj.  country  for  a  debt  contracted  in  a  foreign  country,  though 

&  C.  658.       '  ^^  ^^^  of  s\iic\\  country  do  not  allow  arrest  for  debt. 

1  Jac.  &  VV.  405. 

.78  G.  .5.0. 50.         By  38  G.  3.  c.  50.   §  9.  it  was  enacted,  That  aliens  in  this 

§9.    1  he  pro-  country,  who  had  quitted  their  countries  by  reason  of  the  revo- 

Visions  oi  tnis  .  *  ^ 

act  were  re-      lution  and  troubles  in  France,  should  not  be  liable  to  be  arrested 

pealeil,  but       for  any  debt  or  cause  of  action  contracted  while  such  aliens  were 

were  re-enact-  not  within  the  dominions  of  his  majesty ;  and  in  case  of  any  such 

by  subse-      arrest,  the  alien  should  be  discharged  by  his  majesty's  courts,  or 
quent  acts,         ,  .'    ,       .  .  rs         j  j      j  ' 

which  were        ^Y  ^  J""ge  m  vacation, 
last  continued  by  3  G.  4.  c.  37,  and  they  are  now  expired. 

Sinclair  v.  Charles  Philippe,  Monsieur  de  France  (afterwards  Charles  the 

Philippe  Tenth),  having  contracted  with  Sinclair,  at  Coblentz,  for  raising 

Monsieur  de  troops  for  the  service  of  the  French  princes,  was  held  to  bail  in 
France,  2  Bos.  England  for  money  paid  here,  and  on  an  account  stated  here  ; 
but  the  Court  of  Common  Pleas  held,  that  the  money  paid,  and 
the  adjustments  in  England,  were  referable  to  the  original  con- 
tract abroad,  and  that  the  case  was  within  the  statute,  and  they 
discharged  the  defendant  on  a  common  appearance.  || 

(D)  What  Actions  Aliens  may  maintain ;  and  therein 
of  the  Difierence  between  an  Alien  Friend  and  one 
whose  King*  is  at  Enmity  with  ours. 

&  P.  563. 

Co.  Lit.  11 9.  b. 

Anders.  25. 
Dyer,  2.  b. 
[  (fl)  And  this 
though  resi- 
dent abroad. 
Dyer,  2.  b.  But 
in  such  case 
the  courts  of 
require  secu- 
rity for  costs; 

^N  alien  friend  may  have  personal  actions  (a),  but  not  real ;  an 
alien  enemy  shall  not  have  real,  personal,  or  mixed  action. 
The  reason  why  an  alien  friend  is  allowed  to  maintain  personal 
actions  is,  because  he  would  otherwise  be  incapacitated  to  mer- 
chandize, which  may  be  as  much  to  our  prejudice  as  his ;  but, 
as  to  the  allowing  of  him  to  maintain  real  actions,  there  is  no 
reason  for  it,  because  there  is  no  necessity  that  he  should  settle 
amongst  us  :  an  alien  enemy  (6)  is  disabled,  from  the  prejudice 
that  may  accrue  to  the  king  and  kingdom,  if  he  were  allowed  to 
not.  however,   niaintain  any  actioj. 

"u'''  S  J*  ^j'  "'•,  ^  '^^""  ^-  267.  362.  2  H.  Black  R.  1 18.  4  Term  R.  697.]  (3)  But 
who  &hall  be  said  an  alien  enemy,  and  how  it  shall  be  tried,  vide  9  Co.  51.  a.  That  it  shall  be 
tried  by  the  record  m  Chancery,  whether  his  prince  is  at  peace  or  enmity  with  ours,  for  every 


(D)    What  Actions  Aliens  may  maintain^  8^c.  131 

icapue  is  of  record  ;  and  Cro,  El.  142.  Owen,  45.  That  open  acts  done  b}' his  prince  are 
sufficient,  and  that  it  is  not  necessary  that  a  war  be  proclaimed.  Turks  and  Infidels  are  not per- 
petui  inimici,  nor  is  there  a  particular  enmity  between  them  and  us ;  for  the  difference  between 
their  religion  and  ours  does  not  oblige  us  to  be  enemies  to  their  persons.  Salk.  46.  j)l,  2.  said 
to  be  the  words  of  L.  K.  Littleton.     1  Atk.  51.     Vide  Skin.  167.  204. 

A  merchant  stranger  shall  have  an  action  for  saying  he  is  a  Yelv.  i98. 

bankrupt,  for  by  law  he  may  have  personal  actions,  and  these  f  uer'cote  and 

1    5    J*     •         ■    1-  ]•,  •     u-    4.      1  Morison. 

words  tend  to  impair  his  credit  in  his  trade.  g^j^.^.  J34  gn 

[By  an  express  law,  viz.  St.  31  H.  6.  c.  4.  redress  is  pi'ovided  for  aliens  who  are  injured  by  the 
king's  subjects  on  the  sea,  or  in  any  part  of  the  realm.     2  R.  2.  s.  2.  3  Bulstr.  28.] 

II  An  alien  enemy,  father  of  a  child  born  in  England  of  an  The  King  v. 
English  wife,  is  entitled  to  the  custody  of  the  child ;  and  the  De  Manneville, 
Court  of  King's  Bench  will  not  interfere  with  his  right,  unless  ^^^^^221. 
they  see  reason  to  believe  that  he  intends  to  abuse  it,  by  send- 
ing the  child  out  of  the  kingdom,  or  in  some  other  manner,  [j 

An  alien  friend,  merchant,  may  upon  a  statute  extend  lands,   1 1  Ed.  3.  Rot. 
which  the  king  shall  not  have  upon  office,  and  for  which  he  ?'^-  I^yp'"*  2.b 
shall  have  an  assize  in  case  of  ouster ;  for  the  main  end  andde-  *"  "f^rg*"* 
sign  of  both  the  statute-staple  and  merchant  was  to  promote  and 
encourage  trade,  by  providing  a  sure  and  speedy  remedy  for 
merchant  strangers,  as  well  as  natives,  to  recover  their  debts  at 
the  day  assigned  for  payment. 

An  abbot,  prior,  or  prioress  alien  shall  have  action  real,  pei:-  Co.  Lit.  129, 
sonal,  or  mixed,  for  any  thing  concerning  the  possessions  or  a.  b.    Palm, 
goods  of  their  monastery  here  in  England,  because  they  sue  in   ^^'  ^-P-  ^^'^ 
their  corporate  capacity,  and  not  in  their  own  right  to  carry  the  p  A^u^*  ^'*u ' 
effects  out  of  the  kingdom,  [a)  sanie  pnnciple 

ft  hath  been  holden,  notwithstanding  the  statutes  of  5  R.  2.  c.  3.  7  R.  2.  c.  12.  and  1  H.  5.  c.  7. 
that  an  alien,  incumbent  on  an  ecclesiastical  benefice,  may  maintain  an  action  concerning  the 
glebe,  tithes,  &c.     Hughes's  Parson's  Law,  c.  10.  cites  Dr.  Seaton's  case,  M.  8  Jac.  1.  C.  B.] 

So  an  alien  friend  may  be  an  administrator,  and  shall  have  Cro.  Car.  8. 

administration  of  leases,  as  well  as  personal  things,  because  he  ^   Upwell 

hath  them  in  another's  right,  and  not  to  his  own  use.  Vent.  417.  S. 

C.  cited. 

But  it  has  been  long  doubted,  whether  an  alien  enemy  may  Cro.Eliz.  142. 

maintain  an  action  as  executor  :  for  on  the  one  hand  it  is  said,  ^^"'  ^^'j , 

that  by  the  policy  of  the  law,  alien  enemies  shall  not  be  permit-  office  of  Exe- 

ted  to  bring  actions  for  the  recovery  of  effects  which  may  be  cutors,  15. 
carried  out  of  the  kingdom,  to  the  impoverishment  of  ourselves, 
and  enriching  of  the  enemy  ;  and  therefore  public  utility  must  be 

preferred  to  private  convenience  :  but  on  the  other  hand  it  is  said,  Mollov,  870. 

that  these  effects  of  the  testator  are  not  forfeited  to  the  king  by  Cro.  Eliz.  683. 

way  of  reprisal,  because  they  are  not  the  alien  enemy's,  he  being  ^"-  ^•''^• 

to  recover  them  for  others:  and  if  the  law  allows  an  alien  enemy  if^-^^'^lt^'^^^' 

\  rr  11  T  /•  •  1      •  11  okm.  o/O. 

to  possess  the  etiects  as  well  as  an  alien  friend,  it  must  allow   yidf.  supra, 

him  power  to  recover  them  ;  and  if  it  were  otherwise,  it  would  be  tit.  Abatement 

a  prejudice  to  the  king's  subjects,  who  could  not  recover  their  CB),  3. 

debts  from  the  alien  executor,  by  his  not  being  able  to  get  in  the 

assets  of  the  testator. 

II Not  only  an  action  cannot  be  maintained  by  an  alien  enemy,   Brandon  v. 

but  an  action  lies  not  in  favour  of  one,  though  the  plaintiff'  on  ^,^^^'"' 

N3  tl^^  6rennR.23. 



M'ConncU  v. 
Hector,  3B08 
&P.  115. 

Omealey  v. 
1  Camp.  481. 
Roberts  v. 
Hardy,  3 
Made  ft  S. 


tlie  record  be  a  subject  of  Great  Britain.     Thus,   where  an 

action   was   brought   on   a  policy   by  the  English  agent  who 

effected  it,  to  which  the  defendant  pleaded  that  the  persons 

interested    (whose   interest   was   alleged   on  the   record)  were 

aliens  born,  and  that  before  the  ship  sailed  their  sovereign  was 

at  open  war  with  the  king  of  Great  Britain,  the  plea  was  held 

good ;  and  a  replication,  that  the  persons  interested  were  indebted 

to  the  plaintiff  in  more  money  than  the  value  of  the  property 

insured,  was  held  insufficient. 

Flindt  V.  But  where  the  plaintiff  sued  as  the  British  agent  effecting  the 

Waters,  15.      policy,   and  the  defendant  pleaded   the  general   issue,  and  it 

East,  260.;  and  appeared  that  the  parties  interested  only  became  alien  enemies 

see  13    es.     .  j^ffgj,  ^j^g  j^gg  jj^ppened,  but  before  the  suit;  it  was  held,  , that 

the  defendant  could  not  take  advantage  of  that  fact  by  a  plea 

in  bar,  since  the  disability  was  only  temporary,  and  might  be 

removed  by  the  war  ceasing. 

An  Englishman,  residing  and  carrying  on  trade  in  an  enemy's 
country,  is  regarded  as  an  alien  enemy,  and  disqualified  to  sue. 
And  the   mere  residence,  without  trading,  would   seem  to 
take  away  his  right  to  sue. 
De  Luneville  v.  Phillips,  1  New  R.  97. 

However,  where  an  Englishynan  went  to  America  with  his 
family  immediately  after  a  declaration  of  war  by  that  country 
against  Great  Britainy  but  before  such  declaration  was  known 
in  England,  and  an  act  of  congress  enabled  British  subjects  to 
quit  America  within  six  months  from  such  declaration,  but  he 
remained  in  that  country,  but  did  not  trade ;  it  was  held,  that 
this  mere  residence  did  not,  under  the  circumstances,  amount  to 
adhering  to  the  king's  enemies,  so  as  to  incur  the  disability  of 
alien  enemy. 

If  an  alien  is  carrying  on  trade  in  an  enemy's  country,  he  is 
it  seems  disabled  to  sue,  notwithstanding  he  is  resident  in  such 
country,  as  consul  of  a  neutral  state. 

If  a  contract  be  made  with  an  alien  enemy  while  he  is  such,  it 
cannot  be  enforced  in  England,  even  after  peace  is  restored. 
Thus,  where  A.y  an  alien  enemy  having  goods  in  the  hands  of 
B,  in  England^  drew  bills  upon  him,  which  B.  accepted  on 
;  account  of  the  goods,  and  A.  indorsed  them  to  C,  a  British 
subject  residing  in  an  alien's  country,  who  did  not  sue  till 
after  peace  was  made ;  it  was  held,  that  as  A  could  not  get  at 
his  funds  in  this  country  directly,  neither  could  he  do  it  by 
indorsing  the  bills  to  a  third  party,  who  must  have  been  cogni- 
zant of  his  object,  and  the  plaintiff  accordingly  could  not 

Where  bills  were  drawn  by  one  British  prisoner  of  war,  de- 
tained in  France,  in  favour  of  another  on  a  British  subject  in 
England^  and  indorsed  by  the  payee  to  a  French  banker,  an 
alien  enemy,  who  sued  on  them  after  the  restoration  of  peace ;  it 
was  held  by  the  Court  of  Common  Pleas,  that  the  action  was 
sustainable  under  the  peculiar  circumstances  of  the  case,  since 


Atbrecht  v. 
2  Ves.  &  B. 


Willison  V. 
7  Taunt.  439. 
and  see  Bran- 
don V.  Curling, 
\  East,  410. 

Antoine  v. 

6  Taunt.  237. 
1  Marsh  558. 
S.  C. ;  and  see 
Daubuz  V. 

(D)  What  Actions  Aliens  may  maintain^  ^c. 


the  bills  were  not  drawn  in  favour  of  an  alien  enemy,  but  by  6  Taunt.  332. 

one  British  subject  in  favour  of  another,  upon  a  British  subject ;  ■^"'P'  Bous- 

and  that  the  indorsement  conveyed  a  good  title  to  the  plaintiff,  ^^^cker.isVes. 
on  which  the  king  might  have  sued  during  the  war ;  and  he  not 
having  so  done,  the  plaintiff  might  sue  after  the  proclamation  of 

The  plea  of  alien  enemy  is  a  bar  to  a  bill  for  relief  in  equity,  Albrecht  v. 

as  well  as  to  an  action  at  law :  but  it  would  seem  not  sustain-  Sussmann, 

able  to  a  mere  bill  for  discovery ;  for,  as  an  alien  may  be  sued  Ls  ^ 
at  law,  and  may  have  process  to  compel  the  appearance  of  his 
witnesses,  so  he  may  have  the  benefit  of  a  discovery.]! 

If  an  alien  enemy  comes  here  sub  salvo  conductu^  he  may  main-  Salk.  46.  pi.  1. 

tain  an  action ;  so  if  an  alien  amy  comes  here  in  time  of  peace  Wells  and 

per  licentiam  domini_  regis,  as  the  French  protestants  did,  and  Williams.  Ld. 

lives  here  siib  protedione,  and  a  war  afterwards  happens  between  Fost™Cr^L,aw 

the  two  nations,  he  may  maintain  an  action,  for  suing  is  but  a  ise.    Bro.  tit*, 

consequential  right  of  protection  {a) ;   and  therefore  an  alien  Propertie,  p. 

enemy,  who  is  here  in  peace  under  protection,  may  sue  a  bond ;  ^^-  ^"■)  But  an 

aliter  of  one  commorant  in  his  own  country.  wtfo  has^sudi 
protection,  must  plead  it.    Faresl.  1 50.    Sylvester's  case.     Ld.  Rayra.  283.    [But  if  alienage 
simply  be  pleaded,  it  is  not  necessary  to  reply,  that  the  plaintiff  ia  not  an  alien  enemy.  2  Stra. 

[It  hath  been  heretofore  holden,  that  an  alien  enemy  may  Record  v. 
maintain  an  action  in  this  country  for  the  recovery  of  a  right  Bettenham, 
claimed  to  be  acquired  in  actual  war;  but  that  opinion  hath  been  3  Burr.  1734. 
since  over-ruled,  and  it  hath  been  determined  in  the  Exchequer  ^^lack  R.  563. 
Chamber,  that  by  the  municipal  law  of  this  country  no  such  sui  t  Blackburn 
can  be  supported,  Dougl.6i9. 

Anthon  v.  Fisher,  Dougl.  Ad.  30. 

An  alien  enemy,  prisoner  of  war,  is  not  entitled,  under  any  Anon.  2  Black, 
circumstances,  to  his  discharge  upon  a  habeas  corpus.']  ^'  *^^'** 

II  Whether  an  alien  enemy  born,  who  is  a  prisoner  of  war,  can 
maintain  an  action  in  the  courts  here,  does  not  appear  to  have 
been  decided,  though  judges  have  expressed  strong  opinions  in 
the  affirmative.     In  a  case  where  the  question  was  raised,  no 
judgment  appears  to  have  been  given.     But  where  a  native  of  a  Maria  v.  Hall, 
state  in  amity  with  Great  Britain  was  taken  prisoner  while  1  Taunt.  33. 
serving  on  board  an  enemy's  ship,  and  by  the  authority  of  the  y  B^nnat?ne 
king's  officer  was  put  on  board  2l  British  merchant  ship,  then   i'bos.  &  Pull, 
in  want  of  hands,  and  did  his  duty  like  the  rest  of  the  crew  on  163. 
the  voyage  to  Great  Britain  ;  it  was  held,  that  he  might  main- 
tain an  action  for  wages  as  a  seaman  for  the  voyage.  || 

[A  foreigner  is  allowed  to  put  in  his  answer  to  a  bill  in  equity  Simmonds  v. 
in  his  own  language,  but  a  sworn  translation  must  be  also  filed  ^^^"^i 

-"•it.  ?,«-* 

Interrogatories   for   the   examination  of  witnesses   who   are  Lord  Belmor^ 
foreigners  must  be  in  £«g//5^  /  and  being  afterwards  translated,  Jgr'cf^ch"* 
their  answers  must  be  translated  by  sworn  interpreters.]  r,  9o'. 

N  4 

(E)  Of 

18*  ALIENS. 

(E)  Of  pleading  Alienage. 

T  F  one  born  in  Jersey,  or  elsewhere  within  the  king's  obedience, 
Co  Lit.  129.  b.  •■-  brings  a  real  action,  and  the  tenant  pleads  that  the  demandant 
47  alceb  98  '^  ""  "^'^"  \)oxn  under  the  obedience  of  the  French  king,  and 
Leon.  78,  79. '  out  of  the  ligeance  of,  8^c.  the  demandant  may  reply,  that  he 
C'arter,  50.  was  born  at  such  a  place  in  England^  within  the  king's  alle- 
Rast.  Ent.  605.  gjance,  ^x.  and  such  hath  ever  been  the  manner  of  pleading  in 
la)  Q«.'lfthc  such  case,  (fl) 

best  method  would  not  be,  to  say,  born  within  the  king^s  obedience,  viz.  at,  &c.  the  venue  laid 
by  the  plaintiff  in  hiis  declaration  ? 

7  Co.  1.  9.  in  ^n  assize  tempore  Jac.  1.  the  defendant  pleaded,  that  the 

Lit.  Rep.  26.      plaintiff  was  born  apud  E.  infra  regnum  Notice  ac  intra  ligean- 

tiam  didi  domini  regis  regni  sui  Scotia^  ac  extra  ligeantiam  dicti 

domini  regis  regni  sui  Anglice ;  and  this  was   holden  no  good 

plea,  because  it  referred  ligeance  and  faith  to  England,  and  not 

to  the  king. 

Sid.  357.  Free-       In  debt  on  an  obligation,  which  was  for  payment  of  rent 

man  v.  King,     reserved  by  lease  for  years ;  the  defendant  pleaded  the  32  H.  8. 

c.  16.  and  that  he  was  an  alien  artificer,  <^c.;  the  plaintiff  replied 

that  he  was  no  alien  artificer ;  but,  having  laid  no  place  where  he 

was  born,  the  replication  was  held  bad. 

Carth.  302.  '^^^  defendant  pleaded  in  abatement,  that  the  plaintiff  was  an 

Nicholas  v.        alien  enemy,  born  in  such  a  place  in  France ;  the  plaintiff  replied 

Powlct.    But    that  he  is  indigena,  and  born  at  such  a  place  in  the  kingdom 

^'^s  '^H   ^"^    ^^  England,  et  non  alienigena  modo  et  forma  prout,  &c.  et  hoc 

561.  Asht.  11.  P^^^^  ^^°^  inquiratur  per  patriam :  upon  demurrer  to  this  repli- 

the  like  repli-    cation  it  was  holden  to  be  ill;  for  that  the  plaintiff"  did  not  rely 

cations.  If  the  upon  the  first  part  of  it,  that  he.  was  born  in  England,  and  so 

clmclud  d'h"     *^°"*^1"^^  ^i^^  ^^  averment,  that  an  issue  might  be  taken  by  the 

replication         Other  side,  viz.  that  he  was  not  born  in  England,  and  that  this 

with  an  aver-     matter  might  be  triable  by  a  proper  visne ;  but  here  he  hath  put 

ment  only,  the  alien  or  not  alien  in  issue,  viz.  non  alietiigena  modo  et  forma, 

«^^^r^*^''*"^*^'  which  cannot  be  tried  for  want  of  a  visne;  and  therefore  judg- 

non  alienwcna,  .  -,11..,,,,,,  J      o 

had  been  only    "'^"*  ^'^^  given  that  the  bill  should  abate. 

Mirplusage,  and  helped  upon  a  general  demurrer;  so  resolved,  Garth.  265.  Brodeck  v.  Briggs, 
yide  Comb.  212. 

p^^^'^ooo  Where  alienage  is  pleaded  in  abatement,  and  the  plaintiff' 

per H^i  C.J  ^^Pl'^s  indigena,  he  may  either  take  issue,  or  conclude  et  hoc 
paratus  est  verificare ;  but  if  in  bar,  he  must  take  issue;  and  this 
is  the  reason  of  the  difference  in  the  two  precedents  in  Rastal. 
Bro.  tiL  Deni-  If  alienage  be  pleaded  to  an  alien  in  league,  it  must  be 
Rit.\Iu.252.  P^^^'l^^  in  abatement  or  disability  of  the  plaintiff;  but  if  it 
605.  CarL  49.  ^^  ^^  ^^  vWen  enemy,  it  may  be  pleaded  either  in  abatement  or 
Co.  Lit.  129.  in  bar  to  the  action,  because  it  is  forfeited  to  the  king  as  a  re- 
a.b.(fl)Notto  prisal  for  the  damages  committed  by  the  dominion  in  enmity 
be  pleaded  to  a  ^j^h  him.  (a) 
personal  action  ^   ' 

without  alleging  the  plaintiff  to  be  an  enemy.  2  Stra.  1082.  See  12  Mod.  125.  [In  an  action 
by  an  alien  enemy  for  a  right  acquired  in  actual  war,  the  defendant,  it  seems,  may  avail  him- 
Ta  Sni^  hwT*^^°u  ^'f,  ^'«"a§e  without  specially  pleading  it.  Anthon  v.  Fisher,  Dougl. 
AO.  JO.J    pwhen  the  plaintiff  u  an  alien  enemy  at  the  time  of  the  cause  of  action  arising, 



this  may  be  given  in  evidence  on  the  general  issue,  or  pleaded  in  bar;  but  when  he  became 
so  subsequently  to  the  accruing  of  the  cause  of  action,  it  only  goes  to  his  disability  to 
sue,  and  must  be  pleaded  in  abatement.  Doug.  649.  note  132.  6  Term  R.  24.  15  East,  260. 
3  Camp.R.  152.  The  courts  will  not  in  general  allow  the  plea  of  alien  enemy  to  be  pleaded 
with  any  other  plea.  1  Bos.  &  Pull.  222.  2Bos.&Pull.72.  12East,206.  loEast,326.  And  the 
plea  being  disfavoured,  must  aver  that  the  plaintiff  was  born  in  a  foreign  country  at  enmity  with 
this  country,  and  came  here  without  letters  of  safe  conduct.  8  Term  R.  166.  If  the  plaintiff 
being  an  alien  amy  at  the  commencement  of  the  suit,  afterwards  in  the  course  of  it  becomes  an 
alien  enemy,  and  this  appears  on  the  record,  judgment  will  be  given  that  he  cannot  further 
maintain  his  suit.     De  Bret.  v.  Papillon,  4  East,  502.1| 

[Alienage  cannot  be  pleaded  to  a  scire  facias  on  a  judgment ;  West  v.  Sut- 
Ibr  the  plaintiff  having  been  admitted  to  be  able  to  recover  judg-  ^"'  ^  ^°5" 
ment,  cannot  be  disabled  from  having  execution  upon  it  by  mat- 
ter which  was  precedent  to  it] 

II  And  where  the  plaintiffs  had  become  alien  enemies  since  the  Vanbrynen  v. 
verdict,  the  court  refused  on  application  to  stay  the  judgment  ^iVilson,9East, 
and  execution,  saying,  if  the  defendant  had  any  remedy  at  law,  ^^^* 
he  might  avail  himself  of  it.  II 


A  N  ambassador  (a)  is  a  person  sent  by  one  sovereign  prince  {b)  ^^^  Difference 
to  another,  to  transact  in  the  place  of  his  sovereign  such  between  am- 
matters  as  relate  to  both  states.     The  manner  of  appointing  and  bassador  ordi- 
receiving  public  ministers,  their  duty,  power,  and  privileges,  8^c,  nary  and  ex- 
being  chiefly  regulated  by  the  civil  law,  or  law  of  nations,  I  must  ]vfolloy"  b7i.    " ' 
refer  to  other  books  for  those  matters,  and  shall  here  only  insert  c.  x.    An 
what  seems  most  worthy  of  notice  in  our  law  books ;  observing  agent  repre- 
that  our  law  herein  pays  the  greatest  regard  to  rules  prescribed  se^ts  the  affairs 
by  the  civil  law  and  the  law  of  nations.  ambassador 

the  grandeur  of  his  master.  Molloy,  ibid,  {b)  By  the  law  of  nations,  none  under  the  quality 
of  a  sovereign  prince  can  send  ambassadors.  Ibid.  And  it  is  said  by  Lord  Coke,  that  there 
can  be  no  ambassador  without  letters  of  credence  from  his  sovereign  to  another  that  hath  a 
sovereign  authority.  4  Inst.  153.  But  the  electors  and  princes  of  the  empire  send  or  receive 
ambassadors,  touching  matters  which  concern  their  own  territories.  Molloy,  ibid.  And  so 
the  Hans  towns,  being  free  imperial  cities,  have  the  same  regalia  by  prescription  or  grant. 
Ibid.  But  a  king  deprived  of  his  kingdom  and  royalty,  hath  lost  his  right  of  legation.  Molloy, 
bk.  i.  c.  X.  §  5.  i7i  margin.  ||Grotius  states  the  rule  that  none  but  stimmi  imperii  compotes 
inter  se  can  lawfully  send  ambassadors,  but  admits  exceptions  in  the  case  of  civil  wars,  when 
a  nation  is  so  divided  that  it  is  doubtful  where  the  jus  imperii  resides,  or  where  two  claimants 
contend  with  doubtful  right  for  the  succession.  De  Jure  B.  et  P.  lib.  ii.  c.  xviii.  §  ii.  3. ; 
And  Bynkershoek,  in  such  cases,  ascribes  the  power  of  sending  embassies  to  that  faction 
which  has  the  rei  agendi  potestas,  and  therefore  joins  with  Grotius  in  approving  the  censure  of 
Tacitus,  Histor.  lib.  iii.  c.  Ixxx.  on  the  violence  offered  by  Vespasian  to  the  embassy  of  Fitelkusy 
since  V itcllius  a.n6.  t\\G  senate  then  held  the  chief  power  of  the  state;  —  but  had  Vespasian 
sent  ambassadors  to  Vitellius  they  would,  says  Bynkershoek,  have  been  only  the  messengers  of 
rebellious  subjects,  who  have  clearly  no  authority,  according  to  the  law  of  nations,  to  send 
embassies  to  their  sovereign,  as  he  shews  with  reference  to  instances  in  modern  history. 
Bynk.  Quasst.  Jur.  Pub.  lib.  ii.  c.  iii.    A  sovereign  dc  facto  enjoys  this  right  without  reference 



to  his  title.  IbuL  And  this  author  extends  it  to  municipalities  and  provinces  having  compe- 
tency to  transact  those  matters  which  their  embassy  concerns.  He  even  sneers  at  the 
punctilio  of  Queen  Elizabeth  in  refusing  to  receive  an  epibassv  from  the  Duke  of  Alba, 
the  object  of  the  embassy  being  to  obtain  the  restoration  of  a  sum  plundered.  Jbid. 
p  207  ;  and  see  Wicquefort  Ambassadeur,  lib.  i.  §  2.1|  If  sent  from  a  kmg  or  absolute 
potentate,  though  in  his  letters  of  credence  he  is  termed  an  agent  or  nuncius,  yet  he  is  an 
ambassador  or  legate.  4  Inst.  153.  Ambassadors  were  sent  to  the  pope,  being  a  temporal 
prince,  and  also  his  ambassadors  received  here,  who  were  sworn  not  to  attempt  any  thing 
prejudicial  to  the  king  or  kingdom.    4  Inst.  156. 

Hob.  78. 113,  An  ambassador  cannot,  as  procurator,  exhibit  a  bill  in  our 
114.  Don  Die-  courts  for  a  certain  number  of  his  fellow  subjects,  without  an 
go  Servienti  authority  from  them ;  for  every  procurator  must  sue  in  the  name 
Sprnd^kmn-  ^  of  the  principal,  and  cannot  be  such  without  his  allowance ;  nay, 
bassador,  and  the  king  cannot  make  a  procurator  for  all  his  subjects,  without 
Sir  Richard  (heir  consent,  nor  would  a  release,  sentence  or  discharge  against 
Bmgley.  ^^^^  ^  ^^^  ^^  ^  discharge  against  the  principal :  also  the  office 

of  an  ambassador  doth  not  imply  a  private  procuration,  but  for 
the  public ;  and  not  for  a  particular  subject,  otherwise  than  it 
concerns  the  king  and  his  ministers  to  protect  him  in  foreign 
kingdoms  in  nature  of  a  negociation  of  state ;  and  therefore, 
though  he  may  prosecute  and  defend  for  a  private  subject  at 
the  council-table,  which  is  a  court  of  state,  yet  when  he  comes 
to  settled  courts  he  must  observe  the  essential  parts  of  their  pro- 
4  Inst.  152.  I"  ^^  bishop  of  Ross's  case,  ann.  13  Eliz.  the  questioi>being 

Molloy,  b.  1.  -  an  legatuSi  qui  rehellionem  contra  principem  ad  quern  legatus  con- 
0,10.  $9.  S.C.  citas,  legati  privilegiis  gaudeat,  et  non  ut  hostis  pcenis  subjaceat,  it 
cited,  and  said,  ^^g  resolved  he  had  lost  the  privilege  of  an  ambassador,  and  was 
that  ambas-  i  •     ^  ,  •  i  ^  r  & 

sudors  cannot,  subject  to  punishment. 

by  the  law  of  nations,  be  defended  when  they  act  against  the  state,  or  person  of  the  king  with 
whom  they  reside;  and  vide  3  Bulst.  28.  and  Roll.  Rep.  18S.  in  which  last  book,  the  king's 
attorney  makes  a  difference  between  a  conspiracy  to  kill  the  king  and  other  treasons  com- 
mitted by  an  ambassador.  — — .  |[0n  the  much  contested  question  as  to  an  ambassador's 
criminal  responsibility  to  the  courts  of  the  country  where  he  resides,  the  authorities  of  our 
common  law  are  not  quite  in  accordance  with  the  writers  on  the  law  of  nations,  though  the  prac- 
tice of  this  country  has,  in  almost  all  instances,  conformed  to  the  principles  laid  down  by  the 
latter.  The  jurists  who  treat  of  the^'zM  gentium,  with  one  consent  allow  to  the  government  to 
which  the  ambassador  is  sent,  all  such  proceedings  against  him  in  case  of  his  criminal  machin- 
ations against  the  state  as  are  justified  by  principles  of  self-defence  or  preservation.  If  he 
engages  in  hostile  attempts  with  open  force,  he  may  be  repelled  with  force  as  an  open  enemy, 
and  his  life  may  be  taken,  if  necessary,  to  suppress  his  plots.  If  he  is  detected  in  secret  con- 
spiracies, he  may  be  arrested  and  examined,  and  his  papers  seized,  and  his  person  confined  as 
k)n|  as  the  necessity  of  the  case  requires  it.  But  when  the  danger  and  necessity  are  past, 
or  in  cases  of  crimes  not  affecting  the  state  (however  atrocious),  where  such  danger  and 
necessity  never  exist,  these  writers  are  unanimous  in  asserting  the  ambassador's  immu- 
nity from  all  proceedings  for  mere  purposes  of  punishvient;  for  as  Grotius  expresses  it, 
"  securiioi  kgatorum  utUitati  qucs  ex  poena  est  pr<Eponderat :"  besides  that  the  deserved 
punishment  may  be  obtained  through  the  medium  of  the  ambassador's  own  sovereign,  or  if  he 
refuses  it,  may  be  a  just  cause  of  war.  Grotius  de  Jure  B.  et  P.  lib.  ii.  c.  xviii.  de  legatio- 
num  jure.  Vattel,  b.  iv.  c.  vi.,  enforces  the  same  principles  by  cogent  reasonings  drawn  from 
the  necessity  of  an  ambassador's  general  exemption  from  municipal  law ;  and  Bynkershoek, 
de  Foro  Legatorum,  c.  xvii.,  xviii.,  xix.  ransacks  ancient  and  modern  history  for  examples 
bearing  on  the  question,  which  certainly  shew  the  preponderating  usage  of  nations,  ancient  and 
modem,  to  be  consistent  with  the  principles  of  the  above  writers ;  though  some  instances  of 
punishment  are  not  wanting,  as  that  mentioned  by  Livy.  lib.  xxv.  c.  vii.  of  the  Tarentine  envoys, 
and  by  Sallust.  Bell.  Jugurth.  c.  55.  and  others.  On  the  other  hand,  among  our  own  text 
authorities.  Lord  Coke  broadly  asserts,  (4  Inst.  \ 53.  post.  p.  188.)  that  an  ambassador  may  be 
tried  as  a  private  alien  for  treason,  felony,  adultery,  or  any  other  crime  against  the  law  of  nations 
—  a  doctrme  which  would  render  him  liable  for  all  such  offences  against  municipal  law  as  are  mala 


inse,  including  every  criminal  fraud.  Lord  Coke  cites  no  authority  for  his  position,  which  is  quite 
collateral  to  the  case  of  Pallache,  of  which  he  is  then  treating.  Sir  Matthew  Hale,  1  Hist. 
PI.  C.  99.  expresses  himself  doubtfully  as  to  an  ambassador's  liability  to  punishment  as  a  traitor 
for  treasonable  machinations,  but  "holds  him  clearly  amenable  for  other  capital  offences,  as 
rape,  murder,  &c.  on  the  technical  ground  that  the  indictment  runs  contri  pacem  regis  only, 
and  not  contra  ligeanticB  sius  debitum.  Foster  is  clear  that,  as  to  state  crimes,  ambassadors 
are  to  be  considered  at  worst  but  as  enemies  subject  to  the  law  of  nations,  never  as  traitors 
subject  to  the  municipal  law,  unless,  perhaps,  in  case  of  attempts  against  the  king's  life 
—  a  distinction  also  adopted  by  Blackstone,  b.  i.  c.  vii.,  upon  the  authority  of  a  state- 
ment of  Sir  Francis  Bacon  as  counsel,  in  1  Roll.  Rep.  185.  and  State  Tri.  vol.  ii.  p.  881. 
Foster,  however,  is  clearly  of  the  opinion  of  Lord  Hale  with  respect  to  murder  and  other 
offences.  The  only  instance  which  appears  in  our  books  in  accordance  with  these  doc- 
trines, (for  Pallache's  case,  4  Inst.  152,  and  5  Bulst.  27.  is  no  authority  one  way  or  the 
other,  since  whether  an  ambassador  or  not  (which  was  doubtful)  his  offence  did  not 
amount  to  piracy,  and  therefore  he  was  not  triable,)  is  that  of  the  Portuguese  ambassador's 
brother,  Don  Pantaleone  de  Sa,  who  was  tried  and  beheaded  for  murder  during  the  protec- 
torate 1654.  (See  the  case  at  length,  Stat.  Tri.  v.  5.  462.)  This  person,  as  appears  from 
the  account  of  Doctor  Zouch  one  of  the  commissioners  appointed  to  try  hira  (see  the  preface 
to  his  tract  Solutio  qucestionis  de  Legati  delinquentis  competente  Judicio,  B  Sta.  Tri.  482.)  was 
not  himself  invested  with  any  ambassadorial  character,  though  Hume,  v.  vii.  237.  erro- 
neously states  him  to  have  been  joined  in  the  commission  with  his  brother.  The  case  is 
not  therefore  an  example  of  the  punishment  of  an  ambassador;  though  it  must  be  ad- 
mitted that,  as  part  of  the  ambassador's  retinue,  the  individual  would,  according  to 
Grotius,  Vattel,  and  Bynkershoek,  be  entitled  as  a  comes  legati  to  the  same  immunity  as  the 
ambassador  himself,  —  and  the  threats  of  violence  by  which  CVo7WM;e// compelled  the  ambas- 
sador to  deliver  him  up,  were  contrary  to  the  express  authority  of  Grotius,  that  a  person 
in  the  retinue  of  an  ambassador  committing  the  gravest  delinquency  ought  only  be  de- 
manded at  his  hands,  but  not  taken  by  force.  Lord  Hale  mentions  the  case  in  support 
of  his  dpctrine  above  stated :  —  neither  Foster  nor  Blackstone  condescend  to  notice  it. 
Bynkershoek  mentions  the  fact  without  comment,  de  Foro  Legatorum,  c.  17.  Claraidon 
calls  it  an  "  exemplary  piece  of  justice,"  which  it  might  be,  and  nevertheless  be  con- 
trary to  the  voluntary  law  of  nations.  Hume,  V.  vii.  237.  and  Burnet,  Hist,  own  Times, 
vol.  1.  consider  it  as  a  violation  of  that  law;  and  though  it  appears  to  have  been  quoted  by 
the  Emperor  of  Germany  as  a  precedent  to  justify  carrying  off  an  offensive  plenipotentiary 
from  a  congress  at  Cologne  (5  Sta.  Tri.  486.),  yet,  perhaps,  considering  the  period  and  cir- 
cumstances of  the  case,  and  the  weak  condition  of  Portugal,  which  was  then  purchasing  a 
peace  of  Cromwell,  it  hardly  affords  a  very  authoritative  decision  even  as  to  the  responsibility 
of  an  ambassador's  attendant  for  an  atrocious  crime  against  natural  law ;  and  as  to  the  case  of 
an  ambassador  himself,  or  of  a  crime  against  the  state,  it  clearly  affords  no  precedent  at  all. 
Vattel,  ubi  sup.  §  1 24.  mentions  an  instance  from  Sully's  Memoirs,  v.  vi.  c.  1 .  of  a  French 
gentleman  in  the  suite  of  the  Duke  de  Sully  (then  Marquis  de  Rony)  ambassador  in  Eng' 
land,  who,  having  committed  a  murder,  was  tried  by  the  ambassador  and  some  gentlemen 
of  the  embassy,  and  found  guilty,  and  sentenced  to  lose  his  head,  and  afterwards  delivered  up 
to  the  English  for  execution  —  a  proceeding  which  Vattel  appears  to  approve,  since,  though 
he  admits  the  right  of  trial,  he  pronounces  an  ambassador  to  have  no  power  to  execute  a 
criminal  in  the  country  where  he  officiates.  The  case  of  the  Bishop  of  Ross  in  the  text  is 
merely  an  opinion  of  the  civilians  consulted,  for  no  judicial  proceedings  were  taken  against 
the  bishop,  who  was  'sent  to  the  Tower,  and  afterwards  ordered  to  depart  the  kingdom. 
5  Sta.  Tri.  501,  502.  Similar  instances  of  restraint  and  dismissal  (but  none  of  punishment)^ 
have  occurred  from  the  earliest  periods  of  our  history  down  to  the  seizure  of  the  Count 
Gyllcnberg  the  Swedish  minister,  and  his  papers  in  1716  (see  them  collected,  5  Stat.  Tri.  492.); 
and  they  fall  strictly  within  the  principle  of  prevention,  as  stated  above  from  the  writers  on 
the  law  of  nations.  Even  Cromwell  himself,  when  his  life  was  conspired  against  by  the  French 
minister  De  JBas,  who  refused  on  the  ground  of  privilege  to  answer  interrogatories  of  the 
council,  contented  himself  with  ordering  the  minister  to  depart  the  kingdom  in  forty-eight 
iiours  (see  the  case  stated  from  Wicquefort  and  Thurloe  in  5  Sta.  Tri.  512.),  as  Queen  Elixa- 
beth  had  done  in  the  case  of  a  similar  conspiracy.    See  Camden,  Eliz.  Ann.  1587.|| 

If  A.  is  sent  as  ambassador  of  the  king  of  Morocco  to  the  Slates,  4  Inst.  152. 

and  by  them  accepted  as  an  agent,  and  there  being  war  betvi^een  p^f,"^Tf ^ '" 

the  king  of  Morocco  and  the  king  o^  Spain,  the  king  of  Morocco  bytheCh'S 

makes  a  commission  to  A.  to  take  SjJaniards,  and  their  goods  ;  Master  of  the  ] 



Rolls,  and  the  and  the  king  of  England  grants  him  letters  of  safe  conduct  as  a 
Judge  of  the  public  minister,  and  the  States  license  him  to  levy  men,  to  furnish 
Admiralty,  up-  gj^ipg^  ^.^, .  ^nd  there  being  a  league  between  England  and  Spain 
t°o"them  byX  and  England  and  the  States,  and  war  between  Spain  and  the 
Lords  of  the  States,  A.  takes  at  the  Canaries  a  Spanish  ship  laden  with  goods. 
Council  upon  and  by  stress  of  weather  is  driven  to  Plymouth,  he  shall  not  be 
the  prayer  of  ^^.j^j  ^  ^  pirate  here  {a) ;  for  by  the  law  of  nations  an  ambas- 
tSoMo^'"'  saJor  «"gl^t  to  be  safe  and  sure  in  every  place.  (Z;) 
proceed  ajrainst  him  as  a  pirate  upon  the  stat.  28  H,  8.  c.  15.  Roll.  Rep.  175.  S.  C.  cited. 
5  Bulst.  27,28.  S.  C.  cited,  (a)  But  per  Roll.  Rep,  it  was  agreed  by  the  civilians,  that 
he  ought  to  proceed  civilithr  for  the  goods,  because  in  solo  amid;  and  3  Bulst.  29.  A 
suit  beinf  in  the  Court  of  Admiralty  against  several  merchants  that  had  bought  goods,  the 
civilians  held,  because  they  were  bought  in  solo  amid,  proceeding  might  be  for  them  in 
the  Court  of  Admiralty ;  and  it  is  said,  that  accordingly  the  court  denied  a  prohibition  : 
But,  per  4  Inst.  154.  though  this  was  the  opinion  of  some  of  the  civilians  in  Palache's 
case,  yet  the  contrary  had  been  resolved,  2  Jac.  1.  ||(5)  But  Pallache's  case  seems  to  have 
been  decided  on  the  ground  that,  whether  he  were  an  ambassador  or  not,  his  acts  did  not 
amount  to  piracy,  because  there  was  enmity  between  his  master  the  King  of  Morocco  and  the 
kin*  of  Spain,  and  one  enemy  cannot  be  a  felon  for  taking  the  goods  of  another  enemy.|| 
4  Inst.  15-5.  If  a  man  that  is  banished  is  sent  ambassador  to  the  place  from 

|j(c)  But  it  IS  which  he  is  banished,  he  cannot  be  detained  or  offended  there,  (c) 
clear  that  the  ^ 

sovereign  of  such  individual  might  refuse  to  receive  him  as  an  envoy;  and  if  he  afterwards 
came  into  the  country,  he  might  be  dealt  with  as  a  subject.  In  France,  the  government 
refuses  to  admit  native  subjects  as  ministers  of  foreign  powers.  Vattel,  b.  iv.  c.  viii.  s.  112,; 
and  in  1681  the  states-general  oi  Holland  passed  a  decree,  refusing  to  receive  as  ambassador 
or  minister  any  native  subject,  except  on  condition  of  his  retaining  his  character  of  subject, 
both  as  to  civil  and  criminal  jurisdiction.    Bynkershoek,  de  Foro  Legatorum,  c.  xi.     And 

1  believe  the  practice  of  the  British  government  is  against  receiving  native  subjects  in  such 
capacity;  it  seems  they  refused  to  receive  Sir  B.  Thompson  Count  Romford,  as  minister 
from  the  elector  oi  Bavaria.  5  Sta.  Tri.  504,  If  a  sovereign,  however,  does  admit  such  sub- 
ject as  an  envoy,  and  without  any  condition  expressed,  Vattel,  ubi  supra,  considers  that  his 
character  of  sulject  is  suspended,  and  that  he  is  entitled  to  all  the  immunities  of  an  am- 

2  Vern.  317.  A  bill  was  exhibited  in  Chancery  against  one,  then  ambassador 
l*ilkington  v.  at  the  court  of  Spain :  an  order  was  obtained,  that  all  proceedings 
Stanhope.  should  cease  until  his  return  from  his  embassy ;  and,  on  motion  to 
was'beld  trea-  discharge  the  order,  it  was  agreed  on  debate,  that  a  protection 
son  to  kill  the  lies  for  an  ambassador,  quia  prqfectwnis,  or  quia  moratwus,  and 
king's  am-  that  at  law  he  may  cast  an  essoin  for  a  year  and  a  day,  and  may 
^'Tnst'T  ^e  ^^^^^"^^^^^  renew  it  if  occasion  continues ;  and  the  court  ordered 
Co.  Lit.  130.    t'^^  proceedings  to  stay  for  a  year  and  a  day,  unless  the  defendant 

should  sooner  return  into  England. 
4  Inst.  153.  It  a  foreign  ambassador  (being  ^;ro-n\r)  committeth  a  crime 

Mollov,  b.  I     which  \s  contra  jus  gentium,  as  treason,  felony,  adultery,  <^c.   he 
Same  rule        ^°^^^  ^^^^  privilege  and  dignity  of  an  ambassador,   and  may  be 
cited.    Roll,     punished  here  as  any  othr  private  alien,  and  is  not  to  be  re- 
R,  175.  Same  manded  to  his  sovereign  but  of  courtesy,  id) 
rule  agreed  by 

thcciviliaus.  So,3Bulst.28.  Hawk.  P.  C.  51.  S.  P.  Post.  Cr.  L.  187,188.  [In  the  case  of  the  King 
agamst  Guerchy,  the  attorney  general,  under  the  direction  of  the  Court  of  K.  B.,  grantetl 
a  noli  proscqxa  on  an  indictment  against  the  French  ambassador  for  an  attempt  to  assassinate 
lA-D'Eon.  It  does  not  appear  from  the  report  whether  this  direction  was  given  upon  the 
naked  ground  of  the  defendant's  protection  from  his  character  as  ambassador,  or  whether  the 
judgment  of  the  court  were  not  influenced  by  the  special  circumstances  of  the  case,  which 
induced  a  suspicion  that  the  prosecution  wa"s  a  cross  calumny  upon  the  defendant,  and 
instituted  and  kept  on  foot  merely  for  the  purpose  of  defaming  him.  1  Black.  R.  545.] 
11(a)  See  note  on  this  subject,  suprh^  p.  186.|| 




So,  upon  contracts  which  are  good  Jure  gentium,  he  must  answer.  4  j^gj  j^^ 

But  in  Molloy,  b.  i.  c.  x.  §  16.  it  is  said,  that  most  certainly  by  the  civil  law,  his  moveables, 
which  are  accounted  an  accession  to  his  person,  cannot  be  seized  on  as  a  pledge,  or  for  pay- 
ment of  debt,  though  by  leave  of  the  king  or  state  where  he  resides ;  for  all  coercion  ought  to 
be  far  from  an  ambassador,  as  well  that  which  touches  his  necessaries  as  his  person :  if,  there- 
fore, he  hath  contracted  a  debt,  he  is  to  be  called  upon  kindly ;  and  if  he  refuses  payment, 
letters  of  request  are  to  go  to  his  master,  so  that  the  same  course  may  be  taken  with  him  as 
witli  debtors  in  another  territory ;  and  notice  is  taken  of  the  opinion  of  my  Lord  Coke,  which 
seems  to  the  contrary;  and  3  Bulstr.  28.  it  is  agreed  by  the  civilians,  that  the  person  of  an 
ambassador  cannot  be  arrested.  [An  ejectment  brought,  and  left  at  the  house  of  the 
ambassador,  conceived  no  breach  of  privilege  in  the  case  of  Mons.  Colbert  for  York-house. 
M.  28.  Car,  2.  B.  R.  Molloy,  b.  i.  c.  x.  $  15.  in  margin.]  ||It  is  not  very  clear  what  Lord 
Coke,  in  the  passage  in  the  text,  intends  by  contracts  good  jure  gentium.  All  the  authorities 
on  the  law  of  nations,  and  the  almost  universal  practice  of  European  states,  pronounce  public 
ministers  free  from  civil  proceedings  for  debts  and  contracts,  ,&c.  in  the  ordinary  courts, 
unless  in  case  of  ministers  trading.  See  Grotius  de  Jure  B.  et  P.  lib.  ii.  c.  xviii.  §  9,  10. 
Bynkershoek  de  Foro  Legatorum,  ex.  xiv.  Vattel,  b.  iv.  c.  viii.  And  this  was  the  rule  of  our 
common  law  before  the  statute  of  Anne,  which  is  only  declaratory.  Com.  Dig.  Ambassador  (B). 
Ca.  temp.  Talbot,  280.|| 

But  if  a  thing  be  only  malum  'prohibitum  by  act  of  parliament,  4  Inst.  155. 

private  law  or  custom  of  the  realm,  and  not  malum  in  se  jure  gen-  Molloy,  b.  i  . 

tium.  nee  contra  jus  "entium,  an   ambassador  residing  here  shall  ^"  ^'      ^\ 
'  u       o  '  o  same  rule 

not  be  bound  by  it.  cited.    Roll. 

R.  175.     The  same  rule  agreed  by  the  civilians.     |jLord  Cohe,  in  the  passage  in  the  text,  must, 

it  would  seem,  be  understood  to  mean  that  an  ambassador  is  not  amenable  to  the  ordinary 

tribunals  of  the  country  for  breach  of  mere  positive  institutions ;  for  that  he  is  bound  by  them, 

and  held  by  the  jus  gentium  to  observe  them,  clearly  appears  from  the  writers  on  that  law. 

Vattel  lays  it  down  that  his  independency  does  not  excuse  him  from  conforming  to  the  laws 

and  customs  of  the  country  in  all  his  external  actions,  so  far  as  they  are  unconnected  with  the 

object  of  his  mission  and  character;   and  he  instances  the  cases  of  prohibitions  to  pass  in  a 

carriage  near  a  powder  magazine,  or  over  a  bridge,  or  to  inspect  the  fortifications  of  a  town, 

which  an  ambassador  is  bound  to  respect.    Vattel,  b.  iv.  c.  vii.  §  95.1| 

And  now  by  the  7  Ann.  c.  12.  it  is  declared,  "  that  all  writs  ^  p^^^  ^  j^ 
"  and  processes  that  shall  at  any  time  be  sued  forth  or  prose-  (qj  a  certifi- 
*'  cuted,  whereby  the  person  of  any  ambassador,  or  other  public  cate  that  the 
"  minister  of  any  foreign  prince  or  state,  authorized  and  received   person  was  a 
*'  as  such  by  her  majesty,  her  heirs  or  successors,  or  the  do-  n^^ooj^^^"  ' 
**  mestic  servant  of  any  such  ambassador  (a),  or  other  public  Barnes,  370. 
"  minister,  may  be  arrested  or  imprisoned,  or  his  or  their  goods  On  motion  to 
"  or  chattels  [b)  may  be  distrained,  seized,  or  attached,  shall  be  supersede  a 
"  deemed  and  adjudged  to  be  utterly  null  and  void.  t'his'^rtatute 

the  court  held,  that  it  was  not  necessary  to  shew  that  he  actually  lived  in  the  house,  but 
that  he  must  shew  the  nature  of  his  office,  that  the  court  may  judge  of  it;  also  that  he  is 
not  such  a  one  as  comes  within  the  de!=cription  of  any  of  the  statutes  against  bankrupts.  Fitzgib. 
200.  2Stra.  797.  Ld.Raym.  1524.  Ca.  tem.  Hardw.  3,4.  3  Burr.  1677.  See  10  Mod.  4,  5. 
[He  must  also  swear  to  the  actual  performance  of  the  service.  3  Burr.  1731.  But  where  one 
swore  positively  to  an  actual  engagement  as  English  secretary  to  the  Bavarian  minister,  and  to 
the  actual  performance  of  that  employment,  the  Court  of  K.  B.  thought  themselves  bound  to 
allow  his  privilege,  though  it  appeared  that  he  had  formerly  been  a  trader,  and  there  were  severtd 
other  suspicious  circumstances.  3  Burr.  1478.  Lord  Mansfield  was  clear,  that  an  officiating 
land-waiter  at  the  custom-house  could  never  be  esteemed  a  bona  fide  domestic  of  a  foreign 
minister.  I  Burr.  401.  Nor  can  a  purser  of  a  man  of  war.  3  Wils.  s.^.  Nor  a  trader  residing 
at  his  own  house,  his  supposed  master  being  abroad.  Barnes,  374.  Nor  can  an  ambassador 
take  one  into  his  service  for  the  purpose  of  screening  him  from  his  creditors.  3  Burr.  1676. 
Therefore,  the  person  claiming  privilege  must  swear  that  he  was  in  the  service  at  the  time  of 
the  arrest.  4  Burr.  2015.  Qu.  Whether  an  ambassador  can  retain  one  in  the  character  of 
physician?  Ibid.  A  secretary  to  a  foreign  minister  is  privileged,  though  his  name  be  not 
registered  in  the  office  of  either  of  the  secretaries  of  state,  the  statute  requiring  that  only  for 
the  purpose  of  proceeding  against  the  parties  criminally,    3  Term  11.  79.    4  Burr.  2017.  S.  P. 



Therefore,  though  his  name  be  not  registered,  the  sherJiT  must  execute  the  process,  notwith- 
standing the  production  of  a  certificate.  1  Wils.  20.]  jjThis  last  passage  is  unintelligible ;  and 
the  report  is  nardly  less  so :  the  meaning  appears  to  be,  that  if  the  party  is  not  registered,  the 
iheriff  should  execute  the  process,  since  he  cannot  harm  himself  in  so  doing,  (h)  Where  a  servant 
of  an  ambassador  resided  in  a  private  house,  not  the  ambassador's,  and  let  out  a  part  of  it  in 
lodgin'»s,  it  was  held  that  his  goods  in  suoh  house  were  not  exempt  from  distress  for  poor's 
rate,  such  goods  being  in  no  way  necessary  for  the  convenience  of  the  ambassador.  Novello 
▼.  Towgood,  1  Bam.  &  C.  554.\\ 

"  Provided,  that  no  merchant  or  other  trader   whatsoever 

**  within  the  description  of  any  of  the  statutes  against  bankrupts, 

*'  who  hath  or  shall  put  himself  into  the  service  of  any  such 

"  ambassador  or  public  minister,  shall  have  or  take  any  manner 

*'  of  benefit ;    and  that  no  person  shall  be  proceeded  against 

*'  as  having  arrested  the  servant  of  an  ambassador  or  public 

"  minister,  by  virtue  of  this  act,  unless  the  name  of  such  servant 

1(c)  If  not  ac-    "  b^  ^^^^  registered  (c)  in  the  office  of  one  of  the  principal  secre- 

tualiy  a  ser-      "  taries  of  state,  and  by  such  secretary  transmitted  to  the  sheriffs 

vant,  though     «  ©f  London  and  Middlesex  for  the  time  being,  or  their  under 

his  name  be      u  sheriffs  or  deputies  ;  who  shall,  upon  the  receipt  thereof,  hang 

bnot  within     **  "P  the  same  in  some  public  place  in  their  offices,  whereto 

the  act.  Fitzg.  "  all  persons  may  resort  and  take  copies  thereof  without  fee  or 

soo.]  «  reward. 

"  The  persons  who,  by  suing  out  writs,  Src  violate  this  law, 

**  which  is  declared  a  public  act,  to  be  punished  at  the  discre- 

**  tion  of  the  two  chief  justices  and  lord  chancellor,  or  any  two 

«  of  them." 

Abr.  Eq.  550.        One  protected  by  the  Genoese  ambassador  brought  a  bill  in 

pi.  4.    Good  .  Chancery,  and  was  ordered,  though  after  an  answer  put  in  (rf),  to 

Jjc^r  Pasch   ^^^  security  to  answer  the  costs,  in  the  same  manner  as  if  he 

1729.  2  Wil.    were  a  foreigner  {e) ;  because,  by  the  above  statute,  all  processes 

Rep.452.  And  against  ambassadors  and  their  servants  are  made  void;  so  that 

*  \^^^  °l^^^      if  the  bill  should  be  dismissed,  no  process  could  issue  against 

made  by  my      ^^™' 

Lord  Cowpcr,  after  answer  put  in,  Trin.  1709.  between  Barret  and  Buck,  (d)  But  it  has  been 
denied  in  the  Exchequer,  even  before  answer,  where  the  bill  w^as  for  an  injunction  to  stay  the 
defendant's  proceedings  at  law  in  ejectment,  because  the  plaintiff  was  in  a  manner  forced  into 
this  court,  (viz.  the  Exchequer,)  and  did  not  come  in  originally.  Bunb.  Rep.  272.  pi.  349.  If 
the  motion  be  before  answer,  the  defendant  will  not  be  obliged  to  put  one  in,  until  the  plaintiff 
give  bond  with  a  surety  to  the  senior  six  clerk  not  towards  the  cause  in  40/.  penalty  for 
answering  costs.  2  Will.  452.  pi.  142.  Mosely,  175.  pi.  89.  (rf)  A  deposit  in  money  will  not 
be  permitted  instead  thereof.    Bunb.  Rep.  35.  pi.  53. 

Barbuit's  [A  consul,  or  any  person  acting  in  an  office  of  that  kind,  it 

S*b.  281         seems,  is  not  entitled  to  privilege. 

Ihid.    llThe  The  privilege  of  a  public  minister  is  annexed  to  his  situation ; 

SmS?"  pri^.  •'  *^  ^^^  privilege  of  the  state  that  sends  him,  and  not  that  of  the 
lege  from  ar-'  Individual :  he  cannot  therefore  wave  it,  or  forfeit  it,  by  becom- 
r«ta«  a  public  »ng  a  trader,  <§-c.] 

minister,  was  discussed  in  Marshal  v.  Critico,  9  East,  447.  and  Clarke  v.  Critico,  1  Taunt. 
106. ;  but  It  was  not  necessary  to  decide  the  point.  It  was  however  determined  in  Vieash  v. 
Becker,  3  Maule  &  S.  884.,  on  the  authority  of  Vattel  and  Wicquefort,  that  he  is  not  a  public 
Bimister  entitled  to  privilege  from  arrest  on  mesne  process.  The  authority  of  Bynkershoek 
de  Foro  Legatorum  «.  10.  accords  with  this  decisionlU 

[     191     ] 

(A)  Of  Amendments  at  Common  Law. 

(B)  The  several  Statutes  of  Amendment  and  Jeofail. 

(C)  Whether  the  Statutes  of  Amendment  extend  to 

the  King,  or  to  any  Criminal  Proceedings. 

(D)  In  what  Cases  the  Proceedings  in  Civil  Causes 

are  amendable,  and  the  Manner  thereof)  as  by 
amending  one  Part  of  the  Record  by  another : 
and  herein 

1.  Of  the  Original  Writ  and  Process. 

2.  Of  the  Imparlance  Roll. 

3.  Of  the  Plea  Roll. 

4.  Of  the  Jury,  Process^  and  Nisi  Prius  Roll. 
6.  Of  the  Verdict. 

(E)  What  Defects  may  be  amended,  or  are  aided  after 

Verdict :  and  herein 

1.  Of  the  Want  of  sufficient  Certainty  in  the  Plaintiff^  s  De- 

claration in  not  setting  forth  his  Cause. 

2.  Of  Reptignancy  and  Surplusage, 

3.  Of  Insufficiencxf  in  the  Defendant^  Bar. 

4.  Of  immaierial  and  informal  Issues. 

(F)  Of  amending  the  Judgment. 

(G)  At  what  Time  the  Amendment  must  be  made ; 

and  therein  of  Records  removed  out  of  inferior 

Courts,  and  the  paying  of  Costs. 
fH)  Where  Records  defaced  by  Design  or  Accident 

will  be  set  right  and  amended. 
[(I)  Of  Amendments  in  Equity.] 

(A)  Of  Amendments  at  Common  Law. 

AT  common  law  there  was  but  little  room  for  am^idments,  Britt.s.  eCo. 

as  appears  by  the  several  statutes  oi amendments  andjeofailSi  iS6.  (o)  This 

and  likewise  by  the  constitution  of  the  courts ;  for,  says  Britton,  ordinance  of 




E.  1.  was  so 

strictly  ob- 
served, that 
when  Cli. 
Just.  Ingham, 
in  his  reign, 
moved  with 

the  judges  are  to  record  the  parols  deduced  before  them  in  judg- 
ment; also,  says  he,  E.  1.  (a)  granted  to  his  justices  to  record 
the  pleas  pleaded  before  them,  but  they  are  not  to  erase  their  re- 
cords, nor  amend  them,  nor  record  against  their  enrolment,  nor 
any  way  suffer  their  records  to  be  a  warrant  to  justify  their  own 

compassion  °  j         ,         ,    . 

for  tne  circumstances  of  a  poor  man  who  was  fined  15s.  4d.  erased  the  record,  and  made  it 
6t.  8rf^  he  was  fined  800  marks.   4  Inst.  255. 

9H.7.  I6.b.  Hence  it  appears,  that  regularly  at  common  law,  neither  false 

4H.6.  i6.b.     Xxiiinj  the  omission  of  a  word,  syllable  or  letter,  or  other  de- 
8  Co.  157.         ^^^j.    ^^   variance    from    the   approved  and   legal   foims,    were 

But  out  of  this  general  rule  there  are  the  following  excep- 
tions: I.  All  mistakes  were  amendable  the  same  term,  be- 
cause it  is  a  roll  of  that  term,  and  so  in  the  breast  of  the  court 
during  the  whole  term,  and  then  a  new  roll  might  be  brought  in 
the  cause,  and  consequently  the  same  roll  may  be  amended. 

That  part  of  the  count  which  records  the  writ  was  amendable 
at  common  law,  though  of  a  subsequent  term;  because  the  re- 
cording of  the  writ  was  surplusage,  and  the  judges  were  not  to 
record  against  a  former  record. 

2  Hawk.  P.  C. 


«  Co.  1 57. 



8  Co.  156.  b. 
7  H.6.  45. 

(In  penal  ac- 
tions, while  the  proceedings  are  in  paper,  mistakes  are  amendable  at  common  law ;  and  it  has 
been  done  where  several  terms  had  elapsed  since  the  commencement  of  the  suit,  and  issue  had 
been  ioined.  2  Burr.  1099.  So  where  the  record  had  gone  down  to  trial,  and  been  afterwards 
withctrawn.  5  Burr.  2833.]  But  this  is  a  matter  of  discretion  in  the  court,  and  a  similar  appH- 
catioD  has  been  refused.  2  Term  R.  707.]  ||There  is  no  difference  as  to  amending  at  common 
law  between  penal  and  other  actions;  1  Stra.  137.  2Stra.  1227.  1  Wils.  256.  1  Burr. 402. 
2  Ker.  82.  3  Maule  &  S.  450.  Nor  between  civil  and  criminal  cases ;  1  Salk.  51.  Ld.  Raym. 
1068.   6  Mod.  285.    4East,  175.    Tidd,  711,  712.(9th  edit.)|| 

S  H.  4.  4. 

An  essoin,  if  the  plaintifPs  name  were  mistaken,  or  if  it  was 
made  as  guardian,  when  there  was  no  guardian  in  the  writ,  was 
amendable  at  common  law,  because  such  an  essoin  was  contrary 
to  the  writ,  and  consequently  an  enrolment  of  it  would  contradict 
a  former  writ. 

Continuances  could  be  amended  at  common  law;  as  where 
A.  brought  a  bill  against  B.  who  vouched  C.  who  entered  into 
warranty,  and  pleaded  to  issue;  a  venire  Jacias,  and  a  jurat,  inter 
A.  and  B.  was  put  in,  which  jurat,  ought  to  have  been  between 
A.  and  C. ;  and  because  it  appeared  by  the  record  of  the  issue, 
and  the  award  of  the  venire  facias,  and  the  venire  itself,  that  the 
684"strari39.  j^^^t'  ought  to  have  been  between  A.  and  C.  this  was  was  amend- 
s  Stra.  734.       ed,  otherwise  it  would  have  been  an  enrolment  against  a  former 

8  Co.  156.  In  the  case  of  the  king,  the  writ  was  amendable  where  the 

^^q/""'  ^^^  ^^^^^  was  in  the  form,  as  in  a  quare  impedit  brought  by  the 
king,  the  writ  was  presentere  instead  of  presentare ;  and  it  was 
amended  ;  for  it  could  not  be  intended  that  the  original  institu- 
tion of  the  court  was  to  destroy  or  lessen  the  prerogative  of  the 

Tidd'a  Prac.  II  At  common  law,  when  the  proceedings  were  ore  tenus  at  the 

<'9J(9^  edit.)  bar  of  the  court,  if  any  error  was  perceived  in  them,  it  was  presently 
theredted        a"iended ;  afterwards,  when  the  pleadings  came  to  be  inpaper,  it 


Fitz-  Amend- 
ment, 7.  61. 
Bro.  Amend- 
ment, 26. 

8  Co.  1 5&.  b. 
Roll.  Abr. 899 
Vide  for  this 
Cro.Eliz.  619 
Stile,  339. 
Yelv.  1 SS. 
2  Mod.  3 16. 
12  Mod.  8 

(A)  Of  Amendments  at  Common  Law,  IDS 

was  Uiought  reasonable,  that  the  parties  should  have  the  like  in- 
(liil<reiice ;  and  hence  it  is  now  settled,  that  whilst  the  proceedings 
are  in  paper,  and  before  they  are  entered  of  record,  the  court  or 
a  judge  will  amend  the  declaration,  plea,  replication,  Sfc.  in  form 
or  substance,  on  proper  and  equitable  terms ;  and  declarations  in 
actions  on  bail-bonds  may  be  amended  (in  the  Common  Pleas)  ♦ 
as  well  as  any  others.  Amendments  are  commonly  made  by  sum- 
mons and  order  at  a  judge's  chambers,  and  now  by  a  judge  at 
Nisi  Prills,  or  on  the  Circuit,  by  virtue  of  1  G.  4.  c.  55.  §  5. 

The  declaration  may  be  amended  even  after  a  plea  in  abate-  j  jg^^j  go 
ment  of  misnomer.  i  Ld.  Raym. 

669.    7  Term  R.  698.    3Maule&S.450.    2  Chitt.  R- 8. 28 

Or  of  the  statute  of  additions.  2  g^^^^  ^^^^ 

9  Ld.  Raym.  1472.;  but  see  1  Salk.  50.    2  Ld.Raym.  869. 

Or  of  nul  tiel  record.  i  -^ji^  g^^ 

7  Term  R.  447. 

Or  after  verdict,  by  increasing  the  damages  according  to  the  7TermR.i32. 
truth  as  found  by  the  jury,  a  new  trial  being  granted  to  enable  2Chitt.R.2T. 
the  defendant  to  resist  the  enlarged  demand. 

So  after  a  nonsuit  was  set  aside  in  prohibition,  the  plaintiff  Franklin  v 
had  leave  to  amend  the  suggestion.  Holmes, 

Tidd's  Pract.  697. 

And  the  Common  Pleas  has  permitted  a  new  trial,  and  amend-  »  Taunt,  si. 

ment  of  the  record  after  a  nonsuit  for  a  variance,  in  an  unde-  ^^^^-  &  P"'»- 

fended  causP  ^*^-  ^  ^^'■^ 

lenaea  cause.  ^^^  ^  g.^^^^  ^ 

A.  896.;  but  see  5  Moo.  164.    2  Bro.  &  B.  397.  S.  C.  contrh. 

Though  in  the  King's  Bench  formerly  the  plaintiff  was  not  Tidd's  Prac. 
allowed  to  add  a  new  count  (or  a  new  cause  of  action,  which  was  <^9M9th  edit.) 
considered  the  same,)  to  his  declaration,  after  plea  pleaded,  or  there  cited, 
after  the  second  term  from  the  return  of  the  writ,  (that  being  the 
time  within  which  he  is  bound  to  declare,)  it  is  now  ttie  prac- 
tice in  the  King's  Bench  to  permit  a  new  count  to  be  added 
after  the  end  of  the  second  term,  when  the  cause  of  action  is 
substantially  the  same,  but  not  if  different.    And  though  formerly 
the  Common  Pleas  would  not  allow  new  counts  to  be  added  after 
the  end  of  the  second  term,  yet  the  rule  is  now  the  same  as  in 
the  King's  Bench,  —  that  they  may  be  added,  provided  they  con- 
tain a  fresh  cause  of  action. 

But  the  Common  Pleas  will  not  allow  such  an  amendment  to 
affect  bail  discharged ;  and  in  an  action  against  a  sheriff's  officer  6  Taunt.  483. 
for  extortion  on  one  statute,  they  refused  to  allow  the  addition  ^  ^oo.  350. 
of  counts  on  another  statute  for  the  same  offence. 

But  admitted  the  declaration  to  be  amended  from  asstmpsil  6 Taunt.  419. 
to  debt,  in  an  action  for  money  lost  by  stock-jobbing  on  the  g^^'^^'^a'^/^' 
statute  7  G.  2.  c.  8.  toamendmems 

in  real  actions,  see  Tidd's  Prac.  755.  (8th  edit.),  and  of  Fines  and  Recoveries,  see  ibid.,  and  tit. 
Fines  and  Recoveries,  Vol.  III. 

Before  plea  in  general  no  costs  are  payable  on  amending  the 
declaration,  except  costs  of  .he  application;  and  in  the  King's 
Bench  the  declaration  may  be  amended  in  matter  ofjbrm  after 

Vol.  I.  O  the 


(a)Ti(U|,  707.  the  general  issue  pleaded,  and  before  entry,  without  paying 
(9tli  edit.)  costs,  or  giving  an  imparlance,  (a)  But  if  the  amendment  be  in 
So"  l!St^^°  matter  of  substance,  or  after  tlie  general  issue  is  entered,  or  a 
1 55.  Tidil,  special  plea  pleaded,  the  plaintiff"  must  pay  costs,  or  give  an 
707.  imparlance  at  the  election  of  the  defendant.  ((?») 

TiJd,  707.  In  the  Common  Pleas  it  is  a  rule,  that  before  the  declaration 

'?.Stra.950.       is  actually  entered,  the  plaintiff'  may  amend  it,  paying  costs,  or 
giving  an  imparlance  at  his  election,  by  order  of  a  judge  or  pro- 
thonotary  ;  and  even  after  it  is  entered,  if  the  amendment  be  but 
a  small  matter  that  does  not  deface  the  roll,  it  is  amendable,  be- 
fore issue  or  demurrer  entered,  by  rule  of  court,  upon  payment 
of  costs,  and  liberty  to  plead  with  a  new  or  further  imparlance. 
(       When  amendments  are  made  at  the  trial,  they  are  made  with- 
Tidd,  70S.        out   costs,  if  the  action  is  to  be  defended  on  the  merits,  {c)     On 
Ry.  &  Moo.      amending  the  declaration  in  the  King's  Bench,  after  plea  plead- 
fJ^T'dd  "08     ^'^'  ^^^^  defendant  is  at  liberty  to  plead  de  novo  (if  his  case  require 
(e)  s'sal',  it)  in  two  days  after  amendment  made,  and  payment  of  costs  {d) ; 
518.  520.  and  if  a  rule  to  plead  has  been  entered  the  same  term,  though 

®!?!f^*"lV  ^'^'    before  the  amendment,  it  is  sufficient,  otherwise  a  new  rule  must 

a  Chitt.R.332.   u         *       J    /  \ 
be  entered,  (e) 

(g)  2  Black.  R.  But  in  the  Common  Pleas  the  defendant  is  entitled,  in  all 
785.  Tidd,  cases  on  amendment  of  the  declaration,  to  a  new  four-day  rule 
^°^'  to  plead  {g)f  and  he  may  plead  de  novo,  if  he  has  occasion,  but  he 

(A)  Barnes, 275.  j|g  j^qj.  obliged  to  vary  his  first  defence,  (h) 

(i)  1  Wils.  223.  ^^^^  reason  for  not  permitting  a  new  count  or  right  of  action 
Barnes,  22.        to  be  added  after  the  second  term,  being  that  the  plaintiff"  is 

1  H.  Black.  obliged  to  declare  within  two  terms,  does  not  apply  to  pleas,  re- 
f^^'  /„  plications,  Sfc. ;  and  they  therefore  may  in  general  be  amended 

2  Chitt.  R.  28.   ^^  ^"y  time,  so  long  as  they  are  in  paper,  {i) 
6  Barn.  &  Aid.  696.    Tidd,  709.  (9th  edit.) 

(i)Ld.Raj'm.  After  a  demurrer,  the  courts  would  not  formerly  give  leave  to 
510.  668.679    amend  without  consent  of  the  adverse  party,  (/r)    But  it  is  now 

1  Salk.  50.  settled,  that  after  demurrer,  or  joinder  in  demurrer,  either  party 
Gilb  C  P  m.  ^^  ^^  liberty  to  amend  while  the  proceedings  are  in  paper  (Z),  and 
(to)  i  Barnard.  ^^^^  ^^er  the  proceedings  are  entered  on  record,  and  the  de- 
K.B.  213. 220.  murrer  has  been  argued,  the  courts  will  give  leave  to  amend, 
^' w^c;'  ^'  where  the  justice  of  the  case  requires  it,  upon  payment  of  costs,  (m) 
402  (5th"edit )  ^"''  ^"  '^^  Common  Pleas,  after  a  party  has  once  amended  on 

2  Stra.  735.  demurrer,  the  court  will  not  give  him  leave  to  amend  again  on  a 
954.  976.  second  demurrer,  {d)  On  similar  grounds,  the  courts  will  some- 
sCh^t^R^  times  give  a  party  leave  to  withdraw  his  demurrer  after  argu- 
292.  Tidd  nient,  and  plead  or  reply  de  novo,  to  let  in  a  trial  of  the  merits  (w) ; 
710.  (d)  2'h.  but,  in  such  cases,  they  will  always  take  care  that  the  opposite 
Black.  561. ;  party  is  not  delayed  or  prejudiced,  (o)  The  giving  or  withhold- 
s^TaSt  515  ^"^  ^^^  ^^  withdraw  demurrer  is  entirely  discretionary  in  the 
2Mw).566.  court,  and  they  refused  it  to  the  plaintiff"  in  an  action  against 
(n)Dougl.385.  bail,  whom  they  are  inclined  to  favour.  (j))\\ 

452.  lKcn.3S5.  Say.  R.  316.;  and  sec  2  Chitt.  R.  5.  (o)  2  Burr.  756.  1  East,  372.  (jo)  Say. 
K.n6.    1  East,  135.    5Pricc,  412.     7Dow.  &Ry.41.    Tidd,  710,  711. 

(B)  The 

(B)  The  several  Statutes  of  Amendment  and  JeofaiU  195 

(B)  The  several  Statutes  of  Amendment  and  Jeofail.  • 

nPHE  tying  down  the  courts  so  strictly  not  to  alter  their  re- 
cords after  the  first  term  was  found  very  inconvenient,  and 
many  judgments  were  reversed  by  the  misprison  of  clerks,  ^c. 
wherefore  it  was  enacted. 

By  14  Ed.  3.  c.  6.  "  that  by  the  misprision  of  a  clerk  in  any  hE.  s.  c.  6. 
"  place  wheresoever  it  be,  no  process  shall  be  annulled  or  dis-  («)  The  judges 
"  continued  by  mistakinsr  in    writing  (a)  one  syllable  or  one  construed  this 

o\'  J         ^         ^  statute  so  la* 

"  letter  too  much  or  too  little ;  but  as  soon  as  the  thing  is  per-  vourably  for" 

"  ceived  by  challenge  of  the  party,  or  in  other  manner,  it  shall  the  suitors, 

"  be  hastily  amended  in  due  form,  without  ffivins  advantage  that  they  ex- 

"  to  the  party  that  challengeth  the  same  because  of  such  mis-  '^^""f"  **_fo  a 
,j       •  .     S,    "^  ^  word.  8  Co. 

P»*'sion.  158^  ^     j3^j 

they  were  not  agreed  whether  they  could  make  these  amendments  as  well  after  judgment  as 
before,  8  Co.  157.  b.,  which  occasioned  the  9  H.  5.  c.  4.,  by  which  it  is  declared,  that  the  judges 
shall  have  the  same  power  as  well  after  as  before  judgment,  as  long  as  the  record  or  process  is 
before  them;  and  this  statute  is  confirmed  by  4  H.6.  c. 5.  with  an  exception  that  it  shall  not 
extend  to  process  on  outlawry,  or  to  records  or  processes  in  Wales.  But  according  to  2  Sand. 
40.  this  last  exception,  and  the  like  exception  in  8  H.  6.  c.  15.  seem  to  be  annulled  by  the  sta- 
tute of  27  H.  8.  c.  26.  by  which  it  is  enacted,  that  the  laws  of  England  shall  be  used,  practised, 
and  executed  in  Wales. 

Though  these  statutes  gave  the  judges  a  greater  power  than   8  Co.  157.  a. 
they  had  before,  yet  it  was  found  that  they  were   too  much  An  original,  or 
cramped,  having  authority  to  amend  nothing  but  processes,  which  nature^hereof 
they  did  not  construe  in  a  large  signification,  so  as  to  compre-  not  included 
hend  the  whole  proceedings,  but  confined  it  to  the  mesne  process  within  the 
and  jury  process :    wherefore  to  enlarge  the  authority  of  the  ^^°^^  process, 

By  the  8  H.  6.  c.  12.  it  is  enacted,  "that  for  error  assigned   eH.  6.  c.  12. 
"  in  any  records,  process,  or  warrant  of  attorney,  original  writ,   8  Mod.  3i4. 
"  or  judicial   panel  or  return,  by  razing  or  interlining,  or  by   12  Mod.  523, 
"  addition,  subtraction,  or  diminution  of  words,  letters,  titles,       -Kajm.  65. 
"  8,-c.  no  judgment  or  record  shall  be  reversed  or  annulled, 
*'  but  the  judges,  in  any  record,  process,  word,  plea,  warrant  of 
"  attorney,  writ,  panel  or  return  in  affirmance  of  judgment,  may 
**  amend  all  that  which  to  them  seems  to  be  the  misprision 
"  of  the  clerk,  (except  appeals,  indictments  of  treason,  felony 
"  and  outlawries  of  the  same,  and  the  substance  of  the  proper 
"  names,  sirnames  and  additions  left  out  in  originals  and  exi- 
"  gents,  contrary  to  the  1  H.  5.  c.  5.  and  other  writs  containing 
"  proclamation  ;)  and  if  certified  defective,  the  parties  in  affirm- 
*'  ance  of  judgment  may  allege  the  variance  between  the  re- 
"  cord  and  certificate,  and  if  found  and  certified  it  shall  be 
"  amended." 

By  the  8  H.  6.  c.  15.  "  the  judges  in  any  records  or  processes  8  H.  6.  c.  15. 
"  before  them,  by  error  or  otherwise,  or  in  returns  of  sheriflfs, 
"  coroners,  bailiffs  of  franchise?  or  others,  may  amend  the  mis- 
"  prision  of  the  clerks  of  the  courts,  or  of  the  sheriffs,  coroners, 
"  their  clerks  and  other  officers  whatsoever,  in  writing  a  letter 
"  or  syllable  too  much  or  too  little.'* 

02  As 



H(rt)The  above  As  these  statutes  {a)  extended  only  to  what  the  justices  should 
are  strictly  interj^ret  the  misprision  of  their  clerks  arid  other  officers,  it  was 
speaking  the      found,  by  experience,  that  many  just  causes  were  overthrown 

amcndmen?r    ^""^  '^''^"'  °^  ^^^^\  "°'   ^^"^^^^   ^^  ^"^  ^^   ^'^"^^^  statutes,   though 
the  rest  coin-    they  were  good  in  substance :  wherefore,  for  further  rehef  of 
inencing  with     suitors, 
52  H.  8.  c.  SO. 

are  statutes  of  jeofails.  1  Saik.31.  They  extend  to  penal  as  well  as  other  actions.  2  Stra. 
1227.  Dougl.  114.  1  Marsh.  ISO.  2  Chitt.  R.  25. ;  but  not  to  criminal  cases.  lSalk.51. 
2  Ld.  Rayin.  1307.;  nor  as  it  should  seem  to  process  in  inferior  courts.  Willes.  122. ;  but  see 
Mr.  Durnford's  note.  Ibid.,  and  Tidd,  712.|| 

32  H.8.  c.  30.  The  32  H.  c.  30.  enacts,   "  that  if  {b)  any  issue  be  (c)  tried  (r/) 

On  this  statute  «  by  the  oath  of  twelve  men,  for  the  {e)  party  plaintiff  or  de- 

a  careful  and  «  ^andant,  Of  for  the  party  tenant  or  defendant,  in  any  courts 

has  the  follow-  "  ^^  record,  judgment  shall  be  given,  any  mispleading,  lack  of 

ingnotes.rufc  "  colour,    insufficient  pleading,  or  jeofail,  any  miscontinuance 

Danv.  Abr.  «  or  {g)  [h)  (/)  [k)  discontinuance  or  (/)  misconveying  of  {m)  [n) 

352.  (p)  But  «  process,  misioining  of  the  issue  (o),  lack  of  warrant  of  attorney 

vet  Bn  1SSU6  'JO^  .  •  *     *^ 

upon  the  vi  et  *'  o^  the  party  {p)  against  whom  the  issue  shall  be  tried,  or  other 
armis  is  not  "  negligence  of  the  parties,  their  counsellors,  or  attornies,  had 
within  the  act;  "  or  made  to  the  contrary  thereof  notwithstanding;  and  the 
one^^oined  "  judgment  shall  stand  according  to  the  said  verdict,  without 
upon  the  spe-        reversal. 

cial  matter  alleged.  Cro.  Jac.  599.,  and  vide  Sand.  81,  82.  (c)  But  if  in  replevin  the  plaintiff 
is  nonsuit  after  evidence,  and  the  jury  assess  damages  for  the  avowant,  this  is  no  trial  within  the 
act;  for  the  inquiry  of  the  jury  is  only  in  nature  of  an  office  of  inquest.  Cro.  Eliz.  339.  ad- 
judged, 412.  adjudged,  and  vide  Gouls.  49.  Hob.  69.  (d)  So  that  an  issue  upon  md  tiel  record 
IS  not  within  the  act.  11  Co.  8.  a.  Cro.  Jac.  304.  (e)  In  trespass  against  A.  and  B.,  J.  pleads 
not  guilty,  and  B,  confesses  the  action,  and  a  writ  of  enquiry  is  awarded  upon  the  roll,  but  after 
quoad  B.  there  is  no  continuance  entered,  and  after  the  issue  is  found  for  the  plaintiff,  admit- 
ting there  is  a  discontinuance  qtioad  B.,  yet  it  is  aided  by  the  statute ;  for  B.  was  party  to  the 
original,  and  is  privy  to  the  verdict,  being  liable  to  the  damages.  Sir  John  Haydon's  case, 
1 1  Co.  6.b.  adjudged.  Roll.  R.  31.  adjudged,  and  vide  Cro.  Jac.  304.,  and  vide  Cro.  Car.  313. — 
But  an  issue  between  the  demandant  and  vouchee  is  not  within  the  act.  And  Kelw.  207.  b. 
5  Co. 36.  b.  11  Co.  6.  b. ;  butter  Hob.  281.  this  opinion  is  questioned,  it  not  being  said  party 
to  the  original,  (g)  If  as  to  part  the  defendant  joins  issue,  but  says  nothing  as  to  the  rest,  and 
this  issue  is  found  for  the  plaintiff,  he  shall  have  judgment.  Gomersal  and  Gomersal,  1 1  Co,  6.b. 
2  Leon.  194.  Godb.  55.  So  2  Roll.  R.  161.  Cro.  Jac.  353.  Hob.  187.  3  Lev.  59. ;  and  vide 
Gouls.  109.  Bulstr.  25.  Cart.  51.  —  But  if  the  matter  is  pleaded  to  the  whole,  though  in  fact 
but  m  answer  to  part,  this  is  a  bad  plea,  and  not  helped  by  the  statute.  Hardr.  331.  (h)  This 
extends  as  well  to  those  on  the  part  of  the  plaintiff  as  on  the  part  of  the  defendant.  2  Roll. 
K.  161.  (t)  Discontinuances  after,  as  well  as  those  before,  verdict  are  within  this  act.  Cro. 
Ehz.  489.  Cro.  Jac.  528. ;  and  vide  Cro.  Car.  256.  Cro.  Jac.  211.  Ci  o.  Eliz.  320.  (k)  Dis- 
contmuances  are  helped  by  tlie  statute,  but  not  imperfect  verdicts.  2  Leon.  1 96.  Cro.  Eliz. 
^^Z"  °^'^:^^'  5  Lev.  55.  (I)  But  if  upon  an  information  of  usury  the  court  awards  a 
subpoena  against  the  defendant,  this  is  not  a  misconveying,  but  a  disorderly  process,  and  not 
aided  by  the  statute.  Topliff  and  Waller,  And.  48.  adjudged.  Kelw.  2 14.  adjudged,  and  there 
said  this  13  no  more  helped  by  the  statute  than  if  in  ejectment  the  court  should  award  sl  petit 
cape,  or  in  a  real  action  a  distress  or  attachment ;  for  such  disorders  were  never  intended  to  be 

place,  &c.  were  not  aided  by  this  statute.  r«fc  Cro.  Eliz. 468.  Gouls.  58.  Winch.  69.  4  Leon. 
85.  LT0.Jac.647.  Lit.  R.  365.  Moor,  91.  pi.  212.  Kelw.  212.  5  Co.  56.  b.  {m)  But  if 
tnere  De  any  delect  in  an  original,  or  in  the  return  thereof,  it  is  not  helped  by  this  act.  Kelw. 
f  \irf  {  '^'  ^"^  i^  ^  dutringas  is  awarded  where  it  should  be  an  habeas  corpora.  Savil.  37. 
W  ytac  Leon.  175.  Cro.  Eliz.  145.  153.  where  the  entry  was,  that  the  defendant  obtulit  se 
per  Utgguu  attor.  tuum,  without  shewing  his  christian  name;  and  it  was  argue<l  that  it  was 


(B)  Tiie  several  Staliiies  of  Amendment  and  JeqfaU,  197 


helped  by  this  statute;  and  in  Cro.  Eliz.  15.5.,  it  was  said,  that  if  there  were  any  warrant  of 
attorney,  and  his  name  appears,  then  it  may  be  amended  by  it.  But  for  this  vide  Roll.  Abr. 
289.  Leon.  175.;  and  vide  18  Eliz.  c  14.,  by  which  a  provision  is  made  against  the  want  of 
any  warrant  of  attorney,  {p)  But  if  the  judgment  is  not  given  upon  the  verdict,  it  is  not 
within  the  act;  as  in  debt  against  an  heir  uj  on  the  bond  of  his  ancestor,  he  pleads  riens  per 
descent,  except  twenty  acres  in  D.,  and  the  plaintiff"  replies  he  hath  more  in  8.,  upon  which 
they  are  at  issue ;  and  it  is  found  for  the  defendant,  but  the  plaintiiF  takes  judgrneut  upon  the 
confession  of  the  assets.  Molineux  and  Molineux,  Yelv.  169.,  reversed  by  reason  of  a  discon- 
tinuance. Cro.  Jac.  256. ;  reversed  accordingly,  and  said  the  statute  must  be  intended  where 
the  verdict  is  the  occasion  of  the  judgment;  and  vide  Cro.  Jac.  211.  Cro.  Eliz.  359.  412. 
[N.  B.  This  last  point  was  determined  on  the  statute  of  18  Eliz.  c  14.] 

This  statute,  though  much  more  extensive  than  the  others, 
and  though  it  very  much  enlarged  the  authority  of  the  judges  in 
amendments  in  mistakes,  yet  it  remedied  no  omission  but  one, 
which  was  the  party's  own  neglect  in  not  filing  his  warrant, 
which  should  not  after  verdict  prejudice  the  right  of  the  party 
that  had  prevailed ;  therefore  to  remedy  the  omissions  which 
the  prevailing  party  might  have  been  guilty  of,  as  well  as  the 
other  side. 

By  the  18  Eliz.  c.  14.  it  is  enacted,  "  that  after  verdict  given   is  Eliz.  c.  14. 
*'  in  any  action,  suit,  bill,  plaint,  or  demand  in  any  court  of  (a)  But  if  in 
*'  record,  judgment  (a)   thereupon  shall  not  be  stayed  or  re-  trespass 
*'  versed  for  want  of  form  touching  false  Latin  or  variance  from  ^^  ^  j'    '' 
"  the  register,  or  [b)  other  faidts  in  form,  in  any  writ  original  pleads' not        , 
"  or  judicial,  count,   declaration,   plaint,  bill,  suitor  demand;  guilty,  and  it  is 
"  or   for    (c)  (d)  want  of  any  writ  (<?)   original  or   iudicial,  or  found  for  him, 
tc  \  c  r    \  n\    '  '        c   \         /  -N    •        ax  •     ,.        I  but  agauist  the 

"  by  reason  or  (g)  any  {/i)  imperrect  or  (?)   insulticient    return  other  two 

"  of  any  sheriff'  or  other  officer,  or  for  want  of  any  warrant  of  there  is  ju'dg- 
*'  attorney  (k),  or  for  any  fliult  in  process,  upon  or   after  any  ment  by  de- 

*'  aid  prier  and  voucher."  ^""1^'  the  want 

^  .  01  an  origmal 

may  be  assigned  for  error ;  for  the  verdict  being  found  for  A.  he  is  out  of  the  case,  and  it  is  as 
if  the  action  had  been  brought  agaiuot  the  other  two  only ;  but  if  the  verdict  had  been  for  the 
plaintiff*,  the  want  of  the  original  quoad  the  other  had  been  cured.  1  Lev.  210.  (b)  But  the  omis- 
sion of  vi  et  armis  in  a  declaration  of  trespass  is  substance,  because  that  is  the  inducement  for 
the  king's  fine.  Cro.  Car.  407.  March,  140.  Cro.  Jac.  445.  526.  556. ;  but  t)2f?e  Cro.  Jac.  130. 
2  Roll.  R.  285.  —  So  is  the  assignment  of  u  breach  upon  a  recognizance  for  good  behaviour. 
Cro.  Jac.  412.  (c)  Leon.  30,  51.  Fw/^  where  the  original  was  determined  and  not  revived, 
(rf)  An  ill  writ  in  substance,  or  a  good  writ  which  warrants  not  the  declaration,  is  not  aided  by 
the  statute.  Cro.  Eliz.  722.  Gouls.  126.  Yelv.  108.  209.  Sid.  84.  5  Co.  37.  b.  5  Bulstr.  224. 
Roll.R.  452.  —  When  the  variance  is  such  that  it  shall  be  taken  as  no  original.  Cro.  Eliz.  204. 
Hob.  251.  Cro.  Jac.  654,  655,  Cro.  Car.  327.  Cro.  Eliz.  286.  3  Mod.  156.  10  Mod.  318. 
568.  1 1  Mod.  68.  pi.  .3.  171.250.240.  12  Mod.  235.  Fitzg.  96.  2  Roll.  R.  382.  5  Co.  37.  b. 
—  But  not  so  where  the  vicious  writ  is  certified  to  be  the  writ  upon  which  the  proceedings 
were,  and  that  there  is  no  other.  '  Cro.  Jac.  185.  479.  664.  675.  Palm.  428.  Brown.  96,  97. 
Cro.  Car.  272.  28 1.  Jones,  304.  Latch.  1 1 6.  Yelv.  109.  —  But  where  it  appears  there  was 
a  good  original,  no  averment  shall  be  taken  that  the  proceedings  were  on  the  vicious  one. 
Cro.  Jac.  597.  Palm.  428.  —  And  in  ejectment,  where  the  declaration  recited  the  original  to  be 
summwtitus  est,  there  being  none  upon  the  file,  the  court  would  not  intend  a  vicious  one;  but 
that  there  was  a  good  one,  which  is  lost ;  and  that  the  plaintiff''s  clerk  mistook  in  the  recital 
thereof.  Redman  and  Edolph.  Sand.  317.  JlNo  advantage  can  now  be  taken  of  a  variance 
between  the  original  and  the  declaration,  for  the  court  will  not  grant  oyer  of  the  original, 
(Ford  v.  Burnham,  Barnes,  340.  Boats  v;  Edwards,  Doug.  227.);  nor  will  they  set  aside  pro- 
ceedings for  irregularity  on  the  ground  of  such  variance.  Spalding  v.  Mure,  6  Term  R.  365. 
And  as  to  a  writ  of  error  for  a  defective  original,  the  Master  of  the  Rolls  will  grant  a  new 
original  or  order  an  amendment.  Carr  v.  Shaw,  7  Term  R.  299.  Deshons  v.  Head,  7  East, 
583.  Murray  v.  llubbart,  1  Bos.  &  Pull.  645.  Gray  v.  Sidniff",  5  Bos.  &  Pull.  f;45.  1  Saund. 
517.  a,  b.  (5l1i  edit.)||  So  the  want  of  a  venire,  distringas,  tj-c.  is  aided,  but  not  a  vicious  one ; 
and  where  a  vicious  one  shall  be  taken  as  one,  vide  Cro.  Eliz.  467.     Owen,  59.    Moor,  465. 

O    3  Noy, 


Not  S7.  Moor,  684.  pL  944.;  and  vide  Cro.Eliz.  215.  257.  359.  422.  435.  781.  Cro.  Jac- 
65  162.396.  Cro.  Car.  90.  Moor,  402.  pi.  535.  623.  pi.  852.  696.  pi.  967.  Godb.  194. 
Leon.  329.  Bul8t.l30,  131.  sBuUuiSO.  Brownl.  78.  97.  Yelv.  69.  Roll.  R.  22.  Stile, 
8  483.  March,  26.  2  Roll.  R.  285.  MThe  want  of  a  bill  on  the  file,  which  is  in  the  nature 
of  an  original,  is  aided  by  the  eauity  of  this  act.  Hob.  130.  134.  264.  282.  Jones,  304.  Cro. 
Car.  282.  Stile,  91. ;  and  Cro.  Jac.  109.  to  the  contrary  is  not  law. —  Qucere  of  the  want  of  a 
plaint  in  inferior  courts ;  but,  however,  an  erroneous  plaint  is  not  helped.  Cro.  Jac.  108, 109. 
Stile  115.  Roll.  R.338.  (g)  But  if  there  be  no  return,  as  if  the  writ  be  album  breve,  or  the 
name  of  the  sheriff  not  indorsed,  this  is  not  helped.  Roll.  R.  295.  5  Co.  41.  Cro.  Eliz.  310. 
509.  Yelv.  110.  Cro.  Jac.  188,  189.  (h)  Vide  Stile,  91.  2R0II.R.247.  In  the  return  of  the 
venire,  the  words  quUibet  juratorum  per  plegiat.  were  wanting;  and  Cro.  Jac.  534.,  per  curiam, 
It  was  held  not  as  a  blank  or  no  return,  but  as  an  insufficient  one,  and  helped.  2  Roll.  R.  87. 
adjudged,  because  by  the  appearance  of  the  jurors  it  was  salved,  and  said  it  was  not  like  Dr. 
Hussey's  case,  where  pledges  where  wanting  upon  an  original,  which  vide  3  Bulst.  275,  276,  &c. 

Roll.  R.  445 447.    Cro.  Jac.  414.,  where  it  is  said,  that  not  finding  pledges  upon  an  original 

is  merely  the  neglect  of  the  party,  and  so  not  helped.  —  If  a  venire  is  awarded  to  the  coro- 
ners and  returned  by  two  of  them  only;  whereas  at  the  time  of  the  award  and  return  thereof, 
there  were  two  more ;  this  is  only  a  mis-return  and  aided.  Lamb  and  Wiseman,  Cro.  Jac.  383. 
adjud<Ted.  Hob.  70.  adjudged;  and  yet  if  one  sheriff  of  London  makes  a  return  without  the 
otner^this  is  not  helped,  being  no  return  at  all;  for  they  make  but  one  officer,  and  the  court 
knows  that  in  one  sheriff  there  is  two  persons.  Hob.  70.  Qm.  Of  this  reason  ?  (i)  Upon  the 
return  of  a  venire  de  viedietale  linguce,  it  did  not  appear  which  were  denizens,  and  which  aliens. 
Cro.  Eliz.  841.  per  curiam.  It  is  an  insufficient  return,  and  aided  by  the  statute.  —  Upon  the 
ccmre  twenty-three  only  were  returned,  but  the  habeas  corpora  was  awarded  against  the  twenty- 
three  and  A.,  and  eleven  of  the  other  and  A.  were  sworn,  and  tried  the  cause.  Fines  and 
North,  Jones,  302.  adjudged,  it  was  not  helped ;  for  A.  was  not  returned  by  the  sheriff.  Cro. 
Car.  278.  5  Co.  36,  b.  37.  a.  Cro.  Eliz.  1 94.  Brownl.  274.  Jones,  557.;  and  vide  Sid.  66. 
—  So  if  the  trial  had  been  by  eleven  of  the  twenty-three,  and  one  of  the  tales  de  cireumstan- 
tibus.  Sankill  and  Stocker,  Cro.  Car.  223.  adjudged  per  curiam  cont.  Croke.  Jones,  245. ;  but 
vide  Brownl.  274.,  where  it  was  adjudged  according  to  the  opinion  of  CroJce.  Vide  Latch,  54. 
But  if  twenty-five  are  returned,  and  the  twenty-fifth  is  sworn,  and  tries  the  cause,  it  is  not 
helped,  because  a  mis-trial.  Cro.  Jac.  647. ;  but  if  tried  by  twelve  of  the  other,  it  is  helped. 
Cro.  Jac.  647.  This  was  before  forty-eight  were  returned  on  the  panel,  {k)  In  a  scire  facias 
upon  a  recognizance  against  th«  heirs  and  ter-tenants  of  the  conusor,  the  sheriff  returns  J.  S. 
ter-tenant,  but  says  nothing  as  to  the  heir,  and  J.  S.  pleads  to  issue,  and  it  is  found  against  him. 
Cro.  Car.  295.  adjudged  by  three  judges  against  Croke,  that  quoad  the  heir,  there  being  no 
return,  it  is  not  helped  by  the  statute;  but,  per  Croke,  the  defendant  having  pleaded  to  issue, 
and  that  being  found  against  him,  he  shall  not  now  take  advantage  of  the  heir's  not'  being 
returned  summoned ;  and  Cro.  Car.  512, 315.  it  was  adjudged  for  the  plaintiff)  because  quoad 
the  heir,  it  was  only  a  discontinuance,  which  is  aided  by  the  32  H.  8.  c.  30.  Jones,  319. 
adjudged.  \\{k)  And  a  variance  in  the  name  of  the  plaintiff  between  the  warrant  of  attorney 
and  the  declaration,  is  no  ground  of  error.    De  Tastet  v.  Rucker,  3  Bro.  &  Bing.  65.|| 

2  Sand.  258.  These  statutes  extended  only  to  the  courts  above,  but  the 

subsequent  statutes  extend  to  all  courts  of  record,  and  remedy 
several  defects  and  omissions  not  included  in  the  former. 
21  Jac. I.e.  13.       By  the  21  Jac.  1.  c.  13.    it  is   enacted,    "that  after  verdict 
(rt)Sid.6i.       It  for   plaintiff  or   demandant,    defendant   or   tenant,    baily  in 
(ft)  Cro.  Car.      «         •  1  •       •        -i  ^1  •   ^    • 

17.162.284.         assize,  vouchee,  praiee  m  aid,  or  tenant  by  receipt,  in  any 

480.  Jones,  "  action,  suit,  bill,  plaint  or  demand,  in  any  court  of  record, 
395.  Stile,  "  judgment  thereupon  shall  not  be  stayed  or  reversed  for  any 
Ua^Tn°67^  "  variance,  in  form  only,  between  the  original  or  bill  and  the  de- 
(c)This  statute  "  claration,  plaint  and  demand,  or  for  lack  of  the  averment  of  any 
aids  not,  un-  "  life  («),  so  it  be  proved  the  person  living,  or  because  the  venire, 
less  the  venue  "  habeas  corpora  or  distringas  was  awarded  to  a  wrong  officer 
sevcrarSces  "  "*■*""  ""^  insufficient  suggestion,  or  {h)  for  that  the  visne  is 
and  one  of  *  "  '"  (^^  some  part  mis-awarded,  or  sued  out  of  more  or  fewer 
those  places  is  "  places  than  it  ought  to  be  (</),  so  as  some  one  place  be  right 
truly  named.  «  named,  or  for  mis-naming  any  of  the  jurors  in  surname  or 
Sid.  20.— But   «  addition  {e\  in  any  of  the  writs,  or  returns  thereof,  so  as  they 

«  be 

(B)  The  several  Statutes  of  Amendment  and  Jeofail,  199 

**  be  proved  to  be  the  same  as  were  meant  to  be  returned ;  or  for  if  it  arises 
"  that  there  is  no  return  upon   any  of  the  writs,  so  as  a  panel     j*^'"  ^^^u     „i 
*'  be  returned  and  annexed  thereto ;  or  for  that  the  sheriff  or   in  several    " 
"  other  officer's  name  is  not  set  to  the  return  of  such  writ,  so  as  counties,  and 
"  it  appear  by  proof  the  writ  was  returned  by  tiim ;  or  for  that  ^^  '^  tried  by 
"  the  plaintiff' in  ejectment  (^),  or  other  personal  action,  being  hef,  i  o'l"* 
"  under  age,  appeared  by  attorney,  and  the  verdict  passed  for   122.  per  Hale. 
"  him."  (d)Bytheopil 

nion  of"  the 
greater  part  of  the  judges,  where,  by  particular  custom,  a  trial  was  to  be  de  vicinet.  of  the  four 
wards  next  adjoining,  and  the  venire  is  awarded  de  vicinet.  of  two  of  them  only,  it  is  helped  by 
the  statute.  2  Sand.  258.  But  Sanders  dubitavil,  whether  it  should  extend  to  aid  any  pro- 
ceedings except  such  as  were  according  to  the  course  of  the  common  law.  (e)  But  this 
extends  not  to  any  mistake  in  the  christian  name.  Cro.  Car.  202.  [[See  Willes,  488.  12  East, 
6  Tanut.  229.460.11  (g)  Stile,  216.*  2\S.  jjer  Ro/leC.L  If  the  party  appear  by  attorney, 
where  he  ought  to  appear  by  guardian,  it  is  error,  and  not  helped  by  this  statute.  Danv.  Abr. 
2  V.  tit.  Error,  fol.  12.  pi.  13.,  and  Roll.  Abr.  1  v.  747.  pi.  13.  S.  C,  where  he  says  the  judg- 
ment was  reversed,  because  the  party  plaintiff  appeared  in  person.  See  2  Sand.  212,  213. 
It  seems  the  general  opinion,  that  when  the  plaintifi"  appears  by  attorney,  unless  it  is  pleaded 
in  abatement,  it  is  cured  after  verdict  for  him,  by  the  stat.  21  Jac.  1.  c.  13.  the  words  being 
express.  The  cases  in  the  books  contra  (except  that  in  Stiles)  were  before  the  statute.  ||If  an 
infant  defendant  appears  by  attorney  the  court  will,  at  the  instance  of  the  plaintiff',  compel  an 
amendment  of  the  appearance  by  substituting  a  guardian.  Hindmarsh  v.  Chandler,  7  Taunt. 
488. ;  and  although  an  infant  defendant  against  whom  judgment  has  been  given  may  assign  for 
error  that  he  appeared  by  attorney,  yet  if  judgment  be  given  in  favour  of  ^an  infant  defendant, 
the  plaintiff  cannot  avail  liimsclf  of  the  infant's  appearance  by  attorney  as  a  ground  of  error. 
Bird  V.  Pegg,  5 Barn.  &  A.  4 is, [j 

The  main  design  of  this  statute  was  to  help  any  mistake  in  the 
jury  process,  but  there  were  several  things  still  to  be  supplied, 
and  several  others  to  be  adjudged  from,  which  were  always  con- 
strued to  be  matters  of  substance,  and  consequently  not  aided  by 

any  of  the  former  statutes:  wherefore  the  16  &  17  Car.  2.  was  l  Vent.  200. 
made,  the  act  which  Twisdeii  called  The  Omnipotent  Act. 

By  the  («)   16  &  17  Car.  2.  c.  8.  it  is   enacted,    "that  after  ^^''^' 'J^;""'r' 

"  verdict  in  any  action,  suit,  bill  or  demand,  in  the  courts  of  f/ct  was  only"* 

"  record  at  Westminster^  county  palatine  of  Chester  or  Durham,  forthreeyears, 

"  or  of  the  great  sessions  in  Wales,  judgment  thereupon  shall  but  is  made 

"  not  be  stayed  or  reversed  for  want  of  form  or  pledges,  sheriff's  P^'^Sf  lj!!^p^"'i 

"  name,  returned  upon  the  original,  or  for  want  of  pledges  upon  2."c.4r%)But 

"  any  bill  or  declaration,  or  for  want  of  a  ■prafert  in  atria  of  any  this  extcncU 

"  deed,  or  of  letters  testamentary,  or  of  administration,  or  for  not  to  any 

**  the  omission  of  vi  et  armis,  or  contra  pacem,  or  for  the  mistake  ^"al  >n  an  im- 

"  of  the  christian  or  surname  of  either  party,  sums,  day,  month  ^od^sT^Tyo! 

"  or  year,  in  any  bill,  declaration  and  pleading,  being  right  in  2  Mod.  24. 

"  any  writ,  plaint,  roll  or  record  preceding,  or  in  the  same,  to  (c)  In  debt 

**  wjiich  the  plaintiff  might  have  demurred  and  shewed  the  same  }'P°"  a  bond 
£4  r  c  r  7  ,  .         -^  7  ni  London.. 

lor  cause,  or  tor  want  or  hoc  paratus  est  verificare,  or  hoc  para-  conditioned 

**  tus  est  verif  care  per  recardiim,  or  prrout  patet  per  r''cordum  ;  or  for  the  pcr- 

"  for  that  there  is  no  right  venue ;  so  as  a  trial  was  by  a  jury  of  formance  of 

"  the  (h)  proper  county  or  plac'^.  (c)  where  tlie  id)  action  is  laid  ;   t;ovenants,onc 
.,  L   II  .     1     -^         '  rt       ^       1.  e      '        L  -,   of  which  was 

nor  snail  any  judgment  after  verdict,  confession  by  cogncnnt  ^^^  jj^^  cyoy. 

"  actionem  or  relicta  nerificatione,   be  reversed  for  want   of  a  mentof^/irjifi- 

*'  misericordia  or  a  capiatur,  or  because  one  is  entered  for  the  ^^dk,  in  the 

"  other ;  nor  for  that  ideo  conccssum  est  per  curiam  is  entered  for  ^'^If^jf  ^^  j" 

"  id<io  consideraium  est,  &c.  or  for  that  the  increase  of  costs  after  the  delwdant ' 

04  "  verdict 


jieadod  i)cr-  "  verdict  in  an  action,  or  upon  a  nonsuit  in  replevin,  are  not 
fbniiancc  "  entered  to  be  at  the  request  of  the  party  for  whom  the  judg-* 

fjenerallyjand  (c  ment  was  ^iven,  nor  by  reason  that  the  costs  in  any  judgment 
re'^lied  that  "  whatsoever,  are  not  entered  to  be  by  consent  of  the  plaintiff; 
the  Eiirl  of  Ji.  "  anJ  that  all  such  omissions,  variances  and  defects,  and  (e)  odier 
having  title  by  **  matters  of  like  nature,  not  being  against  tlie  right  of  the  matter 
grant,  &c.  en-  «  of  the  suit,  nor  whereby  the  issue  or  trial  are  altered,  shall 

tered,  mid         „  ^    amended  where  such  judgments  are  or  shall  be  removed  by 
outtcu  nun  ;.»,,*'" 
find  the  do-       "  writ  of  error. 

fendant  pleaded  the  Earl  of  iV.  had  no  title;  and  thereupon  issue  was  joined,  and  tried  by  a 
vune  oi Skruh-walkf&nd  found  for  the  plaintiff;  and  though  no  visne  could  arise  of  the  \valk, 
and  it  could  not  be  intended  n  vill,  being  only  collaterally  alleged  as  a  thing  granted,  and  not 
as  a  place  where  any  fact  was  done;  yet  being  tried  by  a  jury  of  the  county  where  the  matter 
of  the  issue  arose,  it  was  adjudged  for  the  plaintiff  by  three  judges  con.  Twisden,  who  said  it 
was  not  within  the  words;  and  being  a  new  law,  it  should  not  be  taken  according  to  the  intent, 
against  the  words;  and  after,  error  was  brought;  but  the  parties  agreed,  the  defendant  making 
the  plaintiff  satisfaction.  Lev.  207.  Sid.  326.  adjudged  per  totam  Cur.  prcster  Twisden, 
though  objected,  the  action  being  laid  in  London,  the  issue  should  have  been  there  tried,  unless 
•orae  other  place  had  been  shewed  in  the  record;  and  vide  \  Lev.  122.  (rf)The  plaintiff 
declared  that  the  defendant  apud  London  said  of  the  plaintiff,  that  he  had  stolen  plate  at 
Oxford ;  and  the  defendant  justified,  that  he  did  steal  plate  at  Oxford,  per  quoad  he  spoke  the 
words  at  London  ;  and  the  plaintiff  replied,  de  injurid  sua  propiia,  &c.  and  thereupon  issue 
was  joined,  qlfd  tried  in  London,  and  found  for  the  plaintiff;  and  though  it  was  adjudged,  that 
the  only  point  in  issue  was,  whether  the  felony  was  committed,  which  was  triable  at  Oxford; 
yet  the  plaintiff  had  judgment.  Croft  and  Boite,  Sand.  247,  248.  by  three  judges,  who  said, 
that  the  issue  being  tried  by  a  jury  of  the  proper  county,  it  was  within  the  express  words  of 
the  statute;  but  Twisden /or^men^  con^.;  and  by  the  reporter,  this  judgment  was  given,  not 
only  against  the  opinion  of  Twisden,  but  of  several  others,  as  he  was  informed;  and  being  of 
counsel  with  the  defendant,  he  agreed  the  meaning  of  the  statute  was,  that  the  issue  should  be 
tried  in  the  proper  county  where  it  arises,  else  it  would  be  impossible,  by  any  plea,  to  remove 
the  trial  from  the  county  where  the  action  is  laid.  Raym.  181.  adjudged,  that  it  whs  helped 
by  the  statute;  but  said,  that  the  defendant  might  have  demurred  upon  it.  2  Keh.  496. 
adjudged,  Vent.  263.  cited  to  be  adjudged;  so  Adderly  and  Wise,  2  Lev.  164,  165.  adjiulgcd. 
Vent.  263.  cited,  and  vide  Raym,  392.  where  the  like  point  was  in  question,  et  adjorn.; 
eo,  2  Jones,  82.  et  adjorn.  And  in  the  case  of  Jenning  and  Hunking,  Vent.  263.  (where  the 
court  said  it  was  within  the  words,  but  not  the  meaning  of  the  act;  for  the  intention  was  so, 
that  the  trial  was  in  the  county  where  the  issue  did  arise,)  but  in  regard  of  these  precedents 
cited,  they  would  not  stay  judgment ;  but  by  the  report  of  this  last  case,  2  Lev.  121.  it  does 
not  appear  how  the  judgment  was;  but  Hale  C.  J.  there  said,  the  meaning  of  the  statute  was, 
if  the  issue  was  tried  in  the  county  where  the  matter  thereof  arose;  for  it  is  not  reasonable  to 
believe  the  parliament  intended  to  alter  the  whole  course  of  trials,  and  to  have  things  tried  in 
foreign  coimties,  et  adjomatur  ;  and  by  the  report  of  the  same  case,  3  Keb.  350.  371.  509.  the 
parties  agreed  to  amend,  and  lay  the  whole  matter  in  the  county  where  the  action  was  laid ; 
and  said,  the  court  inclined  strongly  against  the  judgment  cited,    (e)  Raym.  398. 

Carth.66.  The  above  statutes  beuig  chiefly  calculated  to  aid  imperfec- 

Skin.49.  pi.  3.  (^iQjjg  ^i^gj.  verdict,  and  the  statute  27  Eliz.  c.  5.  aiding  defects  in 

form  only  on  a  general  demurrer,  it  was  thought  advisable  to 

enlarge  the  authority  of  the  courts  further  in  favour  of  suitors  ; 

and  therefore, 

4  Ann.  c.  16.         By  the  4  Ann.  c.  16.  for  the  amendment  of  the  law,  it  is  en- 

Kote:Thi8  acted,  "  that  where  any  demurrer  shall  be  joined  and  entered 
act  is  said  to      «{  :„  .•  .    ••'  •      ™  i      i        •     i  in 

have  been  ^^  ^"^  action  or  suit  m  any  court  of  record,  the  judges  shall 

]>cnnc<l  by  the  "  proceed  and  give  judgment  according  as  the  very  right  of 

^reat  I/ord  "  the  cause  and  matter  in  law  shall  appear  unto  them,  without 

fSiSiop  B^r-  "  ^^g^'^^'^g  any  imperfection,  omission,  or  defect  in  any  writ, 

net's  Hist,  of  "  ^^'""^5  plaint,  declaration,  or  other  pleading,  process,  or  course 

hisownXimes,  **  ^^  proceeding  whatsoever,  except  those  only  which  the  party 

p. 459.  "  demurring  shall  specially  and  particulaily  set  down  and  ex- 

"  press^ 

(B)  The  several  Statutes  of  Amendment  and  Jeofail,  201 

"  press  together  with  his  demurrer,  as  causes  of  the  same,  not- 
"  withstanding  that  such  imperfection,  omission,  or  defect  might 
"  have  heretofore  been  taken  to  be  matter  of  substance,  and 
'*  not  aided  by  the  27  EHz.  c.  5.  so  as  sufficient  matter  appear  in 
"  the  said  pleadings  ;  upon  which  the  court  may  give  judgment 
"  according  to  the  very  right  of  the  cause,  and  no  advantage  or 
"  exception  shall  be  taken  of  or  for  an  immaterial  traverse,  or  of 
"  or  for  the  default  of  entering  pledges  upon  any  bill  or  declar- 
**  ation,  or  of  or  for  the  default  of  alleging  the  bringing  into 
"  court  any  bond,  bill,  indenture,  or  other  deed  whatsoever. 
"  mentioned  in  the  declaration  or  other  pleading,  or  of  or  for 
"  the  default  of  alleging  of  the  bringing  into  court  letters  testa- 
*'  mentary  or  letters  of  administration,  or  of  or  for  the  omission 
'*  of  vi  et  armis,  et  contra  pacem,  or  either  of  them,  or  of  or 
"  for  the  want  of  averment  of  hoc  paratus  est  verijicare,  or  hoc 
"  paratus  est  verificare  pa-  recorduvi ,-  but  the  court  shall  give 
"  judgment  according  to  the  very  right  of  the  cause,  as  afore- 
"  said,  without  regarding  any  such  imperfections,  omissions,  and 
"  defects,  or  any  other  matter  of  like  nature,  except  the  same 
"  shall  be  specially  and  particularly  set  down   and  shewn  for    ■• 

"  cause  of  demurrer." A?id,  "That  all  the  statutes  of  Jeofails 

"  shall  be  extended  to  judgments  which  shall  be  entered  upon 
**  confession,  fii'hil  (licit,  or  non  sum  informatus,  in  any  court  of 
"  record,  and  no  such  judgment  shall  be  reversed,  nor  any 
*'  judgment  upon  any  writ  of  enquiry  of  damages  executed 
*'  thereon,  be  stayed  or  reversed  for  or  by  reason  of  any  imper- 
"  lection,  omission,  defect,  matter,  or  thing  whatsoever,  which 
"  would  have  been  aided  and  cured  by  any  of  the  said  statutes 
"  o'i  jeofails,  in  case  a  verdict  of  twelve  men  had  been  given  in 
"  the  said  action  or  suit,  so  as  there  be  an  original  writ,  or  bill, 
**  and  warrants  of  attorney  duly  fded  according  to  the  law  as  is 
"  now  used." 

II  In  the  construction  of  this  statute  it  has  been  adjudged,  that  i  Stra.  7«. 
it  extends  to  protect  judgments  by  default,  against  such  objec-  Vandeput  v, 
tions  only  as  are   remedied  after  a  verdict  by  the  statutes  of  ^?r.''»  ^- ^* 
jeofails,  and  not  against  objections  which  are  cured  by  a  verdict  z'-jI^Ws' 
at  common  law.  2  Stra.  955, 

Hayes  v.  Warren.    2  Burr.  899.  Collins  v.  Gibbs. 

It  becomes,  tlierefore,  necessary  in  order  to  ascertain  the  nature  Sec  Cro.  Car. 
of  the  defects,  which  are  aided  after  a  judgment  by  default  since  ^?"'  |^^{^  ^. 
the  statute  of  Anne,  to  distinguish  with  accuracy  between  such  'i\  llaym  -is? 
imperfections  as  are  cured  by  a  verdict  by  the  common  law,  and  Hitchins  v. 
those  which   are   now  remedied   after   verdict   by  the   several  Stevens, 
statutes  of  jeofails.     With  respect  to  the  former  case  it  is  to  be  9f '^'^^' "^^l" 
observed,    that   where   there   is   any   defect,    imperfection,    or  cou^h^'lbu^' 
omission  in  any  pleadings,  whe*^'ier  in  substance  or  form  (a),  ssgtBlackafl 
which  would  have  been  a  fatal  objection  upon  demurrer ;  yet  if  v-  Eale. 
the  issue  joined   be  such  as  necessarily  required  on  the  trial  Jj^^°'^'  ^^^' 
proof  of  the  facts  so  defectively  or  imperfectly  stated  or  omitted,  Heij.    i  j^g^ 
and  without  which  it  is  not  to  be  presumed  that  either  the  judge  308.  Manning- 
would  direct  the  jury  to  give,  or  the  jury  would  have  given  the  to»  v.  Guil- 



Iiin«,  S.  C.  verdict,  such  defect,  imperfertion,  or  omission  is  cured  by  the 
I  Vent.  109.  verdict  by  the  common  law;  or,  in  the  phrase  often  used  upon 
Golwic^s  ^^6  occasion,  such  defect  is  not  nny  jeofail  after  verdict. 
ca«c.  I  Salk.3G5.  Crouther  v.  Oldficld.  Com.  Rep.  116.  May  v.  King.  6  Mod.  302.  Scrim- 
shaw V.  Wcstlcy.  2  Ld.  Raym.  1060.  S.  C.  Holt's  R.  567.  3  Wils.  275.  Roe  v.  Hersey. 
7  Brown  P.  C.  555.  Rann  v.  Hughes.  Dougl.  679.  Rushton  v.  Aspinall.  1  Term  R.  141.  145. 
Spiers  V.  Parker.  Ibid.  545.  Johnstone  v.  Sutton.  3  Term  R.  25.  Nerot  v.  Wallace.  IIM. 
147.  Clark  V.  King.  4  Term  R.  472.  Bishop  v.  Hayward.  7  Term  R,  518.  523.  M'Murdo 
V.  Smith.  Cas.temp.  Hardw.  116.  Wicker  v.  Norris,  10  East,  359.  Bowdell  v.  Parsons.  2  Bos 
&  Pull.  265.  Wiu-d  V.  Harris,  (a)  13  East,  407.  Higgins  v.  Highfield.  That  was  an  action  for 
mesne  profits ;  and  the  declaration  did  not  state  any  time  when  the  defendant  entered,  but  only 
that  he  kept  the  nlaintiff  ejected /or  a  long  space  of  time.  After  judgment  by  default,  the  court 
held  that  this  omission  was  cured  by  the  statute  4  Ann.  c.  16.,  ancf  seemed  to  consider  that  all  de- 
fects'of  form  only  were  cured  by  that  statute.  The  case  of  Blackall  v.  Heal,  Com.  Rep.  12.  Carth. 
389.  S.  C.  was  cited  in  argument,  where  the  same  omission  was  held  to  be  cured  after  ver- 
dict •  but  whether  under  the  statute  of  jeofails,  or  at  common  law,  does  not  appear,  though 
the  language  of  the  court  in  giving  judgment  seems  to  lean  to  the  latter.  The  case  in 
13  East,  407.  is,  however,  decisive  upon  this  point. 

J  Show.  233,  As  where  in  debt  for  rent,  by  a  bargainee  of  a  reversion,  the 
234.  Hitchins  declaration  omitted  to  allege  the  attornment  of  the  tenant, 
V.Stevens.  which  before  the  statute  4  Ann.  c.  16.  §9.  was  a  necessary 
1  Stra.78.^  ceremony  to  complete  the  title  of  the  bargainee,  and,  upon  nil 
Lord  S.  c'  debet,  pleaded  there  was  a  verdict  for  the  plaintiff,  such  omission 
2Vin.Abr.399.  was  cured  by  the  verdict  by  the  common  law;  but  is  a  fatal 
(6)  It  should  obiection  after  a  judgment  by  default,  since  the  statute  of  4  Ann. 
be  observed,  clQi2lh) 
that  Serjeant     C.  i^.  ^  Z.  \U) 

"Williams  (from  whom  this  passage  is  taken)  is  here  speaking  of  a  conveyance  of  a  reversion 
made  previous  to  the  statute  of  Anne,  and  pleaded  after  that  statute,  the  second  section  of 
which  extends  the  statutes  of  jeofails  to  judgments  by  default,  and  the  ninth  and  tenth  sections 
of  which  abolish  the  necessity  of  attornment. 

Hutt.  54.  And  this  construction  seems  agreeable  to  the  spirnt  as  well  as 

Lightfoot  V  the  letter  of  that  statute :  for  it  is  clear  that,  unless  the  tenant 
Brightman,  jj^^  jjj  fv^pj.  attomed,  the  plaintiff  was  not  entitled  to  recover.  It 
Suiers  v  '  ^^  ^^^  alleged  in  the  declaration  that  the  tenant  had  attorned ;  it 
Parker.  is  at  least  as  probajale  that  he  had  not  attorned  as  that  he  had ; 

(fl)  But  it  and  it  does  not  appear  which  is  the  fact ;  upon  what  ground 
seems  that  ^i^^j^  ^^^^  ^^^  court  presume  any  attornment  ?  The  iudgment  by 
not  be  plead-  default  affords  none,  for  that  only  admits  such  facts  as  ai'e 
ed  in  any  alleged.     Therefore  if  such  defects  should  be  held  to  be  aided 

case,  for  after  a  judgment  by  default,  it  might  frequently  happen  that  the 
itisaneccs-  court  would  give  judgment  for  the  plaintiff,  where  he  is  not 
stance  implied  entitled  to  recover.  But  where  a  verdict  has  established  the 
by  law.  Co.  grant,  that  is  a  sure  ground  whence  the  court  can  presume 
Litt.  303.  b.      attornment,  because  without  proof  of  it  the  plaintiff  could  not 

Plowd.  149.      Yisae   made   out  his  title  as  bargainee  of  the  reversion.     So 

Throckmorton      ,  ^      _  .  »  ,  . 

T.  Tracey ;        Where  a  grant  01  a  reversion,  a  rent  charge,  an  advowson,  or 

which  was  on  any  other  hereditament  which  lies  in  grant,  and  can  only  be  con- 
demurrer  to  a  veyed  by  deed,  be  pleaded,  but  is  not  alleged  to  have  been  by 
plea  in  bar.       ^^^^  ,  ^^  jj-  ^  feoffment  be  pleaded  without  livery  (a) ;  so  that 

the  grantee  or  feoffee  does  not  shew  in  himself  a  perfect  title ; 

yet,  if  the  grant  or  feoffment  be  put  in  issue,  and  found  by  the 

jury,  the  verdict  cures  such  imperfection  by  the  common  law. 

But  such  defect  is  a  faUil  objection  after  a  judgment  by  default, 

for  the  reason  ^bove  given. 


(B)  The  several  Statutes  o^  Amendment  and  Jeofail,  203 

Also  where  a  promise  depends  upon  the  performance  of  some-  2  Burr.  899. 
thing  to  be  first  done  by  him  to  whom  the  promise  is  made,  p^ul*"*  ^' 
and  in  an  action  upon  such  promise  the  declaration  does  not  ' 

aver  performance  by  the  plaintiff,  or  that  he  was  ready  to  per- 
form, and  there  is  a  verdict  for  the  plaintiff;  such  omission  is 
cured  by  the  verdict  by  the  common  law,  but  is  a  fatal  objection 
after  a  judgment  by  default,  for  the  objection  holds  exactly  the 
same  as  if  it  had  been  upon  demurrer. 

So  in  an  action  for  a  malicious  prosecution,  it  is  necessary  2  Rich.  3. 

to  allege  in  the  declaration  that  the  prosecution  is  at  an  end.  9  Hob.  267. 

The  want  of  this  averment  is  cured  after  verdict.     But  is  fatal  Naterer  v. 

upon  demurrer,  or  after  a  judgment  by  defliult :  for  the  original  j^  ^"^"sog 

prosecution  may  either  be  determined,  or  it  may  still  be  re-  210.  Parker  v. 

gularly  going  on  ;  and  how  can  the  court  say  which  of  the  two  Langley. 

is  the  fact  ?     But  where  there  is  a  verdict  for  the  plaintiff,  it  is  f^^"-  ^^''-  ^^• 

a  necessary  inference  that  it  was  proved  on  the  trial  that  the  T^'i 

.    .      ,      •'  .  ^  1    /  7  \  grave  v.  Uuen. 

origmal  prosecution  was  at  an  end.  [b)  Dougl.  215. 

Fisher  v.  Bristow.  2  Term  R.  225.  Morgan  v.  Hughes.  Skinner  v.  Gunton.  1  Sid.  15.  Wine  v. 
Ware,  {b)  See  also  1  Bro.  &  Bing.  224.  Dalby  v.  Hirst.  9  East,  473.  Amey  v.  Long.  5  Barn. 
&  Aid.  634.  Pippet  V.  Hearn ;  in  which  case  it  was  held,  that  a  count  for  [maliciously  in- 
dicting the  plaintiff  for  perjury  without  setting  out  the  indictment,  is  good  after  verdict;  but 
this,  it  should  seem,  is  by  the  statutes  of  jeofails. 

But  where  there  was  any  defect,  omission,  or  imperfection, 

though  in  form  only,  in  some  collateral  parts  of  the  pleading, 

that  were  not  in  issue  between  the  parties,  so  that  there  was  no 

room  to  presume  that  the  defect  or  omission  was  supplied  by 

proof,  a  verdict  did  not  cure  them  by  the  common  law.     As 

in  the  case  from  Croke's  Reports,  where  the  replication   did 

not   aver   that  the  cattle  were  levant   a?id  couchant  upon  the 

plaintiff's  land,  a  verdict  in  favour  of  the  prescripion  did  not 

cure  this  defect ;  for  the  only  point  in  issue  was  the  prescriptive 

right  of  common,  and,  therefore,  the  fact  of  the  cattle  being  (a)  Sec  Gilb. 

levant  and  couchant  upon  the  plaintiff's  land,  or   not,  was  not  H-C.B.  (3d 

at  all  necessary  to  be  proved  before  the  jury.     But  as  it  was  an  \^^  /^g. 

extremely  hard  case,  that  after  a  cause  had  been  tried  upon  the  (6)  i  Salk.  57. 

merits,  judgment  should  either  be  stayed  or  reversed  for  defects  Gidley  v.  Wil- 

in  form   in  such  collateral  matters,  such  defects  were  helped  ^'»™s.S.C. 

after  verdict  by  the  statutes  o^  jeofails,  and  are  now  after  judg-  554.  4  J^od 

ment  by  default,  by  virtue  of  the  statute  of  Queen  Anne,  (a)    So  133.  Mason  v. 

where  an  administrator  brings  debt  on  a  bond,  and  does  not  Hanson. 

allege  in  the  declaration  bi^  ixihom  administration  was  granted,  \}f^^yi,^^ 

and  defendant  pleads  nofi  est  factum,  and  there  is  a  verdict  for  ^  j  j      '  jg_ 

the  plaintiff,  the  verdict  does  not  cure  this  defect  by  the  common  feet,  whether 

law,  because  it  was  not  necessary  to  be  proved  on  this  issue,  the  '"  form  or 

title  of  the  administrator  not  being  ip  question.     But  this  defect  substance,  iu 

is  remedied  after  verdict  by  the  statute  of  jVo/a//5,  16  &  17  Car.  2.  wi*t"^"wil  is 

c  8.  and,  therefore,  after  a  judgment  by  default  since  the  statute  of  cured  after' 

Anne.  (6)     Upon  the  same  principle,  a  verdict  did  not  at  the  com-  verdict. 

mon  law  cure  other  defects  in  form,  such  as  the  want  of  civiner  ^'^)  ^'  must  be 
1  ....  r  ^1       •  T         .•  o  1  •  I        °  observed,  tuat 

colour,  misjouung  of  the  issue,  discontinuance,  8fc.  which  are  two  of  the 

helped  after  verdict  by  statute  32  H.  8.  c.  30.  nor  the  want  of  an  instances 



mentioned  in  original  or  judicial  writ ;  nor  the  insufficient  return  of  the  sheriff; 

the  text,  which  are  remedied  after  verdict  by  the  statute  18  Eliz.  c.  14. ; 

viz.  the  want  j^^j.  ^  variance  between  the  original  writ  and  declaration,  which 

"crfbctlorof  was  aided  after  verdict  by  the  statute  21  Jac.  1.  c.  13. ;  nor  did  a 

an  original  verdict  cure  any  immaterial  traverse,  the  omission  of  a  jnofert, 

writ,  are  ex-  of  vi  et  annis,  of  contra  pacrm,  of  hoc  paraius  est  va'ificare^  of 

presslyex-  prout  patet  per  rccordum,  all  which  defects,  with   many  others, 

Sutl  of  are  helped  after  verdict  by  the  statute  16  &  17  Car.  2.  c.  8.  (c); 

Anne,  the  and   the  benefits  of  these  statutes  is  extended  to  judgments  by 

words  of  default  by  the  statute  of  Arme.  [d)     But  still  if  the  plaintiif 

which  are,  either  states  a  defective  title,  or  totally  omits  to  state  any  title  or 

1  ^n^riui^iml  cause  of  action,  a  verdict  will  not  cure  such  defect,  either  by 

writ  or  bill,  the  common  law  or  by  the  statutes  oi  jeofails  ;  for  the  plaintilf 

and  warrant  of  need  not  prove  more]than  what  is  expressly  stated  in  the  declar- 

attorney  duly  ajjop  q^  jg  necessarily  implied  from  those  facts  which  are 
fded  according  ',    ,.  •' 

to  the  law  as      stated,  {e) 

is  now  used.'*  See  1  Saund.  318.  a. ;  and  2  Saund.  101.  r.  (e)  Doug.  658.  Rushton  v. 
Aspinall,  Cowp.  825.  2  Salk.  6G2.  Buxendin  v.  Siiarp,  1  Salk.  365.  Crouther  v.  Oldfield, 
.•>  Burr.  1728.  Weston  v.  Mason,  per  Fa/<?5,  J.  3  Wils.  275.  1  Term  R.  141.  146.  Spieres  v. 
Parker,  4  Term  R.  472.  Bishop  v.  Hayward,  Gilb.  H.  C.  B.  141,  142.  So,  where  in  an  action 
on  the  case  for  an  injury  to  the  plaintiff's  reversion  in  a  yard,  the  declaration  stated  injuries 
in  terms  which  most  aptly  applied  to  the  possession  only,  and  there  was  no  allegation  that 
the  plaintiff  had  been  injured  in  his  reversionary  estate  in  the  premises,  the  court,  after  verdict 
for  the  plaintiff,  held,  that  the  omission  was  not  cured,  and  judgment  was  arrested.  1  Maule 
6c  S.  234.  Jackson  v.  Pesked.  So  in  debt  on  2  &  3  Ed.  6.  c.  1.  for  not  setting  out  tythes,  an 
omission  to  state  that  the  tythes  had  been  payable  within  forty  years  next  before  the  act,  was 
held  fatal  after  verdict  for  the  plaintiff.  4  Barn.  &  Aid.  655.  Butt  v.  Howard.  The  distinction 
is  one  which  has  been  often  remarked  between  a  defective  statement  of  a  title  or  cause  of 
action,  and  a  statement  oi  a  defective  title  or  cause  of  action.  The  former  is  cured  by 
verdict,  or  by  the  statute  of  jeofails ;  the  latter  is  not. 

The  King  v.  Notwithstanding  it  is,  as  we  have  seen,  so  material  to  dis- 

^'ffT^  *  tinguish  between  defects  helped  after  verdict  by  the  common 
looc.  ^^^  ^"'^  ^y  ^^  statutes  o'^  jeofails,  in  order  to  apply  them  to 

cases  of  judgments  by  default,  yet  we  very  often  find  that  there 
is  no  sort  of  distinction  made  between  the  two  cases  by  many  of 
our  reporters  and  wi'iters  upon  the  subject.  In  a  qmire  impedit^ 
the  declaration  alleged  a  seisin  in  the  crown  of  the  advowson, 
but  no  presentation.  The  seisin  was  traversed,  and  a  verdict 
thereon  for  the  crown.  The  question  was,  whether  the  want 
of  alleging  a  presentation  was  cured  by  the  verdict.  The  conrt 
was  of  opinion  it  was ;  but  Lord  Hard'wicke  is  made  to  say  that 
it  was  so  cured,  by  virtue  of  the  16  &  17  Car.  2.  c.  8.  But  it 
should  seem  that  the  report  is  inaccurate,  because  from  the 
whole  of  Lord  Hard'jcicke's  argument,  it  is  plain  that  the  ground 
upon  which  the  court  gave  their  opinion  was,  that  a  presentation 
must  of  necessity  have  been  proved  upon  the  trial,  otherwise  the 
jury  could  not  have  found  a  seisin  in  the  crown  ;  which  is  the  prin- 
ciple upon  which  the  defects  are  held  to  be  cured  by  a  verdict  by 
the  common  law.  And  in  this  light  is  the  case  considered  in  the 
Black.  Com.  ^^^  °^  ^"^  Prius,  122.  So,  Sir  William  Blackstone  in  his  Com- 
394, 595.  mentaries  states  with  correctness  the  principle  upon  which  defects 

Sec  1  Will.  are  held  to  be  aided  by  a  verdict  by  the  common  law  ;  but  the  two 
Saund.  227.  ct  examples  which  he  adduces  to  illustrate  the  principle,  are  both  of 


(C)  As  to  the  King  and  Criminal  Proceedings.  205 

them  instances  of  defect,  aided  after  verdict  by  the  statutes  of  'cq.  notis,  (5th 

jeofails.W  ^'^'•^' 

Notwithstanding  the  great  enlargement  of  the  power  of  the  Carth.  158. 
judges,  by  the  above  recited  statutes  in  amending  writs,  pro-  367.  520,  Ld. 
cesses,  Sfc.  yet  none  of  them  were  thought  to  extend  to  writs  of  I  4"^^  vr  \^^* 
error ;  and  the  rather,  because  such  amendment  would  not  be  in  Comb, 
affirmance  of  the  judgment ;  but  it  being  found  that  defective  554,  Salk.  49. 
writs  of  error  occasioned  great  delay  of  justice.  pl*  9- 

By  the  5  G.  1.  c.  13.  it  is  enacted,   "that  all  writs  of  error  5G, i.e. is. 
"  wherein  there  shall  be  any  variance  from  the  original  record,  ||See  Tidd's 
"  or  other  defect,  may  and  shall  be  amended  and  made  agree-  ^'•'«<^-  ip^s. 
"  able  to  such  record,  by  the  respective  courts  where  such  writ  ^       edit.)|| 
"  or  writs  of  error  shall  be  made  returnable ;  and  that  where 
"  any  verdict  hath  been  or  shall  be  given  in  any  action,  suit, 
"  bill,   plaint,  or  demand,   in  any  of  his  majesty's   courts  of 
"  record,  the  judgment  thereupon  shall  not  be  stayed  or  reversed 
"  for  any  defect  or  fault,  either  in  form  or  substance,  in  any  bill, 
"  writ,  original  cr  judicial,  or  for  any  variance  in  such  writs 
"  from  the  declaration  or  other  proceedings." 

[By  Stat,  of  4  G.  2.  c.  26.  for  turning  all  law  proceedings  into  4G.  2.  c.  2G. 
English^  it  is  provided,  §  4.  that  every  statute  o^ jeofails  shall  ex-  ^  ** 
tend  to  all  forms  and  proceedings  in  Eiiglish  (except  in  criminal 
cases),  and  that  this  clause  shall  be  taken  and  construed  in  the 
most  ample  and  beneficial  manner  for  the  ease  and  benefit  of  the 
parties,  and  to  prevent  frivolous  and  vexatious  delays.] 

II  As  to  amendments  of  the  record  under  Lord  Tciiterden^s  ^Ua-A.£^^ 

act,  9  G.4.  c.  15.,  see  tit.  "  Pleas  and  Pleading,"  (B)3.,  and    „       .     , 

3  Carr.  &  P.  Ca.  485.  394.  (4  id.)  22.  24. ||  ^'^ 4  4^, 

^/«^^  V 

(C)  Whether  the  Statutes  of  Amendment  extend  to 
the  King,  or  to  any  criminal  Proceedings. 


TT  has  been  a  great  question  whether  any  of  these  statutes  ex-  Gilb.  Hist. 

tend  to  the  case  of  the  king,  either  to  remedy  the  party  where  C.P.  116.  Vule 

lie  has  prevailed  against  the  king,  or  the  king  against  the  party;  J^Mod"?  'ig7* 

but  as  it  has  been  ruled  in  both  cases,  and  seems  now  established  Pitzf'ib.  5g. 

that  these  statutes  do  not  extend  to  the  king,  it  will  be  needless  122.  263.  Stra. 

to  enter  minutely  into  this  enquiry;  for  though  only  indictments,  ^^^^"^-  ^^^• 

appeals,  and  informations  on  penal  statutes  are  excepted  in  all  m     ,   ^f-^' 
a\       ^     ^      c  ^rT„        ,^'-  1  1/.  "  I  renal  actions 

the  st^itutes  irom  8  H.  6.  c.  12.  yet  because  the  first  statute  says  are  not  consi- 

it  shall  be  amended  on  the  challenge  of  the  party,  in  which  the  dered  as  crimi- 
king  cannot  be  included,  the  subsequent  statutes  are  supposed  to  P^^  proceed- 
be  made  on  the  same  platform  ;  and  that  this  exception  is  only  Ibfe'wIth^inTlie 
ex  ahundanti  cauteld.  statutes  of 

jeofails.    Cowp.  382.    i  Wils.  125. 

Thus  in  a  quo  laarranio  quare  the  defendant  claims  a  warren,  Jones,  320. 
the  defendant  prescribes  for  a  warren  within  the  manor  oiRidge^   ^'■<'-  C"*"-  ^^2. 
and  the  venire  was  awarded  from  the  villa  of  liidge^  and  not  from 
the  manor  of  liidgCy  and  a  verdict  for  the  defendant ;  the  court 



(fl)F«fcStat.  awarded  a  new  venire  {a)^  because  they  held  the  king  was  not 
9  Ann.  c.  20.     within  the  statute  of  J.  1 .  c.  1 3. 

&  7.  [The  venire  i        /-< 

18  now  to  be  awarded  of  the  body  of  the  county,  vide  the  stat.  4  Ann.  c.  16.  §  6.,  and  24  Cr.  2. 
c.  18.  §  3.     Vide  head  of  Juries.]  14.  So  in  an  information  for  a  seditious  libel,  the  venire  was  re- 
6  Mod.  268.  turnable  1 3  October^  and  the  distringas  tested  2-t  October^  this  was 
R  ^'  ^lon^  ^  discontinuance,  because  not  returned  in  the  presence  of  the 
1472"*  Mich,  party ;  and  notwithstanding  the  queen  had  a  verdict,  the  court 
3  Ann.  The  would  not  amend  it,  though  such  amendment  would  have  been 
Queen  v.  warranted  by  the  roll,  where  the  distringas  was  well  awai'ded. 

Tuchin,  by 
three  judges,  lieiitante  Gould. 

But  it  has  been  adjudged,  that  the  several  provisoes  in  these 
Cro.  Jac.4H,  statutes,  which  except  appeals  and  indictments  of  felony,  ^x. 
307  ^2  Sand.*''  ^"^  ^^^^  ^^^^X  ^^^^^  not  extend  to  any  writ,  bill,  action  or  inform- 
ass!  (A)  But  a  ation  upon  any  popular  or  penal  statute,  do  not  {b)  extend  to 
writ  of  ravish-  those  cases  in  which  a  remedy  is  given  by  way  of  recompence  to 
ment  of  ward  ^  party ;  as  upon  the  statute  of  waste,  for  not  setting  forth  ty  the, 
upon  the  sta-  c  -xJ  ,.  q 
tute  of  Wcstm.  forcible  entry,  8,x. 
2.  c.  35.  is  within  the  proviso.    Dr.  Hussy  and  Moor,  5  Bulst.  275,  276.    Hob.  101. 

[4  Ann.  c.  16.  Also  by  the  4  Ann.  c.  16.  for  amendment  of  the  law,  it  is 
(c)  An  inform-  enacted,  *«  that  all  the  statutes  oi  jeofails  shall  extend  to  all 
U  "t"teaTwere'  "  ^"^^^  "^  ^"^  °^  ^^^^  majesty's  courts  of  record  at  Westminster, 
imported  be-  "  for  recovery  of  any  debt  immediately  owing,  or  any  revenue 
tween,&c.  and  «  belonging  to  her  majesty,  her  heirs  or  successors,  and  shall 

the  day  of  ex-    <c  also  extend  to  all  other  courts  of  record."  (c) 
hibitmg  the  m- 

formation,  which  was  the  day  of  the  seizure,  and  of  course  would  have  been  excluded :  leave  was 
therefore  given  to  amend,  by  extending  it  to  the  next  day.  Bunb.  49.  p.  80.  An  information 
on  the  act  of  navigation  was  amended,  by  substituting  the  words  India  goods  instead  o(  silks;  but 
the  addition  of  other  goods  was  not  allowed,  for  that  would  have  been  to  have  made  a  new 
information.  Id.  252.  p.  327.  In  one  case  an  amendment  was  permitted,  which  made  quite 
a  new  offence ;  this  was  in  an  information  of  seizure  for  importing  brandy  and  rum  in  casks 
under  sixti/  gallons,  by  making  it,  as  to  the  rum  in  casks,  under  twenty  gallons.  Id.  334. 
p.  415.  But  where  an  indenture  of  appraisement  was  dated  before  the  writ  of  appraisement, 
the  court  inclined  to  think  it  might  be  amended.    Id.  58.  p.  99.] 

9Ann.c.2o.$7.       And  by   the  9  Ann.  c.  20.   §7.  it    is  enacted,   "that  the 

Ft^it.  In-      (i  statute  for  the  amendment  of  the  law,  and  all  the  statutes  of 

•'  '         "  Jeofails  shall  be  extended  to  [all  writs  of  mandamus  and]  in- 

"  formations  in  nature  of  a  quo  nxiarranto,  and  proceedings  there- 

"  on  for  any  the  matters  in  the  said  act  mentioned." 
See3Carr.&         ||By  9  G.  4".  c.  15.  Lord  Tenterden^s  act,  the  record  may  be 
^'r^  ^A*"p      ^"^^"ded  on  which  any  trial  is  pending,  in  any  indictment  or 
Ca.  22. 24. 79   i^foi'Kiation  for  misdemeanor,  when  any  variance  shall  a